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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live, on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. it seems far away, the flanks are in vain, the russian army has opened up space for new successes in the ovdeevsky direction. exclusive from the spot. and
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life triumphs, easter, service in the cathedral of christ the savior, prayers of the patriarch and parishioners. and congratulations to vladimir putin. with front to the parade, the participants of the special operation who march along red square see their trophies on display in moscow. from yugoslavia to donbass, a word about the fallen military officers in the church where their names will be immortalized. it will grow nearby. wood alley. the most popular action of the immortal regiment abroad and in russia in a new format. it’s easy to join, we’ll tell you exactly how. together, the best project of the first channel by the whole world. your sms to the short number 7375. help for the wards of the house with a lighthouse fund. so, the village of ocheretina in the dpr after several days stripping. taken under complete control. after
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the liberation of avdiivka, he became key during our offensive. ocheretina and adjacent villages, an elongated ridge. and from these dominant heights, the advance of russian troops creates an imminent threat to several ukrainian groups at once. firstly, advancing to the west, towards pokrovsk, we go behind the southern fortified area of ​​the militants. secondly, when advancing north to konstantinovka and chasov yar, significant forces. the enemy can be completely cut off, these are only possible options, but let's get back to the main thing: our border: how did they come in and free it? in the reports of the military correspondents of the first channel evgeny lyamin and alexey ivanov, first- person stories and exclusive footage. the third motorized rifle battalion of the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade liberated the north-eastern part. third atlan battalion forward, hurray! soldiers from the third
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battalion of the thirty-fifth brigade of the center group at that moment liberated not even part, but the entire village of ocheretina. these houses stand on a hill, such a daring foray, raising the flags was probably visible to the enemy. our heroic guys, as they admit, at that moment their blood was boiling from the successful capture of another settlement. when you stood on this five-story building, you were practically visible as a target. they went out, as if, waited for the moment when. it died down, they unfurled the flags, filmed a video from a quadcopter, they filmed it, well , this is a story that is important in the strategic plan of the village of ocheredina, the brave unit was captured in less than 3 weeks, the enemy tried to build a line in the forest plantations defense, our motorized rifles successfully overcame it, aerial reconnaissance identified all the weak points of the firing points of the ukrainian militants, we saw their every step, there is also a machine gun here. and these are already battles in urban
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areas, attack aircraft under the command of komrota with the call sign poet walked forward, dividing into twos and threes, moving from point to point, eventually they quickly reached high-rise buildings, now we’ll see the situation, we’ll observe, we’ll drop in, we entered cheretino itself it is much more dangerous to get there than to be there, at first there was only one way, then it appeared. well, when during the first week there was only one way to cheretina, it was through the substation, it was even harder to get there on the side of the kindergarten through the railway. to free the devil to the command of the group, the center developed an entire strategic plan. we have never had such a situation where a battalion performed tasks in two directions, two companies worked in the north-eastern part to liberate the residential part, and two companies worked in forest plantations.
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come here, come on, carefully, carefully, move away from the tree a little, this is how they smoked out a sniper with a shot from a grenade launcher, for every five-story building that stood, especially on the edge. as if they were clinging to them, we knocked them out of there, then we created the conditions for the further advance of other units towards arkhangelsk and so on. as it turned out, they were waiting for our military to arrive at the checkpoint. can it be said that the residents, in fact, who were outlined, were waiting for us, our military? yes, they were really looking forward to it, they said it themselves, in one of the houses there, so to speak, there were whole family, there was even such a moment that... well, already a grandmother came up to us, i say, a grandson in the last five-story building, which we cleared out the next day and, one might say, united the family. in march, the company commander with the call sign poet was promoted to an additional rank, major, distinguished himself in the battles for avgeevka, at the same time he was presented with a high state
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award, and at the foot of the stella on the saur memorial grave, the atlant fighters were solemnly presented with battalion medals for ocheretin. battalion troika hero of russia mikhail petelin is already in the capital. he is a participant in the upcoming victory parade on red square and today, like his fighters, accept congratulations on yet another tactical success, we will only continue to move forward, no matter how we give a chance, we won’t give any chance at all, they are afraid, they leave, they simply abandon their positions and retreating back, how to explain this, the onslaught of our units, which we will say, create conditions favorable for our actions.
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the tripwires left by the enemy could be carefully observed, everything happened quickly, recalls the commander of the assault company, his unit was one of the first in line, they flew in on armored personnel carriers, almost the entire company, and accordingly the enemy was shocked due to the fact that with such impudence they freed everything, all the forest regiments, and hooked them accordingly to the edge. gardens, so to speak, the front line, from two directions we began to move slowly to take strong points, within uh, about a day, we had already approached directly to kocheretin, the armed forces of ukraine began to bring up reserves, but they were already expected and destroyed or at the entrance or during the landing, my group was
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given the task of reaching the end of the dachas, like reconnaissance, to check to gain a foothold at a certain point, we reached it with the full composition of the group, and gained a foothold. we stood literally 70 meters from the enemy for almost five days, the enemy simply didn’t see us, we carefully entered, carefully entrenched ourselves and observed. when we went forward on command, the enemy did not expect that our assault detachment was so close; in the very line of the armed forces of ukraine they tried to cling to the houses, but they were knocked out, if not by the assault detachments, then our artillery. here is a photo from an orlan unmanned aerial vehicle, in one of the houses there is an enemy supporter, everything is decided by one precise hit, a weapon, a shot! artillerymen of the central military district are now firing at the enemy infantry, our unit is now actively advancing, so the work is going on shot after shot, everyone here is volunteers, renat says, he went to the front because his grandfather went through
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the great patriotic war, and he is the grandson of the winner, he lived 106 years old, so i considered it my duty to come here and eradicate fascism at thirty in the ninth year it was... demanded, they allowed fascist germany to develop, but our grandfathers, our state stopped them, our red car stopped them, crushed them to the end, until victory, we will also crush them to the end, we will destroy neo-fascism, we tried very quickly, quickly , go quickly, don’t stop, don’t stop, so they stormed, stormed while the enemy was in a slightly unclear situation, they took a lot of prisoners, now the assault group is approaching one of the support workers, a dugout under the railway in a house nearby, trenches tied up throwing. grenades, coming closer, they offer to lay down their arms to everyone who survived, one of the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine comes out with his hands raised, having surrendered, the platoon commander in the ssu, junior lieutenant koval says, their battalion stood guarding the state border near belarus, and was urgently transferred to ocheretina, right away without preparation, i didn’t even know
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the situation, they said, you’ll figure it out on the spot, i came with an order, of course, it looked, but as if , to put it mildly, stupid, i didn’t want to carry it out, but the order is an order, take firing lines for defense. but there should have been six, there are three, but where is who? i don’t know, it was clear on the team, judging by everyone, the defense of the armed forces of ukraine had already begun to crumble, some units fled, we had to patch up the holes with newly arrived reserves who did not understand anything, i think that our superiors were told that everything was fine, the authorities believed they sent us because there were no trenches, there was nothing like that, there was just a couple of huts, everything, the command... the armed forces of ukraine really didn’t even recognize at first that our soldiers had entered ocheretino and were advancing successfully forward, in these frames there is a whole group
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of ukrainian armed forces soldiers who were defending one of the strong points, realizing that everything was predetermined, they were choosing life, surrendering, raising their hands, it was clear that we were from here, well, we wouldn’t return, no one would get out of here, well because well, on the second or third day , we already had 200 and 200, you already understand that you are here forever, but you will remain... here in such a situation, captivity for you is that captivity is like surviving. the liberation of ocheretin was a breakthrough to a depth of over 10 km, occupying more and more new frontiers. after the liberation of this important settlement, which is located at a height that allows you to control everything in the district, units of the center group of troops continue to move forward in the avdeevka direction. evgeny lyamin, alexey ivanov, dmitry kachurin, nikita sebastyanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, irina chuchuy and sergey nashchokin, donbass channel one. the hero of our first report, battalion combatant mikhail petelin, was among the special guests on
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poklonnaya hill in moscow today. the soldiers had just seen nato equipment again from the front line, their or trophies. ahead are the celebrations of may 9 and marching in parade formation across red square. report by oleg shishkin. at first , of course, they were embarrassed when strangers asked to be photographed as a souvenir, came up to shake hands and say thank you, and the boys lined up to... be taken prisoner. in just one battle, the pitelens destroyed three of these bradley tanks, and
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the highly promoted american armored vehicles failed after the first accurate hit from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. our troops show that russian technology is invincible, nato technology only burns well. and the commander of the t-90 tank, senior sergeant mahamad mahamedov, first of all approached the german leopard, all the time looking for a meeting with him on the battlefield and specially studying his weaknesses. to hit for sure, like any tank, the sides, to hit between the turret, but most of the ammunition here is on top of them, cumulatively everything hit. the t-90 is in no way inferior to the nato beast, says the commander, and in many respects superior. the rod holds a blow better, is more mobile protected, capricious and overweight leopards get stuck in the black earth, a tank with such dimensions becomes an easy target on the battlefield. the leopard is much even larger than the abrams, i thought they would be at the same throw, no.
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the tanker, as they say, recognizes him from afar, our conversation at the leopard is unexpectedly supported by one of the visitors to the exhibition, and my first university, tank, driver-mechanic of the t-34 tank, yes, imagine, it was a long time ago, congratulations on the upcoming victory day, thank you very much. the heroes of the northern military district came to moscow directly from forward to participate in the parade in honor of victory day on red square. we have a lot of guys doing very great things, everyone seems worthy. but it so happened that they pulled me right out, as they say, from the trenches. and i didn’t expect it, they brought me and honestly i was even confused. hero of russia, alexander tkach distinguished himself during the liberation of avdeevka. his group recaptured the enemy.
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for 9 days we held the position for the main forces to approach. after completing the task , the assault platoon returned to its own without any losses. after this, alexander will have dozens more such combat exits. you think for the group, for your comrade, he covers you, you cover him. once upon a time, our ancestors fought on the same territory where we are now, knocking out the fascists and german-german occupiers. we continue the work of our veterans
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to make them proud of us. victory will be ours. in life he was an electrical installer, just a couple of years ago and could not imagine that his chest would be covered in military awards, and he would become a participant in the parade on red square. our troops were actively advancing, ran into peaceful barriers and were under massive fire - i ensured passage with my guys, well , we successfully completed the whole task, the troops passed through and occupied certain strongholds, and i am very proud that we ended up with the guys on red square, participants in the parade, very cool, we are very...
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channel one . special operation, what else besides ocheretin? from there the front advances further. from the front line 2 km to the north in arkhangelskoye , the following footage was taken from a drone. destruction of the american m-113 armored personnel carrier. the militants tried to escape on it, loaded up, but our attack aircraft struck from grenade launchers. in addition, there is a message about a new massive attack on the ukrainian military rear in odessa. and kharkov. air raid alert in dnepropetrovsk and poltava regions. also, two hits were recorded by the slavic people in the dpr, which is still under the control of the kiev regime. on its territory there are militants and mercenaries, as well as s-300 launchers. there is information that this company transfers generation to kharkov to military factories. germany, which supplies
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weapons to kiev, has encountered a problem. more than a million ukrainians entered the country for... year, but only every fifth got a job, the publication cites statistics, in many industries there is a shortage of personnel, but refugees admit that working is simply unprofitable, it’s more interesting to do nothing and receive a guaranteed benefit, and reporters from the british gardien talked to those who remained in ukraine , draconian rules of mobilization, raids on the streets, forced delivery to the recruitment center, against such a background there are islands of silence, such as, for example, an expensive kiev... residential complex. i feel like a slave. you have one life, and if you choose between life and the state flag, i choose life,” says alexander. some of the apartment owners in the building are deputies. the military doesn't come here. our complex is an island of survival. to be poor in ukraine means to be dead, noted alexander’s wife, nastya. now about our main
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orthodox holiday, holy sunday. patriarchal night service. in the cathedral of christ the savior, together with hundreds of parishioners, the president celebrated easter there, and before the festive vespers , the miraculous kazan icon was delivered to the cathedral, a newly found shrine with a great history. anastasia kobozeva, more details about everything. lent is over, the time of easter joy has come, and at night a festive chime was heard over the capital. in the cathedral of christ the salvation.
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defense of the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost relatives and friends, lost their homes or were injured, the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord and asks him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, to establish a lasting just world. christ is risen, christ is risen. the words that were heard at midnight in all churches will sound for another 40 days, as
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a symbol of the good news of victory, life over death. and this evening, patriarch kirill celebrated the easter great vespers in the cathedral of christ the savior, where the kazan icon of the mother of god was placed there from the kazan cathedral on red square. according to legend, it was this that the militia of minin and pozharsky carried with them, liberating moscow from the polish invaders. the shrine was considered lost for more than 100 years, but last year, on national unity day , news came: the ancient image had been found. this is the same moscow kazan icon of the mother of god, which was considered stolen from the kazan cathedral on red square or even destroyed.
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kirill loginov, channel one. vladimir putin congratulated all orthodox russians on the holiday. the president recalled the importance of the church in preserving our heritage and noted its selflessness towards everyone who needs help. i cordially congratulate orthodox christians, all citizens of russia celebrating the bright christ's resurrection. easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions that unite millions of people, are passed down from generation to... generations inspire aspirations for good deeds, it is important to note the creative, fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations aimed at preserving our
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rich historical, cultural , spiritual heritage, strengthening the institution of family, educating young people, establishing in society such irreplaceable values ​​and moral guidelines as caring for neighbor, mercy and compassion. spiritual shepherds have always been together with the people, and today, in conditions of serious challenges, christian... religious organizations provide effective, selfless assistance to those who need support and attention. once again, happy holiday, i wish you prosperity and success. vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to patriarch kirill, expressing gratitude for his great personal contribution to preserving the values ​​of orthodoxy and spiritual traditions. sijin pin came to europe for the first time in 5 years. on the chairman's schedule prc serbia. hungary, by the way, friendly to russia, but first france. macron will take his guests to perenea, the homeland of his maternal grandmother. this is on tuesday, but today is just an informal dinner. towards
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tomorrow. the head of the european commission, ursula vonlein, will join the negotiations. the eu is increasing pressure on china for its alleged military assistance to russia. in february, chinese companies were included in the sanctions list for the first time. brussels also fears an increase in dependence on, for example, solar-powered electric vehicles prc. and it will not be easy to agree on one of the issues, the reid agency admits. china's opposition to ukraine and the eu's anti-russian position have no effect. but macron, who... is pushing the idea of ​​sending western troops to ukraine, calls on the west not to limit support for kiev, citing the same imaginary russian military threat to europe. european science looks beyond this cliché. the conflict taking place on the territory of the former ukrainian ussr is in fact only the core of a global conflict between unipolar and multipolar world. unipolarity represented by the west under the leadership
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of the united states, multipolarity. represented by the people's republic of china, russia and the global south. how this war ends will have a significant impact on the future of nato, and a significant impact on the future of the european union. nato's defeat in the conflict in afghanistan certainly served as an impetus for nato countries to arm ukraine so massively that their soldiers had to be trained to use these weapons. nato is becoming increasingly bitter in this ukrainian conflict, and if everything is at stake and nato will endure. defeat, it would have devastating consequences for the alliance. former french army intelligence chief christophe gomort called macron's project empty chatter. what kind of transition to a war footing and what kind of military defeat for russia can we talk about if french factories barely make 3,000 shells a month, and ukraine needs at least that much, but daily. let's continue about the western approach to ukraine. here's the
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one received.
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centuries-old by hook or by crook, blackmail, lies, trying to delay the maximum the number of developing countries, countries of the global south, at these gatherings. and another hot spot, israel, to which , like ukraine, biden approved new aid, was nevertheless left without american ammunition for the first time since october last year, when it was captured by hamas militants. the political portal asios recalls the source of this news. in recent months , washington has been calling on the israelis to work harder to provide humanitarian aid to the civilian population of gaza and to more carefully select targets for strikes. israel, in turn, promises only expand the operation in the enclave by sending troops into rafah. almost one and a half million palestinians are concentrated around the city bordering egypt. the israeli general staff does not cancel this plan as a plan to achieve all goals in gaza, including the complete elimination of hamas. but there are also proposals that
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hamas representatives made today... where, by the way, the director of the us central intelligence agency also urgently went. the first stage involves the release of hostages in exchange for a pause in israeli hostilities, the second - the restoration of sustainable calm in the gas. in moscow , war correspondents who died in the performance of their professional duty were remembered. the liturgy took place in the temple complex of the holy martyrs of anatolia and... where a limit with the names of journalists will soon be created. their relatives were present at the service. pavel pchelkin talked with them. the idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of military commanders who died on the fronts from yugoslavia to donbass has been in the air for a long time. in 2015 , a temple complex was founded here in marina in honor of fallen soldiers and correspondents, and today in the easter liturgy was held at the church of the holy martyrs anatoly and protoleon under construction.
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the consecrated domes have not yet been raised, but the easter chime of the bells installed in place is already calling believers to the temple. today, not only parishioners were invited to the solemn service, but also war correspondents, as well as their close colleagues who died in the performance of their professional duty. the names of military officers who gave their lives with the blessing of the patriarch of moscow will be carved in one of the boundaries of this temple. among them, of course, the names of our colleagues viktor nagin and gennady kurenov, who disappeared during the war in yugoslavia in 1991, and the name of channel one cameraman anatoly klyan. over the past 40 years of work, it seems that all the hot spots are.
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it is very important that journalist daria dugina and military correspondent vladlen tatarsky, killed by ukrainian terrorists, can also be remembered here. among those who came to the temple today was the mother of zvezda tv channel correspondent pavel obukhov, who died in a plane crash. during the crash of that tu 154 in sochi in 2016
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92 people died, among them colleagues from ntv, and our film crew from channel one, correspondent dmitry runkov and his colleagues, cameraman vadim denisov, who were flying on a business trip to syria. and sound engineer alexander soydov. as soon as i found out, i immediately made the decision to come and take part in this action, in order to thus honor the memory of the journalists who died in the line of duty until the last frame. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. a memorial stone was lit today in the park named after artyom borovik the alley of journalists, where cedar trees were planted in honor of our fellow military officers who did not return from dangerous deployments. this is part of an international campaign.
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practical shooting competition for the moscow region governor's cup. more than thirty teams, representatives of law enforcement agencies , competed in accuracy and speed of fire from all types of small arms in various conditions, including at night. in one of the sniper categories, participants hit targets at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers. the winners were awarded cups and valuable prizes. here everyone is of the same spirit, of the same type, guys, young and experienced, veterans and family members have gathered here in order to
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compete once again, but at the same time understand that they are ready to defend their homeland, for saving the fatherland of the whole world from fascism, for eight decades the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of our fighters fought back, the memory of this feat. they are carefully kept in every family in russia and honored abroad. the annual event immortal regiment on the eve of victory day, which united millions of people, is proof of this. crowded processions with portraits of heroes take place all over the world, from new zealand to argentina. in the capital of turkey , ankara, participants solemnly brought the main symbol of victory, a huge st. george ribbon. in madrid , melodies from the war years were heard during the procession. and in germany, in frankfurt am main, the famous song is victory day. which many sang along with. in russia, the immortal regiment is taking place in new formats this year. portrait galleries and a wall of memory appeared in schools, museums and cultural centers. photos of veterans in the windows of cars and public transport. in leningradskaya region,
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a car and motorcycle rally took place in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war.


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