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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 6, 2024 12:20am-1:06am MSK

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lately, it seemed to me that he was like, well, it was as if he didn’t hear me, so he often asked the question, what are you missing, but i seemed to have enough of everything, i didn’t have enough time, attention, i didn’t i didn’t have enough jokes, i missed walking together, i missed watching a movie together, i didn’t have enough time together, and what am i missing, well, strawberries, let’s buy you some in the evening, do you want strawberries, eat strawberries?
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let’s do it like this, let’s do it here, then and there, lately i’ve just felt empty, i understand that, in principle, i don’t need anything at all, let’s see, did you turn to specialists with this question for the first time or did you go to see them a year ago? i went out as a psychologist, called my friend and said, listen, let’s go, there’s a new collection, we need to go in, let’s go, let’s just take a walk, yeah. well , you can do this today after talking with us, but now there is still a feeling that you seem to be more are you ready to deal with this? yes, i’m tired, really, i want to, so i understand that even well, it was also very significant for me, i was in thailand, it was many years ago, i was vacationing on one of the islands, and there were three islands, one of them has an airport, the other two you can get to by car, i rested there,
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with my suitcases, everyone, probably for three years in a row, so i have these two, what can you imagine, and forty-degree heat, with these two i have nothing is closed anymore, i’m in there with some gifts, and i bought some gifts in some store i bought myself some aloe vera there who didn’t need it, they didn’t ask me especially, which means i didn’t either, since i stayed there for 3 years in this one thing...
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the usa is the only country in the world based on a creed, ideologically inclined to continue to fight, position themselves as an enemy of russia, step by step they are moving towards unleashing a third world war, it will be nuclear. weak mike made another one. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. spotted. not please, please, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you, don’t, please. machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. if we have the code. we will be able to start
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a radio game with the russians in the square 19:23 wait for transport 0 hours one mile from the coastline answer we have started to eat. someone covered the tracks of the saboteur crimea on may 9 at the first, what are we going to do, commander, what, carry out the order, liquidate alexandra, no, which means no, okay, and these are like those
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parts of you that you are aware of, but yes, without the conscious part still striving to go buy, let's just try to figure out what... what else today, well, if we consider in general your, your chapagalism, as behavior with attachment, yes addictive, then we definitely need several elements, we definitely need several targets, one of which is your professional activity, the second is your some kind of relational elements, well, the third, let’s assume, is your whole figure of you as personality, if you give up shopping, well, that’s what happened and you don’t buy anymore. what will begin to change in your life in your opinion, how will your life change? there will be more money, there will be more money, i think yes, not more in large quantities, i can do it, here with professional activities too, well, such a small nuance, i’m there before i worked as an assistant, oh, before that i worked
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as an assistant in a large holding company, after that i became the executive director of a modeling agency, after that something went wrong well, i moved to moscow and here i am... while i was in an uncertain status with my man, i was finishing my higher professional education, because i was transferred from one place to another, i lost 2 years, these 2 years i didn’t work, and it was extremely difficult for me, too, without work, because before that my life consisted of wonderful travel, i had a great time, it was interesting to communicate, to meet new people, i was very...
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which i lived, but let’s say now i understand that this is impossible, you need to look here some other ways, but even, by the way, in fact, when i was working, i didn’t have such strong chapagalism, i bought something, when i worked with brands, i didn’t buy anything at all, they gave me everything, well look, because at this moment you get satisfaction from professionalism, from your activities, this is wonderful, in relationships, what can change? in a relationship with this man or with any other, i probably think that you need the next, the next, that is, well, relatively speaking, it’s good, if we assume that your relationship, here you are dating a man, yes, how afraid you are or how worried you are, worried about the fact that he will find out that
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you are a shopaholic, this is how you hide this part, yes, i don’t hide this part in any way, but well , here you go you have a problem, conditionally you admitted it, thank god.
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i also have to admit honestly, i’m not ready, i’m not ready, no, why? i was tired from the period of my previous relationship, well, you didn’t stay there for four years, there was so much going on there. what i think was, well, our relationship was difficult, we have a big difference in age, and it was hard, as if getting used to each other was hard, plus he still has two marriages behind him, one official, one not so official, this is communication with children, which is very difficult to build, and it was not easy for me, plus he also has his own internal conflicts at work, which... so serious enough that, in general, it added to the fact that his attention was flowing away from you to the children, to
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work, to problems, i continued to buy, yeah, well then it becomes even more obvious, that your chapagalism is just an attempt, you know, when a person is thirsty, he drinks salt water, cannot get drunk, an attempt to be loved and necessary, an attempt to get just that very love, or in the case of sharapaholism, replace it, you know , if you, for example, were talking... about how your problem is that you demand gifts, that would be different, yeah, that’s what you’re talking about shepagalism, then your task is to have the opportunity to buy this or that thing there, to simply have opportunity, i remember, a number of years ago i went to some store where there was an expensive bag shop and i thought, well, what a bag, it must cost like 30,000 rubles. i think, what a beautiful bag it can’t be 30,000 rubles, then i think, let me take a closer look, maybe not... rubles, maybe 300, but i looked closer, it cost 3 million, yeah, and i put this bag like that
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and went away from it like that i’ll ask why i’m saying this, because i obviously couldn’t buy this bag under any circumstances, well, except on credit, and it’s an unpleasant feeling when you have the opportunity to buy, then this seems to elevate you, and being humbled by the fact that a person does not give you the amount of attention that you want, they do not give you the... quality of attention that you want, of course, you want to close this needs, things that you buy, and it’s not the things themselves that you need, it’s this ability or opportunity, the power, to take it and buy it all, but this is kind of what you’re looking for, and i would, how can i say, on in your place i would still look at those same relationships with mom and dad are there in childhood, where there is still a lack.
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i never suggest quitting smoking, drinking or stopping shopping, for example, it’s pointless to do so, you need to go the other way around, in my opinion, that is. essentially, you need to do two very simple things: first, you can absolutely safely buy everything that costs less than 500 rubles. i don't know that it won't matter, i just have to no, i don't, i understand your reaction, but i understand your reaction, but there are some things that products, wait, no, no, i understand your reaction, but believe me, all of russia is watching us now, i just don’t need it, i know you don’t need anything at all, that’s the point. you don’t need anything, you already understood this too, i’m giving you a direct instruction, your task
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is to buy something every day that costs less than 500 rubles. it could be anything, go down to the metro, there are absolutely a lot of absolutely unnecessary things sold there in the passages, you know how much it costs there, not 500 rubles. no, if you try, you will find something for, after all, there are shops, everything for 349 or something like that, no, i understand everything, if you don’t want 500 rubles, let it be 1.00 rubles, but your task is to find it. the second thing i suggest you do, i don’t know whether you will do it or not, at some
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point you sit at home and are bored, scrolling through some kind of marketplace, for sure, yes often , yes, sometimes i’m in a taxi, something like that , no question, suddenly your eyes stop on something that you think you need right now, you need it right now, before you click on the buy button, pay, you first do the following, you feel strong. hug and tell yourself several times that you love yourself very much and that you are the best on earth in general and that there is no one else on this earth except you. so you say this to yourself several times, after that, if you want to do it, then you buy, but i have a feeling, especially judging by your reaction, that this will be more than enough, thank you very much, you know, my previous psychologist talked about a technique, i think it was called 21 days or something like that, what if you like a thing, you photograph it, and
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if after a month you haven’t changed your mind about buying it, then you go and...
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that often the desire to buy things just covers our unbearable pain of loneliness. and if suddenly, dear tv viewers, you want to sort out your problem or solve some issue here in the studio, with us, you can fill out a form to participate in our program, which you will find on the website you can watch all episodes of the triggers podcast on the first channel website ladies and gentlemen, look carefully and don’t say later that you didn’t see it. sawing a man. andrey will be inside
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this special apparatus until the very end of the trick, no matter what happens. also, let's pay attention to this metal saw, the diameter of which is more than 1 m. this saw is designed for cutting large tree trunks. and today it will pass through a person. we launched this disk at its partial speed. we don't want to destroy the entire studio here. and yet, these low speeds are quite enough to the saw went through those. illusionist, this is happening right before your eyes, friends, and now the long-awaited heart of the trick, the so -called prestige, we as spectators want to know whether the saw really went through the illusionist's body, and if so, whether the illusionist is able to split his body into two parts , andrey, i’m ready, you’re ready,
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watch carefully. there are no devices here, no tricky systems of mirrors; sitting at home, you see everything the same as if you were here in this studio, with us. so just now before your eyes, the illusionist divided his body into two halves, and this is a fundamentally new version of sawing a person, it differs from previous versions in that the illusionist’s body is not inside a wooden box, it is not attached directly to the collage props, it is not hidden
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by blankets or screens, everything happens right before your eyes, this is the most modern, most... perfect version of sawing to date. now let's see if the illusionist can restore his body after all the deadly manipulations. you think that this is impossible, that all this is computer graphics or editing, but in the world of magic, magic. nothing is impossible. hello, you are watching the magic tricks podcast, we are with you, the illusionists, the safronov brothers, andrey. ilya and sergey, to be honest, i watch how some magicians still perform the same tricks that their colleagues worked 20, 30 and even 100 years ago, and
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the viewer is still surprised and even utters phrases, well, this is something... it’s simply incredible, we’ve never seen anything like this in our lives we saw what seemed to be the most common trick that is in the arsenal of any magician, and sawing a person, a classic of the genre, but in fact this trick is a little over 100 years old. the premiere of this trick took place in 1920. now, by the way, i’ll tell you how the illusion genre developed using the example of this now classic act of sawing a person. so, on the screen right now is the same illusionist who first demonstrated, in principle, this act of sawing a person, this is pi selbit, yup, this is a famous london illusionist. so, in 1920 it took place.
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a month later the premiere of this trick took place, so what did the trick itself look like? the illusionist demonstrated a wooden box on stage, he stood on a stand, a charming assistant appeared, a classic of the genre, she occupied a horizontal position inside the box, the walls of the box were open, the illusionist took two ropes, with one rope he tied the assistant’s legs, with the second rope he tied the assistant’s neck, then he invited several people from the audience, which were supposed to hold these... ropes, one held the legs, the second held the girl’s neck, the task was to keep these ropes in a taut position, thus he fixed
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the girl’s body, demonstrating creating the illusion that the girl is not going anywhere and remains on until the last this table, absolutely true, and the assistant brought in a large two-handed saw, they began to saw this box, by the way, the saw was really real, real wood, real, you can imagine how long this illusion lasted. 100 years ago, that is can you imagine how long it takes to saw this wooden, wooden box, so, it means that selbit and his partner sawed the box, then they moved the two halves of the boxes apart, the viewer saw the space between the boxes, moreover, the ropes remained in a tense position, after which the boxes were connected and the assistant appeared safe and sound, this act was simple, it was a stunning success, it’s true, and this man became the richest magician of that time. but the illusion does not stand still, not even a year has passed since it flew into the genre a new magician, an american magician of polish origin, garatsi golden, yeah,
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he shows, in my opinion, a completely unique thing, that is, it is relevant even to this day, he changes a two-handed saw to a huge structure with a circular saw, this is dangerous, he demonstrates how she is dangerous, how real, real, metal she is, well, that is... they pull out a log, put a stage, saw it in half, the viewer understands that there is no deception here, then the same beautiful assistant appears, but then the following principle of the evolution of the genre: look, the assistant no longer lies down in a wooden box, she lies down on an open table, that is, we see her body from the beginning to the end of the trick, that is, every day he had new assistants, well, it seems that yes, in in general, the crane lifts the wall further, the saw cuts it in half, and the two halves are separated. after which the crane lowers the two halves, the halves come together, the assistant is safe and sound, surely some assistants could really have suffered, there are some facts about the accidents that happened
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while performing this stunt? indeed there was such a case, the illusionist’s name was kostanos kasfikis, by the way, he is an illusionist from the soviet union, despite the fact that he was greek by birth, kostanos kasfikis, and his real name was konstantin mikhailovich. but you know that many lysionists took a pseudonym to make it look more, well, yes, konstantin mikhailovich somehow sounds non-magical, non-magical, yes, and yet he also had a sawing number assistants, this tragedy, he really died from his circular saw, but this tragedy did not happen on stage, it happened during his spanish tour, which means he came from one city to another, and he was driving his truck, in a truck, in it was in the back of the truck that the very same... the cab dealt him a fatal blow, but you know that the story
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has other facts. the history of illusions does not tell us that the illusionist or his assistant suffered during the performance of the sawing act, but despite this, it’s still how do we realize that this number is really dangerous, because that’s how we know that in these numbers a real saw is used, we just saw in the photo, this is a real iron saw, or it’s a big saw, round, that is, one thing is wrong movement, or something with a mechanism, or if the assistant did something wrong, then she could really get hurt, well, we ’ll talk about this danger. a little later, now it’s very interesting to know that earlier illusionists somehow covered their bodies with their charming the assistants, and only creating the illusion of cutting the body, sawed some kind of i don’t know wooden boxes, boxes, and so on. i’m sure the viewers who have now seen our trick are asking themselves one question: before there were five sofronov brothers or what kind of magic this is that defies any explanation, how this trick was born here, i think it’s interesting
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for all our viewers to hear . well, as a rule, it’s a long process, to come up with something worthwhile, first the three of us get together, three brothers, sit down at the table like this, come up with idea, draw a drawing, sketch it out, then we connect our technical part, they help us draw the drawing more specifically, we then try it all in the workshop, first on a small mock-up, then a larger one, and after about 3 months or a year a new illusion appears , this is quite a big process, here andrei cheated a little, i must say it took even longer to... ilya comes up with tricks, not only does he sit day and night on these drawings, works out every detail, and after that he sends these drawings to the workshops , and doing it very cunningly in order to keep the secret a secret, we also looked at my dad, who worked at the tushino machine-building plant, and they were given a fragment of parts of a buran spaceship, they didn’t know what they were doing, they were just given a drawing, they the part was made according to the drawing and sent to the address where
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it was needed. or is it just some kind of original circus genre, no matter how it inspires with new ideas, he can read a book there, go outside, to the garden, go to nature, to the mountains get up, maybe just watch some movie and get some idea from there, yeah,
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but in reality... i'll tell you that all this is romance and all this works very poorly, so for it to work well, you need to lock yourself in a room , remove, remove all phones, all sorts of gadgets, televisions and so on, by the way, i saw this principle among american illusionists, payler, yes payer, exactly, i saw this principle among these illusionillers, we looked at this principle even in charlie chaplin, who also worked on scripts of his films, he rented a hotel room, asked that you...
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well, now people are sitting there, spectators watching our show on tv and they think, yes, i can probably do that too, what did they do here , wave their hand, wave their hand , anyone can come out whether to repeat this act or not, let’s start with the fact that it’s not just going on stage, but we’ve come a long way for this, we’ve all graduated together, we’ve graduated from circus school, or i’ve graduated.
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then we got involved, by and large we were infected with this and the mezlom, well, yes, we were you and i are still quite young, but i remember, i didn’t really want to do magic tricks, i just wanted to do it all with my hands, i really didn’t want to rehearse it all for a long time, this is what it should be like, what patience, fruitfulness should be, this is it honing, manipulation, so as for the large illusion, i like this, he waved his hand, he did everything for you, technology, magic and of course the team, we must not forget that to select a competent professional... team, which, here i am them i call invisible gnomes, which for the audience they are not exist, but they perform this huge chain, a sequence of actions that is created behind the scenes somewhere in space, and the result is real magic on stage, well, you see, but
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on the contrary, since childhood i loved some complex tricks than more difficult, that means it was more interesting, i remember, i honed some tricks, well, in reality it took several months for me to succeed there, there is a whole genre, the so-called manipulators. these are people who, not only for a few months, but for years, have been perfecting one the same trick, these are the same athletes who are preparing for the olympics, that is , a person is ready to spend 5, 10 years on it, because he knows that in such and such a year there will be a fism or some other competition, and he will definitely there - she will definitely go there and take gold, and these people, they are just fans, if we have about 300 illusions in our arsenal, yes, then these people may have one in their entire lives. two, but a maximum of three numbers, but what is more difficult to work with: manipulation or a major illusion? everyday opinion of the ordinary viewer, well, there’s an illusion, it’s just that he rolled out the device, pressed a button, did everything, in fact, of course not, a little later i ’ll teach our viewers, so what a little later,
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let’s start now, since you’ve already said that you’re painstaking since childhood, you love to do things with your hands, manipulation is your strong point, and i know, let’s tell everyone that you have millions of views, you even recently posted a trick that was viewed. 25 million people, well, from words to deeds, this will be a simple but very effective trick, look, i have two cup, in one there are white beads, in the other red, we mix these beads with each other, you see, they are all mixed up, now in one second i will separate the red beads from the white ones, 1, 2, 3, fantastic, everything is brilliant and simple. i have red beads tied to the glass in this way, then we do this: we fill in the white beads, the white beads are mixed with the red ones, and behind your back you
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just turn it over like this, everything works automatically, i specially select tricks that are spectacular at the same time time can be done by any person without preparation, at least roughly speaking, you want to surprise your friends tonight, but i know that you have a huge number of subscribers, and you have some kind of reverse reaction from your viewers, do they succeed in the tricks that you teach them, and are they enough? do they have the patience to rehearse, perfect everything like this and easily show you how you do it? well , this is not a difficult trick, so anyone who has the desire can repeat it, if someone does not repeat the trick, but just out of curiosity watches how it is done, but there are those who of course they repeat it, post it, well, that is, this trick is easy to learn, this is the prop itself. is it for sale somewhere or did you make it yourself and you can do it yourself, so why not take a piece of wood, but can you buy beads? this is the crazy hands section, this is where you need that very patience to create this prop. so, friends, our school of tricks
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continues, the school of magic, let's call it that, and for the next trick andrey will need a very ordinary red paper bag. yes, look, in this package there’s nothing, you see, it’s completely empty, but... as soon as i click, a glass of delicious apple juice appears in this package, oh well, you’re just killing us on the spot, how do you like it, tell me how you did it, i’ll tell you, myself in fact, look, i have such a slot in the back of the bag, we do it like this, put the bag, put a glass in the bag like this, everyone can see it, right? we turn it over, shake it, it creates a complete illusion that there is nothing in the bag, you see, then we turn it back over, and then we take it out glass, you see, that's it, you can get it from there, you can
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get anything you want, anything you want, and what, how does your imagination work, you can surprise even a girl on a date with some trick, that yes, you can, by the way, you can get it from there, for example, candy, there will be a ring inside for a girl, cool, give me this bag. in general, anything you want, you can use it for your own purposes, you told me about candy with a wedding ring, this is probably from life experience, this is from life experience, and in general, when i first started i... so way to meet girls, constantly surprising them, that is, this was just my strong point, in fact, here they found him, at first they thought he was drunk, but that’s how it is, he had enemies, you knew that he was going to get married, maybe you i didn’t like it, only i can ask questions during the investigation, that’s clear, clear, well, guys, you went through fire together. and the water remained copper pipes,
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the wedding march must be according to the laws of war, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time, people change, let's try to trust them, people deserve it, enemies no, a festive concert in the state kremlin palace, may 8 at the first. so, this is a magic podcast, we are returning to our studio again, where we are discussing the most fascinating genre of illusion, listen, well, this looks like a deception, they never said that magicians are deceivers who made a hole in the bag like that, let's go surprise, say , that these are deceivers in the market on trains or in other places, we won’t say which ones, and the very name illusionist already indicates that we create an illusion, and the audience, who comes... to our concerts, they know that they will be deceived, they come
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and are ready to be deceived, they want to be deceived, they want to see the illusion of a miracle, real magic and so on, this is a fundamental difference, that is, it turns out that we are deceiving the audience with their consent, their grateful consent, grateful consent, well, you know how the audience is sometimes surprised, so i remember, a year ago we were in some city and gave a small closed performance, and after the performance we found ourselves in a small room , which separated andrey and i from the audience, there was such a small thin partition, we heard every word of these people, that is, the audience, when they were surprised or shocked, they retell what they saw, they always exaggerated it, yes, but you saw it, and one tells the other, the second one didn’t see what was happening on stage, and he just came up, then he tells him, and there was this kind of trick, and then this, and... then you imagine, he took off, he took off like this,
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like 20 cm. you have to understand that there was a series of spectacular numbers, but levitation numbers there wasn’t at all, that is, the person came up with it on the fly, and he himself believed in it. by the way, there is - the very, very first mention of the oblision genre in the world, which is officially recognized, this is the viscara papyrus, an ancient egyptian papyrus, which means it dates back to approximately the second millennium. bc, and he generally talks about the third millennium bc, there is a mention of a certain magician, a certain mach, then the word magician did not exist, it was a certain magician, wizard, maybe a fakir, a certain jedi who showed to the pharaoh his skill, and a trick is described there, that is, the pharaoh invited him to his place, knowing him, having heard about his incredible abilities, he invites him to his place and says that... they heard that you can , like, cut off your head , cut off
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a man's head and reattach it, and he says: show me this trick. jidi says: i won’t do this with a person, give me some kind of animal, a bird, for example, they give him a goose, he means he cuts off the goose’s head, shows that he has it in one hand head, in the other hand there is a bird, and he grows this head back. we know that this trick really exists, and, moreover, it is from the most ancient times. hidden in her hand is a dummy, in ancient times the role
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of a dummy, in ancient times the real severed head of another bird actually acted as a dummy, and today they actually make such dummys that you simply can’t tell the difference if you tear off that very head during this trick not a single bird was harmed, then the bird is covered, for example, with a cloth or placed in some kind of box, then its neck is freed , in general the trick took place, but in the papyrus... it is indicated - it is said that in addition to this trick with the goose, he also did the same with the bull, that is, you can i can’t even imagine how bullish it is. we are illusionists, we are professional, we understand that at that time, at that time, without using any illusion device, well, it is impossible to hide the head of a bull, that is, this suggests that the narrator who entered this data into this papyrus , himself fantasized, in his head this picture
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turned into some kind of simply enormous scale, that is, in addition to the goose, he also made a bull’s head there, he could weave something else, come up with something like this... how the audience’s head works when he does something sees, listen, as david copperfield said, sometimes all the magic happens not on stage, in the heads of the audience, that is, therefore we only give some impetus to the imagination of our spectators, who, seeing the trick, already fantasize in their heads what is really happening there , what could happen, but there are still disputes, what is the main thing in an illusionist’s act, what is the main thing, it’s either a trick, that’s what the techies say, i’m so convinced that the main thing is still a trick, anyone? more creative individuals say that the main thing is the personality that demonstrates, well, most likely the most successful will be both, then this is absolutely true, the golden mean, when the trick works, and the personality is presented, the staging of the act itself, by the way, is the the same this same garatius goldin, who made the second
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version more advanced sawing man, his performance began like this, that is, as they say, the theater begins with a hanger, his performance... began on the street in front of the theater, the audience came to the theater, and in front of the theater there was already a medical carriage, on which it was written that the carriage here was installed in case of, uh , death of the illusionist or his assistant, that is, the viewer already understood that something was about to happen, they entered the hall, in the hall - here in the rows between in the aisles between the rows stood nurses who had hanging... .
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thinks up all our illusion tricks, and also knows how many interesting stories from the illusion genre, so we take care of his head, he always wears a cap and even sleeps in a cap, you told about a goose, such a rather bloodthirsty trick, and in general there are many such in history bloodthirsty, i think that lately there has really been a tendency towards, let’s say, more shocking stunts, they want more realism, correctness, the same paneteller that we remembered today, they did sawing, we added blood and guts to it, we do burning in our shows, remember, i burned 27 times in 9 days, this is one of the most dangerous stunt tricks that are used in cinema, and we do this on stage in front of a live audience, that is, if in cinema you can make a double, you can
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draw computer graphics and so on, then here everything happens in real time on stage without duplicates, without editing, you see my whole body is engulfed in fire and this... quality, this entertainment, it is mesmerizing and captures today's sophisticated viewer even more more. the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse. you can get an autograph, i’ve admired him since i was young. autograph.


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