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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 6, 2024 1:05am-1:50am MSK

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time on stage without duplicates, without editing, you see, my whole body is engulfed in fire, and this realism, this entertainment, it captivates today’s sophisticated viewer even more. the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of hospice or bagadilla. you can have an autograph, i admire you from a young age, autograph, anna evseeva, actress, and her relatives, i give you a double bet, the femme fatale, i would say, a bitch, but you are a believer, i’m a stunned atheist and in general, there’s no place to take tests, again for old times, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, they decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, you take me by the arm and take me out into the courtyard. yeah, i’ll sneak into your
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limousine and we’ll go to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, you are daydreaming, the animator is on may 10th at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin. i'll show you now trick, and then i’ll tell you how it’s done, agreed, great, come on, where did i go, otherwise we have a table with a cylinder on stage and the audience asks why it’s there, i’ll move it a little closer to me, here and i will work for this camera, no, i don’t need help, everything will happen right before your eyes, the trick is called the disappearance of the red handkerchief, and so i have a red handkerchief in my hands, now it will disappear, but we all need to say the magic words together, which we know magical? spell
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abracadabradabra, well done guys, what would i do without you, oh, the handkerchief has disappeared, and what we have is a chicken egg, attention, where is the handkerchief, oh, and he’s already in a top hat, we have those young viewers who they didn’t understand how i did it, who haven’t yet caught mine as an apian, yes, so now i’ll tell you how i did it, in fact, i have two identical red scarves, i put the first handkerchief in the cylinder in advance, here’s the second one.. .
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return to hide from the viewer, but there will always be attentive spectators in the hall who they will say: yes, we know the handkerchief in the egg, in this case, what do we do, we tear off a hole, throw it away, oops, but what about the egg, what are you saying, it’s real, we’re already getting comments from the audience, from auditorium, and you will expose this, of course, we just did it, and we still have cards on the table, probably we also want to show something with them, and, by the way, i made a video with these cards 25 million views, i don’t know, about two weeks, and today you’re ready to expose him, but there’s nothing there expose, look, i can just show you, this is the only number in andrey’s arsenal that doesn’t, it’s pure magic that works here, so, you see, there are five different cards in front of you, choose one of your choice, remember it, this is a trick for our viewers, remembered, great. think about your
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card, and i’ll find it now, i think, so, so, so, so, so, so, yeah, here’s your card, i’ll put it aside now, so, look, your card is not among the remaining cards, yes, my card is missing, great, this fox got 25 million views, look. "reveal the secret, and by the way, you can watch it again and maybe then you will understand that today the viewer is very sophisticated, he watches blockbusters, where there are a huge number of special effects, computer graphics and so on, when we just started working in the illusion genre, we also set ourselves the task of the scene , well, do something similar to what viewers see in the movies. why
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do illusionists use all this know-how today, because the viewer demands action, because today the viewer gets a huge amount.
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this needs to be done and we are doing it right we do, but in the first place it’s a trick, there won’t be a trick, just watching the special effects, of course, it’s interesting, but this is a different genre, well, now you’re talking about tricks, i understand that... today again everyone admires those same levitations, teleportations, but if you ask our viewers there, i remember we did such a survey, they asked, what superpower would you like to have, what would you like to be, there is an invisible person, pass through walls, fly through the air or teleport, and a huge amount the audience chose teleportation, there are spectators who like, for example, comic magic, so he came to laugh , comic magic, we have comic tricks, there are spectators who came, they really like romance, melodrama, we have beautiful ones. romantic tricks with levitation, there are people who love extreme sports, for this we set ourselves on fire, make explosions, pyrotechnics and so on, and there are dreamers who dream of a teleportation machine, and for them - this trick makes them think about , what in in the illusion genre, nothing is impossible, that if you dream of something, keep your
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dream in your heart, strive for your dream, then you will definitely achieve it, and even if it won’t be in real life, on stage, we will show the audience on our new... teleportation machine, look, so we will be happy to meet you after some time in this studio, and i promise you, we will continue stories and stories about new tricks, about new technologies, about new achievements in illusionary genres, about new illusionists, we were with you, illusionists, the safronov brothers, andrei, ilya and sergei, this is a podcast of tricks, and as they say, believe in miracles, they will definitely happen to you, well , let's go, in front of you is our new invention.
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the table is neither below nor above, there are no secrets, so i won’t be able to run away unnoticed. so, it's time to be surprised. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, come on, look there, great, everything is filmed. yes, we can’t do that yet. our topic today is complex, painful,
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the middle east, roots, well, about modern affairs we won’t talk about it, let political scientists and commentators do this, even they very... often omit the question that the roots go very, very deep, one thing was strung on another, so let’s remember the history of how it all began, well , we won’t go into ancient history at all, although it’s probably worth recalling that for many centuries the muslim east was more tolerant of jews than europe, especially western europe, with its pogroms and deportations of jews. let's try to find it.
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interests of very different parties collided, not only palestinians or jews, but there were intertwined in the middle east primarily because of oil, uh. the interests of great britain, the usa, the soviet union, and a number of other western countries are intertwined. at the end of the first world war, british troops under the command of fred marshal allenby defeated an ottoman army group defending palestine, which had previously been part of the ottoman empire for four centuries. and the british took jerusalem, and, by the way, allenby, as a sign of respect, did not enter jerusalem on a horse, entered on foot. at that time, the empire still held out for about a year, after which the mudros truce was signed and turkey
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withdrew from the first world war, but the fate of its middle eastern territories remained generally not entirely clear. this also applied to palestine, where british troops were stationed. the fate of palestine was to be decided by the newly created international organization, the league of nations, created under the treaty of versailles. and so on september 29, twenty-three , the mandate for palestine came into force, which received by great britain. and from now on this region remained under british control until this territory, well, supposedly until this territory could be governed independently, in fact it became, well, officially called a mandate territory, in fact one of the colonies of great britain, the british during the interwar period regulated the repatriation of jews to palestine, this idea of ​​​​repatriation was born within the framework of the zionist movement at the end of the 19th century, well, it’s worth explaining what zionism is, zionism -
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to put it simply, a single jewish people into regional ones and, if possible, recreate the territories of israel. the resettlement of jews to palestine was called, such waves of resettlement were called aliyah. and during the fourth aliyah, which lasted from 24 to 29, people repatriated to palestine from mainly europe. jews,
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conflicts began between the jewish population who had recently arrived in palestine and the arab population. the british analyzed this situation, and the british colonial secretary , macdonald, prepared a report for british government, the so-called white paper, which proposed limiting the migration of jews to palestine in order to maintain british influence there. well, let’s still make one remark. the fact is that the position of great britain was, so to speak, so pendulum-shaped, because before the white paper there was the balfour declaration, in which the british, well, the balfour declaration is named after the minister of foreign affairs of the then great britain, the seventeenth year, yes, the seventeenth year, in this declaration in general contained a promise that the british would contribute to the creation of a center there, and so on.
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zionists that they will, england will contribute to the creation of the israeli state, but these are, of course, significant words, but firstly, churchel generally made promises.
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turned against the british empire, there was such an organization, the irgun. the irgun is just a right-wing paramilitary organization that began to carry out terrorist attacks on british institutions, but in the forties they decided to join the fight against hitler, since hitler was a much greater danger, and it is completely understandable why this is, but when the second world war came to a turning point, the irgun returned to terrorist acts against the british; hell
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, the murderers were found and sentenced to death, but the terror did not stop there. you mentioned the name minakhimagin, he took part in the famous explosion at the king david hotel, where the headquarters of the british command was located, the operations were carried out quite skillfully,
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in my opinion, 90 people died there, if memory serves, that’s actually somewhere well... well, there were many motives, but this also prompted the british to agree to raise the issue of creating an israeli state in the security council. well, i myself don’t think that the british decided, so to speak, to let israel go only because of the explosion in the king david hotel, although it needs to be said additionally, the fact is that the british seized papers that indicated that the irgun organization... engages in terrorist acts, prepares terrorist acts against the british authorities, in order to destroy this evidence, this explosion was prepared, tens of kilograms of explosives were brought there in milk bottles, and in the end they carried out this terrorist act, which became a reason to be quite skeptical about the creation of the state of israel later, to occupy such a detached position for some time
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position, in addition to great britain, which of course was one of the main political players, at that moment, of course, the position of, say, the same americans, well roosevelt, here he is towards the zionist idea was important was rather indifferent when truman came to power, and the us position changed, because in general it must be said that the british had quite solid positions in this region, and... the americans, and we too, about this it is necessary to understand, this must also be understood, which means that the position in the middle east was not very strong at that time, both truman and stalin believed that zionism would help them strengthen themselves in this region. well then, of course, it was very important for truman that,
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in fact, uh, at that moment the soviet game began. side began to conduct its game in the middle east, stalin’s logic was clear, because a lot of natives, so to speak, russians came there, there were a lot of leftists, including, so the calculation was that they would bring some kind of closeness with russia there, some leftists ideas, they will help strengthen the authority of the soviet union, so... i’ll just name some names. the first president of israel was chaim weizmann, a native of the grodno region, just like begen. the second president is yitzhak benzvi. from poltava, david bengurion is also not in brazil was born, right? so, therefore, certain hopes were pinned on this,
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when the question arose in november of 1947 at the un, already a vote, so to speak, on the creation of a state in israel, the soviet union voted for, of course, there was a jewish lobby there, it all worked, but still , the main thing, in my opinion, was mutual. the united states and the soviet union are interested in ousting britain from this region. and everyone hoped that he would take exactly this place. you said a very important thing, that among the zionists there were at that time, the left, and they were the dominant group among the zionists, in fact, it was the left, the zionists, the heirs of the bund to a large extent, and the jewish workers' party, originally from the russian empire of poland, who initiated the creation of the state.
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soviet policy of that period, i will now quote, the famous egyptian newspaper alyakhram. during the second world war, the ussr, realizing that it did not have enough weight in the middle east, opened an embassy in egypt, syria, lebanon and iraq, hoping to strengthen its positions. moscow's secondary goal was to weaken or eliminate british influence in the region, as well as to provoke disagreements between london and washington in every possible way. it was these considerations that formed the basis of the soviet political course in the middle east, the fact is that after the end of the war the question arose about approximately 250 thousand
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displaced jews in eastern europe, it was very difficult to accept them in the soviet union, exhausted after the great patriotic war, the soviet union did not i really wanted it, the united states didn’t really want it.
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russia-west on the seesaw of history, trying to understand the history of arab-israeli relations. it should be noted that the position of the soviet union. ramyka said something completely different at the general assembly; he spoke about the creation, therefore, of a sovereign jewish state and palestine. it seems to me that in general
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the person you mentioned, andrei andreevich gromyk, could become the topic of a separate program of the russia-west podcast on the swing of history, all episodes of which, i remind you, can be viewed on the website of channel one, why jewish a state has appeared, a palestinian one, no, still, well, first of all. jews with arabs, actually began on the day this resolution was adopted, it just flared up and flared up even more, but the first flare-ups were right at that moment, the arabs were
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against it. the jewish state tried to crush him as if in a cradle. the day of the creation of the state of israel for the arabs is nagba, it is a disaster in translation. well, what happened next, when these first clashes began, they all grew, in fact, into a full-scale war. and when is it happened, the soviet union began to supply weapons to the jews, the british began to supply weapons to the palestinians. naturally, not everything.
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defended its right to exist, and the egyptians were then satisfied with control over the gas zone. it is important to emphasize here that at this moment two nationalisms already collided: jewish nationalism and arab nationalism, and a peaceful resolution of the conflict at that moment, apparently, in principle could not have happened, especially considering that the british policy, which we have already talked about, is denied by the impora, divide conquer, in addition,
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standing... behind the jews is the holocaust, because roughly speaking, there is nowhere to retreat, yes, that is, this is very important to understand, what united the jews in the struggle then for the state of israel, this is this feeling that we survived the holocaust , now the same thing may happen again, this will play out more than once later, yes, in the mobilization of the israelis during the arab-israeli wars, well, immediately after this war, in fact, the question was resolved, so...
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towards the united states, it was not they who already accepted, not these forces, so, and secondly, of course, the jewish lobby in the united states played a role, their enormous financial capabilities, this also influenced the turn of orientation towards moscow, they reoriented towards washington, if we talk about further events, then of course we are simply forced to remember the year 6, the famous in history vanity crisis when...
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the egyptians, their headquarters was located there, they destroyed this headquarters, it’s a common thing when someone is supplied with weapons, plus these weapons are not paid for on time, in full on time, then dependence arises, therefore in to a significant extent, nassar’s growth, of course, was largely paid for by changing his political positions, well, after all.
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the most important thing is the decision not just to block it for the israelis, this happened earlier, to nationalize, nationalize, that’s why the british and the french got in there and so on. it was a struggle for survival, and then it was a war, which to a large extent, one might say, was the detonator of decisions, not so much israeli as egyptian, because well, the fact is, not israel blocked the soviet channel, it was not israel that nationalized the egyptian one, this same soviet channel, and the belli incident was created by the egyptians, here i don’t quite agree, since the soviet channel itself... passed through the territory of egypt, and egypt, based on the interests of national sovereignty , with all his anti-israeli policies and special anti-israeli rhetoric at that moment, nationalized it, so that simply the income received from the passage of ships
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through the soviet canal, and get it for the development of its own economy, because before this income was received accordingly by the joint stock company of the vanity channel, where european capital dominated, and for other countries besides israel, the soviet channel was not blocked, there was an opportunity... they planned this attack on egypt, according to which israel was supposed to attack egypt, and great britain and france should then invade the soviet canal zone in order to, so to speak, protect the canal and in order to separate the warring parties, and even then at these negotiations bengurion proposed. quite a serious redistribution of borders in the middle east in favor of israel, in particular , it laid claim to a significant part of the sinai peninsula, if not the whole, and the british and french tried to concentrate it to calm it down, so that only in egypt, yes, not to round off the possession of israel as
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a whole, only in egypt. as a result, in general, essentially everyone turned out to be the losers in this story, egypt, france, great britain, and israel, because the soviet union then took the side, essentially, of egypt, threatening, in general, a little. not with an atomic bomb, i almost just threatened, england was unable to justify its status as a world power, as before, when it entered into various kinds of local conflicts, emerged victorious, here it is under pressure from both the soviet union and the united states, which are absolutely not this mess was needed at this moment, but it was necessary to retreat, yes, israel was also among the losers, since it could not really round off its territory, egypt, because it suffered, the military suffered. egypt into the arms of the soviet union. here is the story with sued channel, the story of the sued crisis is, on the one hand, one of the last attempts of such a traditional
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colonial policy of great britain to a large extent, on the other hand, this is one of the first such hot conflicts of the cold war, the second, actually after korea. we continue, today our topic is arab-israeli. these relations, after the already six-day war, which we will now talk about, the palestinians, palestinian arabs, their organizations are beginning to actively switch to terrorist methods, and not only territory of israel, but beyond the borders, the most famous is the situation with the olympics in munich and the terrorist attack of the black september organization, yes, but this is how, from what the world learned about palestinian terrorism in general and to a large extent, by the way, learned about the problem of palestine as such, because until this moment the arabs... israeli relations were one thing, and another thing were some palestinian arabs, yes, to whom no one actually paid attention in big politics, this is where the roots of terrorism in the territory flow from palestine, those terrorist organizations that exist to this day, well, with
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the passage from generation to generation, with the change of generations within them, but nevertheless the roots come from there, and this led to a further escalation of the conflict, of course, well, if so talk about the six-day war, then...
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these are the waters, not a single israeli ship will be allowed through it in the future. at the same time, we prohibit the delivery of strategic goods to ships of other countries through this strait to israel. that is, in fact, history repeated itself to some extent, as with vanity a canal again for israel, that the vanity canal, that the port in ailat, which is located on the red sea - these are vital arteries there, so for israel it is a window to the world, raw materials go there, it’s not in israel that there is no oil, oil is brought there, that’s why this is also classic...
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the minister of foreign affairs announced that he was stopping the supply of weapons to israel, the british said a lot of polite words to israel and nothing, well, in the end the israelis apparently decided that since the ministry of defense is not acting, then let the ministry of defense act a strike on the egyptian army, and the disparity of power was some kind of fantastic and yet, well, in general now... in all military academies the operation of the six-day
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war is simply a mandatory course, because there really was, well, it started with a strike at the airfield, destroyed aviation, and then the egyptians were left without air support, which means that, so to speak, the actual extermination of the egyptian army began, it must be said that israel then demonstrated the highest level of mobilization of the population, mobilization of the army. and the motive for this mobilization was quite simple, that if we don’t win now, they will destroy us; in general , the state by that time had demonstrated a high level of modernization, unlike egypt, syria and jordan, that is, military modernization, it was a level higher for them than the modernization of these countries, primarily in organizational terms, because egypt had soviet weapons, they were of quite high quality, they were good, yes, but using them is enough. the egyptian army could not, there were weapons, and there was training,
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graduated from our college, well, the question is how they studied, the question is, yes, well, apparently, there are not enough weapons, you also need to have a russian character, mentality, and so on, well, in general, in short, it means that in all directions the syrians tried to attack on the dutch heights, as a result they were knocked out of there, if before... from the dutch heights the syrians could observe a significant part of israel, now the israelis could observe damascus, the same thing happened in other directions, the jordanians lost the old city of jerusalem, and it became since then he became under the control, so to speak, of israel, and that’s how the war ended in complete collapse for the arab side. the result, so to speak, of all this, well, we can say that to
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some extent israel lost again, because it again captured some, added another part of the arab population to its arab population, thereby creating even more problems, that’s what regarding the soviet union, despite the war lost, so to speak, by the egyptians, the influence of the soviet union there only intensified, because
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from a position of strength, he did not want to retreat, in response, the arab countries showed the summit of the league of arab states in khartoum, in which they formulated the principle of three no, no recognition of the right to exist of israel, no peace with israel, no negotiations with israel, that is, he did not want to give in no one, that is, this war, in fact, gave birth to the next war, and
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another outcome of the war, which we have already mentioned, which is important to emphasize separately, is indeed the strengthening of soviet positions in the region, the soviet union, oddly enough, despite the arab defeat. turned out to be a winner. the last war that needs to be mentioned, of course, is the yom kippur war, october 6-25, 7, which the israelis missed. of course, some intelligence data came, but since the border there is so restless, you can always think that they will attack right tomorrow, or, on the contrary , think that this is just ordinary fuss. in fact, the arab countries have prepared very seriously. in mind with egypt, there were plenty of weapons, if we take the quantitative composition, so to speak, tanks, planes, training took place in our best academies, the egyptians, yes, the egyptians, well, that is, it was such preparation, revenge for the six-day war, in fact, defeat after
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preparing for a long, long time and everything happened so unsuccessfully, ensured, well, bad if not peace, then... in general, there was a semblance of some kind of peaceful coexistence until recent times, there is another factor: the arab states, having lost on the battlefield, then came up with an economic plan for an economic war, in fact, they sharply increased prices for oil, which led to the global energy crisis, which really affected the united states, europe, and the soviet union in a positive way, because the soviet union began to sell its oil by borrowing.
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this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you, study history with us. hello, dear tv viewers, you are incredibly lucky. today my guest is a person who is celebrating a milestone this year: leonid ermolnik, seventieth birthday leonid isakovich has arrived. it’s very nice
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to see you, sergei osokin is helping us, he masters the instrument, which, by the way, you also mastered as a child, i know that you are a renowned coordianist here. i have a podcast melody of my life, we have known each other for many years, and i just want our dear tv viewer to know a little more about you, and so that it is not somehow callous, but in a friendly way, with music, yes, well well, let's start, to be honest, i was very surprised, for some reason i knew that your childhood passed in lviv, but the place your birth is much to the east, much, much, tell me, this is... morskiy krai, this is a village that still exists, it used to be called grodekova, now it’s called border, there’s literally 2 km to the chinese border, and since after the war was very fashionable, young people all joined the military...


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