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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 6, 2024 3:25am-4:16am MSK

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“doctor, i drink freshly squeezed juice every day, and i grab my head, i say, it’s very in vain that you are doing this, this can be done as some kind of exclusive, well, for example, i once was in a hotel that was located in an orange grove, there were also these juicers everywhere, and just for fun, well, you pick it and squeeze it out, that’s it, there are no more situations where i drink freshly squeezed juices, why don’t i do that, because when we eat an orange, one with '.orange , imagine how much you immediately get glucose, fructose, it ’s just a blow to the system, it’s a blow to the liver, first of all, because the liver begins to process fructose, and what it processes excess fructose into, wonderful, wonderful, that very fattening begins. which we started, here
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we probably need to talk about the fact that fructose is a thing that nature invented precisely so that people, animals, and mammals accumulate fat, this is an evolutionary mechanism, so fructose, at first it suppresses hunger, well for a while, not for long, and then hunger flares up, and the more fructose you take, the stronger your hunger, all for... in order to accumulate as much fat as possible, that's when we start eating fruits and berries in huge quantities, then we enter so we get into this vicious circle and come out of it with beautiful manuls, timoshas, ​​timoshas, ​​yes, yes, yes, but if, probably, it was of great benefit to primitive man, but he could not dress as well as we are dressed now, yes, any clothes, as they say now...
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bad weather, there are bad clothes, then he then it was more difficult, and the additional layer for winter, the fat layer, it certainly did not interfere with him in any way, but the person at that time was still very active physically and he still had brown fat, which suppresses inflammation as much as possible, that is, it balances these fat deposits, so that they do not harm a person, we are now very hypodynamic, we do not spend... that part of the energy that our great-great-forefathers spent many thousands of years ago, so we do not need such an amount of fat. and with with you again, the podcast deception of substances and its hosts, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova and i am an endocrinologist zuhra pavlova. zukhra, you keep saying, now is the season of tangerines, now is the season of persimmons and so on, but the season of tangerines and persimmons is actually all year round all the time.
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but for physiology, this is bad, because when you and i ate cherries during the cherry season, we formed certain substances of the immune system to these cherries, and if we continue to eat them, as now with cherries, everything may not be so good , with strawberries, blueberries in general, raspberries, and raspberries, everything is excellent, always available, it just costs much more, it seems to us that this is the same. with sauerkraut they cleansed their body, allowing the immune system, as they say, to function fully and freely; by the next season, those who were already bored, cleansed, figuratively speaking, came to normal foods, that’s another word. cleansing, detox, it has also
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already acquired some kind of abusive version, because everyone is cleaning something, some intestines, some liver, some i don’t know, head, not we need to do this, we have an excellent self-regulating system, it just doesn’t interfere with seasonality, and you often drink juices, oles, no, i don’t drink juices at all, i have an excellent juicer, i swear, i used it about one and a half times, i.. i bought it exactly at that moment, so to speak, half a minute before you, as you explained to me, what a threat lies in the juice, that’s the worst thing, of course, drinking juice is the coming gout, it’s inevitable if you do. every morning you try to drink it, and you also know what other story there is with juices, people have an equal sign, many people have an equal sign between freshly squeezed juice and juice from a bag, syrup, yeah,
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or, well, sugar syrup and so on, that is, it’s generally the same fructose in large quantities, well, let’s just say it’s it’s possible from time to time, but we must always understand that every time this is going beyond the line, and it’s better, of course , not to go there very often, yes, another very, very important point is when eating fruit, that’s why i always tell patients , we eat fruit in the first half of the day, everyone... is, but in the first half i don’t really want it in the middle of the day, but i really want it in the evening, i came home, i’m tired, i want to relax, eat something tasty, and this tasty thing is usually fruit, well, sweets in general, why can’t i eat sweets in the evening,
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because our activity levels are very different? certain hormones at different times, let’s say testosterone, we have the highest concentration, its level in the morning and in the evening... is low, but insulin is the opposite, we have its activity and its receptors minimum in the morning and maximum in the evening, so in most people want sweets in the evening, insulin drives this need, he waits for this energy, but it is not necessary to encourage him in this regard, it is necessary to oblige him, otherwise there will be fat formation, fattening, yes, fattening, and we will all turn into timosha, by the way, he so cute, from fruits, from fructose, from... excess - the worst thing is visceral obesity, not only, visceral obesity can be eaten with anything, if it is high in calories and the person does not consume it, well , i mean that from fruits there is no subcutaneous fatty tissue in order to increase, but simply the body is how the system is structured,
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man has evolutionarily been dying of hunger for many millennia, so mechanisms have developed to store everything that is necessary, glucose, fructose, fats, everything will be stored, and part of the protein will be stored as fats, in the quality of carbohydrates there, glycogen reserves, but, that is, not all of it will be absorbed, if a person eats a whole chicken, he will not absorb all this protein as protein, some will go into fats, and all the fructose will be absorbed, all in the intestines, and that’s how it works i wonder what there are a lot of proteins that are targeted, so they are born in order to capture fructose, they are synthesized in the liver and there they act in large quantities, so all the fructose that gets in will absolutely be captured and primarily stored in the same liver, so when a person begins to abuse fruits, he usually develops a phenomenon
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called hepatosis, fatty degeneration of the liver, also called fatty degeneration, and we understand that dystrophy is bad, well, cirrhosis is also dystrophy, well, cirrhosis is the final stage. that is, first fatty degeneration develops, this is hepatosis, in other words, then non-alcoholic fatty liver disease develops, then non-alcoholic hepatitis, and only then at the end fibrosis, cirrhosis and so on, wow, we ate some berries, yes, that’s it, and what’s also very it’s important to say, again about this, otherwise we’ll miss it, about fruits, we think so, that we get healthier , we get such a bomb of vitamins, we have vitamins in juices, about juices? about juices, we are vitamins we get, and we get glucose, we get fructose, but we still don’t get very, very, very valuable substances, we don’t get fiber, this is all cake, it’s thrown away, and this is generally the most valuable thing in fruit, so if you find yourself, not i know, there under the tree and
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the juicer, as an exclusive, drink this juice, just once there, i don’t know, there for six months, the rest of the time eat fruit, also, which is very important in this process, worry 33 times, they ask why 33 times, well, it 's just easy to remember, 33 times, 33 chewing movements, it is still believed that this is the amount that, when eating hard foods, these are fruits, these are vegetables, this is meat, this number of chewing movements is enough to grind, grind most of the moisture. that's right, well done, this is the very first stage of digestion, to grind the largest pieces possible, so that everything else can already be grated in the stomach, let's say, although i once conducted an experiment, it will sound funny now, but it was really interesting, plum , plum -
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this is the peel and pulp, yes, what is there to chew, for the sake of an experiment i decided to count how many times i need to live in order to grind this peel into absolute dust, for me. i got about 70 movements, that is, of course, no one will be a hero, but i’m an experimenter, i’m interested, you can experiment on yourself, it’s an honor, i would go on to say. that's how much, no one chews that much, but if a person feels bad, yes, let 's imagine, there was vomiting, usually, looking at what comes out of a person, you can clearly understand that he ate because he doesn’t chew, yes, very sad. for the stomach, which will not be able to grind it, because the stomach is a muscle, and then in
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the intestines it all cannot be, well, let ’s say, taken apart and assimilated, in this situation the process of rotting i can still somehow imagine imagine in the large intestine, and then it’s so much more, and it’s a shame for our taste buds, which cannot taste this fruit properly, because we simply don’t give it to it, we swallow it like hungry wolves, yes. apple, persimmon and so on further, we should chew, i absolutely agree, well, what is our main conclusion: we eat fruits, be fruits, be berries, yes, eat them in season, in moderation, in the first half of the day, after main meals after breakfast and after lunch , and in the evening, no, no, otherwise it’s fatty, otherwise it’s dark, yes, there was a podcast with you about deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova and an endocrinologist.
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you will open your eyes, you will see the light, you will feel what is no longer there, you will open your eyes, you will see us, you will become like this in an hour, evenly inhaling the night air, you are sure that he has always been like this, restless in the captivity of his mother’s breast, you are the light, you are on the road again.
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we can breathe freely among the fences. and it could be, we paint pictures, creating waste, and it could be, we love, we give birth in dust, up to our necks, and it could be, we are children of a big city, it is dear to us, we will live in it.
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we are the children of the big city, we are the children of the big city, we are the children of the big city, we are the children of the big city. the cities we love have been up to our necks, and this may be, we are children of a big city, it is dear to us, we will live with it, it is dear to us, we will live with him, he will come to...
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we will be with him, he will come to us, we will be with him. this is a podcast 20 years later, i am its host
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konstantin mikhailov, my guests are the group serga, this is the permanent leader. sounds, i remember, of course, i’m used to the song, i forgot i lost it, because it’s personal, i remember it perfectly, and my favorite song is yours, guess which one, you know, in my opinion, it’s my favorite, but from old or not very old, from old, wonderland, maybe, strange wonders, cool, you sing it at a concert, of course, without fail, but i sing it in a carauke, please forgive me for that,
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i’m trying to sing just like seryoga, i succeed, of course, poorly, but nevertheless... for some reason this song is always dear to me, first of all, i really like sechenov’s video for this song, where you show off on a four-seater bicycle, and seryoga is sitting with someone like that with some kind of eagle in a jacket, i recently had a fazen dacha and just along dmitrovka, and it was lyokha who took us, sechinov took us there somewhere along the dmitrovskoe highway, so to speak, i was recently there in one of the stores, we won’t say which one, so to speak, i went in and bought some attributes for a dacha suddenly...
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because... here you are, i say, well, let's thank you very much for this song and then we'll take a photo, but what a sentence, i say, she knocked me out there, i say, oh no, i rewatched this song, of course, listen, it seems to me that this song is somehow prophetic, it’s super relevant right now, i think that when you just try, try to sing about serious topics, everything becomes like this -so, as if prophetic, in fact it’s all about life, but here it is. how she wrote herself, it was funny, it was the year is completely dry, lyova and i are such pretty decent mushroom pickers, and i went with my mother and the dog, then we had a wonderful dachshund, we went into the forest to pick mushrooms, there were no mushrooms, but some kind of magic began in the forest, and a melody came , words, i didn’t have any dictaphones with me at that time, that means
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it was some kind of ninety-seven, i didn’t take anything with me, not a pencil, i’m just saying, it’s a basket. empty, dog, mom and me, so i walked, and i tried to remember these, so to speak, invented ones - the first version of these words and melody, which was already playing then, then, when we returned home, i urgently, urgently, urgently wrote down everything, all these fragments, the next day there was a guitar, a song had already been born, but you can sing it chronologically, sequentially, as you came up with it , it just started with the chorus, the sun is with us. and the moon, completely incomprehensibly, it seemed like on such an ordinary day in the trees, well , the sun was there, but the moon, what does the moon have to do with it, yes, but silence, apparently there was silence, there was some feeling of peace, these trees , you know when you can come up and hug a tree and free yourself, it pulls all this crap out of you, this is very important,
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go, go to the forest to pick mushrooms, let there be no mushrooms, but at least you will have the dust of the roads in your boots, a drunken wind in the clouds and a song. and the song will be, yes, what the hell, but how did you come up with this song that we listened to at the beginning, we and the children of the big city, you sang it with mikhei, we are the children of the big city, it was on the first record, it was on dog waltz record, yeah, that's the acoustic version, and then we somehow started playing it, it’s more like this, well, they became fashionable, let’s say, and then mikhey appeared, yes, already when we recorded it all, but no, i began to notice that i was starting to sing, and somehow mikhey was very somehow like that, he was iconic, very... guy, iconic singer, performer, let's say, not a singer, performer, and, uh, we suddenly crossed paths with him, at what concert, i remember, right here i even know what city, and i i know which city.
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i would be glad, he didn’t know what song we were talking about, yeah, six months later, we met and recorded it, i think it was the last one the song he recorded in his life, when we mixed this song, and he was still alive, and then this misfortune happened, he left, and the song remained, it actually took on something completely different, something like this - the point is, different radio stations immediately played it, it’s surprising that you missed it at that time, you should have played it too. it seems strange to me, but no, but no, rita mitrofanova, apparently she was twisting, i probably remember the rooftops very well, that we need it, it sounded wonderful and a wonderland, but you still have a girl
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she played what we needed, she was so very stylish, really cool, cool, yes, a bassist, yes, a guitarist, a guitarist, levchik and lyubanya, and levchik and lyubanya, cool, listen, you didn’t have time to shoot a video, as i understand it, because that i saw the video sequence there, obviously just shots of mikhei were used at the end , a few shots where mikhei waves his hand, but this was already after after he left, that is , somehow levchik and i were just in some kind of black and white there situation, but this is a full-length clip, in principle so official, thank god, when we recorded this song in the studio on taganka with andrei starkov at that time on taganka, absolutely wonderful.
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he brought sveta khorkina with him, sveta khorkina arrived, and sveta khorkina had a video camera with her, out of this, out of nowhere, she filmed, she filmed a little, there is, well, there’s this one, sveta, it’s clear what kind of cameraman , very like that, yes, yes, that same champion of ours is great, what the... they were just talking somehow and marat says , let’s go to the studio, like seryoga says, we’re going , i say who we are, i don’t like it when some- that so to speak, he says, well, the light, well, the light is clear, let him come, i didn’t know that there would be a video camera, they began to shoot a little , literally two or three frames there , no one set the light, that is, they didn’t set the light, but she took it and these two frames then became very important because there were no others at all and such b&w stilinka joint. he fit into this song so well that for many, this song lives on not in the first version, but in the version that seryozha
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was the only one at that time, in this duet, and even me i heard that people attribute it to him, as if it’s absolutely, he’s this one of his vocals that sounds there, he says i’ll go. i’ll sing, i say, come on, here ’s a camera, there’s such a one-on-one place with a microphone, i say, get drunk, suddenly he started in this key, because we gave him, so to speak, there’s already a recording there, and you they recorded it, i tell andrey sarkov, andryusha, press the button, record it, because this, this is how a person sings, how then does he sing if he sings like that, and we everything he did, i i say, continue, everything is fine, come on, great, everything is there.
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we continue our podcast 20 years later with the legendary group serga, i remember when we met, well, or rather, even you didn’t know me then, but i already saw you as part of brigade s, and then i danced breakdances, and we somehow. ..
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i was twitching so funny that i was getting applause, we received more than applause, we took first places throughout the soviet union, it was not only russia, you know, but i remember the national concerts were great, i was completely fascinated by zhanna aguzarova then as a vocalist, this was at that time, this is the eighties, the end of the eighties, and the group, of course, the es brigade, that was also, then mr. twister was, this is... this kind of rockobilly that began to slowly rise, i remember decamels, this is a crematorium, a crematorium, yes, again, decoms, in my opinion, the first venue that became so official, yes, we had a rehearsal base there, like that, yes, like that, i remember at your place, yes , garik’s charisma, it’s clear what it is, but for some reason i remembered you separately, maybe your appearance is so interesting, maybe the way you behaved, you also
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sent a lot of energy directly into the hall, in my opinion you also had... well, such a joke, listen, but how did you break up with garik, when you decided that you needed solo swimming to leave, listen, yes, we all understand this, but this is such a thing, it was not at all connected with creativity, there were some kind of things like that in life, there were all sorts of inconsistencies that we got over there, thank god, now it’s just like that joy when we do something together always.
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i think they teamed up to get something from him there was an idea, let's do it, i say, always let's do it, that is, there are moments when at some festivals, there is igor ivanovich, there is serga, and then there may even be something like that together, i am always very happy about it , because my friend, of course, he, he still hasn’t calmed down, and he does very, so to speak, very precisely what is expected of him on the one hand, but this is not a game of any kind.
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very important, that is, it’s not just like that, here ’s some kind of tick in his biography that will definitely be there, but what is this play about, honestly speaking, so to speak, well, i know, but to explain it to me like this, he will come to you and tell you everything, but i’m just saying, tell me there, serenya, well, let’s stir up something else there, i’ll tell you, fuck you, i don’t have enough time for music, it’s good that i didn’t say this, it flies quickly, and in order to find the strength and desire to do something more, well, serious, the most important thing is that there are always many, many people, it’s always good to live in a group, because here we are , we understand each other and we are even in some there may be some such situations, but it’s always easier to solve everything than when you have a team there that’s 10 times larger, but you know, you still don’t give up, you’re still , i look restless, you’re still from you
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energy comes out, leva is also ready to create. i see seryoga is prolific, it makes me so happy, new songs are being written, this is the most important thing for the group, that is, we go, we don’t stand still, we go, i’m not sure that this is the main thing, well, seryoga, the devil knows, because i’m always tormented when there are new songs, i understand what they should sound like there are a lot of new songs, but then one or two of them are played, that’s how the show is in practice, you build concerts from some, so today we are playing, so to speak, we are playing mainly some songs that are already warm air from the roofs, excuse me, 30 years. people are still waiting for those songs that are at concerts, you start to impose on them, not everyone accepts this, so new songs are not always, so to speak, just like that right away, i understand what it is, well, since they are written, it means someone needs it, so what to do, the song must become old to be loved, now there is warm air from the roofs, a song by the group earring.
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the warm air from the roofs rises in the evening , you are standing in the entrance, a cigarette smoking in your hands. the warm air from the roofs is a plateau for our sins and glory, everyone can give at least a little love and warmth to others,
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dear. the breath from the roofs, this is what will save us all, you are standing in the entrance, the cigarette has died in your hand, the warm air has opened, it is for those who have been lonely for a long time, and with the death of nada, everyone can breathe in this night with me, a bundle of kindness. warm air from the roofs is payment,
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glory for our sins, everyone can give at least a little to others.
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on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different branches will march in the solemn march. and branches of the military, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine, and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great
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patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. it seems far away, the flanks are in vain. the russian army has opened up space for new successes in the ovdeevsky direction. exclusive from the spot. and life triumphs. easter, service in the cathedral
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of christ the savior. prayers of the patriarch and parishioners congratulating vladimir putin. from the front to the parade, the special operation participants who march along red square see their trophies in plain sight. from yugoslavia to donbass, the word about the fallen military corks in the church where their names will be immortalized will grow nearby cedar alley. the most popular action of the immortal regiment abroad and in russia in new formats, it’s easy to join, we’ll tell you exactly how. together, the best project of the first channel all over the world, your sms to the short number 7375, help for the wards of the house with a lighthouse foundation. so, the settlement of ocheretinov dpr, after several days of cleansing , was taken under full control, after. liberating avdeevka, he became key during our
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offensive. ocheretina and adjacent villages are an elongated ridge, from these dominant heights, the advance of russian troops creates an imminent threat to several ukrainian groups at once. firstly, advancing west towards pokrovsk, we go behind the southern fortified area of ​​the militants. secondly, when advancing north to konstantinovka and chasov yar, significant enemy forces may be completely cut off. these are just possible options, but let's get back to the main thing. ocheretina is ours: how military correspondents of the first channel evgeniy lyamin and alexey ivanov came in and were released in the reports with first-person stories and exclusive footage. third motorized rifle battalion of the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade liberated the north-eastern part of cheretin. third battalion antuvan forward, hurray, soldiers from the third battalion thirty-fifth. the brigades of the center group at that moment liberated
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not even part, but the entire village of ocheretina. these houses stand on a hill; such a daring foray, raising flags, was probably visible to the enemy. our heroic guys, as they admit, at that moment, had their blood boiling from the successful capture of another populated area. when you stood on this five-story building, you were like a target, practically, it is visible. they went out, as it were, waited for the moment when it calmed down, and turned around.
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the way to ocheredin is through the substation, and it was even harder to get there to the side, across the railroad to the kindergarten. to liberate control of the group, the center developed a whole strategic plan. we have never had such a situation where a battalion performed tasks on two directions. two companies worked in the north-eastern part, liberating the residential part, and two companies worked in forest plantations. come here, come on, carefully, carefully. move away from the tree a little, that’s how we smoked out the sniper with a shot from a grenade launcher,
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for each five-story building, which, especially on the edge, stood as if they were clinging to them, we knocked them out of there, then we created the conditions for the further advance of other units towards arkhangelsk and so on. in the queue, as it turned out, they were waiting for our military to arrive, can we say that the residents, in fact, who were in line, were waiting for us, our military, yes, they are very much even that. waited, they said so themselves, in in one of the houses there, so to speak, there were whole families, there was even such a moment that a grandson came up to us, well, my grandmother already said, in the last five-story building, which we cleared the next day and, one might say, united the family, the company commander with call sign , the poet was given an additional rank in march, the major distinguished himself in the battles for avgeevka, at the same time he was presented with a high state award, and at the foot of... steles at the saur grave memorial, the soldiers of atlanta were solemnly
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presented with medals of the battalion for ocheretin. battalion troika hero of russia mikhail petelin is already in the capital. he is a participant in the upcoming victory parade on red square and today, like his soldiers, he accepts congratulations on yet another tactical success. we will only continue to move forward. no matter how much we give it a chance, we won’t give it any chance at all . they are afraid and leave. they just give up their positions and come back. how to explain this? the onslaught of our units, which we will say, creates conditions favorable for our actions. soldiers from the third motorized rifle battalion. atlant group center liberated ovdeevka, orlovka, lastochkino, well, now after they have completely cleared the village of ocheretina from the enemy, they have time for a short rest, after which they will again go on combat missions, clearing the territory of donbass from the enemy. my colleague evgeniy lyamin
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will tell you about those who were the first to break into ucheretin, paving the way for other units. recalls the commander of the assault company, his unit was one of the first in line, almost the entire company flew in on armored personnel carriers, and accordingly the enemy was shocked because of such impudence, we liberated everything, all the forest stands, grabbed the edge of the gardens, so to speak, in front of the line with... in two directions we began to move slowly, already taking strong points within about a day, we had already approached directly to kocheretin. reserves began to be brought up to the armed forces, but they were already expected and destroyed either at the entrance or during the disembarkation. in my group, the task was set to go as a reconnaissance to the end of the dachas, to check
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to gain a foothold at a certain point. we reached the full composition of the group, established ourselves and we stood literally 70 meters from the enemy for almost five days, the enemy simply didn’t see us, we carefully entered, carefully entrenched ourselves and observed. when we went forward on command, the enemy did not expect that our assault detachment was so close, in the very outline of the armed forces of ukraine they tried to cling to houses, but they were knocked out, if not by the assault detachments, then by our artillery, here is footage from an arlan unmanned aerial vehicle, in one from the houses the enemy's supporter, everything is decided by one precise hit, a gun, the artillery of the center.
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germany, but our grandfathers, our state is theirs stopped, our red car stopped them, crushed them to the end, until victory, we will also crush them to the end and destroy neo-fascism, we tried to go very quickly, quickly, quickly, don’t stop, don’t stop, so we stormed, stormed while the enemy was a little - a slightly incomprehensible situation, they took a lot of prisoners, so the assault group approaches one of the oporniks, a dugout under the railway in a house nearby, a trench is tied up, they throw grenades, when they get closer they offer to lay down their weapons: weapons to everyone who remains alive, one of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers comes out with his hands raised, having surrendered, the ukrainian armed forces platoon commander, junior lieutenant koval, says that their battalion stood guarding the state border near belarus, was urgently transferred to ocheretino, immediately without preparation, did not even know the situation, they said, you’ll figure it out on the spot, an order came, it certainly looked,
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but to put it mildly, it was stupid, i didn’t want to carry it out, but an order is an order, to take up firing lines to defend the southeastern border. what a paradox there was, each post didn’t know where the other was, it was me, well, how i would be shocked, because i say, well, how do you have three posts there, there should have been six, there are three, and where who is, i don’t know, is cleaner on the team, apparently, the defense had already begun to crumble, some the units fled, we had to patch up the holes with newly arrived reserves who did not understand anything, i think that our superiors were told that everything was fine, the superiors. are successfully moving forward, in these shots there is a whole group of ukrainian armed forces soldiers who were defending one of the strong points, realizing that everything
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it was a foregone conclusion, they choose life, they surrender, raising their hands, it was clear that we are from here, well, we will not return, no one will leave here, because well... the second on the second or third day we already had the two hundredth and 200th, you already understand that, well, you’re here forever, but we’ll stay here, in such a situation, what does captivity mean to you? well, captivity is like surviving. the liberation of ocheretin was a breakthrough to a depth of over 10 km, occupying more and more new frontiers. after the liberation of this important settlement, which is located at a height that allows you to control everything around, the division of the group of troops to the center continues. move forward in the avdeevsky direction. evgeny lyamin, alexey ivanov, dmitry kachuri, nikita sebastyanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, irina chyuchu and sergey nashchekin, channel one, donbass. the hero of our first report, battalion combatant mikhail petelin, was among the special guests on poklonnaya hill in moscow today. the soldiers had just
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seen nato equipment and their trophies again from the front line. ahead are the celebrations of may 9 and marching in parade formation across red square. reportage oleg shishkin. at first, of course, they were embarrassed when strangers asked to be photographed as a souvenir, came up to shake hands and say thank you, and the boys lined up to try on a real tactical helmet. not heavy, no, a little heavy, a little heavy, yes, but hold on, hero of russia, holders of the order of courage at the exhibition of captured equipment, participants in a special military operation, battalion commander mikhail pitelin, who recently distinguished himself during the liberation of ocheretin, shows us how his fighters knocked out bradley in the zaporozhye direction, when the enemy launched an attack on our defensive lines. the rear part was hit in the side, the crew was hastily taken prisoner, in only one battle. the telans destroyed three of these bradley tanks, and the much-hyped american armored vehicles failed after the first accurate hit from a hand-held anti-tank
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grenade launcher. our troops show that russian equipment is invincible, nato equipment only burns well. and the commander of the t-90 tank, senior sergeant mahamad mahamedov, first of all approached the german leopard, all the time looking for a meeting with him on the battlefield and specially studying his weak points in order to hit him for sure. like anyone else. the leopard is generally huge, even a blind person will fall for it, a tanker, as they say, recognizes a tanker from afar, our conversation with
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the leopard is unexpectedly supported by one of the visitors to the exhibition, and my first university is a mechanic driver of a t-34 tank, but can you imagine, that was a long time ago , i congratulate you on the upcoming victory day, thank you very much, victory will be ours, it will definitely be ours. heroes of the northern military district came to moscow straight from the front line to participate in the victory day parade on red square. we have a lot of guys doing very great things, everyone seems worthy. but it so happened that they pulled me right out, as they say, from the trenches. and i didn’t expect it, they brought me and honestly i was even confused. hero of russia, alexander tkach distinguished himself during the liberation of avdeevka. his group recaptured an important height from the enemy. we had. 10, the enemy was about 30 people, 18 people managed to jump out,
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run out, left, so we took 10 people prisoner, well, the rest were unlucky. in the best of the best will march in the parade column of svo participants across red square. the story of each feat is worthy of a multi-page description. the guys without a shadow from brovada tell how they held on, fought with all their might, tried with all their might to complete the combat mission and survived, went out at night, entered the trench, destroyed the enemy, deployed the defense for 9 days, respectively, for 9 days we held the position for approach of the main forces, after completing the task , the assault platoon reached its own without losses, after that alexander will have dozens more such combat exits, you think for the group, for your comrade, he covers you, you cover him, once upon a time our ancestors fought in the same territory where we were now fighting. fascists, german-german occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, and a victory.


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