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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 6, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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on may 9, the weather is the same, the upcoming victory day may become the coldest in the last 25 years, according to forecasts +2 +7 north wind, snow and rain are possible, that’s all for now, the broadcast will continue the program, time will tell, on this high note we...
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bombings, arson and other sabotage, although kremlin agents have a long history of such operations have carried out sporadic attacks in europe in recent years, there is growing evidence of more aggressive concerted efforts, according to estimates from three different european countries, e.g. questions have arisen over an as yet unexplained explosion at the baiasystems plant in wales, which supplies ammunition used by ukraine. friday at a plant in berlin owned by the arms company deal, which also supplies weapons to ukraine.
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a strong fire broke out. one senior european government official said there was information coming through nato security services about russia's apparent persuasive schemes, which were being coordinated on a large scale. russia will learn from these attacks if it wants to to truly, in the future, paralyze europe. it's a drill,” said keyer giles, a senior fellow at the think tank chatham house. what is not a word is honey for the ears. finally.
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in propaganda, i don’t remember, now by authorship, american, two authors discovered, discovered this law, this is this rule, the rule says this: if you say something in a certain way, then later, it doesn’t matter whether it happened or not, because everyone who heard it will interpret it as referring to your own information, i will translate it into simple language, that is , this is the so-called cold waiting, that is, look what is lost, let’s say in the event nothing happened, there was no russia there for...
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that there will be no tower, it always moves away, the art of this technique is you you constantly raise the stakes, that is, the goal, there will be no goal, that is , constantly,
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financial times, maybe america is really preparing some kind of provocations in advance blaming the russians? yes, what we are worried about in this kind of statement is that they are writing that you are going to do something, okay, then regardless of whether we are accepted or not, this worries me in the fact that maybe there will be sabotage there, there will be, which means that the average person already thinks that we... were warned, so most likely the russians, and by the way, i am very i often explain that i’m not really a linguist, but the use of language is very important, and most often, when something happens at the very beginning, and if they know that you’re definitely not
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doing it, they write there, well, it’s kind of passive tax, deposit in russian, in my opinion.
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there will be an explosion much worse than an explosion, by the way, excuse me, by the way, about the explosion, here we are, which means that now from berlin from the studio , shrouded in black acrid smoke, there is a direct connection, but no, from rostock, because it’s farther from berlin, and rightly so, yes gregor spitson, political scientist and journalist from germany, gregor,
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hello, hello, studio, in fact, you are not far from the truth, just yesterday i was in berlin to see with my own eyes whether there was a black cloud there, whether there was a black cloud there, it turned out, in general, to berlin. quite a lot of substances that are not harmful, let’s say, for human health, like sulfur acid and copper cionide, and what kind of plant is it then, well, look, the plant - the plant really belongs to the del group, it is a company headquartered in nuremberg, which
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makes, actually produces products for the airline industry, for the automotive industry , including high-tech military products, but with all this , the press secretary of the group said that it was at this plant in berlin that they produced exclusively cars, auto parts, that is , materials for cars, so rumors that supposedly because of this fire there will be the entire technological chain will be interrupted , the production of rocket complexes will be disrupted, that’s what i thought, but please tell me, gregor, there is information about what’s there right next to this... a gasoline canister with the russian tricolor was found, no, well and okay, i’m kidding, please tell me, well, no, some, some kind of russian trace there, so to speak, they offer us intrusively or not, they’ll launch a meme, at least there are russian matches there, tell me, honestly, i really
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i was very surprised when i read the situation about the russian trace in such a once respected newspaper as the british financial times, because in general it is more likely, you know, food for the tabloids, like build or... therefore, therefore, i would not immediately blame everything on russian agents, because that again, there
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is insurance fraud and the inability to fulfill a defense-industrial order, for example, and just the usual bungling, which is also present in germany, of course, it’s important here, you know, gregor, thank you, let’s do it again let's just emphasize it is clear that the media there, ours, well , anyone there, they will of course speculate on the fact that this plant was part of a truly gigantic corporation, which really... also produces arist, but this enterprise itself has nothing to do with production of these systems does not exist, right? exactly like that, exactly like that, absolutely, but there is no reason not to trust the management of the company itself, which , in general, to concentrate such a serious high-tech production in the center of berlin, in fact, is quite strange, usually, weapons would still be produced at , let's say, more closed enterprises in other regions, excuse me, please, this is just... note, guys, you don't need to tinker with the plant, joke, humor, humor, gregor, and we
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disagreed a little here in the studio - that such publications as financial times, when let’s blame the russians for everything in advance, sergei nikolaevich and toli say that in fact they will blame the russians, but there will be no events themselves, i believe that and there will be new creaks, and there will be new northern streams, there will be factories burn, so what do you think, that is, will it come to the point that there will actually be some kind of provocations, which they have already accused of in advance? russians, you know, each - each subsequent case becomes even more anecdotal than the previous one, more and more reminiscent of a farce, therefore, after the situation with sabotage on the nord streams, for example, in dialogues with ordinary germans who received higher education, who ask the right questions, you know, they are already very skeptical about the russian trace, that you know, wherever you look, everywhere putin, russian ears are sticking out everywhere, the russians are to blame for everything.
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in general, yes, thank you very much gregor, gregor spittan was with us, in my opinion, very well, maybe to gregor, yes, well, now i’ll introduce, this is gregor spittan, a political scientist, journalist from germany, from the city of rostock, yes, please look, just an answer to gregor’s question, that such a reputable newspaper as the financial times publishes such unverified information, i want to tell you that the time is now, that now there are no yellow newspapers or non-yellow newspapers, now all newspapers yellow, why, well, because any reputable newspaper can easily reprint without proof.
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a reputable newspaper that cannot afford itself, where there is a deep investigative department, where, so to speak, we really dig to the last detail, all these famous american blockbusters, where the journalist pushes the material for a long time, now there are no such newspapers, now all newspapers, that is, now are reputable newspapers are jealous of yellow newspapers, because in yellow newspapers no matter what they write, so to speak. and by the way, don’t be mad at me, new york times, earlier, this is like a standard for us
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some, maybe, lately everything i see is about attracting, as we say, pupils, which means the profit of the oligarchs, the owners of all these publications, they are richer, they do better, if there is as much as possible . such news in general, because if a person reads, well, i can’t say it ’s even bad, yes, but if they write, that’s very good. stock market, unemployment, at its lowest level, your salaries, higher, higher, yes, terrible interest, yes, no one will watch, no one will read everything, the most important thing lately, and if we publish it, then millions of people will actually read it, and there’s
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advertising, the yellow press rules now, see how amazed they look, it was a long time ago, she’s alive, i collected them in cuba, i to what, i mean, of course, well, here we need to narrow this general formula a little bit, that newspapers there want to write bad news in order to attract attention, this is all true, yes, but it may not be just any bad news, not any bad news, bad news, bad news that fits into the general trend,
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as if into the general trend of the modern, modern world, modern, well, as if into the current flow, so to speak, and so on, is not easy. not every bad news will attract, that's when you have, so to speak, you have, why did i remember about angela davis, i thought, now i should write good news about angela davis, like you know, she eats regularly, a normal woman, all that , of course, why wouldn’t anyone be interested in this, and if you write bad news about her, then that’s the same no one is interested, but about russia, i repeat, it still touches some chord, this is important, not every bad news attracts me to the fact that a large number of people, no, this is important, of course there is a certain list of what is relevant. how the news multiplies in the minds, of course, this is a very important point, how the news
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attracts what number, so to speak, of the audience, how many likes or dislikes it will receive in the end, of course, well, yes.
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it’s important for us not to fall into this same situation, so to speak, but it’s a good question, a question good, it’s just not possible to ignore it, it’s not possible to brush aside some kind of conspiracy theory, here you are right, thank you very much, now we’ll try to answer this question for you, and the most important thing for ourselves, so - i’d expand it a little, about boging, yes , we all heard, yes, that’s how the problems started there, there is an opinion, so to speak, that the problems, including those related to boeing’s sanctions against russia and russia’s counter-sanctions against boeing, before everything was like that, well, together prev
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the approach also somehow suddenly died, well it turned out that one was hit by a bus, another was also hit by the same bus, a bus, and a third by the same bus, on the third circle, well, this is how i cut it, of course, jeffrey epstein, listen, the most famous, so to speak, figure with a minus sign in recent years, yes, scandalous, he also died suddenly, completely incomprehensibly, with it turned off...
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as if it were an accident that all the cells there, all the cells in the prison, a moment there to the side for 2 hours, everyone had to, i’m sure they removed it, but we know, i understand that in russia it’s clinton, but by the way trump is a great friend, greatest friend, we have a lot of pictures there when in new york in the nineties, because...
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the companies of a large russian oil company, when the americans introduced sanctions, they were government sanctions, but in theory they did not apply to private companies , and this friend of mine, we met him one day, he tells me, listen, well, there’s that one there, i say, well, wait a minute, but this, this, this doesn’t concern you at all, you, you have contacts and contracts with private companies, he says, buddy, that’s it everyone just took a stand and went to do it,
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this is a fact, so... then , accordingly, we must draw an absolute conclusion: if a private company is used as an instrument in the form of destroying the undesirables, who leak corporate lies, who cover up lies, who cover up a violation of the technological process in the same boeing, or there was a violation there, there were a lot of scandals on google, and the guy blurted out something, said: “i know how google did something there, software, hoba, and the guy too disappeared and they’re fired.” that is, in other words, in america it is completely calm, normal, the instrument of destruction under the guise of special cases, under the guise of some secret accidents, is a natural tool for managing these processes, where the company has given up the slack, where the state has given up the slack. why? i, because i am absolutely sure that the american state, if we remove corporations, is also
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completely normal, all these mysteries are american. state carriage, all these inappropriate politicians, all these attacks on the president in the usa, still with kennedy they can’t figure it out, the bullets, they shot, they didn’t shoot, who ordered it, that is, in other words, the instrument of destruction is rolling out in america, that’s the most offensive thing we started with, here’s sergei nikolaevich, no one says, washington has a long history of similar operations, but they write about the kremlin like this, you see, no one says that it’s like washington and biden are to blame, the kremlin and putin are to blame everywhere.
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some kind of private matter, yes, private, private corporation, yes, here of course, yes, the swedes are of course the greatest delight, who completed their investigation, went to the briefing, said, we completed the investigation, yes, yes, but who did it, we don’t know who did it, we can only say one thing for sure, the swedes did not participate in this, that’s it, they closed the doors , goodbye, and it’s over, well, fantastic, the most interesting thing, stefan is with us today, stefan
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abert, political scientist. from the usa, i want to give stefan a fragment of the publication of the german edition of spiegel, although it is german, it is about the americans. let's read it, please. for several months there have been rumors that if we join the democratic party in august, joe biden will announce his resignation with a sweeping gesture and propose michelle obama in his place. when information recently emerged that the obamas were calling on the president not to run again, michelle said that it was completely...
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this was talked about, because i know michelle, she's not like that, she's not clinton, hillary, she, in my opinion, she's very an intelligent, calm woman, by the way, white, but a woman hillary clinton, hillary clinton, who is terribly
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offended by trump, by russia, and so on, in general, it would just be there, but if it is, i’m not just suggesting it, but just so to speak, i’m fantasizing about it.
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it still means, for example, if he loses, he will lose due to the fact that he seems to support, the israeli issue becomes the most important factor, if we say the key factor in american politics, in the last elections, in fact, about 80% of them,
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it impossible due to two factors, a woman and a black woman, as he said, that’s it, we are making biden again the only probability and i don’t know some perfect one, something completely unimaginable, but shouldn’t we elect a president there, i don’t know, they also say zelensky, okay, biden, but everything will be fine, thank you friends, thank you very much for your attention, see you soon on the air, goodbye, in fact, this is where they found him, at first they thought he was drunk, but here it is...
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the most famous british fascist, oswald mosley, at the age of 22, became the youngest member of the english parliament. following muusolini , mosley declared great britain the heir to great rome, which sounded wild, but he did not even notice it. after finishing the second world war french. it was they who helped
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many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid publicity of the monstrous crimes of the german fascists. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. today on the first. in a day. victory on the first, i always act in everything in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hits on tanks, i killed five dozen before the army, play a double game, and if i told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say, and fool the girls’ heads, she’s the only one, i understand, there is no other like her and there won’t be, every intelligence officer knows how, they will lead me to the monastery, don’t be scared, dear, we are ours,
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all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans , what i taught you, well done, daredevils, scouts for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, saboteur may 9, on the first and remember, in an extreme situation instinct will always tell you the right decision, but whoever doesn’t, it means he didn’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, they spotted it, don’t, please, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you, no need, please, car, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start
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a radio game with the russians, square 19:23, wait for transport 0 hours , one mile from the coastline, answer, to fulfillment we started, there is, it worked, your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire on the line, ours are there, these are our defenses and they broke through, also , apparently, wounded red army soldiers, on the day of victory on the first. this year we
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celebrate the anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. for me , the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. a great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when the most terrible gods existed. manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which tiger, where are you now, friends, when i leave as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the young ones who have now taken their place,
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low bow to you guys, i fought bravely, i was born and raised in the donbass, my... great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me this is, first of all, a memory , a great honor, this is victory day, victory day, a festive evening on may 9th on the first , the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, the belgorod region is under attack by ukrainian satanists, this morning the ukrainian... two civilian buses were attacked near the village of berezovka , belgorod region, there are deaths at the moment the regional ministry of health has confirmed the death of six people, according to preliminary data there is one more dead, information now it is being clarified, 40 people were injured, among them three children, all of them were taken to the hospital, they
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are receiving the necessary assistance, but already in the afternoon the ukrainian satanists attacked again the place of its first morning strike. it was at that moment when rescuers were there that, according to preliminary information, one person suffered a shrapnel wound to his leg. yesterday our ministry of defense announced the liberation of the village of ocheretina. this time it's official. the queue is located west of avdeevka. it was this that was supposed to become a new defense unit for the ukrainian army. after the ssu was driven out of avdeevka, this line of defense has now been broken through by the russian army. about what is there now is happening.
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this was confirmed by the ukrainian side themselves; they themselves confirmed that russian troops reached the administrative borders of ocheretin and also advanced near the settlements of novopokrovskaya, umanskaya, pervomaiskaya in krasnogorovka, that is, our guys are moving forward at some brutal pace, a week ago before my the city of mirnograd was 22 km, now this distance is 19.5. can you imagine how much our guys did, well, for me it’s worth a lot, they liberated arkhangelsk, ahead novopokrovskoe, this is all along the highway that leads to the most powerful railway junction, which is located in pokrovsk, the fact that they planned to withdraw the ukrainian
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troops and there would be a powerful defense that russian troops would not be able to break through, well, we see that very quickly after. .. the same route that leads, well, here is the nitailov line, karlovka, it’s also to the side the story is now happening on parallel to pokrovsk, that is, on both sides, in nitailovo there are also some successes, but we know the assault actions, happiness loves silence, this it’s a normal situation when some positions change hands, so we keep our fingers crossed for our attack aircraft, i know that there are successes there, and i think when... they consolidate this success, they will also talk about their victories, that is, how they are moving -at an incredible pace in this direction, and of course the defense is crumbling there, and where, according to the ukrainian military commanders , the russian troops can hide, they are building defensive lines in the selidov area, but
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i don’t think that they didn’t have time to set up something super strategic there, for example, pokrovsk , i think, we are a little stubborn, but... the way the guys were inspired after the attack is inspiring, perhaps these cities will fall very quickly, thank you very much in other directions, in gorlovsky, yes, continue, even in gorlovsky, briefly, if possible, also about others direction, in the direction of novobakhmutovka they took, of course the most difficult battles are going on meter by meter, literally the guys are biting into the fortified areas, there is a very long distance of the field. everything is mined, but nevertheless there are some successes there, so the guys are great, they are moving forward and somehow gigantic, thank you very much, war correspondent elena sokolova was in direct contact with us.
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nuclear weapons, the exercises are being prepared on behalf of our president, in response to provocative statements of threats from the west against russia, the exercises will take place in the very near future. well, when it comes to threats, they immediately come to mind many times. over time, nothing can be ruled out; we are doing everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. many who
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say never, never today are the same people who 2 years ago said: never, never, tanks, never, never airplanes, never longer-range missiles. well , last week, the head of the uk, david cameron, said that ukraine has every right to strike the british. weapons against targets on russian territory, well, we remember, rewinding, including the statement of former british prime minister elizabeth thrus, who said that she was ready to use nuclear weapons against russia, being, yes, that means, the british foreign secretary, she said, that i'm ready for this, her hand will not tremble, so please explain to us the statement of the west that the troops are aggressive against us in the water, information appears. that the french foreign legion is already on the territory of ukraine, but at least the first 100 people, there is already the first fire contact with our paratroopers,
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such reports are coming in, they are not official yet, but nevertheless, in response, our president orders an exercise using, or rather not even with the use, with the imitation of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, but, as far as i know, this is called, what does it mean, to whom are we sending a signal, well... actually, of course, we have already crossed the next phase of the conflict, because the foreign region, i emphasize for all our sootics, is a regular french military unit, regular, this is nothing not mercenaries, there is no need to buy into the name foreign legion, it is simply staffed from the point of view of ordinary personnel, only ordinary personnel, i emphasize, but people from abroad, but this unit is subordinate personally to the president of france, these are 90 people, elite units of special forces operations, of which there is a very... chronic list, they even managed to take part in the crimean war in the 19th century, in this regard , yes, indeed, when they were abandoned,
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as i understand, by order of france, from the population of the fifty-fourth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the slavyansk region, they came into fire contact, i also read the messages of our servicemen, that indeed, from the handwriting, it is obvious to me why, and from the complexity of the battle, it immediately became clear that we were dealing with regular nato units, that is, these were not mercenaries. .. active with appropriate support, very competently moving around the terrain, they have been preparing for this for a long time, what they had undergone exercises in france with exactly that, what they have now begun to do on our territory, in response to our exercises, what does this mean, how are these the exercises will look like, and most importantly, probably worries many, what does an exercise on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons mean, can you tell us? no, not strategic, these are tactical nuclear weapons, let me remind you that, in fact, the territory of russia is now in state of occupation, because the territory
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of the dnl, ​​dpr, lpr, naturally, and the kherson region, zaporozhye, this is territory, this is the sovereign territory of russia, accordingly, the president, according to the constitution, has all the rights to use nuclear weapons in general, because in this case we not just attacked, part of our territory is occupied, he is the guarantor of our borders, being president, commander in chief, that’s simple. his good will, endless signals that send to the west that we don’t want this, but now the west has recreated the entente, let me remind you to you that it is recognized in the north officially, this legal entity of the entente, is recognized by the decision of cameron and stephen sejournay, they made a corresponding statement through the british press, the telegraph, the entente was an occupying force that operated in the same steppes 120 years ago, and we again moved to the same logic, accordingly we can use tactical, tactical, i emphasize nuclear weapons on... there are places of deployment of foreign military personnel, this is not nato, this is precisely france, precisely great britain, again we are somewhat
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hysterical, let’s not confuse this with nato, nato - articles 3.5 of the nato collective agreement. use from the iskander trk, we can use x-series missiles from launch, there , accordingly, x of the broadest classification x101, all wood from x101, which will accordingly allow air-to-surface launches, we can use hypersonic weapons, naturally, both dagger and ship-based hypersonic weapons , whose
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range is one and a half and 2.0 km not less, we... are actually unlimited in the possibilities of using any type of medium, what is called a medium -range class of ballistic missiles, and well , in fact, tornadoes can also use other means of missile defense systems that allow the installation of nuclear warheads, i remind you that in addition to hard radiation there are no special facts when using tactical nuclear weapons, there are no factors of a nuclear explosion, and there is no long-term radioactive contamination of the area, so they are afraid that the area will become unsuitable for... not it has to be, the most important thing here is that in the west dmitry georgievich will see this, how will they interpret this signal? well, when, let’s say, a year ago in this studio there were questions about why, why, western propaganda with the participation of officials of certain countries is creating such an image of an evil empire from russia, well, here in the studio we answered,
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what is this for? necessary in order to open doors for new revolutions.
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do you understand practicing nuclear strikes on russia? we are working out, they will tell their citizens, taxpayers, but we are doing exactly that and we do that we know that a russia has a nuclear arsenal, b russia has new developments of various promising types of weapons, c russia has invaded the territory of ukraine.
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how serious is this step in our president’s decision to conduct such exercises against the backdrop of aggressive statements by macron and some other western leaders? you know, a very serious step, this is, let’s say, one of, probably, our last red lines, recently the west declared that there are two red lines for nato’s direct intervention in the ukrainian conflict is if suddenly the defense completely collapses, and if suddenly russia commits some kind of provocation, like this... the fall of a ukrainian missile on a polish tractor, that is, there is again a fooling of its own population, from our side this is a very clear signal, guys, you you can do a lot of nasty things to russia, you can tell a lot that russia is bad, but there is a specific red line, if you cross it, then we are ready to use nuclear weapons, but those who are not visible know what they think that means
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the red line can be somehow rubbed, but if something happens, the point... return it with an eraser , correct it, put a comma, how far can they go, how will they react to this, you know, talk about forecasts, what is he capable of? here is a collective absolutely crazy intelligence that says: now we are one more step, one more step, analysts say: guys, this is war, no, what are you talking about, this is just another step, that is, just one more step with point of view, it could lead to
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the third world war, on this note we let's go to advertising, and then we'll come back and explain why all this is happening. solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, who unexpectedly approved the allocation. evangelical baptist, he considers himself chosen, there is a divine need to transfer these weapons to ukraine, this is a quote from him, he changed his position
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with trump, what influenced them? conversation in the oval office, which was attended by william perse, director of the cia. during this conversation, mike johnson somehow turned pale, there could have been incriminating evidence, he was accepted into capa sigma. in order to become your own, you need to beat a goose to death, well done! advanced, you can go to the next level, zelensky’s group was looking for approaches to donald trump, found it through johnson, he first had his adherents, his own secret society, a devout maniac-pervert, the usa is the only country in the world founded by a symbol of faith, ideologically inclined to continue to fight, position themselves as enemy of russia, step by step they are moving towards unleashing the third world war, it will be nuclear, weak mike made another goose.
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on may 9, after the program , i was satisfied with the ruins of the richstag, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they
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will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of hospice or bagadil, you can have an autograph, i have admired you since my youth, an autograph. anna evseeva, actress, and her relatives give double bet, femme fatale, i would say bitch, but you are a believer, a lifelong atheist, and in general there is nowhere to leave samples, again for the old one, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, they decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, yeah, i i’ll hop into your limousine and we’ll go to europe, if your mother... at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse , oh, daydreaming, animator on may 10 at the first, and you
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know that anime is the soul of latin, premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on first. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenessey river, which is great for fishing, is very beautiful in winter, especially when it turns into an incredible fairy tale. to date , i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions.
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will now call on even those infected with hiv, those suffering from tuberculosis, hepatitis, as well as the deaf and even cancer patients, the most important thing is that death was suitable. residents of ukraine, while in such conditions, are in no hurry to return to fight ; they certainly do not want to return from other countries, this is what the washington post writes about these sentiments. as ukraine desperately needs soldiers to bolster its crumbling defenses against the russian invasion, the ukrainian embassy.
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those who live abroad for 60 years must register with the military, so passport offices already 2 weeks ago stopped issuing german documents to ukrainians in replacement of their national passports and are calling on them come back home. germany should think about how it can help ukraine recruit enough personnel for the army, it is important to support ukraine's defense readiness. even the most stubborn ukrainian nazis are shocked by the situation with the replenishment of the ranks in the armed forces of ukraine, this is what the former head of the ministry of internal affairs declares
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an impulse to ukrainian society, who can now betray, are volunteers, so motivated in quotes, capable of changing the situation at the front? the situation at the front, of course, they are not able to change rossinov stanislavovich, no matter what they did, for a number of reasons, completely objective, from the lack of shells, which they physically do not have, to absolutely any preparation regarding the contingent that they send to war like cattle , including simply the volume of those unfortunates whom they...
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avoided with their feet, only those who prefer to endure remain, but in order to save the remnants of the ukrainian nation, in my opinion, this may sound paradoxical, we must increase fire pressure on their positions, make it impossible for them resistance to break. completely their logistics lines of supply and communication, that is, to bring them to a state of starvation , in fact, the impossibility of continuing action on the front line, and for starters, so that... when they regularly engage with the ukrainians, then such turmoil will begin in ukraine, we will have including regarding the poles, who this is
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a certain opportunity to quickly end the conflict, without moving on to even more decisive arguments of the same nature that we talked about in the first part of the program. by the way, oddly enough, it seems to me that this scenario appears. additional opportunity, they think that they will now grab in poland and other european countries those who are more active, will come and die, and they are precisely because they are more active, they ran away and if they are forced to return here, they this will not be forgiven, they will be precisely that element, more active and more active, who are not so much confused by today’s ukrainian propaganda, being in europe, they are still have seen various other propaganda, they may be this gochim.
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always reflects, strives to reflect the interests of the popular majority, the popular majority never completely succeeds in fascisizing, even hitler, despite all his opportunities, failed to achieve victories, and these victories, it would seem, should serve as a clear confirmation of the effectiveness of nazi ideology, nevertheless, part of german society turned out to be internally capable of resisting, zelensky is now completely copying hitler, it turns out, well, the scale of course not the same one, i...
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ideas in the underground in ukraine, because they are a priori supporters of the friendship of peoples, they are a priori supporters of the unity of our space, the space that was part of the union of soviet socialist republics, this is the fight against communism in ukraine today , this is a form of russophobia for her too, and this is all absolutely organic for the nazi regime, it is impossible to completely ukrainize the population of ukraine, tear it away from russia, powder its brains, if not combine...
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the poorest country, so to speak, in europe and such a battlefield between the west and russia, a training ground, and this situation apparently suits many people in ukraine, but kiev is trying to impose on the residents of many ukrainian-controlled territories that nothing terrible
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is happening in the country at all now, everything is going on as usual, and for example , this is what ukrainian journalists write about the reduction of the ukrainian population, there is no need to be afraid of what we have in...
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the globalists, but what needs to happen for such self-destruction to the joy of all this , the instinct of self-preservation of ukraine awakens as nation, you know, i think there should be a victory for russia in the northern military district, because genocide of the population occurs not only in war, genocide occurs along the line of big farm against the ukrainians. they are still testing medicines, testing vaccines, and this is ukrainian data, this is a representative office of the fizer company, the mrna vaccination for children caused, against covid, caused 4-5% mortality, that is, out of 100 children, four or five necessarily died, but that’s not all, because the mrna vaccines, now here are the american data, this is a completely terrible ecology, the generation itself the ukrainian case, which was instilled in its mass, is doomed. experiments are going on, let’s say, in the social sphere, that’s what they say,
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we have a lot of territories, let there be even fewer people, you know, this is absolute stupidity, you can say it there, well, i’ll be the only owner there in the taiga, and what next , what will you do there in the taiga, if there is no normal society, this is precisely the main step towards the destruction of the population, why does the west need this, it needs land, now it’s like the western media, this is... weather analytics , that is, the west awaits megadrought for the next 50 and so on years, what does this mean? yes, this means that the economy is changing, the area that used to give a good harvest is turning into a desert or semi-desert, and there are absolutely terrible migration flows, where to put them, here it is ukraine, let's liberate it, there is black soil there and so on, naturally we give them a carrot, here you go, guys, to our bright european union... the nato future, how many of you will reach, but this is not a problem, there will be few of you, but you will be absolutely happy, but why are they then
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they are poisoning this land, including with shells connected by uranium, why then do they completely mine it all? look, what is the general decision-making regime of the west, against russia and so on, there is no personal responsibility, all responsibility is collective, and moreover , the collective is attributed to experts to experts, these machines and programs, that is, the official is not specifically responsible: for unleashing some kind of, say, bacteriological warfare, he has a recommendation, the expert advised me, it is necessary use this type of weapon, let's use weapons with combined uranium, let's do it, because these are recommendations, there is no personal responsibility, they have chaos, you know, there is no general line, what is the general trend, yes , we will occupy these territories, in what condition will we get it , but what difference does it make, the globalists now generally talk about how they think the problem of the heads is to reduce the population, yes. in 2009, the belderbey club at its meeting stated that the main problem
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of the population, from then there were 7 billion, we need not more than two, then the figure was reduced to 500 million, it was said 2 years ago at the forum in davos that the earth should not have more than 500 million people, then we will definitely live, naturally ukraine is not included in these plans, even if they are all disappear, in the west they will say, well, bad luck, the carrots seemed quite pleasant. but you didn't get there, you're out of luck. dmitry gorgievich, i’m a small supporter of the conspiracy theory, but if we compare just their statement, they are on a forum in the house of schwab’s class, themselves they talk about this as soon as you discuss their statement, and the conspiracy theory was raised again, why do they themselves firstly, larry fink is lying, lying, he is throwing a dead cat, why, because practice is the criterion of truth, china has abandoned the policy of reducing the birth rate, this gives good results. moreover, they refused for a reason, not because someone wanted it, but because economic trends showed that they need
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to abandon this, the more population, the more confident the country will feel in 10, 20, 30 years, that's why they are following this path in the united states, on the other hand there is an opponent of china, so they shout, scream, fight within themselves at the political level about the migration issue, but they still accept migrants, because they still believe that large numbers... in in this case , the population figures, which they expect to somehow digest and adapt to their needs on their own territory, are also important in the conditions of growing competition with different countries, including greater china, the united states also needs a large population, and so then the traditional population, the white population of america, well, they don’t very often have large families, frankly speaking, well, finally, they don’t really make such statements on their internal platforms, so they elected, they chose dovoz in order to... such a statement, it all shows, indicates
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what goals the american political elite is going to achieve outside its country, and regardless of who will be in power tomorrow. a very tough dispute between globalists and nationalists, what does it consist of: some are in favor of interfering further, the more problems the united states has, the more further it interferes in affairs around the world, there is no position in the position of globalists, there is no position in the position of nationalists, you need to focus on solving your own problems, concentrate, but both of them are for the world to be like as much chaos as possible, as much chaos as possible, nationalists are also for this and are also ready to add more, throw logs into the fire into the fire. any conflicts, they are simply in favor of improving the economy, taking care of the backyard of latin america, and so on, but each of them is for the blaze outside the usa to be as strong as possible, especially since the nationalists do not consider options to go somewhere, build a new paradise for themselves in australia, and so on, they will cling to the usa, unlike global capital, which may still have some
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options, so we must understand here that the world is entering a period of large, acute conflicts. ukrainian conflicts in the middle east will not be the only ones; the body of taiwan is not removed from the agenda, this once again emphasizes how dangerous is the situation of washington’s behavior, literally two more words, so that on this note it’s hard not to end this part of my speech, it means that this is where the hope lies, just for the month of april, just for the month of april, two countries - this is sri lanka , and its population is twice as large as belarus and colombia, which would be impossible to imagine. 5-10 years ago they announced their desire to join brix, so in response to these threats, a world majority is being assembled that intends to prevent these threats. that's all, really, what is happening, this is such a struggle for survival, and ukraine, in fact, this has become such a starting point, and this once again proves the need to carry out, correctly, a special military operation, because if you close your eyes to the destruction of
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the entire ukrainian population, then the next one ? the next one, accordingly, look, alexander, this, this is an act of mercy is relative. ukrainian nation, because everything must be considered within the framework of the speech of the supreme. the supreme one spoke correctly, we have three unities, three great slavic people superethnos. by killing ukrainians, they are killing our superethnos, there are very few of us on earth anyway, they are destroying us, we are eating our own tail, they fully intend to do this, because we just had a conversation with klyusov, one of the largest geneticists on the planet , now we will again see you, he says correctly, the group r1 a1a kills, this is our slavic group. experiments conducted by darpa, the pentagon's innovative weapons department, they test how much the human body resistant, that is, capable of resisting radiation in small doses, these are the diabolical experiments that are now being carried out on ukrainians, that’s why they contaminate
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the earth, among other things, so that you just know how these experiments will end, the experiments will end with the fact that they can come from our biomaterial to the conclusion that some part of society, as in its time, when there was pneumonic plague, pneumonic plague could no longer be cured, it’s just that we are all descendants of those who are artificially immune to pneumonic plague, and if it came back for those people, which are not would die, again 3/4 of europe would die out, they don’t have time to treat it, we’re just all naturally immune, perhaps radiation in small doses, as the pentagon says, or maybe the human body can tolerate it, but i hope that we will not test this in our own skin, let the americans test this on their own. olesya raised the topic of the goals of the special military operation, that it could not be otherwise, this is understood not only in our country, but in the west, there are adequate people who look at russia as, probably, noevcheg, who saves traditional civilization from this obscurantism that the west offers, and those western citizens who have visited our country see that we are not looking for
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enemies in people either from the united states or from the european union, despite all that evil, which their government inflicts on our... country, but we won’t give up ours to them either, just listen to what the american blogger says, who visited the exhibition of captured nato equipment on poklonnaya hill in moscow. looks like nato has finally entered moscow, but i don't think they intended to do this way. this is absolute trolling, this is absolutely funny, all this equipment, knocked out , was captured here in moscow and displayed. victory parks, which makes it even more fun. and look at me, i'm an american speaking english among thousands of people and no one seems to care, maybe, just maybe, it's because these people are not our enemies. well, now we are looking forward to
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reviews from german and french bloggers. a short advert and we'll be back. what did this nazarov know that he was so brutally torment, i will find this one. according to the laws of war , watch new episodes after the program time. uncle egor, i saw how svetlana petrovna was loaded into a car by two men with pistols and drove away. the most famous british fascist oswald mosley at 22 years old. became the youngest member of the english parliament. following muusolini, mosley declared great britain the heir to great rome, which
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sounded wild, but he did not even notice it. after the end of the second world war, the french, at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. a whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big question. it was they who helped many nazis escape responsibility and... they tried with all their might to avoid exposure to the monstrous crimes of the german fascists. premiere, ordinary fascism 2. today on the first. on the day of victory on the first. i always take the shortest route in everything, directly and rudely. shoot without missing. i confirm a hit on the tanks. even before the army, i was knocking out 55. play a double game, and if you told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then? well, you didn’t say so, and fool girls' heads, she is the only one, i understand,
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there is no other like her and there will not be, every intelligence officer knows how, they will lead me to the monastery, don't be too scared, we can only choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, why do i need you teaching? oh, well done, daredevils, scouts, for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are firmly in the limelight, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, saboteur may 9 , at first, don’t remember, in extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but if it doesn’t, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the day of victory in the first... hold the car, commander calmly, romeo, calmly, let’s sit down, attention, earth, well done, guy, commander, only old men are going into battle, may 9,
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after the test program, guys, we will live. on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. for me, the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. great a song that alexander vach alexandrov wrote when the worst things happened.
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that is, my grandfather was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you friends now, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, they are heroes, who gave us life. these are the young ones who have now taken their places, low bow to you guys, this is my grandfather, he fought for his homeland with dignity, i was born and raised in donbass, my great-grandfather was awarded twice a medal for courage, for me this is , first of all, a great honor for memory, this is victory day, victory day, the festive evening of may 9 on the first, the heaviest floods in... this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin
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when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, on wednesday on the first. our ministry of defense showed footage of the destruction of an unmanned ukrainian boat by a k-27 helicopter. i understand that these are stills from sevastopol again. there was an attempt to attack the sevastopol roadstead, where our military ships are located, but they did not succeed, and i would like to say, of course, for sevastopol we will also answer, as in general, for our history, the historical memory that you are trying to rewrite, the project team we alive drove through the military memorials of the lugansk republic, for victory day they are repairing monuments to the heroes of the great patriotic war and memorials to the heroes of the russian spring, a monument to kambat was erected near lugansk on that
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the very place where the youngest accomplished the feat... political instructor alexey eryumenko with a legendary photograph. what meaning does all this have for us today? look in the story. he is a political instructor, but baptized as a battalion commander, facing death at full height, he took a step and became an alarm bell, a call to hold on to his post.
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the red rocket fires, don’t tire the svetmulerev, and that means we need one victory, we won’t stand alone over everyone at a price, one above everyone, we pay tribute to the feat of our ancestors, who fought for their homeland, defended their homeland, we will also fight with dignity in donetsk direction.
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solidar, artyomovsk, dangerous, bogdanovka. and just like that, those with more years of service could, in principle, retire in 2 weeks at dember. i will work with young people. i have the moscow regional foundation, hero of the soviet union, gold stars. i will fight with this. do you often stay here? i often stop when i'm driving. this is my homeland. i came here to see this monument as a child. and to krasnodon. we went, so that’s it, this is our history, history must be considered, you have already said that you come from these places, and even in this park, which is now called
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there were heroes of donbass. more than once, i can imagine, yes, yes, i have relatives living here, my sister, now we are coming to the heroes of donbass square, where the young guard is putting things in order for victory day, we will paint, bring, here it is, they are already painting, yeah, now let’s come closer, get to know the guys, i won’t distract you if we talk a little, at the same time. they just said that quite recently the young guard was formed in slavyanoserbsk, and you are immediately in the forefront, yes, why? well, the young guard is a very interesting organization for us, where we can splash out our energy, help our village, we have a very small village, we have nowhere to go for a walk, spend our free time, and this park has become so new for us.
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we are trying for ourselves, we are now in a park called the hero’s breath, or something, and we are making it more beautiful and donbass, if we talk about the heroes of donbass, who is that for you? well, kombat, for example, i consider him a hero of donbass, people who are now fighting. svo, in our school there are children whose fathers participated in svo, who written off, many people whose relatives died. well, i, too, consider them heroes
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, you can already, yes, you can approach, everything has already been checked, there are no mines that right in front of the monument there could still be an area that is still dangerous, there are dangerous objects. albeit small, but they will be, so you must show up, now, what are you going to do, put things in order here now, put things in order in front of the monument, for now whitewash it, well, i think, yes by may 9, so that it’s ready, for you personally this is what it means has to participate in such a good cause, well this is a tribute to the memory of our grandfathers who fought in defense of our homeland. all we know about semyon vasilyevich shepotkin is that he died in 1943 and liberated the village of shirokina. if our program is watched by the hero's relatives,
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please respond. we also appeal to everyone who can help restore the monument to the memory of semyon vasilyevich. write to us. the email address of the project is “we are alive”, now on your screens. i wish you good health, here you have almost finished all the work, yes, yes, we are finishing almost all of it, it was all damaged by shrapnel, no, it was the field, they specially stopped here in this area and shot, they couldn’t move the people into them, they were trying to do so at the expense of the monument. somehow win, and i see, you found a lot of things there, yes, here are mine hosts, and here are the guys, engineers, sappers
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working, finding everything, everything is dotted, so to speak, everywhere, all the fields are ukrainian, these cities, now it ’s probably not just one year, not even 10 years, they’ll get all this, i feel sorry for the ordinary people most of all. which suits grandma there, she has some kind of shank sticking out in her garden, just people have become hostages of such a situation, and where are you from here, from the urals, you came here from afar to carry out your tasks here, well, when i was coming here, i could imagine that i would also have to restore monuments mutilated by nationalists, well, about that there were no thoughts, thoughts. local residents asked about something else, how to carry out their task, to carry it out well, well, they immediately responded, well, yes, if possible, if possible, i have official time, during my rest, memory, it should live always, valery viktorovich, well, of course the question
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may be rhetorical, but still, how can you shoot like that?
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the destroyed boarding school, school, residential buildings, having retreated from gorskoye in june 2022, ukrainian militants began to hit the city with all calibers, and of course, they will now have to be raised from the ruins here. we are here, how many of us are pensioners, five people came out, cleaned up, mowed, raked, all that was left was to whitewash this curb, we left, yes, when it was oh, that’s when they were heavily bombed, we were taken out, well, as they say, we were taken out a lot, we just we found out that we had been released, we immediately, straight home, immediately arrived, although there was no light, no water, nothing, but we were at home, in general, just to go home, to our native... yes, yes, no, ukraine , no, no, there, no, well, everything is not ours, everything, everyone is strangers, well, no, here, here everything is ours. i see that almost the whole city
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has now gathered here , order has been restored on the territory of the memorial throughout the war, we spent the whole war here, such fragments flew into the territory here, that side of the monument was all battered , ukrainian, these are ours, and we shot at us, you still used the old fashioned way, well, you call them ours yes well, yes, one man came up to us, they came to receive humanitarian aid and he said that i was standing with ukrainian tanks.
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legacy of the soviet union, the eternal flame was eliminated, and we will restore historical justice, we will light it again here in the place where it should be, you don’t even believe that you will be able to restore everything here on may 9, well, come and see. "hello, hello, let me guess, you are a miner, yes, a hereditary miner, i look behind you this monument, it is in memory of the fallen soldiers as a miner for years great patriotic war, during the war i heard from my father, older people who, and now since 2014 i have personally become convinced that such a war is a terrible thing, you come to tears, that they left, they knew them, but they left and never returned. “
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we voted incorrectly, we voted correctly for our own people, for the russians, because we ourselves are russians, this song flies into the sky, and calls me with it, and my heart sings within me, illuminating the body of home, where you just want to love and breathe, and i don’t need anything else, that’s who i am and i can’t be broken, that’s all.
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because i’m russian, i go to the end, people are inspired, every day i come to work, we talk to people, well, you can see people’s mood, mood, mood, everything is rising, and even more so the television works, as it will show, even that moriu . i watch about her every evening there 3-4 months hopa high-rise building hopa there’s also this, well, i come and say so the girls are going to say see the work is going on and it will reach us then they said yes at least they gave the light we’ll survive they gave the light a cameo on they survived they gave the gas we survived we’ll turn it on the order of the devastation will help us solve all the issues, i want it to get better and never do it again.
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the big game will continue to broadcast on the first, good afternoon, the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov. christ is risen, all orthodox christians. truly, truly, truly the resurrection. well, well, the country, and not just our country, the whole one. the orthodox world celebrated easter, the services were held in
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the cathedral of christ the savior, as usual, where they were conducted by his holiness the patriarch of moscow. it must be said that the services were held on our new territories, and in our ancestral russian kiev lands they also celebrated easter, despite the fact that zelensky seemed to postpone the celebration of all orthodox holidays according to the catholic calendar, but he did not dare to postpone easter. in ukraine they celebrated easter just yesterday with everyone, and indeed a huge number of people in ukraine also came to the churches of the orthodox church, and not the one created by the zelensky regime, so once again
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happy holiday to everyone and christ is risen, but today we have dear guest of our program. senior lieutenant ivan sergeevich zharsky. ivan sergeevich, good afternoon. hello. so, ivan sergeevich, i will now list all your regalia. if i forget something, you will correct me. you are our hero of russia, so we see the star of the hero of russia. medal. for courage, a medal from the organ of the order for services to the fatherland, second degree with swords, a medal for military valor, and that’s all you, right, right, well, what does it feel like for you now to be
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there on poklonnaya hill, surrounded by so many people against the backdrop of a damaged technology and see there... your own works, how do you feel now? pride, pride in our country, pride in the fact that many people support us, people who come here express gratitude to us, so i think that this event really helps unite people. the population of the country and the armed forces, for which the star of the hero, ivan sergeevich, tell us how it was, for the damaged equipment, in large quantities, in large quantities, you are not
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being modest, tell us how much equipment. leopards, bradleys, more than 10 units in total, wow, how you succeeded, we are working, and then one fine day, fate turned around for us so that they went through us. so much all at once on you, yes, it was at a certain time, for some 15 minutes, so we, in principle , expected an attack from this side, and were ready
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to repel the attack, but how did you hit the equipment? atgm carnet, atgm? karnet, what is the weakness of this vaunted western technology, why can it be hit by such anti-tank systems, in principle it is difficult to defend against karnet, it is difficult to defend equipment with some kind of nets, or something... this is very difficult to do, that is , western equipment, it is vulnerable in any case if we use our standard weapons systems, right, yes, and because of its large mass, so
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because of its slowness, it is very vulnerable, it is easy, well, easy to catch, easier than our domestic one... what is the morale of your colleagues, the soldiers of our armed forces now?
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fear, people are afraid, they run, no, lack of understanding of everything in principle of the course of battle, inexperience, very old age speaks of the fact that they can’t even run away in principle, how old are you, your colleagues are fighting, i’m 27, that’s it. it’s been 27 years, well, can the enemy oppose anything at all, do
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they have any tactics that they can use against you, or is this all a hopeless matter, what do you think? i believe that this is a hopeless matter, because our technology is much more powerful, yes, forward, only forward, only forward, just
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like that, dear tv viewers, now you had the opportunity to get to know ivan sergeevich zharsky, guards with a senior lieutenant, a hero of russia, these are the guys now on the front line, in fact, they are turning the earth’s axis, they are not only pushing back the ukrainian armed forces, but are also really changing world... geopolitics, thank you, ivan sergeevich, for your military work, for your feat, from all our russian land, a low bow to you, well, a big hello, of course, and the best congratulations and best wishes to your colleagues there on the battlefield, where of course it’s hard now, where it’s hot, but where i’m sure there will be victory definitely behind us. where we are there is victory, thank you very much, this is ivan
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zharsky, guard, senior lieutenant, hero of russia from poklonnaya mountain against the backdrop of the american abrams. these are the guys, in fact, they are moving our victory forward, and i think it is absolutely inevitable, because what can that country oppose? nothing, nothing, 27 years old, trained, motivated, knows his job, the only request: send more equipment, more abrams, more challengers and something else, we’ll burn everything, but that’s how it will be, that’s how it will be there will be, of course, our ministry of defense issued a statement that they are preparing to conduct... military exercises, qualitatively new exercises, let's listen to the statement of the ministry of defense. on behalf of the supreme
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, the general staff has begun preparations for holding exercises in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. teaching aimed at maintaining readiness. composition and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian state, in response to provocative statements.
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yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, how do you like the statement of the ministry of defense, well, you know, in principle, after the latest statements by western politicians, a completely expected answer, because they must understand that we are determined to protect the sovereignty of our country and their allies, in this case, including belarus, of course, if the nato countries come into direct conflict with us, then of course russian nuclear weapons will be used. the president spoke about this, and these preparations simply indicate that these are not empty words. well, in fact, this is really a signal that if you poke your nose in, it’s better not to do it, because the answer will be very serious. uh, we are now demonstrating all the seriousness of our intentions every day on the battlefield, and yuri ivanovich, i think you will now tell us about about what happened in recent days on the line
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of combat contact and where we have the greatest results. to begin with, we must remember that the enemy is now having big problems in the ocheretinsky sector, here, of course, our breakthrough has gradually turned from tactical to operational tactical and threatens to become strategic if we go further to the west or north, or better yet here and there at least another 10-15 kilometers, then we will create really huge problems for both the toretsky enemy grouping and the ugledar group, essentially suspending it, and semi-encircled state, and accordingly, the enemy will then have to proceed from this, and this is a very big problem, taking into account the fact that our forces are growing, the enemy’s as a whole are falling, and our superiority, both numerical and qualitative, is becoming stronger every day, and from here we are moving on to more and more serious, more sweeping operations and now the enemy has thrown in reserves to prevent further breakthroughs in the ocherettensky sector, which is not true, because over
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the weekend we cleared the line a... arkhangelskaya was removed by the severnaya oporniks cheretina, now in the morning we have been working in the novoalleksandrovka and eastern novoleksandrovka areas trying to bypass the enemy fortified areas north and arkhangelsk in order to go further north to kalinovo, and also today there was an official message from the ministry of defense of the russian federation that we have liberated the village of solovyovo, but besides it’s not time for us to strike down, further to the south, we have reached the outskirts, we are already fighting for novopokrovskoye, and... we also entered the flanks of the rear of the enemy group in the umansky area, that is, thus ensuring flanks of further movement forward, this is a very dangerous problem, not only ukrainian military analysts, but western ones are talking about this, and here they see the main threat, meanwhile this is not the only direction where we are attacking, a very serious battle, we entered the channel the day before from the south, they have already fortified here and are fortified quite well,
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now we are going to the north at the hour of sovyar, trying again. reach the canal line and take control of the settlement of kalinovka, if we succeed, the situation for the chasyar group will become the same pre-catastrophic, and the day before we took control of two settlements in the northern direction of the kupinsky direction, kislovka and kotlyarevka, and thus we are trying to go along the watershed ridge, break through the enemy’s positions by analogy with the ocheretinsky breakthrough, if we succeed, then the front will collapse all the way to kupinsk, that is , the enemy... huge problems in all sectors and, as i said at the very beginning, they are only growing. yes, thank you very much, with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts, and he confirms what ivan zharsky just said, that ours are actually advancing very confidently in all directions, but the west really seems to be starting to use, well, practically, its personnel forces in order to strengthen the position of the armed forces of ukraine on
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the line. ukraine had its own troops, they were deployed in slavyansk, french soldiers were recruited in france for the first time officially sent to one of the main units of the foreign legion. the first group of military personnel consists of about 100 people, artillery and scouts, a total of approximately 1,500 soldiers will arrive, the decision to send. itself a typically french compromise. paris is not deploying regular military personnel, and the contingent does not even consist of french citizens. however, this decision primarily allows macron to pose as a tough macho. special resistance within the country. the second point: macron’s anger because the sahel region is consistently expelling french troops and letting russians in instead. the decision to transfer legion fighters to slavyansk contradicts french rhetoric.
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the city is located right on the front line, and the initially soft deployment threatens to turn into a direct war with russia. there is already a message from the yar sentry, our fighters there have already met with the french and, as they say, the germans, so it is impossible that there is more. the french, well, the poles, they took part in the hostilities in one way or another from the very beginning, but the head of the polish foreign ministry, sekorski, announced that sending regular troops was also not excluded. let's listen. the french president said he would not rule anything out about the possibility of sending foreign troops to ukraine. do you agree with this? i think it would be right for putin to wonder what we will do, and it is not always necessary to assure him that we will not do some things...
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under the guise of mercenaries, volunteers, some kind of instructors, nato sent its own there military, and some of which were then returned in the form of 200 cargo, but now for the first time france has really officially announced that it is sending military personnel there, initially they said that they would supposedly stand on the border with belarus and relieve ukrainian troops will either stand on the right bank of the dnieper, but we see that all these, as they say, are statements. had such, let's say, a speculative conclusion, the troops were already in the combat zone, of course, this kind of decision, they are quite dangerous and lead to
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the fact that there will be a really direct clash between nato troops and our troops, but most likely the fifth article will not be involved, but we see that some western politicians and military personnel, or rather commanders, are there. in a kind of frenzy, that now they will send everything and decide everything, so for this purpose, these are our exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, which we last carried out back in the days of the soviet union. on the one hand, this is a check of the nuclear arsenal, an updated nuclear arsenal, because along with strategic nuclear weapons , tactical operational-tactical weapons were also updated - nuclear weapons, which in principle need to be tested, need to be checked. while we are members, well, we support the treaty banning nuclear tests in all environments, so rather only blanks will fly, but they will be exactly
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the same, we also have strategic nuclear weapons, but this will be a clear signal, maybe we’ll even invite the military hatashe, show these samples, tell them, so that it will reach some hotheads that our intention is quite serious, oh the president once said about the seriousness of our intentions about airplanes. 16, that from where they will take off, we will hit there, on the one hand, on the other hand, france has about 10 thousand combat-ready units in total, including foreign ones, including foreign legions, including their own armed forces, so they would better think about how to defend their country, at least in africa. by the way, today there was interesting information from the international monetary fund, they summed up the results of the economic development of various countries over the past year, and you know who?
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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first.
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co-director of the cia, during this conversation mike johnson somehow turned pale, there could be incriminating evidence, he was accepted into capa sigma in order to become one of their own, you need to beat the goose to death, well done, you have advanced, you can go to the next level, zelensky’s group was looking for approaches to found donald trump through johnson, he first had his followers, his own secret society, a devout maniac pervert, the usa is the only one a country in the world, founded by a symbol of faith, is ideologically inclined to continue to fight, positioned.
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it is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level, you have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, an autograph is possible, i have admired it since my youth, anna evseeva, actress, and her relatives give a double rate , femme fatale, i would say, and you are a believer, a stunned atheist and generally a test...
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animator on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first.
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i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is my hobby, you could say my hobbies - this is travel, this is my favorite ice hockey, i have a dacha, which has turned into paradise, into a flower garden, i am proud of it. i started going to drawing classes, and i put up my paintings at an exhibition, do music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy, find good in every second of your life. the big game
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is live, the immortal regiment is marching across the planet, yesterday, the day before yesterday, in many cities around the world there were actions of the immortal regiment, i was brought up to remember, hundreds of people joined the march of the immortal regiment in new york. we must not forget history: a procession of the immortal regiment took place in frankfurt, germany. the immortal regiment took place in madrid on sunday, when it all coincided with easter, it was filled with special meaning. in khatania. in sicily, a procession of the immortal regiment took place in memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war. the immortal regiment marched at the russian embassy in sweden. in tokyo , the immortal regiment was led by russian ambassador nikolai nazdrev and the head of the diplomatic mission of
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the people's republic of china. the immortal regiment marched to seoul in south korea. more than 500 people took part in the immortal regiment in hanoi, vietnam. this is very important for us; dozens of people took part in the action of the immortal regiment in buenos aires. the immortal regiment action took place in tunisia, and even in capital of the democratic republic of the congo. and also the immortal regiment passed through in beninin, that is, this is not all that we could show you, but it is really very important that people in these conditions show solidarity with russia, remember their roots, their origins, alekseyvich, because in many
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countries, this is really sickening, yes, for people there in germany to join the immortal regiment now, this is a manifestation of a certain kind of even civil courage. yes, oddly enough, in beninin or the congo, it is much less dangerous than in frankfurt, germany has always been dangerous, so, so the world has changed, and from the footage broadcast here, i especially, of course, paid attention to the japanese footage, where, accordingly, the processions were led.
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in paris, and his negotiations with macron and ursula vonderijn are taking place there, well, the meeting was very official, the negotiations, as we see, are trilateral, and after the completion of these
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trilateral negotiations, ursula vonderijn came out, and apparently she had the role of being rude to the leader of china, well, she was rude she's a little... less spicy than blinkin, but still quite seriously, she said that china needs to consider restructuring its own economy, she said that the european union has already launched an investigation into the non-market conditions for the development of chinese industry and said that if china does not behave according to the rules, then europe ready for...
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investments in china, over the last year they have grown by more than 100%, local capital is fleeing from france to china. true, it must be said that he is fleeing from france to the united states of america too, but in the usa in to a lesser extent. and the same flight of capital is observed from germany, where ursula vonderijn actually comes from, and scholz raised this problem not so long ago during his visit to beijing, but the visit once again turned out to be unsuccessful, it seems now in terms of trade and economic relations with the europeans. managed to come to an agreement with the chinese, but what is noteworthy is that in
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germany and france, and these have always been considered the locomotives of the european economy, especially germany, the conditions for their own business are getting worse, and many draw attention to the fact that the sanctions that the europeans applied to russia and to some other countries also worsen the possibility.
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china is larger than the united states, because china produces something, in america you can only engage in financial speculation, production there has already been largely destroyed with their own hands, they correctly noted that the statements of european politicians now sound absolutely absurd, so it’s just that the language of world politics really needs to be changed, you know who i would start with suggested taking an example from north korea. here is an interesting statement from the north korean media regarding cameron's visit
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to ukraine, let's listen. the uk is frantically trying to incite zelensky's authorities into a reckless attack deep into russian territory to cope with the increasingly deteriorating situation on the battlefield. the weak descendants of the british empire, which was buried in the grave of history a century ago, are indiscriminately causing discord, violating the security of europe and causing a new... world war, great britain, which considers submission to blind faith in the united states its vital factor, is greatly influenced by the american master, who is desperately trying to rally junior allies to prevent the revival of a strong russia. the armed forces of russia, turning the weapons of the united states and nato into burning scrap metal, hold the initiative on all fronts of ukraine and say that military support from great britain will not have any impact on the conduct of the northern military district, no military threat and blackmail of the united states of the west, including great britain, can break.
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leading roles that come to the chinese, tell them what they can do, what they can’t do, but if you don’t do it, we’ll put you in a corner ...
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the indicator is that the african countries, as soon as they got out of there, the french began to develop well, so guys, we will develop well without you, develop and develop further, we will build something good.
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unfortunately, or fortunately, most likely unfortunately, but indeed, more and more countries are beginning to perceive the united states and its allies as paper tigers, this is the famous expression of maozedong, which by the way, it has now re-entered the chinese political lexicon. europe, meanwhile , is concerned not so much with sending its troops to ukraine, but with forcing ukrainians who are in europe to go home and... those in germany. this may include offering to recruit ukrainian conscripts, our participation in ensuring that ukraine can use men who
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have fled abroad, but who can be used in war, the politician said. a unified position as a federal one is needed. government, and the lands, i am very sure that this will happen very soon, - the politician emphasized, this is how it all could end, well, in my opinion, vyacheslav volodin, the chairman of the state duma, spoke about this well today, by the way, today the duma came out , resumed its work from the may holidays, will work all this week without days off, given that tomorrow is the inauguration, and after that the formation of a new government, but what about... about the europeans’ plans to send ukrainians to fight from europe, that's what he said. let's listen. the mobilization of ukrainians hiding in the european union countries has failed, the problem of ukrainian refugees is becoming more and more dangerous for europe and threatens to develop into a new migration crisis, where can’t you leave a comma in the sentence “pronounce”?
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this is the dilemma today facing the leadership of european states regarding the issue of transferring the kiev regime to citizens. ukraine, draft evaders. despite the desire of washington and brussels to fight to the last ukrainian, there is less and less opportunity to force people to go to the front. the losses are huge and cannot be hidden. the armed forces of the kiev regime are demoralized, so ukrainian citizens do not want to become cannon fodder when they return home from european territory. based on this, we can conclude: if only the eu states begin to make a decision on transferring ukrainian citizens of military age to the kiev regime, unrest will break out in these countries. organized by ukrainians who are unwilling to face certain death in order to maintain personal power zelensky of a bunch of oligarchs. therefore, the leadership of the european union found itself in a situation where it was better to do nothing. any decisions made in this part are fraught with danger for them. after all, it’s really just like that, just drive the ukrainians out of the country and say: go, it’s quite difficult, there are almost 4.5
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million in germany. try to throw them out. yes, and i thought the same thing when... at the beginning of the program, our hero of russia characterized the armed forces of ukraine, he said that these are elderly people, yes, that is, this generational difference, elderly, disoriented and, in general, not distinguished by a strong moral spirit, that is , one can imagine what kind of army it will be like if these are people who fled the country to europe, they were forcibly caught there, sent where, to ukraine, their likely death, we can imagine how it will be a combat-ready army, it doesn’t even matter what kind, well, what exactly, what kind of weapon they will have in their hands, indeed, this army will be capable of little, but the west not only will not help ukraine with these
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people, well, the poles can try somewhere , the balts might send someone there, but it’s unlikely yes, but... the west is pursuing its own interests, not the interests of ukraine, the interests of ukraine are the last for them. and, for example, the wall street journal published an interesting article about the fact that, in fact, in the united states and in the west there are a large number of companies, large ones, that are waiting for ukraine to finally begin to pay its debts to them. let's listen. a group of foreign bondholders, including brock and pimco, are planning to put pressure on. ukraine so that it can start paying interest on its debt again next year year, according to people familiar with the matter: the company owns about a fifth of ukraine's 20 billion outstanding eurobonds. dollars recently formed a committee and hired lawyers and bankers to negotiate on their behalf. bondholders want kiev, which just received about
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$60 billion in u.s. aid, to strike a deal that would resume payments in exchange for writing off much of the country's outstanding debt. some bondholders in the group discussed the plans with senior officials in kiev, they hope to receive up to $500 million in annual interest payments after agreeing to the relief. at the beginning of the conflict, he spoke almost monthly via skype with zelensky, he kept bewitching him, bewitching him, and once even sent his
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delegation to kiev, but the cards are revealed, it is clear that such large monsters are financial, they are pursuing their own interests, ukraine is just a tool for them , only funds, just like for the biden administration. these are loans, you will have to pay for loans, maybe earlier than kiev counts, because the americans always come for their money, they come everywhere,
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and this money is sometimes very bloody, like those that came to the middle east, there is a new aggravation there, and the israeli leadership is now threatening a new military operation, now in rafah, after advertising . unfortunately, for you we will have to manage funds together, why, unfortunately, i’m always happy about reconnaissance, i’m so happy in general, now we ’ll solve this case in an hour, who’s taking the bread, people are coming from the forest, somehow the astro is wrong , you welcome guests and what do these give passes? you can get through all our posts to the very front line, you have two options: stay here in this apartment forever and come with us, like a hostage, according to
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the laws of war, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you can’t borrow yours, just for half an hour, the most famous british fascist oswald mosley at 22 years old. became the youngest member of the english parliament, following muusolini, mosley declared great britain the heir to great rome, which sounded wild, but he didn’t even notice it. after finishing the second world war, the french, at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. but whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big question. it was they who helped many nazis escape responsibility and that’s all.
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instinct will always tell you the right decision. agent name czech, rank classified, position letnap. ryana, you have kids, sometimes enemies come in. alexey bobrikov, a junior sergeant, volunteered at the front. look at me bobrikov. leonid shchela, junior sergeant, excellent combat training student. tell me when, where and who you were recruited! so, they are preparing a very serious mission, a saboteur, the legendary beginning of history, they have been spotted, traitors. the main
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task is to eliminate it, the machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, who can go with us on the mission? to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur crimea, which means we have 5 minutes to remember the map, may 9 on the first. on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. i remember i'm an infantryman. for me, the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not scary. the great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when the most terrible gods were, and of course,
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this song is a symbol of ours. that is, my grandfather was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, you are now friends, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, they are heroes, who gave us life, these are the ones...
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may 9 after the program, time, makarych, take the device, waved without looking, premiere, i love. my country on saturday on the first, a big game live, we just received footage, completion of negotiations in paris, shijin pina with the president of france,
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macron. with ursula fondern, head of the european commission. there were no joint statements after these negotiations. well, european leaders seem to be happy; sidinpin has gone further with his program. her next destination is budapest and belgrade. well, negotiations between hamas and israel have ended in egypt. and this is what the hamas representative said at the end of the negotiations. a round of talks in cairo has just concluded and hamas delegations are leaving cairo to consult with the leadership. the movement reaffirms its positive and responsible approach, as well as its commitment and determination to reach an agreement that will satisfy the national demands of our people for a complete end to israeli aggression, the withdrawal troops from throughout the gaza strip, return of displaced persons, increase
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in assistance, beginning.
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serious consequences for israel if it launches a ground operation in raffah? so far everything is going to the point that netanyahu really wants to start the operation. in rafah, this is in the south of the gaza strip, near the border with egypt, and he is doing everything so that the negotiations and the efforts of the mediators are torpedoed, a more optimistic statement by the palestinians means only one thing, that they do not want to take responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, the americans currently want the second round of current negotiations in cairo to resume and...
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yahoo cannot release all the hostages in one way or another. yes, and of course, they won’t forgive him for this in israel either. his rating there is now at the lowest level, of course, and he definitely won’t be able to win any elections there. this week there were already reports that the united states allegedly stopped arms supplies to israel, here is the message. last week , the biden administration suspended ammunition shipments to... israel according to israeli officials, the incident has caused serious concern within the israeli government. in february, the administration asked israel
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to provide assurances that u.s.-made weapons are being used by the idf in gaza in accordance with international law. in march, israel provided a signed letter of assurance. well, it’s clear that writing such letters, but...
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israel is always silent, which is why we are in a position to see the truth of this statement that arms supplies have stopped. we will see in the gas sector in the near future. i think that after all, israel, its troops, will fall to carry out a certain military operation, because there has already been a statement that representatives, well, refugees who are in the eastern part of rafah were asked to urgently evacuate there. in the united states of america, the americans
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are trying to put it in its place, but they will give weapons in any case, if they continue supplies, and this is just such an information dump, they want the americans to protect themselves from criticism. put, in my opinion, a remarkable statement was made by bashar al-assad, the president of syria, who in general remained silent for many months or in any case did not take any active position, this is what he said, let's listen, the most important lessons that offers gas - these are the lessons of palestine and yemen, the conditions of the palestinians and yemen are much more complex than ours, in all aspects they are lacking. real opportunities, however, taught lessons
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of pride and dignity, chivalry and will, love for the motherland. in this way they turned yemen gas not just to regional, but to truly global powers. until the situation changes and rights are restored for both the palestinians and the syrians, nothing will change our position or move it by a hair's breadth. everything that we can offer to the palestinians or any resistance to the zionist regime within our capabilities will be done without hesitation, our position will not change, on the contrary, but we understand that what the houthis did with global logistics after the start of the actual attacks on shipping in that.
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in the middle of a scorched desert, you have nothing, yes, you are a very small country with a very small poor population, if you stand your ground, then you can find a way, you can find a way to resist the world hegemon, that is, it seems to me that there are very important things here, assot said, it’s necessary, and it’s so important for unhurried, thoughtful reflection, because let me remind you, it was a little over two years ago. even in our country, how many votes there were, but who are we to
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fight this goliath, but it turned out, but life has shown that if you i am really ready to stand my ground, if you are firm in your position, then it is possible, then it is possible, in fact, the emergence of a multipolar world is not only the rise of china, not only our special military operation, it is also the awakening of the entire world majority. in which even a country like yemen can act as a superpower, influencing global commodity flows and putting up such resistance to the united states of america and its fleets of european states that they simply cannot do anything about it. therefore in this russia has a very important place in the multipolar world; it is at the center of these forces of resistance to the axis of evil. well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated and there will be victory. behind us, we turn over to the news and see you again at
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17:00. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one. in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. two more settlements have been liberated.


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