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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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what time do you have for work at 6:00 pm as soon as i can, at 6:00 pm you can accept, it works simply, well, let’s accept, monday at 6:00 pm, mikhail, you will come, definitely, that’s it, agreed, dmitry anatolyevich, despite how i feel about you, this is completely obvious, i still thank you for taking part in our program, because of the people who represent the administration, especially municipalities. very rarely does anyone get in touch with us, i hope that this program, i hope that this program was memorable for you personally, and that you will slightly change your attitude towards what an official is in our country, today, here now, okay, thank you, i would like to address the officials, i really wanted to ask the question, why should his parents live in
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such a house, why do we ask the question like this, what if it’s not mine, if it doesn’t concern me, come what may, be as it happens, and i want to appeal to people, be more active, please don't, here you go, here you go still fight, i thought so, everyone thinks for themselves, of course, if in life. according to the situation, i would live in such a house, i, of course, would not behave as correctly as you, you know, there is, now you can read about the law, about your rights, you can read everything on the internet, you have certain rights, you can, you must protect yourself, you understand, sit like this for 11-12 years, 5 years, 3 years, wait, what, what are you waiting for, the promise was made anyway, we will still control, is that clear? that
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no one will move you in a second, that’s absolutely obviously, there are at least 20 programs here, rent them, but an apartment just won’t appear out of nowhere, i still hope for the governor, who, in principle, in my opinion, is able to give such an accelerating foam, but your son will go to this dmitry anatolyevich, okay, on monday 6:00 pm, and we will definitely check it. big game live! good evening! christ is risen! truly risen! well, all orthodox christians celebrated this most important christian holiday, happy easter, in all the churches of our country.
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it seems that zelensky moved all the orthodox holidays to the catholic calendar, but he didn’t even dare to move easter, so the orthodox celebrated, and in the confines of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, despite all the machinations and despite the many provocations that were staged by believers . faith is something that certainly belongs to all of us. unites in
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christ, with our ukrainian brothers too, and the president of russia, vladimir putin today held the final meeting of the government the russian federation in its current composition, final, because tomorrow the presidential inauguration, which we will all be closely watching on channel one, will begin. at 12:00 sharp, and as you know, after the inauguration the government resigns and a new cabinet of ministers is formed, that’s what the president said when meeting with the ministers at their final meeting. one political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work is in the interests of... russia,
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russian, russian of all other peoples russian federation, does not stop. i want to express my gratitude for what we and you have done. we are convinced that after 8 years of mockery of the people who lived and live in the donbass, we are unable to solve the problems in this region, the problems of the people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia
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their historical homeland, through peaceful means. a little later it became clear that we were simply being manipulated and we had to take extraordinary measures. protecting these people by force of arms, but what started from the point in terms of economics, you and i know well, literally in the most literal sense of the word , economic aggression against russia, then the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from within, and not only politically, but above all economically, create problems in labor collectives, cause mass unemployment... lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result was exactly the opposite of what was expected, last year our russian economy grew at a rate higher than
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the world’s, so we were ahead of not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the so -called states, the so-called big... seven, we together looked for worthy answers to the most complex historical challenges, in in general, we successfully overcame them, we will continue to overcome them successfully, already with a new composition of the government, the state duma is ready to approve this new composition next week, today it came out of the may ... holidays and began to its work, and on instructions from the president, the general staff today gave the order to the troops of the southern federal district and the navy to prepare for missile
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exercises, and not simple ones. let's listen to the statement from the ministry of defense. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the russian armed forces. federation, in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, the general staff has begun preparations for holding exercises in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district, with involving aviation, as well as naval forces. the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment, parts of the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian state, in response to a provocative... that it is long-awaited and expected, because 2 years ago the president of russia warned all, let
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’s say, his opponents that no one should flatter ukraine to interfere in our conflict, because otherwise, i’m quoting from memory, well... our answer will be one that has never been seen in the entire history of their existence, everything was said very harshly, our president never disagrees with his actions, this can be said to be trioism, in this regard, since it seems that this was not enough, because cameron, as is known together with ajournet, his french colleague, simply legally revived, to prevent the entente from being taken, that is, they legally revived the organization that was engaged in the occupation of our southern ones, the same russians lands, it’s difficult to argue, because russia was a member of the entente, without russia there is no longer anta, with france, great britain, it was legally revived, about which there is a corresponding article in theelegraph, this was a week ago and russia is not hiding - this is already not the entente, because russia was at the center
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of that entente, it is interesting that the same entente, after russia left the war, held a meeting and signed the paris treaty in the eighteenth year, according to which it divided the territory. russia on 10 sub, well, let’s say, regions subject, partly to france, partly to great britain, that is, to all interested parties, in this regard, of course , the revival of such, well, some kind of subject of law, or what? i don’t know what to call it, of course, this is an attempt to give some kind of framework to macron’s statement, which simply doesn’t fit into any framework anymore, it’s schizophrenia, and now about tactical nuclear weapons, well, actually, i’ll remind you that kherossima current classification categories, these were generally tactical nuclear weapons, because 15 kilotons, this is a 15 kiloton bomb that exploded over keroshima, clearly corresponds , according to our definition, of a weapon up to 50 kilotons, that is, tactical, that is, not strategic, in a word - to demolish from the face of the earth any object that we deem necessary to demolish, in general - then the borders of the russian
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federation have been violated, because it doesn’t matter whether there are french troops there now, even in insignificant microscopic quantities or not, but we are talking about interference in military actions carried out by the occupiers against us on our territory, i’m talking about all those districts that are part of the sovereign composition of russia, and this is belly’s incident, a reason to use any means of reasoning with the exploding occupiers, in my opinion, and good evening, in recent days our troops
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have continued carry out intensive missile and unmanned strikes on the territory of ukraine, more than 10 regions were affected, these are, as usual, airfields, energy facilities, ammunition depots, just before the broadcast there were arrivals in kharkov, he disappeared there again light after the strikes, at night strong strikes were delivered to the sums, that is, again, including a response to the enemy’s attempts to shell the border areas. region, but at the same time it is part of a more systematic company aimed at destroying the unified energy system of ukraine and paralyzing the work of the enemy’s military industry, and as for the situation at the front, it continues to develop positively for us; on the rabotino salient, our troops continue to advance successfully to the north-west of tverbovoy, we are also moving to rabotino, the enemy, in fact, remained there only on the northern and northeastern outskirts, well, most of the village. it’s actually already been left to them, and accordingly, our troops control more than half of the work, the rest is a gray area. on the vremnevsky ledge
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, our troops have already finally gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of urozhainy, the fighting continues directly in the village, we are also attacking to the west of staromaysky, there are small advances in our favor, we have also gained a foothold in new positions in the area of ​​novodonetsky, where we have advanced a little, on in the ugledar direction, our troops successfully advanced south of novomikhailov. in the direction of the konstantinovka uguledar highway , a number of enemy positions were taken there, and our troops are also fighting on the outskirts of paroskovievka, where positions were taken in the garden partnership, where the enemy tried to cling. in krasnogorovka, our troops are fighting in the center of the city, there again the fighting continues in prumzon next to the refractory plant, our troops are also fighting on the north-eastern outskirts of the city, somewhere around 40-45% of the city is already under ours control, on avdeevsko on...
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also after the liberation of cheretin, we are already putting pressure on aleksandrivka, there we have almost reached the outskirts of the village itself , the cleansing of novokalinov, ceramics and arkhangelskoye is being completed, it’s already everywhere there. russian flags are raised, but in the next few days it is the defense, when the defense, when the cleanup is completed, our troops will continue to advance on kalinovo, that is, we see that the enemy cannot stabilize the situation here, our offensive continues to develop successfully, again relying on ocheretin , and today, by the way, another aborus was destroyed there, which means that in the artyomovsk direction our troops continue to bypass chas ofyar from the north and south, we are most successful in the south, there they reached the seversky border canal, they are marching there...
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in fact the enemy has retreated from it and , moreover, our troops are advancing further in the direction of ivanovka, serious enemy positions have also been taken east of stelmakhovka, the enemy expects that battles will soon begin on the outskirts of the village itself, that is, in general, the situation here is the same for the enemy continues to deteriorate because they are sorely lacking reserves for everything. thank you
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very much, boris aleksandrovich, for your accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts of the northern military district, where we are really attacking.
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the ambassador was strictly pointed out that this hostile attack directly contradicts the previously sounded assurances of the british side when transferring long-range cruise missiles to the kiev regime, that under no circumstances would they be used on russian territory, thereby david cameron disavowed this position, recognizing the de -fact your country is a party to the conflict. the ambassador was told that the russian side views these words as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of london’s increasing involvement in the military.
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for a relatively long time to take such a position that they do what they want, but at the same time avoid responsibility, this is their position that they give little to the kiev regime, and the kiev regime itself uses these weapons, so they supposedly had nothing to do with it, they occupied this position the british, and the french, and the germans, but in fact, as they progress special military operation and especially - as it was said, as russian positions on the line of combat contact improve, the westerners are unable to maintain this position, in fact they admit that they are a party to the conflict, and, as far as i understand, the russian federation is not at all going to help them avoid responsibility, on the contrary, they are told very clearly that all of you are illusions
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about the fact that you allegedly moved the red lines. bad for zelensky, from this point of view the statement of our foreign service is interesting intelligence that shared some of its, well, some information that came to light from confidential sources about how the united states is currently viewing the situation in ukraine. let's listen. the west is extremely concerned about
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the dynamics of public sentiment in ukraine; dissatisfaction with the endless delay is growing among ukrainian citizens. conflict, distrust in state institutions is increasing, and apathy is rapidly spreading. in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine , the number of cases of desertion and voluntary surrender. zelensky is clearly beginning to lose the fight for the minds and hearts of the people of ukraine. americans and europeans would like zelensky to remain in his post for now, since war financing schemes are tied to him. at the same time, americans have stepped up efforts to find an alternative. corresponding contacts have been established with poroshenko and mrm. secret work is being carried out with the head of the office of the president of ukraine ermak, the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and the ex-speaker of the verkhovna rada, razumkov. in the administration the usa, in fact, is not even trying.
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prolongation of hostilities, saying that yes, now we have changed the leadership format, now everything will be different, we just need to wait, until
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today we need to justify this time, well, maybe until november, or maybe after the twenty-fifth year, we need to stock up patience, an interesting analysis, because it turns out that zelensky’s fate is actually now in the hands of biden’s political strategists, but it’s so unenviable. but what is it like, did he have enemies? did you know, that he was going to get married? maybe you didn't like it? only i can ask questions during the investigation, is that clear? it's clear!
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well, guys, you’ve been through thick and thin together, all that’s left are copper pipes, the wedding march must be in accordance with martial law, new episodes, look! after the program time, people change, let's try to trust them, people need it, enemies don't, the worst floods this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view all the dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the live program: great, on wednesday, on the first. on victory day, on the first. i always take the shortest route in everything, directly and
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rudely. shoot without missing, confirming a hit on the tanks. even before the army, i knocked out fifty. play a double game. and if you told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then? well, you didn't say that, did you? and fool the girls' heads. she's the only one, okay? the finale, and it must be successful, saboteur 9 may on the first and remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but whoever doesn’t,
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then you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the day of victory on the first, so on the musical front, a blue handkerchief, clearly, dugout , dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, we learned their favorite songs by heart a long time ago, what do you play on? there is no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, the grasshopper, romeo and masha, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, grasshoppers were caught by eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth year, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, another, and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live, we will live, as long as he remembers.
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only old men go into battle on may 9 after the program, and if they give you a division where we can recruit balalaikas, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level, we have prepared our best for you apartments, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, an autograph is possible, i admire. since her youth, anna evseeva, the actress and her relatives have been giving double the bet, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, a hardened atheist, and in general there is no place to give tests, again for old times, yes mom, you are sick, well, somehow come to your senses already , you decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, uh-huh, i’ll sneak
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into your limousine and we’ll go. to europe, if your mother wanted a boy at her age, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andrevna, i’m not alfonsov, oh, i’m daydreaming, an animator on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin. big game live. the immortal regiment is marching across the planet. in many cities, many countries of the world, processions of the immortal regiment took place. i was brought up to remember that hundreds of people joined the march of the immortal regiment in new york, across the brooklyn bridge. we. we must
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forget history: in frankfurt, germany , a procession of the immortal regiment took place, in a good mood with bayans. the immortal regiment has passed in madrid, sunday, and they remembered that both christmas and easter, all this filled the holiday with a special meaning. took place in catania, sicily.
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in beirut, the capital of lebanon, a procession of the immortal regiment took place. an immortal regiment passed through the democratic republic of the congo, and even in benin. but it must be said that a truly immortal regiment is already such a global movement of memory of the great patriotic war, the second world war, you see, in general in many countries, in the same
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united states. germany is political it’s simply unsafe, and it’s clear that in benin and the congo this can be done quite calmly, but there people really show civic courage, and we see there not only russian flags, but also flags of different cis countries, that is, this is truly such a worldwide movement those who remember china stanje, this movement, it continues all the best that is in our heroic history, that is in our people, i think that this is a reflection of a very deep tendency to strengthen the patriotic foundations - our life, this now we need, in order to overcome the rather difficult period in which we find ourselves, to repel the threats that have been growing in recent years, you know, we,
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probably, as a nation, remind you like a spring, the pressure increased, we were squeezed, but now the process begins , here is the spring, it straightens, and it seems to me that it will not say hello to all those who have this diagram.
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russian bear, he knows how to hit his paws so hard that it is disgraceful, it is better not to provoke him with your own actions, this kind of tragic for these people denouement, yes, it’s really
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better not to touch the russian bear, but the chinese panda, i would say, even more so, today is the main international event that is most widely covered with... macron made a neutral statement about nothing, in general, everything is rudeness fell, as usual, to ursula fonder's fate, because they naturally could not do without rudeness.
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well, speaking about our relations between china and russia, she said that china made a big contribution in de-escalating russian nuclear threats, and maybe there will be continue in the same spirit. it will reduce the supply of dual -use goods to the russian federation, but, naturally, given the existential threat of this war, both for ukraine and for europe, everything that china does in relations with russia has an impact on relations between china and europe. this was not even the biggest rudeness, but when she started talking about china, here it was quite frank. let's listen. i called on the chinese government to address the structural problem of overproduction. at that at the same time, we will work closely with the g7 and emerging economies that are also suffering from market imbalances
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created by china. for trade to be fair, mutual access to markets is necessary. we discussed how to make real progress in market access. i remain confident that this is achievable, but we remain prepared to use the full range of our defenses. tools, if necessary, that is, china, it turns out, has created a problem of structural overproduction there, it is too they produce a lot of all this, who is stopping you from producing what, the market imbalance, it turns out, was created by china, this market imbalance, as she also said, is already the subject of an investigation by the european commission, well, besides, they are ready to use any tools if china doesn't listen. the rudeness, in my opinion , is outright, well, i would say that in fact sizinpin continues to advocate a policy of reconciliation, there is even a feeling that maybe he has made a difficult mission for himself, but if not by agreement, then by arrogance
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the consent of our president, because i read his speech in detail, it turns out that again he is calling on macron in spite of all of him, with his cavernous russophobia, you just can’t find another word, with his hatred. and the desire for military action calls for peace, peace is called for at the expense of china, which is paradoxical, because china is ready to open french agricultural goods to its own market. for the largest producer of everything in the world , this is of course a definite gesture, and a gesture of goodwill, we can certainly say, china is ready cooperate with france on all levels, judging by what he said during and after the meeting, but the most important thing, which is naturally such an immutable condition of diplomacy, is the rejection of militaristic logic, and it is clear that china... has the ability to say so and let’s say, don’t just make gestures, like
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let’s say, don’t see off blinkin, who was seen off at the plane’s steps only by his own ambassador, but it’s worth recalling that the chinese are the largest mutual merchant in the sense of a creditor in the united states, and accordingly france must also take this into account, because the entire western economy and defense are being built, well, at least for macron , he definitely thinks so in the united states, so based on this it is clear that in its own way china... has now made a bid for the role of leader, a leader, i would say, not only of that part of the world, which we have the honor of being with him, but of the western part of the world, because in the west he is naturally completely handshake, and takes on a certain role as an arbiter, another thing is that in my opinion, sizenpin's attempt in some way explain to the president of france, explain to the french that quite recently we avoided the same arguments that we put forward. existence, this will not be heard by the french, for the simple reason
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that france as such has not existed for a long time, there is, in my opinion, a certain suburb of washington, political, of course, figuratively speaking, and in paris itself, despite the fact that it has its own opinion, independent of and from nato, the independent usa, nothing is decided in paris itself, that the french themselves are very strongly is burdensome, and uh, unfortunately, the french, many even already call it france: macronia, which in itself already illustrates what is happening, because the president of france has decided to abandon not only the interests of europe, but the interests of france itself as such, although he is a guarantor, according to the idea of ​​the french constitution, he must take care of his own country. well, in fact, they simply fell under the united states and do not have a position different from the american one. and what ursula said essentially coincides with that. what did he say blinkin after the meeting with sidinpin, literally
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word for word, although maybe the european position is, well, a little softer, one tone, maybe softer, and less loud, but the americans, of course, will pursue a line towards further weakening of our country, support for ukraine, and here is sergech lavrov, he gave an interview to the bosnian-serbian channel from ... tv, and there he quite clearly said that, in principle, it is a big difference for us that the democrats and the republicans do not represent, let's listen, there was a lot conversations, here there will be elections, now there is no, no, no, no split between democrats and republicans in relation to russia, and in relation to china, somewhere it may be tougher, somewhere...
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we will work, we will be ready to work with whoever is elected the american people, if there is, of course, reciprocal readiness, you will not be forcibly nice, we, they say, well , there is no reciprocal readiness yet, but we see that both democrats and republicans have indeed shown themselves, well, as supporters of continuing the military conflict, i remember the speaker’s position johnson, who suddenly became such a hawk that there was nowhere else to go. well, the democrats, of course, are not lagging behind, they are also
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extremely militant, they have a leader in the house of representatives, his name is hakeem jeffries, this is the minority leader of the house of representatives, that’s what he said, in principle he did not rule out sending even american soldiers to ukraine, let's listen, we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if this happens, then there is a high probability that america will have to intervene in a conflict not only with ours. money, but with ours ukraine, by continuing our military and economic assistance, will either face military personnel, or we will stop russia in a difficult situation where vladimir putin and russia can take over ukraine.
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wherever possible, on the territory of russia itself in various regions of the world, this installation is certainly present, this installation comes from the deep state, to carry out this installation, the deep state has the opportunity to mobilize almost all the democrats in the american congress and a significant part republicans, but at the same time there is still internal discord in america. it also exists, in this sense, uh, let’s say, one side is the democrats, they have completely linked their fate with the kiev regime, the other side, as you rightly said, johnson really went over to the side of the deep state, but still more 100 republicans voted against this
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aid package, after all, the idea of ​​​​trying to play out this ukrainian situation against their political rivals is also the fate of the republicans is present, this is not out of love for us, this is out of hatred for his now domestic political opponents, but at the same time , a rather interesting situation is developing in the united states related to president biden. suddenly , unexpectedly, biden’s campaign headquarters announced that they would shorten his speech, and they did so officially. let's shorten biden's speech, why? this means that the president’s aides are trying to shorten his address. using shorter and clearer messages to get the point across, president, in fact, this means that it is already difficult for biden to make any more or less lengthy speeches, even looking at the monitors, in connection with this , a growing number of articles appear in the american
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press, here in the latest spiegel, in the german spiegel, an article which is called michelle for us president, and... is that michelle obama may unexpectedly become the democratic party's presidential candidate, after biden, who enjoys very low support in america, the democratic convention the party will simply withdraw his candidacy, is there such a possibility, do you think? if we talk about what is happening from the point of view of biden’s influence on american politics, then... all american pro-democracy observers say that this influence is actually negative, the more the president speaks, the more he does what -statements on foreign and domestic policy issues, the less they listen to him, and moreover, the effect that occurs
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is exactly the opposite as it was, for example, with students, the more biden can be, calling for calm in the judicial cities, the more... there was a growing feeling that this protest movement would continue and even, if you like, to spite the white house. in this situation, indeed, today political strategists are seriously thinking that yes, in general, such a stalemate that has arisen, biden no longer has the opportunity to use any levers in order to dramatically change the position of the democratic party, well your own positions in this:
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if michelle obama is nominated as vice president, then in this case trump will actually have to appoint his second figure, also a woman. but here it must be said that trump has very little choice. very small, well, trump has always had a large choice of women, i am sure that he will find this time too, and for biden
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there are more and more dead ends, including in foreign policy, one of them in the middle east, where the situation is again worsening, about this after the advertisement, the most famous british fascist oswald mosley at 22 years old became with...
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tegen, senior lieutenant, unit commander, we are our own, men, and well, our instinct in an extreme situation will always tell you the right decision. agent name czech, rank classified, position letnap. ryan, you have kids, the enemy has entered, it happens. alexey bobrikos, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front. look, i'm bobrikov. junior sergeant, excellent in combat training, tell me when, where and by whom you were recruited, it means that a very
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serious mission is being prepared, a saboteur, the legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitor, main the task is to eliminate him, machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go with us on the mission? on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9, on the first. on victory day, on the first. this year we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years.
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50 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now, friends, when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the young ones who have now taken their place, low bow to you guys, this is my grandfather, he fought bravely for his homeland. i grew up in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a memory of great honor, victory day,
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a festive evening on may 9 on the first, on victory day on the first, who said that we need to give up singing in the war, after the battle, the heart asks for music in twins, from the screw, they go into battle only old people, may 9 at... time after the program, makarych, take the device, waved without looking, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. in order to live,
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you need to enjoy life. do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts? i work on a crane in ferrous metals, i go to work with joy, i leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became artist. well, for example, we can voice some grandfather with such a wonderful voice. i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator. sea ​​captain, at the end of the tenth grade he decided to become a doctor, like his mother, you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible, the big game is on the first, israeli defense minister galland,
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meeting with the military, made a statement. at the beginning of the operation in rafah, this is what he said: idf forces are ready for a powerful operation throughout gaza and especially in the rafah area, the order will come very soon. hamas refuses any plan to return the abducted, the consequences will be clear. today , the israeli armed forces began carrying out air strikes on rafah, and just received a message that the cabinet...
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i would say that in any case, this is an adventure that continues to remain and develop as an adventure regarding the attack on rafah, because we we are constantly balancing, on the brink of joining will not join, i’m talking about the largest actors in the region, in particular the same iran, which has so far stated that it seems that it does not particularly want to interfere, but it is clear that
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dutchman together with his boss netanyahu, the further...
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an interesting statement was made by the president of syria bashir, he rarely spoke out lately, so he said that both the yemenis and the palestinians, they taught lessons of pride and dignity, chivalry and the will of love for the homeland , with this they established and turned yemen and gaza not just into regional, but truly global powers, because they put an interesting meaning into these words, i would understand that. statement as follows, that indeed the israeli army is drowning the palestinian people in blood, barbaric actions, absolutely, indiscriminately, men,
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women, it seems that the declared goals are to find some terrorists, they beat, they beat everyone, but it seems to me that the syrian president was trying to say, a moral victory, it is definitely not on the side of israel, that’s a moral one victory, it is on the side of the palestinian people, because everyone is saying, even the americans can no longer help but say that two states are needed, a palestinian state must be created, they are trying to slow down, they make this declaration, then they try somehow this question is to be played up, but everyone is talking about it, morally israel suffered a crushing defeat, now israel has actually become an outcast for a significant part, for the majority of the world majority, i think that... the president most likely meant this, well he meant, i think, that yemen has truly become a global player, the modern multipolar world is shaped not only by russia, and china, the united states, the european union, but by such players
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as yemen, who was able to essentially paralyze global trade in the red sea, and against which the fleets of the united states, great britain, and europe found themselves powerless. yemen acted as a global player to whom the united states cannot do anything. the world is changing, changing before our eyes, it is becoming more and more focused on countering this global hegemony. well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. victory day on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country.
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the ceremonial march will take place over 9:00 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first.


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