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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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trouble on the first. moscow. red square. the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on the first. this is the evening news on the first,
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hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. significant results due to deeds for the development of the country. what has been done so far is a good basis for moving on. vladimir putin thanked the cabinet of ministers for their work; tomorrow the government will resign, which the president especially noted. targeting civilians, kometkadze drones. there are dead, dozens injured, the latest data is from the belgorod region. immediately two liberated settlements, shot down leopards and other western equipment, footage from the special operation zone and the crimean coast. unmanned boats were destroyed by precise strikes. in response to
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provocative statements from the west, on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, the general staff is preparing large exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. congratulations, songs and the warmest words for the front-line soldiers on the eve of victory day, grandson, daughter, and we will definitely sit down at the table. a common memory, a connection between generations, an invincible spirit, an immortal regiment marching across the planet. russia’s opponents tried to destroy it from the inside, but they failed, these are the words of vladimir putin. the head of state held a meeting with the government, which he thanked for work. tomorrow, after the inauguration ceremony of the president of russia, all ministers will receive the status of acting ministers.
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i mean, your work began in this composition, in this team, it began just on the eve of the unpleasant events for all of us associated with the coronavirus pandemic, and it was very difficult, i would say even a difficult test for the country, for everyone us, well, for the whole world, in fact, i must note that together with you we passed this test with dignity, in fact we had to mobilize.
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on construction sites and on road construction , closing this is not closing how to do it, what to do with groups, including creative teams, how to support them in conditions like... yes, we had to limit their work, and so on and so forth, there were a lot of questions, in general , problems with supporting entire enterprises, huge, entire sectors of the economy, they were balanced and timely. the most difficult work has been done, the cabinet of ministers has coped with a challenge that has never been seen before it was true that the country went through the pandemic with dignity, but in 2022 there will be a new test, and a historical one at that. after 8 years of abuse of
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people who lived and live in the donbass, we are unable to solve the problems in this region, the problem. people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, cannot be resolved by peaceful means, a little later it became clear that we were simply led for us, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by armed means, but what started with point of view, from an economic point of view, you and i know well, economic aggression against russia began literally in the most literal sense of the word, then... the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and we you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, to cause mass unemployment in the country,
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to lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, nothing at our opponents did not succeed, the result was exactly the opposite of what was expected. there is obvious confirmation of this: in 2023 , the russian economy grew at a rate higher than the global one. according to these indicators, the country is ahead of both the leading countries of the european union and the countries included in the so-called big seven. unemployment is low, household incomes continue to grow, national projects are being implemented, and the transition of the economy to digital technologies and management is progressing at a good pace. it is fundamentally important that the government has established coordinated work with regional.
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in difficult conditions gives reason to say that their abilities and dedication will be in demand even after the cabinet of ministers, according to the constitution, is re -formed. one political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work in the interests of russia,
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the russian, the russian of all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. i want, expressing words of gratitude for what we have done and you have done... done in previous years, to express the hope that we will still do a lot in the name of russia and her people. in modern conditions, everything is important: there are no trifles. the cost of our actions at this undoubtedly historical time for our country is extremely high. your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business qualities will certainly be in demand. thank you very much, dear. colleagues, for your hard, fruitful work, and of course, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming great holiday, victory day. thank you! yuri lepatov, svetlana barkova, kirill loginov, channel one. now the belgorod region, a new attack by ukrainian militants on civilians
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to people. the ssu used komikaze drones. borisov district, two minibuses were attacked, a second blow to the rescue doctors who arrived to help. according to the ministry of health, six died. people, 42 injured, three in serious condition, among the victims there are children, while the ministry of defense reported that several more attacks on the region were stopped, about a dozen drones were destroyed by air defense systems. from the belgorod region, report by dalmira beryukova, clear morning, road in border berezovka, broken buses of a local agricultural enterprise, on the side of the road bodies of dead and wounded workers, the picture is so terrifying that the person filming does not dare to raise the lens. they go, they go, they go, by the way, this is the moment when people who were going to work hit the buses. the first to be near the wounded were local
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residents who were driving in the same direction, they didn’t hesitate to rush to help, we need help, let’s go, faster, well, let’s go faster, they take several wounded people into their car, it’s okay, don’t worry, blood is just blood, and i was just following you, i was following you, i saw a drone, i said, i stopped. and he’s behind you, look, careful parking, he went, he went, freak, okay, okay, now bro we’ll get there, the drone was attacked by civilian cars in the vicinity of the village of berezovka, borisov district, from there it’s literally 5 km to the russian-ukrainian border, a clear, almost windless day, the area is clearly visible, right after this attack on civilian vehicles, the armed forces of ukraine launched another attack, their target was again peaceful and usually these were journalists, doctors and police officers working at the scene of the emergency, immediately after this... a missile danger was also recorded in the city of belgorod. the favorite tactic of the ukrainian nazis is to
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first strike at random targets and then launch rockets. as a result of the strike, six people died on the spot, seven people were hospitalized in extremely serious condition. a total of 42 people were injured, including three children. the condition of the wounded was reported to the ministry of health of the belgorod region. of the forty victims in several medical organizations in belgorodskaya regions are located in the borisov central district hospital, in the regional one.
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about the work of our military in the special operation zone, as the ministry of defense said , two settlements were liberated at once: the west group took control of the cattery, this is in the kharkov region, and the fighters of the center of the village of solobyovo in the dpr. in all areas , large quantities of equipment were removed from service, including western equipment, for example, the enemy of another german tank leofar, american artillery installations and polish ones. in addition, a ukrainian su-27 aircraft was shot down by air defense systems. aviation, missile forces, as well as two enemy enterprises for the production of attack drones were destroyed by artillery. in addition, the forces of the black sea fleet in the area of ​​the northwestern coast of crimea hit five unmanned boats in the ssu. here is footage of how one of them was hunted by helicopter. at first, the small ship tries to maneuver away from the fire, but the boat also gets an accurate hit. the ammunition detonated. on the eve of may 9
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, our frontline fighters received a new batch of vehicles and necessary equipment. the popular front handed over 100 vehicles purchased in within the framework of the winning fee. they are equipped with additional protective equipment, detectors, drones, thermal imagers, anti-fragmentation blankets, and are intended, among other things, for the evacuation of the wounded. also , dressing capes and dressings were prepared for the military personnel. materials, as well as tea, sweets and letters from children with words of support, the head of the executive committee of the popular front noted on the eve of a day sacred to all of us. on may 9, when a special military operation is underway, continuity, and continuity of feat, is especially important our soldiers, the great patriotic war, our soldiers who are defending our country today,
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so the popular front announced a collection on the eve of may 9, this collection contains everything that is needed for evacuation vehicles, these are electronic warfare equipment, these are drone detectors, these are night vision devices visions, warmth so that the guys could move in recovery vehicles in maximum safety as possible. the general staff began preparations for exercises on the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. tasks is testing the iskander operational-tactical complex, as well as hypersonic cruise missiles. how together. the training will take place at the ministry of defense on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, and will involve missile formations of the southern military district, aviation and naval forces. the ministry of defense stated that the exercises are aimed at ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, in response to provocative statements and threats from certain western officials. just
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one of these statements was made the other day from british foreign secretary. in an interview with reuters, he spoke about ukraine’s right to strike russian territory using british weapons. moscow views these words as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of london's increasing involvement in military operations on the side of kiev. the answer could be our strikes on any british military installations and equipment on the territory of ukraine outside its borders. the ministry of foreign affairs announced this today. the british ambassador was summoned to smolenskaya square. to him expressed strong protest. our diplomats urged him to think about the inevitable catastrophic consequences of such hostile steps. the french ambassador was also summoned to the russian foreign ministry, said the official representative of the diplomatic ministry, maria zakharova. in the irkutsk region, more than 50 rescuers are extinguishing a large natural fire. four gardening partnerships and almost a hundred country
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houses and outbuildings are on fire. wind gusts of more than 25 m/s seriously complicate the work of the fire. streets, only a few hours later the flames were localized, while one casualty is known, local authorities have organized temporary accommodation centers at the hospital’s sports complex, with doctors on duty. on the eve of may 9 , veterans are honored throughout the country, concerts, personal parades, the main words, thank you for the victory, powerful spirit, common memory, connection between generations, new cities on the planet are joining the procession of the immortal regiment, portraits of those who fought against fascism, and also flags and music of the war years. yulia anishchenko, first things first. soon my grandson and daughter will come to see me, and we will sit down at the table, i will definitely
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let's raise the first toast for our victory. rastislav dmitrievich is now 98. these days words for front-line soldiers are heard throughout the country. veterans are congratulated by military personnel, volunteers, schoolchildren and all those for whom the victory holiday is dearest to their hearts. martyn gerasimovich grigoriev, drafted into the army at 18, served as an artilleryman in the anti-aircraft troops, didn’t think about his exploits, just did his
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job honestly every day. the banks of the steep mimakh. home front workers receive congratulations on the eve of may 9. during wartime, anna volynkina worked as a fireman at a factory for herself those who went to the fund. we grieve for those who
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did not return from the war, defending their native country, for those who came from victory, to death and various ills, and have passed away forever. warm words from military personnel, those who today continue the work of their ancestors, defend their homeland, all for happiness, red carnations. gratitude from grandchildren and children, sun glare on the medals, strong heroic people, our dear veterans, we congratulate you on this great holiday, on victory day, hurray, hurray, despite the fact that the traditional procession there will be no immortal regiment this year due to security reasons, this is not a reason to abandon the action completely, photo heroes can be seen on social networks, windows of houses on memory walls installed throughout russia at enterprises, universities, schools, anyone can place them.
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nikitina, maryana soboleva, anna lepatova, channel one. and by may 9, on media facades and special screens in moscow and other cities , patriotic videos are broadcast, photographs of those who fought against fascism, our veterans, our heroes are shown. so interactive the memory album demonstrates as another way to thank for the feat. soviet posters from the war, chronicles of front-line events, images from the collection of the state historical museum. i am the grandson of a soviet soldier who reached
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berlin in 1945. grandfather never talked about the war, but he prepared with trepidation for every day of victory. on the eve of this great holiday, we have prepared several video projects in memory of our grandfathers. for the first time, we will show propaganda posters of the great patriotic war in large format. not only in vocation, but in perseverance. serious injuries, epidemic threats and, as a response, unique discoveries were made thanks to despite wartime.
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yana podziuban collected amazing stories. the piece of mold that changed the course of world history is penicillin in a cup of bacteria. a transparent zone will appear around, this is the so -called bacterial growth inhibition zone. that is, bacteria do not grow here, they are killed by the antibiotic, even circles frame tiny samples, the actions of the antibiotic, these clean circles around mold and looked for ermolyeva, about 100 attempts on grass, trees, dishes, found the walls of a bomb shelter, soviet penicillin was successfully used for a wide variety of diseases. british scientists had discovered penicillin earlier, by this time they had already tried to establish its industrial production in american factories, purchasing from them was expensive, and in order to make it with... the antibiotic needed its own mold urgently, it was clear that it was necessary to look for some special strain of this fungus , which you produced a drug, an active
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molecule, and preferably produced in in large quantities, not just some crumbs, but quite a lot to put the production of penicillin at an industrial level, a low, rather silent look of steel, by this moment had stopped the epidemics of plague and cholera, for the forty-second year cholera from astrakhan rises up the volga to the city of stalingrad. stalingrad is important factories, our victory is forged there. the enemy is advancing from the west, cholera is advancing from the south. cholera is closer and ermolyeva assembles the echelon and goes to the front. she is there in the already besieged stalingrad was able to organize the production of a cholera vaccine. she vaccinated everyone, cleaned the wells, her sanitary standards for water chlorination are still used today, when the cholera of stalingrad drove away the german soldiers, another infection was weakened. in suzdal. after the first blockade winter in leningrad, the germans scattered leaflets. you will die from
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infection in the spring. it didn’t happen, and it wasn’t a miracle, universal vaccination was carried out in tablets, they walked around the apartments, entering every door, they gave the person this tablet and made sure that he took it, in front of them. biologist magdalina pokrovskaya took the vaccine against the plague, which is how we saved romania in 1944. nina gefin and nikolai alexandrov created the famous polyvaccine, just one injection against typhus, paratyphoid, dysentery, cholera and tetanus. the germans are retreating.
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operated by sergei sergeevich yudin. the first scalpel of the great patriotic war, he went around to the front and showed a new method - wide dissection of the wound. removal of non-viable tissues and bone fragments. the wound opens wide throughout and is filled with streptocide. he's the professor's sulfidine postovsky, pours generously into wounds, until ponicilin appeared, it saved lives. postovsky six months earlier than british scientists got the pure substance and put it on the assembly line. at the hospital, streptocytes were sent in buckets. streams of blood on the front line, but the front was not drained of blood for a single day. the first transfusion service appeared already in september '41, a unique method of preservation was developed, with the help of nitrous oxide, blood was turned into dry serum and delivered to the front in tablets, transfused with blood, blood-substituting fluids in the field hospitals, at all stages of evacuation, on average twice for each wounded person during the war. the soviet union was the first country in the world to build a national blood service. the germans
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are like that.
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lasted up to 10 days in a shift, that is, the patient could already be transferred without putting any, any heavy burden on the medical staff. world science does not know anything like this, not in sterile laboratories, in bomb shelters under shelling, with lightning speed, as if in compressed time, our scientists made discoveries that changed the vector of human development, as they say the doctors themselves, if it weren’t for the discoveries of world war ii, we wouldn’t be where we are now, perhaps... we simply wouldn’t exist. yana podeban, daria rybakova, alexey labushkin, anastasia beristenko and alexander gutkin. first channel. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, the program is on air right now , time will tell. good evening, informational.


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