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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:54pm MSK

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conduct without using any heavy load on medical personnel. world science does not know anything like this. not in sterile laboratories, in bomb shelters under fire, at lightning speed, as if in compressed time. our scientists have made discoveries that have changed the vector of human development, as the doctors themselves say, if not for the discovery of world war ii, we would not be where we are now. perhaps we simply would not exist. yana podeban, daria rybakova, alexey labushkin, anastasia beristen. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now in on air, the program time will tell, good evening, the information channel on the first continues to work live, the program time will tell, studios anatoly kuzichev and olesya loseva, emanuel macron here again showed his gushing restlessness, he rose again. with a provocative statement and called on
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europe to fight russia without any self-restraint. what a weakness it is to set a priori restrictions on yourself in relation to such an enemy as russia. in ukraine , the security of europeans is at stake because it is located one and a half thousand kilometers from our borders. the power and range of russian ballistic missiles puts us all at risk. russia has become a destabilizing power, which... in an interview with the economist magazine , he once again stated that he does not rule out sending french troops to ukraine. as i said, i'm not ruling anything out.
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for we are opposed to one who excludes nothing. many countries supported this approach and agreed with our position. i have a clear strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine. if russia will win in ukraine, there will be no security in europe. if the russians had broken through the front line, if there had been a request from ukraine, which is not the case today, we would have legitimate reasons to ask ourselves the question of sending troops. even at the nato summit in 2022, we ruled out sending tanks. military missiles and military aircraft, now we are doing all of this, so it would be a mistake to exclude the rest, but the very first time magron spoke about sending french troops to ukraine was at the end of february. i have a small question regarding statements by the prime minister of slovakia about the possible sending of troops from western countries to ukraine, was this discussed today and what do you think about this?
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there is no consensus regarding the official dispatch of ground forces today, but over time nothing can be ruled out, we are doing everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war, many who today say never, never are the same people who said 2 years ago : never, never tanks, never, never planes, never larger missiles range, the british decided to go with macron. just last week , british foreign minister david cameron said that ukraine has every right to strike with british weapons at targets directly on russian territory, and today the british ambassador to moscow, nigil case, was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of our country, the department said, that a strong protest was expressed to the british ambassador with the appearance of david cameron, the ambassador was warned that the response to the ukrainian strikes using the british weapons on... the territory of russia
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any military facilities and equipment of great britain on the territory of ukraine outside its borders can become, here is another important answer that was received by both david cameron and macron from our ministry of defense. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, general. preparations have begun for holding exercises in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district, with the involvement of aviation, and also naval forces. during the exercise, a set of activities will be carried out to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally... ensure the territorial
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integrity and sovereignty of the russian state, in response to provocative statements of threats by certain western officials against the russian federation. of course, this is serious, so olesya said it, and so to speak, presented it as, well, sort of an answer, but in general it’s not just an answer, it’s, you know, there’s this term musically , little by little, gradually, step by step , look, step by step, where we are now, after these, and look, in this statement, there are absolutely unambiguous references to those, that is, characters, persons, because of whom, in fact, all this has reached this level, in response to a provocative one.
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do not give tanks and missiles, but now we we give, so why should we be ashamed now? i mean, i'm sorry, my question was, look, well, this will scare you, will this cool the ardor? i just want to say that after this, of course, we need to understand that it’s not like we suddenly remembered that we had some kind of thing lying around in our pocket.
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specific scenarios, in response to our arsenal, and we are checking it already by provocative statements of threats by certain western officials against the russian federation, we must understand that any exercises that take place, no matter at what level, they always have what is called a plan, you need to understand that our statement means that according to the plan of the exercises, we will accept, so to speak, accept the use of weapons not against some abstract enemy.
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there's no sense of how confident they are in what they're doing, so yes, our statement, i think it will work in this case, but what i'm saying is that there's one very worrying thing about this whole thing, and that's that you said it right now , step by step, you understand, that is another year ago, i remember the statements of the americans, who called on all parties not to use in any way... to discuss the theory of the use of nuclear weapons in general somehow, we have said several times, even recently, that they are not trying to threaten russia, but we see that the world is slowly moving towards this step by step, friends, then let’s thank vlad, but look, remember, by the way, the words of macron,
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he said, why are you ashamed, remember there 2 years ago we don’t deliver this, we don’t deliver this under any circumstances, we will never deliver this, why are you crazy, and now everyone says, everything is possible, what are you getting? specific demonstration, i don’t know, i hope that this will not happen, but i hope, i hope that you will refute my words ilena vladimirovna, no, i’m not going to do it in any case, because reading western analytics, i constantly see that they are getting bigger, everything is getting
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bolder and bolder, the only thing stopping them is our nuclear arsenals, that’s it the germans write about it, the french, the americans. naturally, this should cool the ardor, and it was precisely in macron’s speech that it was said that there is no consensus, that is, there is no agreement in the western community on this issue. more active participation in the conflict in ukraine, one of those who objects is scholz, germany does not interfere, the presence of the nuclear arsenal of the russian federation does not prevent them from supplying everything, everything that was unthinkable 2 years ago, well, nevertheless , when the question is how to stop this, when the same international institute for strategic studies in germany publishes extensive reports on relations with russia, they are thinking about whether they should go even further?
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a lot, of course, he also makes such loud statements in order to somehow , well, earn certain
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points for himself. nikita, this is what concerns our teachings, how much will they really help to cool down these hot, uncontrollable, or maybe someone-controlled western heads, or, on the contrary, it will somehow provoke them once again; they will provoke us even more. recently macron addressed the nation just... after the first bellicose statements, because an atmosphere of fear was really created in french society, officials said that yes, we theoretically can send the french legion, nato specialists, of course, they will not on the line of contact, but nevertheless, even these first statements created a tremor within french society, not only direct political opponents, both right and left, by the way, began to blame macron that he just went crazy, ordinary people started.
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finished, excuse me, well, not a political science phrase, but how stupid do you have to be to still think that there is some kind of ambiguity here, of course, the presence of french, there nato, british specialists, with the help of which they guide russian targets in the depths our country, those same missiles, and quite a long range, or the arrival of a contingent, be it in odessa, be it in...
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hands for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in my opinion, are the most important goals in this case, there will be exactly those places, those deployments of western weapons specialists, this has been repeatedly said.
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it may be smaller in terms of numbers, it may not be as effective ammunition, but it is important for them to create. thanks to emmanuel macron for this term, i draw your attention, by the way, now you remembered the statement of the british, they are there, no, here are two quotes, the first quote from our today's afternoon broadcast, we had an american, here he says , well, as an american, american political scientist, stefan
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stefan ebert, his name was, well, now his name is, so he says, well, listen, well, we discussed about the same thing and now... it was interesting, so to speak, how americans understand this, how they feel, he says: well, listen, well we are used to the fact that we have, let’s say, vietnam says, it’s clear that our advisors are there, they were there long before the official, so to speak, all the so-called advisors were there, well, they still understood everything, he says, that’s why he says , there is such a thing , there is such a special term, advisers, therefore, in principle, it seems like this is not an official dispatch, but it seems to be there, but everyone is fighting, this is the first, here is the second interesting thing, olesya quoted the statement of the russian foreign ministry about calling the ambassador, and of course the most interesting and most important words in this statement about what it means , any military facilities and equipment of great britain on the territory of ukraine, as well as beyond its borders, can become, so it seems to me that there is nothing more important than this phrase. alexandrovich, how do you understand this, so to speak, new round of escalation? well, really in fact, today signals were sent not to macron or cameron, but to people in uniform who,
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unlike this entire public, actually understand what could happen. in this case, it means that i was especially amused in connection with macron, if it is appropriate to use such a verb, that he made his last statements in algeria, it is here that a parallel is perfectly drawn between a normal french president who had military experience, and general de gaulle, who, just realizing that everything in algeria had reached a dead end, he took it upon himself an unpopular decision, they left algeria because he was a military man who understood, so to speak, the realities, the realities, yes, and macron. who, in addition to all his other deviations , is, so to speak , a seriously sick narcissist, so to speak, all these photographs , again, we looked at the cover of the economist, where he means there he is pensively suffering, he enters close, so to speak, to the corodenov thinker, you understand, but in fact, this was filmed in the toilet, but that’s not even the point these pictures of him mean where he is boxing, so to speak, before calling putin and
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other other things, that is, he likes this whole pose, he is surrounded by a photographer, there is this young man of his. says: come on emmanuel, make another scary face like this. he does it all. eh, especially since, but we really need to somehow switch the agenda, the olympic games are coming. we know that there is a big problem, open water competitions in the seine cannot be held because the river is full of feces and a lot of other problems. and when, so to speak, the question arises, macron is there, what should the palovites do, he says: wait, in, here, here, now, there’s no time for that now, i ’m getting ready to answer, i ’ll answer vlad putin now. now there’s no time for that, there’s a problem there, so now we’ll tell him harshly, i’m straight to the sacred land of algeria, i’ll give everyone fire, so to speak, he gives a blackbird as a result, of course, and cameron has the same story, well, the elections have just passed, which we’re talking about they said, but not to the european parliament, there are not enough photographs of scholz with a black eye, everything becomes
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immediately clear, no, this is important, macron woke up, took off his nightie, went to box, this is clear. they perceive the world as a computer story, so to speak, where buttons are pressed and people die, their people, because in the same odessa there
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are up to 3.00 of these french advisers, and there have already been several arrivals, they must understand how they will justify the dead - it’s as if they were all dead at the ski resort, they apparently don’t think about it yet, i can imagine what kind of fuss will arise tomorrow against the backdrop of what we are discussing today, but the main thing is that they really are among this noise. somehow the asters greet guests incorrectly and what do these passes give? with them you can get through all our posts to the very front line. you have two options: stay here in this
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apartment forever, come with us as a hostage, according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you can’t borrow yours, just for half an hour.
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saboteur crimea may 9 on the first, it was you who shot at me, apparently, if i had shot, i would not have missed, on the day of victory on the first, so what is there on the musical front, blue handkerchief? clear, dugout, dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, we have long learned by heart their favorite songs, what do you play on, harp, no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, grasshopper, romeo and masha, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, catches grasshoppers, arly , wolves, and how they loved, and as he said.
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he is called a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many reports are reported personally to stalin, notes there in pencil, personally. when asked, this is the most important thing you did, kim philby pronounced with a huge accent.
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the true story of a british aristocrat and prominent soviet intelligence officer, kim philby, the secret war, on sunday on the first. i understood that i really couldn’t know some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now, i can’t even tell you. hello country, welcomes you, new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, i have driven through almost all
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the golden ones. russia ring and russia silver necklace. i have a dream, i really want to go on a hike to lake baikal, i hope it will come true soon. and to altai, by car through the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok. there is also a lot to see in the urals; i visited all the bazhov places. by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, did you know? i am from the city of the belored republic of bashkatastan. sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors. i’m from... we continue our broadcast, which means that following the british ambassador to the foreign ministry of the russian federation, today the french ambassador, pierre levy, was summoned, everything
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is just about the same. before their statement regarding the legitimacy of the already use of british weapons on russian territory federation and the sending of french troops to the territory of ukraine. the french ambassador spent about 40 minutes at the russian foreign ministry and left the building without saying a word. the day before there were reports that french troops were already in ukraine, a former assistant to the us deputy secretary of defense, one stephen bryan , said that soldiers of the french foreign... france officially sent its first troops to ukraine, they were deployed in support of the fifty-fourth separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in slavyansk. french soldiers recruited from third french infantry regiment, one of the main units of the foreign legion. the initial group of french troops numbered about 100 people, including artillerymen and scouts. this is only the first tranche of approximately one and a half thousand
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french foreign soldiers. regions that should arrive in ukraine. after the french ambassador visited our foreign ministry, the french foreign ministry hastened to immediately refute the report about the presence of soldiers of a foreign legion in ukraine. attention, disinformation company regarding french ukraine's support continues unabated. no, france did not send troops to ukraine. well, it turns out that the french, before going to the front line, decided to back down. so can this be interpreted or not? and we don’t know if they even decided to go to the front line, maybe this is it, but, but, well, of course, look, just in case, so that this tweet can be seen from afar, but in the subway over your shoulder, well, you see, this not us, well, i don’t know, elena vladimirovna, well, after all, our teaching works, i think it works unambiguously, and it worked with lightning speed, this is the magical power of the word, yes magical, then
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tell me, who did it affect? now i will explain my thought, many of us imagine a map of the world, we understand that, say, europe, the part that is, so to speak, well, in a geographical sense , russia, for the most part, yes, is here, and the usa , on the contrary, is here, and in general, if god forbid, but like this, well, you say, what magic does a strong word have, backed by a good nuclear arsenal, yes, the americans are already generally above it in general never drips under any circumstances, well... however, nevertheless, the biden administration would not want this conflict to flare up into a direct confrontation between russia and nato, because america is a nato country, in which case they need would like to participate in this, and they now have a lot of economic problems, in addition, for the biden administration, for biden personally and his team, the main thing now is the election campaign, the americans will not support it without enthusiasm, in any case
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they will accept it. as they think, tugging at russia, provoking russia and betting on the weakening of moscow. the weakening did not work out, they miscalculated with the economy, in military terms, they also miscalculated, russia is now moving forward, then they are thinking about how to stop this advance with the further advance of russian troops, they are most interested in kiev and odessa now. i... i dare to suggest
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that they have already said goodbye to kiev, that they have already said goodbye to those regions that, according to the constitution, are part of the russian federation and said goodbye a long time ago.
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russia needs to be weakened, okay, how to weaken russia? that, by the way, the americans are doing better and faster than what is supposed to be a sluggish flowing, so to speak, smoldering, but still quite noticeable conflict, this is an ideal option, it is clear even to me that a third of the conflict cannot last long, it will either fade out or flare up, it cannot smolder for long in... there are many examples , but moscow will not allow this, they already see that factors have appeared here that are changing conflicts that have been smoldering for quite a long time, the situation on the fronts, among these factors
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first of all, that russia is advancing further and further, so they are thinking about whether to allow russia to move further or to try to stop it in some way, i think about all these current statements and the reactions that follow on their part, not so much because that they were very terribly frightened, even though they continue this policy of their own of boiling the frog, that is, six months ago there was no talk at all
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, nothing at all about the fact that troops would come, even the advisers denied, but it was said that maybe some are volunteers, then suddenly there was a whole wave of statements that they might appear, suddenly appear, but we are ready, but we... no, that is, i repeat, we were just gradually accustomed to this, please tell me how this is what the task looks like the finale is what it looks like the finale looks like what a boiled frog looks like the frog is that real units will begin to appear, at first they are there, but they do not yet act as specific units, but the matter is the military advisers who are at the training grounds, wait , sorry, vlad, wait, but a boiled frog is a dead frog, no, a boiled frog means one that, in principle, could not jump out of the very pan where they began to cook it, you understand, that is, it was simply boiled.
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i understand correctly that if we see, say, some kind of border there or some polish units entering, for example, six or eight ukrainian ones beyond the western regions, this is what it will mean, this means that they did they add it, or what? i would take it strictly the other way around, no, you know, if we see what’s there the french and germans appeared, there is no reaction from our side, then of course they mean that they crushed us, you have to understand that it’s one thing that military advisers appear there, of whom... the ukrainians are only partially present in the complexes, just like many other things , that is, there are a lot of them there, but when a specific unit
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of a foreign region comes there, they will formalize it, they will formalize it in protocol, that is, there will be an appeal from an illegitimate person who will say, please come in, stay there, so they have already allowed this to happen. we heard elena vladimirovna’s version of it, when we say they, they will
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advance, they will decide this, they will decide that, they will do this, can i directly decipher this term in more detail, who are they? wait, now this is the collective west led by the states, for example, or in this case this is europe, which i completely agree with, the americans will demand from them that this be an individual decision of each individual country, because the fifth article is already definitely big.
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spend the evening, well, i also have a problem, yes, well, let me go and draw some more, well, i’ll have to print more, well, i understand everything, i don’t understand, well, okay, there is rhetoric, there are existential threats, the world is built on rules, well, still, i don’t know, people someday leave work, macron probably also has a kitchen, so he sits there and pours what he pours there, i don’t recommend calvodos. drinking, not exactly a sip, but in general, that means
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he’s sitting down, he and his wife are there somehow they’re talking, or i don’t know, or with a friend, right away, well, they’re talking to someone, it doesn’t matter, yes, well, he doesn’t tell him, old man, you know, this is an existential threat, well , no, he’s like that doesn’t say, he ’s saying something in a human way, you know, there is one thing here that also needs to be shared, you know, for the americans, relatively speaking, lost ukraine is everything. this is like a story inside
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a wall street journal publication. let's read a fragment. a group of foreign bondholders plan to provide pressure on ukraine to start paying interest on its debt again as early as next year. the group owns about a fifth of ukraine's outstanding eurobonds , worth $20 billion. american journalists report this, citing their sources familiar with the situation. it is noted that investors are companies. i asked this question, so who are these people, and what if we add to
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the decoding of this term they, in addition to the usual, so to speak, there we are, well, russia, i don’t know there, the collective west in in the form of a government, let's add one more, not exactly unknown, well-known, well, yes, but we don't know, well, some kind of permanent constant called a corporation, black rock, for example, and pimko, this has to do with the decoding of this term they? is it them too or is it completely independent, well, let’s do it all together, but the goal setting is different, because when we talk about the collective west , first of all, of course, it’s geopolitics. private investors were ready not to ask everything very simply why until recently ukraine, because they were promised agricultural lands, look at 90%
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of the most fertile lands, which, by the way, are closer to us from the dnieper, they already belong there according to documents. american, european companies, infrastructure facilities, the same odessa, the odessa port, still the remains of industry, which in theory, as if after the end of a special military operation, or as the west thinks, after the victory of ukraine, should come under the ownership of private investors, actually exactly also bring profit. why they started talking in 2025: give money, because they have no confidence that those same assets in the form of land, in the form of infrastructure, industrial enterprises will be the property of the ukrainian state, they will physically control it, based on this, without waiting for the final collapse of the front, without waiting for the final collapse conditionally ukrainian political system, private investors are actually hinting, of course, not to zelensky and the government, what to take from them, but from
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their geopolitical, political, let’s say , colleagues who are right there in the neighborhood in fact, they say that guys, we have invested in you. asked to invest, we did it, and you have to give us the money, of course, so it’s kind of, you know, a showdown, roughly speaking, among ourselves, but it’s another thing when you’re basically in the same boat, yes, well, globally, because their goals still very often coincide, only when there is some kind of emergency, you will start your partner there, so to speak, anatoich, this analogy of the rower who is rowing next to you is close to you, trying to get something from him that to him i don't really like it. a very important signal, they no longer expect that those same investments, as they say, will pay off, they don’t even expect that ukraine will physically be able to provide them with access to
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lands, that is, in their view, ukraine has lost, and even though at least return the money, again no one will forgive the capital, they talk about it. here is the most important thing nikit, i just want to speak half-sentence and you, i’m not going anywhere, oh my god, this is just like an interim bill, like in a restaurant, i haven’t forgotten yet, so we just have we mentioned a few here, they are in the sense of the government, so to speak, the authorities of politics, and there are some nikita just said this is business, respectively business , i understand correctly, with messages like this , he seems to be sending his authorities a signal to the guys like something where this will be awesome investment huh? nikita just said the key phrase, the best way to collect money was under the skin of the russian bear, then they managed to collect a little more for the victory of ukraine, and now we need to somehow return it on the other side, listen, on the other side we all just agreed too, this was an internal studio consensus, which means you all agreed, which means it is very
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beneficial for the americans for something to smolder, bubble, and so on, and so on, and so on, here these are demanding that businessmen say, everything-everything-everything, let's fix it with us, we have it ourselves... we have lunch, yes, no, with us, our profits are flowing away and so on, cost, in fact , once again, of course, i am amazed at the work this depist, and the deep state, because well, that’s right, colleagues already they told, that is , the americans, or rather representatives of this deep state, will force them, so that certain crazy people, like macron, so to speak, polish comrades, so to speak, duda and tusk, who need to prove themselves, play this... .culinity, so that they carry out individual work, and in relation to ukraine, in relation to europe, the americans are characterized by my favorite sad joke, when, so to speak, they tell a person, go ahead, attack, i will always be there and sell you cartridges, man. speaks, maybe he misheard, misspoke, give, no,
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he says, sell, this is how it happens, you know, yes, that is, i, that’s what we’re talking about, i’ll always be there, i’ll sell you cartridges, that’s why ukraine. a separate european state, but it is clear that they will always try, so to speak, to aggravate the situation there, well, these additional so-called french advisers will come to odessa, they will fly to them, which means a certain number of people will die, macron will come out, that means he will frown and say, well, that’s it, my patience is no longer unlimited, how will he get out if he doesn’t admit it, well, apparently there will already be such a number of dead that i’ll have to say that these are our technical specialists there, volunteers. tron, the answer is already ready, you need to pay so much, and so to speak, accept the equipment, which means we will transfer it here and there, and
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drive it to ukraine, so for america this is a business, and of course, they want it to smolder well, for as long as possible, because europe will finally weaken there into rags, which means they expect that for many years we will resist there - this collective west, and these will make money from it, these who are overseas, the americans, yes, i understand, but... by mastering, so to speak, they will milk ukraine, so to speak . europe and so on and so on, the more retarded
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the president will be at the head of america, so to speak, he will simply be in the same line, these are all macron scholz and so on, so to speak, that is correct , which means neither biden nor the biden administration actually decides anything or everything -yes they decide, well, no, well, in the biden administration there are people who are serious, so to speak, yes, but these are not those who walk like this black man with prostatitis, so to speak, or so. i just remembered, there is a formula, and there is so much of it, more than half a century, listen, exactly, but i want a little more about macron,
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you kept asking the question, everything is clear with the biden administration, yes, or with the american diplomatic it’s worth it, you keep asking, what’s the benefit for macron, here, in my opinion, we allow this, well it’s not just some kind of mistake, but such a very large tolerance. we are trying to bring to the strategic level those who cannot be brought to this level, negative selection, you know, that’s how, well, there is such a vulgar joke that they have played the game with the mice, but europe has long played the game with these mice, and these politicians, many of them , at least it’s impossible, not to mention difficult, impossible to bring to this strategic level, impossible to find answers to the questions that they even... ask themselves, but if he’s talking about strategic ambiguity, he uses this word ambiguite in french, well, his head is full of
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these ambiguities, well, of course, whoever makes two, maybe one remark, but nevertheless, look, no matter what macron is from this negative selection, but he is already says that he is ready to continue to be president for a third term, so, here, here, yes, so for him, well, who cares about war, who cares about mother, so to speak, when the time comes, he will come out again in shorts, in these same ones wearing gloves. will say: i cannot leave france now, when russia opposes me, so can i work for another 5 years, and where will grateful france say for five more, of course, a pink robe suits him better, so i knew that it would be so much to talk about such interesting thoughts, and of course everyone will remember macron in a pinyure, well, guys, well , listen, then take a break, forget this picture, i want to tell you, well, if this formula is really fair, then what is good for the united states is what is good for... to complete the picture, let us remember that
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macron in general, he’s not a guy from from nowhere, it’s not like he started his whole life there with a municipal deputy, yes, then there was another one, well, there was a senior municipal deputy, then not, and then rothschild, so he worked in the ruthschild system, yes, excuse me, we are not talking about conspiracy theories now, in terms of scale, this very appropriate to remember, right? and then just like that, he became president, it’s funny, luck happens, people in life, in the next part we’ll talk about macron and si, the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time. burbon stirsman
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a product of the stellar group, whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group, gin сnop a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group, by law. wartime, new episodes, watch after the program time. the most famous british fascist, oswald mosley, at the age of 22, became the youngest member of the english parliament. following muusolini, mosley declared great britain the heir to great rome, which sounded wild, but he didn’t even do that
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noticed. after the end of the second world war , the french. at least at that time they defeated their internal fascism, but whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big question, it was they who helped many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid publicity of the monstrous crimes of the german fascists. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. the heaviest floods this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin when the water goes on how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, on wednesday on the first, on victory day on
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the first. this year we are celebrating. in 1944, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to single-handedly destroy 150 manpower and knock out two tanks, one of which was a tiger. where are you now, friends, when i leave as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, here they are the heroes who gave us life, here are the
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young ones who have now taken their places, low bow to you guys. this is my grandfather, he fought bravely for his homeland, i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me this is, first of all, a memory of great honor, this is victory day, victory day, a festive evening on may 9th on the first, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level, we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, you can get an autograph, i admire you from a young age, autograph, anna evseyeva is an actress, and her relatives are giving a double rate, a fatal lady, i would say bitch, and you are a believer, a hardened atheist and in general there is nowhere to leave samples, again for the old one,
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yes, mom, you are sick, well, you somehow... remember already, they decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, uh-huh, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go, where to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we probably should just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i don’t alphonse, oh, i'm daydreaming, animator on may 10th at the first.
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ever, speaking about our europe, we are at a turning point in our history, which confronts us with structural difficulties and requires us to overcome them. this also applies to economic exchanges with a logic of division that can be detrimental to our responsibility to ensure fair rules for everyone. we will discuss ukraine and the middle east, two major crises in which coordination between us is absolutely critical. well, what about ursula? ursula turned on her hackneyed one? the leader said that to resolve the situation in ukraine, beijing must exert influence on russia. we hope that china
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will use all its leverage over russia to stop russia's aggressive war against ukraine. shizen pin has played an important role in eliminating russia's irresponsible nuclear threat, and i am confident that he will continue to do so as russia's nuclear threats continue. keane must punish the lenins of russia, and what did he not say? i would like to take this opportunity to remind you that assad must leave, well, that’s true, well, it’s also interesting pay attention to what it means, before sizenpin’s visit to paris, the western media wrote that macron was going to discuss his idea of ​​an olympic truce with the leader of china, this against the backdrop of statements that it was possible to send french troops to ukraine, well, on the eve of the meeting with macron, the chairman of the people's republic of china, in turn, said that he was ready to discuss with him ways to resolve the conflict in ukraine, and he wrote about this in a column for the figaro newspaper. we hope that peace and stability will soon return to europe,
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we intend to work with france and the entire international community to find the right way to resolve the crisis. beijing understands the shock that the ukrainian crisis is causing among europeans. china is not the cause of this crisis, its party or participant, but has always played a constructive role in the sadist. peaceful settlement. i have repeatedly called for the objectives and principles of the un charter to be respected, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries to be respected, the legitimate security interests of various parties to be taken into account, and also insisted on the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear war. yes, there is of course an interesting, in general this is an interesting story with this visit, even now we will begin to discuss the visit itself, but i’m right, usually, usually, when there is a visit of this level, besides me...
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all sides, if you decipher it, really the chinese are masters of very subtle diplomacy, masters of ceremonial, this means, guys, this crisis happened because you ignored
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the national security of the russians, they have complete right, absolute complete right to ensure their security the way they want, you interpret this phrase this way, it cannot be interpreted differently, now you can see the reaction for... the use of nuclear weapons and china is a deterrent, they are furious that china , despite the sanctions risks, despite the pressure from the west, it supplies to russia, or let’s say, there is an opinion that it supplies dual-use technologies, of course. for the west it is extremely important to do at least something so that against the backdrop it is really such, you know, but the powerful, powerful work of our military-industrial complex, which has really accelerated
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over the last 2-2 years, well, at least there was some kind of pause, and china in this sense is, well, in my opinion, a direct participant in the fact that despite to sanctions pressure, there are attempts to cut us off from technology, our military-industrial complex is nato, and, in general, american. to say, it is ahead, superior, but in terms of european, in general, nato, well, i can’t level of ammunition, in terms of the level of, let’s say, innovation, they clearly, clearly did not count on these are russian results. as for , again, being in serbia and actually this visit, well, this is not just a signal, this, in my opinion, suggests that the chinese do not forget anything, and the same story with the destruction, well, with the death of chinese citizens when belgrade was bombed , let me remind you, the chinese embassy was damaged, let us remember the story about the fact that europe also stands in solidarity with the states. issue
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in taiwan, when he spoke in a column about the territorial integrity of xitingping, everything, of course, was trumpeted in the west, he has in i mean ukraine, but he means taiwan, guys, nikita, excuse me, if you look, i agree with you, or rather, even you agree with me, that these are some kind of declarations, but i will repeat, but i haven’t yet i can understand this is a manifesto for a declaration of what and to whom, so shijin came, that means he came to europe, he came to france, uh, our main one, that means they were making him daring. how is the indomitable guy, then he goes to the service, he goes that you all start laughing, by the way, this is a characteristic of a political leader, of course, but i don’t know anything didn’t say another word, he’ll go to serbia, he’ll go to hungary, which means we all understand that this is all very meaningful, the chinese are masters of some signals, this is a signal of what to whom, this is a signal, just in one phrase, in one specific formula, roughly speaking , this is a signal that china is the actor that will contribute to the change in international relations. the fact that he came to
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macron, let’s see how china in general perceives western delegates now, means nothing, macron doesn’t decide anything, everyone understands this perfectly well, and the last, you know, little point, it’s not just a cat running between macron and fondern, macron is now doing everything possible to ensure that she does not get re-elected to the next post, so when we see this, this delegation from europe, this says that she is not prepared, they are present there because they have to, and not because they have a unified position. china is very important for europe, and we have said more than once that europe is now also heterogeneous, that there are countries in europe that advocate prolongation of this conflict for escalation, like macron, well, scholz is still somehow standing there in the country, biting his fingers, doesn’t know what to do, and there are also other countries, such as hungary, and the leader of china is also going to go there, and what’s more it became known that he was going to discuss the establishment of peace in ukraine with the hungarian authorities. and economic
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projects, as an economic partner , china is now very important to europe, and europe is also now in a situation on china to rely more or less on the united states, again, isn’t elena vladimirovna, there is such reason to believe that europe in this situation can, which means, according to xi’s visit right now, be divided into east and west, so a clear division could form, well, we’re talking about... europe depends on china, european business depends on china, china is the country with the largest volume of free investment, but what’s interesting is that it’s not the chinese who are now investing in germany or france the way the germans or french would like, but this is european capital without...
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europe, which ruled everything, ruled everything, it’s no secret that the european union has its own leaders, and there is sort of a secondary state, and xi says, no, these secondary states have their own opinion, their voice should be heard more, and if someone... then he will pretend that this voice will not be heard, then china will help so that they will hear, how interesting, vladislav vladislavovich, well, here i am just.
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let's say, let's look at this visit from the point of view, again, from the point of view of a purely chinese approach to diplomacy, to who can come to europe? well, three main countries: britain, germany, france, never to the germans, because germany for china still remains a country that bears responsibility for the world war in may, it’s impossible to go there, well, scholz was accepted, the factories are german, there too. this is different, it’s clear, yes, the british, it’s like they just have a categorical refusal, accordingly, this is the role of britain, so france, in this case it is completely understandable, it traditionally acts in europe as a kind of flagship. europe, especially diplomatic front, but most importantly, i agree with my colleagues here on one thing: xi’s visit shows, first of all, that china has not locked itself into its problems in the far east, but that china, quite rightly, is a huge global and, most importantly , european actor, that is, china
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came here to show that it came here for a long time, it has its own interests, it will defend them. it came to europe, yes, but what about the united states, well, it has already been there, they have already talked. yeah, it’s clear, it’s clear, that is, france is one of the leaders, so well, how to put it very briefly, i probably said too much, you need to understand that, of course, this is also a kind of wedge between america and europe, that is, a demonstrative visit to europe is like showing that china in europe is, of course, such a slap in the face of the americans, considering blinkin, all of his, so to speak, three disturbances that we have recently observed, including jerking back and warnings. here is the answer to this, and also the support of hungary, which is in favor of an early end to the conflict , too, if you also remember this picture remember the news flow, so to speak , remember blinkin, it means that our unfortunate orphan, who means he’s standing at the airport, the ambassador is seeing him off, and a number of responsible airport employees in appropriate
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uniforms, well, somehow it’s just, well, what a path, thank you, the door was opened , well, the truth is , of course, there is an amazing story, okay, if we still continue, let’s be truthful. so now we’ll conduct the program a little in chinese, well, not conduct the program, that’s how nikita said, what does it mean, subtle hints, ceremony, signals all around and so on, let's understand the reason, try to understand the signals, remember, we started with this, olesya told us and showed us how they called the french ambassador to our foreign ministry, here we are , here she is, this french ambassador comes in to the midfield, which means he jumped back out in terrible excitement, all that, after macron’s belligerent statements many times. and so on, moreover, nikita told us today, yes, pay attention, they finally began to forever call macron by their proper names called us the enemy. okay, we wrote it down. some hours pass, everyone arrives, which means they are in france, they are sitting with macron, talking, and interesting news
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comes. this means that reitov reports that the french ambassador will attend tomorrow’s inauguration ceremony of the president, the elected president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich. putin’s representatives from germany, mentioned, poland, countries, well, it’s generally funny to mention, okay, i’ll mention, the baltic countries or the baltic, as they call themselves, will not be at this ceremony, but this one it will mean something, of course, maybe a small version, i apologize, i immediately remembered the story about how the germans signed the surrender, and there were the french, and they also defeated us, well, really france, despite the fact that right now... macron is preening, he understands that one of the most realistic scenarios is a new world order, where russia will, i cannot say, dictate the terms, but at least the previous rules will definitely be destroyed, they are in this regard, and they say, oh well, we were for it, we were
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at your inauguration, by and large, we legitimized with the presence of our ambassador, vladimiradi’s fifth term, and remember, we arrived, and the onset of a new world. with the russian people, what is behind macron’s words? nothing offensive, i think, well, i think, firstly, he quickly received documents regarding the exercises from his military advisers, which are 100%. the second very
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important point, yes, the second very important point, again china is china, but one of the hypostases of china may not be there it is included in the top five, it is still a strategic partner. russia needs to be a very close-minded president, even if it is the fifth republic, so that at a meeting sidinpin, who calls the president our brother and who says that you and i, vladimir vladimirovich, are actually moving these changes, well, openly threaten russia to get involved , this is such a soft pill, well, in this sense, well done, he played, rewinded once again, well, again , how much is this enough? again, time will tell how long it will last internal rating you said this is not an ardent macron, but this is just a pink flamingo, just a child of the sunset or for peace, let’s not say.
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in the end for a long time, which means that he says, well , in my opinion, of italian origin, he sat down in a kind word, yes, we all know, it’s all wonderful, yes, a magic word, but he says, a kind word and a revolver in general works wonders with people, look , yes, sizenping, teaching, look how the rhetoric of the frantic emmanuel has suddenly and radically changed. well, the only thing about the french ambassador, i would i didn’t have such hopes, i have a complete feeling, a complete feeling that they, so to speak, were pulling a match there in the company, they just said, you go, at least someone should attend the inauguration, tell us and communicate there, that means how how it all happened, which means that the chairman of the people's republic of china is showing an alternative to a number of european countries, that is , on the one hand, what we were talking about, deepstate, which sells cartridges, means it is committing.
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as a result of negative selection, with those who are national leaders, and with
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they build normal relationships, they talk about business there, about business, about money, about the economy, but here there are only slogans, then i return olesya’s excellent question to all of us, but then it turns out that it’s just, well, according to all formal and informal signs , just by some natural selection, so to speak, but europe should, in some, so to speak, i don’t know fragments, well, it might split too much. with russia is mutually beneficial with china. there are , as it were, two worlds, two shapiras, so to speak, if you are the leader of the country, look, here
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is one picture, here is the second picture, what else is there, there is one more nuance, i will remind you that he is visiting serbia, and serbia is not a member of the united europe, serbia is an independent state, which, more one whose status is extremely complex, because it is virtually isolated from the whole world and is completely surrounded, and china’s demonstrative visit there and china’s readiness to support serbia, which... the entire corridor to serbia went through hungary during the war, how interesting, will be needed
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of course, we’ll have to wait, but we’ll naturally tell you, report and discuss all this, but it’s very interesting, of course, what statements sidzenpin will make from serbia, what wording he will use, so to speak, so he can remember those bombings, what words he will probably use, so to speak , or somehow how nato and that aggression are characterized by everything else, it seems to me that this is very interesting, well, the wait won’t be long, and that there are forces in the international arena, such as china, that support the aspirations
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of more and more european countries to independent politician. what did this nazarov know that he was tortured so brutally? i will find this arsonist, i promise you, why me, we will find photographs, distribute them to all posts and... the order is to take him alive, okay? according to the laws of war, new episodes, look, after the program time. uncle egor, i saw how svetlana petrovna was loaded into a car by two men with pistols and drove off. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. you
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know this person? traitor. the main task is its elimination. can't be allowed in order for alexandrov to die, he has important information in his head. how do you find out? i'll just ask her if she saw this man? engage in security of the hospital along the perimeter by patrolling the entire facility. who can go on a mission with us? saboteur crimea may 9 on the first, it was you who shot at me, apparently, if i had shot, i would not have missed, on the day of victory on the first, so there but on the musical front, a blue handkerchief, clearly, a dugout, a dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, we have long learned their favorite songs by heart,
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what do you play on, a harp, there is no harp, take a tambourine. we know everyone by name, the grasshopper, romeo and masha, moglyanka, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, the grasshoppers were caught, the eagles, the wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth year, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, the same fields, roads, villages, uh, no, the air is different. and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live, we will live, as long as we remember, only old men go into battle, may 9, after the program, time, and if they give you a division, let's get it, every evening i left the office with a large case full of files that i took out
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from original archival documents, this i did regularly, year after year, they call him... he was interrogated for 4 years, he did not give up, he did nothing gave it away, they didn't have enough evidence, they interrogated me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game, he knew how to play this system and come out on top. the true story of the british aristocrat and outstanding
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soviet intelligence officer, kim philby. secret war. on sunday. at first, i understood that i really couldn’t ask some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now, i can’t even tell you, hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i really love our small cities, i’ve passed almost the entire...
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incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. we continue to work live, as for tomorrow, well, you know, i don’t really like to fall into pathos, so to speak, but sometimes, sometimes it’s necessary, because, really, the scale of the event that we all have to live through, experience, become one way or another participants in it, it really is the one that justifies any pathos tomorrow, may 7, when the russian president is due to take over.
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i think it feels like it, it feels like it’s not may, not the month of may, although in fact it’s may, the cold in moscow is very noticeable, they promise us a cold snap of 8°, so in the morning we went to the telecentral stations, they say during this time it has already become colder, now we will check, moreover, on tuesday night the temperature the air will drop even more, rain is expected, and the area will be wet. snow, against this backdrop, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin said that a decision had been made


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