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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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does not take responsibility, he delegates although there is a mask on his face, yes, but this is what he says to the lord god, that is why he went, prayed, and god told me that this project needs to be promoted, as they say, he does not take responsibility , and this is a very important point, i was once. in the usa on
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holidays there right before this night they call all saints' day, actually all devils' day, it's halloween, and there was just a competition, which means the best one is absolutely harmless and friendly, otherwise, how will i do all my business, so this is my suit and this is johnson’s mask, which we just took off together, maria butina was with you. heir tute, now the program "time". federation of vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time.
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. special military operation - great work for the development of the country, final meeting with vladimir putin.
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our military pilots off the coast of crimea and most importantly about the progress of special operations of the aces of their business opened slightly to our film crew. absolute reliability, 1.0 horsepower engine and ready to fire in 8 seconds. ural vagonzavod sent a new batch of t-90m tanks to the troops. breakthrough. china, france, the european union, which chinese president xinping spoke about in paris with french president emmanuel macron and the head. european commission ursully fonder, defeat of the nazis today we will talk about the achievements of doctors. changing political cycles in russia should not stop working in the interests of the state. vladimir putin stated this today at final meeting with the current government. tomorrow the cabinet of ministers will resign on the day the elected president of russia takes office and the formation of a new government will begin. the current composition according to vladimir putin.
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how to do it, what to do with teams, including creative teams, how to support them in conditions when we were forced to limit the work, the work was done, the cabinet of ministers coped with a challenge that has never been seen before.
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lived and live in donbass, we do not we manage to solve the problems in this region, the problems of people whom we always considered ours, and they considered russia their way, but what started from the point of view of the economy, you and i know very well, literally, in the most literal sense of the word, economic aggression against russia began, the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know it well, what the goal was. destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, create problems in labor collectives, cause unemployment and entire industries of production, as we know, nothing worked for our opponents; the result turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected.
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there is obvious confirmation of this: in 2023, the russian economy grew at a rate higher than that of the world; according to these indicators, the country was ahead of the leading countries of the european union. and countries included in the so-called big seven. unemployment is low, incomes continue to grow, the national projects that have been done so far are a good basis for moving forward. in the near future, according to according to the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place. and during this period, we need to do everything necessary to ensure that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work.
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you worked with us on each of the issues, and we are proud to be part of your team, levich, i am absolutely sure, and members of the cabinet of ministers, many told me about this, that no matter what position their colleagues find themselves in, they will be clearly committed to fulfilling national development goals countries will do everything for his state and for his citizens. thank you for your attention and your trust. the experience of successful work of government members in the most difficult conditions gives reason to say that their abilities and dedication to the task. will be in demand even after that russian, russian of all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. i want, expressing words of gratitude for what we have done, and you have done in previous years, to express the hope that we will do a lot more in the name of russia and
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its people. in modern conditions, everything is important, there are no small things. the price of our actions is inconceivable. happy upcoming great holiday, victory day. thank you. yuri lepatov, svetlana barkova, kirill loginov, channel one. undoubtedly. the general staff, on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, began preparations for exercises on the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the maneuvers will involve iskander complexes, hypersonic and cruise missiles, aviation, the navy and missile forces guarding our borders. large-scale teaching is a clear answer to the right of the crown, it follows that in large-scale exercises. to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons , the entire arsenal of means of delivering warheads to the arena of military operations will be used. this is the first time such exercises have been conducted in russia in response to provocative threat statements by western officials. obviously, we are talking, naturally, about the statements of mr.
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macron, about the statements of british representatives who spoke of readiness and even intention to send special measures. the same macron, as if forgetting the warning of his ancestors that it is not worth it. i don't rule it out nothing, since we are up against someone who does not rule anything out, we have undoubtedly doubted too much in defining the boundaries of our actions, and these boundaries are constantly shifting to ukraine f-16 fighters. british foreign secretary david cameron is already openly saying that he considers ukraine’s right to use provided western weapons to strike targets on russian territory. hakim jeffries, the leader of the parliamentary minority in the house of representatives of the american congress, did not rule out that the united states sooner or later, but i will have to send my soldiers to ukraine, apparently, i mean the deplorable situation that is
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now developing for the ukrainian armed forces at the front. experts believe that the upcoming countries will reconsider their approaches regarding the deployment of nato troops on the territory of ukraine. so far these approaches. at least those that are heard in the public sphere cannot but disturb our country. the baltic states have announced the potential to send their soldiers to ukraine. there is an internal debate in germany about the creation of a nuclear weapons. for example, i say that poland as a state
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will disappear from the face of the earth, like most of the poles, who, most likely, will also disappear from the face of the earth over time, so europeans need to understand this very well and not shake it with a nuclear club, a nuclear warhead can be equipped with the iskander missile system, hypersonic dagger and tsercon, as well. torpedoes, air-launched cruise missiles, and even missions in general can be done without any manipulation of nuclear charges. according to the order supreme commander-in-chief, the exercises will begin soon: oleg shishkin, nikolai moloshenko, elena shtokolova, vladimir belyaev and kirill danilov, channel one. and now returning to the recent belligerent and provocative statements of the head of british diplomacy. in an interview with reuters, david cameron spoke about kiev's right to strike.
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the kiev regime, for whose sake the west is ready to bring the world to the brink of disaster, has committed another terrorist attack on russian territory. in the belgorod region, kamik drones attacked buses with agricultural workers, a second blow was struck against the doctors and rescuers who came to the rescue, seven dead, over forty wounded, including some. but the moment the buses of people who were going to work were hit, ukrainian kamikatsi drones attacked, the first near the victims were local residents who were traveling in the same direction, they without hesitation rush to help, we need help, well, let’s go faster, several wounded are taken to your car, no problem, don’t worry, and i was just following you... i was following you , i saw a drone, i said, i stopped, and it
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was carefully parking behind you, it went, freaks, okay, okay, now we’ll get there, the drone attacked civilian cars in the vicinity of the village of berezovka borisov district, from there it is literally 5 km to the russian-ukrainian border, a clear , almost windless day, the area is clearly visible, right after this attack on civilian vehicles, the armed forces of ukraine launched another attack, their goal is again peaceful and... these are journalists, doctors and police officers who work at the scene of the emergency, immediately after this a missile danger was also recorded in the city of belgorod, the favorite tactic of the ukrainian nazis is to first hit a measured target and then launch missiles. as a result of the strike, seven people were killed, three were hospitalized in extremely serious condition, a total of 42 people were injured, including three children, all patients are provided with all medical care, there are serious patients, it was necessary. consultation with us from federal centers, we conducted them, we have patients who are
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in the future they can be transported to the federal center, but the current state does not allow this, as soon as they are ready, we will raise this issue again, the buses were evacuated to the territory of the enterprise, they are still here, you can see that they were specifically targeted to the center of the bus, there is a hole on the roof of one bus, the second one is exactly the same. i was driving here in the morning to work, ambulances started overtaking us, one second, i think what is it, the drones dropped an explosive device, the ambulances arrived, then we look back, the ambulances are coming, they are standing still, what is it again dalmira berova, alexander klimov, khristina ivanova and maxim kulifeev, channel one belgorod region. last night, the russian army launched a series of attacks on the enemy’s military rear. explosions were reported in sumy, kharkov and dnepropetrovsk regions. according to some reports, in sumy, a warehouse of
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rockets in the area of ​​a research institute associated with the chemical industry was hit. after the hit , a powerful detonation occurred. in addition, the arrivals were fixed to the objective infrastructure. and due to the situation at the front , two more settlements were liberated. the west group took control of the battlefield in the kharkov region, and the fighters of the center took control of the village of solovyovo in the dpr. russian troops. improved the situation in other directions, the total enemy losses per day were over 900 people killed and wounded, nato equipment was on the list of hit targets, including a german leopard tank, an american and a polish gaub. self- propelled gun, and off the northwestern coast crimea, the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed five unmanned boats of the armed forces of ukraine, some of them were equipped with missile weapons. our naval aviation has shown its effectiveness, here is footage of the hunt for one of the enemy’s surface drones from a ship-based k-29 combat helicopter. they hit the boat with a machine gun, first managed to immobilize it, and then
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one of the missiles mounted on the ukrainian drone detonated. their days to prepare a shot, such is the everyday life of snipers from the special forces group of the army center, the result, as a rule, is one hundred percent; wasting ammunition is not common with these guys. report by evgeny lyamin. a sniper couple is sent to carry out a combat mission, which they take with them. a fully loaded sniper rifle weighs about 10 kg. a couple of backpacks, here are food, equipment, optics, also water, six bottles, far away. it’s clear that it’s not just walking around at a leisurely pace, but constantly listening, hiding from enemy mines and drones, risking your life, going straight to cover, it’s clear that before the firing position you have to get there for a very long time, somewhere you have to wait, sit out, somewhere it’s the other way around, i think
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maybe i can go for a run to the next house, come on, come on, men, the sky is dirty, dirty, they take the sniper with them and... warm clothes at night , more so at night they caught a car coldly, they leave for three days, and sometimes the enemy during a rotation, a shot, the car stops, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers run in in a panic, they are destroyed, a shot, another one, someone may have gone down, the snipers contact the mortar men, transmit coordinates, car, they cover with accurate fire, in general the support workers can be seen very well, there is usually a lot of garbage thrown there, along the paths you can reveal where they go, how they walk, well, the path of their movement. it seems that the sniper saw the target and fired, but this is not at all the case when the distance is hundreds of meters or over a kilometer, they recently worked, they say, more than one and a half, here it is important to prepare the shot, for example, on the extreme task we prepared the shot for 3 days , there was wind, there were bad weather conditions, artillery interfered with us, then there were folds in the terrain and something
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to do with him, either you eliminate him, or at least see where he goes, so that later you can eliminate him, here are more shots of the enemy’s night rotation, the group makes its way through the forest, two separate, followed by two shots, the rest fall and crawl away. snipers are like a closed club, all of them are their own, there are only a few manufacturers of equipment and rifles themselves. the fighters say they have direct contact with companies to resolve issues. once we were running away from a tank, they burned us, where were we? were. yanov, vladimir bilyaev, sergey ivashov, channel one, donbass. more about our defenders. lieutenant grigory chalov, motorized rifle commander. and his fighters stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, putting the opponents to flight. samples of foreign weapons were found at the occupied positions. senior lieutenant ildar garifulin, also a company commander, was given the task of knocking out the enemy from an important line and carried it out brilliantly. as a result of the lightning attack, the enemy was destroyed. our military held their positions until the approach reinforcements a new
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batch of t-90 mroryv tanks is sent to the front. the russian fighting machine rightfully believes. better in the world, this was fully proven by the experience of the northern military district, and nevertheless, the designers took into account the wishes of the fighters and made the breakthrough even better, in particular , they maximized the protection against drones. andrey goldrev visited the ural carriage plant, where tanks are produced, he saw everything himself, down to the special brakes, we hold on carefully, everything is fine, he holds us, the tank is then accelerated to a maximum of 70 km/h on flat terrain, then...
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they let you in when only the body is ready, we adjust, configure, check, double-check, well, in principle, the breakthrough is 100% reliable, every month we are ready to manufacture these products so as not to lose young workers who are facing compulsory military service at the ural base - the carriage plant has created a research company since this year, now those who have a technical specialty can give their knowledge to their homeland in the workshops, well, it’s convenient that i have my own workplace... i keep it, while gaining a lot of experience. meanwhile, at the test site they are preparing to test the systems firing. a distinctive feature of our tanks is their availability. afterwards, the tank will undergo several more checks at the factory itself; all systems of the vehicle will be inspected again, and special attention will be paid to weapon settings. during operation of the machine
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, grinding of knots still occurs, and the more accurately this is configured, the more accurate it will be to shoot. if there are defects, they are eliminated immediately. after that, they change all the fluids to new ones and that’s it, it’s ready for shipment. another one, just today for this year, every combat the machine will be equipped with a reduction device. a sacred holiday for each of us on may 9, when a special military operation is underway, continuity is especially important,
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the continuity of the feat of our soldiers, the great patriotic war of our soldiers who are defending our country today, therefore the popular front on the eve of may 9 declare maximum security vehicles, as much as possible maybe. a citizen was detained in tambov. russia, who prepared terrorist attacks at the direction of the ukrainian special services. the saboteur was spotted railway station, he was hiding something in the construction waste. arriving operatives discovered and defused two improvised explosive devices. the attacker was taken into custody, he gives evidence. in the summer of 2023, i began to attend terrorist attacks on russian territory. in march of this year, it was proposed to blow up the tambol regional court and the arbitration court of the tambol region. at the moment when.
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have intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current ukrainian president, the us administration is essentially not even trying to hide that in general they don’t care who exactly will lead ukraine, the main thing is that he is able to continue the armed conflict with russia. the war and the ukrainian crisis have become one of the main topics at the negotiations in paris today, where kainer chairman sizen pin is currently on a state visit. he hasn't been to france for 5 years. the chinese leader called on emmanuel macron to be far-sighted and cooperative. creation of a multipolar world, mutual benefit, and not barriers, which are often installed against the logic of direct economic interests of countries. and, judging by sizinpin’s statements in paris, attempts
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by european officials to quarrel between russia and china were unsuccessful. it is very comfortable, difficult to fall. the first lady in high-heeled shoes did not say a word while the french president for some reason praised the paving stones in the courtyard of the parisian nursing home to the chinese guest. this is a deeply symbolic place in french history. the camera of the official television broadcast goes to...
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refused, one can, of course, explain that this is a solution to the grievance of protocol humiliation during during a recent visit to china, when german chancellor utrap was met only by the deputy mayor of chongqing, but the german newspaper frankfurter algemann quotes a professor from beijing, here he simply and clearly describes the degree of unfreedom of german politicians. germany's largest military base is america. the chinese news agency xinhua quotes xidingping as saying: china- eu relations should not depend on a third party. usa with europe. meanwhile, experts assess this visit primarily as an attempt to establish economic relations. the same macron initiated an investigation into the chinese automobile industry, precisely the one that goes to europe. we're talking about electric cars. france seems ready to fight chinese auto expansion even at the cost of
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beijing's tough trade standoff with '. goals without taking into account the interests of the german neighbors, whose auto industry would suffer the most in such a scenario. i propose that we first discuss euro-china relations, which will allow us to move on to issues of trade, market access, fair competition conditions. beijing january 5 launched his investigation into alcohol. hungary is the main troublemaker of european peace. the construction of a giant automobile plant, one of the chinese brands, will be solemnly announced there. well, before that, the chairman of the people's republic of china will go to serbia. france, serbia, hungary in that order because of the date. just tomorrow, may 7, marks 25 years since, during the aggression of nato countries against yugoslavia, an american plane bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade. then three chinese journalists died, and 20 were erased. also foreign agents will not be able to act as observers during voting or as proxies of candidates. from the moment the law comes into force, agents who already hold an elected position are given six months to resign or leave the relevant
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register. eventually. a very humane, democratic and liberal bill, it was necessary to restore order in this area a long time ago, because think about it, even today, it is necessary to protect it, this is what we are talking about, the amendments are aimed specifically at solving this problem, now about how the construction of nuclear power plants is proceeding russian specialists have completed the first nuclear power plant in turkey.
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according to the laws of war, new series, watch after the program time, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of
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the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. cognac group. festive concert at the state kremlin palace. may 8, on the first. on the day of victory on the first. your documents. grigory koltegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander. we are our own guys. come on, yours. in an extreme situation , instinct will always tell you. correct solution. agent name czech, rank classified, position letnap. ryan, you have kids, is it your enemy? alexey bobrikov, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front . look at me bobrikov. leonid shilla, junior sergeant, excellent combat training student. tell me when, where and by whom you were
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recruited! so, this means, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. only old people will come out on may 9 after the program, time is satisfied with the ruins of the reichstag, we
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we continue, on the eve of the victorious may 9, which is sacred for the whole country, congratulations to those who made our life possible in the present time, all of them, these people dear to our hearts, were heroes with their military exploits... vladimir mikhailovich was born in leningrad, he was nine when the war began, his father immediately
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went to the front, died, his mother got sick, hunger, blockade, orphanage, yet the boy volodya managed to survive, survive and wait for victory, thank you for everything that you came, congratulated, this is very, because. already old home front workers receive congratulations on the eve of may 9. during wartime, anna volynkina worked as a fireman at a factory for herself and for those who went to the front. medals of sun glare, strong heroic people. our dear veterans, we congratulate you on this great holiday, on victory day. hurray, hurray, despite the fact that the traditional march of the immortal regiment will not take place this year due to security reasons, this is not a reason to abandon the event altogether. photo heroes can be seen. tyakhs, windows of houses on the walls of memory installed throughout russia at enterprises, universities and schools, everyone can place their portrait, new countries and cities are connected, in the capital of lebanon, beruti, about a thousand people walked along the street, there were many people in venezuela, portraits, flags and music of the war years, to honor
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the memory our compatriots and local residents came to the heroes, several hundred participants came to the rally in tokyo, st. george ribbons were distributed to passers-by in tunisia, and a piece of the eternal flame was delivered from the alexander garden specially for victory day. festive events, car rallies, concerts are held in every city in our country. a significant part of the photo exhibition warriors and people through the lens of tas is dedicated to the feat of soviet soldiers on the fronts of the great patriotic war. at the vadim zadorozhny museum of technology in the moscow region. images that are familiar to us all, iconic images of our defenders, those who saved the world from the nazi invaders. the exhibition also talks about other armed conflicts of the 20th century. there is also a section about special military heroes. we will show the faces of these. declassified documents were transferred to the victory museum documents on the work of soviet military intelligence on the eve and during the great patriotic war. the ceremony took place today on the day of st. george the victorious, the patron saint
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of military intelligence officers. visitors to the museum on poklonnaya hill will now be able to evaluate for themselves the contribution of intelligence to the overall victory. for example, part of the intercepted documents dated march 1941 confirm the intention of nazi germany to attack the soviet union. hitler... gru is a tribute to the memory of a hero, it is also an appeal to the modern generation of youth, current and future defender of the fatherland, to preserve the behests of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave their lives for their homeland. the memory of the soldiers and winners was honored today in the main temple of the armed forces.
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materials, improved military equipment, introduced fundamentally new approaches in a variety of areas, essentially changed the course of not only the war, but also world history. they stopped epidemics of plague and cholera, created. synbiotics came up with new ways to treat severe wounds about real miracles and exploits of soviet doctors in in yana padiban's report , a transparent zone will appear, this is the so-called zone of bacterial growth inhibition, that is, bacteria do not grow here, they are killed by the antibiotic. smooth circles frame tiny samples, the effects of the antibiotic, these are the clean circles around the mold that ermolyeva was looking for, about 100 attempts on grass, trees, dishes and found on the walls
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of the bomb shelter. soviet penicillin was successfully used for a wide variety of diseases. british scientists discovered the penicillinization of some special strain of this fungus, which produced a medicine, an active molecule, and preferably produced in large quantities, not just some crumbs, but quite a lot to bring the production of penicillin to an industrial level, rather low. its sanitary standards for water chlorination are still in use, when cholera was driven away from stalingrad by german soldiers, another infection, or remia, weakened, it was spread by rodents in the trenches, soviet soldiers were already vaccinated, a vaccine.
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nina gefin and nikolai alexandrov created the famous polyvaccine, just one injection from typhus, paratyphoid, dysentery, cholera and tetanus. the germans, retreating, drove the local population.
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evacuation, on average, each wounded person received fluids in field hospitals at all stages of the war twice. the soviet union was the first country in the world to build a national blood service. until the end of the war, the germans believed that this was impossible. the americans said. valuable fighters, fired, experienced, their return to duty significantly strengthens the army. correct triage is the basis of staged treatment. doctrine of distribution the wounded were light, complex, urgent and in the evacuation stages, burdenko wrote. a completely new medical science was born at the front. in 1943, on the western front , vladimir alexandrovich.
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