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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  May 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:54pm MSK

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vladimir aleksandrovich nigovsky, he revived him. during the great patriotic war , resuscitation was born. after local anesthesia according to vishnevsky, the skin and soft tissues are cut longitudinally at the site of the vessel lesion. 80% of the wounded at the front were saved this way: local anesthesia, novocaine blockade. this was invented by father and son vishnevsky. they said why do they turn off the lights in the whole house when they can numb a certain area. so they came up with the following solution, they came up with it. they do it on the heart without opening
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the chest. technology makes it possible to work for hours. at the front, vishnevsky had 5 minutes for the operation. the complex operations of the vishnevskys could not be done without their famous ointment. based on tar, chemists still call the effect magical. the method made it possible to anesthetize the patient and bandage him. and she did not need to change the bandage for up to 10 days. that is, the patient could already be transferred without using it. world science does not know anything like this. not in sterile laboratories, in bomb shelters under shelling, with lightning speed, as if in compressed time, our scientists made discoveries that changed the vector development of mankind, as the doctors themselves say, if it were not for the discoveries of the second world war, we would not be where we are now, perhaps we simply would not exist. yana podeban, daria rybakova, alexey labushkin, anastasia berestenko and alexander gutkin, channel one. this is a new series. secret part major nazarov, yes,
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i am writing, in cooperation with the commandant’s office , strengthen patrols, station reinforcements in the villages, give a personal package on the table for the chief of staff. will be here in half an hour, lieutenant kudryatsov, please allow your documents comrade major, of course, where are you going?
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home, apartment in the village, but where else might it let you down, comrade? mind your own business, lieutenant.
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we will have to conduct the investigation together, why, unfortunately, i ’ve always been in this intelligence service, i’m so happy in general, now we’ll solve this case in an hour, okay, in two, we kindly ask, versions: we don’t share, we can’t afford the evidence we’re hiding it, and why are you here, i’m not very dead, oh well, damn, they took it out several times, this was between torture, to hear the answer, i understood, horror they cut off his face and ears when he was conscious, and why do you think so, well, listen, should i give you a lecture on forensic medicine, so... then he lost
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consciousness several times when his fingers were bitten off one by one, and so his face and the genitals were already being cut when he died from vomit shock, from comdu? well, since the twigs, chick-chick, he asked, give me a surgeon as an assistant, he doesn’t say, no, they gave this paramedic, they tortured him for a long time, but no, well, an hour and a half, no more, well, who can stand this, yes, this is from his personal file, all that is, the number units, call signs, the procedure for conveying orders, the major had a good memory, yes, he had it, if the germans were hunting for him, they most likely would have simply stolen him, which means the local partisans did the work, he spoke lithuanian, the file says colloquial, he is from latvia mixed family, so they tortured him in
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the forest, then they brought him here to scare who, the locals, but no, okay, we need to decide who is in charge of our investigation. group, well, i have one less star, so we agreed, we have more here in the village ten officers from the regiment headquarters lives, all in plain sight, nazarov, a secretive man, one might say, he was unsociable, he didn’t take anyone to his place, he shared fish with no one in particular, but what if he had anything, that’s all he myself? we’re waiting, and ah, yes, i’ll help, comrade lieutenant colonel, comrade lieutenant colonel, seridov,
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collect everything, don’t touch anything else here, it seemed that i saw the major, there’s a house over there, i was talking with the owner, there’s an aster living there, a widow, a farm holds a lot. we buy food from her, just a second, and what position do you hold at headquarters, deputy for armaments, about nazar tell me more details, so i’m like , well, nothing, again.
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do you like to fish? no, my husband got carried away.
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ceremony, inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time. on the day of victory on the first. your documents. grigory koltegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander. "we are our own, men, and well, our own in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you
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the right decision, agent name is czech, rank is classified, position letnap, you have kids, the enemy has entered, alexey bobrikov, a junior sergeant, volunteered for the front, look at me leonid bobrikov, a junior sergeant, an excellent fighter."
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they killed and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth sonnet, hello boys, and we remember that these boys are for us we did it, the same fields, roads, villages, but no, the air is different, we will live, we will live, as long as we remember, only old men go into battle, may 9, after the program, time, and if they give you a division, where the like was, we will recruit, the option that i offer you is the best,
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10 km from the city, and they will provide care themselves high level, we have prepared. for you our best apartments, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, you can have an autograph, i have admired the autograph since my youth, anna evseeva, an actress, and her relatives give double the rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, a full-fledged atheist and in general there’s nowhere to put tests, again for old times, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, they decided to face you and take you out into the yard.
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there was another case, major nazarov was late for duty, somehow he came running all sleepy, thank you, you helped me a lot, captain, well, we talked to you’ll solve the case with me in 2 hours, they did it without me in 20 minutes, her husband is the dessert guy, he’s hiding somewhere in the forest, he was familiar.
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that here there are weapons left from the first world war, the entrance to the underground catacombs is abandoned, there is a small grotto here, and even
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up the road there are several waves and swamps, that’s all, there are no more rocks here. didn't you pass by here yesterday? i drove by twice during the day. well, the place seems quiet, calm, who cares. there’s a body here, here are the footprints, and there’s no light, he was stabbed from behind,
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professionally. the commandant's office major there are like fingers and ears, they look alike on zarova, but here they tortured him, and i know him, yesterday i brought the lists from the commandant’s office, the patrol didn’t come across anything on the list, it was moved.
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so astra, now tell us about all your husband’s connections, related and not related, indicate on the map all the places where he could have gone, sit down, and if you cooperate, you need to tell everything honestly, let’s start with relatives,
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nothing at all, i’ll take a nap, scare you, why are you here... i was looking, i almost ran into a patrol, i have business for you, fedorenko, well, what, you can’t lend your dad,
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just for half an hour, a machine gun, and jumped out of an oak tree, well, these are refugees from kaunus, they set up their headquarters there, like children, but just talk to them? it’s impossible, there are two of them and they are no older than me, they are not my comrades, i ’ll just show them the gun, they’ll run away on their own.
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he also pokes, so you be on alert there, although i only dream about it, that i’ll come back in the evening, and you’ll be home. it hasn’t been here in the morning, but in the evening it is, my beloved light has arrived, we will never part again, you hear, until the victory, here is sugar and concentrate, just be careful, don’t gobble it all up in one day, thomas, you’ll definitely talk to vitka arnos, well, i promised, so i’ll do it, but with them it’s necessary to be tougher. okay, i'll take it into account, goodbye, he should go to school, but i've already
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brought him three times, it's enough for exactly half an hour, he runs away, i don't even know how to convince him, some compelling argument is needed, needed, needed, here - if he were here... how many people do you have under your command? chetver svetlana petrovna. when did the murder happen? ilyin was killed last night. where? in the frontline zone. trouble! and how do i get it replace now? and who is the main one? did you do important work? a secret room, a separate office, all the documents, passes, ids, everything is on it. it’s clear that he died too, they died together. “i remember i met him, he came to elyan, the three of them went to the park for a concert.”
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ilyin and his wife, and this major. was ilyin married? yes, they recently got married. my wife's name is lena, she is local from vilnius. i came here. more than 9.00 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including subunits, will take part in the ceremonial march.
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drunin, who would have turned 100 on may 10 years old, she read yesia’s blog, she was so exalted, young lady, suddenly she’s 16 years old at the front, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there, i only saw it once hand-to-hand, once with him and a thousand
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in a dream, who... the country that she carried in her heart, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down. podcast lab may 10 on the first. several wounds, concussions and absolute fearlessness. he survived through this entire terrible war. after the first year i tried to expel both me and sasha sbroev, because we are not
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capable of being actors. all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt or felt like an old man, he always felt like a man, by the day . it will be difficult with this, he is deaf and dumb, and what can you write, lieutenant? i can, and you speak lithuanian, i mean, lithuanian too, well, great, have you ever seen it?
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who are you bringing bread to, say, to the city for sale, you're lying, you fell, why write like that, write like that, you'll start talking to me, well... wait, wait, wait, wait, we 'll confiscate all this bread, and the horse too, until it's clarified, of course, he says don't ruin it, he he’ll say everything,
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right away. aster's husband spent the night with him for one day, then he took him to the miller, for whom he bakes bread, who takes the bread? people will come from the forest, we must take them. forgive me, elena, please accept my non-condolences, i understand that this is unlikely to reassure you now, but you should know, your husband died as a hero, elena, can i watch
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the place where he worked, the door to the right. take heart. forgive me, i don’t even have anything to treat you with, come on , you don’t need anything, please tell me, do you know this man, yes, oleg introduced us once, i don’t remember his last name, major
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nazarov, nazarov, yes, in i think they served together, but you don’t know what’s in this safe, do you have a key to it? look in the desk drawer, there’s a bunch of keychains, a little soldier, there are some documents there, i don’t know, there are no keys here, so i left them at work.
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thank you, goodbye, you said you are from prosecutor's office, why are you here? he didn’t die during the shelling, right? yes, i didn’t want to tell you, he was killed with a knife, most likely by bandits. as soon as i find out something, i will inform you immediately. no, i don’t, i don’t want to. never mind. i don't know how she is. it turned out to be at his home, it was generally forbidden to take her out of the commandant’s office by all instructions. she was here 2 days ago. i remember well,
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ilyan and i signed the certificate. maybe he took her home by mistake? what certificates? passes. the front zone posts to the very front line, i i usually issue repatriates, well, those who return home, and correspondents, artists, and where these passes are, i don’t know, ilyin probably gave them out, i don’t know, this is comrade major, i’ll probably confiscate it from you, somehow you have it here everything disappears.
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spirits, let's take them alive. military prosecutor's office everyone stand, i will shoot, military prosecutor's office, major chubrikov, funny, hello, comrade, but you are big grown-up guys, didn't your parents teach you not to offend the younger ones, we didn't offend him, they take adults to the front, we are from the military registration and enlistment office kicked out, right, because your front is here, you are supposed to protect the weak here, i don’t... weak, petya, guys, peter
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was the first to find this place, so that means it’s his place, right? look how huge the attic is, but find yourself there for your headquarters, well, maybe at our school, it’s free, we’ll find it ourselves, what you find could also be occupied by someone, there’s no one at school, i’ll show you later , how to make a telegraph, string it between attics, keep in touch with your people, real, well... of course, real, there’s only morse code it will be necessary to learn, but i will help, well, hand in hand, hand in hand, great, like this, peter, just tell them not to throw stones at the dogs, so we heard, we won’t, well, let’s go, show me where your cash is , just be quiet, guys.
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excuse me, elena, i found your husband’s keys in a comment, out of place, close the door, calmly, you will stand quietly. don't move your hand, take your hand away from the holster. quiet, no shouting. arunas, take the key to the safe. thanks for the keys frau, we searched for them. come on, colonel. this guy lucas is ready for anything. tell? yes, how did the major manage to do this? it's better
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for you not to know. major, major, well, about the basement, i was joking, there was nowhere to go. whose motorcycle is yours? the motorcycle from the movie?
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became the youngest member of the english parliament. following mussolini, mosley declared great britain the heir to great rome, which sounded wild, but... he didn’t even notice it. after the end of the second world war , the french, at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. but whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big question. they helped many nazis escape responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid publicity of the monstrous crimes
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of the german fascists. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. today is the first festive concert in the state kremlin palace on may 8 on the first eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. you know this person? traitor. the main task is its elimination. alexandrov cannot be allowed to die. he has important information in his head. how do you find out this from lisa? i'll just ask her, has she seen this man? but didn't get in my shooter. engage in security of the hospital along the perimeter by patrolling the entire facility. who can go on a mission with us? saboteur,
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crimea. may 9, on the first. was it you who shot? apparently, if i had shot, i would not have missed. every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of files that i had taken from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many of kimoba’s reports are reported personally to stalin, notes there in pencil, personally. when they asked what did you do the most important thing? kim philby pronounced prokhorovka with a huge accent. prokhorovka, this is mine, the kursk bulge, he says, this is me. this predetermined the course of the entire war for them. when he was interrogated for 4 years, he did not give up, he did not give anything away. they
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didn't have enough evidence, they interrogated me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game. he knew. the true story of british aristocrat and outstanding soviet intelligence officer, kim philby, secret war. on sunday on the first. i understood that there were some questions i really couldn’t ask, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now, i can’t even tell you. i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is my
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hobby, you could say my hobbies - this is a journey, this is my favorite ice hockey, yes. which turned into a paradise, into a flower garden, i’m proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at the exhibition, play music, play art, this is very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy, find good in every second of your life. filling in the blanks. we are surprised, comrade captain, because they were looking for my killers and not only yours. elena, they
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killed your husband. yes. they killed you, but do you know why your husband died? he wanted more for these flights, didn’t fulfill his part of the contract, everything was fair, and who did you cut off the ears and fingers of instead of yourself? it’s not me, my guys, to make it more convincing. it was he who called me when have you been here? i'm sorry i didn't say it, that's right, i didn't say it. so that she would already be walking with her husband in the water somewhere,
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it turns out that this heinrich, who nazarov , along with other germans, killed joses, changed his clothes and threw the corpse to us, why did they kill ilyin then? so that things work out with the documents, probably, but yalagina will tell us this, unless of course we are late, come on, come on, soldier, come on, what did you threaten the kid with, comrade may, he saw the devil, yes, his back showed me his, the guys from ablir used to shoot stars with a knife there cut out without anesthesia.
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your whole goal is a disgusting, stinking garbage dump, you are now diligently stalling for time so that the driver of your car, who is standing at the entrance below, will worry and come up here, so they don’t come up here, so i propose to end the discussion here, what’s wrong with him, don’t worry, your we need a driver just as much as he does.
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in general, comrade captain, you have two options: stay here in this apartment forever, go with us as a hostage, yes, i promise that i will free you and your driver in no man's land, unless of course you decide run across, i think you will be welcome in abvar. okay, i’ll go, but promise me that you won’t touch elena, before the car we’ll go to bed. we don’t need noise, oh yes, it’s good here,
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but you know what’s missing, books, i don’t get bored in the evenings? what i can’t read, how is it at all or in lithuanian, at all, i have a window, in the evenings i look at other houses, other streets, much more interesting than your books, but you have a whole observation post here, and i know this car.
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well, well, peter, you, you, don’t follow me, and i didn’t mean to, i have mousetraps over there need to be placed. yeah, and to keep your foot out of the attic, set up mash traps. sorry.
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stand, stop, stop, i say.
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