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tv   Obiknovennii fashizm-2  1TV  May 7, 2024 12:00am-1:11am MSK

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when it comes to european fascism, germany, italy and spain immediately come to mind, and in that order, it seems as if the rest of the europeans were touched by fascism only in the sense that they became victims of aggression. in fact, after the first world war, fascist movements were strong throughout europe, including in the victorious countries.
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long before any fascism, the famous british politician and businessman will clearly formulate.
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certainly a talented person, all his life he was engaged in the expansion of british imperial holdings on the african continent, made a lot of money there, including from diamonds, it was he who founded the debiers company, which to this day is the leader in the diamond market. the british empire highly
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valued his efforts; in 1902, cessel-rotz was allowed to establish the cessel rotz fellowship at oxford. rots never hid that he wanted to instill political bias and national exclusivity in young people. rhodes was not an aristocrat, but became a member of the prestigious masonic lodge, where his wealth in the coupe paved the way for him with the correct settings. he was friends with many representatives of the elite and favorites of bohemia, including rudiard kipling, the author of the famous jungle book, so popular in russia. and what’s interesting
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is that the story of the boy mowgli, written by a noble russophobe, fits the russian-speaking mentality like a glove, although its meaning for the british has nothing in common with what the bearers of russian culture understood from this story. it is necessary to understand that a russian is quite pleasant to communicate with, but only as long as he controls himself. as an asian, he is charming. however, insisting on being treated as the easternmost of europeans rather than the westernmost of asians. it is becoming a racial anomaly that is extremely difficult to deal with. for russians, this is a fairy tale that all are representatives of the living world. different, there are
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close ones, there are distant ones, but a person is the same inhabitant of the planet as lions, bears, panthers or snakes. in times of drought, everyone should conclude a truce and support each other, they should sort things out in a civilized manner, and it is better to live among their own. in in british understanding, the emphasis is on something else. since the tale was written against the backdrop of the popularity of orientalism,
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this popular fascist symbol came to the world in the third millennium bc. at first it was a weapon that was used to hit people on the head, that’s how it was. the cross was used by the vikings, who called it odin's cross. subsequently, saint patrick modified the image by combining the christian cross with a circle,
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a symbol of the sun, which the picts worshiped. this cult object began to be called the kielce cross. with the help of kelsk cross. that patrick expelled all the snakes from ireland and the pagan goddess of the werewolf forest. the picts really liked the cross of kels, also because it was convenient for them to hit on the head, thanks to which they solved their territorial problems. appreciating the power of the image, ireland made the celtic cross the main symbol of its country. subsequently, the kel cross migrated to england, where it became incredibly widespread, for example, the prototype of the famous robinhood, robert godberd, wore this cross on his brush, and the same cross was installed on his grave. like a gravestone, celtic cross
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has become one of the most recognizable symbols in great britain. in the 14th century, together with irish and english emigrants, the cross. the short term became a symbol of the freedom of hope of the first unofficial negretan christian communities. perhaps this is why it migrated to the south of north america, where the famous ku klux klan society made it its emblem; on the cross, the ku klux klan members crucified freed blacks, burned them and drove them on the wheel, breaking the unfortunate ones. limbs. it is noteworthy that the kkk organizations in the united states still exist; at the moment, these organizations include at least 3,000 people. in the 20th century, symbolism and ideology penetrated among european
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youth. this was facilitated by the appearance of a large number of migrants in western european countries. so, the main symbol of neo-nazis. european youth organizations became precisely the celtic cross. having played on the wave of hostility towards visitors, the granddaughter of benita mussolini, alessandra founded her own fascist party, the symbol of which she also chose the celtic cross, placed against the background of the italian flag. this symbol indicated the party's desire to restore italy's national identity. the famous striker of the latso football club, paolo dicanio, became a member of this party.
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he wanted to become an artist, he even auditioned for the role of zora, but it didn’t work out. since , unlike his head, the boy’s legs worked well, the boy was selected to the school of the italian football club lazio, known for its extremist fans. the boy succeeded in football, in order to please the fans, he began to get fascist tattoos, his body was decorated by the most kelsky cross abbreviated.
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milan, juventus, over time, paolo began to openly call himself a fascist, but emphasized that he was not a racist, which is understandable, because in each of the teams where he played there were well-developed representatives of non-orian origin. in 2013, dicanio moved to coaching the sunderland team, where he intensively promoted neo-fascist ideology among the players. the result was. the longest series of defeats for the club, after which the fascist was fired.
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england really gave birth to a lot of fascist organizations, among which the most noticeable. there were the british fascists, the fascist league, the fascist movement, the fascist league of the empire, the kensington fascist party, the yorkshire fascists, the national fascists, the most successful fascist organization was. a union of fascists created by hereditary aristocrat oswald mosley. oswald mosley,
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the most famous british fascist, was born on november 16, 1896 into an old noble family of wealth. card, be born rich. mosley was affectionately attached to his mother from childhood, which supported any. his endeavors, but they never got along with their father. oswald was initially focused on women; without their support he would not have been able to do anything. map of unity nainu. shortly before the outbreak of the first world war, mosley entered the royal military academy, from where he was expelled for inappropriate behavior. when the war began, mosley went to the front because it was
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fashionable. "skip" card. in the spring of 1915 , during one of the training flights, which was attended by his mother and sister, mosley decided to show off his skill as a pilot and injured his leg during an unsuccessful landing, but... returned to the front line, however, in the battle of loos, he lost consciousness from pain while standing at his post. after this i had to demobilize. map go into politics. returning from the front, mosle decided that the shortest path to glory was politics. and at the general elections in december 1918, he stood as a candidate for parliament from
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the conservative party. a voter, a young man.
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mosley was not poor. the couple understood each other perfectly. both were part of the high society bohemian party, distinguished by freedom of morals. during their marriage, mosley constantly had affairs with several ladies at the same time, including his wife’s married sisters, which was considered among them. quite acceptable. in addition to sexual freedom, the mosle spouses were also united by an interest in politics. both were excellent speakers and loved to give incendiary speeches in public. cynthia herself later became a member of parliament. map find the party. despite
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the successful start, mosley could not take off. political olympus, although he fully mastered the art of oratory. he carefully prepared for speeches, took rhetoric lessons, honed his gestures in front of the mirror, and took advantage of every opportunity to appear in public. but the laborites, like the conservatives, treated...
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thanks to this connection, he would later meet hitler and become his fan. find a sponsor card. mosley was actively supported by the newspaper king, lord.
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he is called a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many reports are reported personally to stalin, notes there in pencil, personally. when they asked, this is what you did with the most important thing, kim philby pronounced with a huge accent, prokhorovka.
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acquired a staff of well-paid employees, a luxurious headquarters and salaried combat troops. the peak of mosley's success was
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the fascist rally in olympia on july 7, 1934. enemies of the blackshirts came to the event and were brutally beaten when they tried to interrupt the british fuhrer's speech. about 100 people suffered, but the police did not intervene. ironically, this success turned out to be the beginning end. before this, no one took the fascists seriously, but the events in olympia frightened both the laborists and the conservatives. a scandal broke out. following him, all respectable media in britain stopped supporting the fascists. at the next major meeting, of the 1,000 people
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who gathered in hyde park, the majority came to protest against the fascists. to protect the blackshirts, the help of 6 thousand london police was required. the meeting was disrupted. this situation was repeated over and over again. the union began to rapidly lose supporters. then mosley decided to turn to german experience. map find the fuhrer. he was introduced to hitler by diana, whose sister unity was. the fuhrer's mistress. during the meeting, the nazi leader, according to mosley. not
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only expressed his admiration for the british people, but said that he regarded britain as the leading maritime power and germany as the leading continental one. he also explained to mosle that he was striving to gain living space for the germans in the east, and had nothing against britain. mosley understood everything, at the end of 1935, the emblem of the british union of fascists, instead of the fasces there was lightning in a circle, which was supposed to symbolize action in the circle of unity.
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mosley changed the name of his organization, which was now called the british union of national socialist fascists. mosley also decided that the secret of the germans' success lay in anti-semitism. don't steal the card. focus on anti-semitism.
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they completely shared hitler’s views, wore the swastika on their sleeves, drawn on the british flag, and advocated for a final solution to the jewish question. back in 1930.
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after these words one should not be surprised the fact that england could not decide for so long on which side to fight. map, find the fuhrer. second time. mosley met
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hitler when britain's leading fascist came to germany to secretly marry his fascist muse, diana mitford. they decided to hold the wedding in germany at the villa of goebbels’ wife, who was a close friend of diana’s sister. he was present at the wedding dinner... until england entered the war, mosleh managed to balance on the brink, he adhered to pacifist rhetoric in every possible way
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held. from confrontation with germany, but in may 1940, together with other leaders of the fascist alliance, he was arrested, despite the fact that... he acted strictly in accordance with the british constitution. mosley's wife was also arrested and they spent most of the war together in a house on the grounds of holloway prison. die while you live card. after the war, mosley repeatedly tried to return to politics, but to no avail. all his bets were failures. managed to get off the jewish topic, claimed that there was no holocaust, that hitler did nothing didn’t know and no one destroyed anyone, in short, he made himself look like a complete idiot. he made his last attempt to return to politics in
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1966, but having received only four point 6% of the votes in the general elections, he left for france, where he lived until his death. the history of british fascism clearly proves that the ideas of national exclusivity were very strong even in those countries where they formally failed to win. the same rudyard kipling welcomed musolini's rise to power and became disillusioned with him only by the end of the thirties. it is noteworthy that in their in his books, kipling, who was born in india, for a long
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time put on the title page a swastika with the head of an elephant holding a lotus flower in its trunk, but when hitler came to power, kipling removed the swastika. the history of french fascism is also interesting, because it was france that gave life to fascism, rationalizing it. describing all the theories on which he subsequently relied. many see the origins of fascist ideology in banapartism, because it was napoleon who started
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the fashion for dictatorship and the cult of the leader. then power began to rely on the people, and not on... this union supported the monarchy, the catholic church and was not only anti-semitic, but also anti-german, since the french themselves considered themselves exceptional.
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many called the vichy regime fascist, since marshal pétain abolished everything republican.
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another thing is that france gave birth to a completely different type of attitude towards the world towards the homeland. the one that charles de gaulle put into practice, who believed that patriotism means love for one’s country. and nationalism is hatred of everyone else. it was he who sent a group to the soviet union back in 1942 pilots and mechanics, known as the french aviation regiment, normandy niemen. it wasn't easy at all, because... that
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degol led the resistance from london, and london interfered with him as best he could. despite all the obstacles, at the end of the war, degol gathered an army of millions and personally took part in the liberation of paris from german occupation. stalin appreciated this victory, thanks to which france was included among the winners, which turned out to be a complete surprise for the german side. on the day the surrender was signed, field marshal wilhelm keitel, seeing a representative of france at the table next to representatives of the ussr and the usa, exclaimed in amazement: how? and these also defeated us. it is a fact that the french,
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at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. but whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big question. after the end of the second world war, it was they who helped many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might. but the most interesting story, of course, is that of spain, because the franco regime according to all history books, with the exception, of course, spanish is considered fascist, although in fact
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in spain there was exactly one popular fascist organization, the phalanx, created by josé antonio primo derivera, the son of the dictator general who ruled the country before the republicans came to power. rivera was a well-educated, intelligent man, a lawyer by profession, and a politician by vocation. like many european fascists, he was an excellent speaker and talented publicist; salvador dali himself admired him.
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for many it remained in history exactly as fascist party, and its main symbol is still a popular fascist sign today.
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and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbruev, for the fact that we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded by such the severity of these things, he was a man of incredible energy, magnetic , magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt. i didn’t feel like an old man, i always felt like a man. for the birthday of vladimir etush, on saturday first. ermo arrows. the arrowhead,
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a traditional symbol of spanish greatness, became fascist. spanish volunteers who went to fight against the soviet union. the uniform of the famous azure division, which was so named after... was decorated with a patch that combined arrows, the tefton cross and the swastika. it was in this context that arrows became a full-fledged fascist symbol. but nothing foreshadowed it. once upon a time
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, iberian tribes lived on the territory of the perenean peninsula. which were conquered in the second century bc romans. the winners had a colorful ritual. they escorted the soldiers of the defeated army under the erm as a sign of their power over them. and the beregi used the ermo for rituals associated with agriculture. arrows were a traditional symbol of power among the iberians, but later these two images were combined. together ermo and strela found their patriotic sound when ferdinand ii. oragonsky and isabela costilskaya entered into marriage, uniting their possessions, thereby marking the beginning of the unification of all spanish lands. subsequently this sign
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associated not only with the greatness of spain. but with the cruelty of the inquisitors. the story of the last victim of the spanish inquisition, schoolteacher caetano antoniu reppol, is connected with the yoke and arrows. from childhood, repol was a good, pious boy, but during the war with napoleon he was captured by the freethinking french and gained freedom of thought from them. having read smart books, reppol moved away from catholicism and became a deist, which the spaniards considered heresy. freed from captivity, repole returned to school, where he began
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to propagate his newly acquired faith. times have changed. and he quickly gathered like-minded people around him. the emblem of his organization became the very arrows that were a symbol of power among the ancient iberians. since, unlike france, spain was a deeply religious country, the poor repole was immediately reported on, and the poor fellow ended up in prison. for 2 years they tried to persuade him to abandon his newly acquired beliefs, but he fought to the death. he was even tortured using a special tisala torture device, which later became very popular among the nazis. at help of this item. they tore the skin from a living person, but no amount of torture could force the spaniard to betray himself. on march 30
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, 1826, the tribunal of faith sentenced the unfortunate man to burn at the stake, however, the royal court commuted the punishment and decided to hang the teacher. instead of a coffin, the repole's body was placed in a barrel with tongues of flame, a herm and arrows pointing in different directions painted on it. cruelty towards the defeated was firmly linked to the symbol of spanish greatness. apparently, this is why the spanish fascists loved this sign so much. he surfaced and after the war, despite his ambivalence . franco received in spain otto skarzen, a prominent german fascist who escaped punishment thanks to connections with
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american intelligence, but he decided to settle not in the states, in spain, which he loved very much. this man was so popular among spanish neo-nazis that he even founded a fascist party, which again used the arrowhead as a symbol. the party was not successful. but yermo arrows as a fascist sign still appear in neo-nazi circles.
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all these ideas went against the position republican globalists, so the phalanx was covered up quite quickly. rivero was imprisoned; already from prison he supported the coup of the nationalists led by frank, for which he was shot. the military tried to rescue him from prison, but... they couldn’t, they said that franco would not have become franco if rivero had remained alive, the creator of the phalanx was too charismatic and
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franco himself would have looked too pale against his background. here it is worth focusing on the figure of the general himself. francisco franco. was a hereditary sailor, received a military education. as a child he was bullied for being too small height and high voice. he did not like his father, he had free morals and liberal views, and therefore left his family early. but franco loved his mother very much, a pious and deeply decent woman. franco never shone with academic talents, but in the army he proved himself to be an excellent organizer, a competent
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strategist, a calm, balanced person. he fought against hazing, never avoided danger, and did not get involved in politics. he earned his reputation in battle, as spain was constantly at war in africa. franco did not strive to power, but when... he found himself at the helm, he began to rule as he saw fit, he really did not like communists, liberals, everything that was contrary to tradition, he supported the military coup, because he considered the position of the republicans to be excessively cruel and a dead end, after death,
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in general franco's spanish phalanx was dominated by catholic traditions and hostility to communism and freemasonry. when the allied forces were victorious, franco distanced himself from everything that
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connected with them, including the phalanx, from the vanquished. over time, franco formally gave up power to the heir to the spanish throne, under whom he was regent, but in fact transferred control of the country into the hands of the catholic order of opusdei, that is, he remained faithful to the monarchy and catholicism. nuestro apar. dignos de bueno, compañero.
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sipasívera de mal que estás presentes de ibre, libre. is unique, and there was no other like it, and not every inhabitant of the planet on the one hand will be, however, from the position of eternity, all people are the same, and the difference between them is no more than between ants in an anthill, and what to do here, the people themselves decide, they have two ways, you can
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evaluate yourself and others based on physiological parameters, age, health, attractiveness or social, position, money, fame, this is the market approach, but if you consider yourself as a unique person with a unique destiny, then you can calmly live your life, with no one without comparing yourself. this approach has been common in russia since the times of the empire. bearers of the russian-speaking mentality are not inclined to perceive themselves as something commensurate with anyone...
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to identify themselves with some valuable then he will inevitably have a need for a group that will add importance to him, at least in his own eyes, there is nothing in this either. ceases to be self-sufficient, and its members problems begin when the group begins to want to decide the destinies of other people. it is on this path that the collective west constantly steps with its colonial crusades.
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unlike the west, the east either follows the road of china, where all chinese, of course, perceive themselves as exceptional. but they don’t want anything from anyone except silk way, or along the road of russia, where everyone is exclusive to themselves, they unite into groups with great difficulty, and having united they only dream of being left alone and not being told how to live. if we consider fascism as a product of exclusivity, then it is easy to explain why at its core... there was a middle class that is always worried about money, eternally dissatisfied intellectuals, an eternally undervalued bageme, they all lack respect for their own unique destiny, the
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fact that fascism not in any european has not yet won the country, should not reassure, because the idea of ​​exclusivity will not go anywhere, and the path of fascist germany showed that group exclusivity with exclusive rights, combined with a complete rejection of ethics, which was imposed by religion mixed with traditions for thousands of years, can lead to fatal a massacre where only one, the last person on the planet, will survive. by turning to a fictitious past that never existed, german fascism opened up to the world such vast expanses of inhuman pragmatism that it must be considered separately, because precisely... the germans gave the word fascism - the semantic content that forever made it a grave insult.
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hello, this is the podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine, which is also called
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schrödinger's cat, and we are talking about important things from the point of view of science. today’s topic is very, very important, modestly so, the meaning of life, and we invited dmitry leontyev, professor. doctor of psychological sciences, head of the international laboratory positive psychology of personality and motivation of a higher school of economics, dmitry has many more regalia, but the main thing is that he... who deals with issues of meaning, issues of human existence. hello, let's try to talk about the meaning of life. i'm a little worried because the topic is downright scary. what is the meaning of life? well, you know, there is such a simple joke: father, tell me, i’m living right, right, my son, but in vain. that is, the question of meaning is the question of whether we
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live in vain or not in vain, that’s what it’s all for everything, there is just life, yes, our everyday life, we get up, brush our teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, and there is another dimension that requires us, well, sometimes it demands, sometimes we get along just fine without it, to understand , why in general we do all this, that is, that what we do is in itself, so to speak, not self-sufficient, it is possible, necessary. important for something else, for something more important, connected with something global in our lives, why we even live, that is a conversation about meaning is always a conversation about the connection of something smaller with something larger, with some individual elements of our life, with something global, and what would happen if this were not in our lives , what would happen if these people were not in our lives, if we did not what we are doing, but something else, but how can we do without it or cannot, what is necessary in our life, what no, we need it. proteins, fats,
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carbohydrates, there are vitamins, amino acids, this is what our body needs, our body, besides this, there is something else that our soul needs, yes, without which we cannot exist normally, without which we become not ourselves, we fall into some kind of depression, we fall into some kind of bad sadness states, that is, we need positive emotions, we need a feeling of connectedness with other people, we need, in particular, meaning... that is, the understanding that what we do, what we live is not just like that, but it’s for something else, it’s always connected with something bigger, well, let’s take the conditional, average, an abstract person, it doesn’t matter, a taxi driver, a manager, a schoolchild, a medical student, so he woke up in the morning, looked at the news on his smartphone, brushed his teeth, drank coffee, tea, went to study, to work. at what point
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does he need this meaning? you know, let 's start even earlier, let's start from early childhood, because a small child, in any given situation, he enjoys life, he plays, he has fun, he rejoices, he laughs or something is wrong, he cries , but it has each separate fragment life, it is not connected with other fragments of life, and what a small child is doing now is in no way connected with what he did an hour ago and what or what... he will do in half an hour, these are all separate episodes, they are in no way in general, they are not connected with each other, at one moment they feel some needs, some internal impulses, some desires, at another moment others, so, but somewhere around the age of four-5 years, that process begins, which is described as the formation of personality, as the formation of personality, as something single, our life ceases to be simply divided into some separate episodes, these episodes,
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they all begin to pull together into a single whole, and different desires, different needs also begin to pull together into a single whole, the question arises of what is more important, what is less important, what can be sacrificed for something else, what can be put off until later for something more important, what can be given up altogether for something more important, the question arises, what is more important, what is less important , gradually the question of priorities arises, what this life is more important and for what? because life is one, life is holistic, it cannot simply be divided into separate episodes, these different parts of the picture, different elements begin to gradually form into a single puzzle, 4-5 years, as if, when this usually happens, life acquires some kind of unity direction, but then the child grows up, becomes a teenager, how does he have the meaning of life, adolescence is the most difficult, because we begin to become aware of ourselves, we begin to suffer from these. questions, then
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there are these, this problem becomes not only a problem of our objective life, but it becomes a problem for us, and i begin to wonder why i live, but again this does not happen to everyone, because here , already in adolescence , quite strong individual the differences are in the extent to which people, well, different people tend to reflect on their lives to varying degrees, many get along just fine without it , continue to live according to some ready-made tasks, according to some ready-made ones... with lines of force, not asking questions whether it’s in vain or not in vain, everyone does this, so if i want to correspond to this image, then i do it, so the question does not arise about the specifics of my personally. and concrete life, the problem of the meaning of life is a problem that not everyone faces, which can be done without, this is not a mandatory problem, it is an optional problem, i, as a school teacher, am very afraid of a question from a student, why? because he has ready-made answers: why do you go to school, to
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get grades and make mom and dad happy, why do you need to study well in order to pass the unified state exam, why do you need to pass the unified state exam in order to enter a university, why do you need to go to a university, well, that’s how it is. why does it somehow give ready-made answers, these ready-made answers, in general, any culture gives ready-made answers. first of all, this is connected with that part of the culture that contains a certain concept of values, in particular religion and some other variants of ethics; they provide some normative answers for a given culture to the question: why? and that's what all people grow up to be. no need to rack your brains, there are ready answers, for most this is enough, this is enough, but there are people who need it for something, in
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whom these answers, general standard ones, are not enough, that like everyone else, like neighbors, they continue to ask the question why why in relation to their own lives. uh, well , in fact, the first such detailed, large book, which is devoted to this analysis of the problems of the meaning of life, its search, is the book of our lev nikolayevich tolstoy confession, this is a wonderful autobiographical work, a small book of 100 pages, uh, where tolstoy describes how, in the middle of his life, in the prime of his life, he was suddenly faced with a situation where everything in his life was generally wonderful. books are written, published, the family blows off specks of dust, world fame, weeks don’t go by without some wanderers coming to touch the wisdom to communicate, everything seems fine, everything is in chocolate, but for some reason periodically you want to shoot yourself, the meaning
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is gone, it’s unclear why everything this, what is all this for, well, uh, this is a situation in which the problem of meaning can arise very acutely, when in general everything is good, there is everything except meaning. that is, the main question of the meaning of life is the question why? the question is why? what for? this is a question that requires indicating a connection, yes, here is a connection with something else. a life that is devoid of meaning, that has no meaning, is a life that is not connected to anything. here a person lives one day at a time, uh, what happens tomorrow does not depend at all on what happens today, his life does not affect anything, does not affect the lives of other people in any way, then a person disappears from the face of the earth. and no one of this will not notice, this life that has no meaning, it is not connected with anything, but a life that has meaning is a life that is connected with other people, my actions, my actions today are connected with my life, with that what will i do tomorrow because


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