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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 7, 2024 1:10am-1:55am MSK

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what is all this for? well, this is a situation in which the problem of meaning can arise very acutely, when in general everything is fine, there is everything except meaning. that is, the main question of the meaning of life is the question why? the question is why? yes, why, and this is a question that requires indicating a connection, but a connection with something else. a life that is devoid of meaning, that has no meaning, is a life that is not connected with anything, so a person lives one day, what will happen tomorrow. completely independent of what happens today, his life doesn’t matter does not affect, does not affect in any way the lives of other people, a person will disappear from the face of the earth, and no one will notice this, this is a life that has no meaning, it is not connected with anything, but a life that has meaning is life, which is connected with other people, my actions are also connected, my actions today are connected with my life, with what i will do tomorrow, because today i am doing something to make me feel better tomorrow. "my life is directed towards the future, my
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life is connected with the lives of other people, i think i make sure that what i do somehow has a positive impact on the lives of other people, on the life of humanity as a whole, in general, and ultimately on our common future, if we have one, that is, we, if we put such questions, then this is actually thinking about the meaning of life, one of the most profound thinkers who wrote on problems with '. the meaning of life antoine desyapiri, he used such a wonderful metaphor: meaning, in essence, is a divine knot that connects things together, there’s no better way to say it, beautiful, literary, but let’s let's go back to this average, conventional person, manager, driver, schoolchild, so all he has to do is hang a big poster over his bed, and why am i doing this, so that when he wakes up in the morning, the question about the meaning... arises in his mind
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or can it be done without? you know, in fact, most people get by without asking themselves these questions every day, because if my life is already filled with meaning, if i feel that i am doing something for a reason, i don’t need to i need some philosophical reasoning, but i just i feel that what i do makes sense, that someone actually needs it for something, it’s not just like that. in this case, i don’t need to wonder about it, this immediate sensation is enough for me, but in general, like the same thick conclusion that tolstoy reached at the end of his search for meaning in the book of confession, and he described the process of how he searched for meaning in life, he first tried to find what life should be aimed at, what its meaning should be, read wise books, communicated with enlightened people, found one answer, tried to start life on monday, so that...
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in accordance with this meaning, something didn’t work out for him, which means, probably, the wrong answer, he was looking, which means he was looking for another answer, found another answer, here what really is the correct meaning, tries again from monday to start living according to the new correct meaning, nothing works either, the third time the same, the same result, in the end he comes to the conclusion that, firstly, it is impossible to put the question about the meaning of life in general, one can raise the question only about the meaning of your own life, at
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time. with you is the podcast schrödinger's cat, its host grigory tarasevich, his guest psychologist dmitry leontyev, and we are talking about the meaning of life. according to modern research, the most recent empirical psychological research has come to the conclusion that there are three dimensions of meaning. the first dimension of meaning is the actual answer to what the meaning is life, some words verbal concept, definition of meaning, meaning there, yes, i answer the meaning there. in struggle, in love, in something
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else in relationships, yes, that is, this is some specific concept, an intellectual concept, this is the first dimension, the second dimension - this is what i’m saying now... i was just saying about the feeling that my life is meaningful, the feeling of being full of the fullness of life, this is such an emotional experience, i don’t know what the meaning of life is, but i know that my life is now meaningful, or i feel that my life is not makes sense, that is, the first is the intellectual component of the meaning, the second is the emotional component of the meaning, and the third component is, again, i don’t even think about the meaning of life, but this is a question of what is it aimed at? my actions, that is , what my life is about, what it is about, what it is aimed at, what it is connected with, this is exactly what we can talk about, this is the third dimension, what i really do, an effective dimension of meaning, into what i put my resources, what i invest my strength in, what i invest in
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my energy, what i generally invest my life in, isn’t there a factor of inertia here ? once upon a time my meaning was the same unified state exam with... or to get approval from mom and dad or to earn a reputation as an employee there, then i already got that , and life still continues to roll along these meanings, of course, no one has canceled the factor of inertia; it is always easiest to continue to live as we have lived until now, because making some changes in our lives always requires much more effort, much more energy, much more creative ones. strength than to continue moving as before the rails. the remarkable american psychologist, the recently deceased salvatori maddi, built such a theory of existential choice that all the important choices that we make in our lives are choices between preserving
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what is, maintaining the status quo, between the past and the future, then there is some kind of step forward, somewhere into the unknown, and different people are inclined to varying degrees... feeling, anxiety is a signal of the unpredictability of the future, to get rid of from the feeling of anxiety, i must get rid of the future, that is, surrender to this very inertia and follow the path of preserving what is, but in this case i get rid of anxiety, but i have a feeling of guilt
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for unrealized opportunities, because i refuse realizing some new possibilities, i always remain with what is there, this is the choice
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now very clear visible boundaries arise, yes, that is, time, the countdown has begun, this will still continue for a long time, but what to do, how to live with it time, for there are a number of well-known studies on this topic that have been published precisely on
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the fact that, say, the experience of clinical death, into which a person finds himself and from which he is taken out, which leads to an awareness of the finitude of life, some kind of sharp, yes it... leads to increase, so to speak, the psychological quality of life , a person suddenly realizes responsibility for his life, responsibility for how he will spend the remaining time he begins to take his life seriously, life is very serious occupation, as the eminent psychotherapist jim bugintal said, and few people take it seriously enough. the question may be, why is it worth doing before there is a fatal diagnosis or something even worse? well, of course, because it is natural that it is absolutely not necessary to wait for this, but the question is, the question is largely, are we able to somehow relate ... consciously to our life or are we just going with the flow? go with the flow, this is
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the easiest way, this is the most energy-saving mode, go with the flow. all living things have an inherent desire to save energy. people are not inclined to put any extra effort into anything, neither physical nor even intellectual. we existed in the fields, we prefer to do without unnecessary hassle, not to load, not to worry , and so on, and so on, and so on, but...
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what do i need, why, what do i really want, this is actually the most difficult question, what do i i want, well, after all, my imaginary
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poster, which should be hung over every bed, why am i doing this, why do i wake up, are there any negative consequences, so i looked at this question, why, i realized that my work or my studies do not make any sense and the choice is to do nothing at all, why go to school if it is meaningless, than to be a pr manager if it does not benefit anyone is it getting good? what to do? well, the point is, no one forces you, in fact, to look for meaning, no one forces you to live at all, this is ultimately a matter of taste, this is, in the end, your free choice, please, you can stay in bed for the rest of your life, not get off the sofa watch tv series, in general there are not so few people in different parts of the globe, your life is approximately the same. are satisfied, but they, of course, realize a very small part of their human
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potential, now there are various debates about what percentage of the capabilities of the human brain are used, 3%, 10%, and so on, i meet many people who have 3 % a lot, well, this is a metaphor, neurophysiologists usually start to wince when they are told the process and wince, yes, but nevertheless, there is a very, very wide spread here, there are people who need these powers... age of majority, but now we have reached the age of majority, received diplomas, and what
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to correspond to as having achieved further, is there life after the unified state examination, and this really turns out to be a matter of taste, it turns out to be a matter of personal choice, because by this moment, when after we have reached coming of age, social situations of development end, society ceases to present uniform normative requirements to all of us, what is needed from us, then we all go with you...
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here you need to work, here you need to work, but you can’t, i can’t say that here you go such and such a pill or read such and such a book from page 60 to 75, and you will get the answer to this question, here you need to understand what is wrong in life, yes, why, well, sometimes it manifests itself in such things as, for example , fear of death, yes, the fear of death is one of those symptoms that are associated with precisely a lack of meaning in life, because if...
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happiness, when everything is good in our life, positive emotions, meaning just enhances this , on the other hand, meaning is , on the contrary, a resource for coping with situations critical, traumatic, that is, when something in our life is not going well, then the meaning is precisely what helps us cope with this trouble, what
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helps us endure it, and even withstand the dominance of negative emotions there, grief, which often happens situations when... with reference to his son mark, a doctor, with reference to his son, he gave such a wonderful formula, such a final meaning that works even in the most critical, in the most tragic situations. the point, i say, is to help each other to go through all this, whatever it is, on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9.00
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military personnel from different branches and branches will take part in the ceremonial march. troops, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on the first.
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the meanings they find, they too often have a lot in common with each other, and he identified three groups of meanings, well , he called these generalized meanings values, the first is the value:
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love, experiences, there are, say, some mystical experiences of faith, there, no, no, no, no, experiences, cognitive experiences, some kind of experiences, yes, some feelings that i experience when communicating with art, this is always a feeling of something that i discover in the world, admire this world, find something. this kind of experience, because pleasure is this is just a secondary thing, yes, here pleasure cannot be the meaning of life, because pleasure is an internal
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state, it is about me, it is not about the world, my internal state cannot be the meaning of life, my internal state can only be a by-product finding the meaning of life, meaning is always in the world, pleasure is not in the world, pleasure is in me, it cannot be meaning, frankl has a wonderful metaphor about a boomerang, what is a boomerang? it's a toy that you throw away and it comes back to you. hands? no, actually, for a moment, a boomerang is a hunting weapon. australian hunting weapons with which they simply hit their prey. the hunter throws a boomerang and the boomerang should not return anywhere. it must hit the prey's head and remain in its skull. the hunter then approaches, takes out the boomerang, puts the prey on his shoulder and moves on.
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when we can neither do anything to bring something into the world, nor extract something from the world, the most tragic situation is when we are unable to do anything at all our capabilities are limited, the last resource is that we can change our attitude towards this situation. frankol just illustrated this with the example of his four-year stay in a nazi concentration camp, and he recalled such a situation when in the evening ...
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there was such a moment of detachment from the current situation, i already perceive this situation as some kind of object of academic description, so i change my attitude, i change some position in relation to what is happening now, and this gives, gave me the strength to withstand, to preserve themselves, to maintain some kind of hope, to remain resilient in general, to ultimately survive and frankol wrote: that it seemed that the greatest chances of surviving in the concentration camp were not those who were the strongest physically, physically, but precisely those who there was some
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meaning, for which there was something to save their lives for, for whom something was waiting, or at least they believed, there was a chance that someone or something was waiting for them or some important matter or some people who are still alive or could be alive, and primarily depended on this those vital resources that helped people. to survive and be exposed in such a seemingly hopeless situation. well, the famous formula, who knows why, will withstand anything, how? yes, frankol likes to quote this nietzsche formula: whoever knows why to live can withstand any how. yes, meaning is a very important resource. i can’t resist a delicate question, how is your meaning of life? well, i, like, i have a feeling that my life is meaningful, that my life is quite complete, it is connected to a lot of things. so, well... here's frank himself, when he was asked a question in response to the meaning of his life, he said that the meaning of my life is to help other people find the meaning of life, in another answer he agreed
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that... uh, the meaning of life is to look for meaning life, because here it is very dangerous to find the final meaning of life , to stop, to find it, to write it on the wall that the meaning of life is this, because the point is not that there should be a lot of meaning in life, the meaning should be dynamic , and he must move with life, because that if you think about it, the strongest meaning of life, the toughest meaning of life, it’s uh... this is the meaning of life, when the meaning of life is divorced from life itself, this is the example that i just started talking about, this is my meaning , which he is tough, he is rigid, and he has already broken away from life, now life has moved forward, the meaning stands still, the meaning, he can become self-sufficient, in this case...
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when a person is ready to die to kill, that is, for the sake of that meaning , which he learned hard, and which he can no longer deliver question, this meaning, it is like a malignant virus that spreads and which are no longer eliminated from life, i have already said that meaning is a connection, it is a connection, a connection between things, when when we extract from the very structure of life .
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the power of meaning will come with you, greetings, friends, this is the podcast of the chronicle of the end of times and i, evgeny dodolev. let me remind you that in this podcast i talk about my experience as a reporter and about all the stories
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that happened exactly in...
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this child turned out to be such a tomboy, in as a result, they were ready to return him at first for free, and then they even wrote something out of their money to the father so that he could look after the child until they managed to reach the canadian border, there was no such thing... terms like ma'am in the sixties, but this let's make it to the canadian border became a meme then. so i wrote about kidnapping, why? not because i was interested in this topic, because i already talked about it in one of the podcasts, by a very strange coincidence i ended up in journalism, i’m a mathematician by education, let me just remind you, in the soviet union you couldn’t be a tunyad, that is,
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you couldn’t. there was no work and i was already out of work there in the early eighties in the mid -eighties for about six months and i was already threatened with an article and my... close friend and long-time friend, got me a job at the newspaper, because i came so unburdened, firstly, with a professional education, and secondly, with a wealth of knowledge about all taboos and prohibitions, i began to write on topics that had not been written about before, and it so happened that i was the first to write about, the first in the soviet press to write about soviet prostitute.
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exactly like incest, and mazhonov told me that a member of the editorial board for a moment, natalya dordykina, if i remember, she headed the department of literature, this is important, literature, she asked my colleagues, what kind of jew is he about? dodaleev will write, because there, she says, what kind of jew, she says, well, i see, here is the author of dodaleev, incest, that’s who, who is this incest, what sphere does he even come from? this made me very , very happy, in principle, the other members of the editorial board were also happy, i was pleased how much i understand, with this kind of stupidity and recklessness, which was
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, in principle, i won’t even say what was inherent in me, but i repeat, i didn’t know that some topics were simply taboo, it was the end of times, that is so... the already established system of ageprop and media collapsed, gorbachev said that everything that is not prohibited is permitted, and in fact, i thought, why not write there about this and that. the topic of kidnapping arose after my trip to armenia, it was not a business trip, it was just like that - like that some trip with my friend, there i met relatives, families who suffered from this kidnapping, two twins were killed there, that is, children were kidnapped for ransom, they did not receive the ransom, and they were killed, i was at this grave, completely i was shocked by this
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story, why not because the children died, but because the immediate relatives were involved in the death, there were uncles and other close relatives, this topic in general somehow took me to task, i returned to moscow, and before, as journalists worked, now i i would take it there, go online, i would collect all the information using search engines, i would find out a lot of interesting things for myself, then i wrote a letter to the ministry of internal affairs, they led me to a person who wrote a dissertation on these abductions.
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i made this discovery that basically, relatives or friends with him or families or very close relatives are involved in the kidnapping of children, most often, at least in the soviet union at that time, children were kidnapped for ransom, but i repeat, it’s called kidnapping in the current practice is simple kidnapping, then it’s like a forced transfer from a microsociety to another. as in some other place, not always for the sake of money, sometimes in order to force a person there to do something, or to force his loved ones to do something, in my book
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of memoirs, during the formation of perestroika television, an episode was described, about which , at that time, no more than a dozen people in moscow knew, but how our wonderful... beloved leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped at one time, he was kidnapped precisely as the leader of the field of miracles project, kept there. in the apartment, uh, intruders, so that he would refuse - cooperation with his comrade vladislav nikolaevich listev, and move, as it were, uh, well, with this project, under, well, another, relatively speaking, roof, uh, for us, for everyone, in general, arkadich is such a good-natured showman in a bow tie who pronounces the phrase, uh, there is such a letter in this word, and much fewer people,
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well, his fans, of course they know that he is a pilot, here is an airplane, that he traveled during the second chechen campaign, he is generally very a courageous man, that is, the attackers who were kidnapped were sure that they could resolve the issue there within a few hours, as a result they kept him for several days, there were promises, threats, in general, they tried in every possible way to put pressure on him, the newcomer showed hardness.
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it’s unclear why she was kidnapped. julio and blindfolded, and to this day glesius’s father was kidnapped in 85, the singer himself lived in florida in miami, his father lived in madrid, he was kidnapped by terrorists from the organization this, this is the basques, they extorted him there several million, and freed her father. there was a group of almost 100 people, there were 40 from the national guard, about 60 other security forces, that is, a fairly big story was in the mid-eighties, and jessica alba 10 years later in 1996, her kidnappers. in general , in spain there were a lot of these high-profile stories of kidnappings, about one of them, which happened in perenei, even tv series were filmed, and since perenei is the border.
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for spain, but accidentally witnessed this the kidnapping was her friend, with whom she was returning from school, they were walking along a mountain path there, because... it’s a small village in the mountains, and at the same time her friend was kidnapped, they were kept in a hole for 5 years in a shelter equipped like this , then one of those who was kidnapped, as they say, for company, she managed to escape, they helped her, in general, it was such a very noisy story, and this story was not about extortion, that is... very children are often kidnapped for the sake of being used for one
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purpose or another, sometimes they are kidnapped just for the sake of what is called organs. that’s the story i wrote about, that happened in armenia, it was such a completely textbook case of kidnapping for the sake of ransom for money, huh? naturally, after every publication that opened one or another overton window, immediately other publications also began to write on this topic, i wrote about this story in armenia, i immediately began to receive orders from different editors, and since after my trip to the city of olmon, i typed invoices, i’m in all major publications, in all newspapers that would now be called federal...
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i saw everything, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, they spotted it, no need. please, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you don’t, please, machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start with russian radio game, squared 19:23, expect transport 0 hours, one mile from the coastline, answer,
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started, yes, worked, yours the task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire on the line, but ours, these are our defenses, they broke through, also seemingly wounded red soldiers, stop this madness, i will give you mine maps, alexandrov, the owner of secret information that it shouldn’t get to the germans, it’s clear that they managed to convey it, in this folder there are junhans documents, all the spent cartridges are hidden, someone covered their tracks, saboteur, crimea, may 9. on the first, what will we do, commander, how to carry out the order, we will liquidate alexandra, no, what does that mean, no, there are a lot of tv series and films about kidnapping, sometimes they are based on real stories, and sometimes it’s just a film adaptation
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of a particular criminal case and... as experts say, many such cases are simply, well, the public doesn’t know about them, because a ransom is paid, the child is returned and well, only some people from the immediate circle there know about what happened, by the way, here is the story that i told at the very beginning about the kidnapping of yakubovich tsarkaevich, i also knew about it. literally a dozen people in moscow, that is, in addition to those people who organized it, pulled it off, alexander viktorovich gorozhankin, the then music director ivan ivanovich demidov, knew, of course albina nazimova, the then wife of vladislav listiev and
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vladislav himself, well, maybe , well, 1520 people maximum, if then, by the way, this would have been published in those years. it would be a sensation, now against the backdrop of all the stories that are happening in the world, in particular , all sorts of cases related to kidnapping celebrities, in general this is blurred against this background, especially since in general everything ended well this time, children are often killed for the sake of the reputation of the kidnappers, so that the next time they make certain demands, it is known what the result will be if they will contact the police, or their relatives, or if they don’t collect the money, that is, in this case, which i described, the children were killed simply as an edification, moreover, unfortunately, there are cases, often when a ransom is paid , but
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the child still does not return to the family, he is being killed because... he can become a witness, he could hear something, recognize someone, because i will remind you again, most often this case is organized by people from the inner circle, the victims, i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, because there are a lot of gradations in the abduction of children, there is a concept of family... and i was 5 years old when my parents divorced, my father worked for me - with opcor in in donbass, with the largest opkor,


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