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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 7, 2024 1:55am-2:40am MSK

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often, when the ransom is paid, and the child still does not return to the family, he is killed because he may become a witness, he could hear something, recognize someone, because i will remind you again, most often this case is organized by people from the inner circle, victims, i already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, because... child abduction has a lot of gradations, there is a concept of family kidnapping, and i was 5 years old when my parents divorced, my father worked with opcor in donbass with a special correspondent for a major newspaper soviet, bodies of the central committee for military commissions. and my mother
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taught at the moscow name institute, and my mother sent me for the summer, she herself is a cossack, from kuban, she sent me to my parents, to my grandparents, the village of koniskaya, as we remember now, and i was such a five-year-old cossack there, then i had a popa, i was riding a horse, everything was my own, there were apricot trees, there were raspberries, there was fish in the river, which... i caught, in general, in short, she sent me away for the summer, and my father, i repeat, i was a special correspondent for the donbass, he served the black volga, the black volga is it was very cool, in the sixties the black volga was just, i don’t know, well , like now, i don’t know if it’s a maybach or a rolls-royce, especially for kuban, nevertheless, it somehow arrived unnoticed by the neighbors , parked a few
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hundred meters from the house of my grandparents, he waited until i went out into the street there with something, he came up to me, of course he recognized him , he was surprised, he was happy, it means he saw dad, he said, do you want something there, some kind of tasty treat? pastry shop - and offered me something there i don’t know if i should buy a child an automatic machine or a plastic dump truck, but i just agreed, that’s exactly what i was in, without documents, without everything, he put me in the car and left for rostov, from rostov we flew to moscow, without documents , i just want to draw your attention to the fact that the journalist’s id in those years, i still saw this time when i myself received the id in the eighty-fifth year, this red crust. you show this treasure, all
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the doors open, that is, somehow he put my child on the plane without documents, it’s not clear, in fact it’s clear, because he had this red journalistic document, and in his editorial office he agreed that he would be sent with a correspondent to kazakhstan, the kazakh ussr to karaganda, and it was all encrypted, that is. .. they didn’t tell my mother anything, because well, my mother figured out who was behind my disappearance, she understood that i was alive, that is , they made her understand that everything was fine, but the next time i saw her was 5 years later , when i was 11, i talked to her in you , i didn’t even remember what it was just an incomprehensible aunt who was crying. all
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the time and uh, my father’s version was that my mother dumped me, uh, it’s as if she had a new man and she kind of left me, that is, she sent me to my grandparents, as if from moscow, to my mother’s mine was another version, that i just went with me for the summer, well, i went there, well, like a child, like... well, to a resort with my relatives, like, well , to the village, and that she was not going to leave me, but i grew up with the feeling that i , uh, what is it called, i remember this expression, a parasite and a piece, that i am completely no one needed, uh, abandoned by my mother, uh, i went to school there in karaganda and uh, school number one, as i remember now, and everyone there was a classmate, a first-grader from my mother, how about... they brought the school, they took me from school, from
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me, since my father was while traveling around kazakhstan, he was, i repeat, a special correspondent, that is, he had all sorts of journalism. i just walked home with a key around my neck, i was fed by the parents of my classmates, neighbors, but in principle i grew up as such a completely social child, that is, i actually grew up such a moral monster who believed that no one needed him, even my mother abandoned me, uh, i behaved very badly towards - very... such well-off boys, that is, i bullied them, beat them, i had a lot of police arrests, then in general i was a wildly antisocial child and as a psychologist told me, whom i already
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went to at that age, that after talking to me for several days, she said that what saved me was something that means somehow i... ended up in prison after numerous arrests, well... prison, it was a pre-trial detention center of the kgb of the ussr, they charged me with robbery, malicious hooliganism, and also the circulation of illegal literature, you won’t believe it, it was gumilyov, he was replicated, it was just taken in photographs, and these were the photos. fingerprints as a result of this case, by the way, i have no criminal record, because several people were imprisoned there, there was a group of the so-called vladimir sukhadeev, golden youth, majors, as they said now, there was no
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such term then, but for me - no criminal record it was, but basically, i’m saying that i grew up as such an associative child, i didn’t know. that this is kidnapping, that this is kidnapping, this is a very common format, when parents kidnap a child, for the sake of selfishness, my father proceeded from the fact that it was better for me, i would not have become a journalist, and i would not have been imprisoned now in this studio and wouldn’t tell you about the end of times, on the day of victory at the first, so what’s going on on the musical front? not a handkerchief, clearly, a dugout, a dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, we have long learned their favorite songs by heart, what do you play on, harp, no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, grasshopper, romeo and masha, buglyanka, i, comrade commander, we
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remember how they flew, catches grasshoppers, eagles, wolves , and how they loved, and as he said. in the eighteenth year, hello boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, the same fields, roads, villages, uh, no, the air is different, and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live, we will live, as long as we remember, into battle only old people are walking, may 9, after the program, time, and if they will give you a motto, where? i was completely amazed by the information about the current situation with this same kidnapping, that in the united states 200,000 children are kidnapped a year, well
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, with something like 200,000, i couldn’t find statistics for our country, only 50,000 of these 200,000 are not relatives or people from the family, that is, they are mostly kidnapped, as i already said, people close to the family, more than 60% of the children who are kidnapped are kidnapped by women who either cannot get pregnant or do not want to walk there with a belly for 9 months, and they want a child kidnapped, that is, abducted. and babies are kidnapped there when they are very young, because from my own experience i can say that if at the age of 5 you are taken away from your loved ones, you are there, i say at the age of 11, i saw my mother for the first time after 6 years, well, just in general, everything is erased from memory,
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all over the world there are still no clear definitions of what kidnapping is, in different criminal codes of different countries, it is interpreted very differently and there are a lot of nuances, let’s say, you all remember, if we already we’re talking about gaidai’s films, we started with this, caucasian captive, this is... after all, it’s also kidnapping, when a bride is kidnapped, bride kidnapping is absolutely a pure case of kidnapping, and it was practiced, and is still practiced, quite recently, last year in kazakhstan they just introduced a criminal norm code of the country where this is condemned; such a norm was already in force last twenty-third year in uzbekistan.
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so-called mass abductions, this is mainly in africa, they kidnap buses,
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school children, uh, some families, groups, in my opinion, a record number there were about 200 kidnapped at one time in one of the african countries, where children are kidnapped for the fact that the fact is that the child is, in principle, uh, no inhibitions, no prohibitions, that is, it is easy to turn a child into a very bloodthirsty soldier, devoid of empathy , therefore, since these wars are waged there endlessly, boys are very often kidnapped there so that they are, as it were, recruited and made into young fighters, at one time, by the way, cambodia, kampuchee, and half a century, they held on precisely to these soldiers, children, then there are... young soldiers, they can very easily beat a living person with a shovel and
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shoot without thinking for a minute, statistics have changed a lot over the last 15 years in the world, if before the main kidnappings occurred in latin american countries, this is mexico, this is venezuela, well, that is, where. where the drug trade is very developed, where there is this easy money, there is actually a side effect, as an accompanying criminal aspect of the drug trade, there are these kidnappings, and now the record holder for kidnappings is iraq, that is after the americans came with their mission of planting democracy. there, in general, this business has begun to flourish,
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it is mainly foreigners who are kidnapped, the countries of the former british indian subcontinent are also in the lead, these are bangladesh, india and pakistan, there are also some very impressive kidnapping numbers, in africa they also kidnap foreigners solely for ransom , that is, if in countries - where, well, in western countries, relatively speaking, in countries of developed democracies, children are mainly kidnapped so that they can have children there, that children are for the sake of children or exploit them sexually, then in third world countries, basically it’s just money, there is also such a term as - i don’t know how it’s translated, well, that is, a literal short-term job. this is a tiger kidnapping, this is when , say, a relative is kidnapped from
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some person in films, most often it is some bank employee or some official who is kidnapped, sometimes, by the way, they can even kidnap a beloved pet or a child or a beloved wife or something i don't know what a person's beloved grandmother is forced to do there i don’t know how to give away the code to a safe or open a safe or help in committing some crime, threatening death, to a close being, i say that sometimes this, of course, doesn’t fall into place... about the subclassification of kidnapping, but of an emotional nature, this is very close, the criminal codes of different countries provide different punishments for this, in many countries, a person who has become a victim of tiger kidnapping, he is not subject to jurisdiction at all, that is, if it is proven in court that
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he was blackmailed, by murder or... .
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dollars, this is a large sum for the early seventies, this is not another 3 million, this was very, very serious money, but not for him, i repeat, he was the richest man on the planet at that time, and he refused to pay, he said that well, he doesn’t care , he won’t pay, the kidnappers cut off his ear
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, realizing that it was useless to send this ear. they simply sent it to my grandfather on television, that is, they turned to the media, then the press all over the world exploded, that everyone found out that there was such an episode that a person was kidnapped, and the grandfather was simply not ready fork out, and - since it was such a bad pr for a person, he agreed - to allocate part of the amount, and gave part of it to his son, that is, to the father of his grandson, as a loan at a substantial interest rate, well, that is, he figured out how much he could do for him to pay, lent him money for ransom, but i must say that life did not work out for the kidnapped person, of course,
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because he was tortured, he was kept there in not the most... conditions, well, his ear was cut off there, at the age of 25 he then had a heart attack , in my opinion , or a stroke, i don’t remember now, i’m confused always, this is in general, and he passed away at a fairly early age, that is, he was paralyzed, that is, his life was actually broken, of course, these stories always amaze me, when you remember these, and this one... skopinsky maniac, yes, this story, it is very reminiscent of that story in the pereney, that is, when girls are kept for years in some kind of pit, how then these people can be free, i don’t understand at all, that is, i can’t wrap my head around it , because it’s actually murder, that is, when a girl is kidnapped
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there she is raped there, she lives there in some kind of... in this pit, in some kind of basement, this is actually the destruction of the personality, that is, she can even be physiologically in normal shape, she can give birth there, she can walk, she’s not blind , she’s not paralyzed, she’s, well, a person, this actually kills, in fact, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, this would be a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodolev, told you about my journalistic experience in in the field of kidnapping. you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the first website. channel
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hello, my name is dmitry bak, we have another episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read. today we will talk about a wonderful... russian prose writer, about one of the greatest russian prose writers, poets, playwrights, critics, and professors of the 20th century, and maybe not only the 20th, you probably already guessed who speech, speech about vladimir vladimirovich nabokov, who this year celebrates, well a kind of anniversary, he is 125 years old, he was born in 1899, and the development of nabokov is proceeding at a very large pace, at a rapid pace, here in my hands
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is one of the major researchers, and today we are talking about nabokov with wonderful guests, this is the head of the nabokov center institute of russian literature and the russian academy of sciences of the pushkin house, tatyana olegovna panomareva. hello tatiana! olegovna, i’m very glad to see you today, and journalist, literary critic, researcher of nabokov’s work, igor dimyanovich kiriyenkov. hello, igor dimyanovich, if you allow me, i will simply call you igor. i think this would be appropriate. and let's start with this quick survey. here for you here now is what is in nabokov, the most important thing in his life, in his behavior, in his reputation, in his works, in tatyana’s intonation. well, if we talk about nabokov writers, then of course he is the creator of a new language of russian literature, after nabokov everyone began to write a little differently, because
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it’s already difficult to write like before after nabokov, so this is for me it seems that the most important thing as writers, and if we talk about the author nabukov on the side , of course, then this is that he lived in a very difficult time, the most important thing is how he managed to overcome all these challenges, yes, which is time for him. independence of judgment, his freedom from other people's canons, ready to create his own, and when he lived in europe, when he left for america, when he returned to europe, he was always on his own wavelength, with his own set of favorite authors, ideas about what literature should be, what shouldn't be the second thing is probably his frantic work ethic, which when you read his biography, especially the second volume of boyd, when he had already become the most famous author in the world. boyd, nabokov’s biographer, just in case, let’s explain, yes, you understand at what an insane pace he
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worked, he could financially afford to do nothing more, enjoy life, well, from a certain point not immediately, but every year he published a new book, original, translation, poetry, plays, prose, and this is very inspiring, let's start, of course, with childhood, yes, tatyana olegovna. here is nabokov’s childhood, his origins, this is already the 20th century or another 19, here is the childhood of adolescence tolstoy’s youth, nikolinka erteniev, what is a young man, komel fo, how should he sit, yes, so that the shoulders touch the back, but the middle of the back does not, on the side , this is what kind of person he is in his childhood and adolescence, it was, of course, the most, probably the most interesting and the most changing. nabokov was formed in russia, of course, although he
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lived here only 18 years, very little, yes, but these were still those years when a personality is being formed, and since he also began to write quite early and even managed to publish, as we know, two two collections of poems, yes, which of course no one particularly noticed, but such a time there is no wonder not to notice, there are so many stars there, and everyone wrote poems, he published them as his own. his father was, after all, a man of a different time, because he was just at the turn of the century, his father, who of course had access to a brilliant career in the government, because he could easily... probably follow in the footsteps of his father, he was an excellent student in everything both ministers, strictly speaking, and vladimirich, of course, yes, vladimirich could have become a minister and, in general, because he succeeded in everything, let’s just say how he
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died, but suddenly. he died, he died, he died during an attack, an attempt on the life of pavel nikolaevich melyukov, who was not injured, a comrade, but at the same time a political opponent, at that time, yes, and he was one of the few in this huge audience who came to listen to lectures in berlin, in the twenty-second year, yes, who rushed, did not just hide under chair, as many did at that moment, and he rushed to save melyakov, he rushed to stop the killers. died on the spot and he saved melyukov, well, in general, as napoleon said, who drove up on the balcony and thought that he had died, what a wonderful death, really very unusual, but in general the departure to bokov and to the bokovs can in the full sense of the word be called emigration or not really, it’s like leaving to study, well , of course, it was a full-fledged immigration, his family was threatened with physical destruction as representatives of the previous establishment
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authorities leaving crimea. the nabokovs first ended up in athens, and then moved to great britain. but tell me, nabokov repeats many times, and his interlocutors repeat, that he allegedly told someone that he spoke english almost earlier than russian, so what kind of identity does this person have? trilingual childhood, russian, french, english, i would say that on the side, this generation of vladimir and his wife, this is essentially this circle of tolstoy’s heroes. with what pleasure he sideways describes purchases in st. petersburg with special soaps, pencils, in general, it seems to directly grow literally from the text of russian literature, he would support you when you use the plural of the word soap, different soaps, it sounds very poetic.
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look how you think or how, as far as you know, this is how this man was perceived by nabukov, look how he was perceived, whether as a russian writer or not, i had the opportunity, well, for a very long time to hear in different countries, nabokov, yes, yes, yes, he is, of course, russian, but actually the only one, it seems, who has converted entirely and completely in english, well, brodsky wrote in english, of course, many, but still not to the same extent as on the sides, but while he lived in europe, and wrote only in russian, of course, he was known only among the russian diaspora , uh-huh, no one for berlin, the newspaper rul, rul, then, yes, then modern notes, paris, everything, all the best magazines, everyone published him, of course, he was recognized as one of the best writers, as they said then, the word recognized is key, we will return to it, the younger generation, because of course, if bunin was the main one in the older generation, then nabokov gradually became the number one writer of the younger generation, but after
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the forced move... his origin was rather such a certain detail that allowed him to order there , i don’t know, texts about soviet drama, knowing that he understands this is more than an american, but he is a world-class writer, including an american one, yes, and the fact that the russians - this was somehow remembered later, but not in the first second, this is a paradox too, yes, well, somehow so significant, important and understandable nabokov writes somewhere that he hates a person who, when entering the forest, can only name
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grass, bushes.
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a great chess player, although also an emigrant, but is there still some kind of distraction from russian issues here? a russian writer, he wants to resolve the idea, like gogol, he wants to change russia, and so on, isn’t there some kind of... then a flawed moment from the point of view of the canonical image of the russian writer, who is about ethics and morality, and not about style. it seems to me that critics were the first to write about it back in the berlin years. that this is somehow too alien to our traditions, we don’t say that, we say that there were such opinions too, we don’t belittle it in any way, it seems to me, just if you read the correspondence of bunin’s generation there with zayets, with shmilyov , he is a complete stranger to the hares and shmilyov is definitely a stranger, but for them
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, yes, i agree, but here is the reader’s opinion about snabism, but on the side this is all, it seems to me that it is based on these in late novels in late interviews, of course among writers, yes , i agree, his his... circle of writers, more precisely, not friends, after all, but rather him, but rather his enemies of the writers, because everything, it’s like these writers, who are all basically his, well, rivals, enemies, yes, that’s why the duel, yes , yes, they spoke very poorly of each other, which in general is normal, there is such a custom of sitting down to spit on each other, we in no way give out any moral assessments, i think the word snabism is still too strong, yes, we it is often called that way.
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what you are talking about is due to the fact that these writers of the older generation, they lived in russia, they, they had a life here, he was 18 years old, you know, he really, well , yes, of course he was his first love, i think in russia he was the same, i don’t know, it seems to me that this is it, that he could not write the dark, well , or the summer of the lord, how could he, well , yes, well, how could he, because there was simply nothing, he had to draw only then his source was the life around him, that is, the life of an emigrant, and the life of an emigrant, of course, is to some extent generally the same... well, i don’t know, but he’s also like society, he never tried to get, others did not try to take root in this , say, citizenship of another country, he did not try to become german or, well, no,
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american, this can be forced, yes, he did not try to go to america, his homeland, this your bone, it just amazed me, yes, well, and the famous execution, which, well, what can i say, the rut, he very quickly realized that he was interested in the narrative form in the twenties, narrative, i translate into the language of our interlocutors, but let it be narrative , this allowed him to take the next step, that is , without this corpus of texts written by mashenka, and a huge number of poems,
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there would not have been that wonderful nabokov combinator, nabokov, who knows how to construct a complex thought, somehow rhyme here, come back here, and it seems to me quite his poems from the late thirties are also interesting, that is, he didn’t... he just left with some body of text, then he wrote, he wrote, typewriter twenty-six, yes , we have a year, yes, that is, this is the most beautiful novel, just one wonderful poem pale fire, mail fire, yes, of course, well - what do you say, question, i love nabukov’s poems, but yes, i know that not everyone, but it seems to me that the most interesting thing here is that he suggested writing russian poetry, very traditional , without anything, just without anything. my friend's chest of drawers rolled on the ponlu candle and he continued to write this until the last years of his life , while in english he wrote the most complex and, i must say, very unloved by absolutely many, complex, complicated, even maybe deliberately novels in which this one is no longer present
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open emotion, there is no this warmth, which many lack, in the poems it is even there, even in the later poems, this is amazing, as if there was some kind of split in the writer who really didn’t think. let's remember that in his poems nabokov retained something that was perhaps youthful, perhaps still russian, and that a little was lost from the prose, but it's cold there. we continue our conversation, we talk about vladimir nabokov, about his biography, about his books, and my interlocutors today, the head of the nabokov center of the institute of russian literature of the russian academy of sciences, pushkin house, tatyana olegovna panomareva, and literary critic, journalist, researcher of nabokov’s work. igor kirienkov. igor, i have already put on my glasses, this
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means that the middle of our program has come, at this time the presenter, that is, me, dmitry bak, always does one of three, or i show some old book from my library, but this after all, it’s not an old book, i’ve already shown it to you, but it’s only a quarter of a century old, either i read and comment on some poem, or a quote from prose, i read, here everything somehow works out together, because i... now i’ll read my favorite fragment, we remember that the roman gift begins, well, in the broad sense of the word , it begins with how fyodor konstantinovich godunov cherdyntsev reads his collection of poems, rereads it, understands his significance, directly quotes himself, or rather, well, as if in a novel, we see these poems written by him, so he rises to the pinnacle of pride, thinks, i thank you from the fatherland, that’s it, his career took place with you recognized. he thinks, but then a miracle happens, because we see
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how a poem is written before our eyes, imagine that we would have a text where pushkin would describe how he writes, i remember a wonderful moment or i erected a monument to myself that was not man-made, nabokov has all this, listen to vladimir vladimirovich, i’m still far away until thirty, today i am recognized, recognized, thank you, my fatherland for the pure, this is about singing very close. a lyrical possibility flashed, he caught this rhythm: i thank you, fatherland, and for the pure and some kind of gift, you are like madness, tatata, the sound is recognized, i actually don’t need it now, life flared up from the rhyme, the rhyme itself disappeared, thank you, russia for the pure, second adjective, i didn’t have time to see in this flash, but it’s a pity, happy, sleepless, winged, for the pure winged gift, he continues to write , winged, wings. no, no, everything
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flew away, i didn’t have time to hold him back when he went to bed, my thoughts just started to settle down for the night and my heart began to sink into the snow of sleep, he always experienced interruptions in falling asleep. fyodor konstantinovich risked repeating the unfinished verses to himself, just to rejoice at them before a sleepy separation. he was weak, they twitched, verses, twitched with greed. so in a minute they took possession of him, goosebumps ran down his skin, filled his head with a divine buzzing, when he turned on the light again, lit a cigarette, and lying supine, pulling the sheet up to his chin, and his feet straight out like socrates of antokolsky, the sculptor is meant, not the poet, here then he indulged in all the demands of inspiration, it was a conversation with a thousand interlocutors, from whom only one was real, after 3 hours of dangerous... life after listening enthusiastically, he finally figured out
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everything down to the last word. at parting , i tried in a low voice these good, warm, paired poems, they are opposite in meaning, he was proud that he was recognized by his fatherland, this is what happened, thank you, fatherland, for the evil distance, thank you, i am full of you, not recognized by you, i’m talking to myself, in conversation every night, the soul itself... can’t figure out whether it’s my madness that’s babbling, or whether your music is growing, we see how amazing poems appear, born from a completely opposite thoughts, and this can only be read from vladimir nabokov, well, let’s return to his russianness, not russianness, to his paradoxical nature, he doesn’t like very many people, igor, well, bunin doesn’t like anyone , he’s irritated by everyone, yes. obokov, my god, he doesn’t like dostoevsky, there’s too
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much unnecessary stuff there, well, the very thing that is most important in a russian writer, to resolve the mouse, yes, it’s all superfluous. chernyshevsky, he, not he, but his hero, can’t stand it, the same godunov cherdyntsev, mocks him, it’s clear why, well, dr. mertvaga, there, roman pasternak, absolutely, whom he loves, generally speaking, pushkin, tolstoy, i wanted to say this. of course, one cannot help but love pushkin, he is the author of the commentary, he loved many people, in fact, even pasternak, he loved his poetry, what he talked about, planned to translate dostoevsky, take karmantsev into english, everyone. he just didn’t like this novel and didn’t like its publication history, didn’t like the way it was advertised, that it stood next to the top one on the bestseller list, and his poems from the country came in very handy, that an interesting story, yes, yes, yes, and the fact that of course there was this topic too, and it
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seemed to him that maybe posternak approached this topic incorrectly, lara, yes, of course, this is very, of course, i never thought , this is probably obvious to the nabaks, i didn’t think so.
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we know that nabokov taught for quite a long time until he freed himself from the need to be dependent on the department, and his lectures on russian literature are generally very popular, but how to treat them is that science, philology, essays, criticism, expression of will , what exactly is this, well i think this is essayism after all. yes, because it’s hard to call it scientific work, well, in fact, he fulfilled the requirements that the university had, apparently it met, and it probably didn’t require any in-depth analysis of creativity, apparently it wasn’t required, so he and he was very successful as a teacher, so it seems to me that he
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was a rather extravagant teacher, to come, come to a lecture there with about transformation, finally draw this creature, give it a name, explain it to his... listeners, and what kind of beetle is this or draw a diagram of a pullman carriage, this is on the sides, love for details, willingness to show how these fairy tales work, yes, he often speaks in his lectures about fairy tales about mechanisms, here he is the same person, who, after all, is a learned co-ist, will not talk about the arrangement of the carriage or not? well, it still seems to me that these lectures, it seems to me that after all, what we call scientific literature, it still seems to me that this is not entirely, yes, it’s still his, there’s a lot of a lot of it.
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i asked you as a university prisoner, but i ’ve been teaching for forty-two years, so i keep thinking, what am i doing, infecting and want to teach reading or give some kind of list of truths? well, nabokov clearly did the first thing, he infected, he paradoxically read, well, well, we said that this ten-volume collected work is the most complete, but the books on the side continue to come to us, to come, here igor i... what did you write about the collection, which in the original is called strong opinions, yes, and is it correct to translate strong opinions, what is it, in general about something new on the side, after his death he continues...


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