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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 7, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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“i asked, give me a surgeon as an assistant,” they said: no, they gave this paramedic, they tortured him for a long time, but no, well, an hour and a half, no more, well, who can stand this, yes, this is from his personal file, that’s all , what is there, what did this nazarov know that he was tortured so brutally, and a lot. the number of orders, the major had a good memory, yes, he had it, units, call signs, order of delivery , if the germans had hunted him, they most likely would have simply stolen him, which means the local partisans did the work, he spoke lithuanian, the file says colloquial, he’s from a latvian mixed family, so they tortured him in the forest, then brought him here to scare, who, the local residents, no, the staff? “i would
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now order that they should not move here without security, i have already forbidden them to move, so okay, we need to decide who is in charge in our investigative team, well , i have one less star, well , we’ve agreed, we have more than 10 officers from the regiment headquarters live in the village, everyone is in plain sight, nazarov was a secretive person, one might say, he was unsociable, he did not take anyone to see him, nor with anyone. with whom he wasn’t particularly friendly, it’s his gear, and he, he almost didn’t like fishing, but what if there was something, he did it all himself, yes, i’ll help, comrade lieutenant colonel,
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comrade lieutenant colonel, sridov , collect everything, don’t touch anything else here, it’s clear, there’s something going on with you, comrade lieutenant colonel, maybe a man has fallen in love, of course you won’t understand that, but there, the neighbor opposite said that she saw the major, over there at home, i was talking with the owner, astra lives there, she’s a widow, she has a large farm, we’re at we’re buying food for her, just a second, and what position do you hold at headquarters, deputy for armaments, pronozar, tell me in more detail, so i’m like, well, nothing, again.
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somehow incorrectly the asters of the guests of the greeter cut out cut out cut out familiar?
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type, yes, now, you like to fish,
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no, your husband is into fishing, you sleep here, i dare say that, yes, but why then is there only one pillow, a pillowcase on a rope? where did you torture him in the forest? how was it tortured? how can i tell you how? first you tied him up,
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then you inserted a prod gag, and then you started cut off the face, cut off the ears one thing, the other, and then the fingers piece by piece, with whom did you do this?
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there was another case, major nazarov was late for duty, somehow he came running all sleepy, thank you, he also helped me, captain. well, they talked to me in 2 hours, solve the case, they got it done without me in 20 minutes, her husband has a dessert, he is hiding somewhere in the forest, he knew mayor nazarov, yes, we think that he leaked the major to his forest friends , so, well,
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where can we look for this husband with his forest friends, and if she is in cahoots with him, immediately she had to be stabbed, right away she won’t remember anything because she’s frightened, but... then she’ll calm down, think, and generally shut down, shut down, she just needs to pick up the leash, and it’s not a gun, lieutenant, let me tell you, yesterday it would have...
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it’s just glowing , you know the area well , lieutenant, yes. that here, here, show me, an old fortified structure, dating back to the first world war, the entrance to the underground catacombs is abandoned, there is a small grotto, and even up the road there are a few waves near the swamp, that’s all, there are no more rocks here, you weren’t here yesterday we passed by, passed by twice during the day, so what? the place seems to be quiet, calm, no one
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is visible, let’s go, let me go first, i really want to see the miracle mok. here i am rubbing, there are traces of blood and more moss, and nothing glows. they stabbed me from behind, professionally,
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ilyin, oleg stepanovich, commandant's office, major, it looks like fingers and ears. nazarov, it means that he was tortured here today, and i know him, yesterday i brought the lists from the commandant’s office, i didn’t come across the steering wheel anywhere, what kind of lists are there for displaced persons, refugees from the front line, our commandant always notifies, in form of port tickets, clothing...
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so, astra, now tell us about all your husband’s connections, related and unrelated, indicate on the map all the places where he could have gone, have a seat. aš tada you will cooperate,
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grįšu namo, she will then return home, well, if you need to tell everything honestly, grigory ivanovich, i’m at the commandant’s office in the morning, you come there straight away, and i’ll drink it here at the entrance, if you do anything, don’t make it up, until the morning -that’s all right, i’ll take a nap.
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i scared you, are you here, i was looking for you, i almost ran into a patrol, duh... i have a message for you fedorenko, but which one, you can’t lend your dad, just for half an hour, an automatic rifle, i’ll jump off without an oak, or a pistol, well, i don’t have money, i can’t buy it, there’s no way without him, but
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why do you need pistols, i have my own cash for factory building in the attic, and you? with arnos, well, these are refugees from kaunus, they set up their headquarters there, like children, but you can’t just talk to them in a comradely way, there are two of them and no older than me, they are not my comrades at all, i’ll just show them a gun, they will run away on their own.
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and not older, i come out younger, and also poke, so be on your guard there, although i only dream about it, that i’ll be back in the evening and you’ll be home in the morning. there wasn’t, but in the evening there is, my beloved light has arrived, we will never be apart again, you hear, until the very victory, dreams, dreams, here, here is sugar and concentrates, just
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be careful, don’t gobble it all up in one day, thomas, you’ll definitely talk with vitka arnos, well, i promised? that means i’ll do it, but i need to be tougher with them, okay, i’ll take it into account, goodbye, he should go to school, but i’ve already brought him three times, it’s enough for exactly half an hour, he runs away without even i know how to convince him, some compelling argument is needed, needed, needed. if only he had a friend here, cronies, a comrade commandant, and how many people do you have under your
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command, four, svetlana petrovna, when the murder happened, elena was killed yesterday. where is the problem in the frontline zone, and how can i replace him now, and most importantly, with whom? did you do important work? secret, a separate office, all the documents, passes, identification, everything is on it, clearly, this is his briefcase, svetlana petrovna, please look, this is major nazarov. what is this, he killed? no, he died too, they died together, i remember i met him. he came to ilyen, the three of them went to the park for a concert, ilyin and his wife, and this major. was ilyin married?
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yes, they recently got married, my wife’s name is lena, she is local from vilnius, she came here, i gave them an apartment with a bathroom, with a telephone, i need to inform my wife. it’s necessary, well, let me tell you, come on, and i’ll write you the address now, it will be difficult, he’s deaf. and what can you write, lieutenant? i can, and you speak lithuanian, i mean, lithuanian too, well, great,
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ever seen him? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who are you bringing bread to? say, to the city for sale, you’re lying, carrion, what to write like that, write like that, you’ll start talking to me, well, wait, wait, wait, we ’ll confiscate all this bread, and the horse too. until it is clarified , of course, he says, don’t ruin it, he’ll tell you everything,
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right away, aster’s husband spent the night with him for one day, then he took him to the miller, for whom he bakes bread, who takes the bread? people come from the forest, from the forest, we need to take them. sorry, elena, please accept my condolences, i i understand that now this is unlikely to reassure you,
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but you should know that your husband died as a hero, elena, can i look at the place where he worked, the door to the right? please. forgive me, i don’t even have anything to treat you with, come on , you don’t need anything, please tell me,
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do you know this man, yes, oleg introduced us once, i don’t remember his last name, major nazarov, nazarov, yes, in i think they served together, but you don’t know what’s in this safe? you have the key to it, look in the desk drawer, there’s a bunch of keychains with a soldier soldier, there are some documents there, i don’t know, there are no keys here, i was at work, so i left them.
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thank you bye. you said that you are from the prosecutor's office? why are you here? he didn’t die during the shelling, right? yes, i didn’t want to tell you, he was killed with a knife, most likely by bandits. as soon as i find out something, i ’ll tell you right away, no, i don’t need it, i don’t want it, it doesn’t matter anymore, i don’t know how she ended up in his house, it’s generally forbidden to take her out of the commandant’s office according to all the instructions. “she was
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here 2 days ago, i remember well, ilyan and i signed certificates, maybe he took her home by mistake, what certificates, passes to the frontline zone, and what do these passes give, with them you can get through all our posts to the very front line, i usually issue them to repatriates, well..." to those who return home, and to correspondents, artists, and where these passes, i don’t know, ilyin probably gave them away, i don’t know, i ’ll probably confiscate this from you, comrade major, somehow everything is disappearing here, what do you say,
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spirinov, let’s take the military prosecutor’s office alive, everyone stand . , i will shoot, military prosecutor's office, major chubrikov, funny, hello, comrades, but you
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big adults. guys, didn’t your parents teach you not to offend the younger ones ? i found the place first, that means its place is correct, look how huge the attic is, but find yourself another corner there for your headquarters, there is one owner for each attic, but... well, it’s possible at our school, it’s free, we’ll find it ourselves, what you find could also be someone it’s busy, there’s no one at school, i’ll also show you how to make a telegraph, you’ll string it between the attics, you’ll keep in touch with your people, it’s real, well, of course, it’s real, you’ll only need to learn morse code, but i’ll help, so what?
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hands down, great, that's it, peter, just tell them not to throw stones at dogs, that's what we heard, we won't, well, let's go, show you where your cash is, just be quiet, guys, i'm waiting at school, your life is free , citizens have ended, in any case, the prison term, the concept.
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a motorcycle stroller lay above her, stains fresh. whose blood is this? will you talk? he doesn’t know anything, but can i try, just not here, but please, at least he’s in the cellar. excuse me, elena, i found
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your husband’s keys in a comment, out of place, close the door, calmly, you will stand quietly, you will live. don't move and take your hand away from the holster. quiet, no shouting. arunas, take the key to the safe. thanks for the keys frau, we searched for them. come on... this guy lucas is ready to tell everything, but how the major managed to do it, it’s better for you not to know, major,
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major, well, about the basement, i was joking, ashaltas, it's not his fault.
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elena, they killed your husband. yes, they killed me. do you know why your husband died? for these
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flight marks, he wanted more, but did not fulfill his part of the contract. everything is fair. whose ears and fingers did you cut off instead of yourself? it's not me. my guys, to make it more convincing, it was he who called me when you were here, forgive me for not saying, it’s right that i didn’t say, otherwise i would have been walking with my husband in the water somewhere. it turns out that this heinrich, who nazarov, along with other germans, killed joses,
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changed his clothes and threw the corpse to us, why did they then ilyin was killed? so that things work out with the documents, probably, but elagina will tell us that, unless of course we are late. come on, come on, soldier. and what did you threaten the boy with? did he see the devil? yes, i showed him my back. “once upon a time, the guys from the abwehr cut out a starfall for me with a knife, without anesthesia, come on, fighter, come on, drive, the forest brothers will not forgive you for just killing them, comrades, for nothing, for nothing , forgive me, mari, sleigh, no, we have a goal for..."
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don't worry, we need your driver just like that same as you.
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in general, comrade captain, you have two options: stay here in this apartment forever, go with us as a hostage, yes, i promise that i will free you and your driver in no man's land, unless of course you decide to run across, i think you they will be happy, okay, i ’ll go, but promise me that you won’t touch elena, let’s go quietly, we don’t need noise, oh, yes, it’s good here, but do you know what’s missing? books,
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it’s boring in the evenings, i guess what, i don’t know how to read, like this, at all, or in lithuanian, at all, i have a window, i in the evenings i look at other houses, other streets, much more interesting than your books. yes, you have a whole observation post here, and i know this car, right? “don’t follow me, and i
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didn’t even intend to, i need to set up mousetraps, yeah, and so that you don’t leave the attic, set up mousetraps, excuse me, stop, stop, stop, i say.
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car, car quickly! run, quickly, quickly, quickly, uncle yegor, uncle yegor, i saw how svetlana petrovna was loaded by two men with a pistol and drove off into the car, where, to the right, towards the exit from the city, and thomas followed them in the carriage i rode the motorcycle, thank you.
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have a nice trip, again on a business trip, that is, captain, we have to, and where is our next post, 10 km along the road, okay, we’ll have time to take a nap. well done, captain, i'm really proud of you, so you die.
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everything is fine, grigory ivanovich, how are you, safe, alive?
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and this lukos, he’s still just a child, what will happen to him now? as usual, according to the laws of wartime, when will we finally begin to live according to the laws of peacetime,
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good morning to everyone who is meeting this new day with the first channel, with you today daria shulik and evgeny pokrovsky. the calendar says tuesday, may 7th. today there will be a solemn ceremony for the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. watch the live broadcast on channel one. this morning our entire program will be devoted to this great important event. we will talk about what unites us all, about the heroic pages of the history of our country, which we must not forget. about what we want to see our russia in the future and what it is like. certainly will become. we will also talk about our achievements and, of course, about the symbols, traditions and meaning of today’s important ceremony. during the ceremony, as always, during special events. the anthem of the russian federation sounds, we know it by heart, with its music we go through life. our anthem has a long, glorious history. russia,
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sacred, is our power. this music became the national anthem in 1944. folk instruments and a brass group of a symphony orchestra, the hallmark of the ensemble. stalin, asked the ensemble to perform it in two times slower, solemnly and chantingly, this chanting version amazed even the author himself. the music becomes an unofficial anthem. the communist party only then the main song of the country. 1942 the soviet union needs a new anthem. before that
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, the international played, a competition was announced for 170 composers from all over the country, 200 options for auditioning in the big theater. none of these options were suitable, even as a draft. and the music of the new anthem was the melody of the anthem of the bolshevik party, composer alexandrov. and from the texts stalin chooses poems by mikhalkov and elergestan, their first drafts have been preserved, on cells of exile. look, there are several options for just one line. on many documents, and almost all of them have dates, the text of the dimna has changed, i’ll literally pick up the very first line of the dimna, stalin crosses it out and changes it to this line, union. unbreakable, it has been included in the final text of the anthem since 1956. the anthem was sung without words, in seventy-seven the text was rewritten, in the nineties it was replaced with
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glinka’s patriotic song, only in 2000 the same melody was heard again, and the text was also written by sergei mikhalkov, only one line survived in forty-three. there is its own chemistry, so interesting, harmonic, alexandrov knew church music perfectly, he knew russian music, this melody is always with us, at big concerts, competitions, solemn and powerful.
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just imagine one and a half million kilometers from the earth, with such a telescope, this is the twin brother of what is in space, the know-how of russian technology, there are mirror systems ahead of us, where, which actually begin to focus the x-ray radiation, and it comes here, to these detectors, it’s located there, well , let’s say primary electronics, which quickly reads all this. we recently made a complete survey of the galaxy, with plans to photograph the universe, which means that many discoveries in fundamental science await us. and we are studying near space with plans to build a new russian orbital station, for the first time in the world in polar orbit, our entire
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planet from pole to pole will be visible from it. unique shots. this is the first module of the cladding work now. this is what the station will look like entirely, modular, any part can be replaced and as many modules can be attached to it as needed, which means it can live indefinitely. there is a lot of space, just more than everything, there is not only more space, much more, and this is a new manned spacecraft, it will dock at a new station, it is twice as spacious as its predecessor, it can transfer 5 tons of cargo. the return vehicle is reusable, it is planned that it will be used up to ten times, they will get burned, physics there’s no getting around it, it’s just that the very design of the return vehicle ptk will allow it to be used again, we are preparing from... to study deep space, interplanetary flights are already our present, here they are making a new launch vehicle soyuz-5, it can launch
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more spacecraft or more heavy spacecraft. to all kinds of orbits is capable of participating in projects to explore the planets of the solar system, as well as the moon. and at the russian academy of sciences they are conducting a whole isolation experiment, simulating a flight to the moon, and building a space station ship, the crew stays there for 365 days, doctors monitor the scenes and conduct experiments. how to calculate the amount of linen that goes there, clothes, food, medicines, how... to train a person who is initially, for example, not the same doctor, the results of the experiment will allow us to minimize the risks during long-distance, not only long-term flights, to fly to the moon , when there is no possibility of evacuation, or to mars, they are training and landing on the moon, in this module, the only one where there is access, while no one is there, this system simulates
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lunar gravity, this is necessary in order to provide... training, subsequently for the astronaut, grandiose plans, that same deep space, getting closer every day, and this is just the beginning. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. it's amazing what a huge country we live in. the area of ​​russia, just think about it, is more than 17 million km. this, by the way, is one eighth of the land. yes, in russia there are million-plus cities and very small settlements. was the capital of the basporan kingdom, built it, as they say, for centuries, this is how buildings were protected from earthquakes, wooden
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beams were put into these small complaints, which were cushioned during earthquakes. years ago, a basporan archaeological expedition worked here, and it was they who proved the ancient age of modern kerch. before us are fragments of a unique dinos vessel; it dates back to the end of the 6th century bc, and this is a valuable find because it proves that kesh is indeed the oldest city in russia. walking around these places make it interesting to think about how people lived here 2600 years ago. and if you come to this city, then... what in the future you will see, robots on the road, unmanned taxis or waiters like this in a cafe, this is innopolis, it began to be built 40 km from kazan only 12 years ago, but already now it has almost 400 inhabitants. vladislav urzhumov came here to study in artificial intelligence, his relatives say when they visit, they are always impressed. every time this little suitcase on wheels pulls up, they
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they jump up and get scared. one of the smallest. my parents and i arrived when i was about five years old, we stayed like that, now my husband and i also built our own house here, our own rubatsky house. the largest city in the country, you don’t even have to guess, is, of course, moscow. in 2024, its population exceeded 13 million, by the way, not only the largest, but the most industrial.
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kaliningrad with its european architecture and shady alleys, ancient russian pskov and veliky novgorod, the city of more, sopok and mostov vladivostok, but probably for every resident your hometown will be the most beautiful. elena zykova, anna gazhala, ilya kuvaldin, marina glushenkova, channel one. this year we celebrate a glorious date: 80 years since the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. it was on may 9, 1944 that the red flag soared over sevastopol. sapun mountain is not just a point on a geographical map, it is a heroic page in our history. 12 km from the center of sevastopol, above the baloklava valley. sapun mountain, a natural barrier on
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the way to the city from the southeast. from the end of june forty-second... this height belongs to the german army, to defend sapun mountain means to liberate sevastopol. this was the shortest route to sevastopol, precisely along the zolotaya balka valley.
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approximately 8 km, the height from the base to the ridge is only 240 m, that is... you can climb lightly at a free pace in about 40 minutes. our fighters climbed for almost 5 hours. andrey butkovoy, a reenactor, knows these places well. he will take us along the sturm route. hello andrei. hello. how many times have you already climbed sopungoru? more than 100. it's hard? well, there is no peaceful life. and then bullets and shells flew at the attacking assault units. moreover, there was no forest then. everything was open, and this was a disadvantage for...
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in some places there were steep sections on each infantryman with up to 30 kg of equipment. the maximum that was raised during the assault was several forty-five-millimeter guns, the guns were lifted up the mountain, the guns were partially dismantled, the protective shield was removed, they were rolled in somewhere, where it was possible, but understand, they are shooting at you, this is simply unrealistic, this is crazy -that. after 80 years from the sapun mountains continue to wash away traces of that assault with rain. a projectile from katyusha, well , the rest of it, the damage radius is 70 m, the tail part opens like a rose. there was so much metal left in the ground that for another 10 years on the mountain. nothing grew, the slopes were sprinkled with seeds from the plane, poppies were among the first to take root, they say they always grow on the site of fierce battles,
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a solemn ceremony, the inauguration of the russian president.
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acting status until his deputies and ministers will continue to work in approval of the new composition. you can watch the ceremony on channel one. the broadcast starts at 11:40 moscow time. and before that, on our air there was an information channel dedicated to vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of russia. latest data from the nvo zone, unmanned aircraft control center. and the enemy's field ammunition depot were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this is the result of the work of our tankers. the crew of the t-72 hit targets from closed firing positions at a distance of about 3 km. and on
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in the northern direction, russian artillerymen destroyed a western- made self-propelled howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces. precise strikes were carried out by the crew of the mstab gun. this unit has a lot of destroyed enemy equipment, including nato equipment. we are working. mostly infantry, well, different targets, both enemy tanks destroyed and various foreign -made artillery installations, in general we are in control. well, the most memorable ones are tanks, the enemy’s self-propelled guns, the paladin, galubica three sevens pz-200 german. our pilots carried out destructive strikes on the fortified positions of the militants. the crews of attack aircraft 125 attacked strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces with unguided missiles. the enemy suffered significant casualties among personnel and also lost several pieces of special equipment. in ukraine. case of the death of a mobilized person
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taken to the military registration and enlistment office, this time in krivoy rog. a man died there, who, according to his daughter, was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center. they, in turn, claim that the man died as a result of an epileptic attack. with the expansion of the list of those whom ukraine considers fit to be sent to the combat zone in kiev-controlled territory, a new wave of forced mobilization has begun. many are trying by all means to escape from it abroad.
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excursions, donbassevdeevka, hot courses, hot trips to the resort of slavyansk, kleshcheevka, not wanting to become cannon fodder, ukrainians who previously managed to get abroad are now organizing protests, one of these. was stationed in ireland, people stood on the street with signs demanding to be left alone. the reason for the rally was the sensational decision of the kiev regime to deprive ukrainian citizens of the opportunity to obtain new documents at foreign diplomatic missions. this was done in order to force people to return and give them summonses. at least eight people were killed in an israeli air strike on a residential area of ​​rafah in the south of the gaza strip. arab media reported this. according to them, all the victims are
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civilians. before this, several people died in other areas of the city, under fire from the israeli army. meanwhile, the palestinian hamas movement said it agreed to a truce on the terms worked out by egypt and qatar. they provide for a phased withdrawal of the idf units from the gaza strip in exchange for the release of hostages held by palestinian groups. however, israel did not agree to such conditions, as stated in the office of prime minister benjamin. netanyahu, to which the residents of israel responded with protests, people took to the streets demanding truce conditions and make every effort to free the hostages. the number of victims of the record flood in southern brazil has exceeded 80 people, the number of missing is already 111. it has been raining continuously in the region for the second week, rivers are overflowing their banks, entire cities are flooded, streets and the first floors of buildings have been destroyed. here are the shots taken by eyewitnesses: the ferry
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is carried by the current at great speed, it crashes into the bridge, turns over and drowns in a matter of seconds. it is unknown whether anyone was on board at that moment. disturbed due to the elements air travel. the operation of the international airport in the south of the country has been suspended indefinitely. a delegation led by the president arrived in the region to coordinate the rescue operation. that's all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. today is may 7th. a solemn ceremony will take place for the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. the entire broadcast of channel one will be dedicated to this most important event in the life of our country. channel one will broadcast the ceremony itself live. you you will see it through the eyes of our correspondents, our television cameras. don't miss this big important event. before the presidential inauguration ceremony begins in the halls of the grand kremlin palace. carry the flag of russia and the standard
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of the president. at the rehearsal of the presidential regiment , you can hear how clear and precise the famous kremlin step is. at the time of the ceremony, it will be drowned out by the presidential orchestra. the doors open synchronously down to the millisecond. the kremlin has its own tricks here. did you notice? and we don't immediately. all the details of craftsmanship are so bearings here, of course. next, a special copy of the constitution and the presidential badge will be brought into the hall; it was placed on the shoulders back in 1996.
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at the same moment, the fireworks division will fire ceremonial salvos, this is how a quiet training takes place, a salvo every 5 seconds, one artillery battery, two platoons, nine guns each, we fire accordingly per platoon, salvo - the first platoon. accordingly, the next hall is the second platoon and so on, so 31 times the cavalry of the presidential regiment prepares for the ceremony, they say the horses even have special horseshoes, so that the socles are louder cobblestones, it will be the riders who will be the first to meet the president’s car. speaking of
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cars, in 2018, for the first time in modern history, the president came to the ceremony in a russian car. the same aurus. the limousine is now stored in the museum of the special purpose garage of the federal protective service of russia, the model is already in mass production. this time the president will arrive in a new version of a domestic car, everything from the brake to the visibility systems has been updated, there is even a driver fatigue monitoring camera, and we will be able to look at the design in detail, and narrower headlights, and a new grille style , and rims. the ceremony will end on the cathedral square, where it is traditional.
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on the calendar, may 7, the day of the presidential regiment, has been serving in the heart for 88 years. service in our homeland is very difficult, very responsible, so only the most worthy are taken into the presidential regiment. there are no weather conditions that will cancel the guard of honor at the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. from 8 am to 8:00 pm, that is, until 20:00, there are no night posts, as was once the case in lenin hall. 60 minutes about... practically without blinking, you can’t move, the maximum is tapping your fingers on the shim of the half-carbine to call the duty officer, he stands aside, if something happens he can correct his uniform. the military personnel of the presidential regiment are all hand -picked. height not lower than 180. correct
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facial features, good health, no tattoos or piercings. the kremlin step is honed in daily multi-hour training, leg lift 90°. height 95 cm. plus power workout. simonov's carbine weighs almost 4 kg. you need to not only hold it, but twist it like this and throw it into the air. the appearance is perfect, the boots are polished to a mirror, the uniform is made according to the 1912 model. the horses are also spotless, they are also polished to a shine. in straight.
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938, unit day is celebrated on may 7th. congratulations on the eighty-eighth anniversary of the formation of the regiment. hurray, hurray, hurray! anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, sergey myakin, ilya ridkazubov, alexander ignatov, angelika pankratyeva, ksenia
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maklyak, channel one. for the eightieth anniversary liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. you've been spotted, please don't, i beg you, don't shoot, don't bother me, please. machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour. stop this madness, i'll give you mine cards. alexandrov, the owner of secret
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information that should not get to the germans, okay? what did you manage to convey? this folder contains junhans documents and all the spent cartridges are hidden. someone was covering their tracks. saboteur. crimea. may 9, on the first. what are we going to do, commander? how about following orders? should we eliminate alexandra? no. what? no, our country is huge, the largest in the world, its area is more than 17 million km, in order to cross it from end to end we need fast, first-class reliable transport, it’s very great that such transport exists, thanks to everyone who reduces the distance for us, what unites russia, roads and the sky, if literally airlines are reducing flight times, we see that in some directions, such cities as makhachkola, for example, grozny, gornoaltaisk, where our recreational tourism zones and
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so on, new directions are appearing there, there are new directions to sochi. the so-called airborne corridor is open for flights to the south. a good example is the grozny moscow flight, via kazakhstan 3 hours, direct is half an hour faster. thanks to the developed network that airlines are building within the country, passengers now do not have to fly to moscow to be accepted. from krasnoyarsk to fly to novosibirs, from vladivostok it was always easier to fly to moscow, from moscow to krasnoyarsk. now vladivostok, krasnoyarsk, khabarovsk, uh, krasnoyarsk the railway is not far behind, swallows now connect about 30 cities, with special attention to tourist routes. now we are actively participating in the project to implement the center south high-speed route, this starts from 32 o’clock, you will arrive twice as fast. to increase speed, new tracks are built, if this is not possible,
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double-track inserts are constructed on a specific section of the road, this is a kind of backup so that freight trains leave for it, passenger trains do not have to wait. a decision was made to begin construction of the moscow high-speed highway st. petersburg, this, of course, will allow each of the passengers to reduce travel time from four hours, now we are traveling with you on sopsan, and then it will be 2:15 on... a high-speed train. the route is expected to open by 2028. what about intercity highways? and here we need to take care not only about speed, but also about the environment in populated areas. the new m12 east road has relieved the congestion on the empty m7 and m5 highways. now from st. petersburg to kazan with a breeze it takes 14 hours, from moscow - 6.5. previously it was 19.5 and 12 hours. respectively. today the head of state sets the task of approaching the development of the route as a whole. russia from st. petersburg to vladivostok, and we carry out such work. right now they are building a new
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direction of the a-289 krasnodar-slavyansk-on kuban temryuk highway, the a-290 novorossiysk kerch highway, as well as bypasses of settlements in tatarstan, bashkartastan, chechnya, irkutsk, volgograd regions. ruslan yunyaev, dmitry filippov, stanislav yazhnyakov, oleg soshin, channel one. big family, great happiness. in confirmation of this, the heroes of our next reportage. looking at them, you are convinced that our country is a big family, with a rich history and cultural heritage. nina danilovna is 71, she has a big family, only five children, i have 18 grandchildren, thank god, very rich, i love them all, they all love me, they all come to me, three great-grandchildren, someone lives with her, someone comes to stay, when they get together, they can barely fit at the table... many people come to the table for the new year, even a lot of us fit here in the hall, so
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there is nothing superfluous here, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren everywhere, grandmothers help, how they can stick a change, dumplings. oh well done, roziya sharipovna meets someone every day, almost everyone arrived today, or rather half of everyone, in total she has 10 children, 24 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, and also sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, she is preparing a festive dinner today, my mother-in-law taught me the first beshparmak, how to knead dough, cook meat, i learned everything from her, a big family means
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constant calls, we need to find out how everyone is doing, come on, let’s go soon, hurry home, come back when everyone is getting ready at home not a second of silence, at the same time taking care of everything, it’s always been like this here, i just remember from myself, when the younger ones came from school, my duties were to help them, and imagine how quickly you can redo all the things if there are a lot of you, and you are all together, today we all gathered together at my aunt tamara’s to plant cucumbers, pumpkins, the izriev family visit each other every day, this cannot even be called a guest, we are not looking for reasons... in order to get together, we help to each other in everything, regarding agriculture, planting, everything. u tamara, four sisters, one brother, almost all on the same street, live as a large family. some, however, moved to durbent, but at least once a month they return to their native village, alexandra nevskaya, to see their father. he has long been a great-grandfather. as we all lived there, no one,
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not one of us, lived so peacefully and amicably. he was eager to fight from the first days, but the military registration and enlistment office decided he was too young and sent him to an infantry school, and then to a training machine gun
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regiment, a year later in 1942 to the kalinin front. to the front... in very difficult conditions, they fed very poorly, they only gave crackers, one is all, okay, at that time there was boiling water at every station, it saved the day. on the way , the trains followed, the nazis bombed the bridge, and we had to walk unarmed. we have nothing except a spade shovel, and the germans constantly shoot tracer shoulder straps, these ones. explosive bullets, it’s terribly instilling fear, these bullets are flying and explode, and the unit was given a machine gun straight into battle, it was very difficult to move, the machine gun is heavy, and there’s also a belt for 250 rounds of ammunition, besides this there’s also a gas mask, a shovel, something else,
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this is a rifle, drag it all the way, you won’t believe that you can... sleep on the move, i slept on the move, because they didn’t let me, it wasn’t possible to sleep. in june of forty-three, shakhinur sharkhmulovich received his first soldier's award - a medal for courage, he values ​​it very much, then a badge, an excellent machine gunner, a medal for military merit, the order of the red star, in forty -four he was seriously wounded, after which he was not allowed to return to his unit, sent to learn how to operate foreign tanks,
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radio, today, by the way, is his day, television, thanks to which we are now with together with you, and also a laser, a nuclear icebreaker, a satellite, a word that has entered all the languages ​​of the world, we, the russians, came up with all this, invented it, and brought it into reality. russian inventors today continue to invent and do absolutely amazing things that no one else does in the world. at school they call oksana a robot, she doesn’t take offense, she’s proud of her bionic arm, the sensors transmit muscle impulses, the hand bends,
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they gave it to me almost from birth, as if they put it in my hands and told me to put it on my hand and play with it. this is russian know-how inventors, to make such small prosthetic arms for children from 2 years old, no one does this in the world, when a child uses a prosthesis, then the muscles in... the remaining limbs, they are trained, when the trained muscles on the limbs, then this evens out the posture, this aligns the overall condition of the body. example oksana, a master of sports in swimming, is now waiting for a waterproof option. the developers have a cooler idea, they are already making a sensitive one, an electrode is drawn from the prosthesis and implanted into the nerve. impulses through the nerve, stump and the central nervous system is transmitted to the brain, perceived by the brain. as a signal from one’s own hand, our test pilots have already learned to determine whether an object is hard or soft, large or medium or small, big, this is a breakthrough, the era of cyborgs is coming,
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you can’t go without electronics, students of voronezh state university have come up with sensors that monitor the condition of fittings, they are implanted into concrete during construction, the sensor can be used to estimate the rate of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. for bridge structures, as well as energy facilities, such as as soon as corrosion begins, the sensor will report, it will generate an electric current; the higher this value, the faster the process proceeds. engineers will be able to strengthen the support in time, it will last for another hundred years, an invention for general safety, like an honest sign, this is a whole system of digital marking of goods, many have heard about it, there are no analogues in the world, the buyer through the application... a unique code can see all the information about the product and check its license, trace goods from production, or import, that is, from from the very beginning of the journey of this product until the very
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end, until the moment when the product is sold at the checkout, and all the checkouts in the country are also connected to the honest sign system, so we see the complete full path of the product. many products, medicines, cosmetics, shoes have a unique code or passport. if it is not in the database, it means it is counterfeit, you can send a complaint in the application. from may 1, cash registers will block expired milk, neither the self-service checkout nor the cashier will be able to get it through the system if there is something wrong with the product, this now applies to large items from may 1 retail chains, then this will apply to all other stores, this step will finally solve the problem with overdue payments, and sellers will become more attentive. anastasia, sergey abramov sotnik, vladimir silantiev, channel one. on the calendar may 7th, we will celebrate the day after tomorrow. victory day. many russian cities will host festive military parades on this day. and the most important victory parade, of course, will take place on red square in moscow. channel one will show him
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the way only he can do it. for you, dear tv viewers, the most best places. don't miss the live broadcast of the victory parade on the first. the victory parade lasts on average about an hour, but on tv screens it’s like a breeze. we are studying the arithmetic of the broadcast, about 60 cameras on red square, the stone bridge, in the alexander garden, at the zero kilometer, to get on foot from point to point would take at least 15 minutes, the team of the first will be your eyes, show every detail from the stands, such you won’t see, we currently use about twenty action cameras there, sometimes there are some details and things that... the fastest camera
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of the parade is this pretty autorobot, a maneuverable beetle, accelerates to 90 km/h, accompanies the equipment, due to its small size, you will not see it in the frame, it will not prevent you from seeing other beautiful plans with tanks, with boxes, with people, he will run around like a little bug. between them to show all the most beautiful things, a certain advantage of this design is that it can be sent to those places where it would not be worth sending a living person, at altitude the operators of the first channel are already accustomed work on a skylift... equipment for working in the air, a rescue ladder-lift 50 m from the ground, the floor in the cradles sways, and if the weather suddenly lets you down, if there is snow, hail, we have holders, and we will dress warmly so as not to get wet, there are two such autotowers on the broadcast, another advantageous angle opens from this point, the height is 43 m, from here you can see not only the entire red square, but the entrance to the alexander garden, another important location of the broadcast. the sound engineers have already
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placed microphones here so you can hear every footstep during the laying of flowers and pass a minute of silence. more than thirty microphones will be used to broadcast the victory parade, but the exact number may vary. there is also a new broadcast record, the tallest spider is 75 m. this is what tv crews call this camera among themselves; it moves along a rope system. here we have one of the largest distances this year, almost 900 m. we fly over two kremlin walls, we see the entire panorama of the heart of our homeland, from angles other than those it hasn't been shown before. large-scale broadcast of the victory parade on may 9 on channel one. anna grebenchukova, mikhail karasev, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one.
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ceremony, inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the main event today is vladimir putin taking office as president of russia. the ceremony will take place in the kremlin, the newly elected head of state will bring oath, holding his hand on a special copy of the constitution. indispensable attributes of the ceremony, standards and the sign of the president. everything will happen in the presence of guests, senators, deputies, the state duma, representatives of the main religious faiths, figures, science,
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culture, sports and... after the ceremony in the kremlin, according to the law, the government serves its powers. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers will continue to work in an acting capacity until the new composition is approved. see the solemn the ceremony will be available on channel one. the broadcast starts at 11:40 moscow time. and before that, on our air there was an information channel dedicated to vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of russia. special operation, another american abrams tank was destroyed by our military; they managed to knock it out with the help of a drone. the copter footage that appeared on telegram channels shows that at first abrams tried to hide in a forest plantation, but he was overtaken by our attack drones. more people were hit by the same devices on the donetsk sector of the front. several units of equipment in the ssu. ukrainian formations tried to carry out a rotation; a new unit arrived in two armored vehicles, but our
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intelligence spotted them. several fpv hits. basically this is natural for us, this is rap, but we are also trying to grow in this direction, we are changing control, moving to some more accessible frequencies for us, accordingly, that is, naturally we also counteract them, artillery has worked effectively in the northern direction, rszzo grad crews hit the districts. accumulation of infantry and equipment in ssu. the soldiers worked at night so that the enemy had less chance of detecting the location of our forces. the strikes were carried out at a distance of about 10 km. in ukraine, there is a new case of the death of a mobilized person delivered to the military registration and enlistment office, this time in krivoy rog. a man died there, who, according to his daughter, was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center. they, in turn , claim that the man died as a result of
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an epileptic attack. with the expansion of the list of those who in ukraine are considered fit to be sent to the combat zone in the kiev-controlled territory began a new wave of violent mobilization. many try in every possible way to escape from it abroad, sometimes using very unconventional techniques. while trying to leave for romania , a man dressed as a woman was detained. he showed his sister's passport. some ukrainians , in order to move to neighboring countries, take serious risks when trying to cross. cutis. not everyone succeeds; in just one day, six drowned people were pulled out of the water there. against such a gloomy background , video footage taken by employees is circulating on the internet military registration and enlistment office, who openly mock their own.
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great patriotic war, the areas near the memorials were examined by sappers, cleared of unexploded shells, granite slabs were polished and restored, sculptures were painted, somewhere more significant repairs were required after being hit by ammunition and targeted attacks
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by militants, local residents said, specifically about this monument too that nationalist battalions were approaching. the nationalist formations themselves were ukrainian and deliberately shot at the monument, trying to to destroy it by all means, it is impossible to destroy the people, for me it is a personal duty, because my grandfather went through the great patriotic war, so i consider it necessary to restore the monument, it is like preserving the memory of our ancestors. ceremonial events in honor of the defenders of our homeland, who fought during the great patriotic war, started in khabarovsk, here... the victory train arrived, at the station the retro composition met with the orchestra, hundreds of townspeople sang songs of the war years, on mobile platforms there was an exhibition of military equipment and historical reconstruction, passengers, including veterans, were able to travel in the carriages. the
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victory belt is a whole museum; this year similar trains are also being met in nizhny novgorod, penda, derzhinsk and other cities of russia. that's all for now. stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. today is may 7th, a very important day. today there will be a solemn ceremony for the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. this most important event in the life of our country will be shown on channel one. you will see through his eyes our correspondents through the lenses of our television cameras. don't miss the live broadcast on the first. about the symbols of presidential power. gold threads on natural velvet,
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dark gold is light and slightly darker, it shimmers and plays, this is how the double-headed eagle on the standard of the president of the russian federation is born, the wingspan of the eagle is approximately about a meter, embroidery. it takes about a week, now there is a copy in the embroidery machine, the size of the original is 2x2 m, tricolor, coat of arms in the center and gold fringe, but at the first inauguration of boris yeltsin’s standard in 1991 looked different, it was a red banner with the coat of arms of the rsfsr, above it was an abbreviation, the name of the republic, the modern standard of the head of state appeared in 1994.
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upon taking office as the president of the russian federation, together with the standard we will see another symbol of presidential power, sign of the president of the russian federation. it is based on the grand cross of the order. servants before the fatherland, 999 gold and ruby ​​enamel. the chain of the order consists of seventeen links, this is the alternation of the coat of arms and the so-called small medallion with the motto benefit, honor, glory. on the reverse side of the links, plaques with the last name, first name, patronymic of each president and the year of taking office are placed immediately after taking the oath. the future head of state takes the oath of office on a special copy. constitution , the original edition is kept in the kremlin. an exact copy can be seen in the yeltsin presidential library in st. petersburg. its cover is made of var skin. decorated with a silver plate in the form of the coat of arms of the russian
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federation, and carved in gold letters constitution of the russian federation. in 2000 , this edition of the constitution lost its official status as a symbol of presidential power, but at the inauguration ceremony it is always at the right hand of the head of state. tradition. alena astrakhantseva, stepan erofeev, alexander ignatov, ksenia maklyak. first channel. after all , our country is amazing, so huge, beautiful and different, it seems that you rediscover it all the time , yes, that’s how it is, everyone who has traveled through our country, this is for you will confirm that domestic tourism is expanding its horizons, according to statistics, we are increasingly choosing new destinations, andrei and natalya bogdanov , before the pandemic, vacationed along the standard route, in st. petersburg in the winter, in sochi in the summer, and then they moved from dagestan, dmurtia, the murmansk region. in murmansk we looked at the icebreaker lenin, it’s a nuclear icebreaker, it’s
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the only one in the world, it even smells like the soviet union inside, and it also turned out that the nature in russia is so different. of course, our krasnodar region we are still very we love it, but even here we find something new, instead of hotels and guest houses, glamping, even closer to nature, right now a new trend is emerging there, sleep tourism, all in order to gain the strength to finally get some sleep. in the afternoon, when twilight begins, we ... with cedar shavings, birch leaves, buckwheat or eucalyptus pillows, a whole menu. and how sweet it is to sleep to the sound of wheels, trains, themed railway trips around russia, another fashion trend, there are 55 different routes to choose from. last year we transported about 940 thousand tourists on tourist trains this year. we expect 1.100, of course, this is the anchor of the russian
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express (that same stunning retro belt), which runs from sortavala to the ruskiala mountain park, the second anchor is the pearl of the caucasus (baikal fairy tale) to lake baikal, plus event railway routes for lotus blossoms in astrakhan region or tulips in kalmykia. gastro tourism continues to gain momentum. regions are trying to play up historical characters. for example, saratov, the history of gagarin, who studied there, they are trying to restore the recipes that yuri loved from gagarin, for example, pork, which is baked in bread, in tobolsk in the top two-day gastro tour dedicated to dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, this year is the 190th anniversary of his birth, they feed him favorite dishes, signature pike perch ear, dumplings, with cherries, treated to a cocktail in a flask, a chain of associations arose.
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periodic table, chemistry, flasks, reagents. yes, siberia attracts us more and more, marketers have tried their best. chemen region came up with several very bright slogans: to sib, of their own free will, or, for example, cold outside, hot inside, tourists are already firmly associated with their thermal baths, as well as with the tobolsk kremlin, that is, we go there for health improvement, and we go for history, but history can be found everywhere, even very close by. in our region, we are not hinting at anything, we are reminding you just in case. anna grebenshchikova, sofia rezvanova, nikita kulakov, dmitry roshkov, channel one. every evening i left the office with a big a case full of files that i took out from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many reports were reported to steel personally and marked there in pencil.
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me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game. he knew how to play this system and win. the true story of a british aristocrat and an outstanding soviet intelligence officer. kim philby. secret war. on sunday on the first. i understood that some questions really weren’t mine. could. he said something, but i can’t say that for now. i can’t even tell you,
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rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is a war, a war against the people of donbass, donetsk people's republic. will answer the call. the key motif of the maidan was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, and citizens. to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bendera, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this. and this is precisely what we rose up against. we have become free from kyiv junta. they wanted only one thing, back to russia as quickly as possible, and everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea. what has happened now, there is no way back, no further retreat.
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it depends on each of us, so that each of us dreams boldly, boldly, so that in the implementation of this dream we go to the end as boldly and boldly as our president and... this is the realization of these dreams, this totality will become our bold, daring, beautiful future, which is what we have, because it just so happened that the second stage the continuation of the exhibition began on april 12, on april 12, sixty-one, a simple guy yura gagaririn gave the whole world a future, and here we are with this dream of ours, together we will continue to create our future for ourselves. there was a lot for the whole world, as it was, there will be. 133 expositions, yes, i’m lost from 89 regions, the scale is colossal, we quickly created this exhibition together with the whole country in 5 months, it is unique, there has never been such an exhibition, and of course the fact that so many people visited, here we are on saturday there were 12 million, today, including
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the weekend, 1200-odd, 12,200 -something thousand, we just visited in april. it’s about the future, so if you allow me, i’ll tell you about our main events , which, firstly, well, of course, now are very important may holidays and on may 9, and on may 12 a unique event will take place here at our exhibition, a wedding will open festival,
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couples will come from all over the country to get married, and there will be about 200 couples, from all over the region. will come with relatives, with his own customs, tradition, in incredibly beautiful outfits, and you imagine, our entire territory will be filled with love, we have faith, or rather we already believe in it and it will be so, everyone who gets married here will never get divorced, will live happily all their lives, and on may 21 , our flower festival opens, the future is in flowers, it will be coming to you, it will be unique, because we... all 89 regions , all other pavilions will join and imagine, everyone will open their own flowerbed 3x3 meters, each flowerbed will be dedicated to this particular region , everything in dnh, our entire exhibition russia will be covered with incredible flower arrangements, and i think that, of course, this
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has never happened anywhere in the world, because what our exhibitors are doing is amazing, of course, the whole of june will be dedicated to a very children's program. and there will be days of russia, because on june 12, that’s it, and on july 8 we will have a big family forum, because this is something that we... can also be proud of and should be proud of, our traditions, our values, the president opened at the exhibition russia is good, and on july 8 a large family forum will be held, on this day, probably, we with this we will close the exhibition, of course i don’t want to talk about it, because this is no longer an exhibition, but something very beloved, living, dear and incredible. natalia, thank you for this meeting, come to us again. we are russians, we have a lot to be proud of, including the fact that we have cut a path for humanity into
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space. space technologies, present and future. go! this is what a star map looks like, an x-ray photograph taken at a distance of, just imagine, one and a half million kilometers from the earth. here 's a telescope like this, it's the twin brother of the one in space, russian technology know-how. there are mirror systems ahead, we have them. which actually begins to focus the radiation, and it comes here, to these detectors is located there, well, primarily, let’s say electronics, which quickly reads all this. we recently made a complete survey of the galaxy, with plans to photograph the universe, which means that many discoveries in fundamental science await us. we are studying near space, we plan to build a new russian orbital station, for the first time in the world on in polar orbit, our entire planet will be visible from it, from pole to pole. unique shots, this is the first module of the cladding work now. but this is how the
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entire station will look, modular, any part can be replaced and as many modules can be attached to it as needed, which means it can live indefinitely. there is a lot of space, more than anything else, not just more space, much more space, and this is a new manned spacecraft that will dock at a new station. the device is reusable, it is planned that it will be used until ten times, they will burn, there’s no getting around physics, it’s just that the very design of the returnable ptk apparatus will allow it to be used again. we are preparing to study deep space, interplanetary flights, this is our present, here they are making a new soyuz 5 launch vehicle. it can launch more spacecraft. or a heavier spacecraft in various orbits is capable of participating in projects to explore the planets of the solar
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system, as well as the moon. and at the russian academy of sciences they are conducting a whole isolation period experiment, simulate a flight to the moon. they built a station, a spaceship, a crew, and they stayed there for 365 days. doctors are watching the scenes and conducting experiments. how to calculate the amount of linen and clothing there. nutrition, medications, how to train a person who initially, for example, is not the same doctor, the results of the experiment will allow us to minimize the risks during long-distance, not only long-term flights, to fly to the moon when there is no possibility of evacuation, or to mars, to train and land to the moon, here in in this module, the only one where there is access, while no one is there, this system simulates lunar gravity, this is necessary... in order to provide training, subsequently for the astronaut, the plans are grandiose, that same
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deep space is getting closer every day, and after all, this is just the beginning. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. on the calendar on may 7 , the great patriotic war recedes further and further into history, but the memory of it will never disappear. it is kept by historical documents, archival footage, old photographs, front-line. their stories are truly priceless today. forget that sadness reigns around, think about love, like a gentle and cheerful friend, love, seize the moment. from time to time , maria alexandrovna malyuk asks her grandson to read this poem too. it was written on the back of the photograph by a front-line friend, valechka.
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firstly, there was a good fortification, everything was somehow, you know, youth, she wrote everything off, she moved with her unit and on land, on water, somehow sailed to a new place of deployment in a submarine , there were watches and day and night, breakdowns occurred, contact was restored, colleagues were lucky, they supported
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each other, in the city of izmail the girls were even allowed to plant a small vegetable garden. despite all the hardships, maria alexandrovna retained many good moments in her memory; for her , the hardest part of the war was separation from her family, it was and it was hard, it was also bitter, they missed their births, how could you not miss them, they left, mom stayed, dad stayed, they were really bored, so they cried, but there’s no escape, they cried on the day... victory, though it’s already quite over- another, yes we were waiting for her, this victory, when it happened, it was such joy, tears in everyone’s eyes, tears with the fact that we would soon be home, it was our greatest hope to see each other, after the war, maria alexandrovna worked in the library
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of the command military school, met her husband there, he specifically... came to look at the new employee and immediately decided: i’ll get married, two sons, two grandchildren, five great-grandchildren. and my good ones, my beloved ones, my husband is no longer there, maria alexandrovna is 101 years old, lives with her grandson, loves books, cleans her own room and tells his great-grandchildren about his friends at the front, especially about his friend valechka, whom he never met after the war. elena savina, first! channel. these may days, channel one has prepared a lot of great big movies for its viewers. may 9 is victory day, marking the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. watch the film “saboteur” and “saboteur” crimea on channel one. well, today and tomorrow, don’t miss the final episodes of martial law detective. the enemy is behind you. captain
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yalagina military prosecutor's office. sorry, i didn't see it right away. i can say about people like... i’ve dreamed all my life, well, that’s it, now i’m calm about the outcome of the operation, the hero of our new war films, investigator svetlana elagina and the invincible team of intelligence officers kaltygin, bobrikov, felatov, would be on the same mission, for sure would work together. there is no service with kaltygin, malina, well, are you going to go with us, forty-four, captain yalagina has already solved many cases in the front-line zone on the border with lithuania, where the forest brothers are. continues to organize sabotage, this is the confrontation between a fragile woman and the elements, yes, war, circumstances, and attracts the viewer, this is the inconsistency, svetlar petrovna, yes, you need to join the post-shooting team, will svetlana petrovna miss in the new investigation , additives for
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aviation gasoline, with the help of this fuel additive, forest... poplar forty-two, alexey bobrikov and leonid filatov are here by special order, to eliminate the captured captain, who surrendered a key line in the defense of the city. there are changes in your group, fly together. the third will be found on the spot, a partisan, senya the king, he knows the crimean paths by heart, but how can all three not end up captured? we can even say that we take off in our suits, boots, even shoes, some caps, that’s
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all, that’s all from the previous saboteurs. channel, but i, i didn’t mind, i said it well, the wartime enemy is behind me on the first , these are golden words, eagles, beautiful. bush supplies for a long time, come on, shoot me! asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one.
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ceremony, entry into position of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. today vladimir putin will take office as president of russia; the ceremony will take place in the kremlin in the presence of members of the government, senators of the federation council, state duma deputies, and governors. judges of the constitutional court, representatives of the main religious denominations, public organizations, figures in science, culture, sports and many others. vladimir putin will bring oath, holding his hand on a special copy
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of the constitution. indispensable attributes of the ceremony, the standard and sign of the president. after taking the oath to the people of russia, the head of state, according to the protocol, will make a mandatory, brief address to the citizens of the country. the government, as provided by law, will resign its powers. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers will continue to work in an acting capacity until the new composition is approved. you can watch the ceremony on channel one. the broadcast starts at 11:40 p.m. moscow time. and before that, on our air there was an information channel dedicated to vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of russia. latest data from the ukrainian armed forces unmanned aircraft control center, enemy field ammunition depot.
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the death of a mobilized man, taken to the military registration and enlistment office, this time in krivoy rog, a man died there, who, according to his daughter, was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center, who, in turn, claim that the man died as a result of an epileptic attack. with by expanding the list of those whom ukraine considers fit to be sent to the combat zone in kiev-controlled territory , a new wave of forced mobilization began. many try in every possible way to escape from her abroad, sometimes using... very non-standard techniques. while trying to leave for romania, a man dressed as a woman was detained. he showed his sister's passport. some ukrainians, in order to move to neighboring countries, take
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serious risks, trying to swim across the tisa river. not everyone succeeds, just in one day, there from the water brought out six drowned people. against such a gloomy background , video footage shot by military registration and enlistment office employees is circulating on the internet, openly mocking their compatriots while driving around the center of kiev. excursions, donbass, kleshcheevka, avdeevka, hot courses, to the resort, slavyansk, kramatorsk, kleshchenka, on the eve of victory day , congratulations are received by veterans of the great patriotic war in the main garrison of the strategic missile forces.
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we want to assure you that we will do everything to bring our victory closer, victory will be ours, hurray, at least eight people were killed as a result of an israeli air force strike on one of the residential areas of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. arab media reported this. according to them , all the victims are civilians. before this, several people died in other areas of the city that came under fire from the israeli army. meanwhile, the palestinian movement hamas. stated that it agrees to a truce on the terms worked out by egypt and qatar, which provide for the phased withdrawal of the idf units from the gas sector in exchange for the release hostages held by palestinian groups. at the same time, israel did not
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agree to such conditions, as stated in the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, to which israeli residents responded with protests, people took to the streets demanding that they accept the terms of the truce and make every effort to free the murderers. and the latest death toll from the record flood in southern brazil has exceeded 80 people and the number of missing. the ferry is carried by the current at great speed, it crashes into a bridge, capsizes in a matter of seconds, and drowns. was there anyone at this the moment on board is unknown; due to the elements , air traffic was disrupted; the work of the international airport in the south of the country was suspended indefinitely.
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that's all for now, be with us, the channel one broadcast will continue with the program good morning, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this new day with channel one, daria shulik and evgeniy pokrovsky are with you today, on the calendar tuesday may 7th, today there will be a solemn ceremony the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. direct watch the broadcast on channel one. this morning our entire program will be devoted to this great important event. we will talk about what unites us all, about the heroic pages of the history of our country, which we must not forget. about what we want to see our russia in the future and what it will certainly become. we will also talk about our achievements and, of course, about the symbols, traditions and meaning of today’s important ceremony. during.
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even the author himself. the music becomes the unofficial anthem of the communist party and only then the main song of the country. 1942 , the soviet union needs a new anthem. before that, the international played, a competition was announced for 170 composers from all over the country, 200 options for auditioning in the big theater. none of these options were suitable even as chernov, and the music of the new dimna became the melody of the dimna of the bolshevik party, composer alexandrov. and from the texts, stalin chooses poems by mikhalkov and elergistan. their first sketches for checks from the moscow hotel have been preserved. varoshilov told us: don’t be too arrogant, but comrade stalin stopped at your text. we checked every word, look, there are several options for just one line. many documents, and almost all of them, have dates on them, the text of the anthem changed literally by the day, the very first line of the anthem, we began... crossed out and changed to
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this line: an indestructible union, it was included in the final text of the anthem. since 1956, the anthem has been sung without words , in seventy-seven the text was rewritten, in the nineties it was replaced with a patriotic song by glinka, only in 2000 the same melody was heard again. a the text was also written by sergei mikhalkov. and from forty- three only one line survived. it has its own interesting harmonic chemistry, alexandrov knew church music very well, he knew russian music. this melody is always with us, at big concerts and competitions.
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defeat incurable early diseases, unravel the secret of youth and prolong human life. from time immemorial, doctors have been struggling with all this. you and i have something to be proud of. this is the first batch of the drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis; there are no analogues in the world. 20 years of scientific they were looking for the russian national research medical institute named after pirogovo. molecules, today we are conducting the second and third phases of clinical trials, and we hope that by the end of the year the drug will appear in pharmacies, but it is very important that it be registered as a vital drug, which will allow russian
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citizens to receive this drug for free. the mechanism of ankylosing spondylitis works like this: cells of the immune system mistakenly begin to destroy their own tissue, discovered by our scientists... a monoclonal antibody is capable of destroying these unhealthy cells and stopping immunoinflammatory processes, which means severe pain, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus and a number of other complications can be avoided. in terms of development, we are now seven, maybe 10 years ahead of all similar research being conducted in other countries, and we are expanding our work; we already have very serious developments in... the field of diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. scientists from the national research center for epidemiology and microbiology named after gomaleya spent the last year observing mice and injecting their new development against botulism into their peritoneum. we managed
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to make a recombinant monoclonal antibody against botulinum neurotoxin type a. this is a biological poison, the causative agent of botulism. if. a person dies from asphyxia, that is, from the inability to breathe, the introduction of antibodies blocks the neurotoxin and the person can live, the drugs that are used now can also save lives, but cause severe allergic reactions, the new development begins to act immediately, will be administered either by injection... intramuscularly, such a drug will be the first active aid in the treatment of batulism. scientists from lomanosov moscow state university have been trying to unravel the secret of youth for more than 10 years, and naked
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mole rats are helping them with this. mammals live, albeit not for long, about 30 years, but they hardly age. allegedly, our biologists created a secret in the special structure of mitochondria. we managed to register the world's first metochondrial drug, which actually fights diseases of old age, in this case the eyes, these are cataracts, dry eye syndrome. the study of the molecule of youth continues in the development of an elixir for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and perhaps this will become another new discovery. maryana zhukova, vasily valetov, yulia bykova, channel one. a large family, great happiness, as proof of this, are the heroes of our next report. looking at them, you are convinced that our country is a big family, with a rich history and cultural heritage. nina danilovna is 71, she has a big family, but
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five children. i have 18 grandchildren, thank god, very rich, i love them all, they all love me, they all come to see me, really. nina danilovna’s house is always noisy and uproarious, she raised her children strictly, she doesn’t even think about her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she needs her grandmother to treat her to something, they are interested, they even have something at home, but the grandmother’s is tastier , i was like that myself, a big family, it’s like that,
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oh, well done, razia sharipovna meets someone every day, today almost everyone arrived, or rather half of everyone, she has 10 in total children, 24 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, and also... with each other, it can’t even be called visiting, we are not looking for reasons to
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get together, we help each other in everything, regarding agriculture, planting, in everything, tamara has four sisters, a brother, almost all on the same street, they live as a big family, some of them actually moved to durbent, but at least once a month they return to their native village, alexandra nevskaya, to her dad, he has been cheating for a long time, we lived there just like that not alone. no one lived so peacefully, amicably, in prosperity, no matter how many children there were, we they were raised. selim himself at one time traveled half the country for work and service, his family is always nearby, and this is the main thing, when you have each other, it’s not scary, nothing. elena savina, tatyana simonenkova, konstantin kuznetsov, channel one. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazis. invaders, you know this man,
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a traitor, the main task is to eliminate him, you can’t let alexandrov die, he has important information in his head, how do you find out from lisa, i’ll just ask her if she saw this man, he didn’t get there v my shooter, banzan, take care of the security of the hospital along the perimeter and patrol the entire facility, who can go on a mission with us? saboteur crimea may 9 on the first, it was you who shot at me, apparently, if i had shot, i would not have missed, the day after tomorrow is our most important holiday - victory day, 79 years ago the great patriotic war died down, but we have no right forget it, heroin. our next report they carefully preserve the memory of their ancestors who won a great victory for us
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and help others. main archive film and photographic documents, in these cells there are millions of destinies in the faces. i'm interested in some distinctive features, maybe awards, the time of year. matvey comes here several times a month, at 15, he is a memory volunteer. it all started with this medal, it belongs to my great-grandfather, he received it for being during reconnaissance. crawled to the fascist trench, but i don’t have a photograph of him, i haven’t found it yet, but i’ve already helped dozens of families who don’t know their heroes by sight, using photographs like these from photojournalists of those years to reconstruct the fates of soldiers, but they don’t know anything about these yet, we see the order of the red banner hanging on his chest, this must be written down accurately, the second one too, the initials of the soldiers are signed on the photo card, he looks at every detail, which...
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we make inquiries to the police, schools of the veterans council to the district archives and district administrations, so caring in there are many in the country, tatyana gabova from yaroslavl had her whole family fight. soldier, and my uncle was recognized by the polushki, that’s where it all started, i learned almost everything about him, i posted his family history on the immortal regiment website, in the village where i was born, i knew that there were more dead soldiers and those returning from the war, i knew them personally.
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remembers by heart, this man fought almost the entire war and was transferred to the reserve before the victory, because he had a severe shell shock, it impresses me... it’s photos like this that i start digging through, pouring in, i just look at it and can’t stop, he calls every such war hero his own, i love everyone very, very much, our soldiers, my soldiers, it’s simply amazing what a huge country we live in, the area of ​​russia, just think about it, more than 17 million km, this is, by
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the way, 1/8 of the landmass, yes , in russia there is cities with over a million people and very small settlements... cities, ancient and very young cities, all this is our land, which we love very much, this is the top of mount metridates, from here the city of panticopean began. rich and majestic, panticopeia was the capital of the basporan kingdom, they built it, as they say, for centuries, this is how they protected the buildings from earthquakes. wooden beams were placed in these small complaints, which were cushioned during tremors. 10 years ago the baspor archaeological expedition worked here, it and proved the ancient age of modern kerch. before us are fragments of a unique dinos vessel. it dates back to the end of the 6th century bc and is a valuable find because it proves that kersh is indeed the oldest city in russia. walking through these places, it is interesting
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to think about how people lived here 2600 years ago. and if you come to this... city, it will be like visiting the future, robots on the road, unmanned taxis or waiters like this in a cafe, this is innopolis, it was started was built 40 km from kazan only 12 years ago, but now it has almost 400 residents. vladislav urzhomov came here to study in artificial intelligence, the company says when he visits, he is always impressed. every time this little suitcase on wheels pulls up, they jump straight up and get scared. one of...
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the industrial city of the country. unexpectedly, st. petersburg takes second place in terms of industry volume. today , industrial production indicators in st. petersburg are the highest in the country. 109.9% is the result of industrial production last year. this metallurgical plant was founded here in 1801 and still holds a leading position in the industry. every month we... produce 13,500 tons of steel, for example, this is 250 wagons. the title of the most beautiful - there are too many contenders. in addition to the two capitals , kaliningrad with its european architecture and shady alleys, the ancient russian pskov and veliky novgorod, the city of more, sopok and mostov vladivostok, are ready to fight for the title of the main handsome city, but probably, for every resident, their hometown
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will be the most beautiful. elena zykova, anna gazhala, ilya kuvaldin, marina glushenkova, first. the masters series tennis tournament has ended in madrid. russian andrei rublev won. congratulations. our colleague, channel one sports journalist, viktor gusev, has all the details. the spring segment of the tennis season presents fans with surprises one after another. the tournament of the prestigious masters series in madrid was no exception, and this time andrei rublev pleasantly surprised. our tennis player i arrived. to the capital of spain, not in the best mood, for two months he was haunted by failures, but during the madrid super tournament, rublev gained self-confidence in the quarterfinals, knocking out the formidable carlos al-karaz. the spaniard, who won the home masters for 2 years in a row, was clearly determined to score a hat-trick, but could not withstand the pressure
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of rublev, who in all respects outplayed the third racket of the world and prevailed in three sets. more. in the semi-finals, andrey faced an inconvenient opponent, american taylor freeds. russian started the match unsuccessfully, but later on he had the initiative, forcing his opponent to make mistakes. as a result, a confident victory in two sets. after that, it remained to take one more step towards the coveted title. in the final, rublev met with felix auger aliassime from canada. the task was complicated by the fact that andrey entered the court in a state that was far from optimal. our tennis player caught a viral disease and could have withdrawn from the match, but the doctors managed to get him back on his feet, yet in the first set the malaise made itself felt.
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the victory helped him move up two places in the rankings. ranking, now rublev is the sixth racket in the world. this year we celebrate a glorious date: 80 years since the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. it was on may 9 , 1944 that the red flag soared over sevastopol. sapun mountain is not just a point on a geographical map, it is a heroic page in our history. 12 km from the center of sevastopol above the baloklava valley, sapun mountain, a natural barrier on the way to the city from the southeast. from the end of june
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forty-two to may forty-four, this height belongs to the german army, to defend sapun gora means liberating sevastopol. this was the shortest route to sevastopol; it was along the zolotaya balka valley that tanks could advance on the offensive, nowhere else due to the rugged terrain. the enemy, who climbed into niches under the parapet, into dugouts, into trenches, from there only infantry could smoke them out. the slopes that
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tourists now walk on don’t seem so inaccessible. sapun mountain is part of the outer ridge of the crimean mountains, the length is approximately 8 km, the height from the base to the ridge is only 240 m. that is, you can travel lightly at a free pace it took about 40 minutes to get up. our fighters almost got up. hours. andrey butkovoy is a reenactor, he knows these places well, he will take us along the sturm route. hello, andrey, hello. how many times have you already climbed sapun mountain? more than 100. is it hard? well, there is no peaceful life. and then bullets and shells were flying at the attacking assault units, especially since there was no forest then. everything was open, and this was a disadvantage for the attackers, because they were in full view, like in a shooting gallery. three defensive lines of the trench. dugouts, mined slopes, a stone, well-fortified boundary, and the mountain itself is only flat in appearance. it feels like we need to take a break already, because the slope has changed dramatically. slope from 30 to 75°,
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steep sections in places, each infantryman carries up to 30 kg of equipment. the maximum that was raised during the assault was several forty-five-millimeter guns, guns were lifted up the mountain, guns, they were partially dismantled from... they say they always grow on the site of fierce battles.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the main event today is the inauguration of vladimir putin as president of russia. the ceremony will take place in the large kremlin palace. the elected head of state will take the oath of office.
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major religious denominations, public organizations, scientists, cultural figures, sports figures and many others. after taking the oath of the people of the constitutional court, representatives of the people of russia, the head of state, according to protocol will make a mandatory brief address to the citizens of the country. the government, as provided by law, serves its powers. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers will continue to work in an acting capacity until the new composition is approved. see. it will be possible on the first channel. the broadcast starts at 11:40 moscow time. and before that, on our air there was an information channel dedicated to vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of russia. to the news of the special operation. another american abrams tank destroyed by ours military. they managed to shoot him down using a drone. the copter footage that appeared on telegram channels shows that at first abrams tried to hide in a forest plantation, but he
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was overtaken by our attack drones. several more units of equipment in the ssu were hit by the same devices on the donetsk sector of the front. ukrainian formations tried to carry out rotation. the new unit arrived in two armored vehicles, but our intelligence spotted them. several fpv drone strikes destroyed both vehicles, as well as the dugout along with the militants. the enemy, of course, counteracts. basically, this is, naturally, rap for us, but we are also trying to grow in this direction. we change the control, move to some more accessible frequencies for us, accordingly, that is, naturally, we also counteract them. in the northern direction , artillery worked effectively; rszzo grad crews hit regional concentrations of infantry and equipment in the ssu. the soldiers worked at night so that the enemy had less chance of detecting the location of our forces. the strikes were carried out at a distance of about 10 km. and more about determination
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and courage. of our fighters, guard sergeant pavel alomakin, during the battle, being under continuous enemy fire, with a grenade launcher destroyed a group of vysu infantry that had arrived for reinforcement, and later eliminated the militants’ stronghold along with the machine-gun crew. captain alexander kuzmich, also under enemy fire, was able to restore the communications machine. thanks to this , stable control of our units was maintained, which were able to dislodge the enemy from their positions. on krivoy rog in ukraine military registration and enlistment office a mobilized man died; according to his daughter, he was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center. they, in turn, say that the man died as a result of an epileptic attack. with the expansion of the list of those who in ukraine are considered fit to be sent to the combat zone. a new wave of violent mobilization began in kiev-controlled territory. many try in every possible way to escape from it abroad, sometimes using very
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unconventional techniques. attempts to travel to romania detained a man in women's clothing. he presented his sister's passport. some ukrainians, in order to move to neighboring countries, take serious risks, trying to swim across the tisa river. not everyone succeeds; in just one day, six drowned people were pulled out of the water there. not wanting to become cannon fodder, ukrainians who previously managed to get abroad are now organizing protests. one of these took place in ireland. people stood on the street with signs demanding that they leave them. at rest. the reason for the rally was the controversial decision of the kiev regime deprive ukrainian citizens of the opportunity to receive new documents at foreign diplomatic missions. this was done in order to force people to return and give them summonses. across the country , final preparations are underway for victory day. in the dpr, on the eve of the holiday, our military restored more than thirty monuments to the heroes of the great patriotic war. the territory near the memorials was examined by sappers, cleared of
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destruction to the people, for me this is a personal duty, because my grandfather went through the great patriotic war, so i consider it necessary restoring a monument is like preserving the memory of our ancestors. ceremonial events in honor of the defenders of our homeland, who fought during the great patriotic war, started in khabarovsk, the victory train arrived there, the retro composition was greeted with an orchestra at the station, hundreds of townspeople sang songs of the war years, and
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there was an exposition on mobile platforms. military equipment and historical reconstruction; passengers, including veterans, were able to travel in the carriages. the pobeda train is a whole museum; this year similar trains are also being met in nizhny novgorod stipend. on may 7 , a solemn ceremony will take place for the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. the entire broadcast of channel one will be dedicated to this most important event in the life of our country. channel one will broadcast the ceremony itself live. you will see it through the eyes of our correspondents.
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and we do not immediately reveal all the details of the mastery of such bearing here, of course. next , a special copy of the constitution and the presidential badge will be brought into the hall; it was placed on the shoulders of the head of state back in 1996, but in recent years the ceremony has become more businesslike, what will it be like this time? we'll see you in a few hours. the script of the ceremony is a secret, but it is known for sure that at the moment the presidential standard is raised over the kremlin , the anthem will be played, performed by a combined choir, including an artist from the ensemble named after alexandrov.
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the chorus of glory to mikhail ivanovich glinka from the opera ivan susanin will also be performed. and these two works will be performed in choral performance. in 2018 this composition. the cavalry of the presidential regiment is also preparing for the ceremony, they even say special horseshoes to make the falcons louder on the cobblestones. it is the riders who will be the first to meet the president's car. by the way, about
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cars, in 2018, for the first time in modern history, the president came to the ceremony in a russian car. that same aurus senate limousine is now kept in the museum of the special purpose garage of the federal security service of russia, model. already in mass production. this time the president will arrive in a new version of a domestic car, everything from the brake to the visibility systems has been updated, there is even a driver fatigue monitoring camera. well, we can go into detail consider the design and narrower headlights, and the new grille style and wheels . the ceremony will end on cathedral square, where traditionally the head of state will receive the parade of the presidential regiment. hurray, hurray, hurray! everything is also ready for the live broadcast from the kremlin; you can see the ceremony with your own eyes on channel one. natalya leonova, ilya ridkazubov, vasily valetov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. on the calendar
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may 7, the day of the presidential regiment. for 88 years now he has been serving in the very heart of our homeland. the service is very difficult, very responsible, so they take it. presidential regiment of only the most worthy. there are no weather conditions that will cancel the guard of honor at the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, that is, until 20:00, there are no night fasts, as uma once was in lenin hall. 60 minutes practically without blinking, you can’t move, maximum tapping your fingers on the half-ship. to call the duty officer, he stands aside and, if anything happens, can correct his uniform. the military personnel of the presidential regiment are all as for selection, height not less than 180, regular facial features, good health, no tattoos
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or piercings. the kremlin step is honed in daily multi-hour training, leg lift 90°, height 95 cm. strength training. simonov's carbine weighs almost 4 kg. you need to not only hold it, but twist it like this and throw it into the air. the appearance is perfect, the boots are polished to a mirror, the uniform is made according to the 1912 model. the horses are also immaculate, they are also polished to a shine, in the literal sense of the word, mares are not accepted for service, they are capricious. the deployment of foot icon guards is a favorite spectacle of tourists. but the presidential regiment is primarily a combat unit. the main task is to protect the moscow kremlin. this was the case during the great patriotic war. the kremlin was bombed by nazi planes; it must be said
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that there were eight major hits on the territory of the moscow kremlin. and, probably, a very important indicator of the capacity of the kremlin garrison is that none of the employees of the state defense committee, the council of people's commissars, or those who worked in the kremlin were injured, while they themselves soldiers of the regiment and commandant's office died. on may 7, i congratulate you on the 88th anniversary of the formation of the regiment.
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insert, femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, a hardened atheist and in general, there is nowhere to leave samples, again for the old one, yes, mom, you are sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, you decided to hit him in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, yeah, i ’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go to europe, if your mother wanted a boy at her age, we’ll probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my
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mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i was daydreaming, animator on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin, romcastra a product of stellor group. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon steersman , a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, several wounds, concussions and absolute fearlessness, he survived through. throughout this terrible war, after the first
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year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbroev, because we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded by this severity, this incredible energy he was a magnetic, magical man, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt or felt like an old man, he always felt like a man. for the birthday of vladimir etush on saturday on the first. major tomin and there's no escape. if he feels pathetic and lack of professionalism, then this of course infuriates him . he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine
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self-confidence, the man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so that you need to spit.
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why do you like the president and he said that he and he just loves my country, that’s what the future is, we’ll love our country, we’ll take care of it, the country and each other, and what it will be like, you know, our exhibition, it’s in many things and dreams, what kind of future it will be depends on each of us, so that each of dreamed of us boldly, daringly, so that... the fulfillment of this dream would go to the end just as boldly and daringly as our president, this is the realization of these dreams, this is the totality that will become ours, this bold, daring, beautiful future, what it is we have, because it so happened that the second stage of the continuation of the exhibition began on april 12, april 12
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, sixty-one, a simple guy who gave the whole world a future, and here we are with this dream of ours. together we will continue to create our future for ourselves and, in many ways , for the whole world, as it was, will be. 133 exposition, from 89 regions, the scale is colossal, we quickly created this exhibition in 5 months, the whole country together, it is unique, there has never been such an exhibition, and of course, the fact that so many people visited, we had 12 on saturday million, today together with the weekend 12.200 with a small tail 12,200 with something thousand, in april we only had 2,280 thousand people visit and this is of course an absolute record, so visitors to the exhibition have some opportunity to show their talents by coming here ? firstly at the exhibition you can get married, get married, invent something,
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finally start weaving yelets lace, painting our toys, gestovo trays. may, and on may 12 , a unique event will take place here at our exhibition, a wedding festival will open, couples will come from all over the country to get married and... there will be about 200 couples, from all regions, welcoming with relatives, with their own customs, traditions, in incredible beautiful outfits, and you can imagine, our entire territory will be filled with love, we have faith, or rather, we already believe in it and it will be so, everyone who is here
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gets married, will never get divorced, will live happily all his life, and on may 21st our flower opens. the festival is the future in flowers, it will be coming to you, it will be unique, because we are all 89 regions, all other pavilions will join, and imagine, everyone will open their own flowerbed 3x3 m2, each flowerbed will be dedicated to this particular region, everything is in odnkh, our entire exhibition russia will be covered with incredible flower arrangements, and i think that, of course, this has never happened anywhere in the world, because what ours are doing exhibitors. this is amazing, of course, the whole of june will be dedicated to a very children's program, and there will be days of russia, because on june 12, that's it, and on july 8 we will have a big family forum, because this is something that we can also be proud of and should to be proud, these are our traditions, our values,
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the president opened the russia exhibition at the exhibition, and the year of the family, on july 8 there will be a large family forum... on this day, we will probably close the exhibition with this, of course i don’t want to talk about it, because that this is no longer an exhibition, but something very loved, alive, dear and incredible. natalia, thank you for this meeting, come to us again. the chairman of the state fund for defenders of the fatherland, anna tseveleva, came to our studio at vdnkh. our colleagues anastasia orlova and roman budnikov talked to her. it turns out that a little over a year ago, on april 3, 2023, the president signed a decree on the creation of a state fund
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to support participants in a special military operation, this has never happened in our country, how did you decide on such an innovative task? this is where consolidation worked, when all those who should be responsible for this, the government, the presidential administration, united, of course, the participation of the regions, the governors of their... teams came together, and we were immediately faced with the question of creating an effective team, a federal-level team, because literally a month and a half later we opened branches in all, without exception, constituent entities of the russian federation, for this, of course, it was important to prepare staff, guys who would directly work with our veterans, these are the so-called social coordinators who personally accompany our veterans, we... created special programs together with the presidential administration ranhiks, where we trained these personnel. tell us, what are
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the main areas you work with, what problems do people come to you with? firstly, we understand that when a person returns home, a zone of special military operation, he needs a lot of help with organizational issues, we help them draw up documents, form the packages are correct at the request of one or another relevant ministry, which... the pathologies that they received, if a person is injured, has received disability, our task is to rehabilitate him and provide prosthetics,
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so he is in a rehabilitation center, we work with prosthetic enterprises where young children are given prosthetics, prosthetics are selected, taking into account their young age, with the understanding that they must actively function, they must go to work, drive cars, play sports and prosthetics, high-tech prostheses. allow them to do this, well, of course, their further socialization, today we have already employed about 3.00 people, they can just teach our young people, schoolchildren, students, what brotherhood means, what a sense of shoulder means, what true friendship means? please tell me, what was the total number of requests to the fund? we opened our branches on june 1 last year, we will soon be one year old, as of today.
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social support measures directly for those who are military personnel, that is, this very good support, that is, government services.
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how do you see the future of our country? we all want to see our state strong, independent, stable and prosperous. therefore, i wish everyone peace, i wish everyone stability, for every family, probably prosperity, love, harmony, happiness. and i'm sure. that this is exactly how we will succeed with such wonderful, devoted people, with our guys, with our heroes. anna evgeniya, thank you very much for this conversation, thank you very much for this most important work that you do together with everyone team, thank you very much. well, let me remind you that this morning anna tsivileva, chairman of the state fund for defenders of the fatherland, was our guest. it's the seventh on the calendar. may, the day after tomorrow we will celebrate victory day. many russian cities will host festive military parades on this day. and the most important victory parade,
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of course, will take place on red square in moscow. first channel. will show him the way only he can do it. the best seats are reserved for you, dear tv viewers. don't miss the live broadcast of the parade victory on the first. the victory parade lasts on average about an hour, but on tv screens it’s like a breeze. we study translation arithmetic. about sixty cameras on red square, the stone bridge. in the alexander garden at the zero kilometer, it would take at least 15 minutes to get on foot from point to point, the team of the first one will be your eyes, will show every detail from the stands, you won’t see this, we now use about twenty action cameras there , sometimes there are some details and things that to the ordinary eye, the viewer and even camera, they cannot reach it, as a rule - we use action cameras on
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armored vehicles, this is an infantry vehicle. there are yars, the fastest camera of the parade - this pretty robot, maneuverable beetle, accelerates to 90 km per hour, accompanies the equipment, due to its small size, you will not see it in the frame, it will not interfere with you seeing other beautiful plans with tanks, with boxes, with people, he, like a little bug , will run between them showing all the most beautiful things, a certain plus of this design, that it you can send to those places where it would not be worth sending a living person, here at the height the operators of the first... the channels are already accustomed to working, skylift at zero kilometer, equipment for working in the air, rescue ladder, lift, 50 m from the ground, floor of the bulge sways, and if the weather suddenly lets you down, if there is snow, hail, we have hornworms, but we’ll dress warmly so as not to get wet, there are two such aerial towers on the broadcast, another advantageous angle opens from this point, the height is 43 m, you can’t see from here
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only the entire red square, but the entrance to alexander garden, another important... broadcast location. the sound engineers have already placed microphones here so that you can hear every footstep during the laying of flowers and convey a moment of silence. more than thirty microphones will be involved in the broadcast of the victory parade, but the exact number may change. there is also a new broadcast record: the tallest spider is 75 m. this is what tv crews call this camera among themselves; they move along a rope system. our distance here is one of the greatest in this area. angles that have never been seen before showed. large-scale broadcast of the victory parade on may 9 on channel one. anna grebenchakova, mikhail karasev, vasily valetov, evgeny morenkov, channel one.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. today vladimir putin will take office as president of russia. the ceremony will take place in the kremlin in the presence of members of the government, senators of the federation council, state duma deputies, governors, judges of the constitutional court, representatives of major religious denominations, public organizations, figures, science, culture,
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sports and many others. vladimir putin will take the oath, holding his hand on... after taking the oath to the people of russia, the head of state, according to the protocol, will make a mandatory brief address to the citizens of the country. the government, as provided by law, serves its powers. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers will continue to work in acting status until approval of the new composition. you can watch the ceremony on channel one. the broadcast starts at 11:40 moscow time, and before that there is an information channel on our air dedicated to the inauguration of vladimir putin as president of russia. the latest data from the northern military district zone, the control point for unmanned aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy's field ammunition depot destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this is the result of the work of our tankers. the crew of the t-72 hit targets with indirect fire
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positions with a distance of about 3 km. and in the northern direction, russian artillerymen destroyed a western- made self-propelled howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces. precise strikes were carried out by the crew of the mstab gun. this unit has had many liquidations to its name. including the nato model. in ukraine, there is a new case of the death of a mobilized person taken to the military registration and enlistment office. this time in krivoy rog. a man died there, who, according to his daughter, was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center. they, in turn, claim that the man died himself as a result of an attack of epilepsy. with the expansion of the list of those who in ukraine are considered fit to be sent to the combat zone in the territory controlled by kiev , a new one has begun. a wave of forced mobilization, many are trying by all means to escape from it abroad, sometimes using very unconventional methods. while trying to leave for romania, a man dressed as a woman was detained; he showed his sister’s passport.
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some ukrainians, in order to move to neighboring countries, take serious risks, trying to cross the tisa river. not everyone succeeds; in just one day, six drowned people were pulled out of the water. against such a gloomy background , video footage taken by an employee is circulating on the internet.
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those who today defend russia’s borders in the northwestern military district also joined in the congratulations. we want to assure you that we will do everything to bring our victory closer, victory will be ours. hurray, hurray, hurray. last week, eight people were killed as a result of an israeli air force strike on one of the residential areas of rafah in the southern gaza strip. arab media reported this. according to them, all the victims are civilians. before this caused several deaths in other areas of the city. under fire from the israeli army. meanwhile, the palestinian hamas movement announced that it agreed to a truce on the terms worked out by egypt and qatar. they provide for a phased withdrawal of the idf and the gaza strip in exchange for the release
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of hostages held by palestinian groups. however, israel did not agree to such conditions, as stated in the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. to which the residents of israel responded with a protest. people took to the streets demanding acceptance of the terms. in the region , it has been raining continuously for the second week, rivers are overflowing their banks, entire cities are flooded, streets and the first floors of buildings have gone under water, the footage was filmed by eyewitnesses, the ferry is carried by the current at great speed, it crashes into a bridge, turns over in a matter of seconds, and drowns . whether anyone was at that moment... it is unknown, due to the disaster, air traffic was disrupted, the work of the international airport in the south of the country was suspended for an indefinite period. not at all may weather arrived at several russian regions. in moscow this morning
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wet snow fell, green lawns and flowering trees were covered with white cover. according to weather forecasters, the air today will warm up to no more than 6°; by night the temperature will drop again, and thermometers may drop below zero. frosts are coming. several days are promised throughout central russia. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. today is may 7th, a very important day. today there will be a solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation. federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. this most important event in the life of our country will be shown on channel one. you will see it through the eyes of our correspondents through our lenses. tv cameras, don't miss the live broadcast on the first one. alena astrakhantseva will talk about the symbols of presidential power, which are an integral part of the ceremony, and their history. 900,000 stitches with gold
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threads on natural velvet. dark gold, light and slightly darker. it shimmers and plays. this is how the double-headed eagle is born president's standard. russian federation. the wingspan of an eagle is approximately about a meter. embroidering it takes about a week. now there is a copy in the embroidery machine. original size. coat of arms in the center and golden fringe. but at boris yeltsin’s first inauguration at 91 , the standard looked different. it was a red banner with the coat of arms of the rsfsr, above it the abbreviation of the name of the republic. the modern standard of the head of state appeared in 1994, although its history began much earlier, more than three centuries ago. something like this was the king's flag. this copy is kept in
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the central naval museum of st. petersburg, sewn for the flotilla of peter i on his orders. today, at the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, together with the standard, we will see another symbol of presidential power, the sign of the president of the russian federation. it is based on the large cross of the order of merit for the fatherland, 999 gold and ruby ​​enamel. the chain of the order consists of... they are placed immediately after taking the oath. the future head of state takes the oath of office on a special copy of the constitution. the original edition is kept in the kremlin. an exact copy can be seen in the presidential one.
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yeltsin library in st. petersburg. its cover is made of vahan leather, decorated with a silver plate in the form of the coat of arms of the russian federation, and the constitution of the russian federation is written in gold letters. in 2000 , this edition of the constitution lost its official status as a symbol of presidential power, but at the solemn ceremony of taking office, it is always at the right hand of the head of state. tradition. alyona. stepan erofeev, alexander ignatov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. navodh continues its work at the international exhibition forum russia. come, come, even if you have already been. many people come to the exhibition for the second or third time, because something new and interesting happens here every day. at the russia victory week exhibition. at master classes they make doves of peace and boutannieres. the st. george's ribbon is decorated with a white dove. in honor of the fact that
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this is a memory of the dead, a sign of the white sky. main event on may 9 at the central stage. at 15:00 we will have a ceremonial line, victory volunteers will hold their famous actions, these are rays of victory and fire pictures, more than 10 thousand candles will be lit at the same time and depict the order of victory. on this day, in pavilion 75 at the sevastopol camp , you can feel like a sailor. may concerts at the stands of lugansk and donetsk, 10 years since the formation of the people's republics, also on the big weekend there is a lot of useful information for students and schoolchildren. in the fifty-fifth pavilion, the excursion is more than a career, an opportunity to try yourself in different professions, first virtually. i now see three professions in front of me: surgeon, teacher and architect. at the interactive stand you can
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choose a real internship, this is an opportunity to do an internship in various companies throughout the country, it is absolutely free, for 3 days, anyone can take part in this. there is also a career center where they can help you choose a vacancy, write a resume and send a cover letter. this is super helpful. and if you are planning a summer vacation in the mountains, this is the fifty-seventh pavilion, more than ten methods of knot technology. they are developing. are they taught to carry the victim? it's scary, especially when they lift it. the instructor will show you how to set up a tent in a couple of minutes. well, comfortable, comfortable. everything in the park at vdnkh is in bloom. the best angles are suggested by a professional photographer. on excursions, special route for stories. today and may 9, everyone will leave a series of beautiful photographs. yulia shivalova, nikita kulakov, rastislav kolesnikov and anna ryabova, channel one.
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big family, great happiness, as proof of this, the heroes of our next reportage. looking at them, you are convinced that our country is a big family, with a rich history and cultural heritage. nina danilovna is 71, she has a large family, only five children. i have 18 grandchildren, thank god, very rich, i love them all, they all love me, they all come to see me. great-grandson. three, someone lives with her, someone comes to stay, when they get together, they barely fit at the table, a lot come, for the new year, there’s even a lot here, we fit here in the hall, so there’s nothing superfluous here. children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren everywhere, grandmothers help as best they can to make dumplings for everyone at a time, more than a hundred for everyone, as they grow up , they crawl up to this table, one by one, this is how they work, yes, they are like mosquitoes, they learn from each other, learn, learn, and so on and play mischief together, nina danilovna’s house is always noisy and
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uproarious, she raised her children strictly, she doesn’t even think about her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she needs her grandmother to treat her to something, they are interested, they even have something at home, but... grandmothers are tastier, i was like that myself, a big family, it’s like that, oh, well done, roziya sharipovna meets someone every day, today almost everyone arrived, more precisely half of everyone, in total she has 10 children, 24 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, as well as sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, she is preparing a festive dinner today , my mother-in-law taught the first beshparma , knead the dough, cook the meat, i learned everything from her, a large family means constant calls, we need to find out how everyone is doing, come on, it’s time, come on, hurry home, come back, when they gather at home there’s not a second of silence, then at the same time everyone came, it’s always been like that here, i just remember from myself, when the younger ones came home from school, my duties were to help them, and imagine how quickly you can redo all
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the work if there are many of you, and you are all together, today we all gathered together at my aunt tamara’s to plant cucumbers, pumpkins, the khizriev family every day... you can’t even call it a friend’s house, we’re visiting, we’re not looking for reasons to get together, we help each other in everything, regarding agriculture, planting, everything. tamara has four sisters, a brother, almost all on the same street, they live as a large family, some, however, moved to durbent, but at least once a month they return to their native village, alexandra nevskaya, to their father, he is a great-grandfather for a long time, we all lived there, so no one... lived alone, so peacefully, amicably, in abundance, no matter how long no matter if there were children, we raised them, selim himself at one time traveled half the country for work and service, the family is always there, and this is the main thing, when you have each other, it’s not scary, nothing. elena
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savina, tatyana simonenkova, konstantin kuznetsov, channel one. on the day of victory on the first. what were you singing there?
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gin сnop a product of the stellar group, cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10, she read the blog eto. there was an exalted young lady, suddenly she was 16 years old at the front, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, here she is - she felt that her place was there, i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, once with him and a thousand in a dream who says that war is not scary, he knows nothing about the war, from a letter
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from alexei kapler, my twig, we are starting a completely new life, in which it will not be the same as before, they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses. heart, she did not know, to defend the country that she carried in that everything would be turned upside down. locked herself in the car, she was crazy, she wanted the paws podcast, may 10 on the first. our country is huge, the largest in the world, its area is more than 17 million. to cross it from end to end, you need a fast, first-class reliable transport, it’s great that such transport exists, thanks to everyone who reduces the distance for us. what unites russia? roads and sky, if literally airlines
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reduce flight times. we see that in some directions, in cities such as makhachkala, for example, grozny, gornoaltaisk, where we have these recreational tourism zones and so on, new directions are appearing there, there are new directions in sochi. the so-called straightened corridor is open for flights to the south, a clear example. grozny moscow via kazakhstan 3 hours directly is half an hour faster. thanks to the developed network that airlines are building within the country, passengers no longer need to fly to moscow in order to, say, fly from krasnoyarsk to novosibirs. it was always easier to fly from vladivostok to moscow, from moscow to krasnoyarsk. now vladivostok, krasnoyarsk, khabarovsk, krasnoyarst. the railway is not lagging behind, swallows now connect about 30.
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now we are traveling with you on sobsan, and then it will be 2:15 by high-speed train. the route is expected to open by 2028. what about intercity roads are being built here to care not only about speed, but also about the environment in populated areas. the new m12 east road has relieved congestion on the bush-populated highways m7 and m5. now from st. petersburg. year proof with veterok in 14 hours, from moscow - 6.5, previously it was 19.5 and 12 hours, respectively, today
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the head of state sets the task of generally approaching the development of the russian route from st. petersburg to vladivostok, and we are carrying out such work . right now they are building a new direction of the a-289 highway krasnodar-slavyansk on kuban temryuk, highway a-290 novorossiysk kerch, also bypasses of settlements in tatarstan, bashkyrtastan. chechnya, irkutsk, volgograd regions. ruslan gunyaev, dmitry filippov, stanislav yazhnyakov, oleg soshin. first channel. after all, our country is amazing, so huge, beautiful and different. it seems like you are rediscovering it all the time. that is how it is. anyone who has traveled around our country will confirm this to you. domestic tourism expands horizons. according to statistics, we are increasingly choosing new directions. bogdanovs before pandemics, we vacationed along standard routes in the winter in st. petersburg, in the summer in sochi, and
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then it started in dagestan, dmurtia, and the murmansk region. in murmansk we saw the icebreaker lenin, this is a nuclear icebreaker, it is the only one in the world, it even smells like the soviet union inside. it also turned out that the nature in russia is so different. of course, we still love our krasnodar region very much, but even here we find something new instead of hotels and guest houses, glamping, even closer to nature, right. now a new one is emerging there the trend is sleep tourism, all in order to gain the strength to finally get some sleep. in the afternoon, when dusk begins, we turn on circadian lighting, which helps the proper production of the sleep hormone. when guests book a room, they can choose their pillow. there is a whole menu of pillows with cedar shavings, birch leaves, buckwheat or eucalyptus. and how sweet is the knitting needle, knocking, wheels, trains, themed railway travel around russia, another fashion trend. there are 55 different routes to choose from. last year we transported about
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940,000 tourists on tourist trains, this year we expect 1,100, of course, this is the anchor of the russian express, that stunning retro belt that runs from sartavala to the ruskiala mountain park. the second anchor is the pearl of the caucasus, the baikal fairy tale, to lake baikal, plus event railway routes to lotus blossoms in the astrakhan region. or tulips in kalmykia, gastrotourism continues to gain momentum, regions are trying to beat historical characters, for example, saratov, the history of gagarin, who studied there, and they are trying to restore the recipes that yuri gagarin loved, for example, pork, which is baked in bread, in tobolsk in the top two-day gastrotour dedicated to dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, this year marks the 190th anniversary of his birth, they feed his loved ones. dishes, signature pike perch fish soup, dumplings with cherries, and a cocktail, of course in a flask. a chain of associations arose
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, periodic table, chemistry, flasks, reagents. yes, siberia attracts us more and more, marketers have tried their best. chumenskaya the region has come up with several very bright slogans: to siberia of their own free will, or, for example, cold outside, hot inside, tourists are already firmly associated with its thermal baths, as well as with the tobolsk kremlin, that is, we go there for health, and we go for history . but history can be found everywhere, even very close to your region, we are not hinting at anything, we are simply reminding of all sorts of things.
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this saved us; on the way, the nazi echelons bombed the bridge, we had to walk unarmed, except for the chaperon there’s no shovel, nothing, and the germans are constantly shooting these shoulder straps with explosive bullets, it gives you a terrible fear, then it explodes, the
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unit was given a gift for battle, it was very difficult to move. courage, values ​​it very much, then a badge, an excellent machine gunner, a medal for military merit, the order of the red star, in the forty -fourth he was seriously wounded, after which he was not allowed to return to his unit, he was sent to learn how to operate foreign tanks, exactly the american tanks arrived in the evening, yes we put everything in order in the morning
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everyone had to go fight with him, by the morning the war was over... he immediately ended up on another, his unit was transferred to the border with japan, he was demobilized only in 1947. on victory day, sheikhinur sharkhmulovich always comes to the memorial and reads the names and remembers his fighting friends. this list includes his fellow villagers, those who did not return from the front. elena savina, channel one. these may days, channel one has prepared a lot of great big movies for its viewers. may 9, victory day, marking the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from german fascist invaders, watch the film “saboteur” and “saboteur” crimea on channel one. well, today and tomorrow, don’t miss the final episode of the detective story on martial law. the enemy is behind you. captain
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yalagina military prosecutor's office. sorry, i didn't see it right away. i can say about people like you all my life.
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the bombs are being crushed, they left, leaving everything behind, these boxes too, these are stolen additives, because there is no place at the airfield, an attempt was made on svetlana’s assistant, lieutenant sviridov. is it really captain elagina next back felatov, why have you lost your commanding voice? hush, are you not around? no, everyone ran away from their appearance. and this is occupied sevastopol in 1942. alexei bobrikov and leonid filatov are here on a special order: to eliminate a captured captain who has surrendered a key line in the city’s defense. there are changes in your group, fly together. the third will be found on the spot, a partisan, senya the king, he knows the crimean trails by heart, but no matter how all three get captured, we can even say we take off in our costumes, boots,
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even shoes, some caps, that's all, that's all from the previous saboteur, you should at least learn a dozen phrases in german, i'm howling, damn officer, and if they ask anything else, and if they ask, there's no time for talking there will be a saboteur and saboteur crimea we will see on the ninth. asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. ceremony,
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inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. main event today is the inauguration of vladimir putin as president of russia. the ceremony will take place in the large kremlin palace. the elected head of state will take the oath of power. hand on a special copy of the constitution. the indispensable attributes of the ceremony are the standard and the sign of the president. everything will take place in the presence of members of the government, senators, the federation council,
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state duma deputies, governors, judges of the constitutional court, representatives of the main religious denominations, public organizations, figures in science, culture, sports and many others. after taking the oath to the people of russia, the head of state, according to the protocol, will make a mandatory brief address to the citizens of the country. ruler. the prime minister, his deputies and ministers will continue to work in an acting capacity until the new composition is approved. you can watch the ceremony on channel one. the broadcast starts at 11:40 moscow time. and before that, on our air there was an information channel dedicated to vladimir putin’s inauguration as president of russia. to the news special operations, another american abram tank. destroyed by our military, they managed to knock it out with the help of a drone. the copter footage that appeared on telegram channels shows that at first abrams tried to hide in a forest plantation, but he was overtaken by our attack
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drones. several more units of equipment in the ssu were hit by the same devices on the donetsk sector of the front. ukrainian formations tried to carry out rotation. the new unit arrived in two armored vehicles, but our intelligence spotted them. several fpv drone strikes and both cars, as well as the dugout together. with the militants were destroyed, the enemy is of course counteracting, basically this is natural for us - this is rap, but we are also trying to grow in this direction, changing control, moving to some more accessible frequencies for us, accordingly, that is, naturally we are also counteracting them. in the northern direction, artillery and rszzo-grad crews worked effectively, hitting regional concentrations of infantry and equipment in the ssu, and fighters. there is less chance of detecting the location of our forces. the strikes were carried out at a distance of about 10 km. and further we worked at night so that the enemy would know
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about the determination and courage of our fighters. guard sergeant pavel lomakin, during the battle, being under continuous enemy fire from a grenade launcher, destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry that had arrived for reinforcement. and later he eliminated the militants’ stronghold along with the machine-gun crew. captain alexander kuzmich, also under enemy fire, was able to. to restore the communications machine, thanks to this , stable control of our units was maintained, which were able to dislodge the enemy from their positions. in krivoy rog military registration and enlistment office in ukraine. died while mobilized. according to his daughter, he was beaten to death by employees of the territorial recruitment center. they, in turn , say that the man died as a result of an epileptic attack. with the expansion of the list of those whom ukraine considers fit to be sent to the combat zone, a new wave of forced mobilization began in kiev-controlled territory. many try in every possible way to escape from it abroad, sometimes using very unconventional techniques. detained while trying to leave for romania
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a man. dressed in women's clothing, he presented his sister's passport. some ukrainians , in order to move to neighboring states, take serious risks, trying to cross the tisa river, not everyone succeeds, only in one day six drowned people were pulled out of the water there. not wanting to become cannon fodder, ukrainians who previously managed to get abroad are now organizing protests, one of which took place in ireland. people stood in the street with signs demanding to be left alone. the reason for the rally. was the sensational decision of the kyiv regime to deprive ukrainian citizens of the opportunity to obtain new documents at foreign representative offices. this was done in order to force people to return and give them summonses. across the country , final preparations are underway for victory day. in the dpr, on the eve of the holiday, our military restored more than thirty monuments to the heroines of the great patriotic war. the areas near the memorials were examined by sappers and cleared of unexploded shells. granite slabs.
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polished and restored, the sculptures were painted, somewhere more was needed significant repairs after being hit by ammunition and targeted attacks by militants. local residents said, specifically about this monument, too, that nationalist battalions, ukrainian nationalist formations themselves, arrived and deliberately shot at the monument, tried to destroy it by all means, it’s impossible to destroy the people, for me it’s... a personal debt, because my child passed the great patriotic war, so i consider it necessary to restore the monument, it is like preserving the memory of our ancestors. solemn events in honor of the defenders of our homeland who fought during the great patriotic war started in khabarovsk, the victory train arrived there. at the station the retro cast was greeted with an orchestra. hundreds of townspeople sang songs of the war years, and there was an exhibition of military and historical equipment on mobile platforms.
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tuesday, may 7, today will be the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. watch the live broadcast on channel one. this morning our entire program will be dedicated to this big important event. we will talk about what unites us all, about the heroic pages of the history of our country, which we must not forget, about what we want to see our russia in the future and what it will become,
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about our achievements and, of course, about symbols , traditions and significance of today’s important ceremony, we will also talk. during the ceremony, as always during ceremonial events, the anthem of the russian federation will be played. we know him by heart, with his music we go through life. our the anthem is a great glorious story. russia is our sacred power. this music became the national anthem in 1944, folk instruments and the wind section of the symphony orchestra, the calling card of alexandrov’s ensemble. but initially the composition was written differently, they sang it as simply as a cheerful russian song. that’s how she was at that tempo, with
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accordions. likes, and stalin liked this song, asked the ensemble to perform it twice as slow, solemnly and sing-song, this drinking the option amazed even the author himself. the music becomes the unofficial anthem of the communist party and only then the main song of the country. 1942 the soviet union needs a new anthem. before this , the international played, a competition was announced for 170 composers from all over the country, with 200 options for auditioning in the big theater. none of these options were suitable, even in quality.
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there is its own chemistry, so interesting, harmonic, alexandrov knew church music perfectly, he knew russian music, this
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melody is always with us, at big concerts, competitions, solemn and powerful.
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near space plans to build a new russian orbital station; for the first time in the world in polar orbit , our entire planet will be visible from it, from pole to pole. unique shots, this is the first module of the cladding work now. but this is how the entire station will look, modular, any part can be replaced and as many modules can be attached to it as needed, which means it can live indefinitely. there is not only more space, much more, but this is a new manned spacecraft, it will dock at a new station, twice as spacious as its predecessor, and can transfer 5 tons of cargo. the return
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vehicle, it is reusable, it is planned that it will be used up to ten times, they will burn, there is no getting around physics, it’s just that the very design of the return vehicle ptk will allow it to be used again, we are preparing to study and... deep space, interplanetary flights are already our present, here they are making the new soyuz-5 launch vehicle. can launch more spacecraft or heavier spacecraft into all possible orbits, capable of participating in projects to explore the planets of the solar system, as well as the moon. and at the russian academy of sciences they are conducting a whole isolation experiment, simulating a flight to the moon. they built a station, a spaceship, a crew, they are there. doctors are watching the scenes and conducting experiments. how to calculate the amount of linen, clothing, food, medicine, how to train a person who,
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for example, is not initially a doctor. the results of the experiment will allow us minimize risks during long-distance, not only long-term flights, fly to the moon when there is no possibility of evacuation, or to mars. training and landing on the moon, in this module, the only one where there is access, while no one is there. this system simulates lunar gravity, this is necessary in order to provide training for the astronaut. the plans are grandiose, that deep space is getting closer every day, and this is just the beginning. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. it's amazing what a huge country we are in. we live. the area of ​​russia, just think about it, is more than 17 million km2, which, by the way, is 1/8 of the landmass. yes, in russia there are million-plus cities and very small settlements. cities.
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was the capital of the basporan kingdom, they built it, as they say, for centuries, this is how they protected the buildings from earthquakes, wooden beams were put into these small complaints, which were cushioned during earthquakes. the basporan archaeological expedition worked here for 10 years, and it was they who proved the ancient age of modern kerch. before us are fragments of a unique dinos vessel; it dates back to the end of the 6th century bc, and this is a valuable find because it proves that kesh is indeed the oldest city in russia. walking through these places, it is interesting to think about how people lived here 2600 years ago. and if you come to this city, it’s as if you’re in...
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unexpectedly, st. petersburg takes second place in terms of industry volume. today , industrial production indicators in st. petersburg are the highest in the country. 109.9%. this is the result of industrial production last year. this metallurgical plant was founded here in 1801 and still holds a leading position in the industry. every month we produce 13, for example, this is 250 cars. the name of the most beautiful - there are too many contenders, in addition to the two capitals for the title of the main city of a handsome man ready to fight , kaliningrad with its european architecture and shady alleys, ancient russian pskov and veliky novgorod, the city of more, sopok and mostov vladivostok, but probably for every resident your hometown will be the most beautiful. elena zzykova, anna gazhala, ilya kuvaldin, marina glushenkova, channel one. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi
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invaders, spotted, please don’t, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you, please don’t, car, add two knots, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start a radio game with the russians, in the square 19:23, expect transport 0 hours. one mile from the coastline, answer, to the execution has begun, it is, it has worked, your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire on the line, ours are there, these are our defenses, they broke through, also a wounded krasnogorsk citizen, stop this madness, i will give you mine maps, alexandrov , the owner of secret information that should not get to the germans, is it clear that they managed to convey it? in this folder there are junhans documents, all the spent
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cartridges are hidden, the crimean saboteur covered his tracks on may 9 at the first thing we will do, commander, how to carry out the order, we will liquidate aleksandrov, no, what does that mean no, on the day of victory on the first, romeo, hold the car, commander, calmly, romeo, calmly, let's sit down. attention, earth, well done, guy, commander, they are going into battle, only old men, may 9, after the program, the time is green, fresh, woke up, guys, we will live, the day after tomorrow is our most important. holiday: victory day.
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the great patriotic war died down 79 years ago, but we have no right to forget it. the heroes of our next report carefully preserve the memory of their ancestors. conquered for us, a great victory is helped by others, the main archive of film and photo documents, in these cells there are millions of destinies in the faces, i am interested in some distinctive features, maybe awards, the time of year, matvey comes here several times a month, at 15, he is a memory volunteer, it all started with this medal, it belongs to my great-grandfather, he received it for crawling to a nazi trench during reconnaissance, but i don’t have his photographs... no, i haven’t found it yet, but i’ve already helped dozens of families who are their heroes doesn't know by sight. according to such he reconstructs the fates of soldiers from photographs taken by photojournalists of those years; he knows nothing about these yet. we see the order of the red banner hanging on his chest, this must be accurately recorded, and so does the second one.
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the initials of the fighters are signed on the photo, he looks at every detail that could become a clue. senior sergeant and... it seems like this is an ordinary private, then work on websites, the task is to collect as much information as possible about the soldier, so that he can then pass it on to his relatives along with a photo; he doesn’t know them either yet, but he will definitely find them. we make inquiries to the police, veterans council schools and uh to district archives and district administrations. there are many such caring people in the country, tatyana gabova from yaroslavl, the whole family fought, the mother is a searchlight operator, the father is a private, everyone returned from the war except...
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the people. today there are already 503 soldiers in her own memory book. stories of those about whom they knew little or nothing at all are written to her and asked for help from all over the country; no one refuses. i myself wanted people to know about the soldiers not only about those who, for example, are heroes of the soviet union, there, well, right they accomplished great feats, but they were ordinary soldiers, who also carried their way of life into our victory. he remembers every story by heart. this man fought. almost the entire war and before the victory, he was transferred to the reserve, because he had a severe shell shock, i am impressed by photographs like this and i start digging, pouring, i just look and can’t stop, he calls every such war hero his own, i’m very very i love everyone,
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our soldiers, my soldiers, radio, today, by the way, is his day, television, thanks to which we are together now. a also a laser, a nuclear icebreaker, a satellite, a word that has entered all the languages ​​of the world, we, the russians, came up with all this, invented it and turned it into reality. russian inventors today continue to invent and do absolutely amazing things that no one else does in the world. at school they call oksana a robot. he is not offended, he is proud of his bionic arm. sensors transmit impulses. the hand bends, they gave it to me almost from birth, as if they put it in my hands and said: put it on your hand and play with it. this is the know-how of russian inventors to make such small prosthetic hands for children from 2 years old, no one in the world makes this. when a child uses a prosthesis, the
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remaining muscles in the limb are trained; when the muscles on the limb are trained, this straightens the posture. aligns the overall condition of the body. example oksana, a master of sports in swimming, is now waiting for a waterproof option. the developers have a cooler idea, they are already making a sensitive one, an electrode is drawn from the prosthesis and implanted into the nerve. impulses are transmitted through the nerve in the stump and the central nervous system to the brain and is perceived by the brain as a signal from the hand itself. and our test pilots have already learned to determine whether an object is hard or soft, whether it is large, medium or... without electronics, students at voronezh state university have come up with sensors that monitor the condition of reinforcement; they are implanted into concrete during construction. the sensor can be used to assess the rate
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of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete, for bridge structures, as well as energy facilities. as soon as corrosion begins, the sensor will report: it will... danger, like an honest sign, this a whole system of digital labeling of goods, many have heard about it, there are no analogues in the world. the buyer, through the application, can read the unique code and see all the information about the product and check its license. track goods from production, well, or import, that is, from the very beginning of the journey of this product, until the very end, until the moment when the goods are sold at the checkout, yes, all cash registers in the country are also connected to the honest sign system, so we see the full , full path of the goods. many products, medicines, cosmetics, shoes have a unique code - passport. if it’s not in the database, it means it’s counterfeit. you can send
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a complaint in the app. from may 1, cash registers will block expired milk. neither the self-service checkout nor the cashier will be able to get it into the system, and if something is wrong with the product, this now applies to large retail chains from may 1st, and then it will apply to all other stores. this step will finally solve the problem with delays, and sellers will become more attentive. anastasia. sotnik, vladimir silantiev, channel one. may 7th on the calendar. after tomorrow we will celebrate victory day. in many russian cities will host festive military parades on this day. and the most important victory parade, of course, will take place on red square in moscow. channel one will show him the way only he can do it. the best seats are reserved for you, dear tv viewers. don't miss the live broadcast of the victory parade on the first. the victory parade lasts on average about an hour, but on tv screens, as if in one breath, we study
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the arithmetic of the broadcast: about 60 cameras on red square, in the stone bridge, in the alexander garden, at the zero kilometer, to get from point to point on foot would take at least 15 minutes, the team of the first one will be your eyes, size, you won’t see him in the frame, he won’t interfere with you seeing other beautiful plans with tanks, with boxes, with people, he’s like
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a small bug will run between them showing all the most beautiful things, a certain advantage of this design is that it can be sent to those places where it would not be worth sending a living person, the operators of the first channel are already accustomed to working at altitude, a skylift at the zero kilometer, equipment for work v in the air there is a rescue ladder-lift 50 m from the ground, the floor in the cradles sways, and if the weather suddenly lets you down... if it snows and hails, we have zazheviki, and we’ll dress warmly so as not to get wet, there are two such aerial platforms on the broadcast, another one is profitable the angle opens up from this point, the height is 43 m, from here you can see not only the entire red square, but the entrance to the alexander garden, another important location, broadcasts. the sound engineers have already placed microphones here so that you can hear every footstep during the laying of flowers and convey a moment of silence. more than thirty microphones will participate in the broadcast of the victory parade, but the exact number may change. there is also a new
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broadcast record, the tallest spider is 75 m, as tv crews call this camera among themselves; they move along a rope system. our distance here is one of the largest this year, almost 900 m. we fly over two kremlin walls, we see the entire panorama of the heart of our homeland from different angles than before. the large-scale broadcast of the may 9 victory parade was not shown on channel one. anna grebenchukova, mikhail karasev, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one. our program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you and wish you good morning and a good day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on channel one. see you! the
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inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the maxim sherfuddinov studio, and briefly about the main thing. today is the entry into position of president of the russian federation. we will tell you some details of the ceremony, for which everything is ready, including the updated presidential aurus. another
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abrams was shot down in the northern military district zone. the american armor was powerless in front. a drone and new personnel from the ministry of defense, the work of our t-80s against militants’ oporniks and a howitzer strike on a ukrainian self-propelled gun. ruins in a palestinian city that was considered the safest. that night, israel launched a massive attack on rafah, and then brought in heavy equipment there escalation in the middle east. songs of the war years, personal concerts for veterans of the great patriotic war and photographs of front-line soldiers are everywhere, from street banners to general public. may 9 nationwide. so, the main event today is the inauguration of the president of russia, less than 3 hours before the ceremony in the large kremlin palace. vladimir putin will take the oath in the presence of senators, deputies, and judges of the constitutional court. traditionally , regional heads and heroes of russia are also among those invited.


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