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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 7, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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another abrams was shot down in the northern military district zone, the american armor was powerless against the drone, and new footage from the ministry of defense of our t-80s working on militant support forces and a howitzer strike on a ukrainian self-propelled gun. ruins in a palestinian city that was considered the safest. that night, israel launched a massive attack on rafah, and then introduced heavy equipment there to escalate the middle east. songs of the war years, personal concerts for a veteran. the great patriotic war and photographs of front-line soldiers are everywhere, from street banners to public transport. commemorative events on the eve of may 9 throughout the country. so, the main event today is the inauguration of the president of russia before the ceremony in the large kremlin palace in less than 3 hours, vladimir putin will take the oath in the presence of senators, deputies, and judges of the constitutional court. traditionally, among those invited is also the head of the regions, the hero of russia. representatives
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of public organizations, confessions, scientists, cultural figures, the procedure is strictly regulated, everything is scheduled literally minute by minute, the state flag will be brought into the hall, standard of the president, sign of the head of state, special copy of the constitution. it is on it that vladimir putin will hold his hand while taking the oath. its text is also strictly defined. 33 words. let me remind you that the presidential elections took place in march with a record turnout in the modern history of our country. vladimir putin, he participated as himself. the nominee received the support of more than 87% of voters, a historic result, an indicator of trust on the part of citizens. a new political cycle begins. today, according to the law, after the elected head took office state, the government will resign. the inauguration ceremony of the president of russia will be shown on channel one starting at 11:40, before which the information channel will broadcast live. we will return to this topic later,
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we will tell you what is known about the updated auurus, this car was first presented during a ceremony in 1818 and today it will show a new version. well, for now, on to other news. russian troops in the special operation zone knocked out another abrams tank. these are the shots that are being distributed in telegram channels, the american car was hit by our drones. the armor couldn't hold up. this is a video from the ministry of defense. tankers of the group.
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according to local media, a resident of the dnepropetrovsk region died in the military registration and enlistment office after passing a medical examination, another ukrainian, in order not to end up in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, tried to escape to romania, changed into women's clothes, took his sister's passport, the trick did not work, the man was detained. meanwhile, the bodies of six dead were found in the tisza river on the ukrainian-romanian border. the conscripts tried to swim to the neighboring countries. one of them is reported to be barely 20 years old. this is how the military committee works.
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motorsko, kleshcheevka, avdeevka, chasovya. a sharp escalation of the situation in the middle east, israel brought tanks into the city of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip, gunfire and explosions were heard, and before that there were massive bombings of residential areas. the media reports at least eight dead. until today, rafak was considered the safest place in the enclave. it was there that residents of other gaza districts fled from the shelling. now in the city there are about million people, which means any military operation.
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to a ceasefire proposal. we are talking about negotiations in cairo, where, through the mediation of egypt and kator, the text of an agreement was developed, which hamas had already agreed to. just before the attacks began on parafahu, his text was leaked to the press. hamas was to return all captured hostages to israel in exchange for a ceasefire and the withdrawal of israeli troops from
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the gaza strip. other points of the agreement include the opening of humanitarian corridors for the supply of food, in the future, and restoration destroyed houses and infrastructure in gas. but because of. the genocide that is happening right now in gaza is our responsibility. rafah has today become one of the most densely populated areas in the world. according to the un , more than 1 million people are sheltering in a small area, and a military operation there threatens a new humanitarian catastrophe.
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russia, china, the united states and the european union are in favor of a ceasefire in the gas sector, but israel is not listening to anyone. alexander lyakin, sergey shatila, channel one. it's commercial now, we 'll be back. in a few minutes no switch, on the day of victory on the first, i always act in everything in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hitting tanks, i knocked out with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if i told the scouts that you not bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say and fool the girls’ heads, she is the only one, i understand, there is no other like her, every intelligence officer will be able to do it, they will lead me to the monastery, but don’t be scared, we just have to choose the best, comrades, you germans, behave like the germans, what i taught you, well done, daredevils,
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scouts, for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be ... a successful saboteur on may 9 at the first and remember, in an extreme situation , instinct will always tell you the right decision, but if they don’t tell you, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the day of victory at the first, this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films,
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that is, my grandfather was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now ? honor is victory day, victory day, festive evening on may 9th on the first, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest
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level, we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of hospice or almshouse, you can get an autograph, i’ve admired it since i was young years. tukrov, anna evseeva is an actress, and her relatives are giving a double rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, a hardened atheist and in general, leave the auditions. nowhere again for the old one, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow come to your senses already, they decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go wherever europe, if your mother wanted a boy at her age, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i’m daydreaming, but... animator on may 10 at the first, and you know
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that anima is the soul of latin, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday at the first. you watch the news on the first and we continue. russians across the country are joining the immortal regiment campaign . there will be no traditional procession this year, but there are other formats. portraits of heroes who defended our homeland from fascist invaders appear on street banners, in the subway, buses, trams, and trolleybuses. walls of memory are being opened in schools, and for the veterans themselves hold concerts right on the windowsills of their homes. read more about holiday promotions sergey ponomarev. congratulations on the upcoming victory day.
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for your feat in north ossetia, he and his family come to the barbashovo polye memorial, remembering the exploits of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and the great-grandson of front-line soldier alexander basiev is here today. when he left for the front, matsi, as his relatives called him, left behind eight children. as part of the sixty-second army, he took part in the defense of stalingrad. i reached berlin. portraits relatives proudly wear heroes of the great patriotic war on t-shirts. photos of veterans are everywhere now. instead of the usual advertising throughout the city, there are banners like this, they are dedicated
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to individual families or, in this case , war participants who lived on a specific street in stakhanov. volunteers collected information about them, going around every house to remember our heroes, so that their neighbors could see who arrived here recently, that we have a street with a rich history. there will be no traditional march of the immortal regiment in our country this year, but the action is already taking place in other formats, in many educational and youth centers memory walls appeared, in this omsk school a ceremonial assembly was held, each student brought a portrait of his relative who fought in the war, this is my grandfather kakabanov, valentin vasilyevich, he fought from july 1941 to october 1943, in anadar this year they decorated with photographs of veterans... public transport, there is now a special bus running there, in which songs of the war years are played, videos
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with war heroes will be broadcast on saratov trolleybuses, my grandfather shuvarov mikhail nikiferovich, they came up with their own version of the immortal regiment a year ago, they called out to the depot employees, drivers, controllers, they immediately collected material for three videos, they were shown. for several days after may 9, when they came to work, employees said that they even rode trolleybuses with their whole families, almost all day long, to see their relatives, and some even made more than one circle. this year it was decided to expand the action, all saratov residents were invited to take part, several hundred photographs have already been sent, they are now being processed, new videos are being prepared, they will be put into rotation on may 9, in many cities there are now car rallies for participants in this in the oryol region, the final point was the krevtsovsky
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memorial, where the searchers talked about fierce battles, which were carried out here until the forty-third year. this height is of strategic importance, from these heights the visibility of the tulpa region, that is , across the aku river, was more than 40 km, it even happened that in a week the village passed from hands six times, more than a thousand athletes and amateurs. weapons exhibits from the war years. sergey panomariov, maria mortanova, larisa nikitina, yuri shotokhin and sergey suborov, channel one. and in khabarovsk we met the victory train. at the head of the train is a stylized wartime steam locomotive, on separate platforms, a howitzer and a t-34 tank. there are hundreds of inhabitants in peron brass band. in
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the same way, in 1945 we met our soldiers who were returning from the front with theatrical performances and songs of the war years for the townspeople. in several regions of the central snow fell in russia today, for example , footage from moscow has already covered green lawns, foliage of trees, flowers, as weather forecasters note, the temperature is about 7° below normal, and also a cold wind, a real snowstorm , the air masses from the north in the capital will turn on again heating, reported sergei sobyanin, the driver. and pedestrians are asked to be extremely careful, in the coming days frosts are expected in the european part of our country, for example, in the kostroma region at night it will be -6, in the krasnodar region in the stavropol region up to -4. and we return to the first topic of the release. today is the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the head of state, at which the updated aurus presidential car will be presented.
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the car was first shown in the eighteenth, then vladimir putin drove the senate in it to the large kremlin palace. engineers... are working on the new product, the changes affected both the appearance and the filling, most importantly, most of the components are russian-made, the main characteristics, of course, are classified, but our correspondent ivan prozurov managed to find out something. narrow modern optics, new radiator grille, bumper, hoods, fenders, rims, restyling at the highest level. the engineers have modified the chassis with a lot of internal updates. a car created for the first time in russia for the head of state in 2018, the whole world, after the previous inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin, learned the name aurus, derived from the latin aurum gold and rus, russia. this copy was preserved for
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history. the same presidential senate for... the limousine version is now kept in the museum special purpose garage of the federal security service of russia, before the advent of aurus, the president of russia had been using german cars for more than 20 years; the task of getting rid of this dependence was handled by nami, a research, automobile and motor vehicle institute. weight, for example, is about 7 tons, its protection is comparable to combat helicopters, it conveys both power and at the same time grace and beauty, the aura of a whole line of cars. the senate is a limousine and a sedan. there is also a convertible, in which the minister of defense takes part in the parade in honor of victory day. in the president's motorcade he uses minivans called arsenal. the suv-commandant is being produced, and the merlon is already a motorcycle with an electric motor; their appearance is expected in the presidential motorcade. vladimir putin, by the way, has himself driven the senate limousine more than once and personally tested the tavrida highway in crimea. otherwise you'll have to pay a fine later.
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modern facility. accepted the work of construction workers on the central roundabout. roads in the moscow region, i noticed that the joints are still a little felt, putin spoke about the advantages of the haurus during the launch of mass production of cars in yalabuga in 2021. i drive such cars, and i drive them myself, and many times i have had a really decent, high-quality car that meets all world standards. presidential auros visited finland, brazil, argentina, france, italy, mongolia, saudi arabia, and the united arab emirates. probably soon an updated limousine will be presented on foreign trips, in which, by the way, many foreign components have been replaced with specially developed russian parts. most spare parts, all components the car is being created in russia, of course , the technologies that were developed on the auurus car will then move on and be applied in other areas of our
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automotive industry. as you know, vladimir putin's first foreign trip after. and let me remind you that the ceremony in the kremlin will be shown by channel one, the broadcast starts at 11:40. and that’s all for now, the “time will tell” program is on air right now. hello, the information channel is on the first, work begins. live program time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashko, olesya losyeva. so, today vladimir putin will officially take office as president of the russian federation. the beginning of the ceremony.


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