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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 7, 2024 9:20am-11:36am MSK

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and be applied in other areas of our automotive industry, as is known, vladimir putin’s first foreign trip after taking office will be a state visit to china. ivan prozarov, roman mikhalenko, ilya marin, vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. and let me remind you that channel one will show the ceremony in the kremlin. the broadcast starts at 11:40. and that’s all for now, the “time will tell” program is on air right now. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell the program, in the studio ruslan astashka, olesya losva. so, today vladimir putin will officially take office as president of the russian federation. the ceremony begins at 12:00 moscow time, it will take place in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace. it is worth noting that this is not just a ceremony, it is the most important one. and today
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the government of the russian federation will relinquish its powers, after which the formation of a new cabinet will begin, and the former ministers and deputy prime ministers will continue their work in acting status until establishment of a new composition. the day before, vladimir putin held a final meeting with the current government and thanked them for their work. what has been done so far is a good basis to move on. you know that in the near future, in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place; during this period , everything necessary must be done to ensure that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work. one political cycle ends, another the political cycle is starting, but...
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i wasn’t expecting loud statements, i would have been waiting for confirmation, that is, emphasis on the fact that a lot, a lot of things have been said recently by the president, the world, so to speak, both our supporters and our opponents, therefore i think that there will be accents, that is, conventionally for ordinary people listening to the president’s speech today, these are directions, vectors, where the president thinks, where he will direct his energy, his presidential attention after the inauguration, what commands will be given vertically russian authorities, in fact, as...
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an aspect related to the oath, which is extremely important, both the serviceman and the president take the oath, but the presidential oath is probably the most important oath in our country, most importantly, it assigns certain responsibilities to him and responsibility, how important this is today, i think this is doubly important, because this is not just an oath, this is an oath in the conditions of a special military operation, that is, in extreme conditions that the country, this test is passing with dignity, you and i observed over... over the last 2
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years how enormous efforts were made to shake up the situation within the country, in order to somehow drive the russian economy into a trap, in order to undermine russian society, none of this it turned out, i want to say the main thing, russia remains a fortress, but it did not become a besieged fortress , as the leadership of the collective west and...
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the social state wanted, at the same time , the opportunity to find conditions for growth and development in these extreme conditions , the connections of the iz palace are now with us. some segment of guests, the guests here are divided only partly, this
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square, let’s say, this is the square in which the presence of foreign guests, ambassadors of different countries staying in russia is expected, as for westerners, we already know for sure , who... is coming, we know for sure that we read from the newspapers that the french ambassador, pierre levy, who was summoned to the russian foreign ministry yesterday, intends to come here, and accordingly we are here today perhaps we will see, but while there is no president, while we still have enough time left, we have the opportunity to walk with you a little like this and see how everything works here, look, the gördgive hall, such a big wide red carpet, which will move towards us, from there vladimir putin, and then he will turn right here , look, he will point in that direction.
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there will be guests, so everyone will have the opportunity to greet the president, but at the end it will be a little different route, but these are already, you know, the secrets of the ceremony, small nuances every time, and let’s just wait until it all starts and see how everything will be organized firsthand. konstantin, well, the little stepladder behind your back indicates that the final, as i understand it, preparations are still underway. how much time remains before, so to speak, the end of preparations for the ceremony? well, little little girl, you know this, colleagues, here are photojournalists, it even says which agency, so as not to collect, this is the agency tas, photojournalist tas, like any photojournalist working in the kremlin, always carries with him a small stepladder so that, well , let’s just show you to stand up like this, rise higher, see the guests through a photo lens,
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see the most important thing, vladimir putin, who is taking office today, this is i don’t know how it seemed here, but naturally they will move it a little later, but there will be a lot of guests, about 2500 people and that’s because of. there is something that we have never seen in the entire kremlin palace complex , never before, i am sure it will be so this time.
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konstantin, yesterday they announced that the heads of the diplomatic mission of both friendly and unfriendly states were invited, and will they be in one place, friendly and unfriendly, or are they somehow divided there? we were here - we were just a few days ago, when there were such more technological preparations, nothing of this had happened yet and there were no signs, but today we came, the same thing, we were the first to see these same signs today and now, if we there are enough wires, forgive me, for god's sake, we work on wires, can you turn the sign to show us, no, it’s a heavy, generally heavy sign, it says ambassadors in english, that is, ambassadors, yes, this zone suggests their presence, but at the same time there are not
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many there at all, and there will definitely be foreign journalists, yesterday we saw colleagues from the nbc television company, how they went through registration, yes, accreditation, this morning we did n’t see everyone yet, because we tried to arrive earlier than others, but we saw colleagues, for example, from republika srpska, from beneluka, our colleagues who traditionally host participation - in the events of the president of russia, they ask questions at press conferences, and as we know, they also dream of taking a separate interview, and with vladimir putin, now they are already here, perhaps even somewhere here today in the halls, people are slowly arriving, here you see, they are already in military uniform, uh, with military decorations, you need to understand this already. guests, yes, guests have begun to arrive, here of course, i see a large number of journalists, representatives of the presidential administration, various services that
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are involved here in the organization, but together moreover, the doors of the kremlin opened today at 8 am, from that very moment guests began to arrive here , approximately 2,500 of whom will be here, naturally, this hall, like a hall of military glory, will be largely filled with heroes of our time, heroes of special operations , participants in hostilities, families, veterans, active officers, which , like some, we can say for sure in... last years 2018, then vladimir putin addressed a meeting with an approximate duration of 10-12 minutes, but it is necessary
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understand that such a big program speech, in which vladimir putin formulates his tasks both for himself and for the government team for the next 6 years, and maybe with a longer horizon, in some cases has already been formed. on february 29 , the president’s message was announced, it was unprecedented, in terms of duration and content, and as we understand already in terms of cost, so... these general tasks have already been outlined, but indeed, when we talk about the sidelines, of course we are here we discuss everything government, because well, we are now in the st. george’s hall, now we will once again show you the suite of remaining halls involved in the ceremony, the next one is the alexander hall, and then the andreevsky hall, right there, in fact, where you see the russian flag and the podium, on in which the president will take the oath, this is such a small hall relative to st. george’s, but apparently this is where members of the government will be located, who, as we understand, today at the moment... taking office the new elected president resigns, and we, in a sense, feed
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on leaks that are published in the media, and we know that some factions supposedly tomorrow, if the data has not changed, if there are no changes, intend to get acquainted behind the scenes, until then with the candidate for the position prime minister, here, of course, we have a huge field for speculation, because if tomorrow someone should meet a candidate for... the russian federation candidate for the position of prime minister for the next 6 years. like these ones questions arise for us today here in the great kremlin palace. konstantin, thank you very much, channel one correspondent konstantin was in direct contact with us and raised many important and necessary questions. which we will definitely discuss in our studio immediately after a short advertisement.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time, the heaviest floods this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, on the first. festive concert at the state kremlin palace. tomorrow
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after the evening news. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. spotted. no, please, i beg you. do not shoot. machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour. if we have the code, we can start a radio game with the russians. squared 19:23, expect transport 0 hours, one mile from the coastline, response.
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on may 9, after the program , i was satisfied with the ruins of the reichstag, today we will remember the poet yulia dronina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10, she read the blog, she was such an exalted young lady. suddenly for 16 years at the front, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there, i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, once against him and a thousand in a dream, who says that war is not scary, he knows nothing about war, from letters from alexey kapler, my little branch, we are starting a completely new life, in which
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it will not be the same as before, they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, then she him... it so happened that yulia dronina tamed this lavilas, this moscow star, she locked herself in the car and went crazy, she wanted to defend the country that she carried in her heart, she didn’t know that everything would be turned upside down. podcast lab may 10 on the first. russia has always stood for open and equal dialogue, which is why the ceremony the inauguration of the russian president invited all ambassadors, both from friendly and unfriendly countries, but many in the west decided to ignore this event. germany, for example, generally recalled its ambassador from moscow for alleged
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russian cyber attacks, the czech republic did exactly the same, and poland in britain. and the baltic countries simply stated that they would not come to the kremlin, but in the united states they decided to act very cunningly, no one from the state department would come to the ceremony itself, but at the same time the americans do not put doubt and do not refute the results of our elections. us representatives will not be at vladimir putin's inauguration, can you draw your own conclusions? does this mean that you do not consider putin a legitimate president? we don't think so. the elections are free and fair, but he will continue to be the president of russia, if they are pointedly ignored, it means they are very concerned, in general, only seven representatives of the european union countries will be present in the kremlin today, among them representatives from hungary and slovakia, but it’s surprising that the ambassador french in moscow perlevy will also
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come to the gala today, despite emmanuel’s belligerent statements. because it is located one and a half thousand kilometers from our borders. the power and range of russian ballistic missiles puts us all at risk. russia has become a destabilizing power that is not being posed. no strategic restrictions. russia's unrest shows that we are right not to put any restrictions. otherwise, we would abandon the international order, and therefore peace and
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security. this is not the first such statement by macron. on may 2, in an interview with a journalist, he once again reminded that he is not against sending western military personnel to the territory of ukraine. as i said, i am not ruling out anything because we are up against someone who is not ruling out. nothing, many countries supported this approach and agreed with our position. i have a clear strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine. if russia wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe. if the russians broke the front line, if a request from ukraine had come, which is not the case today, we would have legitimate grounds to ask ourselves the question of sending troops. even at the nato summit in 2022 , we ruled out sending tanks, long-range missiles and military aircraft. now we... do all of this, so it would be a mistake to exclude the rest. macron first announced the possibility of sending a western contingent to ukraine at the end of february this year. let me remind you.
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i have a quick question regarding the slovak prime minister's statement about the possible sending of troops from western countries to ukraine. was this discussed today and what do you think about it? consensus regarding official dispatch. there are no ground forces today, but over time nothing can be ruled out; we are doing everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. many who today say never, never are the same people who 2 years ago said never, never tanks, never, never planes, never longer- range missiles. well, just so you understand that is happening in macron’s head or , on the contrary, they did not understand his yesterday’s statement after the meeting. with the chairman of the people's republic of china sisin, he stated that paris is not at war with russia. we are at a historic turning point where threats are at
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unprecedented levels and the risk of fragmenting the world is significant. without the security of ukraine there is no security in europe. however, we are not at war with russia or the russian people, and we have no desire for regime change in moscow. but unexpectedly, yesterday the french foreign ministry suddenly announced that they turns out. did not send soldiers of the french foreign legion to ukraine. disinformation campaigns about french support for ukraine continue unabated, there is evidence of this. no, france did not send troops to ukraine. but macron clearly had his failing brake pads patched up. another question is how long they will last. vladimir vladimirovich, to what do you attribute this softening on the part of emmanuel macron, regarding our country, because he really is already on all sides. they started saying that he had gone too far, if already, excuse me, some neighbors there began to say that no one authorized macron to make a statement on behalf of the european union about the possibility
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of sending military contingents from nato to the territory of ukraine. yesterday , italian defense minister guida crosette gave a long, detailed interview, including, well an italian journalist asks him point blank: do you consider macron a warmonger, and after such... italy , of course, calls for peace, for calm. by the way, you will laugh, but the new york times announced today that at a meeting in yesterday fonder and macron and sidzenpin, yes, that means they tried. convince him not to support russia and so on, in the end xi, well , hinted to them that it is you who support, yes, it’s you, you supply weapons, not china,
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what are the claims against china, but what i liked most about this article that he was convinced that it was necessary to convince putin, to support him, to establish peace in ukraine, wait, how are you for peace, yes, barel explained to us literally the other day, and quite logically. explained that peace would be established in within two weeks, as soon as the west stops supplying weapons to ukraine. period, mind you, no one is offering any other options. well, stop supplying weapons and that’s it, there will be peace. what, what do you want to convince putin of in this sense, and speaking there, sidzenping was very irritated by the journalist asking this question, because it’s really funny, excuse me, when the west supplies weapons, but convinces china that under no circumstances should you interfere in this conflict. of course, this is blatant hypocrisy. elena vladimirovna, and what happened to macron that he suddenly became so active at the end of his second presidency, the end is still in the middle, well, he’s getting ready,
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wait, the end is already beginning. he is preparing for the june elections to the european parliament, where his party and representatives of his party may not perform very well, most likely, but macron knows how to calculate with all his appearance, visible loyalty to the united states of america, he is well aware that the americans are now in a trade war, in trade competition, they just twist europe. and often behave dishonestly, both the french and the germans suffer from this. macron knows very well the numbers of trade and economic cooperation with china, this is 80 billion euros annually, this is an increase in french investments in china by as much as 100% over the last year and a half, about 2.0 french companies operate in china, and from here... so warm, welcoming reception
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towards comrade xi. macron knows well that french nuclear arsenals cannot be compared with russian ones, he well understands the power of our country and his personal ambitions, despite all the loud statements, they will continue, i assure you, he will make these stuffing from time to time, he...
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levers of influence on russia to stop it, we hope that china will use all its aggressive war against ukraine. shizen pin was instrumental in eliminating russia's irresponsible nuclear threat, and i am confident that he will continue to do so as russia's nuclear threats continue. vlad, a very different approach: on the one hand, big, strong, powerful, calm china, on the other hand, through the mouth of a woman, mother of many children, europeans, representatives.
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somehow to english-speaking countries, you understand, and accordingly he did not visit germany, moreover, we saw his attitude towards germany against the background of scholz’s visit, it is important where he goes later, in this case i completely agree with elena vladimirovna, there is a special role for france in relation to russia, for two
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centuries it has truly been a kind of window or a kind of interpreter between europe and between us and europe, this is traditional, that is, in these cases it acted in this form many times, i will even remind you that at the beginning of the svo. after all, macron acted in a completely different role, is he now such a fighting heel? well , macron was then on the eve of the elections and it was important for him to play just such a dove of peace and act as a kind of mediator, so well , it seems that he was more playing to the public then, well, he succeeded in playing the dove, well, nevertheless, he was doing it then , that is, he did not immediately choose for himself the role of such a hawk; in today’s internal elections in europe he is trying to play such a hawk, nevertheless i say it again, this is it.
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emmanuel macron, his statements , first one, then another, that we are not at war with russia and the russian people, and the presence of the french ambassador today at the solemn ceremony suggests that he is in a state of such, well, one might even say, diplomatic balance, here ursula vonderleen does not balance at all, she clearly follows her line, she wants everyone to dance to her american-european-western tune. not realizing that her opinion is for others by the way, a lot of people have given a damn for a long time, this desire to put pressure on her even causes irritation, and the new york times reports that sidzenpin was angry with western criticism for
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his ties with russia. an attempt by french president emmanuel macron to convince the chinese leader to put pressure on moscow on the ukraine issue was unsuccessful. the chinese leader has strongly pushed back against criticism of the close relationship. with russia, and also against this crisis being used as an excuse to shift responsibility for the third countries in order to tarnish their reputation and initiate a cold war, well , sidinpin’s reaction was predictable, including vonderleen, why then were such statements made, i would say that the west is making the last anti-chinese warning, or maybe the penultimate one, and you know, i i remembered, now we are looking at these shots. president macron’s communication with sidinpin, i remembered how last year they communicated at the chinese site, then you remember, too, so to speak, we see these shots, talking about something, a year has passed, this it was, in my opinion, april, yes, a little over a year,
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and what has changed, absolutely nothing, the whole same story, an attempt to really blame china, which, sidzenpinovich clearly said, that we have nothing to do with it at all, so to speak this... this whole conflict, to which you add fuel to the fire, we have something to do with it, we constantly advocate peace, and indeed this is an honest statement, because all the accusations against china are not based on anything. as for macron, you know, friends, he sounded here the question of whether macron might someday act as some kind of initiator is still fresh in my memory, it seemed like it was yesterday, i remember, shortly before the special operation, when macron came here to...
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which he seemed to have received then with these statements of yours about the importance of russia, about the need to build a security system, and today it is very difficult for me, it is impossible to imagine that this one is bankrupt. despite the fact that he is trying to show his toughness, that here he is, he is higher than the european union, he
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, so to speak, thinks in global categories, he constantly seems to challenge the united states, declaring that we should not be a vassal, but in fact no one perceives him either in europe or in america, this is loneliness, this is absolutely not the role that france usually played says that, nevertheless , france and emman macron, who is at the head of france,
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go to china, so there is no point in going to germany, the most important thing is where xi will go next, and he will go to belgrade to budapest, and to belgrade he will go on the eve of the anniversary date, well anniversary in the bad sense of the word, when nato troops bombed the chinese embassy.
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doing a business that can be built into the one belt, one road project that unites continents is very important. sergei nikolaevich, well, as the granddaughter of a front-line soldier, a counterintelligence officer, i always pay attention to the details and try to compare certain events. sidinpin’s visit to europe means that macron once again declared the day before, which means they do not rule out sending their military personnel to ukraine. later, that is.
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that he is not at war with russia, not at war with macron sharply changes his rhetoric, he says, by the russian people, right there, which means we receive information that the french ambassador will be present today at the inauguration ceremony of the russian president, i wonder how much this european tour of sidin pina is connected with the events that in particular, what is happening today in our country, and of course... the ceremony of inauguration of the president, well , look, how everything is quite complicated, everything is complicated, we need to unravel it to simple things, why, what is globally behind the visit sidipin, it is clear that everyone was discussing it globally, for some reason no one ever mentioned the word usa, as it were, and this is an important story, that is, in other words, what does sidipin need, sidipin needs the european economy, of course he needs markets, so to speak europe, it is clear that why three countries were chosen is understandable because of this. that macron is the entry point, as colleagues correctly said, hungary is today
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the only country where the chinese have been given the green light, 7 billion investments together with mercedes, a huge chinese automobile the plant is being built, that is, relatively speaking, hungary is like another entry point for china into the european market. serbia, as it sounds now, yes the chinese mercedes plant, yes the chinese mercedes plant, they are together with mercedes, yes the chinese act cunningly, it is clear that behind chinese political things there is always a philosophy and so on, serbia why serbia is clear. not to enter, she is , so to speak, at a political dissolution, it is clear that if china gives some, some impulse with money, investments to everyone else, this is another country that one entry point china, why, how does this affect us, of course, china, like everything in politics, it will always be so that
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they don’t offer me, no matter what negotiations i conduct, i need to understand why it will be beneficial for me , what am i signing up for, china naturally says, guys, macron, you are a good guy, you. with state support for road transport, inundated with chinese electric cars, which are 50-70% cheaper than european ones, that is, china is completely bombing the european economy, in response there is silence and only verbal threats, we will investigate china, we will do that, that is, guys, what do you propose, offer, as they say, xi says, in return you offer something
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for us to do, and he understands that in total it’s all the same will come to what again, china, of course, wherever xi appears, talk about... putin, talk about biden, where biden appears, talk about xi, talk about putin, that is, in other words, these three global countries, they are all they look after each other, everyone else is guided by them, so of course, if he offers an offer, from which macron, for example, cannot refuse, there, i don’t know, there is a hungarian, so to speak, or an entry point, then please, guys, let’s add value to the european economy, so to speak, you let the americans in, we are sitting, there are sanctions against us, so to speak , that is , in other words, this is the whole whole mess, everything is calm in russia, absolutely si, it will certainly be...
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on the day of victory on the first. moscow. red square. the main parade of the country. more than 9.00 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in specially. military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live.
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on the first. on the day of victory on the first. i always take the shortest route in everything. straight game. shoot without missing, confirm hitting tanks, i was able to shoot with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if i told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say that, and fool girls heads, she is the only one, i understand, there is no other like her and there will not be, every intelligence officer knows how, they will lead me to the monastery, but don’t be scared, dear. ours, all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, what i taught you, well done, daredevils, scouts, for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are firmly in lipple, so all actions need to be adjusted to the imaginary ending, and it must be successful, saboteur on
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may 9, on the first, remember, in extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision. well, whoever doesn’t tell him, it means he didn’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the anniversary of the great victory, let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films, death is not terrible, the great song that alexander vas alexandrov wrote when the most... one destroyed 150 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you friends now,
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when i go out as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the young ones who have now taken their place, low bow to you guys, this is my grandfather, he fought bravely for his homeland. i can have an autograph, i’ve admired
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the autograph since i was young, anna evseeva is an actress, and her relatives are giving double the rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, you are a believer, a full-blown atheist, and in general there is no place to give an audition, again for old times’ sake, yes mom, you’re sick, well, you somehow came to your senses, you decided to hit him in the face, but you haven’t decided yet, will you take it? my friend, you take me out into the courtyard, i sneak into your limousine and we go to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, you’re daydreaming, the animator is on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. so, very
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little time remains before the inauguration ceremony of the president russian federation.
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kiev to strike the territory of russia with british weapons, our department emphasized that we will respond immediately, and we will destroy british military installations both in ukraine and beyond its borders. ambassador casey was warned that the response to ukrainian strikes using british weapons on russian territory could be any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine outside its borders. there was an ambassador. must think about the inevitable catastrophic consequences such hostile steps by london and immediately refute in the most decisive and unequivocal manner
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the militant provocative statements of the head of the foreign office. in response to such provocative statements of threat from the west, on the instructions of the president, russia began preparations for exercises on the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons; they will be held with the involvement of aviation and... navy. russia has warned the west many times not to interfere in the conflict in ukraine. now from conversations we decided to move on to business. the purpose of these exercises is to cool down hotheads in the west. this is exactly how they expressed themselves harshly and categorically in our methodology. we hope that this event will cool down hotheads in western capitals, will help them realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks they generate, and will deter them from helping the kiev regime in its terrorist activities. the british,
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as far as the british will hear, now this is our answer and the addition of our foreign ministry, which was yesterday, that we will destroy british military installations on the territory ukraine, which means they are there, outside its borders, because this statement yesterday definitely caused a stir. well, firstly, we must start with the fact that tactical nuclear weapons have always been one of the, so to speak, strengths of the soviet and now russian army, that is, we had the world's largest tactical arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons... already almost any of our systems with a firing range of more than 30 km had the corresponding so -called special ammunition, which can be correctly called nuclear ammunition, including artillery, starting moreover, starting with the caliber 152 mm, that is , they were already even suitable for them, they were tested even for the d30, you know, they were even tested for them, but the main ones were 152 and beyond,
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it was all there, like i would say in a nuclear in a nuclear projectile. accordingly, in this case , of course, practicing their use is a mandatory stage of our combat training, another thing is that there is simply, let’s say, practicing, when, what is called, refining skills and so that people, as they say, do not lose their skills, but another option , when these are already teachings in which there is complete.
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explain for all of us what this might mean from your point of view? well, for example, like this, plowing the expanses of the world's oceans, there are always no, like british aircraft carriers that are always in repair, which can sometimes go to sea, sometimes they can’t, but nevertheless, they go, these are healthy colossuses, there there are about 2,500 crew and, so to speak, on board and pilots, and accordingly, these are ships that sail, and accordingly, there are several naval bass. locally based, where the british are, you know, then there is, in principle, an opportunity to find where britain, to put it mildly, is very painful to stick, we have more than what might even seem, it’s just that they are already in this case, well, vladimirovich would say better here, you know, that is, cameron - this is generally a very special person, it was worth telling about him separately, and he was a disaster; we have a separate program on
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channel one, where he was simply a disaster as prime minister, and now he has become a double one. well, here i know how vladislav vladislavovich formulated for himself, it means this the behavior of the british and french is our signal that we are sending to them that if you go too far you can get a boomerang, the main thing is that they understand this amid the noise that they are now creating. sergei vladimirovich, but again we continue to compare events, build a chain, they were perfectly aware of themselves when making statements of this kind, i mean... cameron and macron on the eve of this solemn ceremony of taking office as the president of the russian federation. why did they need it, what do they want? achieve? they closely followed how the elections were held in our country. americans do not question the election results. but here are these statements. of course, all this is not accidental; of course, this is all an attempt
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to raise the stakes, this is an attempt to reach a new level of escalation. counting on the fact that we will flinch, that we will blink first, but we won’t blink, you and i know, but they don’t seem to understand this, and in order to broadcast this idea of ​​misunderstanding, look who was chosen, and david cameron, i want a little to develop what vlad spoke about, not just the head of the diplomatic department, but the former prime minister of britain, who is in a situation where our relations.
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they poured it back into the engine of british politics and it seems to work on it, but the oil has already lost its viscosity, and the new oil made it even worse , and that’s it. that’s why all this is happening, i literally wanted to add two words, just like now britain under cameron launched a diplomatic war with russia in the post-soviet space, just a week ago cameron made, as they say , a historic trip to central asia, communicated with our allies, he was in kazakhstan, he was in tajikistan, he was in kyrgyzstan, and i even wrote such a post then, an englishwoman is ironing, you know, yes, he promised so to speak , what... look, we ’ll come here, every teacher in tajikistan will speak with excellent oxford pronunciation, we’ll open direct flights, london, dushenbay and so on, that is, an attempt to hit russia in the face, but again we understand,
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that since it is, as i already said, used oil, it won’t work, the engine will most likely seize, but nevertheless, it means that during these 2 years that a special military operation has been going on, they should have already understood, i think they understand perfectly well, that all their expectations, they, well do not correspond to reality, yes, they wanted to crush, crush russia, as a result , now they eat the cactus themselves and choke themselves, but they continue to do this with manic persistence, for what? well, because for many of them, in particular for cameron, yes, this is a reason to hide from their own people, actually speaking of internal problems, you look at this voyage that he made, in 5 days he visited seven countries (not a lot), and on a private airline, which cost the budget there about 50 million pounds, many newspapers described the excesses on board this
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the liner itself, which has unlimited alcohol and so on, imagine, had a good time, so why is it important that he chose this particular week, there were elections in britain, local elections, that is, the very moment when cameron and all the leading conservative politicians they were supposed to... go with leaflets, agitate, convince, he just ran away, ran away using anti-russian rhetoric, promoted himself somewhere, he only then stopped by ukraine on the way back, which means you know what he offered to ukraine, if you believe the embassy britain in ukraine, in an agreement with ukraine on cooperation for 100 years, for 100 years, you understand, yes, cameron, who promised a certain amount every year, knows very well that he will cease to be a minister. in a few months, since elections will probably have to be held in the fall and the conservatives will lose miserably, which was confirmed by these local elections, and this temporary guy is going to sign something for 100 years, well, if they sign it, then
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it will be difficult to cancel it, it doesn’t mean that, it doesn’t oblige you to anything, it does it itself ourselves, we understand perfectly well, this is what they are selling everything now, cameron, macron and so on, they constantly emphasize this, strategic uncertainty, yes, they do this all the time... let's not tell russia what we will do, macron will have something like this, it runs like a red thread through this is a big interview for an iconomist, and a magazine, so i just think that today the west will hear strategic certainty from the lips of our president and supreme commander-in-chief, we clearly show them for them, of course, for everyone, well, look, please, we we'll definitely do that.
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came up with a phrase: supposedly putin is guided by lenin’s strategy, if with a bayonet, while it’s soft, when you come across steel, remove it, in a made-up quote, at least someone would say it ’s absolutely fake, at least someone
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would try to cite the original source, yes, but they they continue to carry on this, but outside it, maybe i haven’t read everything in the morning , the newspaper, as you understand, appears, i’ll look at it again, but in any case , it hasn’t become the main sensational news for britain yet, but in vain. sergei nikolaevich, don’t you have the feeling that they were very upset by the results of our elections, because they have the alignment.
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although tightly, because it is very easy to die, and we will stand rooted to the spot, they miscalculated very much, this makes them very angry, this demonstration of aggressive rhetoric, on the eve of the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation, all these throwings indicate that, well, in fact, they have no choice but aggressive barking. well, alice, you're right, look, what have we noticed over the past 2 years? which is what i really want, that is, politicians always have a dilemma, who sets the agenda, that is, who says something, and they comment on this something, we noticed that for 2 years they have been commenting on president putin, that is, relatively speaking, joining the internal russian events, no matter what level, regional elections, gubernatorial elections, we don’t like everything, we don’t like everything, from the word we choose, but we grab , as it were, calendar events within the political agenda of russia and another pandemonium begins in the world around information interpretations. it is clear for one
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single purpose that any event will not only be nullified internally in russia, but will be driven into the minuses somewhere, that is, to show the inconsistency of the word completely, and you and i understand that, but i don’t know whether you noticed or not, over the last two two or three years like western politicians would begin to use the following trick, that is, the ukrainian theme, the russian theme, as if two signals are given, one for their own domestic use, and the other, when i leave the country, i begin to say something that is not my own... use in germany, in france , in the uk, toxic, that is, these topics do not work, and as a colleague, alexander just said that this swept through all elections, what with the federal federal republic of germany, and in france, so to speak, last year’s elections.
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within the western country votes with its feet against powerful, so to speak, everywhere, as it were, a voter of what their leadership does, so a term even appeared, i constantly comment, a term appeared that say, is it true, they ask me a question that western politicians began to say separately, not before, as they were taught, do a poll, see what the public wants, say what the public wants, such classical western political technology, politicians have completely broken away from the word, already, and as it were, this...
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you don’t accept, and today we see that this is how do not get thrown out, just as they do not jump out of pants, but they don’t understand, neither the voter there, nor anyone here understands, all these western statements have no effect on the internal russian context, nor can they persuade their own people, they must understand one such simple formula, but for them it is somewhat difficult that we are russian we support each other not because we are on the same team, but we support each other, therefore we are one team, but they need to understand this, if their brains are enough, elena vladimirovna, but they are afraid. they
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were scared because the results of our presidential elections and today's the inauguration of the presidency, as the final stage of these elections, is their defeat, huge, they cannot imagine in their wildest dreams such a turnout and such support of the people, if any leader of the west was now offered such a turnout and such support, they would they were ready for anything, they invested so much money to us... to destroy us, how many maidans they prepared for us, what to hide, it’s true, it happened, it happened, they were still trying to do it until recently, but it turned out back effect, this...
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what fiona hill writes, for example, although she is considered a very smart lady in the american establishment, the best specialist on russia, it is still some kind of mixture of templates, some kind of inventions, some incredible things, and if they rely on these notions when building a policy towards russia, this is very sad, but what do we care about that?
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partly in russia, they collect user data, a search engine that knows exactly what we are looking for, what we dream about, they know us well, but understand us and knowing us is such different things, as it seemed, these are different things, because you can know, this is exactly the problem of big data that many specialists face today, you can know a lot, but interpret it in practice, these are different things and ... i observe that in practice they do not use it very competently , they understand us poorly, but i liked the comparison that was just made about how they would not confuse the gas and brake, many know that inexperienced drivers,
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or not very qualified drivers and there are many western politicians who are not good at politics, they often confuse the gas and the brake when they reverse and... this is the danger of the current situation, that’s why we don’t reverse and don’t confuse any pedals, the question, of course, is how they interpret these signals, because at first they create a lot of noise, they twist in order to wind up, when they wind up, they also place certain bets, sergei vladlinovich on the result, in this situation, how do you do you think... yes the scales will tip, look, colleagues are asking a reasonable question, why is all this happening, why do we see such leaders who make such decisions, why is this situation happening with the expert centers that you spoke about, you understand , and it’s not that
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there are no competent, qualified experts in the west, but they are deeply marginalized ; no one needs their research. no one will listen to them, now there is a specific request to formalize a certain ideological doctrine, a very striking example, one of barel’s last articles, he also happens to be the author of articles, yes, he is a blog, and regarding europe, so to speak, you know, i looked at it carefully, it is very interestingly structured, i recommend it to everyone, that means it is signed by borel, this such a twist under... such, you know, an analytical study with some kind of diagrams, diagrams, the main idea that it is appropriate to remember this today on the day of the inauguration, the idea, the main idea that supposedly what russia is saying, what putin says about russia holding the blow is not
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it works that sanctions actually bring an effect, so i thought, after all, this, i then i talked with knowledgeable people, they tell me, this is a grant-based examination, what is it? the european union has money, it pays some center, it says: we need to draw up something like this under the guise of a study, like this one with diagrams, with diagrams, with facts, to prove that in fact old man borel, who is like this to say at the finish line of his, so to speak, management of european diplomacy, he has achieved great successes in the struggle, in the economic struggle with russia, this is how all this expertise is born, and even those who, that’s what elena said, even those who are trying to do something... somehow say something different, they are forced to these tight-knit mittens somehow move, they don’t actually do an examination of manual assembly, they already have some of these parts already. made by others, and simply from these parts they assemble, like a children’s construction set, some kind of exactly
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necessary strategy, and for the ruling class, the ruling elite, a strategy that will allow them to prove the apparent consistency of this course of confrontation with russia, this is very important to understand today, indeed on the day of inauguration, because a new cycle begins in our relations with the outside world , and what cycle? is the vector interesting? you know, i believe that, i don’t know whether my colleagues will agree with me or not, but i believe that we will now see, during this new political cycle and the next one, we will see the completion of those processes that began in the previous one cycle, reformatting the world and the arrival of an alternative world order, because the crack that runs between russia and the west has, in fact, already spread across the whole world.
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reverse medal, yes, indeed, now we have every chance, during this new presidential term of vladimir putin, to see a situation where we will become such a center or axis of consolidation of precisely the forces for which international forces, national leaders, for whom the highest value was national sovereignty remains, but nevertheless the west is not ready to come to terms with such our interpretation with our knowledge and...
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the history that they themselves wrote, they decided that with russia it would be easy to repeat the situation of the seventeenth year and the situation of the ninety-first year, they completely did not understand even the mechanisms of those situations, you know, but they got the elections of the twenty -fourth with an incredible turnout, they received , as it were, a complete collapse of the military plan, that is , already last year in the fall it became clear that there was no longer any talk of any kind of military victory or military defeat of russia, so to speak, and what remained for them then? today they don’t even have the stage of acceptance yet, that is, because those quiet
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voices that they need to somehow get out of all this, they really are drowning, because each of them really said here very many times that everyone still has a personal game, but they are allowed to hear these voices, you know, they don’t want to admit it, at least until the moment they themselves leave, so when each of them changes, anyone next can speak differently to another, and these will play to the end, but for them, it is completely obvious and tragic that...
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the west, together, will get punched in the teeth from russia. a short advert and we'll be back. solemn ceremony. inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. festive concert at the state kremlin palace. tomorrow after the evening news. to the eightieth anniversary
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of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. spotted, please, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you don’t, please, car, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start with the russian radio unit, square 19:23, expect transport 0 hours, one mile from the coast lines, answer, we have started execution, yes. which should not get to the germans, okay? what did you manage to convey? in this folder there are
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junhans documents, all spent cartridges are hidden. something was covering his tracks by a saboteur crimea on may 9 at the first, what are we going to do, commander, how is it, carry out the order, liquidate alexander, no, what do you mean no, on the day of victory on the first, and what were you singing there , trem, ram, dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, curtain, unscrewed, like... war is everything that comes, but music is eternal. how are you doing there, maestra? everything is fine, they fall. where is my 100 g for downed ones? what will it be like in your home? i love you, masha, guys, we will live!
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on may 9, after the program, i was satisfied with the ruins of the reichstag. today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10. she read the block, if she was such an exalted young lady, suddenly it’s been 16 years at the front. well, i think it's just her.
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knew that everything would be turned upside down , the country she carried in her heart, it is not upside down, podcast lab may 10 on the first, very soon... the inauguration ceremony of our president will begin, channel one, of course, will show everything live, but here in the studio we are discussing the political situation on the eve of this important ceremony, yesterday was a big day for the event, and our foreign minister has already announced what great britain will receive in the event the use of their weapons on the territory of russia, an immediate response to military facilities not
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only on the territory of ukraine, but on other territory, vlad already explained to us what this could be, but we went. they began to act even further, even more harshly; our foreign ministry also said yesterday that any f-16 aircraft that appear in ukraine will be perceived by us as nuclear carriers. american-made f-16 multirole aircraft are expected to appear in the ukrainian theater of military operations in the near future. like repeatedly as pointed out from the russian side, we cannot ignore the fact that these aircraft belong to dual- equipped platforms, non-nuclear and nuclear. for many years, aircraft of this particular type formed the basis of the aircraft fleet, which is used in the so -called...
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how many of them are there in europe now, how serious is this threat? well , of course, almost any aircraft in one way or another, especially multifunctional in this regard. there is a meaning to the word multifunctional, it can also perform shock tasks, again same for a whole range of missiles, nato has the same ammunition, and the same storm shadow, they are quite capable of carrying, that is, being in combination with a nuclear nuclear warhead, so of course our attitude towards these aircraft will be the same as they say tough, but is it possible to determine when an f16 plane takes off with nuclear weapons or not, no? it’s impossible to determine this, or rather, how can it be determined at the reconnaissance stage of the aircraft’s preparation cycle, but technically it took off, not just because it’s in the air, you can only to determine that under its wings, under, say
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, on a sling, there is a weapon that could potentially have a nuclear weapon, so indeed every f16 aircraft in the sky is a potential carrier of nuclear weapons, and for us the presence of these territories in the airspace of ukraine is a direct threat . undoubtedly. this is exactly how, of course, in principle, this statement by our foreign ministry, of course, in principle, can be followed by more than tough steps, because, uh, according to our military concept, the destruction carriers of nuclear weapons is a priority task, so the question of whether we will strike at the home airfield, even if these planes enter the ukrainian sky and return, for example, to romanian, bulgarian or any other airfields, in this case it is already quite goes into the real plane, so... the west is actually starting to really play with a big war, can they finish the game, as far as they are aware ? well, you and i have already
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discussed many times in this studio how they themselves are not imagine what will happen next. and sometimes this greyhound, sometimes timidity, indicates that they are already walking through a swamp, which they no longer feel under themselves, and of course, in this case a lot will really depend on our reaction, we must understand , now what. it’s really up to us, not him, well, this reaction, yes, in particular the statement that i gave just now, i think that this silence that follows both our yesterday’s statement and today’s, it testifies that they are trying to experience this whole thing, you know, they chew gum with their mouths, they get used to it, so they are trying to understand the taste of what they are chewing now, and i think that just their next reaction will be the same reaction that will be for us, well, as if a sign of what... we should do next, and what power - these fighters can deliver to the 16th nuclear, well, it is believed that any tactical nuclear weapon, it
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has a power in principle of up to 15 kilotons, well, in fact it is the power of the charge dropped on jeroshima-nagasaki, but usually it was up to 50, well usually in this case, let’s say from three to 15 - this is the classic option, then it’s possible up to 50, this is already if the corlat missiles remind our viewers that when we said that we are preparing fabs. i looked at the front pages there and so on, i’ll read more carefully, but it looks like, yes, indeed, they are digesting, they are really trying to understand what to do
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next, in this sense, i believe that this is what we talked about at the beginning that strategic certainty should follow for them, it is very important that the romanians separately to convey that if a takeoff is carried out on the territory of romania, some nato country, from...
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this is very important, timely, and, well, nevertheless, they are essentially trying to hide this from the general public, they’re not discussing it yet, apparently they really think that, uh, there’s no need to scare your population ahead of time, but i still hope that sooner or later they’ll have to react, well, in fact, you know, what’s interesting is that vlad says , they are ready for a big war, but nevertheless they are doing everything to take nato out of the brackets.
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or not to provide, that is, it all begins qualitatively, that is, quantitatively, everything will also be possible, all the same, again, so to speak, sparring, this is all informational, but qualitatively the situation will be a little different, that is, we will already fly already in other countries, and negotiations will be conducted in a qualitatively different way, why? well, because guys, it’s not only that they were legally elected, that is, from the point of view of his legitimacy, but it’s also like the country has constitutionally endowed the president with powers, that is, maximum possible in this case in russia, it is important
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how chosen.
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there is not yet a stage of acceptance, they have a stage of denial, they deny the facts that have developed on earth, that have developed in our economy, that have developed as a result of the elections just held, in this stage of denial, they cannot build their strategy, hence ambiguity, while in order to build a strategy you need to have a reserve of power, you need to have a reserve of time, and they are all pressed inside, in america... elections, it was correctly noted that in in the uk there will most likely be elections before the end of the year in the autumn, and the conservatives' position now looks very weak in june. elections to the european parliament, the economy is worse in france, worse in germany, europe is starting to split, more and more, they don’t have this strategic move? i don’t know, it seems that today there is a feeling that after today’s ceremony,
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even though it is called a ceremony, it is much more today than a ceremony, we will wake up, or rather, we will not even wake up, but will move on to some new era of development of our planet, because a multipolar world... the idea of ​​which is promoted by all sound forces on our planet, and the leader of these ideas is naturally russia, our president, it is already in the minds of not only our citizens, but some citizens outside our borders, and many friendly countries have appeared that have begun to understand what titanic efforts russia has made to change this unfair western world, you are absolutely right, many. they are already beginning to understand that the new world order does not mean exclusively american order, and we are looking forward to this solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation live on channel one,
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throughout the day, the information channel will work especially for you. next, news. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time. hello, there is a special news release on the air in valery korablev’s studio. so, the main event is the inauguration president of russia. the ceremony will begin at noon in the kremlin. vladimir putin will take
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the oath of office in the presence of senators, deputies, judges of the constitutional court and other guests. in total , more than 2,500 people were invited to the gala event, of course, among them were participants in the special operation, heroes of russia. well , also the heads of regions, representatives of public organizations, including youth, scientists, cultural figures, everything is scheduled literally minute by minute, the president takes the oath in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace, one of the most solemn oath, 33 words are pronounced, holding his hand on the constitution, this is a special copy. the inauguration ceremony of the elected president of russia, channel one will show live, while we have time before the start, we will... see everything that happens in the state rooms of the large kremlin palace. several of our correspondents are there, and military correspondents from channel one are also among the guests of the ceremony. well, let's start with konstantin paneshkin, he is located in the st. george hall of the large kremlin
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palace, named after the highest russian military award, the order of st. george the victorious, through this hall, through a living corridor of guests, the newly elected president will proceed to andreevsk, where he will take the oath. konstantin, hello, we see that the guests are already arriving. so the atmosphere, valeria, good afternoon, indeed, the guests are already gathering, the kremlin opened its doors today at 8:00 in the morning, in fact, at that moment , those invited to the inauguration ceremony of the president began to slowly come here russian federation of vladimir putin. about 2,500 guests, that’s the number, at least we heard, and indeed, turning back, i see the huge , majestic st. george’s hall, in which there is now practically no free space left, who are the guests in this hall, you ask, well, first of all those who we saw were, first of all, proxies of the president of the russian federation, 2400. 44 people who acted as proxies during the election campaign, all of them are here today, here, naturally, in the hall russian military glory, a large number of participants in the special operation, their families, veterans, and indeed our military correspondent colleagues are here, including the first channel, they are also present here today,
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turning back, i also see a small nook, so to speak, a specially designated area for guests, now i’ll ask the operator to show it, right behind these guests, there is an area in which... the heads of foreign diplomatic missions are already present, we see the ambassador of syria and others, since the ambassadors are arriving, probably at the last moment, this part of the hall will still be filled, as far as we understand, both friendly and unfriendly countries were invited today, and today the diplomats who received the invitation responded to it, today they will be here in the big kremlin palace, but for now we are going to discuss all this with sergei alekseevich ribkov, deputy minister of foreign affairs, dear. thank you for joining us, in fact there will be some number of heads of foreign missions, friendly, unfriendly, is this principle in general? was used when deciding which ambassadors to invite and whether to invite at all?
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i’ll be honest, konstantin, the decision was not easy, but we are polite people in every sense, we follow the protocol, and i think that inviting representatives of countries that are unfriendly is also a definite signal on our part, the triumphant victory of president putin in the elections, the upcoming, extremely important in the historical sense of the new... presidential term, all this is unconditional was taken into account when the decision was made to invite unfriendly states, but we assumed that some of them would not come, what happened in the end? yes, we heard that the us ambassador is not in moscow at all right now, is that true? yes, as far as we know, ambassador tracy left russia for a certain time, this was announced to us, we were informed at... a certain time before
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the issue of inviting ambassadors was finally decided, so here, of course, we have russian charge d'affaires in the usa, well accordingly, as i understand, including from the state department’s message yesterday, her presence will not be envisaged at today’s ceremony; on the other hand, also from the press, we read that french ambassador pierre levy, despite the fact that yesterday he was summoned to the foreign ministry , and there accordingly. probably, the speech of the russian diplomatic representatives was unpleasant for him, he was going to come here today, yes, that’s it, yes, such a message has also passed, there is still time before the ceremony, let’s see if he will appear, yesterday ambassador livi, like his colleagues from of the united kingdom, were invited to the foreign ministry, they made very harsh demarches about the unacceptable statements of their political leadership, threats, arrogant statements from... that weapons supplied from these countries could be used to strike
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russia, that is, in fact, for the murder of russian citizens, a statement that the issue of sending citizens of at least one of these countries to the territory of ukraine to participate in hostilities is being considered , and so on, but the president russia gave a powerful response, ordering...
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the hostile policy of the united states towards russia, while this does not happen,
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accordingly there is no possibility of conducting such a dialogue either for stability or for limiting strategic arms, moreover, and... because this destructive line, the dangerous, escalatory line of washington, our moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter- range missiles is in question, yesterday the russian ministry of foreign affairs issued a voluminous statement on this matter, the situation is alarming, we do not want escalation, but we will not cave in pressure, we will fight back with all the means at our disposal, thank you, thank you for your time, deputy minister. thank you, thank you, konstantin, we will come back to you, now the alexander hall, another of our correspondent is there, anton vernitsky, anton, we know that you worked at all the inauguration ceremonies of all russian presidents, one might say, a veteran of this
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celebration, what are the emotions today, who have you already managed to communicate with, you know, in fact , about 2,500 people have been invited in craig. everyone, along with an official invitation, is given such a commemorative medal, it is printed in coins at each presidential inauguration ceremony, unfortunately, today i am not among those invited, among those working at the ceremony, this is my commemorative medal from the last inauguration ceremony president, in 2018, vladimir putin also took office on may 7, according to tradition, along with the obligatory presidential oath, which we have already talked about, let’s say more than once, in which there are 33 words, so according to tradition, after upon taking office, the president will give... a short keynote speech regarding his work in the coming years. a very interesting retrospective of vladimir putin’s speech. in 2000, during his first presidency, he said, quote: “we are obliged to ensure that the elected people’s power works in their interests, protects the russian citizen everywhere, in our country,
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outside its borders. this was a fundamentally tough position. in 2018 year, putin spoke about the advent of a turning point in the world, which we are now witnessing. quote: there is no way forward. can be simple, this is always a complex question, but history does not forgive only one thing: indifference and inconsistency, relaxation and complacency, what putin will say, today very soon we will find out live on channel one, but next to me is the deputy chairman of the international editorial committee vyacheslav tikhonov, what do you expect from the president’s speech today? well, i ’ll correct you a little now, you said that the last inauguration was on may 7, it really happened. may 7th, but may 7th was everyone inauguration of putin, today is already the fifth inauguration on may 7, but this is the first inauguration that takes place in conditions when we are in a state of military operations, this is really, if you like, such a military inauguration, and this imposes
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a special responsibility, of course, on the president, on everyone else, because in this situation the correctness of our policy.
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actually, as you know, this is sherkhan, and tabaki, and tabaki do what sherkhan says, and sherkhan yesterday, through the mouth of state department speaker biller, said that... putin, putin is the president for us, so no one cares about whether there are posts here or not. thank you very much, deputy chairman of the state duma for international affairs vyacheslav nikonov was next to us, thank you very much, we are all waiting together for the start of the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of russia. yes, thank you, anton, the ambassadors of foreign states are indeed in another hall, in georgievsky, in aleksandrovsky, where you are now, they usually present their credentials. to the president, and another point malachite fi of the big kremlin palace, will also be involved today, some of the guests will pass through it,
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anatoly lazarev works there. anatoly, are you on air? yes, valerie, i’m really in the malachite fay of the large kremlin palace, this is such an elongated hall of a rectangular shape, and it goes along the main today’s halls, alexander and andreevsky, that is , the nearest door is the entrance to the alexander hall, the far one is to andreevsky , it is through the malachite foyer that everyone passes. guests of today's ceremony, well, those our tv viewers who closely follow the official chronicle probably recognized these interiors, burgundy walls and green malachite-colored columns, hence the name, this is where documents, treaties, agreements are signed, when foreign guests come to the president, well, we all remember that recently there was a big one, for example, the visit of the president of the people's republic of china sidin, and one of the rounds...
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the main thing is that they told what they now expect from the future after vladimir putin takes office as president of russia, for example, with shared his thoughts with us, vladimir putin’s confidant in the elections, general director of mosfilm karen shakhnazarov, i expect the president to take office, but all the hopes that i personally associate and... as i understand it, the vast majority of our citizens associate with vladimir putin, i
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think that first of all, of course, victories in this fundamental battle in which we find ourselves today, and in general today’s event is perhaps the most important event of the 21st century today in any case, because it is clear that the figure of vladimir putin - 7% of citizens supported the candidacy of vladimir putin, an amazing result and a record turnout of over 77%. well, we are now returning to
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st. george’s hall, over to konstantin panishkin. valeria, yes, here we really are again in the st. george’s hall, i just want to remind you that this hall, in addition to the fact that it is a hall of military glory, it is also ceremonial, and here, as in many other halls of the enfilade of the large kremlin palace, events are held other events throughout the year, not just like today, the ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia. federation, and now i want to remind you of the event of december last year, when on december 8, here, in this very hall, here , just like today, there was nowhere for an apple to fall, but then there were entirely military personnel, it was an event dedicated to the day of the heroes of the russian federation, which is celebrated in russia on december 9, on december 8 there was a big award ceremony, the president spoke to the audience, and several people were accordingly awarded the title of hero russian federation, when the ceremony was over, vladimir putin was about to leave st. george’s hall. and from the hall they turned to him, then artyom zhoga turned to him, and several people joined, called out to the president, such a small
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conversation began, right here, right here in this very place, and there was a huge number of military personnel who just stood and waited, until the conversation ended, and no one understood or knew what was happening, because there was no sound, amplification of anything, so the conversation was so behind the scenes right here, in fact, later, as it turned out, it was a conversation during which artyom zhogo and other participants in the conversation asked vladimir putin to participate in the elections, to nominate his candidate. was awarded the gold star of the hero of russia at the same time on december 8, 2023, eduard kazymov, hero of the russian federation, let me read from the page how your position sounds correctly, commander of the airborne assault company of the fortieth brigade, marine corps, then we said senior lieutenant, but today looking at your shoulder straps, we see that you are already a captain and, apparently, ahead of schedule. yes, yes, that’s right, hello, i just arrived from the southern donetsk direction,
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at the beginning of may, and was invited to the inauguration. president, but i want to remind you that in march we had elections for the president, the supreme commander-in-chief, the rate was a record for all time, our current president, our supreme commander-in-chief, scored 88%, but i can say one more thing that in this percentage the bet made a big contribution army and navy, because military personnel, a unit that performs tasks. is here in the ppda, well, he feels the support of our president, he feels the impact, so no one even doubted, everyone voted 100% for vladimir vladimirovich. thank you very much, eduard kazymov, hero of the russian federation, i once again want to draw your attention to the fact that today he is here because he was invited from the front specifically to attend the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, and the day after tomorrow on may 9 you are on red square, and then you depart
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back to the front line, but on the 10th i depart back, good luck, thank you very much. thank you, we return the floor to you, valery. yes, thank you, konstantin, we see that the guests are almost all assembled, let's move to another point, return to the alexander hall, the floor to anton vernitsky. yes, valery, next to me is the president of the russian union of industrial enterprises, alexander nikolaevich shokhin. alexander nikolaevich, expectations from putin’s speech today, expectations of what will happen in the next 6 years after taking office. the president from... your union and with you personally communicated very often, what are you waiting for? well, firstly, we certainly do not expect that sanctions will be eased, new restrictions will probably be introduced, there will be new challenges, including technological ones, which is why we need greater predictability of policy and we expect from president putin, who today he takes office for another six-year term of precisely this predictability, it was announced at
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our congress. was announced on others as well meetings with business, so we expect that many decisions will be made not as a temporary reaction to crisis phenomena, be it covid or sanctions, but as systemic measures, among these systemic measures, it is certainly very important to stimulate investment entrepreneurial activity, protect property rights, abandon temporary solutions in the tax sphere and adopt stable tax, fair , including mechanisms for 6 years and even for a longer period, national projects will continue, they have been reformatted , including this, which meets the aspirations of business, for example, the national personnel project, this is what we asked for at the end of last year, the president heard us, and now we just have to implement what we asked for, but this
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can only be done together, and employers and... the vocational education system, employment services, i think, will work here hand in hand, and we will be able to overcome this main challenge - the shortage of personnel. there are indeed many challenges, but the fact that we have there are transparent, public platforms for interaction between business and government, which allows us to count on common success. thank you very much, alexander nikolaevich shokhin, president of the russian union of industrial entrepreneurs, the guests continue to gather, we are waiting for the start of the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation. yes, thank you, alexander nikolaevich, thank you anton, well, we are moving to the main st. george’s hall, in size it is the largest of all the order halls in the kremlin, and my impressions from there are already shared by konstantin panyushkin and another correspondent of channel one who works there, anastasia kobozeva. anastasia, you are on the air. valeria, good afternoon, we , like konstantin paneshkin, are now actually working in the st. george’s hall, the largest
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hall of the large kremlin palace, while there is still time before the ceremony.
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sevastopol into the russian federation, right now next to us is sevastopol, a hero of russia, a crimean, yes, share your impressions, and ask about
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today’s ceremony, well, this is a great holiday, and i i’m proud to be invited here and i can really see the ceremony itself, there are a lot of my associates, friends, comrades here, whom i know, whom i work with, whom i go through life with, and... if we talk about crimea, about sevastopol, for 10 years, in 10 years, colossal changes have taken place, these are, of course, new roads, this is our beautiful tavrida, this is the crimean bridge that connects the krasnodar region with crimea, these are new hospitals, new schools, people who live in crimea, in sevastopol, they believed in their the future, the future of your children, this is the most important thing, and this is only the beginning, these are the first 10 years, there is a constant transformation and a health resort, a real health resort that we had under the soviet union. it is becoming one of the main places where people want and can come to relax. thank you very much, anton shkaplerov, hero of russia, cosmonaut pilot. studio we give you the floor. yes, thank you, anton nikolaevich, thank you
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anastasia, well, we are transported, we remain, excuse me, in the st. george’s hall, the floor to konstantin panishkin. valery, and here we are talking with evgeny nikolaevich shuvalov, co-chairman of the st. petersburg election campaign vladimir putin's headquarters, his confidant, a veteran of a special military operation and social coordinator. as we understand, the fund is the defenders of the fatherland, and the fund has been working for well over a year this year, soon and soon we will be one year old, soon we will be one year old, soon we will be one year old, and what else needs to be done, there are 6 years ahead of vladimir putin’s presidency, now on the threshold, on the eve yes, taking office is probably the most important thing, maybe you can ask and suggest making some additions, firstly, many thanks to him, thanks to him the defenders of the fatherland fund was created, state fund for defenders of the fatherland, this is unprecedented. in our history, there is an organization to support the guys, i myself, and a serviceman who was seriously wounded, am an employee of the foundation, and we help our
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guys, this is very necessary, this is very important, happy holiday to all of us, on the upcoming ninth of may, i congratulate our president vladimir vladimirovich putin. with the elections, with the inauguration, the results are truly unprecedented, and well, here is the contribution of the military, of course, here is the contribution of the russian army, and here is the consolidation of society, which the president spoke about, but when no matter what topic the president touches on in his speeches, he always talks about the importance of attention to the families of military personnel, let’s say in st. petersburg you personally oversee how many families, how many people military personnel passed through you during that period, so that ... in the case of everyone, we do not leave anyone, the largest number of children and the largest number of applications come to moscow to st. petersburg, we do not leave anyone,
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these are ours, these are all ours, this is our homeland, these are our fellow citizens, these are ours guys, we all we provide support, and i will honestly say that... at this moment it is very reverent, it is important, we all have great patience, they said even earlier, a medal for a battle, a medal for labor are poured from one metal, thank you, evgeniy shuvalov, confidant face of vladimir putin, veteran of a special military operation and social coordinator of the defenders foundation, thank you, thank you for spending your time with us, special thanks to you.
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the entire ceremonial amphilady of the kremlin order halls, which today are involved in the inauguration ceremony, but nevertheless less and it is full, so full means, accordingly, the next one is aleksandrovsky , the next one is andreevsky. st. andrew's hall is the very place where today vladimir putin will take the oath, in fact, it is an oath, just a few lines, one could quote now, because there are only 33 words, including conjunctions, particles and prepositions, but probably , still, let's not do this, because this is an oath that is pronounced by a person taking office as president. and of course, by myself ceremony to yourself is not only an oath, it is such a large-scale, approximately hour -long ceremony that begins even before the chime strikes 12, when the chime strikes 12, vladimir putin will already appear here at that end of the st. george's hall, he will walk on the red carpet, begin to move through the suite of halls, and those gathered will greet him, but even before that there will be several very important, you know, ceremonial rituals, yes, of course, every year there will be a ceremony. transforms a little in the little things,
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but this core, of course it doesn’t change, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves now, but for now i’m returning valery, the floor is yours. yes, thank you, now the alexander hall, anton vernitsky, anton, who else did you manage to communicate with? andrey isaev, deputy chairman of the united russia faction, the deputy corps even canceled the weekend in order to appoint a government, to appoint it, what do you think, why is there such a rush? well, we understand that, firstly, we have a great responsibility, this is the first time a new norm of the constitution is being implemented, in in accordance with which it is the state duma that not only gives consent to the approval of the chairman of the government, but appoints all deputy prime ministers and ministers, and secondly, we understand that the president cannot wait for the tasks that he has set; for example, a visit is expected president to the people's republic of china, it is obvious that non-acting officials should go with him.
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change our lives, but at the same time we do not stop working for a single hour. i must say that it happened so, what’s wrong with this we worked as part of the government during the coronavirus pandemic and after the start of a special military operation of the western economic war against us, and we are accustomed to working quickly, but at the same time demandingly. but do you expect any changes? i think that a lot of people in government have proven themselves to be of very high quality. professionals, indeed
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, the government was going to work in peaceful conditions, yes, it was formed for this, the state is convenient for life, the digital economy, its lot fell to such serious tests, it must be said that on the whole it has coped with these tests, so i think that many people working in the government will continue their work, some may move to another job, everyone will certainly be in demand, but new tasks may also require new people, thank you very much, andrey, i’ll let you go, thank you. andrei isaev, deputy chairman of the state duma, deputy head of the united russia faction, you see, ran to his place closer to st. andrew’s hall, from where the inauguration ceremony will be visible president of russia, here, in fact , everything will be broadcast on our huge screens and the president will walk past us through our hall to this enfilade to the place where everything will happen, but we are waiting for the start of the ceremony, well, we are waiting, thank you anton, now a few words about the symbols at the very beginning
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of the ceremony, the standard bearers of the honor guard company bring the official symbols of presidential power into st. andrew's hall. one of them is the head of state standard - a square flag. against a background of three stripes, white, blue red the coat of arms of russia is placed. a silver bracket is attached to andrevka, there is the surname, name and patronymic of the president and the dates of his work in this post. the reginal of the standard stands in the office of the head of state at his residence in moscow. well , a copy rises above the building, and the presidential standard also rises above other residences while the leader of the state is there. well, another symbol is the sign of the president, it is made of gold and is an equal-ended cross with expanding ends. on the front side depicts the coat of arms of the russian federation on the reverse motto: benefit, honor, glory. in the center of the medallion the year of manufacture is indicated, 1994.
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all details are known to everyone in detail, but is there anything new awaiting us this year? well, there is nothing fundamentally new, because this is an established ceremony, but of course, every time there are certain nuances, they are present, you will see them. with only a few minutes left, what is the president doing now?
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well, firstly, the president is about to make an inaugural speech, of course, every time he makes changes and works on with this speech,
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countries, a total of about 2600 people, a little less than 2600 people, these are our natural people's elected representatives, and senators, this is the leadership of the government, and the administration, the president's proxies, the president's personal guests, for example, there are representatives of unfriendly people
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for the first time, perhaps , the president decided to invite children to the inauguration, these are the children with whom he has communicated in one way or another in recent years, these are the children from sirius, these are the children whose parents died in the northern military district, these are the children of our heroes who died in svo, these are the guys with whom he came across one way or another when he was fulfilling wishes on the wish tree, and all these children are here, by the way, be sure to talk to them, it will be interesting for everyone, but of course,
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yes, thank you, dmitry sergeevich, and we are now returning to the st. george's hall, word to konstantin panishkin. valeria, well, we look back, you know, we were at the beginning, an hour ago, when we first contacted you, we were looking at the zone in which ambassadors were invited to be present today, then there there was still quite a lot of free space, well now, the closer the ceremony is, the correspondingly less free space, and it is also now crowded in the area where the ambassadors are located, as in all other halls of the large kremlin... this year, of course, the weather has let us down and it is now impossible to be outside, we remember 2018, then guests were present on the kremlin cathedral square, respectively, in front of the large kremlin palace, but today this is not the case, today everyone is in the state halls here in georgievsky, the next alexander and then in andreevsky. looking back,
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it seems that the inauguration ceremonies of the president of the russian federation always took place this way, right here in the large kremlin palace. but of course, in reality this is not so, only since 2000, that is , essentially since... the first inauguration of vladimir putin, and before that they were held in the state kremlin palace, because this incredible beauty, the tradition of holding the inauguration ceremony here since all its parts, elements that are. core structure of the entire ceremony, with with all the plans, the arrival of the president, the arrival of guests, the removal of all the necessary signs, symbols of presidential power, here today, all this is already connected precisely with the history of the large kremlin palace, which begins in two years 2000, in fact, what awaits us, the ceremony will begin shortly before noon, it will begin with the fact that the president will not appear here, as one might assume, first the so-called symbols of presidential power will be brought out, and... there are two of them in russia, as we know, this is the standard of the president, this is essentially our tricolor, decorated in the center
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with the gold embroidered coat of arms of the russian federation. the president's standard rises above his residence. the original is kept by vladimir putin in the office of the president of the russian federation, but above the residence in which the president is currently located and working, a copy of the standard rises, so if someone today saw footage of the broadcast of the first channel from the kremlin, then they probably saw the dome of the senate palace, the main working residence of vladimir putin, above which... the standard of the president is developing, this is where it all begins, the removal of the standard of the president and the flag of the russian federation and the same route as the president, from there from that far end, and in fact the beginning of st. george's hall, along the red cobra carpet, along the entire enfilade of halls .


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