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tv   Torzhestvennaya tseremoniya vstupleniya v dolzhnost Prezidenta Rossiiskoi...  1TV  May 7, 2024 11:40am-12:19pm MSK

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speech by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. dear citizens of russia, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, on these solemn and responsible occasions.
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minutes of taking office as president, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, the participants in the special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland. once again thank you for your trust and support. and now i turn to to every citizen of russia, i just took the presidential oath. its text concentrates the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. exactly this. determined the meaning and
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content of my work in previous years. i assure you that from now on the interests and safety of the people of russia will be above all for me. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force. evidence of our common solid confidence that we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves.
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i am sure that we will pass through this difficult, milestone period with dignity, we will become even stronger and we will definitely implement long-term plans and large-scale projects aimed at achieving development goals, and this is, first of all , conservation of people, i am confident that the support of centuries-old family values ​​and traditions will continue to unite public and religious... associations, political parties, all levels of government. our decisions on the development of the country and regions must be effective and fair, improve the well-being and quality of life of russian families. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we don't refuse. from dialogue with western
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states, the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, the conversation, including issues of security, strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, self-conceit... in a complex world that is rapidly changing, we must be self-sufficient and competitive, open new horizons for russia, as we have done more than once... happened in
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our history, but it is important for us to remember its lessons, not to forget about the tragic price of internal turmoil and upheavals, therefore our state, social, political system... today is reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage. i will do everything so that people who have demonstrated their best human and professional qualities prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds and take leading
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positions in public administration, in the economy, and in all spheres. we must ensure reliable continuity in the development of the country for decades to come, grow. preserving the traditions of all peoples living in russia, in a country of civilization, united by the russian language and our multinational culture. dear friends, i will do everything necessary, everything in my power to justify your pre... to use for this all the powers of the head of state, which are enshrined in the constitution. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: the results of this work depend decisively on our unity of cohesion, on our common desire to benefit the fatherland,
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protect it, and work with full dedication. today, in fact, we are answering to our thousand-year history. before our ancestors, they conquered seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put them first homeland, they knew that it was possible to achieve truly great goals only together with their country and with their people, they created a world power, our fatherland, and achieved such triumphs that inspire us today. “we are confidently looking forward, planning our future, planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful. we are a united and great people, together
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we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned, together we will win
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the head of state gave a speech where noted that now in our time we are answerable to our history by our ancestors. i spoke. new horizons for russia, resistance to challenges and threats to our flexibility, about the atmosphere in society, about our values, about what future awaits our country?
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guests ahead, literally in a few minutes the second part of the
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ceremony will begin, the review of the presidential regiment on cathedral square. we see that in the st. george hall, in the other two halls of the large kremlin palace , special screens are installed. it is thanks to them guests in the large kremlin palace will be able to see all the smallest details of the ceremony. today we saw the kremlin soldiers in all their glory during the removal of the flag and...
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on your screens, the head of state is walking along the so-called white corridor, and next to vladimir putin is the head of the presidential security service. while we are still in the large kremlin palace, but very soon we will find ourselves on cathedral square, which today is certainly one of the main centers of attraction. and the presidential regiment is ready to introduce itself the newly inaugurated head of state. so, the white corridor of the large kremlin palace, live broadcast,
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in just a few seconds, vladimir putin will enter the cathedral square of the moscow kremlin. the president will have to pass through the faceted chamber, this is also a historical place, it was built specifically for various ceremonies, the boyar duma met here, and zemstvo councils were held here, starting from the era of ivan the terrible.
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european style building of the moscow kremlin. its historical function has been performing for more than 5 hundred years. well, now it is part of the complex of the large kremlin palace, which, as everyone knows, is the government residence of the president. meetings of foreign leaders, award ceremonies and other events of special significance are held here. everything
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is ready for the review of the presidential regiment. again on your screens is that famous staircase.
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regiment, peaceful! for a meeting from the front to the edge, comrade president. russian federation. presidential regiment in honor of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation built. commander of the presidential regiment, colonel suraikin. hello comrades. congratulations on the 88th anniversary of
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the formation of the regiment. hurray, hurray, hurray. regiment, smyrna, solemn march, squadron,
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one linear distance ahead, op! on the shoulder, straight to the right, step, little, well, let's continue the story about what the presidential regiment is, part of it is, without exaggeration, a unique elite . the elite, it was created 88 years ago, and its main task is to ensure the safety of top officials state, protection of objects moscow kremlin. its military personnel participate in military rituals, protocol events at the highest level, and stand guard at the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier. and since 2000, they have been involved in the presidential inauguration ceremony, or rather the inauguration of the presidency, and carry
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state attributes and symbols of presidential power into the hall. part is part of the federal one. the security service has the status of a special service, the regiment reports directly to the president, and of course it is interesting to tell that in the ranks of the kremlin only those who has passed the most severe selection, the requirements, one might say, are severe, special, height from 170 to 190 cm, education of at least eleven years of school, and with good academic performance, it is also necessary to have excellent health in military-medical language, compliance.
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from military history, meanwhile, the names of the servicemen of this unit are inscribed in the chronicle of the great patriotic war. from the first days of the war, they defended the kremlin from german air raids and guarded especially important facilities in the capital. a round-the-clock duty of combat crews was established on the kremlin wall, in in the forty-second and forty-third years , four groups of snipers were sent from the kremlin forces to the western and volkhov fronts, who destroyed more than... 1,200 fascists. during the great patriotic regiment , 97 people were lost. he participated in the victory parade under the red battle banner,
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which was awarded to him in 1944 . well, of course, like all military personnel , soldiers of the presidential regiment live according to army regulations and undergo combat training, special attention is paid to physical fitness, well, so that it’s so playful juggle with a simonov carbine. it takes months of hard training, and of course, impeccable drill training. and the kremlin uniform is , first of all, cornflower blue shoulder straps with two golden letters and a metal breast badge in the form of a cross with kremlin teeth along the edges and crossed hatchets in the middle. and, of course, the kremlin men carry out all their tasks in any weather. look at the endurance, the strength, not a single muscle flinched, and this despite the fact that it’s downright winter temperatures in moscow today. vladimir putin
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took office as president of the russian federation. indeed, the national leader, our national leader, came to the end of these elections with an unprecedented result, a historic result. recent history does not remember such results, this is natural, because russia is now experiencing the most important turning point in history, not only its own, but all of humanity. our future, the future of our children, is on the eve. we understand perfectly well what burden and responsibility lies on our national leader, on our commander in chief and on each of us. that's why the record. turnout and more than 80% support, 87% support,
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that same cavalry escort on your screens, and so we saw how the presidential regiment was reviewed, but the ceremony does not end there. we are still located on the cathedral square in the very heart of the moscow kremlin, it occupies the central part of borovitsky hill and is considered the oldest in the capital, right now you see vladimir putin climbing the steps of soveshensky cathedral, where the patriarch of moscow. ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony is over. thank you for your attention. so, now the patriarch will serve a thanksgiving malebin. we leave
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the president in the temple. so, the main event, which was watched by the whole country and the whole world, took place: vladimir putin officially took office as president of russia. storna rallied around her. his president, the country has gathered and is ready to move forward, not giving our people lunch, not yielding an inch of our native land to our victory, our victories, which will be not only on the battlefield. vladimir putin spoke about this in his speech after taking office and addressed literally every citizen of our country. but it’s probably also worth talking about what’s next. so, on your screens is the patriarch of moscow of all russia.
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belly, bless, most holy ruler, blessed is our god, always, new and ever and unto ages of ages, amen. christ is risen from the dead, dead by death. took and
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gave life to those in the tomb, christ is risen from the dead, trampling death upon death, who seeks in the tomb bestowed life, christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death. womme, wisdom, womme! god create the meeting, lord, let us rejoice and exalt ourselves, god!
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says the lord, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, push and it will be opened to you, everyone who asks will receive, the one who seeks will find, and the one who asks will be opened, or whoever is the one who is reaping from you, his son will ask his bread, a stone will give him, or if he has fish asks and will give him a snake, but you are wicked, you who are...
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the president of our country, russian, vladimir vladimirovich, even gifts to him from heaven, to rule and justice. strength and wisdom, the goodness of our country of righteousness, peace and prosperity in it to enjoy, in the horn of habitation and adversity, fear and misfortune, treat, lord, hear, have mercy, lord , have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. god, our savior, has heard the hope of all the ends of the earth and those who live far off in the sea, and the lord, merciful and merciful, will be merciful on our behalf, have mercy.
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you are a merciful and philanthropic god, and we send glory to you, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. let's pray to the lord! god, great and wondrous, rule all things with invincible goodness and rich providence, look upon our earnest prayer now, and bless the good intention of the president of our country, vladimir vladimirovich, who is laying the foundation for the reign that you have preserved for the country, our russian. be wise, instruct him to carry out this great service without stumbling, give him understanding and wisdom, and in silence and without sorrow , preserve the russian people, and
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guide those subordinate to him on the path of truth and righteousness, and from respect for their reciprocity to brave, to multiply the days of his life in indestructible health and well-being, to give him to all... us during all the days of his reign, a quiet and silent life and the everlasting eternal death required, so that we may live in the world, we will glorify you, our all-generous ruler and benefactor, in the joy and gratitude of our hearts we will sing. glory to thee god, our benefactor, forever and ever. amen.
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christ will rise from the dead by death, death trampled upon jesus, christ will rise from the dead by death, death according to the right and existing in the tomb animal.
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to vladimirovich, lord, i will grant you a prosperous, peaceful reign, health and salvation, victory and victory for your enemies, and
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good luck to you all, and preserve it for many years. in our country to become the president of russia, we
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pray strongly for you, we know that these words are empty words for you, that you yourself are praying, and our time is marked by the great mercy of god, when at the head of the russian state, an orthodox man who is not ashamed of his faith, when a huge number of russians see it in their heads. not only a successful politician, but a very kind, intelligent, warm-hearted person, this combination of kindness and strict integrity is the very weak point that sometimes prevents people in power from walking their life path with dignity, because there are many conflicts. the head of state must sometimes make fateful and formidable decisions, and if
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such a decision is not made, the consequences can be extremely dangerous for the people and for the state, but these decisions are almost always associated, including with victims, and never this kind of decision, made for the good of the people, for the good of the country, was not condemned.
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some kind of career interest, the service of the president, it is also important because the head of state wants this or...


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