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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm MSK

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the country's parade will include more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one. in the studio maxim sharafuddinov. so, the main event. putin took office as
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president of russia. the ceremony took place in the large kremlin palace, 2,500 guests were present: senators, deputies, a judge of the constitutional court, heads of regions, heroes of russia, representatives of the clergy and public organizations. vladimir putin took the oath of office, placing his hand on a special copy of the constitution. the procedure, it lasted just under an hour, was strictly regulated and scheduled literally minute by minute, starting with the introduction of the flag and standard of the head of state into st. andrew's hall. and... how it all happened in the report by yuri lepatov. from his office, vladimir putin walked through the kremlin corridors, so that he could then already in the presidential car aurus, accompanied by a motorcade of motorcyclists, go to the large kremlin palace. he accepted the report of the kremlin commandant. comrade president of the russian federation, commandant of the moscow kremlin, i wish the general. he walked up the main staircase to the sounds of the orchestra. past
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a suite of halls in which the invited guests line up the guardsmen of the presidential regiment, then there are members of the government of both chambers of the federal assembly, heads of the presidential administration, judges of the constitutional court, members of the central election commission, representatives of the diplomatic corps, as well as heroes of russia, cavalry of the order, members of the northern military district. on the way, vladimir putin greeted pediatric surgeon leonid rashal, as well as composer alexandra pakhmatova, whom he kissed. the former class teacher was also present at the ceremony.
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vladimir putin takes the presidential oath of office, placing his right hand on a special copy of the constitution bound in leather with a silver coat of arms and gold embossing. i hesitate to exercise the powers of the president of the russian federation, respect, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, comply with, protect the constitution of the russian federation, protect sovereignty and... the security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. mandatory components of the ceremony for performing the russian anthem. our country.
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vladimir putin took office for the fifth time; before that, he took the presidential oath in 2000, 2004, 2012, 2018; in his speech, he outlined the country’s course for the coming years. on these solemn and important moments of taking office as president, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia, in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands. bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to fight for the fatherland, thank you again for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am appealing to every citizen of russia, i assure you that henceforth the interests, the safety of the people russia will be for me...
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above all, the consolidated will of millions people are a colossal force, evidence of our common, firm belief that the fate of russia we... to the freedoms of citizens give confidence that all national development goals will be achieved, including the main conservation of people, putin said. russia has many allies and like-minded people. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and
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honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we do not refuse dialogue with western states. choice for them, intentional. they will continue to try to restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance of self-exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. together with partners in eurasian integration, with other sovereign development centers, we will continue to work to form multipolar world order, equal and indivisible security system. the thousand-year history of russia teaches that in its turning points it is necessary to avoid internal unrest,
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that a united society is capable of solving the most difficult problems. after the start of the svo , a truly patriotic majority was formed in the country. i will do everything so that people who... have shown their best human and professional qualities, prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds, and take leading positions in public administration, in the economy, in all spheres. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history to our ancestors. they conquered seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put their homeland first. knew that it is possible to achieve truly great goals only together with your country and with your people, created a world power, our fatherland, achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we confidently
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look forward, plan our future, plan and implement new ones projects and programs that are designed to make the... you see even more dynamic, even more powerful, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned, we will win together. the ceremony continued with an artillery salute of thirty salvos at the kremlin walls, as well as the performance of ode glory from the opera by mikhail glinka. on the cathedral square of the kremlin there is a solemn review ceremony of the kremlin regiment. regiment, peacefully, to meet from the front. comrade
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president of the russian federation. presidential regiment, in honor of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. built commander of the presidential regiment, colonel. hello comrades. congratulations on the 88th anniversary of the formation of the regiment. after this, vladimir putin went to the annunciation cathedral, where the patriarch served the traditional thanksgiving service for such ceremonies. russia, we pray strongly for you, we know that these words are not an empty phrase for you, that you
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yourself pray, and our time is marked by the great mercy of god, when at the head of the russian state, an orthodox person who does not hesitate... with his faith , when a huge number of russians see in the head of the state not only a successful politician, but a very... kind, intelligent, warm-hearted person, we will continue to pray that the lord will help you, all the days of your life, to worthily lead the great fatherland, holy russia, which is also going through today not the easiest period of its history. may the blessing of god, the protection of the queen of heaven, be with you. all the days of your life, until the end of the age, as we
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say, well, i will boldly say, god grant that the end of the age will mean the end of your stay in power, you have everything to successfully accomplish this for a long time great service to the homeland, this old man, i would like... to bless you for yours, your life. the patriarch donated the vladimir icon of the mother of god from the 16th century to the president. yuri lepatov, olga merkulova, alexander gornostaev, channel one. vladimir putin, in his speech during the ceremony in the kremlin, spoke about the consistent course of development of our country, confidently setting out the necessary goals.
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this is the triumph of justice for the whole world. russia, under the leadership of vladimir putin, will experience stable development and success and victory. this is according to the results of the solemn inauguration of the president . the president noted in his speech that the country will develop stably, but this is not just about stability, that we must move steadily, move towards victory, success, and i am sure that thanks to the vast experience that putin has, his wisdom, talent as a leader, of course, of course, success is guaranteed for us, victory is for us...
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we are building, we really hope that everything we do will be on time and of high quality. and this is the end of the issue, stay tuned, right now the program time will tell. the information channel continues its work on the first, our respected experts.
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assumption of office as president of the russian federation , impressions of the last ceremony of the federation of vladimir vladimirovich putin, everyone who was in this studio at the inauguration, all reached us. this solemn ceremony ended in the kremlin, absolutely amazing, well, in meaning, we will talk about the meaning separately, yes, in external surroundings, vladimir putin took office as president, putin took the oath for the fifth time. officially became the president of russia, he will remain in this post for the next 6 years until 2030, show us the picture from there again, he was invited to the ceremony, well , actually, yes, this is more important as... the picture is actually the oath of our president, so here’s to the ceremony several thousand people were invited, look how many people, in fact, i want to address, i repeat, we will talk about the meanings, about so to speak, about all sorts of other political consequences, we will listen to fragments.


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