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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 7, 2024 3:15pm-6:01pm MSK

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the inauguration of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, everyone who was in this studio at the inauguration, everyone came to us, this solemn ceremony ended in the kremlin, absolutely amazing, well, in meaning, we will talk about the meaning separately, but in terms of the external surroundings, the inauguration of vladimir putin as president, putin took the oath, officially became the president of russia for the fifth time, in this post he will remain for the next 6 years until...
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which truly symbolizes the entry of our country, all of us in some new era, but first, let’s share our emotions, share our emotions, pyotr olegovich, well, emotions, of course , that such a grandiose event and this event of a global scale, the fact that the inauguration was shown live by the leading television channels of the world, and i want to say separately how it was... filmed, that from the point of view, i still have some professional deformations, here is the picture that was on these screens, amazing, very solemn, very beautiful, very dignified, and of course , this is essentially the finale presidential election campaign, when he , relying on the support of all layers of society, won with such... support figures
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, he has now taken the oath to the people of russia for the next 6 years, this is actually the beginning of a truly new era, although this era is based on the achievements of all previous ones terms, when our president really proved that his words can be trusted, looking ahead a little, we ’ll talk about this separately, so to speak, with a small headquarters, they love you very much, i mean not... not about this, not about that, like petra western journalists love olegovich very much, they like to ask you questions, in a separate chapter we will talk about how the west covered this ceremony, was present, was not present, in what composition, and so on, journalists, no, no, well, journalists, yes, of course , for them it is important, important, an important moment, because they were allowed into the kremlin, so there is an opportunity to ask questions directly, so running up in the corridors, they ask, this is how you feel, that there is no... ambassador, well, how do we
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feel, well, poor ambassador, our ambassadors are accredited, presenting their credentials letters to the head of state, that’s why the president actually makes them ambassadors, yes, so to speak, well, the worse it is for the ambassadors, the worse it is for the countries they represent, thank you, andrey konstantinovich, share, i want to say that of course, the walls of the kremlin, they connect different historical eras, and it seems to me that this was said in vladimir vladimirovich’s speech, and here we have it. such a game in the late eighties, when various groups of intellectuals said: this period of our history is wonderful, golden, suppose it was soviet russia or tsarist russia or even before patriarch nikon, everything else is a black period. vladimir vladimirovich today firmly emphasized that our history is indiscrete, it continues over the centuries, that what we have today was created through the efforts of our generations...
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now to please the political elite and the electorate, and vladimir vladimirovich says: there is a previous generations. they are part of our people, they also have the right to vote, their voice is tradition, this is tradition their voice, which must participate in resolving issues, there are future generations who are either very small or have not yet been born, we must take their voice into account, we must work for them, he said, we must build a system that is stable political, which will work for decades, and the kremlin symbolized this, you know, in the kremlin... there is
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a soviet staircase, and schoolchildren always think that it was called that in soviet times, nothing like that, it was called from the times of muscovite russia, it was going there, there on advice the tsar gathered the boyars, right? here is the whole kremlin, it is imbued with this, it is imbued with the era of muscovite russia, autocratic russia, soviet russia, modern, we stood in these wonderful halls, st. george's hall, where the names of st. george's knights are imprinted, those who received, yes, they then received in the first world war ii received this st. george, their names are now imprinted, and we could read them, we stood in the alexander hall, this is a hall dedicated to alexander.
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there was a period in the nineties when it broke, but now you see, well, i don’t know, maybe too pretentious, but in my opinion it is so, and now it’s connected, and alexander yuryevich, your impression, what can you say, you know, i just want, yes, i want to make it so that it’s as if i’ve been there too, i looked at television, after all, this
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inauguration is special, yes, it is clear that this is vladimir vladimirovich’s fifth, if i ’m not mistaken, inauguration, but this is special, because it is still at a turning point in history, it must be said, the president about said this, he said that now is a moment of crisis, that this is a particularly important moment, but we all understand perfectly well that now is the moment when our confrontation with the so-called collective west has practically reached its climax, all positions have become absolutely clear, clear and understandable, these positions are not only political or military-political, these positions include, we must not forget about this, moral and spiritual, here is ours...
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well, because i support this path, so to speak, with all my heart when you were not yet my stream, yes, i actually started this a long time ago, and of course the place itself, of course it is well the large kremlin palace is amazing , these order halls, i remind you, they are dedicated to the ancient russian imperial orders, the order of st. andrew the first-called, the order of the saint.
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country, that we are not just having a fifth inauguration here, that we are having an inauguration during a war, and - for me, the most memorable thing was how the speech ended. e vladimir vladimirovich, he said: “together we will win.” and we will win this together, and this is akin to another very famous phrase: victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated, this is together we will win, this is the most important thing, because we all gathered there among these walls, as our colleagues correctly said, among these walls that remember our military glory of past centuries, but i would like... for our generation to have victory day sound different from
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memories of the victories of our grandfathers and that in these halls we remember not about our great-grandfathers who fought then, but that this was the beginning of our victories, this is very important, it is important that this is how vladimir vladimirovich ended his speech, because this is his first inauguration during the war, yes. him always may 7, always before victory day, but it’s completely different when there is a war, yes, and i really want to hope that we will finally gather in these halls or in kiev, or wherever they gather, the main thing is that we gather about victory and so that these phrases of his become, these words become prophetic, thank you, you know, maybe, maybe our editors will find it now, it’s just there, so you say, so that this is not just a historical day, a day of victory yes... for for us this is the most important, as if it were the main russian holiday, but according to
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regarding what you said, so that this becomes our holiday, which we all together, as putin says, will win together and, so to speak, bring it closer, win and receive it as our own, there is a photo like this on the internet, i have it in telegram, guys , look, from the rehearsal of the victory parade, and there they go, i just re-read it several times and, so to speak, tasted this word, front-line soldiers, what a word, yes, a word from the vocabulary of the soviet front-line soldiers. those who went through the war, and these are our young guys with the same harsh faces, this formation of these front-line soldiers, listen, well, you just know, some kind of trembling appears, such power, such strength, and such a word, front-line soldiers, i repeat, i said it several times, front-line soldiers, these are ours, these are ours front-line soldiers, and god willing, victory will be ours, natalya alekseevna, you wanted to say, you know what the inauguration is, especially today, my colleagues have already said, this is special... the situation in the world, we are winning, but at what cost again moral, what spirit
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it was necessary to have in order to challenge the entire aggregate of this unfriendly to the world, which is frantically trying to stop the change in the world order, it doesn’t work, excuse me, here’s a photo, look how big it is, it’s wonderful, of course, these are my granddaughters. this sounded like maintaining continuity,
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continuity into separate disintegrating parts, and in fact at the beginning, in the seventeenth year, all history up to the seventeenth was declared black, then we found the bolsheviks from liberalism, who in the ninety-first year declared that everything soviet is also from evil one, in general then our people do not have any shrines, they should only copy something else. no, that’s when the enemy, i mean fascist germany, is now important to remember about it, given what is going on in the ruling circles, so to speak, of germany, when the nazis came to us, dressed, and these are brothers in class, as we were taught then in armchair doctrines, but dressed in enemy uniforms and dreaming not at all about a world revolution about world domination, then for the first time a national feeling surged.
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and it was like, what are you? tchaikovsky is a wimp,
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chekhov, a whiner, a fat landowner deformed in christ, these are straight quotes. and then suddenly. a tank appears, bearing the name alexander nevsky, and partly the funds of russian immigration, say, rakhmanin, who broadcast concerts, who did not accept the revolution at all, but dreamed of the victory of the red army, so people die for stalin and the soviet homeland, it seems this is a paradox , no, this is god’s providence, it connects the seemingly incompatible, because in each of these segments.
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so a little too practical, he says, well, he says, i’m thinking, he says, i was in russia for 1.0 years, he says, and there will be another 1.0, but what about these, i don’t know, well, well, so to speak, this, this is his logic, i understand, this is a little bit, so to speak, well, it’s grounding, but on the other hand, he has this feeling , here he is, he was there too, thinking, reflecting, sitting, what to do, what are you doing, what to do, so he decided, because he says: 00 years have been and another 100 will be, oh, what a clever idea he came up with, you know, bye the earth turns, we will, that’s what i think. i wanted to talk about our youth, because i stood with the guys from the youth corps rescuers, student teams, our friends from lugansk, from mariupol, well, when you see that they are singing the anthem with tears in their eyes, you understand that all these stories are about how some of our youth are not the same, these are all the same the fakes that we have discussed here more than once, well, of course, this
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was the first inauguration, during which there were people who fought since the ninety-first... year, preserved the russian spirit, the russian soul, returned home through such thorns, and these are our citizens, representatives of the original russian lands, those who returned, about whom the president spoke from the very beginning, it was very touching to look at many of them, because for the first time they had taken off their camouflage and some kind of camping clothes, so to speak, especially there were girls in evening dresses, beautiful ones were there and... also we experienced the return to our native harbor with tears, and when i speak from the ninety-first year, i remember the story when during the presidential elections i was in askania nova, there, yes, and... in the kherson region, at home voting we went to an elderly woman who is on june 12 turns 100 years old, she said with tears
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that she’s been here since 1991, she’s been waiting for the opportunity to vote for the president of her country, especially since she has a double holiday there: her birthday and russia day, so you look at these people , you understand, what they had to go through in order to reunite with us, to return. and this, of course, is enormously energizing, as for this charge in general, we have seen the west, so beloved by us in quotes, we have seen how many people, bright, bright, selfless, inspired, were here at the presidential inauguration, and this is our response to them to attempts to cancel the elections, not to recognize them there, because well, back in 21, they adopted a resolution, they were not interested in the procedure, the progress of the voting. they rejected in advance the result, the choice, the sovereign choice of our people, but we said here in this studio that we have achieved, achieved electoral sovereignty in these
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elections, we don’t care at all that one ambassador, the second ambassador, there’s a grandfather, so to speak, on perfakarta believes on this matter, we have achieved our electoral sovereignty, we have achieved it, in the next 6 years together, we will go to the victory that the president spoke about, in other directions, cultural sovereignty. technologically, of course, and many other tasks that have to be solved together, together, the very words with which vladimir vladimirovich putin concluded his speech, we will win together, so let’s also listen to a fragment from his speech, which he addressed to the citizens of russia and listen, in particular, what did he say regarding the prospects there dialogue, please, we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries.
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will mature to the same decency, we hope that maybe this will happen, but today this is impossible, and i would like to remind you that the events in ukraine, they kind of began, well, of course, in the fourteenth year from the crimea, but in the process several times russia turned to nato and the west with a proposal to discuss security in europe, security is, well, indivisible, it cannot be security for some in the absence of security for others. they felt that russia wanted too much, okay, now we will get more than we wanted, and together we will win and ensure,
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here is another key, it seems to me, thesis that was voiced in the president’s speech that the future of russia and we, our children, we will determine for ourselves, this is sovereignty, and he said that russia is a separate civilization, that ours is russian civilization, do you understand?
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he said that the west is facing elections. dear friends, i said: you can, using your current situation, to become one of the poles of a multipolar world. you can spend all your strength fighting to be the only pole of a unipolar world, grinding these resources of yours into powder, just as you are grinding the dollar, using it as a weapon of political struggle. he states this position in a principled and consistent manner, but... in your question it sounded a little like, isn’t he throwing pearls before swine, but it didn’t sound like that, well, it seemed to me, let’s look at this, let’s look at this situation, i i think not, why? because he is appealing over the heads of the current western leaders, first of all to the population, the people , pay attention, until the end of his presidential term, none of the current leaders will finish vladimirovich putin.
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none of them will lead their countries until the thirtieth year, there will not be the same leaders of the european union, they will be replaced by others, these are the others, maybe those who make the right choice, the choice that vladimir vladimirovich spoke about, you can survive as one of poles of the world, then you must stop the senseless struggle with history, history. everything is doomed by the unipolar world, it is untenable, it does not correspond to the tasks of human development, maybe these people will come, so now he is going over the heads of the ambassadors who did not come to the inauguration, and the ambassadors who came, the ambassadors who came, the barrels, the european parliaments, some kind of herds and so on and so forth, he appeals to citizens, sober-minded people,
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he believes in it. among the people, ordinary citizens in the west, there must be no less than crazy people. he addresses them and he says: no matter what they tell you, russia is ready for dialogue, we, you, your leaders set a goal to destroy us as a powerful strong state. we do not set a goal to destroy the west as a phenomenon. we set a different goal: let 100 flowers bloom, let there be the west with its culture. there will be us, there will be china, there will be great indian civilization, there will be diversity, there will be a choice for humanity, before the eyes of one generation they trampled on their entire culture, everything, as constantine aleonte wrote, everything that they had that was great, elegant saint, we will preserve all this, and my friends, conservatives, say directly, we will come to you with tears in our eyes, to watch shakespeare, hamlet’s monologues. well
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, to be honest, i’m a little more pessimistic than my colleagues, i understand that such a position should have been stated by the president, but we are open to dialogue, it’s andrei konstantinovich who is right here, this is his consistent position, this is the consistent position of a statist, we're really open. there are no questions, and this position has been confirmed by many facts, in fact, during this time, but as for the hopes that the western elite will ever hear this position of ours, even with a change of power, i, of course, frankly tell you, have very, very little, because the western elite - this is, after all, the modern elite is partly, well, to a large extent , behind the scenes, these public figures do not
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mean everything, and the elite... it has retained its main trend for many decades, at least, this is especially true for the north american elite united states that as for the north american, i think it’s this phrase, well, it’s clear that there is not a single random word in putin’s speech, but he speaks without any arrogance, conceit of his own exclusivity, we remember whose formula this is regarding his own exclusivity, american, of course, it’s just that it’s not at all like the west in general, it’s quite specifically american, as i understand it, they had a little greeting, konstantin valerievich, about beads and pigs. do you think there are any prospects? i believe that in speech president, the words used are such as a country of civilization, such as we are partners, partners, and not vassals, and this is very important, with everything that we are discussing now, it is important to understand that what putin said at the inauguration for 6 whole years will then be us state decisions will be quoted based on what words he called, so he
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called the country russia. civilization, this was already, of course, in his speeches, but it is very important, because it is postulated, and now they call themselves a country of civilization only we and china, well, of course, the west, they consider themselves a global civilization. that, but what we use now is often, this is important, the second expression used is the world majority, this has also come into our everyday use over the past year, it is often used by both vladimir vladimirovich and lavrov, and this is also important, because we stopped following their lead when they say, the world community, civilized countries, because it’s global. the majority, actually, the majority of billions the population of the world support russia, it ’s just this western minority who, since colonial times, from the 18th and 19th centuries, have arrogated to themselves the right to say that the world is them,
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but they don’t recognize this, and yet the world majority, mathematically, is not them , so this is the second important thing, finally the third, he said those who are ready to accept russia as a reliable and honest partner, it seems like this is... such ordinary words and ephimism, reliable, honest, a partner is everything, but a partner, and he again said, partners , he calls them partners, even sometimes they say, well, we rule as long as possible, they are already enemies, open there, occupiers of something there, which means we call them partners, well, because he says that we are equal, equality is very important in the word partnership, we are equal , if you recognize us as equals, then a dialogue will begin, but here i agree with alexander yuryevich barodai, i do not believe that they are ripe for this dialogue and... and i would like to recall in this regard the words of de gaul, which are very described the anglo-saxons interestingly, he said: “the anglo-saxons are very, there is a very long history, there is no time to tell it, but it is said by very simple people, so if you always refuse them, if you don’t listen to them, don’t
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follow their lead, then, as if nothing had happened, they start talking to you like a human being , but only when there is no opportunity to humiliate you, there is no opportunity to talk to you like a slave, then so be it, they will talk to you like human beings."
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chicks for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but -i think you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, the saboteur on may 9th on the first, don’t
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remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but if it doesn’t, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course bourbon. steersmann is a product of stetellar group. on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. i remember the infantry. for me , the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not scary. a great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when they were the most. that is, my grandfather was able to single-handedly destroy 150 manpower and knock out
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two tanks, one of which was a tiger. when i leave as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the entire war, here they are! i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather, was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a memory of great honor, this is victory day, victory day, the festive evening of may 9 on the first, a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain. he, of course, had an exceptional gift; he didn’t
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tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor roosevelt knew what stalin knew, and he knew almost everything thanks to kim philpe. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation. and all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after forced escape and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby, secret war. on sunday on the first. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita
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sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. a fanatic, a tyrant, but nothing there, as he likes to say, an attempt to tax the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift from my mother, who was born in western ukraine. the protocol was strangely signed by nemalenkov, who presided, why? khrushchev committed a crime, a violation of three constitutions by bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory, accuses khrushchev of transferring crimea, after all , he did not transfer crimea to romania, not bulgaria, not great britain, not france, all this happened within the framework of the union state. when the processes of the collapse of the soviet union were already taking shape, we suddenly felt that we might find ourselves behind outside of their homeland. the entire area was cordoned off by people who... with russian flags they held out their hands like this and said russia,
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my tears flowed, it’s a big story, how khrushchev surrendered crimea on sunday on the first, we continue to work live, well, in the last part we discussed whether it would be said by those countries, who see in russia a reliable and honest partner, and this is
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truly the world majority, we do not refuse dialogue with western states, the choice is theirs, whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. colleagues in the last part were skeptical, many took it, well, they didn’t take it, but expected some kind of answer, so to speak, readiness, how is this carelessness, the own exclusivity of cameraless, well no, this is not ours, and you know, unfortunately, what putin said, the answer came
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from germany, in berlin they banned the st. george ribbon and the russian flag on victory day. berlin police have published a rule that on may 8 and 9 , it is prohibited to hang symbols such as flags with russian symbols, st. george ribbons, insignia, even in modified form, or wear military uniforms at soviet memorials in the city in the immediate vicinity. or parts thereof, marches and war songs, signs that may glorify the russian-ukrainian war, for example, the symbol z belongs to them, well, here’s another message: on the same topic, as an answer, i perceive it this way: the french ministry of foreign affairs summoned the russian ambassador in paris , alexei mishkov, in connection with a disinformation campaign. this was reported by france press. what kind of disinformation company is this proposal for dialogue? i don’t know how funny it would be if it weren’t
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so sad. right now putin came to the podium and said, guys, we are ready to talk, so take these guys. well what is this is that? they are alexey mishkov. this is not about the west, the main thing is that he said before, if we take the international part, that the world majority perceives russia as an integral part of the world, and what is very important, as a positive, constructive part of the world, this was this, this message was from the president,
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russia remains a constructive force in the world, with which they want to cooperate and which they are ready to destroy. with the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, then he said about the west, yes, without arrogance, without rudeness, i’ll add this on my own behalf word, the president did not use it, without dictate, without pressure, without imposing on us whatever it was, but we are ready, because we, again, are a constructive force, and we understand perfectly well that from us, as a nuclear power, the main nuclear power on the planet, it depends...
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this is chatter about where we will send nato soldiers, which means - to the conflict zone, there on russian soil, yes, let's talk, call a spade a spade, let's see, chatter or or this is not chatter , this is the most important instruction of the president given on the eve of the inauguration, about checks, they have already begun, as i understand, checks of carriers have begun on the territory of belarus.
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he said, this is a very clear program, by the way, not only in the field of security, he directly spoke about the preservation of values, about the internal consolidation of our society, that together we will solve all problems, that we will solve these problems in the name of , by the way, it is very important for the current and future generations of russians, we will solve them ourselves, absolutely, ourselves, without
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prompting, without outside pressure, and you know, you just saw it and brought it, well , i don’t know, it’s laughter and sin, so i read it to you, and again... let me read it verbatim, i really want to enjoy the moment: the french ministry of foreign affairs summoned the russian ambassador to alexey mishkov’s paris in connection with a disinformation company, well, here we have a disinformation company saying, we can involve you, well, or i don’t know how to understand this, it was reported by an agency, they just brought it to me, it means a party, time 15: 55, she’s still hot for a few minutes of this party, agency the rater reports about ba...
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work, then you quit and go tell the truth, as british and french journalists do, who go to donetsk or lugansk and really
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show the situation as it is, but you can no longer be part of these corporations that serve the interests of these strange leaders, this is this kitchen from the inside, which is so visible, and i don’t know, it’s very unpleasant, to behave politely, but they are just deliberately arrogant towards everyone, no, this listen, this is terrible, this is very cool, this is very interesting, we know, it’s clear that he, i remember there, that hillary clinton’s speech there, but they also constantly talk about their exclusivity and are not shy, but that’s okay, well, these people are standing there in the stands, they say, well, irina told me about how it looks, so to speak, on the ground, that is, it’s the same with my colleagues, that is, they are all infected with this exclusivity, there ’s a lot of work, mikhail mikhailovich, as i understand it , really, well, listen. well, well, just, but how? your, so to speak, impressions, expectations and considerations, that worries me now, we
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’ll talk again, thanks to natalya alekseevna, raschinskaya in the past part, she gave this definition, quoted about the gloomy german genius, we’ll talk about the gloomy german genius, gloomy spanish genius, today we will talk about the gloomy french genius and so on, from all of them, putin tells them, guys, well, in general there is an option to live in peace. prosperity, so to speak, cooperation and so on, your move, comrades, well, it seems to me that the president is always very consistent in what he says in what he does, this is the first and - what you talked about today - an attempt to once again ban our symbols, ban st. george's lenochka, an attempt, this is already, this is already a fact, yes, yes, well , this is just happening endlessly, yes, i want to say that this year the popular front took a piece. uh eternal flame, every year we have this unique opportunity, and he went to 14 countries of the world, for example, rena was in algeria with a piece eternal flame, she was met there by those people
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who were waiting for this, and there is great symbolism in this, because in fact, the symbolism of the fact that our guys today on the front line are continuing the work of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers and finishing off fascism, which has been revived in such a kind of ridiculous artificial way, let's say yes? was revived by a lot of efforts of these guys, so it seems to me that these bans are a consequence of fear, because there were sanctions, technological sovereignty, the president in the new orus, everything is fine, everything works, there was an attempt to shake everything up here, vladimir vladimirovich won with a phenomenal result, 2/3 of the citizens of our country voted for him, that is , none, no matter how much they tried there, which means that various intelligence services are using our ukrainian... neighbors to shake up, nothing is working out, now the most important thing is the fight for ideology, and georgilenochka is our ideology, they begin to feel that we are
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right, that the truth is behind us, this is the most terrible feeling, so of course.
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for our supreme commander to on the day of the inauguration, there was quite a noticeable advance in how, well, i don’t know how trust and trust in our supreme are exactly the actions that the guys are now carrying out, but the fact that the western world is afraid of our symbols of our ideology, how there is such an expression, what is the strength , in truth, we are right, really right, all relations with the west should
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be built on equal terms, that is, not from their power, but from dictating there. conditions of what we should do, how we should live, in what direction to move, but there should be equal relations, which is what we offer to the western countries, and what they reject methodically and regularly, yes, and they try to do everything in order to change the course there and there of certain processes, but this does not happen, the laws of nature, well, they work for everyone, and if the west dictates its the conditions on the part of the forces, what they did over the course of past years, there in the nineties, there in the 2000s, well...
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also phenomenal, but the trust in the elections showed a huge result, a huge process, well, i think the west should think about it probably over everything that's happening after all, oh, rethink your decision and relationship, i’m not against it, no, of course, of course, it’s worth thinking about, you see, it’s not even that i’m skeptical about the west there in the sense of the opportunity to think, everyone has the opportunity think about it, but in the last part there was such a thought from our experts that inertia itself. so to speak, both life and work, so to speak, into the vector of development of the so-called western elites, and those who stand behind them, this is the inertia itself, it is so powerful, maybe they they look sadly from, that means, from this, from this trailer, he says, oh, we should go in the other direction, but they can’t do anything, because i repeat, the inertia of this movement, it’s already there, i don’t know how long it will last , but it seems to me that this is important, i repeat, you sit with melancholy, you look, the trailer will move, the platform will remain, here it is, which means the tip has moved, well, yes, the feather will remain,
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they may already be happy. i don’t know, maybe i just look at the level, the level of western politicians, well, what are they thinking about? they think decades ahead, they think about decades ago, they are here now in a very limited space, this is the paranoid desire of the west to build everything under control, as if it were cut short here about russia, but i here, of course, would not continue to be complacent about the prohibitions , we need to fight for them, we can’t - rejoice and, as they say, think, well, since they prohibit it, it means we are right, we need to continue to defend our interests at all actions, otherwise they will not be at our borders, because the tactics of work, it, as they say, must play for the future, as the president said today, in fact, we are responsible to our generations, and we know that after the victory in the great patriotic war, the export of these values ​​extended far beyond the borders
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of russia, there is a demand for this, and certainly. is outside, it is also necessary, and here there is still effort to be made; in no case should you give up this responsibility and duty, there are also our people, you are important good words, they are kind of heavy, because because open up, so to speak, the prospect of such a long and difficult struggle, but they are completely right, because it’s true, we can’t just be ironic, no, we can always be ironic, please contact us, it means that they have banned and all that, they are afraid, rightly, of course, yes. but now this is now the ball is kind of on our side, now we have to somehow say, i don’t know, at least express a protest, i’m thinking, well, we have to do something, we have to do something, but not just to say, look what fools they are, fools, but to become smarter do you think how they will be, well, you have
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to say it somehow, there is a process that makes people, and even entire human structures, smarter, and from what we are saying, look, yes, here we are against the backdrop of the presidential inauguration absolutely stunning in terms of power, strength, sovereignty, yes, simply stunning beauty, it turns out that everything you said, if you put it together into one such concept that is not complicated, not long, then it turns out that the very fact of the election of putin, our president with such numbers, with such support from the people at such a moment in our history, this is already, this is already a loss, i repeat, it is clear that before it is formalized, the complete loss of the west, i mean, of course, there is still a lot, a lot, a lot of time.
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we remember from the times of great power, when ambassadors played a very important role, ambassadors of foreign powers, they always tried to influence the emperor, tried to influence our leaders, and it worked, and so this habit remained, first of all it was the so-called collective west, although the collective has shrunk, it is not growing, look how macron calculated, it didn’t work out for him, and the visit chose him to side with his team again, the chinese leader is very interesting, first
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france, and then hungary and serbia, somehow such an interesting triumverate, france together macron, france itself is not like that, and macron is trying to take a militant position there, while it’s interesting about serbia, the disgusting bombing.
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you said about hegemony, listen, i even mentioned him, the gloomy spanish genius bareli, he said that say, with sadness, he says, you're sorry , hegemony, well, it's true, he said in plain text that hegemony is over, and today, i saw that in the village of brilyovka - kherson region, the eternal flame was restored and today the eternal flame was lit again, yes , which has not burned for 20 years, two decades, but today it caught fire, but because it seems like a village, but so to speak, because
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all these years again this team, i was there, they did everything to erase the memory, they didn’t have time to erase it before 2022 and even more so until 2014, but over these 2 years they have done hundreds of times more troubles throughout ukraine, which are expressed in changes to streets, demolishing monuments of their own.
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he said something very important, it seems to me that this is absolute, absolute calm, today our president radiated calm, look how he walked, they showed him from his office, and he walked into the hall, and it was humanly visible, he is absolutely calm, yes, he was focused, of course, naturally, this is a very important ceremony, it is the fifth in his life, but it is not less important because of this, perhaps, perhaps it is actually the most important. on him, but
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absolute calm, because he knows, he is absolutely internally confident that with such support from the people, all tasks, he said about this today, by the way, all tasks will be solved, all without exception, internal and external, this signal is not read only in the west, well , this infuriates them, of course, they read him outside the west, and this is no less important, they see that russia is strong, strong, we have such a leader, confident. self-confident in the country, confident in the people, it means you can and should cooperate with russia as friends, and this is a very important signal, the second is a reason not to be friends, i agree to just cooperate absolutely, but if you can talk about symbolism, anna yurievna said it, i completely agree with you , we must, of course, we must defend, we must fight for our symbols, yes, these are symbols of victory, these are symbols of the greatest feat of our people, of course, but who stand behind them, yes, behind them, yes, of course. i just want, just like that, i don’t
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know, this thought arose, but well, it’s just some consideration, you know, in the margins, what if we decide that these tifton crosses and other nazi symbols, which in front of germany, where by the way it is prohibited, are applied to the military equipment supplied by the germans, then chevrons on themselves the so-called volunteers sew, they are also mercenaries, including german ones, by the way, so... what if such a decision declares this outlaw and such targets are subject to automatic destruction and priority priority automatic destruction, be it a car, a tank, an airplane, a person, it doesn’t matter if it has nazi symbols on it or the symbols that the nazis used, yeah, it is subject to immediate, as you say correctly, priority destruction. well, of course,
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the exhibition that is now wonderful is taking place, it is necessary, no, the exhibition needs to be replenished, of course, it’s wonderful, a wonderful idea, it needs to be replenished, of course, something needs to be taken away, yes, so that our children and youth can see it first this, yes, this is the feat of our today's soldiers who are fighting against the officers at the front, but still destroy the bulk, then this will be another contribution to the fight for our symbols, and against symbols. which history itself has swept aside, it seems to me that this would be a good solution, but these are just thoughts on the margins, but this must be done, it is absolutely necessary, because... the current german authorities, and not only the german ones, have a short memory historically , it simply doesn’t exist, and maybe it’s necessary to remind you, there are strictly opposite considerations, such as, excuse me, maybe today is not such a day for jokes, but i will nevertheless risk it, you know, like the joke about two theater critics
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who are already retired, walk past the theater, hear the clink of glasses, women’s laughter, then you see, he says, don’t invite us to parties anymore, he says, they forgot , he says, no, they remember, you know? let's say, the international community, including the growing ones, this is the foundation of a future multipolar world, this is the development of the idea that the president said, he said words today that, well, i just don’t know, touched me to the depths of my soul, i felt, maybe i personally somehow
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felt them, that we stand and answer in the face of our generations, a thousand years of history, and maybe the president said these words like that, somehow they were, was especially... heartfelt within the walls of the historical kremlin , who has seen everything, who has seen different moments in our history, these words are spoken at a very decisive, difficult, difficult time for the country, when we are all united around russia around the idea, the president brought us together for this. are there any, well, necessary opportunities and major resources here? until the next important step and responsibility for.
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for them, when russia is silent, it listens to their words, and there is no need to harbor illusions that this will be a certain, this is a constant confrontation, as long as russia wants to remain true to what the president said, that it will have its own word, absolutely, you know, so i read one very good comment, in my opinion, and well, there’s another, another
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cancellation, anna netrebka’s performance there somewhere in europe, on demand, which means the ukrainians came here, here, and it was short, very, in my opinion, very smart - comment. and the comment is such that we listen, the ukrainians are rejoicing, dancing, jumping, won, not understanding that this cancellation is not a problem for the lazy, it’s a huge one, so to speak, well, there is grief or sadness or loss for the audience, try , so the commentator is addressing his fellow ukrainians, try to evaluate this from this side, you understand, you ’re happy that like ha-ha and they won’t pay the fee, but from your point of view.
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poured, tip, sharpened sparkling spear, you can no longer call it, just by definition, no, well, by the way, i was just close to the place where all the french ambassadors were.
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in the telegram, so to speak, isolation, the famous, notorious, so to speak, is unfolding before your eyes, mikhail
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mikhailovich, and i know, it seems to me that this split, because you can’t help but notice the obvious, i remember very well when us, yesterday we counted with the guys, we have a fifty- second humanitarian convoy of guys to avdeevka, fifty-second, yes, every day the guys bring supplies to the people who stayed, who survived all these horrors, you know, yes, what is it... for children, for parents, when, if they refuse to evacuate to western ukraine, there is a family there that we help, where the angels police came, as they are called there, so they took my son, he then took him out, hiding him in bags of potatoes, as if they were waiting for russia, and until the last day, there was a mobile unit in avdeevka, until the last day, every day i looked at the lists of what was needed, what medicines, what food , and be sure to send a mobile a plot at such and such an address, of course. the president, of course, he is
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the president, because the president is absolutely well, i have to admit that he is the majority of russians, i’m sure of this, they showed it, kuzka’s mother, if you’ll excuse me, you know, i do it all the time.
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more than 9,000
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military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first on victory day on the first and what are you singing there to the dark-skinned woman, comrade commander , the curtain is unscrewed, like war, it all comes and the music is forever, how is your maestra, is everything okay?
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we will show sergei's film from einstein, ivan the terrible. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia. he predicted much of what is happening to russia today. in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave.
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it turns out to be a temporary film, because each era looks at it with its own with his eyes he finds some answers to his questions, on saturday at first, get up, the vacation is over, oh my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, you can rest at work, alexander ivanovna, can you, oh, yes, yes, uh, excuse me, we need to somehow schedule the visit, i have advantages, and what are these, evidence, corpses, she loves it, and... the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, you can smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are notes of musk, how do you like the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded, well, it seems like everyone has left, if this is not a murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, the assault group
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is ready number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, isn’t it safe to be with me at all? eh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment. so, can you explain to me what is happening? don’t worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, the victim was also pregnant, i mean, a bloodhound. new episodes from may 13, on the first. you bear too much responsibility for others. my shoulders told you this; you can tell a lot about a person.
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good evening, live broadcast of the big game and me, vyacheslav nikonov. today, for the fifth time , the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, took office. this happened for the fifth time on may 7. tradition,
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however, is real. it was an impressive ceremony, today in our studio we have only participants of this ceremony who share their feelings, emotions, and these are the ones. conditions of a special military operation, it was the inauguration at a time when russia is experiencing unprecedented challenges, on the other hand, this was the first inauguration when russia is so strong, so collected and so capable of solving the tasks that it faces, and russia. moreover, it is now in a state where a lot depends on the finesse of the policy pursued by the president, on the decisions made by
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the government, and of course, the state duma of the russian federation. irena anatolyevna, you must agree, there’s some kind of atmosphere, this is probably not the first time you’ve been at the entrance to the the position of president, but the atmosphere today was somehow special. undoubtedly, the very special historical period that russia is now living through, and as you know, the oath, the oath of the president, it consists of 33 words, but it is very important what verbs, what meanings that came from the lips of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, it is to respect protect, protect, observe and serve faithfully when these words are uttered by our... commander-in-chief, popularly elected president, who for all these years he served faithfully, serves the people of russia and protects our country,
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undoubtedly, in each of us there is this feeling of pride, joy, belonging, excitement, it is certainly so unifying, and of course, but the fact that now russia is going through a period a certain self-determination, if you like, like... the first time when our president took the oath of allegiance to the fatherland to the people of russia, we remember that then the country had a feeling of timelessness, there was a feeling of anxiety and lack of understanding of what would happen, because before that president putin had too many falls, and to many in the world, frankly speaking, it seemed that sovereign russia could soon be erased from the world map, then there was some certainty and great hope. today this feeling is already absolute trust, absolute trust and unites
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the nation, because only president putin succeeded in this. over all these years, vladimir vladimirovich built such a logic and strategy when, from a situation of absolute decline, demoralization, economic ruin, complete insecurity, in which the country the people lived, we rose to... the level of high dignity, absolute respect for a person in uniform, absolute respect for the concept of serving the defense of the fatherland. i think the words that were spoken by the president regarding our guys who are participating in a special military operation today are not just words, they are a feeling, and this is an oath given to them as well. in my opinion, the words that he said in a speech after taking the oath that i promise you... he said exactly that, i promise that you, those who protect today homeland, it is you who will determine the fate of russia, and this is a very important, qualitative
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difference between modern russia. i am sure that the whole world, which listened to every word, looked into the eyes of everyone, into the face of everyone. firstly, absolute joy was visible in the eyes and faces, a feeling of confidence in the future, in every word of the president. adopted amendments to the constitution, which , in fact, the president delegated to predetermine the citizens of the country, and you said
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of a historical moment that we are talking about parliament, parliament for the first time in in accordance with the constitution, in accordance with the decision of the president, given to the citizens of russia will not be agreed upon, but approved by the government of our country. yes, well, we ’ll talk about this later, about how we’ll do it. as chairman of the poroni committee for the first time at the inauguration of the president , although i am sure that i had also been at this ceremony before, as deputy minister of defense, no, it didn’t happen, no, it was my first time... i was exactly at such an inauguration ceremony, i have been to various other events, but here it is the inauguration ceremony for me, this is the first experience, well, you see, it means you too can share your emotions, especially since the president began his speech after he was officially announced as having assumed the post of president, with the fact that he paid tribute to our troops
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, thanked them, let's listen: let's remember, in these solemn and responsible minutes of taking office as president, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with my homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland. once again, thank you for the trust and support you have shown me; now i am addressing every citizen of russia; i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath; its text contains the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. well, your
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feelings, your sensations. uh, the inauguration ceremony of our president, but i could see how he passed every word through his heart, how he worries, as he understands what a burden he is once again placing on his shoulders, so...
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he appreciates the trust that the people have shown him, and now in his service, with his work, he will justify this trust, of course, this is very, very important , this is what unites us with our leader, this is what makes us one, this is what
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can never be understood. no western analysts and everyone else, because their brains are built differently, they do not understand the essence and depth of our soul, our president knows it, understands it, because he is our flesh and blood. andrei arkaevich, well, this is not your first time at the presidential inauguration ceremony, but...
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and of course, any are appropriate, but nevertheless it is absolutely obvious that we are starting a new era; in fact, i took the words of the president. precisely as an entrance into a new era, this is not just another cycle there, it is a transition to another stage of development of our state, a stage in which we declare to the whole world, of course to our people, but to the whole world too, as a people we declare this, yes, that we
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have unity, unity is ours, probably the main resource today, and we are really only going to seriously determine our future ourselves, not always in our... this view is filled with enormous positivity, so it seems to me that despite the current situation, a situation that requires maximum concentration of energy,
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nevertheless, the head of our state is striving forward and leading our state along this very important, positive path forward, i also drew attention in the president’s speech to the fact that the west, europe, asia, asia, there, eurasia, anywhere, yes, but in reality we are us, we are self-sufficient, we are truly civilizations, what putin said about this in his speech today, in my opinion, is also important, let's listen to the president.
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we see how the atmosphere in society has changed, how highly reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage are valued today. i will do everything so that people who have shown their best human and professional qualities, prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds, and become leading positions in public administration, in economics, in all areas. we must ensure reliable continuity in the development of the country for decades to come, raise young generations who will strengthen the power of russia, develop our statehood, which is based on...
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he said this today, all tasks will definitely be solved, and the security of people and the country , of course, and economic development and issues. in foreign policy everything will be done, done, as he repeatedly
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emphasized today, jointly, consolidated, consolidation of society, this is the most important achievement of his presidency, and not just some kind of mechanical unification, not unification around slogans, unification around things that have already been done, that are to come, the signal was, of course, to the west today in what he talked about ... stability, but it was a signal to the whole world, security, stability, strategic dialogue on equal terms, undoubtedly on issues that are not only in words, but in this confidence in the calmness of our leader, i read this, i am absolutely sure that with russia not only is it possible, but also necessary to cooperate, to cooperate equally, and to actually be friends with someone who wants to, and we are also open to this, and that’s after all... everyone watched the broadcast, even in the territory of what
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is still called ukraine, also watched, a lot of people watched, judging by the messages there that come on the tapes, it was absolutely the number one event for everyone, for politicians, no matter how much they loved russia, did not dislike russia, many of them, western politicians, for business community, i'm sure on wall street everyone who needed the broadcast watched. absolutely, because today moscow is the center for making the most important decisions for the world, and this will remain, this will be so, but these decisions, the president spoke about this today, these are decisions that are positive for the world, we will not give ourselves up, we will not give up our security to anyone , we will not allow, naturally, so to speak, yes, damage to be caused to us, neither economically nor , again, in the security sphere, but this...
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our president, these values, excuse me for this word, are overwhelmingly liked the majority of our citizens, we profess these values, they like them, they appeal to hundreds of millions of people in the world, maybe billions, this is very important, this should, in my opinion, be considered in the west, maybe even more than some there are specific words there, maybe some messages. very important messages, but this is important, it means
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they are losing, they have lost, they have lost strategically, this is a strategic defeat in quotation marks to russia, which they want to inflict, it has already happened, we have already inflicted it on them defeat, and this defeat is not only on the fields of the northern military district, which will only get worse for them, it is a defeat in their minds, because they lost the battle for the minds, yeah, well, what they perceive, of course, is difficult to say. whether they perceive anything at all now adequately, that’s the question, and whether they slept on mall street because it was deep night there, it’s hard to say, but putin, of course, addressed his words to the world, but most of all to ours, of course, to the people, to the people, it was an appeal, to the russians first of all, and he warned us that in this complex world in which we live is very important.
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the system must be strong and absolutely resistant to any challenges and threats, ensure the progression and stability of the development of the unity and independence of the country, while stability does not mean inertia, our state and social system must be flexible, create conditions for renewal and movement forward, in general, we it is impossible to take from outside. they didn’t take it, yes, there are turmoil,
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upheaval, and the country is falling apart, in fact, we really went through this terrible period, we have this dangerous experience, and saying:
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our country was entrusted to make certain decisions at the local, regional, federal level, so that this sense of responsibility and empathy predetermines us in our actions in our actions, we we are talking about the civilizational heritage, but remember, you and i had a legislative initiative that did not pass then, that is, there was a period in the life of our country when we could not prove that the civilizational heritage and we as a civilization should...
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restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on security issues, without any arrogance or conceit of one’s own stability is possible, but not from a position of strength, exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests, the president very clearly placed all the emphasis, of course, his very
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speech, it is addressed to the citizens of our country, to the people, but its computer itself its direction, it is still a signal there to the outside world, and they must clearly read this signal to understand, you understand? well, let’s not remember the nineties there, even in the early 2000s we were still trying to offer our friendship to everyone, let’s love us, take us, we are ready, now all that has changed, and he says: you do what you want, but uh, either you will be with us, he says, on equal terms, or you will not talk to us, only those who want it will talk to us, so...
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let them continue to think this way, they can put pressure on us, but the energy of this compressed spring, which then unclenches, will destroy them all, all these short-sighted western politicians who do not understand that not only russia has changed, the world has changed, and that russia , which was and remains in their damp memory, that it is weak, fragmented, it can’t do anything, but... it will endure everything, no, that russia no longer exists, there is a strong, powerful, independent power
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that is really becoming only the world's decision-making center, she becomes the center of civilization, this is exactly what the president was talking about, by the way, you can remember moscow, the third rome, there is no fourth, in the modern interpretation, and this phrase. well, you said that you offered friendship to everyone, not everyone. i remember very well, in the nineties, our minister of foreign affairs andrei kozyrev said: “i am ashamed that russia has such friends as cuba, and north korea or vietnam.” and we abandoned them, simply. we threw it. and there were many such countries, dozens. african countries with which we were ashamed. we were there is no shame only with those who wanted to strangle us. in an embrace or... just like that, since then we have become a lot smarter, and indeed, now we perceive ourselves, we
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are perceived in the world as a figure who will defend our own interests and the interests of those who want to be friends with us, and not those who want to strangle us . we will continue about the inauguration of the president of the russian federation after the advertisement. on gleb's hill, wait, hovering, i'll be with
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you, winding, winding, my little path into the distance, moscow, ringing kolakala, moscow, golden kubala, this victory day, disappeared like gunpowder, a festive concert. in the state kremlin palace, tomorrow after the evening news, on the day of victory on the first, always and in everything act in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hitting the tanks, i knocked out with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if i had said as a scout that you weren’t bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say that, and fool the girls’ heads? she is the only one, i understand, there is no other like her and there never will be, every intelligence officer knows how, they will let me down
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monastery, don’t push me here, we are ours, all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, what i taught you, well done, daredevils, scouts, for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet, guys, but - i think you and i are in deep trouble, so that’s it... actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful. saboteur may 9, on the first. don’t remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision. whoever is not given a hint means he doesn’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, we are for you prepared the field uniform, leonid arkadyevich, now you are a real cook, first of all, gifts to the studio, this is our beauty, this is one word or a sentence, this is a paragraph, we must not
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forget that in war it is not scary, he knows nothing about war, from a letter from alexei kapler, my little twig, we are starting a completely new life, in which it will not be the same as before, they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, then she took him away, it so happened that yulia dronina tamed this lavilas, this moscow star, what is it
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she locked herself in the car, she was crazy, she wanted to defend that country. which she carried in her heart, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down. podcast lab may 10 on the first. every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of files that i had taken from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many reports to ima filga are reported personally to stalin, notes there in pencil, personally.
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the inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin, this is what happened,
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that this time is the inauguration, introduction.
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when we sing together, the anthem of russia, the russian federation, there appeared words that are very important for many believers, and... here it is actually very important that we are not ashamed that the head of state is committed in this particular case to orthodoxy, but he is also emphasized at the same time that we have
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complete freedom for all our traditional religious faiths; by the way, representatives of the leadership of all these faiths were with us today at this very important ceremony, therefore, this is the spiritual beginning. despite all the protests from the vatican, they did it, in the end they were unable to adopt the constitution, as we all remember well, and what is happening with them is this satanism, jubilant, so to speak, and militant, these are also two sides, the side of light and the side
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of darkness, here you have just the image of a horseman with a spear, which obviously relates us to the theme of st. george the victorious, the patron saint of russia, by the way, whose day we celebrated on the sixth , between... and this is also very significant, because we really have something to be proud, if we are talking about an original civilization about a country of civilization, then all these not only symbols, but actions are extremely important for strengthening our entire civilizational space, strengthening all the opportunities that we have to achieve our bright, important long-term goals. well, yes, the words that are in our anthem, which today...
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a position, a government in full force immediately after the president took office , resigned, an order. resigns his powers to the newly elected president russian federation and immediately followed by a presidential decree on the powers of the government in connection with the resignation of the government of the russian
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federation of its powers, in accordance with such and such article of the constitution, i decree the government of the russian federation to continue to act until the formation of the government of the russian federation. now the same constitution, with the amendments that we... for which you voted in '20, gives completely different powers to those legislative bodies that represent everyone present at this table. erina anatolyevna, tell us, our tv viewers, not everyone probably knows the intricacies of our constitutional legislative process related to the formation of the country’s government. but you know, it seems to me that it is very important that, speaking about the spiritual, we moved on to how these moral ideals and values ​​will be embodied in the program of action.
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be considered by parliament, and parliament, the state duma set the date of may 10, and the state duma, according to the constitution, makes a decision to approve or not approve, this is a new quality of decision-making, this is our joint responsibility for who will be the chairman of the government of our country, with whom today the president, the state duma, and the federation council, the whole country will implement the strategy... the next step is the chairman of the government after his approval will propose candidates for deputy prime ministers and ministers to the state duma, respectively, this is also a procedure in which the role of the state duma is not approval, but approval, and this is also completely new and responsible quality, and it must be said that the chairman of the state duma constantly directs us to the fact that... that
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today the state duma in its daily agenda is obliged, together with the government, to be responsible for the decisions that are made, and parliamentary control should not be nominal, but essential, and those ministers who will now be approved by parliament must understand their absolute responsibility, and we must understand our absolute responsibility for the fact that further steps and further development we must...
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there are thoughts, all the key decisions that the state duma made on countering sanctions, on the most difficult challenges that were associated with the pandemic, on economic development, on a special military operation, on sovereignty, security, on foreign agents, the state duma is consolidated takes a position, this also reflects the consolidation that exists in society, because the deputies elected by the citizens of our entire large country are absolutely... bearers of the attitude towards problems and the prospects for development, which unites us, so for us now the algorithm of our actions is the first steps - this is the consideration of the candidates that will be submitted, then absolutely painstaking , thoughtful work to implement the president’s instructions, well, the schedule of our work is already clear, on friday, we will confirm the candidacy the prime minister, well...
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the state duma committee will begin to consider the candidacies of ministers on sunday, on monday tuesday all these candidacies will be submitted for consideration by the whole chamber, but the state duma not the entire government approves, there is a so-called power bloc, which falls under the competence of the federation council, this is the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, and...
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there will be a dialogue with the relevant candidates, the federation council is really not built on a party principle, it is not formed, but the federation council is the most important link between the federal. level of government and
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regional levels, and regions, regional level of government, so, of course, here the opinion of senators is important for candidates. i’ll once again emphasize from the president’s decision, when he presents the relevant candidates, i think that the most important thing here now is that the president actually held
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a meeting with the government, which today resigned according to the constitution, the conversation was, well, not only so kind. .. it seems to me that the conversation was focused on the future, the president emphasized the importance of the uninterrupted work of the authorities, in general, and the government, this is very important, and he spoke about this earlier, and today it seems to me that these are fundamental things, this is what should to unite all candidates - in the new government, it seems to me, there are only two factors, uh, and the factors are essentially equal, one cannot exist in isolation from the other.
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a statement was made, in my opinion, also fundamental, that we will consider the supply of f-16 aircraft to ukraine as the supply of means of delivering nuclear weapons, this is also the first time such a statement has been made, well, i drew attention to the fact that how- then the western politicians crawled away, he said, no, we won’t have any troops there anymore, the americans they said, no, we are not going anywhere. ukraine was going to attack russia there, blow up the crimean bridge there, that they just didn’t say what they would do, on the day the president took office, somehow they also became quiet, uh, well, i’ll also remind you what the president said in his message from the federal assembly regarding our already
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strategic deterrent forces, let us remember that we have done everything. our armed forces have gained enormous combat experience. this applies to the interaction of all types and branches of troops, modern tactics and operational art has grown. a whole galaxy of talented commanders have been trained, who take care of people, competently carry out their tasks, use new equipment, successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that we see this in all levels, from the platoon and operational level to the highest level of management , where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand along with what needs to be done, and such work is being carried out. continuously at the front, in the rear, it is aimed at increasing the striking power of the army and
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fleet, their manufacturability and efficiency. the combat capabilities of the armed forces have increased many times over. our units firmly hold the initiative. they are confidently advancing in a number of operational directions and liberating more and more new territories. we did not start this war in donbass, but as i have said more than once, we will do everything. to finish it, eradicate nazism, solve all the tasks of a special military operation, protect the sovereignty and security of our citizens, but in the field of strategic weapons we have done everything, that’s what the president said then, in strategic nuclear forces are in full readiness for guaranteed use. what we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in the 2018 message
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, everything has been done or this work is being completed, so the hypersonic aviation complex kinzhal has not only been put into service, but is used with high efficiency to hit particularly important targets during a special military operations. also, hypersonic shock has already been used in battle. peresvet, tests of the burevestnik unlimited-range cruise missile are being completed unmanned underwater vehicle by seidon. these systems have confirmed theirs. high, one can say without exaggeration, unique characteristics, troops have been delivered and the first
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serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles, we will soon demonstrate them in the areas where they are based on combat duty. work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues, we will still learn about the new achievements of our scientists and gunsmiths, well, that is, we are clearly... now declaring that we have not started yet, if they behave so badly lead then well, this is both true and not true, the point here is this, our enemies, these opponents, they know well the conditions for the use of strategic nuclear forces, so they do everything so as not to go to the threshold of making decisions, knowing full well that... in this case, well, nothing good will happen for anyone, our strategic
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nuclear forces will fulfill their task in any scenario, these exercises on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, they talk a little about something else, they say that if you, gentlemen good, continue to behave like this... continue to try to provoke us, you dare to interfere where you want to interfere, don’t, you will receive an answer that you do not expect, and it will be within our right, it will be justified, and no questions after this it cannot come to us, this is exactly the message that was heard, so the americans crawled away.
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provisional solutions that will allow measures to support families, children, the implementation of new approaches to the development of the economy and human resources to be implemented, undoubtedly, by the parliament in general, he constantly organizes his work in the logic of the instructions given by the president; if we talk about each of the strategically important national projects, they have one
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unifying most important quality, these are humanitarian and peaceful projects. successful creative development, and this is also an indicator, the president ended his speech with confidence in victory, only such confidence can predetermine the logic of forming such a creative agenda that the resources that our country has will be directed to the internal economic and social well-being, and today we have already made, as you remember, a whole series of decisions that are related specifically to the younger generation, to supporting families, and of course... with the support of participants in a special military operation, this is a special mission, a special task, literally at the last meeting held by the state duma, we made additional decisions on social support for children who became disabled as part of a special military operation to provide them with special equipment and cars, and today,
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if we break down the government's action program step by step... the fact is that from his very first step he already had a far-sighted strategy, perhaps not everyone understood it, fortunately not everyone understood it, because the west did not consider it, but today we have reached the trajectory of ambitious goals, when we need to enter the top four economies of the world, when our main value is self-sufficiency, by the way, in terms of food security
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, despite the high level that we have achieved, the president has set the task for another increase by 25%, so... indeed , the tasks set are big; today , the president’s message to the world, his assumption of office was followed by all the world’s media, what they told their viewers about, and also about what was happening on fronts of a special military operation with boris rozhen, immediately after the advertisement, on victory day. on the first. this year we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years, i remember the infantry. for me, the most heartfelt songs are those that appeared in our films. death is not scary, a great song that was written by alexander vasilyevich alexandrov, when the worst things happened
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, of course, this song is a symbol of our army. 150 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you now, when i am leaving as part of the immortal regiment, i proudly carry photographs of my parents who went through the whole war, these are the heroes who gave us life, these are the ones who are young, who are now...
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only old men go into battle. may 9 after the program time. the ruins of the reichstag
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satisfied. several wounds and concussions. and absolute fearlessness. he survived through this entire terrible war. after the first year , he tried to expel both me and... sasha zbroeva, for the fact that we are not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give it, he never felt or felt like an old man, he always felt like a man, on vladimir etush’s birthday, on saturday. first. hereditary aristocrat and best employee of the british intelligence services, head of a special department for identifying soviet
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intelligence officers in great britain. he had, of course, an exceptional gift; he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor rooseville knew. about what stalin knew, and he knew almost everything thanks to kim. 30 years on the verge of discovery, 4 years of continuous interrogation, all i could do was gather my courage, many years of separation from children after forced escape, and one main meeting of my life, presented by moscow, i want to marry you. filming from a personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. on sunday on the first.
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rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is war. war against the people of donbass. the donetsk people's republic will respond to the challenge. we will tear anyone apart for our own, so we will bite our teeth into our land, but we will still defend it. what kind of future would you like for your child, without war. liberated
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territories, life line, premiere on sunday on the first. big. we are discussing the inauguration of russian president vladimir putin live. i think many people who watched the live broadcast on channel one noticed that in st. andrew’s hall putin shook hands twice, first it was leonid rashal, a famous children’s doctor, the second was alexandra pakhmutova pakhmutova, etc. and the president already held his first meeting today in his new capacity, and his first meeting was just with leonid roshalev, a truly amazing person who saved, well...
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i don’t know, thousands and thousands of children’s lives, a man of unconditional courage, boundless, who is one of the truly symbols of our humanity on the one hand, and devotion on the other, their duty and so on, so the president emphasized that these are the people who make up the salt of our earth, but those people who really make up the salt of the earth. are now on the line of combat contact, they are fighting, and even on this day, the day the president takes office, we do not forget what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation, this is constantly closely monitored by boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our military expert, boris aleksanovich, good evening, what’s new on the fronts of the northern military district? good afternoon, and if we talk about
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the situation on the front line, then against... the backdrop of various regions of ukraine, russian troops of ongoing unmanned missile attacks continue to confidently hold the initiative, if you go along the front line from south to north, then in the rabotinsky direction russian troops continued assault operations to the north-west of verbovoy, as well as in rabotino itself in the area of ​​​​the village, the enemy there had already retreated to the northern and north-eastern outskirts, while still maintaining a presence in rabotino, but in fact most of the village would already offer russian... troops and they constantly continue to advance further. on the vremevsky ledge, russian troops continued to conduct assault operations on the southern outskirts of urozhainy, and our troops also pressed at staromaysky. in the ugledar direction, our troops continued offensive operations south of novomikhailovka in the direction of the konstantinovka ugledar highway, and also fought on the outskirts of paroskovievka. in the avdeevsky direction, our troops continued, if
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we say to the south, then... here we have already advanced to the western part of the village, our troops also continue the storm in the area of ​​​​the uman region, there they are already caught almost almost on the outskirts of the village, we are also moving towards novoprokopovka , this is south of solovyov, we are also completing the cleanup of the novokalinovo arkhangelsk ceramics area, there in fact there is no longer an enemy. and we continue to move further in the direction of kalinovo and if you look at cheretina to the north-west in the direction of novoalleksandrovka, there we have already caught up with the outlying village, it’s worth attacking, the enemy cannot yet, which means in the artyomov direction, our troops continued to be successful assault operations in the chasyar area, our main successes there are to the south-southeast and south of chasyar, there
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we are gradually covering the city from the south, this... the enemy needs, is gradually retreating, well the prerequisites are being created for the enemy’s further retreat to the western part of chasyar, which means that on the northern ledge the main battles still took place on the razdolovka veselaya line in belogorovka in sporny, in the krasnolimansky direction our troops continued to fight near the outskirts of the village of terny in the svatvo-kupyansky direction, fighting continued in the tislovka area and...
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on tuesday, putin takes office as president for the fifth time, which will not only mark his twenty-five years in power, but will also present russia as revolutionary a power, as it is called. kremlin commentators, that is, a country seeking to completely restructure the world order, establish its own rules and ensure that totalitarian autocracy is respected and considered a legitimate alternative to democracy in a world divided by major powers into spheres of influence, this threatens a long-term civilizational conflict aimed at undermining western democracy, and as putin warned, it could lead to a new world war, so it turns out that our commentators are calling it.
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something with the word revolution, then approximately 30 years ago, it was in washington that the principles of the so-called global democratic revolution were proclaimed, i didn’t say that, american leaders said, and this just coincided with the coming to power, first of the clintons, then obama was doing it, now biden is doing it, that is, there is a certain continuity, and the essence of this very revolution, which we wrote about in one
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of the annual reports of our commission for the protection of state senatorial sovereignty, is that it is written there, and simply change the political build an exemplary state in fifty dollars, that is, fifty states, well, by the way, we are also meant there. had to change their political system in accordance with instructions from washington, from here it actually went to the washington regional committee, in fact, it didn’t just appear, that’s when they saw that something cracked and broke, and that this is the story with the global democratic revolution ending, they really took it with such chill in their souls, realizing that the vampire’s point was ending, they now... well, so far on the pages of newspapers, on television screens he says something like this, by the way, we had journalists there too, including from these wonderful countries, i had the opportunity to meet some of them at one time, so
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, if we talk about the role of russia, then this role is to liberate the nations that make up the united nations and return to the original source, and what is the original source, the peaceful existence of the state with various... positions of the state department, which yesterday was outlined by the press secretary of the state department department matthew miller, let's listen to him: vladimir putin will soon take office as president of russia again, what
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can you say about this? i understand that us ambassador lyn tracy is not in the country at the moment, will anyone from the embassy be present at the ceremony or is the us joining the boycott by other countries? you see, kashchenko is simply waiting for these patients, but the mental war, it is very actively being waged in the world, and the brainwashing that happened in ukraine, we see what it led to, they raised a generation, which is imbued with nazi ideology
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turned out to be able to trample the graves of their ancestors, and the fact that today russophobia is gaining momentum, and the fact that, usurping power through the media, they simply implant false, deceitful delagems in people, this... a number of foreign leaders arrive to victory , which putin will hold
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negotiations with, and then the first official visit that putin will make after taking office is the people's republic of china. by the way, where were we, the head of china is now in belgrade, what exactly today marks the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the chinese embassy there by american troops, so we have an agenda. politics, determines the future, because this, russia, which itself defines its own , as our president correctly said, is a country-civilization, the only country, by the way, a civilization, but what is very important, what is important. that our agenda, which our
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president sets, really appeals, many people in the world like it, and this is the basis for creating a multipolar world, this is the worst dream of the west and it will come true, we will win the president said, i remember that the first and last extreme phrase, together we will win - the president said, let's remember. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history, to our ancestors, they conquered seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put their homeland first, they knew that it is possible to achieve truly great goals only together with their country and with their people, created a world power, our fatherland achieved such
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triumphs that inspire us today, we are confidently looking forward, planning our future, planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful. we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles. the big game returns at 7:45 p.m. on the day of the first win. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country.
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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hello, the evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. a ceremony watched by the whole country. took office as president of russia.


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