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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 7, 2024 6:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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facts about the liberation of sevastopol, archival documents, personal belongings, photographs of those years are presented. the museum workers also accomplished a real feat. during the war , he found himself on the front line and survived the evacuation, but the employees carefully preserved all the valuables. on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea, on our channel there are films that have already become cult, on may 9, watch the saboteur crimea and the film saboteur, the first of the cinema epic. may snow fell this morning in moscow and several other central regions of russia. this is completely unusual for the picture of spring was outside the window. flowers under snow cover. everything, however, quickly melted, but not for long. tomorrow the precipitation will return. it will be wet, snowy in places, windy and cold until at least the end of this week. frosts down to -4 and icy conditions are expected at night. in the capital, according to the mayor, again.
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and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. the information channel on the first continues to work live, time will tell the program, studios anatoly kuzichev, olesya loseva, today is a special day, vladimir putin officially took office as president of the russian federation for the fifth time at a ceremony that took place in... the evsky hall of the large kremlin palace vladimir putin took the oath of office on the country's constitution, which gives him the powers of the president for the next 6 years until 2030. about 2,500 guests were invited to the ceremony. today, of course, we will discuss not only this ritual, entourage part, it certainly boggles the imagination, i don’t know, it seems to me nothing more solemn in a higher sense. the word
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of a sovereign, so powerful, so beautiful is generally difficult to imagine, in the sense of official ceremonies, but let's talk about the content, about the message, so to speak, the fears that putin gave to his people, by the way, he uses, you see, the word partners, here, but first, let's, let's you, as people who were present there, share your, i don’t know, impressions of what you heard there, alexander dmitrievich, i repeat, we will have a separate part, we will discuss in detail putin’s speech, and so to speak, what he had. so, what did you personally hear there, what did you understand, what did you feel? well, if i describe our president’s speech in a nutshell, it seems to me that it conveyed calm and confidence, confidence in the correctness of the chosen course, which should ensure sovereignty, stability and dynamic development.
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in our development, we definitely need internal stability, to avoid unrest and strife within the country, because russia can only be defeated when there is no internal agreement, no external enemy can be defeated russia cannot, of course, and this is probably the most important thing, this is what the president provides today as a consolidating figure, and... in our country, and a number
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of the most important points were noted, of course, this is saving the population, as the main the task, perhaps, is sovereign dynamic, self-sufficient economic development on the basis of this, naturally improving the lives of the people, well, perhaps these are the main theses, what is possible.
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today's solemn ceremony, unlike the previous one, takes place during a special operation and of colossal volume sanctions, which in essence. so, despite all these sanctions, achieving very, very positive results, i think this gives even more additional confidence, olga viktorovna, you know, this is still such powerful energy, because where else will you see where
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the heroes of russia are , politicians, social activists, where are the children, and there were young gymnasts, olympic winners, and famous doctors, wherever you look? these are people with colossal energy, and you understand that we are all together for the country, we are one big team, which has united today around the president, and you know, i want to say that i received a charge of energy there, we don’t have a minute to slow down, to stop, we are moving forward, every day is already planned further, at the duma, at each of us, returning, and there were a huge number of people from the regions, they are the president’s confidants, and these are very recognizable, popular, famous people. territories, you understand that you are proud of the country, and we must do everything to, as the president said, pass all this on to our children and our to the future generation, because this is an important leipmotive today, that there were children there too, and he spoke about children, that we must consolidate
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everything good in the country and pass it on to our future generation, for me this was probably important, and of course, you know, such a serious charge, when you come out you understand that from you personally too...
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an important political norm, which in our country acquires special significance, because not only governors, not only the legislative branch, the government participate in the ceremony, there were a lot public figures, a lot of the public, in this ceremony for the first time we saw children who took part and what is very important, of course, during this period, is participation in the ceremony of our historical territories, which today took part in this and is very important: the president emphasized in his speech, addressing everyone, every person in our country, that we ourselves, only we, will decide the fate of russia, olya said it correctly, these are the emotions that were present in this hall today, despite the weather in moscow, despite the fact that
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the weather is specific, but experts say that it is good when the weather is like this, maybe they will confirm this, but once again i want to say the presence itself. you know, we are all present here, and many in our country remember the nineties, zero years, when there was rampant banditry and the collapse of the country, today there is a strong power, today there is pride in the country, and despite the world crises, despite the pandemic, despite for thousands and thousands of sanctions, the priority today is social support for our citizens, the priority - today is the development of the economy, the priority is, of course, the future, what the president said about stability.
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support and trust, especially noted that russia does not refuse dialogue with the west.
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we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we do not refuse dialogue with western states. the choice is theirs: do they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia? continue the policy of aggression, not the pressure on our country that has ceased over the years, or to look for a path to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests, well, in general it sounds like... an invitation to dialogue, i don’t know what the score is anymore, equally, of course, yes, without arrogance,
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without gibberish with this with a set of understandable reservations, because today we remembered already, but let me remember once again, december of the twenty-first year, when we, so to speak, suggested thinking about our safety, so to speak, or there about our safety, but not to the detriment of ours, arrogance and swagger were present in all the answers, so to speak, to us then how did it end, well, you know, another invitation to talk, well , i think that... this is simply a necessary, necessary comment or statement in connection with those attempts today to gather some kind of big party in switzerland in order to without russia to discuss the terms of peace, and then present russia as a country that does not strive for any peace at all, because it did not participate in these discussions without their invitations, this is all of course.
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i said this phrase, it is noteworthy that tomorrow the president will take part in the eurasian economic summit, which will be held in our country, and there will be a dialogue there, there will be a dialogue with the leaders of other countries, but he addressed specifically the western, no, there is dialogue on equal terms, but the west must hear that if you are ready, this is my question is, will they hear, taking into account
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this, thank you, no, well, they heard, but in their own way, you know, what’s the matter, if it’s a pass, then it can be treated like yuri gavrilov. or you can just say look the other way, because you are not interested in it, no matter how it is not yours, i would simply not call this an invitation to dialogue, this is just a warning that if you are going to create fakes, passing it off as a peacemaking process, then keep in mind that, firstly, we do not admit this, this is subtext, and secondly, if we are in something to take part, then only on an equal basis, that’s what we’re talking about, yuryevich, a soul-chilling threat, well, terrible words. i was not at the inauguration this time, and it’s good, because i followed it on television and saw immediately what our colleagues did not see, because they were in the st. george, andreevsky, alexandrovsky halls of the kremlin,
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of course, this whole ceremony, it is symbolic through and through; in fact, the meaning of this whole ceremony lies in this symbolism. but we have already discussed this, i know that someone will also talk about this, the current broadcast was different from all the previous ones, different in that i was right from the end, different in that in previous, during previous inaugurations, the president, and this was reported according to protocol, went to the annunciation cathedral of the kremlin, where he met with his holiness...
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usually on christmas or easter putin in the temple , these were instantaneous inclusions, not even a minute. less, but here for a long time, i saw putin in a space that he does not control, yeah, for the first time in my life, even when putin goes out now there is less of this on the international stage in a deliberately aggressive space, he went out as a fighter, he
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controlled like a fighter in the ring, he expected to win, here for the first time he was in space, this is a blessing not just for a feat, it is a blessing for the battle, which vladimir vladimirovich himself spoke about in his inaugural speeches, because how many you can talk about partners and so on, but it was not in vain that he said two key things: firstly, the confrontation continues, we are ready for it and we will win together, secondly, he specially
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noted, and you have just shown a lot in the footage, guys, a special military operation, and heroes, he specifically noted that there are many here, they are all heroes, he again spoke about renewal, or, that is, this is a new call, this is a call for battle, and of course, for construction too, i’m not in i don’t deny this in any way, even moreover, our construction is also, it may even be a decisive contribution to our victory, because despite the war , we build, we produce, we develop, this is even possible. contribution, but this ceremony, and well, just for those who may be rarely in the temple and such ceremonies they don’t see, let me point out that twice, first the archdeacon, and then...
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begins to behave differently, this, by the way, is very, this is, if not to say, the most important, one cannot say, it seems to me that this is wrong to say, this is not his space, which he does not control, in general the word controls
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the space, i don’t know what it has to do with this, but in any historical russian church, especially the capital’s church, there is a royal place, generally speaking, so to say that this has nothing to do with it at all relationship to the person through whom it happened. takes place right during easter, this was said, but 2 days later is victory day, look what they write about the role of russia or
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the soviet union in the victory over fascism, they are trying in every possible way to belittle or even erase from history, which means they are not inviting you to normandy celebration of victory, monuments.
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agent name czech, rank classified, position for a long time. riana you have children, is there ever an enemy of yours, alexey bobrikov, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front, look
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at me bobrikov, leonid shchela, junior sergeant, excellent combat training, tell me when, where and by whom he was recruited, it means that a very serious task is being prepared, a saboteur, the legendary beginning of history. spotted, traitor, the main task is to eliminate him, machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, who can go on a mission with us, to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur, crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9 on the first, let's go, let's go, machine gun, let's go! you die, we
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stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, there is a front line, even the same structures are found in the great patriotic war, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i am the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what for the ritual, well, i called it memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, you call them germans, well, of course, two of these vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles, but nato countries have no option to fight against our armed forces, time has chosen us, therefore, now we must try to ensure that there is peace. premiere, heroes time chose us. may 10th on the first.
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a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain, he possessed, of course, an exceptional gift; he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor rooseville knew what
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stalin knew. and he knew almost everything, thanks to kim philpa. 30 years on the verge revelations, four years of continuous interrogation, all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. on sunday on the first. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich khrushchev, decided to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. fanatic. petty tyrant. what is it like
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they like to say, an attempt to get involved in the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born from western ukraine. in a strange way, the protocol was signed not by malenkov, who presided, but for some reason by khrushchev. a crime has been committed, a violation of three constitutions, bodies that were not authorized to transfer the territory accuse khrushchev of transferring crimea, yet he transferred crimea to neither romania, nor bulgaria, nor great britain, nor france. all this happened within the framework of the union. state, when the processes of the collapse of the soviet union had already begun, we suddenly felt that we could find ourselves outside our homeland, the entire square was cordoned off by people holding out their hands with russian flags and saying to russia, my tears flowed, it’s a big story, how khrushchev surrendered crimea, on sunday on the first.
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immediately after the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin met with dr. leonid rashali, we met with our class teacher, first teacher vera dmitrievna gurevich, in addition, the president i immediately signed a number of documents, including a decree on national goals. development of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036. in addition, putin identified family support, population preservation, technological leadership and digital transformation as one of the country's main priorities until 2036. he continues to make chilling threats, so to speak, against the people and against his west, which means how to exude it. tell us.
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like the main ideologeme, look, look, what kind of idea, what did they come up with, and the terrible words, we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves, well, that is, this is unacceptable, their last words scared them, the last two words about victory, this is not clear, it means they will lose, 10 words, i read the original, these were the ones that were meant, everything else there too, of course it sounds very unpleasant, i did everything possible, everything in my power to justify your trust. we are one great nation, together we will overcome all obstacles, this all sounds very unpleasant, but for some reason, but for some reason, what scared me most was that we would only be able to determine this ourselves, that’s what’s scary here, well , that is, without a daily world, without a daily without britain,
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and ourselves without a daily world, kstantin vasilyevich, well, really here, here it seems to me that we need to pay attention, of course, to the contrast that exists between... the west, because the west paints, as it seems to it, a fairly obvious picture that now russia will seize ukraine, will not stop further, then, accordingly, will take over europe, and the russian the bear will probably already try to spread itself throughout everything.
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global majority, which calculates fair rules of the game, equal rules of the game for everyone, this really scares the west, because well, this is an obvious thing, the west is used to proceeding from its own exclusivity, when everyone is equal, but some are more equal, this applies to both the united states and great britain, the european union, and this is generally understandable, but probably the key question of modern geopolitics: will it be possible to create a just world where there is fair, rules of the game for everyone, where there is no longer the exclusivity of individual states that have taken upon themselves the courage or impudence to talk with the rest of the world according to the right of the strong, which themselves determine the rules that they themselves, as it were, wrote and themselves
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determine their interpretation. well, by the way, you see, when we talk there about i understand why there is such nervousness, and when we talk about the new, more just world order, there is a world order and so on, because really, pay attention - why here i am, i just realized this, the fate of russia will be determined by ourselves, only ourselves, because that same one, well, excuse the stamp there, but that same golden billion, and by what principle did he live there all his life, and still lives , and they just so happened, it happened historically, as they say, that it was this golden billion that exploited all the rest of the space, resources and so on, here a friend, you know, someone like that is armed with such an idea, such arrogance. that everything will be different, just a minute, he says, looking at each other, where are we? shall we eat? well, that’s what this is about, isn’t it, andrei fransorovich, in fact, today’s event, in addition to the important
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internal political ones, let’s call it that, is a staple for us, all citizens watched today, this is the most important geopolitical event, i can 100% say that it watched by a lot of people all over the world, we live in an information society, a huge number of western streaming media. broadcast live, and of course, everyone has images of comparison, comparison of collapsing western cities, the slums that are there are being created, here is the greatness of a thousand-year-old independent state, i remind you, this is a whole historical part, when some buildings in which the president was today, in particular there is a faceted chamber for more than 500 years, some states that lay claim to world hegemony are simply not even in their infancy yet there were indians running around there and that means different animals.
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well, let’s just say it went to people’s hearts, but the most important thing that the president said today, he actually extended his hand open for dialogue, but in the gloves of an armored knight, that is, saying that guys, we are open to dialogue, but on equal terms, because what kind of foreign policy, which kisenger formed and wrote in his book world order, that they now like to use this violation, because americans are always afraid imbalances in any region, so that how... russia is constantly
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increasing its capabilities and power every year, europe is sagging, the alliance between russia and china is strengthening, because tomorrow there will be the most important geopolitical event - this is the supreme council of the eurasian economic union, you and i live in a union of five countries, and there will be observer countries, cuba and uzbekistan, potential members who will enter there according to... the european union, because we have a single community of the continent, it is a supercontinent, as the americans said , it is very important for them to control it and share these connectivity opportunities, because today you clearly noted that united europe is from lisbon to vladivostok to beijing, then what should the anglo-saxon world do, where they will earn europe for them.
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putin's speech was typical, he spoke about
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the greatness of russia, accused the west of isolating moscow, and again outlined his current course. if there were any hopes that he would relent during his next term in office, president putin dashed them early on by calling the safety of the russian people a top priority. what may worry western officials is the tone of the speech, especially the last line. we will accomplish everything we plan together, we will win, because things are going well for him and at home on the russian battlefield. it's interesting to see how he heard what putin said. the speech that putin made
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after taking office as president of the russian federation was watched with interest by the whole world. in the context of western sanctions , he emphasized the importance of the country standing firmly on its feet, being united, strong, and defending its sovereignty. another important nuance of putin’s speech was that he did not reject the west, but called on it for dialogue, but on equal terms, based on mutual respect. moreover, these statements reminded me personally.
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with the right one, well, i can, you are now talking about the external message, it is clear that everyone was looking, everyone was writing under the pencil, they tried, as always, to turn it in their direction, but i can still say about the internal ambassador, i agree with my colleagues, war is going on today on all fronts, not only on the front, on the military front, but on the religious, on the historical front, when history is being rewritten, when they are trying to trample on faith, and today i emphasize once again, it was very important for me, it was an appeal within the country to each of us, our main task is to raise and educate a new generation. the younger generation who will continue to develop the power of russia. why is it important? because we are adults here who studied history, back then in the soviet union, we studied it well and knew who won the great patriotic war, we are on the eve of the holy holiday of may 9. we know many things that happened and we traditionally have our values, but when we
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see how on a click, on a click in europe, in america, today it simply turns over consciousness of children, and it only takes a few years, then we... understand today that consolidation is within us, it must be very serious, yet i perceive it from the outside and how my voters perceive it, this is our president, he is for our values, he is for our faith, by the way, i agree that there are no non-believers at the front, a mufti comes, everyone comes to him, an orthodox priest comes, everyone comes to him, even a representative of the buddhist faith comes to him, everyone comes to him too, just to talk , just discuss,
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when there was a message a few weeks ago, there were direct issues that today need to be calculated, put into the budget, laws changed, and we understand today that this is the start, it exists, but i’ll make a reservation again, and we elected our president, but that’s all in fact, it will depend on our great team work, if each of us is in his place, and for me once again, it was such a charge to work when you go out and you understand, this is our country, do i care? honestly, what did anyone write in some european media, i honestly don’t care about them sanctions, so i apologize for this may not be a parliamentary speech, change, this is my country, this is my president, and i defend and will do this together with everyone, well said, by the way, i’m sorry ales, i saw, i wanted to say,
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just in the first part of the program, today i asked pyotr olegovich tolstoy, i said, this is how western correspondents probably approached you, they approached you, they love you, he says yes, yes they approached you. that's how you like the absence of pos. well, what are you talking about, can i say one more phrase, you know, i’ve probably been walking around with a st. george’s ribbon for months now, because it’s a symbol of the country’s military glory, let me remind you, we defend it, we had to accept it, moldova banned it, i last year i was at an international forum in turkey, where a moldovan woman tried to rip me off, because for them it is a symbol of military aggression and a big punishment for it, and for moldova, and today everyone came up to me and said what a pity it is that we don’t have this, because today.
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to one of the veterans of the great patriotic war the war in stavropol is 101 years old, and the frontovichka club is headed by the active tamara ivanna enina, well done , you know, you look and think how they survived everything, everything was preserved in every 30 seconds , she said victory will be ours, victory will be ours, i worry about the guys there, we they were there 70 years ago, 5-9 years ago they were exactly the same reckless, god forbid that god protect them, they returned alive, this is important. don’t let the country down, of course, what i
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miss now is its implementation, because the person foresaw, because it the generation understood perfectly well where all this was going, did not say how it would end, these words cannot be let down, they are embedded, you know, in the very heart, and the most important task is really not to let them down , to make sure that our children do not let us down later , you are absolutely right, this image of victory and... they know what the image of victory looks like, they remember it from 1945, it really scares them very much, therefore, i also agree with alexander yuryevich that for them this a chilling threat, which is why now the words of our president about that we are ready to discuss various issues with them on an equal footing, without dominance, but nevertheless, even this publication is shared with the world, as i understand it, konstantin fedorovich shows that they are not ready, they don’t want, they are scared this is all premature.
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now we remember the words of borel, for example , who said, we are obliged, well, as usual, a set of all sorts of standard formulas, like we are obliged to help, because here it is already
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interesting, if not for us, ukraine would have existed for about two weeks , maxim. so, accordingly, right now, no to say that there, so to speak, straining all their strength, they are prolonging the existence of ukraine and this conflict, and being perfectly aware of this, that is, you just said that the west has set a course for escalation, not for negotiations, no one is interested in them , if this is so, then it turns out that they will drag out this story and somehow regulate the supply of their intensity and quality to this conflict. absolutely, so to speak, they are not going to somehow, so to speak, freeze it, sub-freeze it with us for negotiations, yes, ukraine is losing, which means that now they will start adding something there, they will tense up even more, i have no doubt that they will do the maximum of what they are capable of, but at this stage they need to win a few months , so that we slow down, so that we
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pause, so that we begin to discuss the topic of negotiations and at the same time...
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for example, india, for what? in order to then push india, to put pressure on it so that it goes to switzerland, all this cannot be underestimated, but the position, to me it seems that the most solid and predictable one is that this does not make the impression on us that they are counting on, that we, you know, are so afraid that someone has gathered somewhere in switzerland, that immediately, that means , so let's turn off the engines of our tanks, that is.
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west, this is a completely unnecessary task, so if something happens we will strike with a nuclear bomb, we also have such discussions, well, in general , today this is no longer a discussion, this is no longer a discussion, we even now have exercises and so on, but this is not strategic nuclear forces, but this is again in response to what they said, we will send troops and deliver missiles and so on, this is not our plan, this is not our goal, to organize a nuclear war,
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it is important to achieve victory. with the means that we have, and it is advisable, of course, not to miss this coming time, may, june, july, august, because then it will be more difficult, months, 4-5 months, so alexander yuryevich slightly expanded the geography of justice, i i heard correctly, okay, maybe, well, i understand, for personal reasons, there are a huge number of my exes - there are hundreds of thousands of classmates there.
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then other people, there are people who know how to count, who know how to analyze and even predict, we are not turning to scholz and not to macron, and not to cameran, who has now become the overseer of great britain and ukraine, but nevertheless, even in these exercises
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have very clear accents, this kind of exercise on non-strategic nuclear weapons, and we have the whole range, unlike the west, by the way, yes, in my opinion, we have from an artillery shell, with a range of 25 km to short-range medium-range missiles, we could conduct it where these exercises are anywhere in the northern ocean, in the far east, at our huge training grounds, such as kapustiny yar, we could conduct them anywhere, we conduct them in the southern military, in fact, in the immediate rear of the front, that is , the azov and black sea regions will be involved, there is a maritime and air component, that is, we are showing that if you mean again... this is a deterrent factor so that they stop freaking out, including in front of the microphone, so that with their tongue didn't scratch for free, because macron does it 100% for free, the french will never appear on
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ukrainian soil, because they will disappear, in the blink of an eye, well, 20,000, well, 30,000 against our half a million army, well, it will be cannon fodder, samples, this is more, this is more let's not forget, the french military is a foreign legion, they fought. they only took part in punitive operations, the american military in afghanistan, that’s what they fought there, these were also punitive operations, as for two things in the world right now, this is the russian one, they will come here to this theater of military operations, where there is a completely different war going on, let them honor their mercenaries who are fleeing from there, and i won’t even argue, okay, avatars, avatars, today such an image was already heard in this studio that putin is not... to macron , not to shu, but over the head, here colleagues interpreted this way, over the head, but so to speak, to the people, to the broad masses of the people, no, the deep authorities, i , too, am quite skeptical of the broad masses of the people, no, i love them very much , and i
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myself relate to some sense, but so say, but the fact that there in europe the broad masses of the people hear, in germany you say that really, how long, well, no, well, all this is funny, but if some people hear, in particular these teachings , yes, somehow in a legend or in a description or in a presentation. regarding which it was said that in response to aggressive, sometimes boorish statements there, that is, from some western politicians, regarding the deployment of troops and so on, russia reserves the right to strike at, for example, the british there, like called, yes, to objects, on the territory of ukraine beyond its borders, here is andrei fransovich, let’s say, these are the avatars that alexandrevich spoke about, here is boxim with scholz and macron, they heard it, recorded it. interpreted somehow, well, there was also such a statement on our part that we would also consider their f-16 aircraft as carriers of nuclear weapons, in fact the situation
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is very serious now and indeed it is reminiscent to a certain extent of the caribbean crisis, i will give a few number the militarization of europe, which is now taking place without precedent, i think, in the last 50 years of such a concentration of armed forces on the border of the union. they are constantly transferring forces and means, so conducting exercises, and exercises are now taking place not only in the southern military district in belarus, including, belarus has already raised
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the alarm for its carriers of special su-25 nuclear weapons, these are iskander complexes, they sound and belarusian polones complex, this is all a really serious warning, we understand that our management sees the information that the intelligence services report to. last year 's vilnius summit, which means nato, when they adopted secret country programs, when each country assumed financial and commitments as part of changes in the legal act in preparing their countries for combat, let me remind you, offensive, at the moment , now the baltic countries have a negative foreign trade balance, the country is, well, actually in a demographic, economic hole, they are spending money they are starting to build.
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the situation is really quite critical now, how do americans perceive it? i already mentioned kisenger today, it was he who came up with the theory of limited nuclear war on the territory of eastern europe. it was he who convinced the american government, it was included in strategic documents, that if the soviet union, now russia, exchanges tactical nuclear strikes with european countries, then this will lead to a major global war, and will not lead to strikes between the soviet union and the united states, that is, they are ready for this confrontation. it’s just not clear, well, that is, as you said, i don’t want to scare anyone, but i did, well then i ’m changing the concept of the program, then i want to ask the question, is it really possible to avoid this and what should happen in the brains of, maybe schols or macron or yes, or there is an intelligence community there or some others, i don’t know the club state that makes any real decisions, what they should feel in what place in order to negotiate. suppose i uh just
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want to say, you know, in my speech, uh, president vladimir vladimirovich putin said he called many things without locking them down, the president said, a difficult period, a difficult, milestone period, and we will pass this difficult milestone period with dignity. emphasize that a we are ready, b. our economy is not torn to shreds, as they predicted for us, talking about what andrei just said while conducting the exercise, we, and my colleague, who said that we are pursuing a policy of containment today, and we are ready for dialogue, and society today is consolidated, as never, and the president said we are worthy.
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let's get through this difficult, milestone period, and you said - in today's program that after the ceremony the president has already signed several decrees, up to the 36th year of development, and my colleague olya spoke about this, that already today as part of the message that passed quite recently , we have a priority action plan for adoption.
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let's find out, by the way, can i add 30 seconds, yes, if i may briefly, this national decree, which the president signed today, was about increasing the salaries of public sector employees, about a new management system, about gasification of our villages and territories, about improvement, so you read and you understand that this is a strategic megaplan for the preservation and development of the country, and this is important, today was an important day for the president, but ordinary and working, with a huge number of meetings, and he did not leave , you know, how we celebrated somewhere.
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in different types, in the form of weapons, perhaps in the form of armed forces there, ground forces, but the problem is that now not only on the territory of ukraine, not only in relations between russia and the west , problems are being created, the united states deploying missile systems in the philippines, openly threatening china, i think the only option is for not only us, but all states, both china and other countries, to realize that we...
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you are our eternal memory, remember the faithful, remembering the dalts and bly, raise your heads upward, your motherland is for you, because you are a sailor, a bear, a sailor does not cry, for a child’s laughter, for a handful of bread, wait, hold on, i will be with you.
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festive concert at the state kremlin palace, tomorrow after the evening news. mancacher whiskey - a stellar product group, сnop gin, a stellar group product, monte chococa cognac, a stellar group product, rom castro, a stellar group product, veta vodka, a stellar group product, on victory day. on the first, i always act in everything in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hits on tanks, i knocked out with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if you told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say,
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and she’s the only one to fool girls’ heads, i understand, there’s no other like her and there won’t be, she knows how every intelligence officer, they will let me down... monastery, don’t be scared doryukha, we are ours, all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, what am i teaching you, ho, well done, daredevils, intelligence officers, for an impossible task , i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, the saboteur on may 9 is on the first. remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but if it doesn’t, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, on the day of victory on the first, romeo, hold the car, commander, calmly, romeo, calmly, sit down, attention, earth, well done, guy, commander,
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only old men are going into battle, may 9, after the program time, and sasha sbrueva, for the fact that we are not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, etuchette, he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical,
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the audience will answer the challenge. the key raid motive of the maidan was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens. recognize that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bender, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit it. and this is precisely what we rose up against. we became free from the kiev junta. they wanted only one thing, back to russia quickly. and everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea. what has happened now, there is no going back. there is nowhere else to go, we are not aggressive, but we will tear anyone for our own,
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so we will bite into our land with our teeth, we will still defend it, whatever future we would like for our child, without war, liberated territories, a life line, premieres on sunday on the first. against the background of pressure from the west, against the background of talk about a possible escalation and all sorts of statements from western leaders that they do not intend to stop, and we see that they are not ready to enter into dialogue, vladimir putin immediately after taking office signed a decree on the national development goals of the russian federation, just think about the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036, this suggests that we... are not just thinking about our future, but we are building our future here now with your own hands. actually, this is exactly
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what i wanted to say beautifully, i wanted to say, you know, all this together, this is what alesya said, a decree on national goals, development, all this in one word, if the future is called, who is building it? well, not only putin, we are building it all together, we. as for what andrei said, you know, the only thing that can cool down the ardor of hot heads is when on the other side there is a calm and decisive person who, if anything, can. press that very button, this cools the ardor, and putin is such. thank you for your attention, see you soon. the big game is on air. today, the main event in russia and the world is the inauguration of the presidency.
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are happy, unlike the world majority, which overwhelmingly views the role of president putin, i would say, cautiously, approvingly, and sometimes with great enthusiasm. in the united states , in the west, let's say, this event is not very different. new york times newspaper.
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federation, kosachov, deputy chairman of the council, was present at the ceremony today in the kremlin, and konstantin, share your observations, and your personal perception and events and speeches of the president. i had the honor of being present and participating in all five ceremonies of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin and... i admit, each of these ceremonies was emotional, was impressive, but without exaggeration, the current one is definitely qualitatively different from what i had the honor of watching before, because the current ceremony of president putin taking office is, of course however, it is happening in completely different conditions,
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yes, we understand what happened in 2000, 2004, 2008. in the eighteenth year, what is happening now, of course, is the culmination of what happened to our country all the previous two more than a decade, and of course, what has happened to our country, around our country in the last 2 years, and you - starting - our today's program put it mildly, saying that western countries
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have instilled in us some distorted illusions in regarding the perception of us as ourselves and naturally of how russia exists and develops in the world around it. if we take the last 2 years, then they definitely tried to hit us in what is called a blow in three dimensions, in three positions. they
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tried to defeat us militarily on the front line. yes. in ukraine, we know what will happen as a result, the elections were disrupted after may 20, but god bless him, this is probably not the central topic of our conversation now, but absolutely for sure, elections were held in our country in full accordance with constitution of the russian federation, with the current legislation
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of the russian federation, and most importantly, in accordance with the will of the citizens of the russian federation. we remember that the fundamental axiom of our constitution is that the source of power is the people, and so the people made a choice in the presidential election campaign, excuse the toftology, and here was the turnout, the most important factor, and here was the outcome, here was the result of this election, which everyone is talking about now, so to speak, and what happened today from my point of view, there is also...
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the slightest doubt that we have not yet seen all the trends, but i don’t have anything happening that confirms that we are moving towards exactly the same result in the economy and in the military sector.
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everyone understands that we are on the right path, and that we just need to push, we need to take additional decisive actions, decisive steps, in order to, on the basis of...
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take part in this ceremony, but most importantly, the president of the russian federation is no longer her for many years she found the opportunity to forget her and invite her to this ceremony, with from my point of view, this is the same...
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if you want, the core of his message to the federal assembly, delivered 2 months ago, from my point of view, this is not a tribute
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to this momentary moment of some kind of current conjuncture, because it is impossible not to say about it , this is the sincere perception of the president of the russian federation of what is now most important for our country, for our society, for our people and for everyone. citizens, unity, consolidation, a sense of belonging, the feat of those people who are now on the front line, everyone who is not on the front line, but... in the same way supports the line that the president of the russian federation has defined, which he consistently implements in his policy. i had the opportunity to talk about the ceremony with one of the president's aides, and i asked him the same question i'm asking you. and he said, well, of course, there were a lot of people there who simply had to be there because of their position in society. but
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he says, you know, that's when i try. remember the last ceremony, there was a lot stars, but i would now call them differently: grant recipients, petitioners, people who needed something, who ended up there because being there, as you rightly said, is a great honor, and for some a great opportunity, today there were people who were invited for their service to the russian state. dmitry, thank you for this, this comment, and to your interlocutor from the presidential administration, because this was very accurately noted, without offense to the participants of all previous ceremonies, i can admit that people there, seeing each other, as they say, within a handshake distance, they tried to solve some of their own problems, so they had to agree on something with some minister, with some deputy or
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senator. yes, it was there, i ’m telling you sincerely, i didn’t even realize it, today it didn’t happen, today it didn’t happen, people talked about anything, they talked about very high things, maybe they weren’t talking about the highest things, but they didn’t talk about any pragmatic problems that needed to be solved here, now and today through a handshake, it was ceremony is the wrong word, it was an event that... indeed , just as all previous events united the nation, so today the inauguration ceremony of the president, at the highest level, united the people who had the honor of attending this ceremony. thank you, we will return to this very important event, but now i have to touch on a topic, well, let’s say, a little less exalted, namely, what is happening. for
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the security of russia and the announcement yesterday that, on behalf of the supreme commander commander-in-chief will begin military maneuvers using non-strategic nuclear weapons. general buzhinsky, explain what this means and what it is connected with? you know, you started the program, i also noticed that the western... countries reacted with displeasure to the president's inauguration ceremony, i must say that against the backdrop of what is happening at the front or on the line of combat contact, let's to use this, this term, when the initiative has already completely passed to our troops, when there is no progress very fast but confident progress in
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all areas. many experts, many of our experts like to use this term, so i want to say that from my point of view, our former partners are not just climbing this ladder, so to speak, they are already jumping over the rung, last week they accused russia of everything , the czechs remembered the bombing of some warehouses 5 years ago. the germans
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accused us that last year we were our hackers or our group, just as for some reason the gruff are always accused of having our it is gru who is responsible for all these hacker groups, although military intelligence, in principle, probably has such a task, but i don’t think that this is the main task, plus we are accused of some kind of war crimes, in any case, it’s already getting to the point that... well, that russia, so to speak, can achieve all the goals of a special military operation, even more, this is already recognized by everyone in the west.
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consistent, today he sends troops, tomorrow he wants, so to speak, to leave channels open, he wants, so to speak, dialogue with russia, uh, but nevertheless, uh, moreover, there is evidence that at one of the french training grounds, at the end of april , the combat training of a combat tactical group of 1.5-200 people ended, a third of uh - this is a foreign legion and 2/3 are regular troops. well, everyone understands that, of course, the transfer of such a contingent will not solve anything, but macron calls it creating strategic uncertainty, others believe that these are tests, tests of the feast, that how
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russia reacts is how we will act in the future, if it swallows it, so to speak, then you can send, so to speak, more numerous contingents and so on, and so - yesterday the supreme commander-in-chief made a decision and instructed the general staff to begin preparations for holding an exercise in the southern military district with working out the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. i must tell you that such exercises, well , of course, i don’t know the plans for operational combat training in detail, but for us it is more typical to conduct exercises strategically. the forces of our triad, so that, so to speak, with launches, combat training launches of missiles at our test sites, in order, so to speak, to make sure that the highest level of combat readiness is maintained,
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not strategic nuclear weapons, uh, you understand, not strategic nuclear weapons or, well, as they sometimes say, weapons are the battlefield. it is less rumored, although it causes much more concern to our former partners, especially europeans, what is it? well, there is no definition of non-strategic nuclear weapons, but this is all that is not covered treaty on strategic offensive arms, these include air -to-ground missiles, sea-to-ground missiles, aerial bombs, and torpedoes.
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hangars under an airplane, and well, how long does it take to hang, well, a bomb on an airplane, well, 2 hours, well, 3 hours, well, not weeks or months, unlike our non-strategic nuclear weapons, this was
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a fundamental decision, one of confidence building measures, i would say that all of our non-strategic nuclear weapons are concentrated in centralized warehouses of the twelfth main directorate of the ministry. this is the delivery of these warheads to the ships of the black sea fleet and the caspian flotilla and this.
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any means that are
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at the disposal of the command and the supreme commander-in-chief cannot be ruled out; they will be used, so i would say that if the exercises ended with the demonstrative detonation of a nuclear warhead on a new land, just to show that we have these weapons , that it is, so to speak, combat-ready and ready for use. i think it would be, it's not a nuclear test, it's not a resumption of tests, it's just like that to say, the culmination of these exercises, well , let's see, i - naturally, i don't know the command's plan, but in any case, the very fact of working out the issues of using tactical or non-strategic nuclear weapons is a very serious signal - to our former partners, i completely agree with you, huh? and i will just note that from the point of view
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of american non-governmental experts, and the central intelligence agency, the pentagon, this is an area where russia has superiority, and this is important, because when we talk about non-nuclear weapons, nato has superiority, not on the battlefield, because no one will clash in the same field, but in size, in... strategic weapons, right? this is another
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point, excuse me, you were right to remind me of this, i do not exclude at all that nuclear weapons, those nuclear weapons that will be delivered to the carrier areas, may remain there, may remain there for some time, moreover , one more thing, today information was announced that belarus. will conduct training on the same delivery of nuclear weapons to carriers they have a su-25 squadron and an iskander division, this is also a signal, because those red lines that macron draws there, all these western former partners of ours, they especially emphasize, so to speak, that if belarus intervenes again.
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new episodes, watch after the program time. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of stellor group. monte shocka, the product of lar
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group is drunk more strongly. the breast is our eternal memory, the vein remembers, the albs remember, bly, you should raise your head, your motherland is for you, because you are a sailor, teddy bear, a sailor does not cry, for the children’s sleep, for gleb’s little bottle, just hold on, i will be there. winds with you, winds into the distance, my little road, moscow, bells are ringing, moscow, golden domes, this day,
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a festive concert in the state kremlin palace, tomorrow after the evening news, on the eightieth anniversary. the same corpse that is with you, destroy the object at any cost, that’s right, our task is there, saboteur, crimea, may 9 on the first, who are you? intelligence of the caucasian front, a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee
8:16 pm
of the british intelligence services, head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers. on the territory of great britain, he had, of course, an exceptional gift, he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything, kim philby, a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, neither churchel nor rooseville knew what stalin knew, but he practically knew all thanks to kim philp. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation, everything i can do. filming from personal archive and true story
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outstanding intelligence officer, secret war. for the great holidays, field of miracles, holiday issue on may 10 at the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first,
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you... there are many events in the world that are not so easy to understand, but few of them can compare in my eyes in incomprehensibility with the behavior of the israeli government on the gas issue. i want to ask you, academician vitaly naumkin, what netanyahu means when, on the one hand, they say, we agree to a long-term truce, not an indefinite one.
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uh, when he demonstrated it very clearly, the humanistic meaning of everything that was happening was demonstrated, this is what was said to vladimir vladimirov’s teacher. about new people, including junior officers who heroically defended us on the battlefield, this humanistic aspect, in general, for the sake of which the entire operation was launched in order to protect our people, it is against this background among attempts to disrupt, as you rightly noted, what is happening or spoil people’s mood, in my opinion , what nitanyahu did fits into this, it seems to me that... despite some demonstrative or demonstrable disagreements between israel and the united states, it seems to me that netanyahu’s actions
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fit into some kind of general network of actions that are, one way or another, still directed against russia, including including against russia, which plays a constructive role in the middle east settlement, in the middle east conflict. which she is trying with all her might to extinguish, strives to extinguish, and here it seems to me that netanyahu is such a cog in some kind of this, or maybe then you think, this has been agreed upon with washington, i’m sure, and what was said, the ladder of escalation, here it is, this ladder, and unexpectedly, it was as if the approach had been planned, as if putin had taken over the post, the military cabinet decided yesterday, at night they took it and went into it in raffs, that is, they had already entered. it is important for many
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reasons, firstly, this is, in general , the only way, the only road connecting this city on the territory of palestine, respectively, with egypt, and this , so to speak, is the exit to the world along which palestine can receive humanitarian assistance in this regard.
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islamic radicals and so on, although this element is there, but to deprive these almost 1.5 million residents of rafah of this - to deprive them of any hope of receiving humanitarian assistance, this is an absolutely inhumane action, which fits into everything what the west is doing today, and in particular in this region, is the path to escalation, this is the path to - increasing tension and expanding the conflict beyond the borders of palestine proper, because already
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what is happening now, what movements masses of people outside palestine in the arab world, in the middle east, including the actions of some leaders, look at how sharply the turkish president began to react to what was happening, i think this shows that the situation is very tense , very tense, very dangerous, dangerous because this spark, which today is ready to flare up further in this region from palestine, is capable of further fueling the fire that our enemies in the collective west are fanning in every possible way and therefore the adequacy of those deterrents.
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yes, there are some goals to destroy all the hamas fighters, because they are supposedly four of these unfortunate battalions, well equipped , ready to fight there, i think this is nonsense, just a little bit. the tasks, of course, are far -reaching, much more distant than those that are declared, just for the sake of destruction there, and the most important thing is that this is an absolutely inhumane action, well, absolutely inhumane, it is no coincidence that even people like the pope were mentioned today who doesn't want to, it seems, i don't know if it's true or no, other people were mentioned to participate in conferences where russia will not be present,
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we even see some tone that has changed a little in uterysh. because it’s clear that we can’t live like this any longer, it’s hard to say what will happen, because some hopes are still placed on the continuation of the negotiation process between hamas and israel, it’s not a direct process, it goes through intermediaries, it goes on, maybe they don’t talk to each other face to face, no, there are qataris in the middle, all this is happening in egypt, here is egypt qatar, they are drawn into this qatar holds one delegation to one.
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new ball, for the west it is an opportunity to show who is boss, so they determine their positions in relation to what is happening there, based not on humanitarian, human rights considerations, but on the basis of a well-known principle that is well known to them your own stranger, at the end of last week, the united nations, i emphasize, the united nations. published statistics that for six months, now these statistics are probably even more monstrous, for the first six months of the current escalation of the conflict, in the gas sector, around it, more children died, yes, than in all conflicts throughout the world in the last 4 years, and there is the ukrainian conflict, alas, there are a huge number of other
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conflicts, more died here in six months, than...
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do you have an understanding that they are in israel, their military command, how do they want to resolve this conflict? you know, i’ve been here a lot too, there’s probably a plan, because it’s not for nothing that the israeli general staff is working there, it’s not for nothing that the american advisers, although they supposedly hold back, so to speak, but they don’t hold back very well, but
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i have a feeling that from... and there are american military advisers, well, of course, i think, but i thought that i should let them come close, where are they no, in israel, because in israel it is one country that is, as it were, an ally of the united states, but knows how to send the united states to hell, well, i, i would not exaggerate so much, that after all, the americans have weapons there, american weapons there , well, call them specialists, don’t call them advisors, consultants, well... you can call it whatever you want, but they are there, and so, in purely military terms, israel can overstrain itself, you know, because these, i agree with...
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there is of course the north, but if the israelis continue, and they didn’t just enter rafah, before this they carried out such a very intense bombing, missile and bomb strikes, and so everything there has already been destroyed, turning ruins into dust, this is beyond human understanding, it is a mockery to suggest they move to the north, where there is generally empty land in general, there there is nothing at all, everything is there, there is nowhere to live there, that is, they destroyed the north.
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hezbollah, hezbollah will not sit for long either, i think that if the israelis, and this is beyond doubt, they will continue their operation in arafahi. i think that hezbollah, in general, will begin to move with more decisive action from... israel is already threatening to turn lebanon into gaza, that they, so to speak, firstly, will occupy all of lebanon, and i would like to see how they themselves will the americans feel, how will the europeans feel, naturally, they will not directly condemn when israel begins to occupy another independent country, so there is every reason to believe that this is already the case, it’s not easy. gas, these are not just palestinians, this is already such a forerunner of the arab-israeli conflict, taking into account the position taken by turkey, iran, this is actually
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such a transition, you know, into the phase of israel against the islamic world, not only, not only the arab world, i i'm afraid they will simply overstrain themselves militarily and economically , well, i think you're not very afraid, that they're going to get busted, no, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid of that, the demonstrations, i would say, the riots, the confrontation with the police, it made a very bad impression on public opinion, and it contributed to the fact that
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vice president humphrey, who was running for in 1968, students went wild for the presidency that he lost, but when i look, it’s not what the biden administration says, but what it does, well, let’s listen to what it says: regarding the supply of weapons to israel, state department spokesman matthew miller. in response to a message axios news agency reported that the united states was delaying ammunition supplies to israel, the biden administration said it would increase supplies starting october 7. this is curious because most of the time the administration has downplayed the fact that regular arms sales to israel have been approved by congress. could you clarify how things are? all in all? we have been supplying weapons to israel since october 7th. we have always made it clear that we support israel's defense. our commitment to israel in matters of security is unwavering. that is, if i if i translate the expression unshakably into
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a simpler russian language, this means that support for israel is not conditioned by demands, right? absolutely, absolutely, this is unconditional support, which... depends on no other circumstances, which we are talking about here, and on what, by and large, nitanyahu and his so -called coalition partners, allies in the government do, we have already mentioned them many times, this is ben gvir, look, this is the minister of finance and the minister of security, the most callous and terrible, so to speak, figures. absolutely fixated on the idea of ​​destroying the palestinians as a people, as a nation and, not only, not allowing the possibility of creating. an independent palestinian
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state, which everyone is now practically talking about, well, without this the problem cannot be solved, but this is obvious, well, these people, they remain, netanyahu, his fate as a political figure depends on these people, he is afraid of the collapse of the coalition , and maybe he will now try to demonstrate his readiness for negotiations there, that a delegation will go to cairo there, will be with hamas to negotiate something.
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precisely because this is primarily directed against russia, well, to some extent, it is also directed against china, because this is also one company, and i mean information and...
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throwing weapons wherever it is necessary to create conflicts, but i it seems that today it is quite obvious that the americans are interested, their interest lies in aggravating the situation in the middle east, but there is no discernible desire to resolve the conflict, to find some way to resolve something, despite the fact that it seems the secretary of state travels there and meets with everyone on some initiatives.
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clearly expresses his intentions, but not president biden, we're leaving for commercials, we'll be back in just a few minutes. it is an honor, a sacred duty, to take care of russia, to serve the people. vladimir putin took office as president. course for the sustainable development of the country, guests of the ceremony.
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night vision devices, locators, protection from magnetic mines, the contribution of soviet physicists to the rise of fascism, our special project - the science of winning. rom kastro product of stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon storsman, a product of the stellar group, whiskey mankatcher, a product of the stellar group. we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, there is a front line, even we stand here for our people, for our homeland,
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but there are buildings of the great patriotic war, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i’m a shooter, a tank has rituals, but what kind of rituals are they? i called him memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone in the shelter, german eyes in the area, germans you call, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire, two such vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles, nato countries have no option to fight against our armed forces, time has chosen us, so now we must try to so that there is a world of prime ministers. heroes, time chose us on may 10th on the first day of victory on the first one, so there but on the musical front, blue handkerchief, clear, dugout, dark-skinned woman, comrade commander, we long ago learned
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their favorite songs by heart, what do you play, harp, harps no, take the diamond, we know everyone by name, the blacksmith, romeo and masha. i am a muglianka, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, they caught grasshoppers, and eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth sonnet, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, those but the fields, roads, villages, uh, no, the air is different, and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live. they will live as long as we remember, only old men go into battle, on the ninth of may, after the program, it’s time, and if they give you a motto, where are the old days, we’ll gather, the option that i offer you is the best,
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10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level, we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint at...
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there is a big game on the air, today president putin, as you know, made an important speech, among other things, he said that the security of the russian federation is above all, let's listen.
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and president putin also explained his attitude to the search for peace through negotiations with the west. let's listen. we have been and will be open. i repeat, conversation, including on issues security, strategic stability,
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is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. and yesterday , foreign minister labrov said that he does not see conditions for big negotiations, negotiations about ukraine, about the world order with the collective west.
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federation into office once and after yesterday's decisions, which will probably develop in the field of military development to increase the combat readiness of our armed forces, two, here the credibility of our position and our arguments, as it seems to me, should finally become obvious to any of our opponents who have been trying to bend russia all this time, i repeat once again, militarily, economically and politically , all these plots end, and either negotiations will begin on the terms that
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the russian federation considers possible and acceptable for itself, or the current situation will continue for as long as desired, but in a dynamic that will change in our favor, and against those who have been involved in this whole adventure originally started by turning ukraine into anti-russia. thank you. there was a lot of talk in the west about what else they can come up with in terms of possible actions against russia, western leaders and the nato command, they are mainly talking about two things: first, they are talking about the fact that nato troops, or rather troops of individual countries, can be sent nato, and interest in such a turn of events has already been expressed in... in paris, in warsaw, i
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know, general, that you will now shudder at the death in riga, yes, and besides, in addition, they are talking about sending new long-range missiles; the appearance of f-16 aircraft is already expected soon.
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estonia agreed to the point that if russia even even thinks about attacking us, estonia will deal a crushing blow to russia, after which it will not seem a little, now about it. regarding ms attack missiles. the essence of this note is that ukraine needs to hurry. ukraine has only 2 months to get the maximum effect from these missiles. because, as they write, the analysis carried out by the american pentagon showed that the russian military
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needs approximately 2 months to find an antidote to any weapon. well, he gives an example. artillery shells of 155 mm caliber excaliber, the effectiveness of use, which fell from 6% from 70% to 6, so these 2 months must be used to strike and, first of all , i would take this seriously on the infrastructure of crimea , primarily in the air defense system, and we have a very powerful air defense system group there. at airfields and well, kerch the bridge has already begun to appear, so to speak, that it no longer plays such a decisive military role in the logistics of supplying our group, because everything basically goes along the land route without using the kerch bridge. now
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the f16 planes, you know, i have the opinion that they still... can’t decide where these planes will be based, because the ukrainians have already started saying, we came up with an idea, we will hide them at various airfields, but you see , because basing an aircraft is not just so to speak, here it is landed on some runway, taxied somewhere to the side and stood there, we need infrastructure, we need infrastructure for service and repair. it’s like they should build some kind of kopanirs, no , no, well, kopanirs - that’s it in general - it’s ideal, you know, it’s ideal to put everything underground, like the iranians, for example, but this takes time, you need money, the most important thing is time, the best thing is kopanirs, unfortunately, here we have our crimean airfields, they are still there
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mainly in open space than in in general, these ms attack missiles are dangerous. especially in the cassette version, here are the f16 aircraft - there is more and more, so to speak, the opinion that they should still be based outside the territory of ukraine, well, only two countries, either romania or poland, there are no other countries, slovakia will not be allowed, well, others , other countries are just far away, but here it’s completely obvious to everyone, and the president said it, and the minister of defense said it, and the minister of foreign affairs and...
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these planes will be handed over to the netherlands and denmark, and that’s where they are, especially in in the netherlands they were carried out, so to speak, as carriers of nuclear weapons, so we are referring specifically to the specific f-16 aircraft, which will be exactly what i meant, but of course they will tell us that... we are like that we had such a story with the americans when they had their concept of a global immediate strike, when they wanted to put conventional warheads on ballistic missiles, mainly submarines, and say,
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this is not nuclear, and we told them in response, our early warning systems does not discriminate. government, but i will ask you about the substance of foreign policy, do you think that there will be greater continuity, the same president, in general.
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that it protects the national interests of russia, ensures the security of russia, yes, in changing external conditions, adequately
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responding to these external conditions, but protects them in an effective and comprehensive manner, in this sense, the continuation of that foreign policy, that security policy that the president personifies is necessary of the russian federation, which today entered into its powers. senator, my compliments, the answer is meaningful. and i speak only on my own behalf, solely on my own behalf, i make a prediction. yes, of course, there will be a lot of continuity. yes, of course,
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there will be no sharp turns, but i think that the president of russia, together, by the way, with the majority of russian citizens, came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, unfortunately, in the collective west they understand only force, and in order to. .. to make our way to peace negotiations, this strength will have to be demonstrated, words, warnings, talking about the consequences, this is for people more reasonable and more realistic than the leaders of the current west, well, these leaders in the west will have to make a choice, they always gave us a choice, it seems to me that now we are giving them...
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the necessary powers are beyond any doubts. the big game will continue to work, now is the program time. on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units
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involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. honor, duty, sacred duty, to take care of russia, to serve the peoples.


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