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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  May 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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she’ll cope, rosa is a criminal, if it weren’t for the child, she would have been in prison a long time ago, she’s just confused, i believe her, why get confused, her husband was with the foresters, you think she’ll go to the partisans, she won’t go, she won’t go anywhere, in any case in case it’s dangerous to go deep here, yura, people change, let’s try to trust them, people should, no enemies, not everyone lives.
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here you go, that’s why there are so many formalities, i’ll do an examination, i’ll return it right away, the substance is specially registered, tuvarich lieutenant colonel, the commander’s order, it’s clear.
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this is regular aviation gasoline with an octane rating about 74, this is our additive, which increases the octane number to 90 and higher, the plane flies more powerfully, higher, runs faster along the runway, this is exactly the additive that was in the explosives that blew up the forest bridge, well, the probability is 99% . well, the most important thing is that this additive can only be taken from a warehouse, you can’t buy it at the market, you can’t just take it from a warehouse either, you guard them there like a gold reserve, which means it was stolen at the airfield or on the road, but we receive such signals did not arrive at the warehouse, there was no time for formalities, come on fedorenko, go to the airfield and check everything on the spot, and if there is more additive before... you saw the poster, you are
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major titov, no, but you know why, because it’s me, major titov, i understand, yeah, we beast-eaters with you, we’ll go to fuel and lubricants warehouses, study documentation on the supply of strategic raw materials, i thought that the most risky thing would be dangerous for me, or would you rather go to the airfield, i’ll go alone, why alone, you’ll go with me, when you’re without parents, so order , so, sviridov, you go first to the rear service, and from there straight to the warehouses. so, comrade lieutenant colonel, what happened, happened, this morning my friend’s fiancé died, so what? the doctor said that it was a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke, and he is only 19 years old, and he is a cadet, a junior lieutenant course, and that hemorrhage does not happen at 19, 19? this, well, this
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is like a thunderstorm in january, he, he was completely healthy, the death is really suspicious, also a lieutenant colonel, and how is his crus postancus, excuse me, we don’t deal with strokes, maybe we can at least hide it, please, comrade lieutenant, i’m waiting for a report on additives for dinner, so run to the rear service immediately to my warehouses, clearly, there is. kamil, let's go, tell me about your cadet? what? he told you to go to the rear service. i'll make it. what if you don't have time? let's go faster, there's no time. thank you. there's such a strange story there. cadet, emil stankus. 19 years. and she said that she and her father had recently returned from evacuation. local? is irina the bride? yes, irina
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kats, lives on lesnaya 7. she also just arrived and immediately found me. she i studied in my mother’s class before the war, and then... and then she came to us for additional classes, and beshilov at the fuel depot, uh-huh, assigned me to run an independent business, and congratulations, sergei sergeevich also asked you to join, oh well, then i congratulate myself, so yes, cadet, 19 years old, stroke. they put him in the morgue, we need a detailed autopsy, what we are looking for, he couldn’t just die, 19 years old from a stroke, how is this even possible, no one will ever believe this, perhaps a congenital pathology, this is the first version, yura, yura,
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i still don’t really like this little girl. the little girl knew, i had to help her, why should i, we went to visit stankus’s father, the stankus were somewhere in kazakhstan during the evacuation, then before the war they worked in kab on the construction of a chemical plant, well, the characteristics are positive, so what more? my son entered military school easily, actually here. hello, we need jose stankus.
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stankus - it's me, what? military prosecutor's office, lieutenant sviridov. are you talking about your son? can we talk to you, or should we take it later? "come in, you go, i'll stand here, i and other chemists were immediately sent into evacuation, on the first train, and this train was the first to be bombed. we buried my mother there under kaunos, i lost my leg, then emilchik and i took a long time to get to kazakhstan, excuse me, it’s her, yes, it’s her, some german officers lived here during the occupation, but
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for some reason they didn’t throw out the photographs, not put away nothing, i’ll clean up everything myself later, tell me, chemistry is a hobby, no? this is work, life, i’m a scientist, did your son have any chronic illnesses as a child? no, but his wife constantly ran to clinics with him, but i he worked, but there was no card left from the clinic, no, of course not, but this morning he felt like he always did, as usual, but i didn’t pay attention, did he have any enemies?
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“i’m sorry, and why didn’t you bother with the same thing, you see, the man is worried, ira said that he doesn’t like jews, when emil brought her to meet him, as soon as he heard his last name, he immediately bristled, ira was upset, and i thought what and what, and what does it matter now, and in general only i can ask questions during the investigation, this is clear, clear, that’s it, actually. this is where he was found. at first they thought he was drunk, but here he is, very close to the house. well, that means everything happened instantly, he went to his courses, fell, died, otherwise, if he
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had felt bad, he would have gone home. what if someone scared him? who? ghost? thank you, we have prepared for you. field uniform, leonid arkadyevich, now you are a real cook, first of all, gifts to the studio, this is our beauty, this is one word or a sentence, this is a paragraph, you can’t forget, happy holiday, field of miracles, festive release on may 10 on the first, today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who performed on may 10. if she were 100 years old, she was reading a blog, if she was so exalted, young lady, suddenly she’s 16 years old at the front, well, i think
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it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there, i only once i have seen hand-to-hand combat, once in reality and a thousand in a dream, whoever says that there is no fear in war knows nothing about war, from a letter from alexei kapler, my little branch, we are starting a completely new life, in which it will not be the same as before, they met for 6 years. the country that she carried in her heart, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down, podcast lab may 10 on the first,
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well, it seems that the death of miles stankus was due to natural causes, no external influences, no blood, no poison, brain there is no pathology, of course. please, maybe we can check it again, with some new ones.
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i want to talk to the cadets from his squad, run, quickly, the first squad
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of the second platoon, run to me, well, hello to lieutenant colonel shillov, here to line up, formation, take away where kireev is, move, kireev, peacefully. reif, we have to wait for you forever, run, build, run, comrade captain, he will build a trend according to your order, platoon commander. i have a question for everyone, have any of you ever complained about something or behaved in any unusual way, has anyone seen anything? to the right, nothing of the kind, comrade lieutenant, i am a squad commander, i would know,
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hold the rifle as you show it, if someone remembers something, report it immediately, yes, our task is to make a warrior out of you. and why are you punishing everyone like this because of one thing? well, what kind of punishment are you? this is a workout. tell me, could the stankus have gotten injured during training? heads, for example, a squad, line up, no heads, they’re wearing helmets, in sambo or boxing classes? well
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, are they practicing the technique with a pear or with a trick? hair obstacles start, please tell me! what was your personal relationship with emil? with cadet stankus? yes. relationships in what sense? in direct? did you know he was going to get married? and what does it have to do with here it is? maybe you didn't like it? maybe that’s why you mocked him, like you are now mocking cadet kireev. what do you allow yourself to do, who are you? maybe you just wanted to annoy his fiancee? sorry, i’ll file a report on you, i’m nervous. don’t run and stretch the department, you’ve gone crazy, you need to ask irina about this sambo wrestler, which one to ask, what’s wrong with you, wake up, it’s you, wake up, everything’s fine with me, it’s not funny anymore, who are you as an investigator, did i answer your questions during the investigation ask, and what is the consequence, there is only appearance,
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because there are no facts, except for one thing, your stankus just died, it was weak, because that’s the end, the whole case is closed, yes closed, there was no command to step, well done, pull yourself up, one, two, one two, good afternoon. i’m from the prosecutor’s office, a military man, lieutenant sferidov, i’m finding out the circumstances of the death of imile stankus, you little girls, yes, it’s very difficult for her, now, i understand, not for long, if you want.
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irochka, this is coming to you from the prosecutor's office, lieutenant sviridov, hello, i'm talking about emil, his death, emil could not have died from bleeding in the brain, this is impossible, berina. “tell me, you’ve known him for a long time, all your life, you just met recently, do you believe in love at first sight? we immediately liked emil, so calm and serious, we
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lived in kaunas for 3 years, in the jewish ghetto, one might say, water, you know , which was the first." after liberation, forget everything, emil promised me that he would not die at the front, and would not die at all, and i believed him, if you think that this is not a stroke, then it means he was killed, who? with whom he was friends or vice versa, not i know, emil and i didn’t have time to discuss his friends and enemies. and where are they from? emil just returned from evacuation, we thought another life would come, a new one,
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the war would soon end, there would be a home, family, work, tea,
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several wounds, shell shock and absolute
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fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after first year student tried to expel both me and sasha zbroev, because we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded. with such severity he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give it, he never felt or experienced himself as an old man, he always felt like a man, for the birthday of vladimir etush, on saturday on the first, the option that i offered you.
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there’s nowhere to leave, back to the old ways, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow come to your senses already, you decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go, where to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i was daydreaming, animator on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is soul from latin, every
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evening i left the office with a large case full files that i took out from original archival documents, i did this regularly, year after year, he is called a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many reports are reported. they interrogated me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game. he knew how to play with this system and win. story
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british aristocrat and prominent soviet intelligence officer, kim philby, the secret war, on sunday on the first. i understood that i really couldn’t ask some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s still a secret, i can’t even tell you. to the hospital, where else? what are you doing here? i came to see the hero, the whole city already knows about your feat. i
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wasn’t here, so how can i understand this, i don’t know what’s wrong with irina, they are in serious condition, but alive, so, yuri karlovich sviridov, poisoning carbon monoxide and combustion products, on a burn, i think we’ll discharge him in a week, why did you comradely violate my order, i didn’t violate it, i saved people, i didn’t have time to report yet, and why did one go, didn’t report to anyone, didn’t look around the area , i didn’t hire a district police officer, it’s my fault, the instructor of the junior lieutenant course sent a complaint about you, comrade lieutenant colonel, is
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it me? a comparative analysis of the usual fire mixture and the contents of the bottles that were thrown into sverido, look, what’s the difference, what don’t you see, or what? are you kidding? look here high-actane gasoline has been added to kirosin, obtained using these special additives,
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are these the ones? this means, apparently, well , plus white phosphorus with carbon disulphide, plus light naba me, and we have a forelock here, well, i know, i was in the hospital with sveritova, so why do i need this, the smershevites handed it to me, they blocked a gang of foresters near lakes, they left, leaving everything behind, these boxes too, these are stolen additives, because at the airfield the place is not flimsy, that is...
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for someone, maybe lieutenant siridov, a fiery version, and in the literal sense of this words, the probability, as sergei sergeevich would say, is zero, zero probability does not exist, there is one more detail, there is moonshine in this mixture, it is not diluted alcohol, not vodka, moonshine, vistilian.
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no, there are no pictures, but i’ll help you read where to go, to school, i ’ll come straight to school with a dog, why not, you ’re going to train her, what’s her name? asya, asya? you want to eat, let's go buy you something, she won't follow me, asya, asya, wait, asya, for us, please give it here these three pieces, oh, where, where are you going, hello, i found a friend, our new student, she will be specially looking for dogs, and we just have a combat mission for your detection dog, and for you, as for its owner, what a good one.
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gunis zanas gabrielius is better than gunya, i repeat, this is all for my personal consumption, i am disabled, the doctor
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prescribed alcohol compresses for me, tell me, where were you last night at 17:00? yesterday at five in kutuski , a patrol picked me up during the day, for which he tasted the moonshine and didn’t pay it off, he hung out there with one idiot, what department were you in, as usual, in the fourth, clearly. well, are you going to eat with us, full last name, middle name, viktor gennadievich, i understand, year of birth,
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what? i will find this waiter, i promise you. we're
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careful. mother, after all, you are a sailor, bear, a sailor does not cry his head up for a year to raise his homeland for you for children's laughter for a handful of bread, wait, hold on!
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news , rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine. this is a war, a war against the people of donbass, donetsk people's republic will answer. the maidan began to deny us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens, to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bender, minions of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this, this is precisely what we rose up against, we became free from the kiev the juntas wanted only one thing, back to russia quickly, everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea, what happened now, there is no way back, there is nowhere to retreat further, we... are not aggressive, but we stand for our own we will tear anyone up, so we will
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bite into our land with our teeth, we will still defend it, what kind of future we would like for our child, without war, liberated territories, life line, premiere on sunday on the first, get up, vacation is over, oh my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested yet not a day, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, excuse me, we should somehow schedule a visit , i have advantages, these are some kind of evidence, corpses, she loves it, the ex-wife started a scandal, screamed that will kill them both, you can smell it, gentlemen, yes, there is a note of musk, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems like everything has been taken into account, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, the assault group
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is ready number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with i ’m not safe at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back and get treatment, otherwise, maybe explain to me what’s going on, don’t worry, this is a formality within the framework of the investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer have been found, and the victim was also pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, new episodes, may on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the topic can say a lot about people, here is our potolaganat, he thinks so, well, how look, it looks like the same moonshine that was in the molotov cocktails
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, the same fractions of silush oils, well , i think the probability is 90 percent. captain yalagi, military prosecutor's office. head of the fourth district department, captain kozlov. ours to you, citizen, boss. what is he again did he do? does he assure you that he spent the whole day with you yesterday? yes, it happened, yesterday a patrol brought him drunk, so i locked him in a distant cold cell for the night to sober up. it helped, gunya is sober, like a drunk, and if drunk, then at all. “this is a general judgment,
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you know him well, yes, i know him all, a local drunkard moonshiner, i was once imprisoned for a hooligan, why don’t you arrest him, he sometimes informs me, so here he is more useful to me than in prison, in general - then this is secret data, there is an entry in the log about yesterday’s arrest, yes, of course, please!” svetlana petrovna, you need to shoot at the team, he’s alive? he’s barely breathing, there’s probably a hole in his back,
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his lung is probably punctured, bring his windows, grigory ivanovich, start the engine, i’m listening, come on colonel, that’s it , i’m healthy, i want to get back in, wait, what happened, an unknown person killed two witnesses, who, who, he’s in the operation, maybe he’s involved in your case, so sveridov, we’ll set up a post, you’ll be the head of the guard, your task as soon as he arrives . into yourself or mom will tell you right away tell me. i understand, there is, that’s it, let them give you the uniform, but why those uniforms, the robe suits you, hello, seiki, lieutenant colonel, military prosecutor’s office, do you know this man? where is his
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room? chicken kambaris? i don’t have the keys, well, we don’t have them either, open them, we have them, but who lived here? there’s a policeman here, he moved in, he sealed the door himself, the asshole who was shot today, and we’re opening this one, wait,
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carefully examine all the captain’s things and documents. here in the gunya room there was hidden in the foot of the bed, what does it look like, five ingots approximately 200 g each - that’s almost a kilo of gold for the murder of the girl irina, generous, but the guys live in the forest.
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the fever still doesn’t subside, i told the doctor, yes, i said that this happens, i... where, you are in the hospital, everything is fine, the doctor will come now, sergei sergeevich, well, look, and finally, at least something
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i brought something normal. this is david seamus, we were together in getsa, i thought he died, what happened to him, the wound during the arrest, how much rope. headquarters and we agreed that he would help for
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diamonds, what kind of diamonds? for a rainy day we had something from my grandfather left. what kind of officer? german? will he figure it out? in uniform he spoke liza. we conveyed everything to him through seamus, but never received anything. shamos just shrugged his shoulders. so, the scroll consists of an alloy of fine gold with 750 solder . copper and silver are also present, this is medical gold, such prosthetics are used, in german concentration camps such ingots are made from...
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i wrote, thank you, also a captain, let's go, what should i tell my friends? if you don’t, we’ll find everything ourselves, and we’ll report the result, if these diamonds are hidden at his house, can you imagine, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, they spotted it.
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your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire on the line, ours are there, these are our defenses , they also broke through the uranium red army soldier, stop this madness, i will give you mine maps, alexandrov, the owner of the secret information that should not get to the germans, it is clear that they managed to convey it, this folder contains junhans documents, all the spent cartridges are hidden, someone covered their tracks, saboteur, crimea may 9 on the first, what are we going to do, commander, what, carry out the order,
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liquidate alexandra, no, what does that mean, no, come on, come on or die, we stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, is a line. the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i am also the shooter, the tank has a ritual, and what kind of ritual, well, i called it memory, it saved me, its armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, you call the germans, well, of course, three shells fired at rapid fire, two such vehicles got out, they began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles. but nato countries have no option to fight against our armed forces, time has chosen us, so now we must
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try to ensure that there is peace. premiere, heroes, time has chosen us. may 10th on the first. in 1954, the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, nikita sergeevich, decided to hand over crimea to ukraine.
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the big story is how khrushchev surrendered crimea on sunday at the first. it’s clear, yura, that sergeant major fedorenko taught me, he says, a good school in childhood i passed, finished with a medal, i can imagine what
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other subjects there were in this school.
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come on, yura, give me the key, yeah, that’s also possible.
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yura, light! wow, looks like an alchemist's laboratory, what kind? what i’ve never understood is chemistry, that’s not what sergeant major fedorenko teaches you,
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yur, i’m scared, it’s just a draft. what is this, fishing, where is the forehead, he, he is there, somewhere on the table, holding!
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hands, turned around, grigory ivanovich,
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look what’s there? and where are you from? well, hello, esuz, are you an acquaintance? this is the father of cadet stangus. david seamus was secret informant for the gestapo, handed over his germans. and you, then, are just a chemist. yes. just a chemist, thank you, the germans helped me with reagents and equipment.
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well, you melted down their gold crowns for this, otherwise i wouldn’t have been able to do science, the stankus people from these crowns were sent to gas chambers, and your son knew, i knew nothing about it. “everyone knew perfectly well, and your son knew you too, no, he didn’t know anything, i told him that i was collaborating with the germans, and then i came up with a story about kazakhstan and my son
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agreed to help me, we really they wanted to forget everything, then erina appeared here, her parents, who saw me, everything went to hell, they had him..." imposed, it ’s not me, shaimos, my son, why did you poison? emil was going to tell everything to irina, you fool, it would have ruined me and would not have saved him, you stupid fool, we had a fight in the morning, he gave me until the evening to leave, i agreed, and then, and then i mixed it up.


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