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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 8, 2024 12:05am-12:51am MSK

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either scoundrels, or both, and this, of course, idea, you know, of alexander, merged with the traditional american idea of ​​exclusivity, so when these two ideas merged together, they created a very flammable mixture, and this mixture led to which i perceive as a crusade against russia, well, the crusades in the middle ages failed. and the local population, as soon as the crusaders left, in general they did not try to penetrate into europe and, as they say, disengage with the crusaders on their own territory. could this become a model for our relations with the west, if they lag behind russia, well, god bless them, or it’s not so simple. i think that firstly, since the war is total, you quite rightly described the core of those.
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can it be said that one of the main tasks of the new term of the russian president will be to ensure that this crusade is in no way crowned with success. there is no doubt that we need a victory here. you know, one very odious american politician, well known to you and me, john bolton, somehow in connection with the ukrainian expressed his plot when criticizing biden, saying that russia should simply be put under pressure, and not deal with, as he put it, the welsanian chimeras
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of democracy and authoritarianism, he meant president woodrow wilson, who developed all sorts of theories like this, we definitely won’t re-educate such people. but maybe we can somehow convince through a demonstration of force, because nothing else is simply visible, i would really like to convince, but the only way to convince, unfortunately, is through a demonstration of force, it was a big game, see you tomorrow on the air. hello, my name is still dmitry
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bak, we, of course, have the next episode of a literary podcast: let them not talk, let them read, but today one could say, let them watch, because these days. on channel one, the first episodes of the new season, the most famous, most popular series, which is called according to the laws of war, have begun, its seventh season has begun, which has its own name, it is called the enemy behind our backs, today our guests are the main characters of this season and in general series, and of course we will start with the people's artist of russia and the people's artist of the republic of south ossetia. you look most beautiful in the role of a driver, the brave driver grigory ivanovich fedorenko, but is it true that you don’t drive a car? no, i drive, but i try
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to free myself from it, because in cars i always got into accidents through my own fault, but in the movies this doesn’t happen, well, thank you, god. a very high-ranking person, also from maxim georgievich drost, performing the role of the same prosecutorial environment, this person name is nikolai trofimovich mirsky, and you
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play his role with your usual courage and charm, it suits you, before entering the theater institute, i completed military service in the armed forces. 2 years, 2 months and 4 days, probably, i acquired the necessary skills there, acquired a military profession, acquired a military registration specialty, which help me act in russian tv series. what a clear answer, you recognize this man, professional, service-minded, experienced, measured, clear, this is, of course, maxim drost, by the way, the father of my student, and let's start with this, well, i follow your work, of course, and i see what each of you has.
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from a pistol at airplanes just like vasily terkin, but you have behind you a new version of boris vasiliev’s classic text about zorizda element, this is also a very noticeable, important film, and so on. look, my question is: is there anything in your past acting experience that helped in the current filming, that’s what was most important? let's start with katya, in our last season, which viewers are now seeing on their screens on...
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one of my questions surprises me, i’ll ask what i’m very happy about, how great it is, this is for you to share what you know, and none of the viewers know yet, and how are things going with you, maxim? i'll tell you honestly. i’m just always comfortable being on a film set, which is associated with the presence of a military uniform, shoulder straps, senior ranks, stable weapons, automatic weapons, this is a comfortable environment for me and it’s pleasant for me to be in the water, like a fish in water, you feel in the army and among people, maxim also instructs, he explains how i, for example, his younger sister, need to use this weapon, sometimes i received this, in general, yes... even undeservedly, as it seemed to me at that moment, but i tried to follow your instructions, it’s clear, alexander
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vasilyevich, your filming in the film battalions are asking for fire, they gave you something, so you said that you fired a pistol, no, the army gave it to me, i served in the taman division, i always brag about it, in full dress show regiment, so i know the army quite well, i was a machine gunner, i had the skills, but my... sergeant-major, there’s a major there, yes, a major, remember, he’s taking care of himself, the mold is tight, that’s all, yes, katya, uh, well, the new guy, the boy just arrived, so he’s shooting at airplanes with a pistol, here, here is grigory ivanovich, my fedorenko, he is not a soldier, he is not, not, as they say, taken from the people, war, because he also finds himself in a military situation, but a person, he is purely. i’m a civilian, i have a civilian’s gait, and civilian manners, but i’m an analytical mind,
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i help in investigations, how well, at the expense of my, yes, at the expense of my kindness, so this worldly wisdom, svetlana petrovna, she’s like a military man, she’s always so fit, and she has a gymnast, that’s it, she’s such an emasculated military man, of course, strict in character. by her behavior, in addition to the fact that she is a prosecutor, she is also a criminologist, a researcher, how she figures out who shot from where, everything is foreseen, of course, she guesses, she is a lady of remarkable intelligence, yes, but what am i, i’m okay, no, look, everything is not so, i’m a spectator, i have the right to express my incompetent, otherworldly opinion, but still, look what contrast, one person... look at maxim, he feels comfortable with the routine, with the statutory relations and
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so on, and the other is a civilian, he seems kind, walks a little at a walk, baggy, but it turns out a synthesis, it’s no coincidence that you were seated like that today, yes, because in the center is katerina, in the center is this investigative wisdom that solves all problems, and here it is not just training and bearing, and not just kindness, although there is kindness, you have it.
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i won’t find any analogies right away, in any case. you come from humanity, well, as an actress, i always work initially as if i were representing this person, and then you can use all sorts of skills. equip him, but he ’s strong, he’s so wise, he’s professional, of course, i have an older brother, this is a dynasty, that is, it’s not just like that, she became a prosecutor, but i have it for the length of service of this grk 21 , everyone argued for a long time about how this order could even appear on my chest, but she really started studying very early, apparently somewhere, and such a formation is not just like that,
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she suddenly, and although she didn’t allow it in the first episodes, the worldly one constantly, in my opinion, wants to send. rear, oh, these brother-sisters, they even play here, they continue their roles, yes, as it were, well, maybe you’re just so immersed in them that this is just katya, this is my next question, really in fact , i also want to say this thing, acting in war films is quite difficult, our seasons are often frosty, and +55, and -20, after all, it’s a man’s destiny, or rather, when fragile, beautiful, heavenly girl. mother of four children, spends 12 hours a day on the set, it’s a huge physical effort, it’s work, katya, thank you, i’m in these moments when it’s very difficult to think all the time, but no one will say what it’s really like in war, stop filmed , and this has always inspired me and it’s really difficult, i think, well, how difficult can it be for me to have this
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fragile creature next to me, how can i say that i’m tired, they endure everything, yes. a piece of bread, wait, hold on, i’ll be with you, it winds, winds into the distance, my little path, moscow, the bells are ringing, moscow, golden domes, this victory day,
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the festive concert was lost to gunpowder. screamed that she would kill them both, do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are musk insides, as the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera recorded for you, well, it seems like everyone was taught, if it’s not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with
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it’s not safe for me at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, otherwise it might explain to me what is happening? don’t worry, this is a formality as part of the investigation, the killer’s genetic fingerprints were not found, the victim was still pregnant, i mean, bloodhound new episodes from may 13, on the first, you bear too much responsibility for others, my readers told you about this. i’m again judging amateurishly, but there is a theatrical role, there is a full -length film, the theatrical role does not end, the performance sometimes goes on for years, yes, well, as a teacher at a theater institute, i see this, people work, deepen it, this year they don’t it turns out, then it turns out, in the full-length film the role ends, stop it’s filmed, that’s it, yes, the film begins to go to cinemas or
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networks, that’s how it is, because the first season was released, well, 9 years ago, but it turns out. it’s necessary to constantly live in a role for years, how is it how it happens in the movies sometimes you come out of the characters, it’s not like they just played one role and now let’s say, even if you live with a theatrical role, you still come out of it , it's normal, it's kind of a feeling. maybe from the outside it’s only lu, and of course there were some other roles, something happens in life, it distracts you a little from what is happening, but as soon as i put on this uniform. i don’t know where this voice comes from, i already really, i immediately edit the text, how could i say, how could she not say, there if someone writes, my god, i didn’t say that,
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it’s curious, you edit the lines, yes, of course, i already know my character, better than what he writes there, let’s say a screenwriter came who had not seen our previous seasons there, and of course, thanks to the audience and their love, we continue, we continue to live together with our heroes, it’s clear, alexander vasilyevich, are you fedorenko or not fedorenko, fedorenko? you know, i have a cinematic education, i am a film director, so i approach the role as a director, i start from which scene i appear on the screen, this is my start, my start according to the laws of war is that i lost my wife and daughter , but remained a husband and father, so it’s not easy for me to take care of svetlana petrovna all the time.
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future warrior who is gathering dust, here are his spectators they'll see, in the finale my hero adopts a child killed by the war, he doesn't speak, he's anime, and i don't believe that he was born dumb, that it was the war that made him dumb, and i teach him to talk, i teach him to write, and this is the future, as they say, our people, our man, i am his son, this is the grain that i
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planted in myself, i am growing this grain, but the start that i lost, i felt bad there, if you remember there in the first episode, yes i felt bad i feel bad when they tell me that my daughter, my only daughter, my wife, and i feel bad. and then throughout the film it is clear that this person, who survived the tragedy badly, has enough courage and courage, so the army is a great helper for me, i know how to hold a machine gun, so it’s clear that yes, a warrior is holding a machine gun, yeah, how cool is that you say, i think that there is a role of co-creation here, yes, that is, of course, the screenwriters write, they put something in, but here it is. this is surprising for me too, that is , really your hero, but most importantly , i think we were all lucky, because there were several directors, and also, by the way,
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like playwrights, yes, but there were several directors. it was very valuable that the directors of us, the actors, understood what we wanted, what we were trying, what we were trying to do, they understood us and met us halfway, this is very important. that is, these are your real feelings, because somehow our producers managed to create this product and by selecting other directors and cameramen, life goes on there, yes they come to our team, they leave, but it turns out that the atmosphere is still the same, there art come and go, yes there's something there i don’t know what’s happening in the world in the country, but here this story seems to continue to take its course.
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indeed, when people who may have actually gone through this, they watch it, remember, oh, there are lithuanian people here, it’s like we have a region now, what happened there, that is, we take this story and begin to spin it, in this since everything will be as always, the enemy will not only be behind you, but also under your thumb, and the front-line soldiers will be satisfied.
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some illusion has happened to the viewer, i don’t know how to achieve this, i’ll ask i can’t write a book about this, why the viewer believed and trusted us, as it were, that we are somehow really associated with soviet cinema, at least about the war, but yes , yes, not to mention really the time that of course we survived, in one way or another everyone touched on this period, but still my reference point, at least, was only on soviet cinema, i did not serve.
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and indeed, while this investigation is underway, everyone there has such a bright solo, i’m very sorry, of course, that the lyrical line has faded into the background for the main characters, but this again, the project is not mine, so i’m a person, yes, i’m a forced person, but as a viewer, what i think, it seems to me, they feel sorry for it too, but in your eyes, in the eyes of yegor shilov , sometimes an underlying lyrical note is heard or visible, yes , the series has just begun, but still
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there... there is some kind of hint, we’ll talk about this later, of course, but the viewer must remember about the chronology, because i don’t really understand whether there is such a story, well, in the series they million worldwide, but this seventh season is a prequel to the fourth season, that is roughly speaking, both those who play and the spectators are attentive, they understand that there has already been a victory, and yes, yes, because it was at the request of the front-line soldiers. we went back, we went back, we are restoring the previous events of the great patriotic war, besides everything, this television product is a kind of history textbook, this is how it turned out, it seems to me that we have a product, from our entire huge team under the management of our producers, a product was born that it seems to me that he’s just walking, even when in the background people are getting ready to set the table,
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that... because it’s slower, because rostov is earlier than the baltic states, then the baltic states will be, but since by the end of the war he began to walk faster, because he was already walking on a path spoiled by fate, and this is the beginning, these are the initial phases of the great patriotic war war,
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so he still walks carefully and looks around.
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no, they actually killed ivan grigorievich, what a blow it was for the viewer, and they took such a step, they killed the main character, they meet me in horror on the street, and this claim is directly to me personally, i understand that this in general, you need to think 10 times about how to kill , i liked this point of view of this.
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they will also be useful to us, okay, so we talk a lot about how you feel inside a series about the war, and do you have any favorite books about the war, which ones are especially valuable to you, soviet or maybe classic, there are some nikrasov’s book in the trenches of stalingrad by viktor platonovich, and once upon a time, hear me, producers, once upon a time... there was a film adaptation, in my opinion, in the fifties, as a very unsuccessful film adaptation, i think this is the most one of the most frank books about the great patriotic war, this is how it was written, for some reason it slipped out of the attention of the producer, we send a signal, we
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talk to our interlocutors all the time, we send stalingrad, it is also important that this book was maxim, published in forty-six year, the prose reacts more slowly, yes, it is great prose. it came out much later, but the poetry wonderfully conveys to us the atmosphere and the understanding of the element of drunina, who will now be 100 years old, as i understand it, the date will soon be 100 years old this year, you can just read it her, remember something yulia drunina, zinka, the poem is long, well, let’s make it as long as you like, glee at the broken one, we’re waiting for it to start getting brighter, it’s warmer together on... the damp earth, you know, zinka, i’m against sadness , but this doesn’t count now, at home in the apple outback, my mother, my mother lives, you have friends, loved ones, but i have her alone, the house
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smells of sauerkraut and smoke, it ’s spring on the hill, well, in general, and so on and so on, how wonderful it is, let everyone remember yulia drunina, beautiful, and... poetess, a wonderful poet, a wonderful person, i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, yes, once on eve and thousands of times, whoever says that there is no fear in war knows nothing about war, yes, these are indeed lines as winged as those i have lived with i’ll be back, and there are a lot of poems like before the attack by gudzenko, vich, probably, there are also a lot of poems about the war, you write a lot of your own for... i have a large cycle of afghanistan, here is a large caucasian cycle , honor something of your own, this is the very thing i dedicated afghan cycle to ilya ivanovich ryshkin, paratrooper, helicopter pilot, who 3.5
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i fought in afghanistan for a year, here i am with lyubov sergeevna sokolova, kingdom of heaven, we traveled a lot to hospitals, and there are a lot of stories in general. uh-huh, well, we know you as a poet, you recorded an afghani, well, such a couplet, stones, like rats, bit into your body. then dust and sand salt, and bullets rush into thoughts, like into a weight shaved in the morning, these are the stories of the guys who are wounded, who have survived and they tell this, you know, it’s clear, this, this is very, very, very important, and from military books about the great patriotic war, something, not just poetry, prose, do you like anything?
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they listen, but are not afraid, because there is no fear , but he talks so carefully about the war when grandfather tells it, despite the fact that it is already midnight. they listen about the war, there is such an observation, there is such a thing, it is published, even in a retelling it is wonderful, i think that our series works the same way, yes, it kind of heals wounds, it heals, it educates, it does something does it to us, otherwise we wouldn’t have watched it, no, but we are glad that the front-line soldiers liked the film, according to reviews, it’s great, it’s great, that means we, as they say, they have not run far from the truth, or have not run away at all.
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was, this question was an object of love even
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earlier, this is a question from pankratov cherny, but i wanted to ask, in general, how are you, your, your heroine, how do you feel, what is changing, ivan grigorievich for about two years, yes ago, if you count from forty-four, well, he’s not around, yes, you now have a new investigative partner, does this somehow affect your work, do you at all? why are you staying with him, well, military people, they are forced, there is no such thing there, i want to stay, i didn’t want to come here, you were going to another place, well, somehow the distribution happened there so that it turned out, in war it’s always like this, yes, of course, of course, everything is different for everyone, in war in the world, as ours said the director, the main emphasis in these seasons is on the detective story, yeah, and i, as i said at the very beginning, unfortunately, yes, to my regret, yes, because of course.
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that you and shilov had something, there were some clues, by the way, both dima and katya played, they played it, this first meeting, when the lieutenant regiment, a short pause, i i would have extended it, i would have paused at the moscow art theater so that it could smell like black beans, they met, yes they met, yes, well, after all, there is such a motivation for the plot.
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that is, he knows all this, yes, that is , depending on what season in what scene, no, now, now, this, he knows, yes, that he cannot show his feelings, if he has them, we had them. i look very carefully, she had ivan grigorievich, and now there is someone else, so i look, i am very attentive to her, i look
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, i understand that they have already met before and i understand that yes, they know each other, they met, and how they met, whether it was good or not, for me... such a slight smile faded away, but i realized that they had met well before, were friends, it’s not for nothing that you admitted, internally, you blessed them, or yes, by no means , no, he is reserved, he has a fatherly attitude, your hero has a fatherly attitude towards svetlana and he is also a director, this is the second example in our conversation when -
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in many ways this success is so reliable or something, thanks to alexander vasilievich, because this man is from that generation, who remembers everything very well, first of all, tells us, passes it on to us , as it were, and rewards us with these qualities, but we would like to act in more seasons and how many seasons, but in this project, in this series, i i’m saying, regardless of
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some kind of business-related production things, you would like this to your heart, maxim, let’s start with you. or yes , this man’s proposed circumstances are always interesting, mirsky makes it interesting to exist and work in them, well, and katya, to be honest, i’ll open it now a little secret, but i’m waiting with trepidation, in my opinion the eighth season is already being written, my god, do you hear friends, everything is ahead, it’s always so exciting what’s next for our heroes, because of course, god forbid, if it ’s good history, then i’m always for it with pleasure, in general... to hope, well, alexander vasilyevich, well, you, of course, of course, of course, because in general our group is very good, what make-up artists, what a wonderful team, it’s true, a wonderful team, well, yes, that’s the administrative group, wonderful, very they respect the artists,
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they treat us very carefully, you can’t be lazy there, you think, lord, people give themselves so much to you, so you have to answer for... today we talked with wonderful actors, with alexander vasilyevich pankratov cherny, with ekaterina klimova with maxim georgievich drazdom. i am sure that we will talk more at the time of the launch of the twelfth season and discuss all this, to you, our dear interlocutors on the other side of the screen, headphones and other gadgets, as always. i say: read with pleasure with no less pleasure, watch the new season of the series on martial law on channel one.


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