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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 8, 2024 12:50am-1:41am MSK

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gadgets, as i always say: read from the other side of the screen, headphones and other pleasures, with no less pleasure watch the new season of the series on the first channel under the laws of war.
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the time when our first satellite was launched, i naturally don’t remember, as for gagarin’s flight, i have a very vivid impression of it from childhood, of course it was complete delight, but then very few realized that, in general, this space is a kind of side effect of the arms race and the military... structure, because if there weren’t this, there wouldn’t be space. here it must be said, first of all, that a new era began in august 1945, the nuclear era, the united states had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, and this, of course, made the world very unstable, and of course, no one in the united states expected that the soviet union would be able to create a nuclear bomb in 1949 to go into space, and on october 4, 1957, launching the first satellite, this is how this race in space developed. hello, this is
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a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, with you pyotr romanov and sergey soloviev, today we’ll talk about how the space confrontation between the united states and the soviet union developed. in 1947, the cold war had already flared up, but the first shadows between the allies in the anti-hitler coalition had, of course, fallen earlier. the us and uk feared the spread. the soviet union, which was really huge after the victory over germany, there was stalingrad, the battle of stalingrad, all this was known, the soviet union wanted to ensure its security with the help creating such a belt of friendly states around it to prevent a repeat of the situation on june 22 , 1941, yes, when hostile germany was everywhere on the western borders of the ussr, either she or her allies. the nuclear project in the ussr was given
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a decree by the state defense committee in the year forty-two, but only in august of the forty-fifth year, after their yoroshima and nagasaki, truly large funds began to be allocated for this, the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, it is important to say that the state defense committee - this is in during the war, the highest authority in the ussr, that is, not the politburo, namely the state defense committee, the state defense committee, and so the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, the chairman was stalin, the deputy of byriy, became the curator of the atomic project, scientifically its curator was, of course, kurchatov, in 1949, the soviet nuclear bomb, thanks to the efforts of both intelligence and the amazing inhuman efforts of soviet physicists, a nuclear bomb was tested and the united states monopoly on nuclear weapons ended, another problem arose, how to deliver nuclear charges to enemy territory using air defense aircraft.
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can cope with them, either high-altitude fighters or ground-based air defense systems, accordingly, other delivery methods are needed, especially the soviet union, given that if american aircraft could be based on the borders of the soviet union, then our aircraft could not be based purely geographically on the borders of the united states , we didn’t have nato, and we didn’t have any allies near the united states either it was not, here it must be said, that it was the most advanced country that developed rocket technology. until 1945 there was germany, well, yes, of course, the famous fao, fao, yes, the first cruise missile fao-1, ​​the world's first ballistic missile, v-2, a long-range ballistic missile, moreover, the germans also created a controlled the waserfall anti-aircraft missile that they developed was brought to the level of mass production, but they simply did not have time to launch this mass production, because soviet troops had already arrived in germany, already in the end of the second... the americans, they had
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a special program called the paperclip for the seizure of german scientists, german technologies, thousands of german scientists, engineers, technicians, through this operation were transferred at different times, during the forties, early fifties, in the usa, and of course, the main acquisition here was werner von brown, the developer of fa2 itself, the father of the american space program , who surrendered as an american, who deliberately surrendered as an american on may 2, 1945. programs, the americans used, respectively, and the wasserfall project, and the v2 project for the development of their program, it seemed that they were in a much better position, they had much better starting conditions for the development of rocket technology, they only had one thing, they did not have sergei
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pavlovich korolev, yes, korolev they didn’t have it, but it’s also possible that korolev would have been doing something else. and not rocket science, because he himself wrote about his meeting with tsialkovsky in 1929, although it must be said that there is some sort of intrigue here, because some they dispute that in general this meeting took place in the twenty-ninth year, because in tsolkovsky’s house there was such a book where visits were recorded, and there is no mention of a meeting with...
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a meeting with konstantin eduardovich tsalkovsky, it was the twenty-ninth year, i turned then around 24, in fact, after the meeting with tsealkovsky that excited us, my friends and i began active actions and even some practical experiments in rocket technology, and in one of the official questionnaires of the fifty-second year , he also writes that since the twenty-ninth year after meeting tsyalkovsky, i began to study. special equipment, the soviet missile program could theoretically not be inferior to the german one or not much behind it, if not for repression. back in the thirty -third year, a rocket research institute was founded, the organization of which was helped by mikhail nikolaevich tukhachevsky, who understood that the country
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needed new technology, sometimes invested, by the way, in failed projects, but still he very actively supports the development of new technology , but he generally adored everything advanced, so to speak, in the military. yes, the institute was created, and not without bureaucratic resistance, that was also the case then, tests of rocket projects began, and the people who created this atmosphere of creativity in the early thirties, it was amazing, people literally forgot to eat when they launched it of this soviet rocket program, before the creation of rni, the rocket research institute, the group was called tsgirt, the central group for the study of jet propulsion, jets.
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mobilize these talented people for in order to discover the unknown, this craving for the unknown, this, of course, is also the atmosphere of the thirties, it will be later, yes, but without this enthusiasm, human enthusiasm, the creation of rocket technology would have been impossible for us, at the rocket institute everything
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it wasn’t entirely smooth sailing, korolev was first deputy director, then he was demoted to head of the department, his character in general was quite tough; korolev will be remembered later, by the way, when he becomes chief designer... there were legends royal scoldings, well, always to the point, but - some launches began to happen, the deputy director of rni was georgy langemag, this is also ... a well-known figure, this is one of the developers of the katyusha rocket, but langemak was arrested in 1938, following he arrested the director of the institute kleimenov, arrested sergei pavlovich korolev himself, arrested valentin petrovich glushko, the future designer of rocket engines, engines and korolev’s comrade-in-arms, with glushko, korolev will later meet in sharashka, the queen from the golden maldyak mine in kolyma, they were sent there to a sharashka, which they led stupidly.
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began with the launch of the first satellite by the soviet union, but i remember that in 1947, that is, exactly 10 years before the actual launch of the first satellite, at the future kapustin yar cosmodrome in 1947, r1 was launched, yes, already then 10 years before launch. satellite, keldysh calculated
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all the parameters necessary to launch the first satellite, that is, 10 years before the tight, well, it must be said that keldysh was generally called a theorist cosmonautics number one, and also, when we talk about the space program, we can’t do without the name keldysh, but i’ll go back to germany a little, the fact is that the first institutes that were involved in the development... of rocket technology, they were created right in germany, in bleichord , the rabe institute was organized, which was in the soviet zone of occupation, which was engaged in collecting and studying all the developments on missiles, and there was scattered technical documentation, fragments somewhere, we didn’t get a single whole fa2 missile. in august of forty-fifth year for to organize test launches of missiles , a special shot group was created, and for the first time it was headed by sergei korolev, who had previously worked in sharashka, in sharashka. plant in kazan, he was brought to germany, he began to figure it out there, even while he was
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a prisoner, and korolev came there for one missile test conducted by the germans, but so that he would not be identified, so that he was too competent a technical person, he disguised himself as a driver there i arrived, it’s interesting, that is, they tried the americans a little to deceive, and so, when it became clear that we would not find the entire fa 2, we began to restore it, the minister of armaments of the ussr dmitry fedorich ustinov restored it. approved the creation of two institutes: northausen, ballistic missiles and berlin, all other missiles, german specialists worked in them, whom we managed to capture. about 500 technicians and engineers agreed to work for the soviet union while in germany; they even managed to lure some from the american occupation zone, in particular systems specialists automatic control by helmut grettup, kurt, magnus, hans hoch, and a special nii, nii 88, was created, where.
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nothing would have worked out, of course, well, it should also be noted that in general this was a space race during the cold war period, it, of course, was important from the point of view of scientific and technological progress, but it was also a kind of competition between two political systems, so of course success in the scientific sphere, in the scientific and technological sphere, they echoed...
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we are in the year fifty-seven, and they also managed on february 1, 1958, finally launching its first satellite explorer 1, the first living creature put into orbit, precisely into orbit, this is not a jump back into orbit, it was a laika on
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november 3, 5, 1977, a descent module - this was already the next stage in development.. . in astronautics, so she played a very important role, but nevertheless , there was no opportunity to return her to earth then, but everyone remembers the squirrel and the arrow, yes, but they forget about the husky, and even more so everyone forgets about the dezik and the gypsy, 22. july fifty-one , they jumped like this, they were launched, they were the first living beings to overcome the so-called karman line, this is a line 100 km from the surface of the earth, they reached 110 km, that is, this is not space yet. but nevertheless, this is already a big step towards him, it was still the fifty-first year, both returned back, but at the next launch dezik died, and the gypsy after that korolev was very upset, the gypsy was not sent anywhere after that, but the dog was angry and even once bit a general who treated her disrespectfully when the satellite was being prepared launch, then when they were discussing what
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would happen in space, then pyotr leonidovich kopitsa said accordingly: you know what, i don’t know what will be there, but if there is an opportunity to break into space, this must be done, according to the laws of war , new series, tomorrow after the program , come on, come on or die, we stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated. there is a front line, even the same structures are found in the great patriotic war, trenches. the first tank you had was the t-3476, i commander, i’m the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual? well, i called him memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, you call them germans, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire,
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two such vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and... may on the first, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, we talk about the space race.
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soviet technology, like american technology, yes, there was a common line here, but the seven was a huge step forward, it was the first continental missile, but the second put into service, the first one was supplied by the americans, it was not suitable for military needs, it was too heavy, not balanced, the accuracy was low, but precisely because it was so heavy, yes, it was able to launch first a satellite, and then on the basis of it and man into space, that is, failure in military terms became success in terms of space, but there is a paradox. again remembering the first satellite, it must be said that it existed, well, not for long by today’s standards, it made 1440 revolutions around the earth, but furoren, of course, produced a simply fantastic signal, and his famous signals, beep-beep, were most likely listened to by the entire planet, because the impression
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was simply fantastic, they burst into space, here... i’ll refer to a memory, i’ll quote georgy mikhailovich grechka, who was first an engineer for korolev and then became an astronaut, was one of the first civilian cosmonauts, so to speak, not from the air force, but from engineers, so to speak. buckwheat wrote, here in the original brochure of scientific and technical information that we have were released regularly, we read that on the fifth the americans were making a report called the satellite above the planet, and we planned the launch on october 6, we came to korolev, showed him this information, korolev...
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it’s important, gagarin didn’t get arrogant for a second, that’s the beginning yes, about the effect gagarin’s flight had on people, and what was interesting and what , but it was also a question of maintaining enthusiasm, you yourself said that many people’s memories of it show that this is a test with copper pipes. in fact, the most terrible case when you can pass the test of fire, water, fame and notoriety by power - this is the most terrible
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test for a person, gagarin passed brilliantly, passed brilliantly, without any arrogance, treated people, and this was the choice of the queen, because they argued about who should fly or gagarin, korolev bet on gagarin, although tetov seemed to be more intelligent, and he flew later, yes, but here is the image, just the image of a person. april, and already on april 26 there was a decision of the presidium of the cpsu central committee on measures to further commemorate popularization of the first flight of a soviet man into space. behind this was, of course, work for the domestic audience, but first of all, of course, work abroad; gagarin’s foreign trips were planned by several departments at once, the foreign ministry, the kgb, and the ministry
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of defense, but only in the spring, at the age of 61, he has already visited czechoslovakia, bulgaria, finland, great britain, poland, cuba, brazil, canada and hungary, in just 3 years he visited more than 20 countries, and, naturally. and, naturally, ours really wanted to organize gagarin's visit to the united states, but there, it was difficult, because the official authorities at that moment were promoting their first hero, so to speak, shepard, so they opposed gagarin's visit, then they tried to come in from the side through private initiative, through public organizations, everything seemed to start was taking shape, but then the berlin crisis broke out, the visit... the united states did not take place, well then one day, in my opinion, during a flight, from somewhere to somewhere, gagarin was at
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the airport. gave a press conference for american journalists, but basically, well he was not given the opportunity to visit the usa, but to a large extent this was compensated by the absolutely fantastic success that met gagarin in the uk, the authorities there were also not very keen, but nevertheless the visit took place, it was a huge success, he was greeted by simply huge crowds and accepted. even queen elizabeth ii, and i don’t know if this is a historical anecdote or not , maybe it’s true, but they say that since the crowd was eager to touch gagarin and have something there as a a souvenir that gagarin, after this story , carried with him when he solemnly went somewhere, a box of buttons for his uniform, because buttons.
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it is also connected with the fact that he continued to fly, the tragedy associated with his death, in many ways it must be said that he did not want to be a wedding general, he wanted to fly again, and yes, and there was a violation of safety regulations, again there is a conspiracy theory that he died there as a result of someone there who wanted to eliminate him and so on, all this is not confirmed by anything, there were multiple violations, like usually happens due to a number of factors with a violation of technology. safety, which led to his death, but he certainly wanted to fly again, the top management opposed this, because they did not want to risk gagarin. gagarin was, of course, yes, if we have everything in soviet times, all this is all the issues of the space race and so on, they were covered in such a darkness of severe secrecy, but in the united states , of course, everything was closed too,
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naturally. have already presented, well, seven future astronauts, possible, they were called the magnificent seven, so to speak, american magazines were happy to publish their biographies, reports from their lives and the like, that is, these were two different approaches, one open, the other hermetically closed and we continue, today the topic of our
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conversation : space race, it’s worth saying that the americans, having lost the start of this space race, then sharply raised the stakes, so, so to speak figuratively, that is, they, uh, announced the preparation of a lunar program, uh, this was also announced, which it’s worth recalling what many of us somehow forget about, even during the inauguration. president kennedy, he actually, well , invited the soviet union to participate in this lunar program, he said, we will explore the stars together, and behind this there was a document, and there it was said that as a first step, the usa and the ussr could choose a landing with scientific targets, a small group of about three people to the moon, and then return them to earth, well, according to the version, i know,
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there khrushchev, protecting some secrets, refused this, they relied on ships like east, sunrise, and the lunar program was postponed, it also began to be developed later, with a significant delay from the americans, so one of the reasons for our lag in this area is that we slowed down. development, this is one of the versions, our wonderful scientific journalist, by the way, a friend of golovanov, vladimir stepanovich gubarev, unfortunately, recently passed away, also a great, absolutely a journalist, of course, a scientist, and so guborev regarding the secrecy, firstly, yes, i remembered that korolev wanted to launch journalists into space, there was such an idea, and if it weren’t for korolev’s death, his early death as a result of an unsuccessful operation, when he was operated on, it
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was discovered. in general, sarcoma in the intestines as a result, they did not know whether the heart could withstand anesthesia, the heart could not withstand it, and there is one version that korolev’s daughter later developed that they could not insert a breathing tube into him because...
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they were incomparable , it is known that we had a failure with the luna-8 parasite, with the flyby of the moon, an initial failure, then they flew around successfully, but, thank god, they didn’t dare to send a man, because the flyby, yes, because the risk was too high, they were too behind, the americans won the lunar race, although again there are conspiracy theories that the americans were not on the moon , but there is not a single person in the space industry, it’s just... this in itself is a fact, yes, i ’m not even talking about measurements, about the fact that transmissions were caught from there, that signal reflectors from there were recorded by ours, yes, who were not interested in favor of the americans, but there is not a single person in the space program, including among our modern
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people, serious ones who are involved in astronautics, who would deny the presence of americans on the moon, after the defeat of the soviet union in the lunar race, there were other projects, and a project of rapprochement in the era of détente became a union project. with a full docking that was covered in the press and which became a very important factor indeed in cold war détente. speaking of the queen, what was his genius? again, as guborev said, everything they were used to walking up steps, and he jumped over the steps, and aware of the risks , aware of the possibilities, he had an amazing instinct, he was not a scientific genius, he was a genius organizer. who managed to gather people, who knew how to manage them, who knew how, by the way, which is very important, uh, had intuition, engineering and scientific intuition, they argued, uh, when it was necessary to send a device to the moon, without a person, yes,
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they argued: is there dust, or is there a hard surface, they argued, argued, korolev thought, thought, listened to various arguments, then took a piece of newspaper wrote: “the moon is hard.” but no one knew whether it was solid or not, the kings on the one hand. the feeling that the future of the country depends on them, on their work. grechka wrote: korolev always relied on people, which is why he won. the slogan, personnel decide everything, this is sergei pavlovich korolev. better than others, no one corresponded to this principle in practice as much as korolev, who highly valued professionals, not cogs, but creative professionals, in this i see his genius and uniqueness. i attended several meetings which korolev conducted, he invited
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the main specialists whom he knew well and young ones like me, the question was raised, for example , about fuel for the rockets of the future, kerosene or hydrogen, he interviewed everyone, including me, i’m nothing smart, different from that , what was said, i could not offer, but i stood up and expressed my opinion, only much later i realized that korolev... the cosmonautics will rise, naturally, we need to catch up, in the end we have, so to speak, baikanor, there is plesetsk, there is the eastern cosmodrome, and
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launches occur regularly, the importance of astronautics is often underestimated, we are surrounded by what we have thanks to space, this applies not only to some fundamental scientific research. this applies to fasteners on clothes, the first corresponding fasteners, velcro, were invented for space, computers, the internet, a navigator. satellite, all this is a consequence of space technology, a lot of medical technologies were tested for the first time within the framework of space programs, this is all thanks to which it is possible not only to develop science, but also to develop our human well-being, and also to receive income, and what is also often not understood is that we need to invest in fundamental things so that later this will have a practical effect, and our knowledge about the world around us thanks to astronautics has increased sharply, improved dramatically, this is about.. .
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and sergei solovyov. study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the channel one website. the resurrection of christ is the victory of love. it tells us that love, which... accepts death, thereby becoming
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immortal, becoming stronger than death. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about the holiday of holidays. easter of christ. hello, dear friends, christ is risen. truly risen. hello. elena zakharova, theater and film actress, archpriest mikhail potokin, chairman of the social department of the moscow diocese, i am vladimir ligoida. so joyful. today we have a topic, a main topic, a big topic, an immense topic, and you know where i would like to start our conversation, dear friends, with such a personal moment, and how easter appeared in your life, you know, this is actually the first thing that appeared in my church - this is easter, i once, when i started going to church, well, i didn’t understand anything, naturally about church life , these were still the soviet years, it was the eighty-fifth year somewhere, probably yes... until the millennium of baptism, somehow literature was not discovered,
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everything, and i probably understood little about church life, but here i am i don’t remember well, but i feel that i was completely raw, actually saying that from the service i remember from those times, probably the strongest impression on me was easter, and then they didn’t dock on easter, if you remember, yes, that is, they took communion on holy saturday, whoever wanted to take communion, on easter, so to get to the temple, you didn’t even have to go. procession of the cross, because the procession of the cross was going out and not everyone could come in, they told me later that if you want to stay in the church, this is the easter service, you don’t go, this is the moment, you know, the thing is, that you can’t describe it rationally, you know, that is, there is no explanation here of what happens to you on easter night, there is no explanation of what happens in nature, that ’s where the inspiration in a person comes from, what is it, is it a heartbeat or what there’s also some kind of change in the body. no, but for me, easter then became such
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a source of internal inspiration, and to this day, i probably see this as inspiration in general, probably for our entire spiritual life, in general, it should be a source of inspiration to be, you know, a source of joy, from where, like him, i’m always remembered, you know, sometimes you’re walking down the street, well, a child comes home from school, carries a heavy briefcase, so he walks hard, moves his legs, suddenly starts jumping a little, you know, like that jump, he suddenly got some kind of inspiration, there’s some kind of mouse, and it doesn’t help him walk, he doesn’t seem to walk any faster, that’s it, i always remember david, who danced in front of the ark, yes, that’s it inside it ’s as if everything wants to dance, that’s how it is inside as if everything is bursting with this joy, but you cannot express it in the easter canon with merry feet, but you cannot formulate it, your mind does not accept any explanations, yes, it is internally filled with some kind of deep joy, and for for me it was just like his inspiration... the origin is unknown to us physically, it is known to us spiritually, but how
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did it appear for you? well, i also had easter in my childhood, and as a child my parents and i went to church, i sometimes went to the church of tryphon the martyr, it’s on rizhskaya, and asked for good grades, good grades, i didn’t take communion then either, it was the eighties, the end of the eighties, the beginning of the nineties, on easter we went to the temple, which was not far from our house, we lived on alekseevskaya, then it was. bakovskaya, here is the pyatnitskoe cemetery, in my opinion, the church of all saints, and there is such an ancient cemetery, a temple, i remember that it was a special thrill, the police were always on duty then. yes, there was no police then, there was police, and there were some people who, it seems to me, just came to look at the believers, yes, that’s how people walk, but to me it’s i really liked it, i remembered it from childhood, and for me there can’t be easter without going to church, i can’t imagine, it was just when there was a lockdown, yes, when there was covid, when we couldn’t, and i understood , what, well, how does it
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seem, well, i just really missed this, and you know, here’s an amazing thing, we had one covid easter, yes, when . because i say that as much life as easter probably gives, well, probably nothing else can reveal to us here on earth, did you think that, well, well, well, of course, yes, after all, a new life of an eternal beginning, after all, in general, man was created for joy, yes, after all, we, we want joy with everything, with all our nature, we are determined, that’s how we should live our lives, if we’re happy, that’s
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what , well, here it turns out that true joy in the world ended when christ died on the cross, he leaves... joy in the world, yes, at the same time, instead of this , another joy is given, eternal, heavenly joy, yes, in this sense, what christ says is that i will always be with you, that is, my easter is always with you, this is amazing, you know, i sometimes think about how limited our world is, although it always seemed to me that maybe he is a very human being, well, can you imagine, in a building with a very high ceiling, very, we don’t see him, but it exists, this ceiling exists, and from the very consciousness that there is a ceiling in life.
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there is some kind of solomon’s melancholy, this will end in this world, and our stay, suddenly it is revealed that no, that easter is eternal and that we will meet this easter too, we will no longer meet here, you know, this is surprising, that’s when space the infinite above you, that is, there is no ceiling, no border, no border of joy, in this sense, about joy, i want to ask you, is there such a stereotype that orthodoxy is so sad, so difficult, something? not cheerful, here tes mikhail talks about joy, you feel this joy, it is different from the joy that we feel in everyday life, for you personally, without without without without theological, so to speak, i understand what you are talking about, you know, for me, of course, it’s felt, especially if you’re fasting, but that’s when it turns out that when you defend the night service,
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they still serve in different ways, i remember that we once had communion in the church at about 4 in the morning, i remember that i couldn’t feel my legs under me at that moment, at easter, or at easter at christmas, tell me, from your pastoral experience, today many people come to church once a year , how many of these people are there today? well, there are people like that, what would you tell them? i ’ll tell you this case, after easter a man comes to confession and tells this
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story, i served in the tsarina, i came to easter, to look at it with everyone at night, well, well, i came, watched the religious procession, people came into the temple, i went in with them. he did not fast, did not confess, so he took communion, and he came again and said: “you know, i felt something that i don’t fully understand, but i understand that i experienced something, i have come now, i have returned to you, to find out what i experienced, yes, and this for me was absolutely obvious proof, yes, that i am a man.” and in no way related specifically to the event, he came, entered into this event and it... blossomed in it, that is, it, it gave fruit to this event, which means that it is still so above our human understanding, yes, that we
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cannot say how the lord sows, yeah, where is he, what kind of hearts is he a friend, you understand, that’s why i don’t consider people, that’s who i don’t share after this incident, i don’t share who fasted, who didn’t fast, how angry he was, i understood him, because it’s so it’s profound that this can touch any heart, any heart in general, even the is now far from... god, so this is an amazing property, which is probably of divine nature, to touch a person in such a way, on the one hand, without hurting him, without frightening him, not, so to speak, here, on the other hand, exactly to attract with this inner inspiration to the fullness of life, when a person suddenly feels, but i have succeeded, where does this come from in me, i haven’t become richer, i haven’t become more successful, i haven’t solved any life problems, suddenly you understand that life is yours , here she is precious, beautiful, here she is with took place, therefore the consistency of life along with the inspiration that comes with easter, well, isn’t this evidence, we want external things all the time, but where
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do you get external things, when everything is inside, everything is hidden, everything is there, well, that’s why for me people i will never again i don’t share it on easter, and even the person who sees that he has come there doesn’t know the service, doesn’t know how to approach him, that you still understand that this joy can touch him very deeply, for him it can be a turning point in life, you know ? second thing about i always remember what my confessor told me, remember what he says, not a single person came to church by chance, you didn’t call him, that’s everyone who crossed this vice, and look how much the world passes by, yes, after all i have a temple next to the train station, there is a huge number, a flow of people, and few turn around, so they enter the temple, and you think where, it turns out, they were also called, that is, this is not just curiosity, that is, this is the entry into the temple itself person, especially on a great holiday, it seems to me already... evidence that someone called him, someone wants to tell him, very quietly in a whisper, yes, that your life is here, look, i
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will give you life. the heaviest floods this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much... more in program to live healthy, tomorrow marks the first eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, and most importantly they looked like our soviet ones, well , they started to cut us up and shoot, and they were commanded by a lieutenant and also like a soviet, trojan horse, the helmsmen are coming, i saw the signal. today there is an order to transfer this group to the bay, i know the coordinates, i saw this place on the map, the germans know about the evacuation of the partisans by sea, they want to pull the same
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trick that happened to you, destroy the object at any cost, there is also a mission, saboteur, crimea on may 9 , on the first, you are the reconnaissance of the caucasian front. christ of the resurrection, today we gather with thoughts about the holiday holidays of easter, proterei mikhail potokin, elena zakharova, i’m vladimir ligoida, we continue, please tell me, how do you manage to preserve this feeling, but you know, it seems to me that i always noticed after communion, not only on easter, yes, that all the same, some circumstances begin to develop in such a way as to somehow pull you out of this goodness, but again into some kind of everyday life.


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