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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 8, 2024 3:25am-4:07am MSK

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i constantly go to study, and he stands still, so a gap has formed between us, but somehow, when he was in love, he tried to somehow match you, and then he probably got tired, why does he now have his own business, he has real estate agency, but you say that it’s not growth, no, in another sense in terms of spirituality, he stopped, well, let’s say i wanted to visit theaters there, yes, that is , all this is unacceptable to him, yes, that is, i don’t need it, but even if i had to... constantly, well, come with me to beg, tired, yes, no, it’s amazing that such good women suffer, but it’s true, there is a bitch, she has a perfect husband, and there is a good woman and a husband, well, just not a coconut, but it’s always like that, it seems to me, but you’ve already seen a psychologist they said that i did everything in the closet, that is, it turns out that i have been working as a doctor for 20 years, and all my connections, when everything is right on cue, when i have accumulated patients, it’s as if i had retired. as if i or
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i just graduated from university and i have to re-establish myself as a convertible from scratch gave it, but in general there was such a very wealthy man, you vacationed abroad all the time, you didn’t spare money on things for everything , you were unhappy, you were there one fine day, it’s literally us after the new year this year, and we arrived, i woke up and realized that i was living not with your life. someone else's, someone else's life, as if i was living, my eyes do not burn, were you ready to put your career and be only with her? and you know, in my case, if i leave my career, i will be a pauper, well, there was a reason, just like this in reality, he had a daughter, yes, he he had a daughter, and for the first 2 years he said, well , let's wait, i admire so much how my girl is growing up, and the girl is growing up in moscow, well, that is, you with... your life, the girl is already 14 years old,
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yes, all his friends their second marriage has already been healed, they started fussing once they gave birth, and i ’m no matter how old you were, it would be right now, yes, yes, yes, 38, the bells are right there, and i’m sitting and waiting for the sea of ​​​​weather, i say , maybe we somehow, well, why did i move, i came for the sake of the family, tell me, and my daughter spent the holidays with you, of course, he for some reason, he didn’t take her to her parents, he was always with me, because... i was always interested in her, i always, no matter by phone, wanted, well, you wanted to impress your husband, you wanted your husband to appreciate it, he likes him, that’s why we were busy with this stepdaughter, but no, i didn’t build myself up, look, he brought his daughter, you didn’t have much of a relationship with her, and i understand, let’s be honest, valentin, you don’t like the girl very much, she doesn’t like you annoyed because she was ill-mannered, behaved badly, dad in front of her fell on all parts of the body. yes, and your
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biological clock is ticking, you are already 39, you will be 40 any day now, and he still enjoys his daughter, of course, this will infuriate any woman, this is jealousy not of a child, of a fourteen-year-old, funny, correct to say about jealousy, to the fact that he has some other life, and his other life is full, yours is empty, that’s right, i agree, yes, i’m saying, you only freed up a place in your shattered life, and i abandoned everything. after all, i’m not a twenty-year-old girl who has nothing to lose, who’s there after university only, everything is fine with me, but then can i ask a question, how about not girls, but as adult women, you look, you were his official wife, and you are a doctor, you are an adult with a head, he used protection, he actively took protection so that you don’t get pregnant, i want to tell you that we didn’t work out for a year, because i think this is a psychosomatic problem in his head, because everything is fine with mine .
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having already divorced ourselves, who, by the way, was the first to suggest separating, of course i, not they wanted to waste time, but i just burned out, as if i had been betrayed, these 2 years, as if he had betrayed me. i really like you, i like mature women who reason like mature women, and men have this logic, well, they are not just primitive but they are more naive, so in order not to scare men today, just say openly: there will be no children, that means there won’t be children, don’t say, what are you, what are you, you ’re rowing something in the wrong direction, dear, please tell me, right away this is what we are now... since we’ve moved on to men, yes i’m straight to you i’ll quickly point out what we want in foreign currency, you write that a man’s earnings should start at 200,000, but why? because you will inspire everything else, complement it yourself to more,
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well, there it is, you gave professions as an example, so i’m interested in how you can promote a cryptocurrency specialist to a career, because he is listed as a person. to this profession that may be near you, well, you know, there are a lot of female ways, yes, that is, if it’s clear the guy has potential, yes, that is, if he has everything in him if your brain is in order, then any woman will inspire her man, no need for anything about you, you write specifically that you can push yourself to more, this is written in your words, i’m interested, crypto-currency specialist, how will you push to achieve more, well give examples of what i'm pulling out of you.
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with brains, he himself and men can’t stand it when they are directed, that is , spineless ones like that that you don’t need, they need a mother like that, valya, you know, who will say, so from tomorrow quickly, the teeth are too much, let’s go arrange with above you and those men who feel like men, they say: well, val, come on, mind your own business, and i’ll do mine, don’t tell me, do n’t tell me where to go, where i should go, i realized, so that this is the last times if you want. well, yes, she is great for coming to this program, she needs to go actively look for a groom, the years are passing, on this program i think she will meet, well, at least she will meet an interesting person, i will look for a husband for you to grow up with who has children, that’s definitely a guarantee,
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that everything is fine with her, and whoever agrees to have children right away, well , it turns out this way, go ahead and meet the first groom. hello, hello, valentina, my name is pavel, i love to travel and i invite you to go on bright trips with me, thank you very much, the beautiful bouquet is very nice. entrepreneur, imports cars and makes houses from shipping containers, collects impressions, is proud of his daughter, dreams of sending her to study at the best university in the country, admits that he often interrupts his interlocutors, warns that his future chosen one must be prepared
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for frequent travel around russia and china. after moving to sochi, pavla’s wedding ring suddenly stopped fitting, hoping that valentina was responsible for her wife’s status. “hello, hello, how cute you are, just so lovely, really lovely, yes, little girl, let’s turn on the fire in our eyes, there’s one resting here, of course, for now there’s another one, pavelok looks good, a worthy competitor, an entrepreneur, yes, by the way, what the hell is that?” you do not was enough, that is, not even for you, your wife? either the rings give these fu rings flowers, or continue making eyes at the bride, or answer, okay, i would just like to give the wonderful presenter and beautiful valentina a small present, and of course flowers, the best indicator is probably, thank you,
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you know, he looks more like some kind of it specialist, to be honest, he looks like some kind of blogger just, well, or a blogger, yes, no way, well, that is, a businessman, well, look at his face , in the meantime, remember which legend is yours did your wife come up with the harmful idea of ​​wearing a ring? initially, when we moved to sochi, she had no job, she had no friends. when work appeared, when friends appeared, at one point she took off the ring, i asked the question: why did you take off the ring? she told me that she felt uncomfortable in the gym today, so she took it off. after some time i notice that the ring does not appear on my finger, i ask the question again, to which i receive the answer that today it does not match the outfit, and six months later the ring on... my fingers did not appear, but i heard that moment that she wanted to divorce me, but why do you think? i
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think she found someone, i think she didn’t find anyone for sure, but most likely it was a coincidence of circumstances, moments in life, the appearance of a child, moving, i’m going out now, i’ll tell you, my story will be similar to him, yes, well, yes, but i’m also moving, well, there’s also a dialogue, but i didn’t have time, we didn’t get to the wedding. you moved when therapy was already needed for your relationship, or at the peak on the contrary, here just family happiness? most likely we had the initial stage of the moment when we needed an end, in short, yes, yes, and the move did not play a good role, exactly pavel, and what did not suit her, that is how you are analyzing now, remembering, i think in the aggregate, the whole moment of the move in general played a role, specifically globally, that is, she was not satisfied with my... reaction to the move, she was not satisfied, but what was your reaction? i
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was very focused on organizing comfort for the family, that is, it was necessary for you to be focused on it and live in box, i don’t know this, this is this , don’t ask this, no, i tried to ask, but i always received ambiguous answers, or i received the answer that everything is fine, but i myself noticed that most likely there is no good here and that it is necessary. there is no smile on her face, she goes out to a place where she starts working,
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a smile immediately appears with other people, listen, there was already less and less intimacy there, right? and this phrase is not very funny: don’t touch me, move away, the kiss should only be about, well, that is, a lot, she said that there were too much, listen, well, it seems that at first i had such a frivolous impression, but i created, now i see, this guy is not bad in principle, he’s just not the same, it seems to me that he was. with him, uh-huh, the girl he needed, uh-huh, maybe she just, you know, lost some kind of respect for him, a question in connection with this, you have a strange desire to have a family model, i’m reading, your family model , husband and wife build their lives and their worlds in parallel, that is, you, but you do not intersect, no, i meant in parallel - with each other friend in the sense that everyone is building their own life and we just help each other, not how -
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but in parallel we went to the common parallel does not intersect, perhaps, perhaps it was my mistake on my part, but you need a wife who will change according to several cities, and we are only from countries, because you are all just back again, this is where we can now gather with these countries for someone like pavel. 7 years 7 years she is a princess for you and number one she is my duchess yes everything is a bad experience with the exes there with my daughter something is connected maybe that it will leave some kind of imprint and it might trigger her, that he might also be triggered.
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there are no single mothers left, show me the surprise, of course, i have prepared a wonderful surprise, i want to show it, i wonder what he has prepared for her, do you think, well, it seems to me, some kind of dance, you think a dance, and the microphone, wait, microphone, microphone, but obviously there will be something to sing too, well, i think i’ll sing, but what are you talking about? you are my dentistry,
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pain and sadness go away with you, thank you for your dental care, why didn’t i meet you before it’s a pity, better days, pleasant meetings, we leave alone, we remember the whole evening, your name is in our memory forever, a seal with a guarantee, a pleasant meeting, we are growing up, we know how to breathe, it’s still up to you to decide, there is a seal in the heart again, let me breathe with you, what in general damn, what a miracle this is, but this is rap, this is hard rap, thank you, mask, mask, listen, well, i think it’s very cool, such a targeted surprise, you can count everything for you right on your fingers, well done,
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well you say, i can’t take my eyes off him, he’s cute, handsome, so... cute the tooth, the main thing was that it wasn’t funny, she had a pleasant look, she was quite smiling, she didn’t take her eyes off me, well , she probably looked appraisingly, the presenters’ questions, in my opinion, were all laid out on the shelves, dacha, my dad’s name is pavel, i have a nephew pavel, and i even know how to speak yakut, because i lived in yakutia for 17 years, it will be...
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nobody knows who needs who, really, the main thing is that you liked it, meet the second one groom, hi, hi, me. stas, almost mikhailov, is very glad to meet us, i hope this studio we will leave together. thank you. stanislav, 45 years old, a former teacher at a music school, now an event host, lives in moscow, is proud of his education and the fact that
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he has overcome shyness, dreams of visiting exotic countries, admits that he sleeps in socks almost all year round. warns that he will never let his chosen one go to night gatherings with her girlfriends. stanislav's romance with his friend's beloved began with mutual pity and ended with mutual reproaches. hoping that valentina will understand him. hello. hello. stas is just like that very different from me, this man is of course already so serious. and regarding baldness. well , most likely not, well, actually the first case, i ’ve never heard before that friends are taken away from their girlfriends out of pity, and you know, this was such a case, but it’s really unique, my friend and i studied in gnesenko, we’re both brass players, and he meets me in the dining room and says: listen, i want to offer you a creative job, that you’re a bartender there, you’re a musician after all, let me
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go on tour, and you’ll replace me as a teacher, he just introduced me. with my chosen one, she was her accompanist, i immediately liked her, and i thought, well, damn, this is the situation, i like the girl, but this is my friend’s girl, well, if you like a friend’s girl, then he is no longer your friend, i just accidentally walked into the wrong door, but ended up filming, let’s get married , the sound recording was going on, but it turned out, well, let ’s get married, and i feel like she’s going to come to me, well, she’ll be energetically drawn to me, but she feels it, so he’s gone on tour , and i observe something, he doesn’t write to her, doesn’t call, and that means i say, listen, let’s go to the cinema let's go, well, come on, we went to the cinema, i took her... to a restaurant, he comes to me, not with her, but to me, he says, let's go aside, i, yes, he, listen, here ’s the thing, well, while we were apart, i realized that i
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don’t love her, you say, i mean, well , i don’t like everything, but i, you, i see, she likes you, well, how would you like her, so i see , what will you succeed, go ahead, blessed, in short, yes, she walked away for a long time, i seemed to be trying to feel sorry for her, i still kept her at a distance, but she told me the phrase, says: listen, why is he not like you, he never took me to a restaurant, at least it worked out, yes, she later became my wife, she is already in shock, look, yes, she is absolutely delighted with it, so take it pasha, please, can i pasha, please return pasha, i’m ready, there are children, there’s a move in general, i’m ready to go, can i pasha, you didn’t want to get married, you told her so about it, she wanted to get married, but you love, i’ll buy it, but... from marriage you don’t i don’t want yes, but she convinced me that we need to get married, so what interfered with your happiness, we were still so young, and naturally we didn’t have our own home, she lived in her brother’s apartment in
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the communal apartment, that’s when my parents arrived, they lived with us for some time, and i thought, well, then they’ll move, everything will be good, and we will already build our nest ourselves, but everything got bad, it got bad, mom got in the way, and mom was just messing around... as god willing, you know, but how can we not, we don’t have any hope in him anymore , what do you want us to hope for until we’re 40, but now we’re taking everything into our own hands, as they say, if anything
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what are we going to do, that is, there, well, are you ready for such a story, well, if we turn out so that we love each other fantastically, why not, show me the surprise, it’s very interesting what kind of surprise he has, for some reason it just seems to me, that he has a song, 100%. it’s just a song, i’m ready to get into a mower, hop, hop, hey, you and i met in the middle of our years, we were blue, the sky and flowers, i’ll say thank you to chance for this, that you appeared in front of me, you embellished your embarrassment with a joke, and even i secretly thought to myself that i would only call you forget-me-not,
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blue and gentle sunshine, forget-me-not, forget-me-not, sometimes one minute, sometimes one minute means more than me... yes, forget-me-not, forget-me-not, i live in a fairy tale, as if, and i will never forget you, forget-me-not, well, in such an atmosphere there are barbecue zanaps, i think he should have invited the lady to dance with her at the same time, thank you, what a pleasant voice you have, thank you stanislav, take your friend and... go to the room, oh, i haven’t forgotten yet, honey, dear, please tell me why glasses were needed for such a song
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dress, well, so that the groom looks like not only stas mikhailov, but also grigory lets, apparently, how evil you are, how evil you are, a piece of iron and you, wow, a good voice, so well-known - why not, when you sang, she sang along with you, you didn’t see, she just sang along, danced along, they all got excited, really, how did you feel, just now i sat closer, looked, you know, she’s much more interesting in life than on the screen, she’s much fresher, younger, more beautiful, my mother would now sing her favorite songs from care, i don’t even know when i’m thirty, take stanislav, but what’s good, in general, he seemed to me to be a very kind, sincere person. therefore, life with character, remember, get acquainted, we will meet.
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drink a sports car, admits that he is not afraid of women who earn more than him, after 5 years of an ideal relationship, vladimir’s beloved refused to marry him with a cold heart and sent him to another city, hoping that valentina will treasure him, oh-oh-oh , no, now, now he’s probably modest, he’s modest she’ll take it, i’m so arrogant, she doesn’t need someone so modest, you know, if your woman
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refuses you, you can... breathe a sigh of relief in happiness, but you’re probably upset, you know, no, why did you propose to her then? and there was a period of my life when my friends started getting married, getting married, having children, children started appearing, and i had a moment, there was one such gorgeous wedding, really amazing, and after it everything came out, well, somehow myself, and i realized that i really want the next step, as i made an offer - at that time we... to me i was just lucky, some group flew there to perform, that is , they did dives and planes there, and i arranged a surprise, that is, i rented a plane, we brought her with her eyes closed, put her on the plane, we flew, and the proposal itself was already, that is, when we arrived at the plane landing on the entire runway, they made a circle for us, there was a large poster along the entire long strip, that if you marry me in the air, i will propose, that is, it was prepared, she refused, no, why did she agree, i
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i think that vali... the wedding right away, but they wanted the wedding in the summer, but the period was postponed in the fall, that is , the next year was postponed by 9 months, of course, well, not exactly 9 months, but then it turned out that you are completely different people, yes, well, not that they are different, we had some moments before, they just started somehow. clearly displayed at the moment when i began to make dramatic changes in my life, specifically related to work, that is, i was offered a very good vacancy, i went on an internship, let’s say, on a test work in moscow, but we had dialogues about it, somehow it wasn’t put on the back burner, well, are you happy that you didn’t get married, how happy, i don’t feel any kind of happiness, i really was, why is there , for example, actions that god led me away from, i think, god, thank you, how happy i am that i didn’t marry this guy,
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hasty marriages. when you know right away, yesterday you fell in love, and today they are already filing an application, it’s bad for this, listen, i don’t understand at all that in the first, that in the second case, this is what women still need, both are young people, normal, normal, adequate, not stupid, yes, one second, valyusha is looking for a husband to grow up, she will be raised, she will be, and you are ready, well, for the educational process of a wife, well, look, regarding the educational process, then she will be one of you to make a careerist
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, that means we’ll take vladimir, show us a surprise, yes, of course, we can invite you, please, you need to be confident in yourself, you’ll win, you’ll come out and say, something doesn’t suit me, you know, she thought i was too arrogant , some too much, but she maybe she needs someone who is confident, right now you are sure that i am sure that you will win, don’t go to grandma’s anyway, great, don’t be nervous, no, i’m just late for a plane, and by the way, we have a schedule too . no, no, no, not on the plane, also on business, but on the plane to khabarovsk, and that is, khabarov is filming directly for the program, but right away, of course, and you are here, this is a normal phenomenon, this is television, everything is in okay, but in general and in general, thank you, thank you, and why so quickly, they blew everything in, and i even imagined it, it turns out, that means vladimir, this is such a youth shirt. i
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would do it like this once and he’s already dancing in a tuxedo with valyusha, that’s it, go, dear, go, go, that’s it, go, go, go with god, he’s great, ugh, he’s great, he’s just thoughtful, immediately in... chatted, everything is fine, well done, well, i think he won’t lose anything, he’s 32 years old, uh, so you know, as a woman argues, 5 years, but mine, so all the groom today is equally it seems to me, they suit you, your eye sparkled, you were interested, which is nice, it seems to me that you it’s not in vain that they came, i don’t understand about raising her, she just presents it like that, maybe, nothing is clear, there are some questions. whom i would like to ask, ask, like, i think that she has a completely different type of position, different, you look at her, like she’s completely different, as if she’s reacting to this , she’s laughing herself, well, i, of course , for pavel, for the first one, he’s too good, just handsome, just having a child like that is already
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happiness, but it will work out, it won’t work out, go i know, you know, with someone the same age maybe, and with the older ones won't succeed, but the baby will be beautiful, i would be for pavel, i love everything beautiful, i'm for... come on in, i invite everyone to come out and support valentina, take a seat,
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thank you for choosing me, i'm very pleased,
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hello on the air program time in the studio ekaterina andrevna. main events of the day. honor, duty, sacred duty, to take care of russia, to serve the people. vladimir putin took office as president. the course for the sustainable development of the country, guests of the ceremony in the kremlin, about the keynote speech of the head states. a damaged abrams leopard and two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, our new successes. military in the special operations zone, report from the ministry of defense. a small missile and patrol ship, two ships for the russian navy were launched in zelenodolsk, and mooring tests
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of the newest nuclear icebreaker yakutia began in st. petersburg. a new round of escalation in the middle east. after massive shelling, israel brought tanks into the city of rafah in the south of the sector. the same scenario before the president comes here. brings the state flag, the standard of the head into the halls state, a special copy of the constitution and a presidential badge with a symbolic copy of the order of merit for the fatherland, first class, with a chain on which are engraved all the names of russian presidents, that is, boris yeltsin, dmitry medvedev and vladimir putin. at exactly noon, seconds after second, the doors to the halls of the large kremlin palace are opened by soldiers of the honor guard. vladimir vladimirovich. putin: members of the government, state duma deputies, members of the federation council, judges are present at the presidential inauguration ceremony the constitutional court, and of course, heroes of russia, participants in a special military operation, there are many of them among the guests.
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the invitation to the ceremony is handled not only by the kremlin protocol service, but by putin himself personally. among the guests we saw his class teacher, vera gurevich. he shook hands with pediatric surgeon lenid roshal and kissed everyone’s beloved. alexander pakhmutov. in general, more than 2 5 guests, prominent figures of our country, scientists, heads of large enterprises, doctors, and actors were invited to the ceremony. in st. andrew's hall in vladimir. proposed by the president, because after the oath the government automatically resigns, the chairman of the constitutional court, valery zorkin, is responsible for the execution of the entire ceremony. in accordance with part two, article 82 of the constitution of the russian federation, a crime in office. president of the russian federation, the president pronounces
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an oath to the people in accordance with the text approved by the constitution. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i ask you to take the oath. the text of the presidential oath, but it remains unchanged enshrined in the basic law of the country, vladimir putin said, placing his hand on a special edition of the constitution, it was released in one copy, stored in the presidential library and left for a while. i swear to respect, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to respect, to protect the constitution of the russian federation, to protect sovereignty and independence, the security and integrity of the state, to faithfully serve the people. vladimir
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vladimirovich putin took office president of russia, sacred russia, our power, russia, our beloved country, honorable will, great glory is yours. the playing of the national anthem is a mandatory part of the ceremony, but the presidential speech immediately after taking office is a tradition. in 2000, during his first presidency, vladimir putin spoke about the need to protect russian citizens everywhere, in our country and beyond its borders. in 2018, at the last ceremony, that history does not forgive indifference and inconsistency, relaxation and complacency. and so.
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87% of the votes cast for him showed that the people of russia have a common understanding of national traditions, the future of the country, the preservation of traditional family values, respect for all religions and freedoms of citizens, give confidence that all goals of national development, according to the president , will be achieved, first of all , saving people, our decisions on the development of the country and regions... to be effective and fair, to improve the well-being and
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quality of life of russian families. we were and we will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we do not refuse dialogue with western states. the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia and continue the policy. aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace. as the president said, the thousand-year history of russia teaches that at all critical periods it is necessary to avoid internal turmoil, only a united society is capable of solving the most difficult problems. after the start of a special military operation , a truly patriotic majority was formed in the country. i will do everything so that people who have shown their best human and pro...
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our fatherland, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring to life everything we have planned together, we will win. 30 artillery salvoes at the kremlin walls. at the same time, a review of the kremlin regiment took place on the cathedral square. regiment. to meet from the front nakra. comrade president of the russian
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federation. the presidential regiment was built in honor of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. commander of the presidential regiment. colonel suraigin. hello comrades. congratulations on the 88th anniversary of the formation of the regiment. it is also part of the inauguration ceremony for the president, the supreme commander of russia. kremlin regiment, formed in 1936 , whose full name is regiment. the commandant's offices of the moscow kremlin, the main security department of the russian federation in this case personify the entire army of our countries.


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