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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 8, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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cadet emil stankus, 19 years old, ira said that she and her father recently returned from evacuation, local, yes, and irina, this is the bride, yes, irina kats, lives on lesnaya 7, she also just arrived recently and immediately found me, she studied in my mother’s class before the war, and then, and then came to us...
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i couldn’t just die, 19 years old from a stroke, how is this even possible, no one will ever believe in this, well, maybe congenital pathology, this is the first version, yura, yura, i am still very small with this little girl i knew as a girl that i had to help her, why did i...
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hello, we need joseph stankus. stankus - it's me, what? military prosecutor's office, lieutenant sviridov. are you talking about your son? we can talk to you, or we should go. come in. you go, i’ll stand here, i and other chemists were immediately sent to evacuation on the first train, this train was the first to be bombed, we buried my mother there under the kaunos, i’m on the...
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did your son have any chronic diseases as a child? no, but his wife was constantly running around clinics with him, i was working, and the cards there was no one left from the clinic, no, of course, but this morning he felt the same as usual, but i didn’t pay attention, he had enemies, what kind of enemies, well, maybe he had a fight with someone. but he wasn’t killed, he
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died himself, but how did you feel about the fact that he decided to get married, to his fiancee, well, this is our personal matter, we don’t need to talk about it, but you didn’t like his fiancee, why? i don’t want to answer stupid questions now, forgive me, please don’t, yes, please forgive me. and why did you bother him with this, you see, the man is worried, ira said that he doesn’t like jews, when emil brought her to meet him, as soon as he heard his last name, he immediately bristled, ira got upset, and i thought, what and what, and what does it matter now, and generally ask questions in during the investigation, only i can, this is clear, clear, this is how, in fact, this is where he was found. "at first they thought he was drunk, but
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here it is, very close to the house, well , it all happened instantly, he went to his courses, fell, died, otherwise, if he felt bad, he would have gone home, but what if someone scared, who, ghosts, thank you! well, it seems that the death of emilis stankus was due to natural causes, there are no external influences, there is no poison in the blood, there is no pathology in the brain, it’s clear, sergei sergeevich, please,
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maybe we’ll check it again, with some new drugs or experimental methods, yes, some kind of fortune-telling from the coffee bush, for example, sergei sergeevich, but you yourself don’t believe in it. nothing works out , he himself died, himself. yura, what if this is some kind of sports injury? are they trained there in courses? maybe it's boxing any? the medical examination in my courses is strict, otherwise without a tank it’s simply impossible to accept him complaining about his health, i ’ve never heard from anyone. are there fights between cadets? why fights? are they going to fight soon? you don’t agree, comrade, death is very strange. i’ll tell you what, cadets have heavy workloads.
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story, i want to talk to the cadets from his squad, hurry up, the first squad of the second platoon come to me, run. well, hello to lieutenant colonel shillov, here’s formation, formation, assure me where kireev is, get started, khereev,
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hereev, we have to wait for you forever, gom, build, snow, i have a question for everyone, has any of you ever complained about something, or behaved in any unusual way? did anyone see anything? nothing of the kind, comrade lieutenant, i am a squad commander, i would know, hold the rifle as shown, if someone remembers something, report it, our task is to make massacres out of you, let’s continue, you could beat the german and drive him away ours, the squad is at attention, today we have a lesson with cadet kireev, who crawls along the runway like a worm, now everyone is running to the start again, in
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this time, don’t lag behind, i don’t advise you, run, march, advance, and why are you punishing everyone like that because of one thing, well, what kind of punishment, this is training, tell me, could the stankus get injured during training, head, for example, there is no head, they are wearing helmets, in sambo or boxing classes, but there they are practicing with a punching bag or with a trick. to begin to overcome the obstacles, please tell me what kind of personal relationship you had with emil, with the cadet with tankus, yes, in what sense the relationship, literally, you knew that he was going to get married, and what does this have to do with it, maybe you didn’t like it , maybe that’s why you mocked him,
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like you are now mocking cadet kireev, what do you allow yourself, who are you, maybe you just wanted to annoy his fiancee, excuse me, let's head up, i'll file a report on you, what's wrong with you? wake up, it’s you who wake up, everything’s fine with me, it’s not funny anymore, who are you as an investigator, did i allow you to ask questions during the investigation, but what kind of investigation is there, there is only one appearance, because the facts there are none, except for one, his machine just died, he was weak, because that ’s the point, the case is closed, yes closed,
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good afternoon, i’m from the prosecutor’s office, a military man, lieutenant sferidov, i’m finding out the circumstances of the death were stanguses, you are kirks, yes. it’s very difficult for her now, i understand, not for long, if you want. irochka, this is coming to you from the prosecutor’s office, lieutenant
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sviridov, hello, i’m talking about emil, his death, emil could not have died from a cerebral hemorrhage, it’s impossible, irina, tell me, you’ve known him for a long time, all your life. just met recently, do you believe in love at first sight, we immediately liked emil, so calm and serious, we lived in a jewish ghetto for 3 years in kaonas, one might say, water, you know what was the first desire after liberation, to forget everything. emil promised me that he would not die at the front, and
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would not die at all, and i believed him, if you think that this is not a stroke, then it means he was killed, who, with whom he was friends or vice versa, i don’t know, we... we didn’t have time to discuss his friends and enemies with emil, and where are they from? emil just returned from evacuation, we they thought another life would come, a new one, the war would end soon, there would be a home, family, work, tea, come.
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in the hospital, where else, and what are you doing here?
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i came to watch, the whole city already knows about your feat, i wasn’t here, so how to understand this, i don’t know what’s wrong with irina, they are in serious condition, but they’re alive, so check.
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the instructor of the junior lieutenant course came to complain about you, comrade lieutenant colonel, it was me who got excited, well, you ’ll have to explain yourself to selagina, i’m generally silent about sergei sergeevich, but in the meantime, get better, hero. "it's me it’s all my fault, forgive me, a comparative analysis of the usual fire mixture and the contents of the bottles that we threw away, look,
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what’s the difference, what don’t you see, are you kidding me, look,
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she’s hungry, she needs to be fed, let’s go buy her something , she doesn't listen. come to me, i have a book on dog training, there are pictures, no, there are no pictures, but i will help you read where to go, to school, i’ll come straight to school with a dog, why not, you’re going to train it , what ’s her name, asya, asya, you want to eat, let’s go let's buy you something, she won't come, asya, follow me, asya, asya, stop! yes, asya, please give us these, three pieces, these, oh, where? where are you going, and hello, fedor, you found a friend, our new student,
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she will be my special detection dog, and we just have a combat mission for your detection dog asikh, and for you, as its owner, what a good one. bunya, bunya, bunya, yes, rise, why again, the police have come to you, peter, thank you, that’s it, then we ourselves, i already told the district police officer, this is mash for my personal use.
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gunya is better, i repeat, this is all for my personal use, i am disabled, the doctor prescribed an alcohol compress for me. tell me where you were last night at 17:00, yesterday at five in kutuski and the patrol picked me up during the day, why, i tasted the moonshine and didn’t calculate it, i hung out there with one idiot. which department were you in? as usual, in the fourth, it’s clear, well, get ready, you’ll go with us,
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full last name, middle name, got it, year of birth. parents like the same thing, okay, i understand you, i went for a dressing, reasons for there are only three deliberate attempts: revenge, selfishness, selfishness.
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look, it looks like the same moonshine that was in molotov cocktails, the same fractions of silush oils, well, i think that the probability is about...
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what did he do again? does he assure you that he spent the whole day with you yesterday? yes, it happened, yesterday the patrol brought him drunk, so i locked him in a distant cold cell for the night to sober him up, it helped, gunya is sober, like a drunk, and if he is drunk, then in general, this is a general judgment, you know him well, yes everyone knows him, the local drunkard moonshiner, i once served as a hooligan, so what? won't you arrest him? he sometimes informs me, so he is more useful to me here than in prison. actually, this is classified information.
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is there a journal entry from yesterday's meeting? yes, of course, please, svetlana petrov, yes, you need to join the shooting team. alive, barely breathing, through the back, probably a punctured lung, take his windows to the car, grigory ivanovich, start the engine, i obey,
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comrade colonel, that’s it, i’m healthy, i want to get back into service. wait, what happened? an unknown person killed two witnesses. who will win? they carried me to the operating room. perhaps he is involved in your case too. so, sveridov, we’ll set up a post, and you’ll be the chief of the guard. your task is, as soon as he comes to his senses or his mother says, immediately inform me. understood? eat. that's it, let them give you the form. why do you need forms? the robe suits you.
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“wait, carefully examine all the captain’s things and documents, a possible version is that captain kozlov provided gonni alebi, and at that time he went to burn irina from her parents, yes, the one who instructed them to do this is now in the hospital,
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lying unconscious.” it turns out he eliminated accomplices, right? perhaps, or witnesses. here, we found it. gold. here, in the room, a guni was hidden in the foot of the bed. what does this mean? five bars of approximately 200 g each is almost a kilo of gold. for the murder of the girl irina, they are generous, but the guys live in the forest, the fever still doesn’t subside, i told the doctor,
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yes... i knew that this happens, where are you in the hospital, everything is fine, the doctor will come now, well, look, and i finally brought something normal.
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this is david seamus, we were together. in goetz, i thought he died, what happened to him, wounded at detention, no matter how the rope is not all, but he deceived me, there in the camp, the ss took all the children, and we hid irochka from them, seamus was a farm worker for us, so he knew many of them, he introduced him to one officer from the headquarters, and we agreed, what kind of diamonds will he help? what kind of diamonds? for a rainy day we had something, it was still left from my grandfather, what kind of officer, a german, the devil would figure it out, in uniform he spoke the official language, we
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conveyed everything to him through seamus, but we never received anything, seamos just threw up his hands , that means... so the scroll consists of an alloy of 900 karat gold with 750 solder, there is also silver, this is medical gold, this type of prosthetics is used, in german concentration camps they cast ingots from pulled out teeth, and the bandit here is a wounded man from the skaunov ghetto and irina’s parents could identify him. then the offensive began, we were freed, those who survived, before leaving the germans threw grenades at all the houses, there were only 100 of us left,
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by the way, regarding this case, which sveridov led, i believe he led, tried to lead, look, this is the dynamics. blood taken from deceased cadet, of course i had to tinker, i even conducted several experiments, well, by the way, they are quite representative. so, hemoglobin normally releases when oxidized by potassium iron dioxide, sergeevich, let’s talk in russian, well , they poisoned it, it turns out, and with some kind of cunning poison, the money changer generally has nothing close to that, neither in chemical properties, nor in composition, but that they were poisoned is... the probability is 99%. david seamus, yes, there is, zorino, house 8, wrote it down. thank you, period.
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go. what, you won’t tell your people? we we'll find everything ourselves. as a result, if these diamonds are secret in his house, can you imagine? it’s clear, yura, that sergeant major fedorenko taught me this, he says, he went through a good school as a child, graduated with a gold medal, oh,
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i can imagine what other subjects there were in that school.
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come on, yura, give me the key, yeah, that’s also possible.
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it looks like some kind of alchemist’s laboratory , but what i never understood was chemistry, that’s not what sergeant major fedorenko teaches you.
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yur, i’m scared, it’s just a draft. ah... yura, wait, calm down, yura, what is this, oh, village, he, he is there, somewhere on the table.
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hands turned. grigory ivanovich, look
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what’s there, where are you from? well, hello, jesus, do you know each other? david seamus was a secret informant for the histap, he turned in his germans, and that means you ’re just a chemist, yes, just a chemist, thank you, the germans helped me with reagents and equipment.
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stankus was sent to the gas chambers because of these crowns, and your son knew, i knew nothing about it, you all knew perfectly well, and your son knew you too, no, he knew nothing, i told him that i was collaborating with the germans, and then i i came up with a story about kazakhstan and my son
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agreed to help me, we really wanted to forget everything. and then this irina appeared here, her parents, who saw me, everything went to hell, he knitted antique diamonds for them, it’s not me, shamos, my son, why did you poison, emil was going to tell irina everything, you fool, it would have ruined me and it wouldn’t have saved him, the stupid fool, we had a fight in the morning, he gave me until the evening to leave, i agreed, and then, and then i mixed poison in his tea.
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this poison was my own creation, no one has made such connections before me, it’s strange that you discovered it. seamus worked at the airfield for the forest brothers , stealing fuel additives, and i helped him counterfeit them so that no one would suspect anything, the forest brothers promised us to make fake documents for this, an
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incendiary bomb for ignition, did you make it too? i think that the science of stankus will not lose anything without you, rise, go out, well, guys, you have gone through both fire and water together, copper pipes remain, i don’t know what this new title is. but the wedding march it must be, look, svetlana petrovna gave the oshennikovol, wow
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, well? half the work is done, so peterosh, come on, let's go, where, let's go, let's go, where to go, let's go, a large piece of the earth's crust, which is not covered with water, and the outskirts are located below the ocean, who remembers how much... northern and southern america, australia, eurasia, africa and antarctica. yes everything is correct. okay, and the continents, who can tell me about the continents?
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good morning, dear friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with channel one, with you polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov, on our calendar. yes may 8th. an important historical date: on this day, exactly 75 years ago, in 1949 , a monument was opened in berlin: the warrior-liberator, one of the recognized masterpieces of the world famous sculptor, evgeniy vuchetich. nikolai masalov is considered the prototype of the warrior-liberators from treptov park. on april 30, 1945, a soviet infantryman carried a three-year-old german girl out of shelling in berlin. there was a shootout. under the left hand he returned halfway back, but there were many such stories when they were looking for a child from the monument, 200 women responded, someone saw
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the sextin madonna, raphael’s masterpiece, our soldiers saved us in dressden, evgeniy buchetyevich himself considered the image a collective one. let's beat swords into plowshares, donated to the un in the fifty-ninth, also a collective portrait. the sculptor was inspired by the torsos of wrestler boris gurevich and weightlifter anatoly markov. who posed for the mother’s homeland, the figure of discus thrower nina dumbadze, the face of the wife of the sculptor of faith, made you scream there with all your might, as if you were leading into battle there, well , i screamed terribly, tiredly, i decided, well go to bed early, and grandfather got up very early, she woke up early in the morning, what does she see, one of the workers is standing there with his arms outstretched... i understand the scene is there and the grandfather is sculpting so happy, it was such a joke , that the mother’s routine is that of a man’s hands, but in fact this is not entirely
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true, because since there is a very powerful structure inside, the hands had to be made a little more powerful, 85 m from the feet to the tip of the sword, the largest sculpture in the world at the time of creation in the sixty-seventh , clothes like the goddess of victory nike of samothrace, counterweight 800 tons of reinforced concrete are held by themselves, we call it a cousin according to the principle: the famous volzhanka has nerves of steel, more than 100 arm-thick cables pull the figure from the inside. this place is called the heart of the mother’s homeland, because here the cables, stretched from the right hand with a sword and the left one thrown back, converge, we are at chest level, not long left. in clear weather , another of bucetic's polinas, lenin, is visible from the top of the head. the don canal is 24 km away, but if you look from the outside, the mother’s homeland is being closed by a fighter with a grenade, symbolically, why without a uniform, clan
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troops are not important, the face of army commander vasily chukov, they were friends, they chopped wood here together, he was such a healthy, strong man, the monument to the rear front in uchetichu is mistakenly attributed, the message is the same, also a sword, but created in the seventy-ninth after his death, by the lion of golovnitsky , on may 9, this is where... a grandiose campaign of the pobeda channel from the first digital television family will unfold. all-russian festival. thanks for the victory. broadcast from magnitogorsk on the pobeda channel on may 9 at 20:30. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetseriakov, stanislav kizhnyakov, dmitry krivtsov, channel one. the great patriotic war died down 79 years ago, but we have no right to forget it. we have no right to forget the feat of those who are incredible. gained this great victory for us at a price. alexander ivanovich rygachev went to war when he was very young, became a platoon commander of a separate
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anti-aircraft artillery regiment, and met victory near budapest. this selection of songs was composed or performed by my comrades in the service. basically, when duty was more or less quiet at night, they sat down alone to sing. rostov in 1942 they mobilized him and gave us rygachev had just graduated from school, and after the capture , the english boots, they were hard, lay in warehouses for many years, we immediately hurt our feet there, rubbed our feet there, we were allowed to hang them on our shoulders and... walk barefoot along the highway and we came from arzhenikidze to tbilisi along
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the georgian military road, six months at the baku anti-aircraft artillery school, then to the third and fourth ukrainian front, in forty -third, he was then 19, immediately a platoon commander in a separate anti-aircraft artillery regiment, small-caliber artillery, so they were bombed terribly. .. what the barrel turned red from prolonged shooting, at night you can see how it rings like that, then the second one, i think, oh my god, out of my four guns, two are no longer working, i looked around, the neighbors have the same thing, here we are our first battle, hundreds of people shot at this battle. shot down four or five bombers, then we had to shoot back more than once, especially
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fierce battles, he remembers there were for budapest by this time... it was already forty-four, our soldiers, you know, became so experienced, they cleared the highway to the side, in side, side, side, they moved along the open highway, ours stood on the side of the road, then, when necessary, ours from the sides, theirs from the flanks along this road, the guduran army, which was coming to the rescue, all of them there. ..
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is not used for navigation, but during the years of the siege, it was here at the lighthouse that thousands of leningraders waited for salvation. by september 8 , 1941, the pskov and novgorod regions, the city of mga, and shlitelburg were captured. leningrad is under siege. we follow the route cape osinovets, the village of kabona. this is the only remaining route out of besieged leningrad to the mainland. in 1941 it is called the road of death. the distance to the eastern shore is 27 km, the lake is the size of the sea, plus strong winds. most of the ships on lake ladore were sunk not because of
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enemy air attacks, but because of natural conditions. in winter, another element is the ladoga ice, this is the most terrible exhibit of the museum of defense of the siege of leningrad. during the first winter, the semi-trucks failed one after another on the way to evacuation. why, no one understands. cars with cargo go to leningrad, they are heavy, they get there to leningrad, they don’t fail. then the cars that come from leningrad with people, they are lighter, and of course, the driver wants to go faster. bring hungry people to the mainland, and these machines fail. scientists find a reason, a resonance. the speed of the car coincides with the current under the ice. and what kind of speed was that, the pragibograph showed. made, as they say, on the knee from the base of a sewing machine and a cast iron fence. the only thing missing here is a recorder with a pencil. as a result, it was calculated that resonance occurs at a speed of 35 km/h. a decree has been issued to move or
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faster or slower. one and a half trucks began to reach the eastern coast more often, but the city is running out of light and warmth, an energy blockade begins, how to survive the next winter? nina vasilyevna sookolova, the first woman in the ussr, vodolas, supervised the lifting of equipment from the bottom of the lake, in the summer of forty -two she proposed the idea of ​​delivering fuel, delivered in tanks across lake ladoga, by water, but naturally, all this was bombed, this is very... a small fraction reached the city, and she came up with the idea of ​​laying a gas pipeline along the bottom of lake lador, they work under the nose of the enemy, most often at night, they also pull electric cables along the bottom, but insulation materials are quickly running out in leningrad, they suggested using paper from the leningrad mint, that is, which came with watermarks on money, they soaked it
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they wound it with the appropriate composition, the cable started working... the light returns, on ladoga, on the road of life, navigation continues until the winter of '43. on january 18, 1943 , the troops of the leningrad and volkov fronts closed in and pushed the enemy back 9-12 km from shores of lake ladazh, it became possible to travel by land, the blockade was broken, food supplies were replenished, the city survived, the complete liberation of leningrad was a year later. varvara fedorova, sergey molin, igor kostyukov, egor chastyakov, ksenia maklyak. channel one, st. petersburg. on the calendar may 8th, tomorrow is our most important holiday - victory day. there are thousands
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of monuments in our country that are dedicated to the feat of those who defended our homeland over the years. these are, of course, large memorials, and modest obelisks. but there is a place that has a very special significance for all residents of russia, this is the grave of the unknown soldier in moscow, near the kremlin wall. 57 years ago, on may 8, 1967, an eternal flame broke out here, and since then it has never gone out. the flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier has not gone out for 57 years; it was lit on may 8, 1967 from the first eternal flame of the armed forces of the soviet socialist republic from the champ de mars in st. petersburg. it is not extinguished even during maintenance. transferred to a temporary burner only then carry out preventive maintenance, and so once a month, so that the flame is always bright and lively, natural gas burns blue, in eternal fire tongues are orange due to
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an artificial lack of oxygen. the monument to the tomb of the unknown soldier was conceived back in 1965; at the forty-first kilometer, builders found a mass grave containing the remains of a soldier without identification marks. remains of a soldier. at the monument to the honor of victory over the fascists at kryukov station in the moscow region of zelenograd , the guard of honor changed every 2 hours. on december 3, 1966, an honorary guard carried the nameless fighter in his arms to the belarusian train station, and from there the funeral procession moved to manege square. now it's a symbol. everyone who died nameless, and there are more than 2 million people, and these are only the soldiers of the red army, we will not be able to find them all, our soldiers simply did not fill out the medallion, the fact is that it was believed that if you fill out the paper and put
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it in the medallion, then you will definitely die, now throughout the country there are 600 flames of memory and more than 800 eternal flames, one of the brightest on the mamayev mound, and it was lit from the first eternal flame in volgograd, this hand symbolizes, as it were... the feta of generations from the dead to the living, smalt, which is trimmed the walls always shine, that is, the fire seems to spread throughout the entire room. there are 7,000 names on the walls, they were chosen randomly; even ten such monuments would not be enough to list everyone who died for stalingrad. eternal flames can be found even in the smallest settlements. the village of mayramadak is hidden among the ossetian mountains, the population is one and a half. thousands of people, everyone knows in memory of whom this flame burns. the enemy was driven back, stuck on the approaches to dzhinikidze, they had only one way out - this is the corridor in suarre
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gorge in the village of mayramadak. the village was defended by cadets. during the 10 days of the battle, more than 600 people died, many of whom remained unknown, but their feat is remembered. natalya leonova, denis panomariov, tatyana yus, elena savina, channel one. next on our broadcast is a news release, see you in a few minutes. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. today vladimir putin took part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, timed. belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, as well as the prime minister of armenia. besides,
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the heads of observer states of uzbekistan and cuba will join. the meeting participants will discuss the results that were achieved within the framework of the formation of the union as an authoritative and effective international association. the leaders will also exchange views on promising areas for further deepening.
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gezadulin, together with his squad, repelled an attack by militants in the area loyal to him, and personally destroyed an enemy group that was trying to attack from the flank. junior sergeant marcel valey during our assault rescued three russian soldiers who were wounded when they came under fire from cluster shells, provided first aid to the victims, and helped evacuate them to a safe zone. new video footage from ukraine is being distributed on the internet, where forced mobilization is in full swing. in the odessa
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region, a military registration and enlistment office employee knocked a man to the ground and kicked him. he didn’t even resist; those watching what was happening chose not to interfere. it is unknown how the matter ended; the recording ends. and in one of the ukrainian villages, an external camera surveillance captured how three men with buckets in their hands, they were walking for water, managed to hide in the courtyard of the house from the military registration and enlistment office employees. they chased potential recruits in a minibus. as a result, having lost sight of those fleeing, we drove on. in the central russian regions, emergency services are eliminating the consequences of a devastating hurricane; gusty winds tore off building roofs and felled trees and power poles. in the voronezh region alone, more than 35,000 people still remain without electricity. emergency rescue almost three hundred specialists were involved in the work, which is about 90 repair teams. damage is being measured in the tula region, in the village of novo-krasivaya, the hurricane smashed outbuildings and damaged cars.
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giant whirlwinds were filmed by motorists in the kursk region; a truck fell into one of the craters, but the multi-ton vehicle remained on the road; in kursk itself, roofs were torn off, trees were torn out by the roots, there is no information about casualties. the disaster also affected the lipetsk and belgorod regions. at least seven people were killed in the strike israel according to agaz. aircraft bombed a residential complex in the east of the city, al-jazeera tv channel reports.
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sarbona university students organized the entrance, batons were used, law enforcement officers used cans of caustic spray, activists also seized one of the university classrooms, and the police dragged them out with force. a massive breakdown has occurred in the border control system at uk airports, with the problem reportedly spreading nationwide. all over the country, in the departure and arrival zones, giant queues. a large number of passengers accumulated, including in the largest air harbors of the kingdom, heathrow, gatwick and stansted in the south of the country, in manchester, in northern england, in edinburgh, in scotland. people could not pass passport control, what caused the failure is now being established. archival documents of front-line writers, as well as information about real prototypes, heroes and their works. son of the azori regiment, there is quiet, hot snow, posted on the website of the ministry of defense. in anticipation. since the ninth anniversary
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victory in the great patriotic war , the ministry launched a historical and educational section “living books about the main thing”. it contains biographical materials about konstantin simonov, boris vasiliev, valentin kataev. some documents have not been previously published. these materials, as emphasized in the defense department, will help in the fight against falsification of history aimed at preserving the memory of the great patriotic war. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov are with you, and today is may 8 - wednesday, tomorrow is our most important holiday, victory day, at exactly 10:00 am moscow time the main military parade on red square will begin. channel one will show him in every detail, from the most unexpected angles, as only he can do. for you, dear tv viewers.
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as always, only the best places are reserved, we know exactly where the best places will be to view the main parade of the country, we will feel the scale, consider everything in details on the first, may 9, if you count the number of cameras involved in the broadcast of the victory parade, then it is about 60, the camera there that is used in the broadcast, action cameras and there is a smooth picture, look, i will put it in the machine, it will try to hold the camera in the position where it is directed, there is also electronic stabilization in the camera itself, it dives under tanks and meets the minister’s convertible, from the heart of red square
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to the stone bridge we stretched 2 km of cable, just for the sake of one such view, this camera will remove the flan that was depicted on... this, by the way, is the most technically difficult location, specialists from the parade you definitely haven’t seen yet can work, a new point of mountaineering training. the camera hovers on the broadcast here on sofia embankment. seventy-five meters high, the length of the cable car is almost a kilometer. we chose it on purpose. the direction of our movement in order to prevent cables from getting into the frame, so that we have the cleanest, most beautiful picture for tv viewers, panoramas that will take your breath away, we don’t just broadcast
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parade, we create the effect of presence, dozens of ultra-sensitive microphones will allow you to hear the breathing of the red square, the most difficult thing to catch is so that everything matches the picture, what... goes well, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the program live healthy, today on the first, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first, tomorrow
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is our most important holiday, victory day, the day of our glory and memory, there is an immortal regiment throughout the country. and in a variety of formats, in big cities and small villages, and even in the sky, and you too can join. degorskoye gorge, makhchesk. milena senaeva, my mother bought a dress for the holiday. every year we prepare to go to the immortal regiment, we prepare poems, stories with my two brothers, with my classmates. but the main thing is to take a portrait with you.
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caucasus and his life was cut short near kharkov in 1942. a street was named in honor of the gabayraev brothers in vladikovkaz, and descendants come out with their portraits every year. here the highlands in the native land of the heroes remember. the immortal regiment is on high, in the sky above ugra. daria, pilot of the bars aerobatic team. on glass photograph of his great-grandfather, georgiy grigorievich kanorezov. he was called up for war in 1941, was wounded twice in the neck in the leg, from 1942 to 943 he fought in the fiftieth ski brigade, this brigade helped tankers in the winter - in offensive operations.
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all pilots have portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the cockpit and thousands more photographs of front-line heroes on board. immortal. for many, the regiment is personal, family. the shashkins from the nizhny novgorod village of protasovo always get together on victory day, recalls the grandfather and great-grandfather of alexander petrovits bobrov. he ended up in the fifteenth tank division, and fought near kharkov, crossed the don. in their family, their grandfather’s suitcase contains letters and medals. they re-read it together, they have a big family, and there are 13 heroes. ivan petrovich. pride and gratitude for a great feat. nikolay pudin, victoria edinova, liliya
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lovkova, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. residents of crimea and sevastopol will celebrate a double holiday tomorrow. victory day and the day of liberation from the nazi invaders. on may 9, 1944, the red banner hoisted over sevastopol. heroic sevastopol was under siege for 250 long days and was destroyed almost to the ground. and everyone revived sevastopol. the country, of course, has everything ready for the holiday on the peninsula. all week the black sea fleet orchestra is in front, playing at important events in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, because how could there be no music on such a holiday. music helps people remember those years and not forget the veterans. then orchestras sounded everywhere, in parks, on the streets, and they led troops into battle. directed towards victory, straighten everyone's shoulders, show your beautiful smile, let's begin! the legendary
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sevastopol now sounds everywhere in a variety of interpretations. guitar chords on the kornilov embankment, already on the seaside boulevard they are picked up by an accordion. sevastopol sings, dances and dresses up, on victory day the chestnut trees always light up with white candles, the flower beds are spilled with colors. at the moment, ogotsanija, pythonia and, of course, begonies are being planted. here begonias are white and there is red. for our victory day holiday , red. and everyone wants to be involved in the celebration, so sevastopol residents all as one with st. george's ribbons.
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everyone smiles, everyone asks to immediately attach to the heart, two big holidays in one day, but everyone we meet on the streets of the city, they are not only about dancing and flower beds, about the memory of those who did not return from the battlefield, who died in the occupation, went missing, all of them are now in the book of memory of the city of the hero sevastopol, decision. the building was accepted exactly 35 years ago, these small lines are on the pages of the book of memory for thousands of participants in the battles for sevastopol, thousands of women, children, many others, this is the only place where they can read their last name and understand their contribution to the common victory. those who came from the war, who fought for the city, who took part in the defense and liberation of sevastopol, were congratulated all week and will continue to be congratulated, and the veterans don’t even need to go anywhere, there’s a mini-parade right under their windows.
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everything will be fine. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, vladimir repin and alexey nikozakov. sevastopol, channel one. good morning, our dear tv viewers, we are glad that you are with us, we hope that you are in the mood wonderful and almost like summer, at least warm. nikita pimenov and polina tsvetkova are with you today. good morning everyone. the pobeda tv channel celebrates its fifth birthday. we, of course, sincerely congratulate you and your colleagues on your first five-year plan. you are doing the right, very necessary and important thing. we are happy to see you, keep it up and new victories for you.
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they talk about the great patriotic war longer than it lasted 5 years ago. the pobeda tv channel was created as a festive channel for the seventy-fifth anniversary of victory in the war. when we started the program, for example, we thought how long it could go on air daily, i don’t know, a year or two. now the topics don’t end, it’s more exciting than anyone’s. from the mouths of eyewitnesses, their children and grandchildren, stories of the war years, film crews go to any corner of the country to hear them, then tell the viewer, convey not only information, emotions, this blessing began, there were frosts, severe, the worst thing is this cold, there’s nothing to heat it with, it was, it was some kind of nightmare, i remember it with horror, stories on channel from documents from declassified archives, not every journalist can
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boast that he conducted a real investigation, found something that had not yet been read or heard about. in which we now see the parade, we reconstructed the parade of forty-five , as it was. daria khubova, creative producer and director , collected footage of the victory parade on red square in 1945 from the military leaving the barracks 63 mornings to the dances after the parade. this didn't happen in previous short versions, as did a lot of other rain, for example the weather reports had to be raised every minute. everything is down to earth, down to the mood. it was still, of course, a combat parade, every person in the close-ups was identified, a colossal amount of work was done with a huge number of experts, including sound. the sound tapes did not reach us, we worked in the sound recording archives, we restored all the musical accompaniment of the parade, march by march. the original text
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of the commentators was voiced by announcers igor kirillov, dina grigorieva and anna shatilova. many times... enemies tried to bring us to our knees, but as one, ours, i can’t, emotions, emotional on the channel and talk show in the historical path to victory, discussion of little-known facts and events, strategy and prerequisites for the war. sometimes, in conversations with our experts, we even go back to the 19th century, when we look for some prerequisites for the events of 1940, this is very interesting. films of the war years and reconstructions are also broadcast on the channel every day and of course on may 9. anna obrosimova, dmitry parfenov, yulia kuvabina, channel one.
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alexander ivanovna, forgive me, what ’s going on here? don't believe me, i passed by purely by accident i passed by and looked. i know that i’m not guilty, it’s time to discuss the assault plan with the cathedral, and you need to prove it, you have 24 to do this , first we need to distract him, you are not here officially and are not hostage specialists, a bloodhound for new episodes from may 13 on the first, so the petals grew, and don’t forget on the bed, they were also on the bed with a heart alexander ivanov. i’m aware, ilya, thank you, usually with a heart, are you understood here? yes, call me. may 9, victory day, is a holiday with tears in our eyes, our day glory of our memory, and we have no right to forget at what cost the great victory was won. and what terrible evil the enemies brought to our land, the bells of khatyn are ringing, and this is our memory. khatyn is a belarusian
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village, which during the war the nazis burned down along with its inhabitants. in place of the burned houses there is now this stylized scoop with a chimney scorched by fire; if you go into the house, you can see a list of those who lived here. on each chimney, a bell rings once every 30 seconds in memory of the dead, 26 houses, 149 inhabitants. burned because partisans near the village shot and killed a german officer, hans vielki, the fuhrer's favorite and olympic champion. several children and the only adult survived, joseph kaminsky. came to his senses late at night, there was no punitive force in the village, in the ashes, among the corpses of his fellow villagers, he found a body, one looking for his dead children, his fifteen-year-old son adam, a monument was dedicated to him, it was he who told the world the story of khotyn, it became a symbol of all burned villages, one of them ola. people were hiding in a remote village, but the police
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they brought punitive forces, tatyana koleichik was 7 years old, and she and her relatives fled into the forest. as they marched, they used the civilian population as human shields, driving people to death camps. and zarichi, one of three such camps where prisoners were taken in frosty march. the structure of the azarić death camp was primitive, but at the same time cruel. the nazis surrounded this swamp with barbed wire and drove people, in fact, into this water. they stood knee-deep in water and could neither
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lie down nor sit down. and under these conditions, the average life expectancy was only 3 day. the camp of almost 50 thousand prisoners existed for 10 days, 20,000 died. elena vasilyeva, a living witness, stood in this water at the age of 7 with her brother and two sisters. they made sure that the fires weren’t this, that they didn’t light fires, that people from the village would break their paws in order to sit somewhere, i, well, most of them stood, my feet were frostbitten, i don’t remember what was on my feet, and besides, they were nazis they infected the prisoners with typhus, so that when they met soviet soldiers , the disease would spread to the advancing units; it so happened that there was an epidemic in the army prevented, but how many... the disease killed the civilian population is not known exactly, one thing is clear: during the war years , 18 million people of different nationalities were captured by hitler, 11 million were destroyed, only 7
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million returned home. sergey abramov sotnik, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one, republic of belarus. our deepest bow to you, our dear veterans, thank you very much for your simple words. an incredible feat for protecting our land from the enemy and winning a great victory for us, strength to you and of course, health and happiness, please live for a long time, we really, really need you, so you walk under one and walk, at 98, alexander mikhailovich pogaev easily walks on a simulator for an hour, military training, training your strength and endurance is a habit left over from the times of the great.
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the long battle path began in the far east, six months in the trenches in anticipation of the war with japan, then the western front, training to become an anti-tank gun gunner, and from there to the defense of leningrad. there were almost no tanks here in the swampy area, i became a mortar man, i had to learn everything quickly on the fly. we began to master the nomadic way of waging war, that is, shoot while running, get out of there and run away. until they spotted you, well , that’s what happened, except for one time, when we were literally caught by someone who was not far off, flew
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straight to our battery, here i escaped with minor wounds, i had all my overcoat, there was also a serious wound in the battles for the sample, i was restored to service again, keeps a diary, and also heads the vladikavkaz runners club. alexander mikhailovich ran his first marathon at the age of 60, and at the age of 88 he became a foil bearer at the winter olympic games in sochi.
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elena savina, channel one. a real holiday gift for all fans of great big cinema. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. on victory day, may 9, watch films on our channel that have already become cult favorites. saboteur crimea and the saboteur ribbon, the first of the legendary epic, and i want to end the war as a colonel, three times the order of the red banner and the red star, colonels leonid fillatov and alexey bobrikov, it sounds, it sounds, may 9 bobrikov and felatov are with us according to tradition, ready for execution combat missions. like 20 years ago, when the first saboteur appeared on the screen.
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played a cruel joke on so many people, even the strongest, this is a story about people who did their job, but then paid for it in full , i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble , back, quickly, i’m a fan of the first and second parts myself, and
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who are you, me? it’s very interesting, when we had scenes together , i met them a little with some glances, well, from the game, i understood this from their stories. what story is this charming fräulein hiding? margot schmidt, personal assistant to the port manager. can i step away? we'll meet for lunch in 20 minutes. margot will have dinner with bobrikov. walk on the edge, froen schmidt. he’s the one who lives above my boss, so
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now it’s better to speak quietly. tomorrow, may 9, on the first channel there will be two parts at once: saboteur and saboteur crimea, a war film about the long road to peace, well, now we’ll crush your hans like rot, i’ll go to sea again on a big liner, i’ll be the oceans of the borough, here. maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, channel one. hello, on air news, in the studio sergey tugushev. in the central russian regions, emergency services are eliminating the consequences of a devastating hurricane. gusty winds tore off the roofs of buildings and knocked down trees and power poles. in the voronezh region alone , more than 35 thousand people still remain without electricity. almost three hundred specialists were involved in emergency rescue operations, which is about 90 repair teams. the damage is reported in the tula
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region, in the village of novokrasivaya. smashed outbuildings to pieces and damaged cars. giant whirlwinds were filmed by motorists in kursk region. a truck hit one of the craters, but the multi-ton vehicle stayed on the road. but in korsk itself, roofs were torn off , trees were torn out by their roots. information of no casualties. the disaster also affected the lipetsk and belgorod regions. in addition to the special operation news, our bomber and attack aircraft attacked military installations and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. su-30 sm fighter destroyed an enemy drone. thus, our military pilots provide cover for the ground forces of the vostok group. precision strikes against militants were carried out artillery grouping troops west. the crews of the rszzo grad were hit by camouflaged self-propelled guns of the ukrainian formations. this allowed russian attack aircraft to move forward and occupy new positions.
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some of our units are advancing. some strongholds, targets arrive, we work them out, then it depends on what orders will come next, infantry, mortar units, reconnaissance groups, there are tanks, artillery, well, it’s always different. new video footage from ukraine is being distributed on the internet, where forced mobilization is in full swing. in the odessa region , a military registration and enlistment office employee knocked a man to the ground and kicked him. he didn’t even resist; those watching what was happening chose not to interfere. how the case ended is unknown, the recording ends, in one of the ukrainian villages, an external surveillance camera captured how three men with buckets in their hands, they were walking for water, managed to hide in the courtyard of the house from the military registration and enlistment office employees, they were chasing potential recruits in a minibus, in the end , having lost those escaping from looks like we've moved on. berlin police have banned the display of anything related to russia today and tomorrow during commemorative events in honor of victory day. on may 8 and... on may 9
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, it is forbidden to bring soviet and russian symbols, st. george ribbons to war memorials, it is forbidden to wear army uniforms of the anti-hitler coalition troops, to sing and play marching songs of those years. the embassy of russia and germany considered this decision of the berlin authorities unacceptable; in fact, they prohibit everything that is inextricably linked with the liberation of germany and europe from nazism our diplomatic mission recalled that the soviet union paid for the peaceful sky above with the lives of over 27 million of its citizens, pointed out that people should be able to honor the memory of those to whom they owe their freedom, we demand a complete abolition. russia and germany are convinced that all concerned residents of the federal republic of germany should have the opportunity
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to honor the memory and pay tribute to the fallen red army soldiers and victims of nazism in a dignified manner, in accordance with established long-standing traditions. today in moscow there will be a meeting of the highest eurasian economic council, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of its signing. agreement on the eac. the meeting will be attended by vladimir putin, as well as the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and the prime minister of armenia, who will be joined by the heads of state of the observers, uzbekistan and cuba. the leaders will discuss the results that were achieved within the framework of the establishment of the union as an authoritative and effective international association, and will also exchange views on promising areas for further deepening integration processes. it is planned to sign a number of important documents. chairman vieux. this year is armenia, and today, as expected, vladimir putin will also hold a separate meeting with the head of the government of the republic, nikol pashinyan. on the eve of the great holiday, victory day, all attention to our veterans.
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most are already advanced in age, so congratulations are accepted at home. in the orenburg region for timofey ivanovich kudrevtsev and his wife nina andreevna, military personnel of the strategic missile forces and the cadets of the presidential school arranged it. i think he would be proud of me, since i continue his path, i believe that this is correct, and i also encourage everyone to do this, this is our spirit, our pride, we continue and
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will continue, we will crush fascism and we will go forward for our grandfathers, great-grandfathers. the immortal regiment in this format has already become a tradition for the participants of the northern military district; anyone can dream about the action. good morning, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, we wish you a great mood, with you polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov on calendar may 8th is wednesday, tomorrow is our most important holiday, victory day, the day of our glory, our memory, low bow and many thanks to everyone who keeps this memory , returns to us, those who...
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were left on the ice, in the spring the lorry went under water, ivan shchukoldin and igor dernovsky helped the search engines get it, they began to restore it, the glass is from a similar car, the wood is almost all original, it’s oak, it withstood water, the headlights are also from those times, and of course, now the car is running, in order to start the engine you need to open fuel valve, turn on the ignition switch, depress the clutch , press the starter, the starter button is on. foot under the right one, in the upper part, oh, it started up, this year the lorry is again participating in the parade in nevomoskovsk, for the fifth year already, swallow, denis siraev has a different story, his father and he are
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restorers, in their garage there are gases and wilis, now they are preparing for the holiday, you should definitely check the oil before leaving, yes, you need to top it up at half level, in fact it’s still there. how to powder your nose, all the mechanisms have been restored long ago, the batteries are modern, the electrics were replaced, like on this gaz-67, it was found by the feodosians, collected bit by bit, denis’s grandfather, makar’s great-grandfather drove such a great domestic car. makar, put on a furashka, your grandfather is sitting in the frame of the furashka, now you will definitely look like him. on may 9th it will be used to congratulate veterans. and this is the rarest gas - 61416, there were only a few of them.
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they sat down, one wrote one song, the other
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wrote another. when the great patriotic war began, alexander rogachev had just graduated from school, and after the capture of rostov in 1942 he was mobilized. they gave us english boots, they were hard, they had been in warehouses for many years, we immediately hurt our feet there, rubbed our feet, but these were there, they allowed us to do them. hang on your shoulder to walk barefoot along the highway, and we came from orzhenikidze to tbilisi, along the georgian military road, for six months at the baku zenit at the artillery school, then to the third and fourth ukrainian front, in forty-third, he was then 19, immediately a platoon commander part of a separate anti-aircraft artillery regiment, small-caliber artillery. they bombed so horribly that the barrel turned red from
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prolonged shooting; at night you can see it they hang in such rings, then the second one, i think, oh my god, out of my four guns, two don’t work anymore, i looked around, the neighbors had the same thing, here we are, our first battle , in this battle with...
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, it’s really great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says, protect your children, educate them. they are worthy, honest, noble,
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and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are telling each other the truth, it is imperative to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised in such a way that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder. we want to confess our love to our native country. country, we love you. our dear tv viewers, we probably all remember that health is the foundation, the basis of everything, so of course, we start the morning with a warm-up, even without it, especially since fitness trainer andronik mikaelyan invites us to remember our childhood and play a little in the classics, ready, good morning if you want to lose excess weight, you can, of course, do it like this, but there is a simpler exercise: we jump, i suggest you remember the children's game of the classics,
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feet slightly wider than shoulders, hands on the belt, with a jump we transfer the weight to the right leg, start. for him with the left, we jump to return the feet to their place, in turn we do a backward sweep with one leg, then with the other, we move without stopping, we don’t pay attention to our legs, when you try to control everything, it’s more difficult to move in rhythm, so looking forward everything will work out automatically , ah... now we continue to jump and move at the same time back and forth, as if we were actually playing hopscotch. exercise will help improve your metabolism and lose fat, and if you
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exercise regularly and monitor your nutrition, the extra pounds will gradually melt away. let's continue. our good morning on the calendar may 8, wednesday, now an astrological forecast awaits you and me. may 8. the thirtieth lunar day meets the first. the twentieth day of the sun, in general, handsome, good-natured and friendly, before they would have said, amiable. easily gets acquainted with people, knows how to find a common language if they argue, does it tactfully. they say about such people, he has an easy character, and a worker, he’s not bad, patient and responsible, maybe not too much... true, he sometimes puts on airs and puts on airs, well, within normal limits, about the minuses , he’s a little leisurely, loves comfort, and then suddenly he is attacked by laziness. often on such days something breaks down, as they say, things don’t grow together, agreements are violated. absolutely, keep this in mind, your motto is commitment, punctuality, accuracy,
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otherwise you risk spoiling your reputation, and if you are planning shopping, decide in advance, how much money are you willing to spend. someone might come in the evening. interesting news or message. taurus will have a chance to show their leadership qualities, the main thing is not to overdo it. and it’s also a very romantic day for you. taurus men. if you're hesitant to propose, make it today. an energetic day for the twins. business contacts and working with numerical money will be great, engineers, it specialists and everyone who works with information will not be offended, the evening seems to be preparing some kind of gatherings for you. and the crayfish are having a good day. truth a little nervous, when everyone wants something from you, they don’t pay much attention to your desires, but money loves you, and the evening is all yours, and it definitely won’t disappoint you, the stars say to the livs: don’t worry about getting worked up over little things, so you will only spoil your mood, you will also have a fight with someone, what is it for you, the day is excellent, active, rich in
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good news and events, and also profitable, the evening will be simply pleasant, having had a nice day when everything goes as it should ... all issues must be resolved without unnecessary bureaucracy and delays may spoil things slightly, except maybe your restraint, but here everything is in your hands, be careful while driving. this day will help libra to start something new, and some will decide to open their own business, and the stars, in general, are not against it, just don’t rely on luck, first you need to calculate everything very well, but on a personal level, here the stars promise you complete harmony and complete mutual understanding. scorpios may have to fix and improve something. may correct some old mistakes, you will succeed, the main thing is not to make new ones, but there is such a risk, try not to argue with your family. sagittarians today are extremely active and businesslike, and they will cope with their tasks and help others, in a word, sagittarius has a chance to show their best side, just take care of your stomach and do without alcohol.
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for capricorns, this day will help them deal with some annoying problem, establish strong business relationships with someone, or make strong friends. things will go well for those involved in technology; give the evening to your loved one. aquarians may learn something interesting, something that will expand them horizons. some tempting offers are also possible, so be careful with them, check everything thoroughly and double-check, and expect pleasant guests in the evening. pisces will have the opportunity to improve their position in the work collective, but what the luminary does not advise is to interfere with professional relationships with personal ones, but it’s up to you to decide. especially since it’s so easy to fall in love these days, well, good luck. there is a long weekend ahead, we won’t be mistaken if we assume that many are already going for a picnic, and why not, and what is needed for a picnic to be a success, well, of course, meat, that’s right, meat, yes, and it’s also important to choose the right skewers, well, of course, with meat
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, i think you yourself will figure out the taste and color, as they say, skewers are, of course, the main barbecue accessories, so now we will choose. so that it’s convenient to cook, and the price won’t bite. chef grill, natalya yurkova, with low-quality skewers, acts like this, a woman. finger, all because such skewers, they are also called disposable, are the cheapest and are made of millimeter steel, that is, thinly rolled steel sheet, as a rule, skewers are made from this type, corner-shaped, the steel is thicker and more difficult to bend. triangular skewers are made to make it easier to thread the meat; it doesn’t spin, let’s check, but the meat is still spinning, as you can see. the shape and width of the skewer are responsible for ensuring that the meat does not scroll or hang down. ideal when the working surface is flat with a width of 13 mm. this is a universal skewer width, it is suitable
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for cooking meat and lulul kebab. another indicator that affects the process of preparing shish kebab - the thickness of the skewer. since it conducts heat well and heats up quickly, thin ones are not an option. the meat will be dry from the inside, the ideal skewer is from 2.5 to 6 mm thick, and such a skewer will not bend when hanging the product. also the taste of the dish. the material from which the skewers are made is affected; it is advisable not to use aluminum; in the kitchen, this metal does not like an acidic environment, and the marinade is just like that; with prolonged use, it will oxidize, which will give the meat a metallic taste; choose stainless steel, which this skewer cooks meat faster, it turns out tastier and is easier to care for, it washes well, although there are two types of stainless steel, food and technical, no, it didn’t seem, technical too. it is used in public catering, including in the manufacture of skewers, so don’t be alarmed if you see it in the composition, you can only take non-chrome ones, as
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heat will cause the chrome to flake off over time and get into the food. and another recommendation from the chef: choose skewers according to the following formula: the working length of the skewer is the width of the grill plus 10-15 cm. gololesnikov, yuri lebedev, anton remenny, channel one. well, now we invite you to the screen. sports fans, especially, of course, football fans. the results of the twenty -seventh round of the russian championship in the material of our colleague, channel one sports commentator viktor gusev. dynamo forward konstantin tyukavin managed to create a real football masterpiece in the twenty-seventh round of the russian championship. the main scorer of the white-blues scored his fourteenth goal in the game against sochi, effectively hitting the opponent's goal with his heel reversal this goal. will undoubtedly claim the title of the best of the season, well, the dynamo sochi match itself turned out to be incredibly tense, the guests responded
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to the muscovites twice with their effective attacks, and the second goal of the southerners deserves special mention: chilean midfielder ignacio saaveda famously fired from outside the penalty area into the corner igor lishchuk's goal, however, at the end of injury time, came on as a substitute. cameroonian mumin gomolyo brought the white-blues an important victory (3:2). dynamo not only caught up in the table with krasnodar, but came close to the leading zenit, which unexpectedly lost points in the meeting with the voronezh torch, while at first the game went according to the zenit scenario, which opened the scoring through the efforts of the brazilian team. claudinho's brilliant pass was intercepted by st. petersburg captain douglos santos, but the torch was returned when it was coming. evgeniy markov converted the penalty. 1:1. the draw
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intensified the fight in the top three of the premier league to the limit. lokomotiv rose to fourth place in the table. we pleased our fans at home by winning over rostov 1:0. a beautiful goal for anton meranchuk. having received a transfer from the best assistant of our championship, maxim glushenkov. in heaven, but the city survived. the road of life is the only transport route - a thin thread that connected leningrad with the mainland. the osinovskaya
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harbor on the shore of ladoga is deserted; this pier is a fishing pier. it is not used for navigation, but during the years of the siege, it was here at the lighthouse that thousands of leningraders waited for salvation. by september 8 , 1941, the pskov and novgorod regions, the city of mga, and shliselburg were captured. we are following the route cape osinovets, the village of kabona, this is the only remaining route from besieged leningrad to the mainland. it is called the road of death. the distance to the eastern shore is 27 km, the lake is the size of the sea, plus strong winds. most of the ships on lake ladora were sunk not because of shelling by enemy aircraft, but because of natural conditions, because of storms, and because of difficult weather conditions on ladag. in winter, another element is the ladoga ice,
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this is the most terrible exhibit of the museum. in the first winter, a lorry on the way to evacuation they fail one after another, why? nobody understands. cars with cargo go to leningrad, they are heavy, they get to leningrad without falling through. then the cars that come from leningrad with people, they are lighter, and of course, the driver wants to quickly bring hungry people to the mainland, and these cars fail. scientists find the reason, the resonance, the coincidence of the speed of the car. and the current under the ice, and what kind of speed, the pragibograph showed, it was made, as they say, on the knee from the base of a sewing machine and a cast-iron fence, the only thing missing here is a recorder with a pencil. as a result, it was calculated that resonance occurs at a speed of 35 km/h, a decree was issued to move either faster or slower, semi-trucks began to reach the eastern shore more often, but the city is running out of light,
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warmth, an energy blockade begins, how... to survive the next winter. nina vasilievna sokolova, the first woman vodolas in the ussr, supervised the lifting of equipment from the bottom of the lake. in the summer of '42, she proposed the idea of ​​fuel delivery. they were delivered in tanks across lake ladazh by water. but naturally that all this was bombed, very little of it reached the city. and she came up with the idea to lay a gas pipeline along the bottom of lake ladoga. they work under the nose of the enemy. they suggested using paper from the leningrad mint, that is, which came with watermarks on the money, it was impregnated with the appropriate composition and wound, the cable started working, light returned to the city, on ladoga, on the road of life, navigation
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continued until the winter of '43. january 18, 1900. from the shore of lake ladazh, it became possible to move by land, the blockade was broken, food supplies were replenished, the city survived, the complete liberation of leningrad a year later. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, igor kostyukov, egor chastyakov, ksenia maklyak, channel one, st. petersburg. tomorrow we will celebrate victory day. our entire large country is preparing for the holiday. and new regions too, of course. clean every letter on the monument, cut off excess grass, renew the paint. in the kamyansk-dnieper district of the zaporozhye region, a mass grave is being cleaned up for victory day. on the territory of the memorial there are several fighters, a burial place. the main burial is a little higher, in the rural
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cemetery, where there is a mass grave. this grave contains more than 850 soldiers from different regions of the soviet union. in 1943, the vota line passed here in zaporozhye. a key point in hitler's defense. anti-tank ditches, minefields, wire fences. every village was literally turned into a fortress. our troops tried to break through this line for a whole month. we succeeded in october. he was one of the first to enter the city of melitopol this t-70 tank. entered into an unequal battle with the fascists. was able to knock out several pieces of equipment, and also destroyed several defensive structures along the way, but unfortunately, all the crew members were killed. this year the tank was restored, new tracks, new engines, everything was cleaned and painted, like new on the pedestal, the t-70 tank is ready for victory day.
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they plan to lay flowers at the restored monuments in lugansk. local schoolchildren are preparing a concert. to remember the feat of our ancestors who were able to protect us. and, of course, in all the cities and villages of the new regions, veterans are visited on the eve of the holiday. in mariupol , stepan vasilyevich voloshin, he is 104 years old, is congratulated on the holiday. i went through the soviet-finnish war, then military school and went straight to the front of the great patriotic war. at first, the country began to participate in the capture of airfields, and the airfields were taken over. when the germans were called out from there, i made a detour around the entire airfield and checked the condition. got the hang of commanding a machine gun platoon to release prisoners, kurdish arc, liberation of finland, bessarabia, heavy wounded during anti-aircraft shelling, at 104 years old he is full of strength, i was constantly involved
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in sports and they say that’s all there, then when i was going crazy, don’t miss a single day, so that without exercise, they will remember on victory day all those who left, the immortal regiment action will be held in online format, prepared photographs of their relatives and military personnel. on this day these photos will be with them. liliya lobkova, alexander gurov, channel one. next on our broadcast is a news release. i'll see you in a few minutes. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tygushev. today vladimir putin will take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council . anniversary of the signing of the eac treaty. the meeting will take place in moscow. the leaders of all countries of the association will gather in the russian capital. the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, as well as the prime minister of armenia will arrive. in addition,
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the heads of state of the observers will appear in dreams. uzbekistan and cuba. the meeting participants will discuss the results that were achieved within the framework of the establishment of the union as an authoritative and effective international association. the leaders will also exchange views on promising areas for further deepening. integration processes , it is planned to adopt a number of important documents. armenia is the chairman of the ip this year, and today, as expected, vladimir putin will also hold a separate meeting with the head of the government of the republic, nikol pashinyan. the latest data from the northern military district zone, russian artillery hit camouflaged guns of ukrainian formations along with the units that served them. precision strikes against militants carried out by crew rszzo grad, groupings of troops west. russian pilots carried out a successful operation; bomber and attack aircraft attacked military targets and equipment in isu, and su-30 sm fighters were destroyed by an enemy drone. in this way, it was possible to provide
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cover for the ground forces of the vostok group. on command, the aircraft took off and entered the target search area. a command was received from the officer department to aim at the target, they recognized the target as someone else’s. its defeat, carried out an anti-missile maneuver to escape returned home safely from an enemy air defense missile. new examples of the perseverance and dedication of our soldiers. efritar yulian gezadulin, together with his squad, repelled an attack by militants in the area loyal to him. personally destroyed an enemy group that was trying to attack from the flank. junior sergeant marcel valey, during our assault, saved three russian soldiers who were wounded when they came under fire from cluster shells. provided first aid to the victims and helped evacuate them to a safe zone. in several russian regions, damage from destructive hurricane. in the lipetsk and belgorod regions, gusty winds tore off roofs and tore down trees; in tverskaya, in the village
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of novo-krasivaya, a hurricane smashed outbuildings to pieces and damaged cars. significant destruction in the voronezh region, courtyards strewn with branches, under tree trunks, crushed cars, broken power lines. according to the latest data , more than 35,000 people are still without electricity; almost three hundred specialists have been involved in repair work. emergency work is underway in kursk region, gusty winds damaged the roofs of buildings and uprooted trees. giant tornadoes swept over the region. one of them was caught on a dvr camera. the whirlwind covered the truck, but the car stayed on the road. at least seven people were killed in the israeli strike on gaza. aviation. bombed a residential complex in the east of the city, al-jazeera tv channel reports. according to him, five children were among the dead. there are also reports of idf units shelling a car containing civilians in rafak. as a result of the attack
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two killed, several people injured. israel is now announcing that it is going to launch a full-scale attack on this city, which it is being warned against almost throughout the world. in many western countries, student protests in support of palestine continue. the police... are harshly suppressing them; in paris, fully equipped special forces dispersed the participants in the demonstration, which was organized by students of the university of sarbona. batons were used to enter the entrance, and law enforcement officers used cans of caustic spray. activists also captured one of the audiences university, from there the police dragged them out by force. a massive breach occurred in the border control system at uk airports. the problem was reported to be general. national scale. all over the country, gigantic queues have formed in the departure and arrival areas. a large number of passengers accumulated, including in the kingdom's largest air harbors, heathrow and gatwick. in manchester in edinburgh in
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scotland. people couldn't get through passport control. the failure has now been resolved and the cause is currently being established. on the eve of victory day. special words of gratitude go to our veterans. residents of front-line settlements in the zaporozhye region received congratulations. they were visited by soldiers of the russian armed forces with gifts and flowers. and in barnaul there were participants in the great patriotic war and workers. those who survived the siege of leningrad were congratulated with a solemn parade: servicemen of the strategic missile forces, members of the young army and representatives of public associations marched to the accompaniment of a military orchestra near veterans' houses. archival documents of writers front-line soldiers, as well as information about the real prototypes of the heroes of their works: son of the regiment , mischief here, quiet and hot snow are posted on the website of the ministry of defense. on the eve of the seventy- ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the ministry launched
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a historical and educational section “living books about the main thing.” it contains biographical materials about konstantin simonov, boris vasiliev, valentin kataev. some documents have not been previously published. these materials, as emphasized in the defense department, will help in the fight against falsification of history aimed preserving the memory of the great patriotic war. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. may 8 is already on the calendar. tomorrow is our most important holiday, victory day. there are thousands of monuments in our country that are dedicated to the feat of those who defended our homeland during the great patriotic war. these are, of course, large memorials, and modest obelisks. but there is a place that has a very special meaning for all residents of russia. this is the grave of the unknown soldier in moscow, near the kremlin wall. exactly 57 years ago, on may 8, 1967, a fire broke out here. eternal flame, since then it has never gone out.
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the flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier has not gone out for 57 years; it was lit on may 8, 1967 from the first eternal flame of the armed forces of the soviet socialist republic from the champ de mars in st. petersburg. it is not extinguished even during maintenance; it is transferred to a temporary burner only then preventive maintenance is carried out. so, once a month, so that the flame is always bright and lively. natural gas burns blue, in eternal flame the tongues are orange, due to an artificial lack of oxygen. the monument to the tomb of the unknown soldier was conceived back in 1965, at the forty-first kilometer, builders found a mass grave containing the remains of a soldier without identification marks. the remains of the soldier were placed in a green duralumin coffin, a 1941 helmet was placed on top and left at the monument in honor of the victory.
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over the fascists at the kryukov station in the zelenograd region of moscow, the guard of honor was changed every 2 hours. on december 3, 1966, the honor guard carried the nameless fighter to the belarusian train station, and from there the funeral procession moved to manege square. now it is a symbol of all those who died nameless, and there are more than two million of them, and these are only the soldiers of the red army. we won't be able to find them all, our soldiers. they didn’t fill out the medallion, the fact is that it was believed that if you fill out the paper and put it in the medallion, you will definitely die, now throughout the country there are 600 memory lights and more than 800 eternal flames, one of the brightest on mamayev kurgan, and they lit it from the first eternal flame in volgograd. this hand symbolizes, as it were , the relay of generations, from the dead to the living; the smalt with which the walls are decorated always shines, that is, fire. as if
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spreads throughout the entire hall. there are 7,000 names on the walls, they were chosen randomly; even ten such monuments would not be enough to list everyone who died for stalingrad. eternal flames can be found even in the smallest settlements. the village of mayramadak is hidden among the ossetian mountains. the population is 1,500 people, everyone knows in memory of whom this flame burns. the enemy was driven back, stuck on the approaches to " they had only one way out - this was the corridor in the suar gorge in the village of mayromadak. the village was defended by cadets. during the 10 days of the battle , more than 600 people died, many of them remained unknown, but their feat is remembered. natalya leonova, denis ponomarev, tatyana yus, elena savina, channel one. tomorrow is ours. the most important holiday: victory day,
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the day of our glory of memory, there is an immortal regiment all over the country, and in a variety of formats, in big cities and small villages, and even in the sky, and you too. you are welcome to join. degorskoye gorge, makhchesk. milena senaeva's mother bought a dress for the holiday. every year we prepare to join the immortal regiment. we are preparing poems and stories with my two brothers and classmates. but most importantly, take with you a portrait of sinaev’s great-great-grandfather beg murza. the highest altitude immortal regiment. all the neighbors are preparing for it. there are 1,300 highlanders living in the degorsk village, each with their own hero in the family. zalina kolieva’s family cherishes these letters. eight brothers and great-grandfathers went to the front in '41. one of them is dzombek gabayraev. he began to fight from the first days of the war, and his journey
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continued from the north caucasus, and his life was cut short near kharkov in 1942. in honor of the gabayraev brothers in vladikovkaz they named street, and descendants come out every year with their portraits. here the highlands in the native land of the heroes are remembered. the immortal regiment is on high, in the sky above ugra. daria is a pilot of the bars aerobatic team. on the glass is a photograph of kanorezov's great-grandfather georgy grigorievich. he was called up to fight in 1941 and was wounded twice in the neck.
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and also nikolai fedorovich bushuev, sofya fedorovna elcheninova, all front-line soldiers, this is their personal immortal regiment, pride and gratitude for the great feat. nikolay pudin, victoria edinova, liliya lobkova, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. for me the most the main thing was that the uniform was always
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ironed, the arrows, the collar, i just can’t imagine myself in civilian clothes. sometimes there is a purple one, a turban, it can be combined with... in a word , zarina’s mother’s wardrobe does not suit her, all the flowers are just camouflage in her case, yes, a fashion verdict, a new season, today is the first, it’s fantastic, vodka veda, stellar product group. product of stellar group burbon storsman product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin сnop, product of
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stellar group, on the day of victory at the first, and what it was you who got drunk there, dark-skinned woman, comrade commander. may after the program the time
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was satisfied with the ruins of the reichstag, an important historical date, on this day exactly 75 years ago in 1949 a monument was opened in berlin. warrior-liberator, one of the recognized masterpieces of the world famous sculptor yevgeny vuchetich. the park is considered to be the prototype of the warrior-liberators. nikolai masalov on april 30, 1945, a soviet infantryman carried a three-year-old german girl out from under shelling in berlin. the shootout went sideways. then i'll go to the floor a dead woman lies. and something pulls her child back. it seemed to wake her up. i then took him under my left hand and returned half a century back. but there were many such stories; when they were looking for a child from the monument, 200 women responded. somebody.
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how there is a very powerful structure inside, the arms should have been made a little more powerful, 85 m from
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the feet to the tip of the sword, the largest sculpture in the world at the time of its creation in sixty-seven, clothes like the counterweight of the goddess of victory nike of samothrace. 800 tons of reinforced concrete are supported by themselves, we we call our cousin, according to the principle of stability, our mother’s homeland, the astankino tower, the famous volzhanka has nerves of steel, more than 100 arm-thick cables pull up the figure from the inside. this place is called the heart of the mother’s homeland, because here the cables stretched from the right hand with a sword and the left one are thrown back, we are at chest level, not long left, in clear weather from the top of the head another of polina buchetich is visible, lenin on the volga-don canal 24 km away , but if you look from the outside, the mother’s homeland is being closed by a fighter with a grenade, symbolically, why without a uniform mouth?
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on the pobeda channel on may 9 at 20:30. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chiterikov, stanislav kizhnyakov, dmitry krivtsov, channel one. residents of crimea and sevastopol will celebrate a double holiday tomorrow. victory day and the day of liberation from the nazi invaders. on may 9, 1944, the red banner fluttered over sevastopol. heroic sevastopol was under siege for 250 long days and was destroyed almost to the ground.
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we led the troops into battle and headed for victory, straighten everyone’s shoulders, show your beautiful smile, let’s begin. legendary sevastopol now sounds everywhere in a variety of interpretations. guitar chords on the kornilov embankment, already on the primorsky boulevard. picks up the accordion. sevastopol sings, dances and dresses up. on
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victory day, the chestnut trees always light up with white candles, and the flower beds are filled with colors. at the moment, gatsaniya, petonia and , of course, begonia are being planted. here begonias are white and there are red ones. for our victory day holiday , red. and everyone wants to be involved in the celebration, so the residents of sevastopol are all as one. with st. george's ribbons, those who have not yet made it are helped out by victory volunteers. it would seem that this is a piece of fabric, but it is such a powerful symbol that brings joy to everyone we meet on the streets. everyone is smiling, everyone asks to immediately attach them not only about dancing and flower beds, the heart, two big holidays on one day, but about the memory of those who did not return from the battlefield, who died in the occupation, disappeared without trace, they are all now in the book of memory of the city of the hero of sevastopol, the decision to create it was made exactly 35 years ago, these are these
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small lines on the pages of the book of memory for the thousands of participants in the battles for sevastopol, thousands of women, children, and guests of the white city, i would like to wish all veterans good health, so that they have someone to take care of them and live as long as possible. i want to wish you that the spirit that you have always had will never fade. happy holiday, dear ones, we wish you happiness, health, strength of spirit, everything will be fine. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, vladimir repin and alexey nikozakov,
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sevastopol, channel one. may 9 victory day is a holiday with tears in our eyes, a day our glory, our memory, and we have no right to forget at what cost the great victory was won, and what terrible evil the enemies brought to our land, the bells of khatyn ring, and this is our memory. khatyn is a belarusian village, which during the war the nazis burned down along with its inhabitants. in place of the burned houses there is now such a stylized scoop, with a chimney scorched by fire, if...
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the dogs are breaking, shots are fired from people’s wings. peasant ksenia kurlovich herself entered the burning house to spare the children. she goes to to her burning house, and a fascist runs after her with a cylinder behind his back and pours gasoline on her. but here they didn’t keep her children, of course. of course, yes, everyone died. in 1944, when the red army liberated belarus,
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the retreating nazis used the civilian population as a human shield, driving people to death camps. and zarichi, one of the three. such camps where prisoners were taken in frosty march. the structure of the azarichi death camp was primitive, but at the same time cruel. the nazis surrounded this swamp with barbed wire and actually drove people into this water. they stood knee-deep in water and could neither lie down nor sit down. and under these conditions , the average life expectancy was only 3 days. for 10 days the camp existed, and out of almost 50 thousand prisoners, 20,000 died. and
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it spread to the advancing units, as it happened, the epidemic was prevented in the army, but how many civilians the disease killed is unknown, one thing is clear: during the war years , 18 million people of different nationalities were captured by hitler, 11 million were destroyed, only 7 million returned home. sergey abramov sotnik, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one, republic of belarus. the neva remembers, the albs remember, and dulay, raise the cat’s head up, give birth for you, because you are
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a sailor, a bear, a sailor does not cry, for a child’s laughter for the hunch of gleb, wait, hold on, i will be with you, howls. “camilla, today the general’s car was blown up, what if this happens again, it’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, but i’m 100% sure, there’s no fuse in the warehouse and there
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can’t be one, i didn’t think that death is like that quickly, they arrested my brother, military the reptile ordered this, he is specifically taking revenge on me, taking revenge, for what? don’t shoot, hear, you don’t have to shoot, according to the laws. wartime, the enemy is behind you, watch the time after the program, low bow to you, our dear veterans, thank you very much for your simply incredible feat, for defending our land from the enemy and winning us a great victory, strength to you and of course, health , happiness, please live long, we really, really need you, so you walk, hold on with one hand and walk. at 98, alexander mikhailovich pogaev easily walks on an exercise machine a whole hour, military training, training your strength and endurance is a habit left over
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from the times of the great patriotic war. when the war began, alexander mikhailovich was working in the cotton fields in uzbekistan. we found out after lunch, we quit work, khutor arrived, we were horrified, wept, and so on, and that was the end of it. our experiences about the beginning of the war, that is , we were far from the front line, in the forty-second conscription, the long battle journey began from the far east, six months in the trenches waiting for the war with japan, then the western front, training as a gunner on an anti-tank gun, from there to defend leningrad, there were almost no tanks here in the marshy areas, became a mortar operator, i had to learn everything quickly on the fly. began to master the nomadic way of waging war, that is, shoot while running, get
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out of there and run away before you are spotted, well , that’s what happened except for one time, when we were literally caught flying close, flying straight into our uh battery. here i escaped with minor wounds, my entire overcoat was covered in blood, was also seriously wounded in the battles for the sample, and was restored to service again. alexander mikhailovich remained faithful to military affairs and after the victory, he served in the pacific fleet in a secret unit. here they sent me a medal at the age of 60, they began to openly name the nuclear weapons of the terakyan fleet, but before that they were.
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winter olympic games in sochi. elena savina, channel one. news release, see you in a few minutes. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. in the central russian regions, emergency services are eliminating the consequences of a devastating hurricane. gusty winds tore off the roofs of buildings and damaged trees and power poles. in the voronezh region alone, more than 35 thousand people still remain without electricity; almost three hundred specialists have been involved in emergency rescue work, which is about 90 repair teams. the damage is being calculated in the tula region; in the village of novo-krasivaya, a hurricane destroyed
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a farm in smithereens. buildings, damaged cars, giant whirlwinds were filmed by motorists in the kursk region, in one of a truck was hit by a crater, but the multi-ton vehicle remained on the road; in courses itself , roofs were torn off and trees were torn out by the roots. there is no information about casualties. the disaster also affected the lipetsk and belgorod regions. in special operation news, our bomber and attack aircraft attacked military targets and equipment in su. the su-30 cm fighter destroyed the enemy. drone. thus , our military pilots provide cover for the ground forces of the vostok group. precision strikes against militants were carried out artillery grouping troops west. rszzo grad crews hit ukrainian formations with camouflaged self-propelled guns. this allowed russian attack aircraft to move forward and occupy new positions. some of our units are advancing, we need to take some
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strong points, targets are coming. we are working on it, then it depends on what orders will come next, infantry, mortar units, reconnaissance groups, there are tanks, artillery, well, it’s always different. new video footage from ukraine is being circulated on the internet, where forced mobilization is underway. in the odessa region, a military registration and enlistment office employee knocked a man to the ground and kicked him; he did not even resist; those watching what was happening chose not to interfere. it is unknown how the matter ended. ends, in one of the ukrainian villages, an external surveillance camera captured how three men with buckets in their hands, they were walking for water, managed to hide in the courtyard of the house from the military registration and enlistment office employees, they pursued potential recruits in a minibus, eventually losing sight of those running away, and drove on. . berlin police prohibited today and tomorrow the display of everything connected with russia during commemorative events in honor of victory day. on may 8 and 9
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, do not bring soviet and russian symbols, st. george ribbons to war memorials, it is prohibited to wear army uniforms of the anti-hitler coalition troops, to sing and play marching songs of those years. the russian and german embassies considered this decision of the berlin authorities unacceptable. in essence, they prohibit everything that is inextricably linked with the liberation of germany and europe from nazism. our diplomatic missions reminded for the peaceful sky above, the soviet union paid with the lives of over 27 million of its citizens. we demand the complete abolition of the relevant prohibitions, we consider them as discrimination, contrary to the spirit of the post-war historical reconciliation of the peoples of russia and germany, we are convinced that all concerned residents of the federal republic of germany should have the opportunity to honor
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the memory and pay tribute with dignity, in accordance with established long-standing traditions. kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and the prime minister of armenia, who will be joined by the heads of state of the observers, uzbekistan and cuba. the leaders will discuss the results that were achieved within the framework of establishing the union as an authoritative and effective international one. and will also exchange views on promising directions for further deepening integration processes. it is planned to sign a number of important documents. armenia is chairing the yaas this year, and today vladimir putin is also expected to hold a separate meeting with the head of the government of the republic, nikol pashinyan. on the eve of the great holiday, victory day, all attention to our veterans. most are already advanced in age, so
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congratulations are accepted at home. in the orenburg region, for timofey ivanovich kudryavtsev and his wife nina andreevna, military personnel of the strategic missile forces and cadets of the presidential school staged a whole parade at the gates of their house. they marched solemnly to the music of the orchestra and performed songs of the war years. the military marched in orderly ranks in front of the house of alexander ivanovich kolatushkin, a veteran of the great patriotic war and tester at the kapustinyar test site. he was a participant in the legendary victory parade.
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forward to our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, that’s all for now, stay with us, the program will continue to air on channel one, good morning, good morning to everyone who meets you. this day together with the first channel, polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov are with you, and today is may 8th - wednesday. tomorrow is our most important holiday - victory day. exactly at 10:00 am moscow time, the main military parade on red square will begin. channel one will show it in all details, from the most unexpected angles, the way only he can do it. for you, dear tv viewers, as always , only the best seats are reserved. we know exactly where the best places will be to watch the country's main parade. let's get a feel for the scale. let's look at everything in detail on the first, may 9th. if you count the number
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of cameras involved in the broadcast of the victory parade, then it is about 60. the cameras that are used in the broadcast are action cameras, and there are cranes, steadicams, cars that roll, showing all the beauty in motion. the bug is actually a machine, as if on racing rally rushes along the paving stones, takes a perfectly smooth picture. look, i will overwhelm the machine, it will try to keep the camera in the position where it is pointed. there is also electronic stabilization in the camera itself. dives under the tanks and meets the minister's convertible. from the heart of red square to the stone bridge we stretched 2 km. cable, just for the sake of one such view. this camera will shoot the plan that was depicted on the 100 ruble bill. 6 issues. our eyes are everywhere. see what you can't see you definitely
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haven’t seen the parade from this angle yet. the new broadcast point is here on sofiyskaya embankment. this, by the way, is the most technically difficult location; specialists with mountaineering training can work. the camera floats on... we specially chose the trajectory of our movement to prevent cables from getting into the frame, to have the clearest beautiful picture for tv viewers, panoramas that will take your breath away, we don’t just broadcast the parade, we create the effect of presence, dozens of ultra-sensitive microphones let you hear... the hardest thing is to make sure that everything matches the picture, that it doesn’t work out, that your guns are fired, but they show you something else. all this is live, with no room for error, the best parade is tomorrow, the first one
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will show it. rita larkina, stepan erofeev, konstantin struchkov and dmitry gortienko, channel one. the great patriotic war died down 79 years ago, but we have no right to forget it. we have no right to forget the feat of those who achieved this great victory for us at incredible cost. alexander ivanovich rygachev he went to war very young, became a platoon commander of a separate anti-aircraft artillery regiment, and met victory near budapest. this collection of songs was composed or performed by my fellow soldiers. mainly when duty is more or less quiet at night.
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we decided to hang them on our shoulders and walk barefoot along the highway, and we came from arzhenikidze to tbilisi, along the georgian military road, for six months at the baku anti-aircraft artillery school, then to the third and fourth ukrainian front, in forty-third, he was then 19 and immediately a commander platoon into a separate anti-aircraft artillery regiment, small... caliber artillery, they bombed so terribly that the barrel turned red from prolonged firing, at night you can see how it set such rings, then the second, i think, oh
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my god, of my four guns, already two don’t work, i looked around, the neighbors had the same thing, here we are, our first battle in this battle. they fired hundreds of guns, shot down four or five bombers, and then had to fire back like this more than once, especially during fierce battles. remembers were for budapest. by this time, it was already 1944, our soldiers, you know, had become so experienced, they cleared the highway to the side, to the side, to the side, to the side, they walked along the open highway, ours stood on the side of the road, then, when necessary , ours from the sides, theirs from the flanks along this road, the army gu...
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it’s terrible when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more friend in the program to live great, today on the first, alexander ivanov, i’m sorry, but what are you doing here, don’t believe me, i was passing by purely by chance, looking at our bus, i think i’ll come in and say hello, otherwise it’s somehow not intelligent. “i know that i am not guilty, and you need
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to prove it, you have 24 hours to do this, it’s time to discuss the assault plan with the cathedral, first we need to distract him, you are not here officially and are not a hostage specialist, bloodhound, new episodes from may 13 on the first, so the petals grew, and don’t forget on the bed, on the bed they were also with a heart, alexander ivanov with with an ordinary heart, i am aware, ilya, thank you for usually with a heart." are you understood here? yes, call me! good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, we wish you a great mood. polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov are with you. and on the calendar, may 8 is wednesday. tomorrow is our most important holiday - the day of victory, the day of our glory, our memory. a low bow and many thanks to everyone who keeps this memory back to us, to those who find, restore and preserve the relics of the great patriotic war, like the hero of our next report. this lorry was pulled out from the bottom of the shas
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reservoir in the tuna region 6 years ago. in november 1941, the car was shot by the nazis, the crew died; it remained standing on the ice when our area was liberated from the german occupiers. local residents picked up the crew and buried them in the village. the engine was removed from the car and left on the ice. in the spring, the lorry went under water. and igor dernovsky helped the search engines find her. this year polutorka again took part in the joyride in moscow, for the fifth year.
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boring. denis siraev has a different story, his father and he are restorers. there are gases and wilis in their garage, now they are preparing for the holiday. you should definitely check the oil before leaving. yes, you need to top it up. half-level. essentially, the only thing left to plan is how to powder your nose. all the mechanisms have been restored long ago, the batteries are modern, the electrics have been replaced, like on this gaz-67. they found it in feodosia, collected it bit by bit; denis’s grandfather and makar’s great-grandfather drove this great national car. makar, put on a furashka, the grandfather is sitting in the frame of the furashka. oh, now definitely on him you'll be similar. on may 9th it will be used to congratulate veterans. and this is the rarest gas - 61416, a total of 36 of them were released from june 1941 to the beginning of 1942. the artillery limber was clinging, it was a shell.
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we will celebrate victory day, our whole large country is preparing for the holiday, and new regions too, of course, clean every letter on the monument, cut off excess grass, renew the paint. in the dnieper district of the zaporozhye region , a mass grave is being tidied up for victory day. several soldiers are buried on the territory of the memorial. the main burial is located just above the village cemetery, where there is a mass grave. this grave contains more than 850 soldiers from other regions of the soviet union. in
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1943, the voton line, a key point of hitler’s defense, passed here. anti-tank ditches, minefields, wire fences. every village was literally turned into a fortress. our troops tried to break through this line for a whole month. we succeeded in october. this t-70 tank was one of the first to enter the city of melitopol. entered into an unequal battle with fascist tanks, was able to knock out several pieces of equipment. he also destroyed several defensive structures along the way. well, unfortunately, it was hit. and all crew members died. this year the tank was restored, new tracks, new engines. everything has been cleaned, painted, like new on the pedestal, the t-70 tank is ready for victory day! they are planning to lay flowers at the restored monuments in lugansk, local schoolchildren are preparing a concert to remember the feat of our ancestors who were able to protect us. and, of course, in all cities and villages
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of new regions on the eve of the holiday visiting veterans. in mariupol , they congratulate stepan vasilyevich voloshin on the holiday, he is 100. 4 years old, went through the soviet-finnish war, then military school straight to the great patriotic front. at first, the country began to participate in the capture of airfields, there were battles for the airfield when the germans were squeezed out, from there, i made a detour around the airfield and checked the condition, and had the opportunity to command a machine-gun platoon to release prisoners, kursk.
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first channel. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. on the first channel maybe there is only one russian folk instrument. who else are you? i am the host of the program game and harmony, my love. and you can’t check kvn: the major league, the new season, on saturday on the first, a terrible dream of a rovenkovsky peasant, well , great, nonsense, biden, biden, further and
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further from us there is such a huge war in which we won, but we have no right to forget about it, and we have no right to forget about those who... won our great victory for us, in our country there are thousands of monuments to the heroes of that war, both huge, majestic and famous and small, modest, but all of them from the word the memory that we are obliged to preserve, the final touches, welded, painted for the road, the spouses evgeniy boriskin and anna volkova climb the long ridge to install a homemade monument on it. in the autumn of '43 our soldiers walked along these paths. to break through the so-called blue line, the well-fortified defense lines of nazi troops on the taman peninsula. here everything was strewn with mines, minefields and barbed barriers, here is when we start looking, here are fragments from mines, the remains of barbed wire tense, knocking the germans out of here, and
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they went to the heights. about 200 fighters died in this particular place, the names of half of them have been identified so far. work has been going on here for 18 years, and dead soldiers continue to be found. last year, evgenia and anna discovered two more, and with them soldiers’ medallions. rarity. raising a fighter with a medallion is a great success. for the search engine. and we were incredibly lucky that we found two at once. here. and those identified and relatives were found and reburied, everything is fine. stepan usachov from bashkiria, dmitry besedin from the krasnodar territory, presumably intelligence officers. judging by the fact that the fighters were in close proximity to the firing point. it was probably a big surprise for them when they came under dagger fire and actually lay down, because
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literally 20 meters away there was one german firing point, and another 30 meters ahead of the second, it was probably reconnaissance in force, the search engines say, at the cost of their lives these people showed army, where the enemy strongholds are located, in memory of these two fighters, evgenia and anna decided to build a monument, materials, what... for these lands the soldiers of the red army fought for a long time, exhausting battles, huge losses, thousands of soldiers died here, in october
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1943 the blue line of defense of the nazis was broken, the taman peninsula was completely liberated. mikhail volkov, elena savina, channel one. siege of leningrad 872 terrible days. the enemy did everything to strangle and destroy the city on the neva. but the city survived. the road of life is the only transport route - a thin thread that connected leningrad with the mainland. in osinovetskaya harbor on the shore of ladaga is deserted. this pier is a fishing pier. it is not used for navigation, but during the years of the siege, it was here at the lighthouse that thousands of leningraders waited for salvation. by september 8, 1941, the pskov and novgorod regions, the city of mga, and shliselburg were captured. leningrad, in blaka. we are following the route cape osinovets, the village of kabona, this is the only remaining route from besieged
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leningrad to the mainland, in 1941 it was called the road of death. the distance to the eastern shore is 27 km, the lake is the size of seas, plus strong winds. most of the ships on lake ladore were sunk due to shelling by enemy aircraft. precisely because of natural conditions, precisely because of storms, because of difficult weather conditions on ladoga. in winter, another element is the ladoga ice, this is the most terrible exhibit of the museum of defense of the siege of leningrad. during the first winter, the semi-trucks failed one after another on the way to evacuation. why, no one understands. cars with cargo go to leningrad, they are heavy, they get to leningrad without falling through. then the cars that come from leningrad with people. they are lighter, and of course, the driver wants to quickly bring people who are hungry to the mainland, and these cars fail. scientists find the reason: resonance, the coincidence
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of the speed of the car with the current under the ice, and what kind of speed, the deflector showed, was made, as they say, on the knee, from the base of a sewing machine and a cast-iron fence. the only thing missing here is a recorder with a pencil. as a result, it was calculated that resonance occurs at a speed of 35 km/h. published. order to move or faster or slower, semi-trucks began to reach the eastern coast more often, but the city is running out of light, warmth, an energy blockade begins, how to survive the next winter? nina vasilyevna sokolova, the first woman in the ussr, vodolas, supervised the lifting of equipment from the bottom of the lake, in the summer of forty -two she proposed the idea of ​​delivering fuel, delivered in tanks across lake ladazh by water, but... naturally, all this was bombed, this is a very small a bit reached the city, and she came up with the idea of ​​laying a gas pipeline along the bottom
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lake ladora, they work under the nose of the enemy, most often at night, and they also pull electric cables along the bottom, but in leningrad they are quickly running out of insulating materials. they suggested using paper from the leningrad mint, that is, which came with watermarks on the money, it was impregnated with the appropriate composition. we wound up, the cable started working, light returns to the city, on ladoga, on the road of life, navigation continues until the winter of 43. on january 18, 1943 , the troops of the leningrad volkov front closed in and threw the enemy back 9-12 km from shores of lake ladazh, it became possible to travel by land, the blockade was broken, food supplies were replenished, the city...
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a real holiday gift to all lovers of excellent big cinema for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders on victory day on may 9, watch films that have already become available on our channel the iconic saboteur crimea and the saboteur tape, the first of the legendary epic. and i want to finish the war as a colonel three times with the order of the red banner and the red star. colonels leonid fillatov and alexey bobrikov sounds. student may 9 bobrikov and fillatov are traditionally with us, ready to carry out combat missions, we are jumping, you are an abnormal commander, just like 20 years ago, when the first saboteur appeared on the screen, these guys immediately became family to us, two intelligence school graduates are their commander , grigory koltygin. who is koltygin? unit commander, senior
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lieutenant, master of his craft when we were there. the war played a cruel joke on so many people, even the strongest. this is a story about people who did their jobs, and... they then paid for it in full . i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, we’re in deep trouble, back, quickly, run, i’m a fan of the first and second
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part, and who are you? i'm, well, a king. it’s interesting, when we had scenes together, they met a little with some kind of eye contact, well, from the game, i understood this was their story, and what story is this charming fraulein hiding? margot schmit, personal assistant to the port director. can i step away? we'll meet for lunch in 20 minutes. margot will have dinner with bobrikov. walk on the edge, froyal shmit. this
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he lives above my boss, so now it’s better to speak quietly. tomorrow is the ninth. joseph kobrin, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. today, vladimir putin will take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the signing of the eu treaty. the meeting will take place in moscow. leaders of all countries of the association will gather in the russian capital. the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, as well as the prime minister of armenia will arrive. in addition, the heads of observer states will join,
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uzbekistan and cuba. the meeting participants will discuss the results. which were achieved within the framework of the formation of the union as an authoritative and effective international association. the leaders will also exchange views on promising areas for further deepening integration processes. it is planned to adopt a number of important documents. this year the yas chair is armenia. and today, as expected, vladimir putin will also hold a separate meeting with the head of the government of the republic, nikol pashinyan. latest data from the nwo zone, russian artillery hit za.
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several russian regions are assessing the damage from the devastating hurricane. in the lipetsk and belgorod regions, gusty winds tore off roofs and felled trees; in the tula village of nova krasivaya, a hurricane smashed outbuildings to pieces and damaged cars. significant destruction of the boronezh region, yards strewn with branches, under tree trunks, crushed cars, broken power lines. according to the latest data , more than 35 thousand people are still without electricity. almost three hundred specialists were involved in the repair work. emergency work is underway in the kursk region. gusty winds damaged the roofs of the building and uprooted trees.
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giant tornadoes swept over the region. one of them was caught on a dvr camera. vihore hit the truck, but the car stayed on the road. around the world, seven people were killed as a result of israel's strike on gaza. aviation bombed a residential complex in the east of the city, al-jazeera tv channel reports. according to him, five children were among the dead. it is also reported shelling of the mitsakhal unit on a car containing civilians in rafah. as a result of the attack , two people were killed and several people were injured. israel keeps saying that it is going to launch a full-scale attack on this city, which it is warned against almost all over the world. in many western countries, student protests in support of palestine continue. police. likens. in paris, fully equipped special forces dispersed participants in a demonstration staged by students from sarbona university. the entrance came with batons, the law enforcement officers used caustic spray cans. the activists also
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seized one of the university classrooms, and the police dragged them out by force. a massive failure has occurred in the border control system at uk airports. the problem is reported. was on a national scale. all over the country, gigantic queues have formed in the departure and arrival areas. a large number of passengers accumulated, including in the largest air harbors of the kingdom. heathrow, gatwick, manchester, edinburgh, scotland. people couldn't get through passport control. to the failure has now been fixed, and what caused it is currently being determined. to the canon of victory day. special words of gratitude are addressed to our veterans. residents accepted congratulations. front-line settlements of the zaporozhye region, they were visited by soldiers of the russian armed forces with gifts and flowers; a parade was held in barnaul for the participants of the great patriotic war and those who survived the siege of leningrad. military personnel
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of the strategic missile forces, members of the young army and representatives of public associations marched to the accompaniment of military band at veterans' houses. ceremonial events in vladivostok, the victory train arrived there. behind are tynda, khabarovsk and usuriysk. and now the retro composition is at the final point of the route. on mobile platforms there is military equipment from the great patriotic war, in the carriages there is a unique exhibition: photographs, documents, personal belongings, soldiers, officers, samples, military uniforms and weapons. archival documents of writers, front-line soldiers, as well as information about the real prototypes of the heroes of their works: the son of the regiment, the dawn of the elements here, hot snow. posted on website of the ministry of defense. on the eve of the seventy- ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the ministry launched a historical and educational section “living books about the main thing.” it contains biographical materials about konstantin simonov, boris vasiliev,
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valentin kataev. some documents have not been previously published. these materials, as emphasized in the defense department, will help in the fight against falsification of history aimed at preserving the memory of the great patriotic war. that's all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of the first channel will continue with the good program morning. good morning, our dear tv viewers, we are glad that you are with us, we hope that you are in a wonderful mood and almost like summer, at least warm. nikita pimenov and polina tsvetkova are with you today. good morning everyone. the pobeda tv channel celebrates its fifth birthday. we, of course, sincerely congratulate you and your colleagues on your first five-year plan. you are doing the right, very necessary and important thing, and we all enjoy watching you. keep it up and new victories for you. they've been talking about the great patriotic war longer than it lasted 5 years ago. the pobeda tv channel was created as a festive channel for the seventy-fifth anniversary
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of victory in the war. when we started the program, for example, we thought how long it could go on air daily, i don’t know, a year or two. now the topics don’t end, it’s more exciting than any detective story. their children, grandchildren, stories of the war years, film crews follow them to every corner of the country to hear and then tell the viewer, to convey not only information, emotions, this began... these were good frosts strong, the worst thing is the cold, there is nothing to drown and this was, it was some kind of nightmare, i remember it with horror, the stories on the channel are from documents in declassified archives, not every journalist can boast that he conducted a real investigation, found something what we haven’t read or heard about yet, exactly along the convoy along which... now we see the parade, we
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reconstructed the parade of the year forty-five, what it was like. daria khubova, creative producer and director. footage of the victory parade on red square in 1945 was collected from the military leaving the barracks at 63 am before the dance after the parade. in the previous short versions this did not happen, like a lot of other rain, for example, we had to raise the weather reports every minute, there were wet parts through and through, but the mood was still of course.
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bring us to our knees, but all as one, our, oh, i can’t, emotions, emotional on the channel and talk shows in the historical path to victory, discussing little-known facts and events, strategies and prerequisites for the war. sometimes in conversations with our experts we even go back to the 19th century, when we are looking for some the background to the events of 1940 is very interesting. films of the war years. and reconstructions are also broadcast on the tv channel every day and, of course, on may 9. anna obrosimova, dmitry parfenov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. tomorrow is our most important holiday, victory day, the day of our glory of memory throughout the country, the immortal regiment. and what does it have to do with it. in a variety
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of formats, in big cities and small villages, and even in the sky, and you too can join. degorskoye uleje, makhchesk. mileni senaeva, my mother bought a dress for the holiday. every year we prepare to go to immortal regiment, we are preparing poems, stories, with my two brothers, with classmates, but most importantly, with us, a portrait about...
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the caucasus and his life ended near kharkov in 1942. a street was named in honor of the gabayraev brothers in vladikavkaz, and descendants come out with their portraits every year. here the highlands in the native land of the heroes are remembered. the immortal regiment is on high, in the sky above ugra. daria is a pilot of the bars aerobatic team. on the glass is a photograph of kanorezov's great-grandfather georgy grigorievich. he was called up for war in 1941, was wounded twice in the neck in the leg, from 1942 to 943, he fought in the fiftieth ski brigade, this brigade helped tankers in the winter - in offensive operations. all pilots have portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the cockpit, and thousands more photographs of front-line heroes on board. immortal regiment. the shashkins from the nizhny novgorod village
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of protasovo always get together on victory day, recalls his grandfather and great-grandfather alexander petrovich bobrov. i ended up in the fifteenth tank division, fought near kharkov, crossed the house, their family has my grandfather’s suitcase, there are letters, medals, they re-read together, they have a large family, and there are 13 heroes . and also nikolai fedorovich bushuev, sofia fedorovna elcheninova, all front-line soldiers, this is their personal immortal regiment. pride and gratitude for a great feat. nikolay pudin, victoria edinova, liliya lobkova, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. on the day of victory on the first. romeo, hold the car, commander. calm down, romeo, let's sit down calmly. attention,
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earth. well done, guy. commander. only old men go into battle. may 9, after the program time. product stellar group romca product stellar group. veeta vodka is a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. this is the day of victory. victory day. festive evening. may 9 on the first. the option i
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offer you is the best. 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared. our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, you can have an autograph, i have admired the autograph since my youth, anna evseeva is an actress, and her relatives give double the rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, i’m a full-fledged atheist and in general there’s no place to take tests, again for old times’ sake, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, they decided to hit him in the face, until he decided.
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this is the soul of slatyn. well, now we invite sports fans to the screens, especially, of course, football fans. the results of the twenty -seventh round of the russian championship in the material of our colleague, sports commentator of channel one, viktor gusev. dynamo forward konstantin tyukavin managed to create a real football masterpiece in the twenty-seventh round of the russian championship. the main scorer of the blue and white scored his fourteenth goal in the game against sochi. effectively hitting the opponent's goal with a roundhouse heel. this goal will undoubtedly be considered the best of the season. well, the dynamo sochi match itself turned out to be incredibly tense. the guests responded to the muscovites twice with their effective attacks,
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and the second goal from the southerners deserves special mention. chilean midfielder ignacio saavedra famously fired from outside the penalty area into the corner of igor's goal. nevertheless, at the end of injury time, he came out instead, cameroonian mumin gamalyo brought the white-blues an important victory (3:2). dynamo not only caught up with krasnodar in the table, but came very close to the leading zenit, which unexpectedly lost points in the meeting with the voronezh torch, while at first the game went according to the zenit scenario, which opened the scoring through the efforts of the brazilian team, with claudinho finishing with a smart pass.
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having received a pass from the best assistant of our championship, maxim glushenkov, he fired a magnificent shot into the top corner. thanks to this victory, the lokomotiv players beat spartak, which unexpectedly played a 0:0 draw with the rin club. the spartak team has a meeting with krasnodar ahead, which, according to tradition, promises to be bright. well, the highlight of the program in the next round will be the zenit cska match. on the calendar, may 8 is already tomorrow. our most important holiday is victory day. there are thousands of monuments in our country that are dedicated to the feat of those who defended our homeland during the great patriotic war. these are, of course, large memorials, and modest obelisks. there is a place that has a very special meaning for to all residents of russia, this is the grave of the unknown
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soldier in moscow, near the kremlin wall. exactly 57 years ago, on may 8, 1967, an eternal flame broke out here, and since then it has never gone out. the flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier has not gone out for 57 years; it was lit on may 8, 1967, and... the first afsr eternal flame from the champ de mars in st. petersburg. it is not extinguished even during maintenance; it is transferred to a temporary burner only then preventive maintenance is carried out. so, once a month, so that the flame is always bright and lively. natural gas burns blue in eternal fire tongues are orange due to an artificial lack of oxygen. the monument to the tomb of the unknown soldier was conceived back in 1965. at the forty-first kilometer, builders found a mass grave containing the remains of an
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unmarked soldier. the remains of the soldier were placed in a green duralumin coffin, a 1941 model helmet was placed on top and left at the monument in honor of the victory over the nazis near kryukov station in the moscow region, zelenograd. the honorary karau changed every 2 hours. on december 3 , 1966, he carried the honorary karau in his arms nameless fighter. to the belorussian station, from there the funeral procession moved to manezhnaya square. now this is a symbol of everyone who died nameless, and there are more than 2 million of them, and these are only the soldiers of the red army. we won’t be able to find them all; our soldiers simply didn’t fill out the medallion. the fact is that it was believed that if you fill out the paper and put it in a medallion, you will definitely die. there are now 600 memorial lights and more than 800 eternal lights throughout the country. one of the brightest on the mamayev kurgan, and it was lit from the first eternal flame in volgograd. this
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the hand symbolizes, as it were, the relay of generations, from the dead to the living, the smalt with which the walls are decorated always shines, that is, the fire seems to spread throughout the entire hall. there are 7,000 names on the walls, they were chosen randomly; even ten such monuments would not be enough to list everyone who died for stalingrad. eternal flames can be found even in the smallest settlements. the village of mayramadak is hidden among the ossetian mountains. the population is one and a half thousand people, everyone knows in memory of whom this flame burns. the enemy was driven back, stuck on approaching the arginia kidze, they had only one exit left - this was the corridor in the suar gorge in the village of mayramadak. the village was defended by cadets. during the 10 days of the battle , more than 600 people died, many of whom were left behind... but their feat is remembered. natalya leonova, denis ponomarev, tatyana
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yus, elena savina, channel one. an important historical date: on this day, exactly 75 years ago, in 1949 , a monument was opened in berlin: the warrior-liberator, one of the recognized masterpieces of the world famous sculptor yevgeny vuchetich. as a prototype nikolai masalov is considered to be the warrior-liberator of the streptov park. on april 30, 1945, a soviet infantryman carried a three-year-old german girl from under fire in berlin. there was a second shootout with you. when i pose a murdered woman lies. and something pulls her child back. it seemed to wake her up. i then took him under my left hand and returned half a hundred miles away. but there were many such stories, when they were looking for a child from the monument, 200 women responded,
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someone saw the sexten madonna, raphael’s masterpiece was saved by our soldiers in dressden, he himself evgeny buchetvich considered the image to be collective. let's beat swords into plowshares, donated to the un in 1959, also a collective portrait. the sculptor was inspired by the torsos of wrestler boris gurevich and weightlifter anatoly markov. it was a joke that the mother’s homeland had men’s hands, but in reality this is not entirely true, because since there is a very
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powerful structure inside, the hands had to be made a little more powerful, 85 m from the feet. to the tip of the sword, the largest sculpture in the world at the time of its creation in sixty-seven, clothes like goddess of victory nike of samothrace, counterweight. 8.00 tons of reinforced concrete are supported by themselves. we call the cousin on the principle of stability, mother's birth, aslanka tower. the famous volzhanka has nerves of steel; more than 100 arm-thick cables pull her figure from the inside. this place is called the heart of the mother’s homeland, because the cables stretched from the right hand converge here. sword and left thrown back, we are at chest level, not long left, in clear weather another of pauline buchetich is visible from the top, lenin on the volga-don canal, 24 km away, but if you look at it from the outside, the mother’s homeland is being closed by a fighter with a grenade, it’s symbolic why without a uniform the branch
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of the army is not important, the face of army commander vasily chukov, they were friends, they chopped wood here together, he’s like that... thanks for the victory. broadcast from magnitogorsk on the pobeda channel on may 9 at 20:30. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail charikov, stanislav kizhnyakov, channel one. on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. i remember the infantry. for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not
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scary. a great song written by alexander vasilyevich alexander.
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victory day, festive evening on may 9. on the first, a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain, he had, of course, an exceptional gift, he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor rooseville knew about what stalin knew. and he knew almost everything, thanks to kim filth. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation, all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want
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to marry you. shootings from the personal. archive and true history of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby, secret war. on sunday on the first. low bow to you, our dear veterans, thank you so much for your simply incredible feat, for the fact that you defended our land from the enemy and won a great victory for us. strength to you and of course, health and happiness, please live long, you are on. very, very necessary, so you walk, you hold on with one hand and walk, at 98, alexander mikhailovich pogaev easily walks on a simulator for an hour, military training, training your strength and endurance is a habit left over from the times of the great patriotic war. when the war began, alexander mikhailovich was working in
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the cotton fields in uzbekistan. we found out after lunch and we quit work. get out of there and run away before they spot you, well, that’s what happened, except for one
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time, when we were literally caught nearby, flew straight to our battery, here i escaped with minor injuries. he was also seriously wounded in the battles for the sample, but he was restored to service again. alexander mikhailovich remained faithful to military affairs and after the victory, he served in the pacific fleet in a secret unit. here they sent me a medal for 60 years of nuclear weapons of the terakyan fleet, they began to openly call it, and before that there were hf, such and such, hf, such and such. this is how i serve them. retired from the pacific fleet, he speaks and never thought of resting, goes in for sports, grows vegetables and fruits, keeps a diary, and also heads the vladikavkaz runners club.
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alexander mikhailovich ran his first marathon at the age of 60, and at the age of 88 he became a torchbearer for the winter olympic games in sochi. elena savina, channel one. our program continues right now, we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of the first. channel, we will find out what events have happened in the country in the world, by this hour, the news broadcast is on air, i'll see you in a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. in the central russian regions, emergency services are eliminating the consequences of a devastating hurricane. gusty winds tore off the roofs of buildings, hurt trees and power poles. in the voronezh region alone, more than 35,000 people still remain without electricity. almost three hundred specialists were involved in emergency rescue operations, which is about 90 repair
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teams. the damage is counted in the tula region. in the village of novokrasivaya, a hurricane blew away in a cap outbuilding, damaged cars. giant whirlwinds were filmed by motorists in the kursk region. a truck hit one of the craters, but the multi-ton vehicle stayed on the road. but in kursk itself the roofs were torn off. trees are uprooted. there is no information about casualties. the disaster also affected the lipetsk and belgorod regions. in addition to the special operation news, our bomber and attack aircraft attacked military targets and equipment in isu. a su-30 sm fighter destroyed an enemy drone. thus, our military pilots provide covering the ground forces of the vostok group. high-precision strikes against the militants were carried out by artillery groups of western troops. rszzo calculations. the hail was hit by camouflaged self-propelled guns of ukrainian formations, this allowed russian attack aircraft to move forward and occupy new positions.
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some of our units are advancing, we need to take away some strong points, targets arrive, we work them out, then it depends on what orders will come next. infantry, mortar units, reconnaissance groups, there are tanks, artillery, well, it’s always different. new video footage from ukraine is being distributed on the internet, where forced mobilization is in full swing. in the odessa region , a military registration and enlistment office employee knocked a man to the ground and kicked him. he didn’t even resist; those watching what was happening chose not to interfere. it is unknown how the matter ended; the recording ends. and in one of the ukrainian villages, an external surveillance camera captured how three men with buckets in their hands, they were walking for water, managed to hide in the courtyard of the house from the military registration and enlistment office employees, those pursued. potential recruits in a minibus, eventually losing sight of those fleeing, and drove on. berlin police have banned the display of anything
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related to russia today and tomorrow during commemorative events in honor of victory day. on may 8 and 9 , soviet and russian symbols cannot be brought to war memorials. st. george's ribbons. it is forbidden to wear army uniforms of the anti-hitler coalition troops, to sing and play marching songs of those years. the russian embassy. considered this decision of the berlin authorities unacceptable, in fact they prohibit everything that is inextricably linked with the liberation of germany and europe from nazism. our diplomatic missions were reminded for the peaceful sky above. we demand the complete abolition of the relevant prohibitions, we consider them as discrimination, contrary to the spirit of the post-war historical reconciliation of the peoples of russia and germany, and we are convinced that all concerned residents of the federal republic of germany should have the opportunity
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to comply with dignity. with established long-standing traditions, to honor the memory and pay tribute to the fallen red army soldiers and victims of nazism. a meeting will take place today in moscow supreme eurasian economic council, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the signing of the eac treaty. the meeting will be attended by vladimir putin, as well as the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and the prime minister of armenia, who will be joined by the heads of observer states of uzbekistan and cuba. the leaders will discuss the results of which. succeeded in establishing the union as an authoritative and effective international association, and also exchanged views on promising areas for further deepening integration processes. it is planned to sign a number of important documents. this year’s chairman is armenia, and today, as expected, vladimir putin will also hold a separate meeting with the head of the government of the republic, nikol pashinyan. on the eve of the great holiday, victory day,
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most of our veterans are already of advanced age, so congratulations are received at home. in the orenburg region for timofey ivanovich kudryavtsev and his wife nina andreevna, military personnel of the missile forces, strategic appointments, cadets presidential school, staged a whole parade at the gates of their house. they marched solemnly to the music of the orchestra and performed songs of the war years. the military marched in orderly ranks in front of the house of a veteran of the great patriotic war, a tester at the kapustin yar test site. alexander ivanovich kolatushkin. he was a participant in the legendary victory parade of 1945 on red square. the hero's feat inspires our today's defenders, those who fight in the special operation zone. on the eve of may 9, they post portraits of their ancestors, participants in the great patriotic war on a tank-machine-gun. i think he would be proud of me as i continue his path. i think this is correct. and i also encourage
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everyone to do the same. our spirit, our pride, we continue and will, we will crush fascism and we will go forward for our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. the immortal regiment in this format has already become a tradition for the participants of the northern military district; anyone can join the action; this year it is taking place online. that's all for now, stay with us. the program will continue to air on channel one "good morning". good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, polina tsvitkova and nikita are with you. and today is may 8, wednesday. tomorrow is our most important holiday, victory day. exactly at 10:00 am moscow time, the main military parade on red square will begin. channel one will show him in every detail, from the most unexpected angles, as only he can do. for you, dear tv viewers, as always, only the best seats are reserved. we know exactly where
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the best viewing spots will be.
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will shoot the plan that was depicted on the 100 ruble bill of the sixty-second year of issue. our eyes are everywhere. see what you can’t see from the stands, from this angle, you definitely haven’t seen the parade yet, the new broadcast point is here on sofiyskaya embankment. this, by the way, is the most technically difficult location; specialists with mountaineering training can work. the camera hovers at a height of seventy-five meters, the length of the cable car is almost a kilometer. we specifically chose the trajectory of our movement to prevent the cables from getting into the frame, so that there would be as clean and beautiful as possible. tilka for tv viewers, panoramas that will take your breath away, we don’t just broadcast the parade, we create the effect of presence, dozens of ultra-sensitive microphones will allow you to hear the breathing of red square, the most difficult thing
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is to catch everything to coincide with the picture, so that it doesn’t look like your guns are going off , and you are showing something else, all this is live, with no room for error, the best parade is tomorrow, the first one will show it, residents of crimea and sevastopol will celebrate a double holiday tomorrow: victory day and victory day liberation from the nazi invaders. on may 9, 1944, the red banner fluttered over sevastopol. heroic sevastopol remained under siege for 250 long days, was destroyed almost to the ground, sevastopol was revived by the whole country, of course, everything is ready on the peninsula, all week the black sea fleet orchestra plays in the parade at important events in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, because well, how could we not music on such
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a holiday? music aims people to remember those years, not to forget the veterans, then orchestras sounded everywhere in parks on the streets, troops were led into battle and directed to victory. straighten your shoulders to everyone, show your beautiful smile, let's begin! the legendary sevastopol now sounds everywhere in a variety of interpretations. guitar chords on the kornilov embankment, already on the seaside boulevard they are picked up by an accordion. sevastopol sings, dances and dresses up, on victory day the chestnut trees always light up with white candles, the flower beds are spilled with colors. at the moment, ogotsaniya, pythonia and, of course, begonia are being planted; begonia is white and
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there are red ones. for our victory day holiday , red. and everyone wants to be involved in the celebration, so the residents of sevastopol all wear st. george’s ribbons. those who have not yet made it are being helped out. victory volunteers, it would seem that this is a piece of fabric, but such a powerful symbol that pleases everyone we meet on the streets of the city, everyone smiles, everyone asks to immediately attach to their hearts, two big holidays on one day, but they are not only about dancing and flower beds, about the memory of those who did not return from the battlefield, who died in the occupation, went missing, they are all now in the book of memory of the city of the hero of sevastopol, the decision to create it was made exactly... 35 years ago, these small lines on the pages of the book of memory for thousands of participants in the battles for sevastopol, thousands women, children and many others, this is the only place where their last name can be read and their contribution to the common victory can be understood. those
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who came from the war, who fought for the city, participants in the defense and liberation of sevastopol, were congratulated all week and will continue to be congratulated, and veterans even go you don’t need to go anywhere, there’s a mini-parade right under the windows. of course , everyone joins in the congratulations, both native sevastopol residents and guests of the white city. i would like to wish all veterans good health, so that they have someone to take care of them and live as long as possible. i want to wish you that the spirit that you have always had will never fade. happy holiday, dear ones, we wish you happiness, health, strength of spirit, everything will be fine. ksenia ionkina, ksenia makhlyak, vladimir repin and alexey nikozakov. sevastopol, first channel. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, we wish you a great mood. polina tsvetkova and nikita pimenov are with you. and on the calendar may 8 is
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wednesday. tomorrow is our most important holiday - victory day, the day of our glory, our memory. a low bow and many thanks to everyone who keeps this memory and returns it to us, to those who look for it. on the ice in the spring, the lorry went under water, ivan shchukoldin and igor dernovsky helped the search engines get it, began to restore it, the glass from a similar car, almost all of the wood is original, it’s oak, it has withstood water, the headlights have also been around since then... and, of course, now the car is running, to start
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the engine you need to open the fuel tap, turn on the ignition, press the clutch, press the starter, the starter button, it under the leg, under the right, here in the upper part, oh, it started up, this year the lorry is again a participant in the joy in moscow, for the fifth year, the red one. denis siraev has a different story, his father and he are restorers, there are gases and wilis in their garage, they are now preparing for the holiday. you definitely need to check the oil before leaving. yes, you need to top up half-level. in fact, what remains is the plan, how to powder the nose, all the mechanisms have long been restored, the batteries are modern, the electrics have been replaced, like on this gaz-67, feodosia found it, collected it bit by bit, denis’s grandfather, makar’s great-grandfather drove such a great national car. makar, put on a furashka, the grandfather is sitting in the frame of the furashka, oh, now
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you’ll definitely look like him, on may 9th you’ll be wearing it to congratulate veterans, and this is the rarest gas 61416, a total of 36 pieces were released, from june forty-one to the beginning of forty-two artillery limber, this is a shell box, a seventy-six -caliber cannon clung to it, but since the cannon could not be found until... the car was ready, but the engine was the original gas-11, the car was found in the leningrad region, restored by yuri kotikov already in samara, the frame, axles, the rear part of the body were found, the radiator grill was found, the car was fully operational , ready for the holiday, anna gazhala, sergey smyslov, artyom lepekin, the first channel, for me the most important thing was the form so that was always ironed, arrows, collar, i just. i can’t imagine my look in civilian clothes, sometimes
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there’s a purple turban that can be combined with a light green one. in a word, zarina’s mother’s wardrobe does not suit her. all the flowers are just camouflage in her case. yes, a fashion statement, a new season. today is the first one. it is fantastic. may 9, victory day, is a holiday with tears. before our eyes: the day of our glory is our memory, and we have no right to forget at what cost the great victory was won, and what terrible evil the enemies brought to our land, the bells of khatyn are ringing, and this is our memory. khatyn is a belarusian village, which during the war the nazis burned down along with its inhabitants. in place of the burned houses there is now this stylized scoop with a pipe scorched by fire. if you go into the house, you can see a list of those who... lived here, on each chimney a bell rings once every 30
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seconds in memory of the dead, 26 houses, 149 residents, were burned because partisans shot a german officer near the village, several children survived and the only adult, joseph kaminsky, had already come to his senses late at night, the punitive force in the village was not in the ashes, among the corpses of fellow villagers, he found the body of one of his four children. wings of people. kristyanka ksenia kurlovich herself
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entered the burning house to spare the children. she goes to her burning house, and a fascist runs after her with a cylinder behind his back and pours gasoline on her. they didn’t babysit her children. everyone died. in 1944, when the red army liberated belarus, the nazis, retreating, used the civilian population as a human shield, driving people to death camps. azarichi is one of three such camps, where they were taken in frosty march.
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somewhere to sit, i, well, most of them were standing, my feet were already frostbitten, i don’t remember what was on my feet, besides, the nazis infected the prisoners with typhus, so that when they met soviet soldiers, the disease would spread to the advancing units, it happened , the army prevented the epidemic, but how many civilians the disease killed is unknown, one thing is clear: during the war years , 18 million people of different nationalities ended up in hitler’s captivity. 11 million destroyed only 7 million returned home. sergey abramov sotnik, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one, republic of belarus. farther and farther from us is the enormous war in which we won, but we have no right
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to forget about it, and we do not have the right to forget about those who won our great victory for us. there are thousands of monuments to the heroes of that war in our country. and huge, majestic and famous, and small, modest, but they are all from the word memory, which we are obliged to preserve. finishing touches, welding, painting the road. spouses evgeny boriskin and anna volkova climb the long ridge to erect a homemade monument on it. in the autumn of '43 , our soldiers walked along these paths to break through the so-called blue line, the well-fortified nazi defense lines.
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last year, evgenia and anna discovered two more, and with them soldiers’ medallions. rarity. raising a fighter with a medallion is a great success for a search engine. and we were incredibly lucky that we found two at once. here. and those identified and relatives were found, and reburied, everything is fine, yes. stepan usachev from bashkiria, dmitry besedin from the krasnodar territory, presumably. the scouts, judging by the fact that the fighters found themselves in close proximity to the firing point, it was probably a big surprise for them when they came under dagger fire and actually lay down, because literally twenty meters away there was one german firing point, and another 30 meters ahead of the second ,
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it was probably reconnaissance in force, the search engines say, at the cost of their lives these people showed the army where the support base was located point... and the enemy. in memory of these two fighters, evgeniy and anna decided to build a monument. materials, what was found here, a helmet, a fragment of a katyusha shell, a sapper shovel, a mine shank. there is a memorial plaque nearby. i would like not only us to know that the remains of soldiers were located here, but looking at this monument, people will pass by, say, rowers or the same search engines, they will know that they are lying here, lying. the remains of two fighters, so that anyone passing here could stop, bow and say thank you. for these lands the soldiers of the red army fought for a long time, exhausting battles, huge losses, thousands of soldiers died here. in october 43, the blue line of defense of the nazis was broken, the taman peninsula was completely
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liberated. mikhail volkov, elena savina, channel one. already tomorrow. we will celebrate victory day, our whole large country is preparing for the holiday, and new regions too, of course, clean every letter on the monument, cut off excess grass, renew the paint, in the kamyansk-dnieper district of the zaporozhye region it is tidying up for victory day mass grave. on the territory of the memorial there are several soldiers’ burials, the main burial is a little higher, a rural cemetery, there is a mass grave, in this grave there are more than 850 soldiers. different regions of the soviet union. in 1943, there was a line here, the key point of hitler’s defense. anti-tank ditches, minefields, wire fences. every village was literally turned into a fortress. our troops tried to break through this line for a whole month. we succeeded in october. he was one of the first to enter the city of melitopol
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this t-70 tank. he entered into an unequal battle with fascist tanks and was able to knock out several pieces of equipment. also. along the way, he destroyed several defensive structures, but unfortunately, all crew members were killed. this year the tank was restored, new tracks, new engines. all. cleaned and painted, like new on the pedestal. the t-70 tank is ready for victory day. they plan to lay flowers at the restored monuments in lugansk. local schoolchildren are preparing a concert. to remember the words of our ancestors who were able to protect us. and, of course, in veterans are visited in all cities and villages of new regions on the eve of the holiday. in mariupol, stepan vasilyevich voloshin is congratulated on the holiday;
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liberation of finland, bessarabia, severe wound during anti-aircraft shelling, now at 104 years old he is full of strength. i was constantly involved in and they say sports, that’s all there. then, when i worked out, i didn’t miss a single day without exercising. on victory day they will remember all those who have passed away. the immortal regiment event will be held online. the military also prepared photographs of their relatives. in that day these photos will be with them. liliya lobkova, alexander. first channel. a real holiday gift for all fans of great big cinema. to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi
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invaders. on victory day, may 9, watch films on our channel that have already become cult favorites. saboteur crimea and the saboteur tape, the first of the legendary epic. and i want to end the war as a colonel. three times order of the red banner and red star. colonels leonid vilatov and alexey bobrikov. it sounds. just like 20 years ago, when the first one came out saboteur, these guys immediately became family to us, two intelligence school graduates, their commander, grigory koltygin. who is koltygin? unit commander, senior lieutenant, master of his craft, when the three of us were alive. vlad, as anatoly maksimov once said, he said that you are a cell, it’s like the people there are made up of cells, no one
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will help us except ourselves, we need to stick together, we were such a tandem, a single whole, we complemented each other friend, take the tongue, get out of the encirclement, act deftly, cunningly, silently, but how to survive when they don’t trust or give their own, vladislav galkin considered the drama of the saboteur a new look at the war, the war with many people, even the strongest, played a cruel joke, this is a story about people who did their job, and then paid for it in full, i don’t know what yet, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, back, quickly, run, the fan himself and the first second part, and who are you, i’m a king, if you’re interested, how. .. once upon a time, actor alexander oblahov watched a saboteur on tv, and later found himself in the company of his favorite characters. the film saboteur crimea
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continued the tradition of an honest story about the war. july '42, fascist troops occupied sevastopol, to complete the task, saboteurs need someone who knows the crimean paths better than the lines on his palm. and there she is, what? this is the story of the guys, after all, fillatov and bobrikov. and it was very interesting when we had. general scenes of them meeting a little with some glances, well, from the game, i understood this was their story. and what story is this charming fräulein hiding? margot schmidt, personal assistant to the port chief. can i step away? we'll meet for lunch in 20 minutes. margot will have dinner with bobrikov. walk along the edge froen schmidt. we are the boss who lives here. so now it's better to speak quietly. tomorrow may 9 on channel one. two parts at once: the saboteur and the saboteur crimea, a war film about the long road to peace, well , now we’re serving it like rot, i’ll go to sea again on
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a big liner, i’ll plow the oceans. marya bronzova, joseph kobrin, channel one. our morning broadcast ends, thank you very much, that you were with us, we wish you a wonderful, spring, warm mood, nikita pemenov and polina tsvetkova were with you, see you tomorrow at the same time, see you. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the consequences of the hurricane in the central regions of the country, voronezh, tula, belgorod regions and beyond, where the situation is most difficult. points of intersection in big politics and similar thoughts
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regarding russia. results of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china. why, unlike the european union, belgrade does not afraid of chinese investment in goods? a symbol of peace brought to soviet soldiers on the 75th anniversary of the opening of the monument to the war liberator in berlin's treptower park. more than 7,000 red army soldiers rest on the territory of the memorial complex. individual parades for veterans on the eve of victory day and declassified archival documents. about front-line writers. the heroes of each legendary work had prototypes. who are they? several regions of central russia are immediately eliminating the consequences of a powerful hurricane. this is what a voronezh street looks like, fallen trees, scattered parts of the roof, downed power lines. in the region , more than 35 thousand people remain without electricity. a similar picture is in tulsk.


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