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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 8, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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maybe the first suit that is painted so generously in red is not the object of your hopes and dreams, but at least you saw this color from a new side and realized that maybe, despite all your dislike for it , it’s worth softening up and going it suits you, and you can feel about it however you like, but nevertheless it suits you, he hasn’t done anything wrong to you, and the shapes and lines of this suit are also very good for your figure, life brought it all to you at the right time. you somehow, you know, do everything right on time, and the main thing is that at that moment when you find yourself in a somewhat unstable position for yourself, because well, let’s agree that it’s not every day in the morning that you come to a fashionable verdict, it somehow rarely happens in your life, you such a wonderful support group, and here are people who can’t even formulate what exactly they are accusing you of, because there’s nothing like that...
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this is the most important thing about such a contrasting suit, and you’re thinking, now you’re figuring it out and doubt, think that well, here's the plese, of course, well, here's the outfit, of course, it's certainly airy, if it were blue, it wouldn't be better, it wouldn't be, you need to acquire something new, some new experience, especially taking into account the fact , that this contrasting disaggregated animal print really suits you very well, you can have no doubt at all,
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to the hairdresser, makeup artists who made me a miracle of a man, a miracle of a woman, and especially for you, a huge thank you and a huge thank you, i’m incredibly glad to meet you, i'm very, very glad, i'll remember this is for life, yube, congratulations on your future anniversary, be happy, thank you very much, thank you. health and happiness to everyone. and if you,
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like our today’s heroine railya, want to take part in the fashion sentence program, fill out the form on the channel one website. the first channel presents. the heaviest floods this year were in russia, it seemed to everyone that the worst thing was when the water came, but from a medical point of view, all the dangers begin when the water recedes, how to protect yourself and your home, about this and much more in the live program great. so, friends, the strongest floods in
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100 years occurred in russia this spring. i must say that 39 regions were flooded, the pictures really resembled an apocalypse, the urals were flooded, i don’t even remember when it was, the orenburg region, the situation is just really terrible, and i repeat once again, it seems to us all that these pictures are the most terrible, we understand that. people are leaving their homes urgently, we understand that this is a difficult situation for families, but no matter how scary we are from the pictures of the events floods, all this does not directly threaten human life and health, but when the floods pass, when the water recedes, when rodents come, when wells end up with unusable water, when your home becomes dangerous, that’s really it. it must be said
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that in russia a so-called sanitary shield has been created, and since our colleagues, sanitary doctors are our friends, comrades, with whom we are fighting. with everything that falls on the heads of our people, then of course, today we invited rospotrebnadzor to us, i want invite here our guest today, professor, doctor of medical sciences, deputy director for science of the federal scientific center for hygiene of rospotrebnadzor, oksana olegovna senitsina. oksana olegovna, well , at least two words, when the floods came, when this water was everywhere, then...
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samples were taken and analyzed in three regions, especially affected ones, more than 13,000 samples for sanitary-chemical, bacteriological, virological, parasitological indicators. but it’s interesting that contamination, bacteriological contamination is contamination with microbes that will cause diseases, there are many of these diseases, the contamination in the samples was high, the water that eventually came to the population.
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then during the flood these values ​​reached up to ten to the sixth, seventh, and sometimes to the eighth power, that is , the water was a thousand times more contaminated, more than a thousand times , this is very important to understand, because now the water has receded, but everything remains , people have returned, they have wells, they think that these are wells, is the water there clean, michal yegorich, well, we must understand that the main the source of infection is water, it seems to be clean. here we see this water, if we look a little deeper, conduct a bacteriological study, we understand that there are a huge number of bacteria and viruses, and this is a source of infection, so
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the main problem in this case is water, this is the main source of the spread of infection, so when everything seemed to be flooded, rospotrebnadzor was responsible for... rotavirus is an infection that is generally vaccinated accordingly and, in principle, is always present in reservoirs, in especially during the flood, as far as i understand, vaccination went on all the way while there were floods, now it’s not too late to get vaccinated,
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it’s never too late to get vaccinated, because you can get these infections even after the water has gone, but contaminated surfaces remain. the water has receded, dear friends, the water has receded, we will now show you what happens in the houses, when the water has come, people leave, the kryzuna leaves, all the danger goes away, no one lives there in these flooded rooms, when the water recedes, the first thing they do is return rodents, that’s right, andrei petrovich, that is
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, we feel sorry for the flooded furniture, and what’s even worse is that there are rodents there, the main infection that just jumps up, what kind of infection is this? this is a disease that is viral in nature; it is brought by rodents, namely mice, with their feces, when they come into the house.
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whiplash-like symptoms of a whiplash are called and they even appear later, the so-called ones you see as if you were lashed with a whip, but the worst thing is that on the skin it’s still okay, these are the types of damage that occur in internal organs, exactly as shown. we probably saw these images on tv, we
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see them as doctors, we love these people, the territories from which the water has receded. you who treat the premises like this treat the areas to kill the pests that come there, but you must understand that these rules apply to you when you return to your homes. german shavich, everyone is now starting to clean houses that need to be thrown away, because you won’t kill anyone there. we will now have a picture on the screen, now note that we we throw away all soft things, fabric sofas, toys, pillowcases, and absolutely everything that cannot be disinfected. now the rules for cleaning the house, since andrei petrovich said that there are feces, the moment you start cleaning, all this will rise, you will inhale. therefore , a respirator is needed, secondly,
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gloves are needed, you must be well dressed, in this case you will significantly reduce the risk of a possible illness, the possibility of becoming infected, and naturally, the house needs to be ventilated, dried if possible, i want just contact our beloved rospotrebnadzor, oksana olegovna, in fact, when cleaning your house, a person should be... tell me two words, i understand correctly that disinfectants should be used
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in large doses, now exactly where the water has drained, yes the doses should be very large, the most effective means are chlorine-containing preparations, for example, the well-known bleach, it contains somewhere around 15-30% active chlorine, but this kind of bleach needs to be added. per liter of water 50-100 ml, that is, in fact, dilute it only 10 times, with such a concentrated solution, if you wipe the surfaces, then this guarantees the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, and naturally you inhale, you can inhale these vapors, so respirators are extremely necessary, i really want to emphasize the respirator, we have been saying throughout the pandemic that masks do not protect against viruses. they do not protect the country from volatile chlorine, so only respirators,
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nothing more, these are the rules, but while you return to your homes, and we wish you, so that your houses are minimally damaged, if they are severely damaged, then follow all the rules, so that life goes on as usual , as it should be, let’s pause for a minute and then continue, this is not sciatica. viktorovna, stand up in spite of all the diagnoses. this is something that shouldn't have happened. st. petersburg doctors saved the patient’s life; they removed a giant spinal cord tumor. happiness is on schedule. why
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planning is useful and how to build a daily routine correctly. camilla, today the general's car was blown up, what if this happens again? it’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, but i’m 100% sure, there’s no fuse in the warehouse and there can’t be one, i didn’t think death was so quick, his brother was arrested, the military ordered it, the reptile is taking special revenge on me , taking revenge, for what? don’t shoot, hear, don’t shoot, according to the laws of war, the enemy is behind you, watch the time after the program, let’s go, come on, come on or die, we
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stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which is our grandfather eradicated, there is. front line, even the same structures found during the great patriotic war, trenches. your first tank was the t-3476. yes, i am the commander, i am also the shooter, the tank has a ritual. what kind of ritual? well, i called it "memory". he saved me, his armor. everyone take cover, german eyes are in the area. are you calling them germans? well, of course. three shells rapid fire. two such vehicles got out and began unloading troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles. but as a nato country it is not an option to fight against our armed forces, time has chosen us, so now we must try for so that there is peace. premiere, heroes, time has chosen us. may 10 on the first. hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british
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intelligence services, head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers. all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape. and one main meeting of my life, presented by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret
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war. sunday on the first. so, dear ones friends, we are in the kitchen. mikhail yegorovich and i make coffee, which means we will use caffeine. caffeine, about which only good things have been said in recent years, is that caffeine reduces the risks of heart problems, heart attacks, strokes, that’s right, germanshevich, that caffeine reduces. risks of alzheimer's disease, but our topic today will be one way or another devoted to caffeine, but with a negative sign, why, because we will talk about energy drinks, i directly want to emphasize that we doctors work with caffeine as a medicine, and to me i really want
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the maximum permissible dose of caffeine in our medicine to appear on the screen now, if you use... the permissible dose, per day, per day is 400 mg, medications, then you know the maximum , now energy drinks, please give us energy drinks to the studio, here they are energy drinks, we put their name on it, i don’t know why, i would peel everything off. because there is zero benefit from them, there is a lot of harm, that’s why we throw it out so bashfully, this is not advertising, now, this is the scourge of our time and... january 3rd of this year, the duma was supposed to pass a law banning energy drinks, we, as professors, doctors with 35 to
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40 years of experience there, have no explanation why this law was not adopted, there is simply no explanation, i want to invite to us a young man who he worked as a driver, a truck driver, he was 21 years old, and he drove these huge trucks, yura, come here so as not to fall asleep, he drank energy drinks, right? tell me, how many half-liter cans did you drink while driving so as not to fall asleep? six cans a day i drank them and i was in good health, everything was fine, but at one point, when i was traveling with a friend, such a moment happened that i began to feel severe nausea, palpitations, dizziness, and suddenly i got scared. he called an ambulance for me, and i was scared myself, i thought i was dying, everything was nice, it’s good that i had a friend, but imagine that someone didn’t call something, how can this be, i would also add to this law
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truck drivers, a person drank six cans a night, what dose was obtained, which means, look, so you know, the state cares about your health, according to state regulations , energy drink cans should contain no more than 150. maximum 160 mg of caffeine, that is, if we take the dose that we told you is up to 400 mg, it is assumed that you drink two cans of energy drink per day, you exceeded the dose three times and what you had was classic caffeine poisoning, that’s all, look what happened to you, go, why did you take caffeine in order to wake up, what is caffeine, it’s that moment when you drink caffeine,
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you stimulate the brain, you have an increased influence, what is the danger, when this stimulation is very strong, you get the opposite effect, you can lose consciousness, you can have su’. roads, that is, excuse me, ger, when you whip a horse, at some point it will fall, caffeine, it spurs you on, in some doses it’s great, in some doses it’s great, but when you whip three times as much than necessary, any horse falls, this is the first, now the second, he has an arrhythmia, come to us, this is the second consequence of caffeine overdose, this our heart is normal. there is a pacemaker that stimulates our conduction system, the heart contracts rhythmically, at the moment when there is an overdose, i emphasize,
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an overdose of caffeine, the effect appears back, such a rapid heartbeat occurs, but it can be due to a rhythm disturbance, simply fatal, you can lose consciousness and die, everything can stop like that, when the driver loses consciousness even for a few seconds, what can i tell everyone, this is a tragedy, this is a tragedy, of course, we are for banning these drugs because so that all drivers, simply, not only are examined before the flight, they must sign a written confirmation that they do not use energy drinks, because jokes aside, the lives of the people who are around depend on who is driving, therefore.
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energy drinks, these are discos, discos, and there the situation is even much more dangerous, there is a combination with alcohol, which increases the chances of these disorders, arrhythmia, of course, you know, there are situations when it’s good, when you feel bad, now you’re at full strength remembered life, scared. at least you won’t drink energy drinks, please sit down, we wanted to show you something else, you know what to show, we kind of love drinks like coffee and tea, coffee in general is a big science, so i want to place a podium, let ’s compare the amount of caffeine, coffee, tea and energy drinks, first, second and third place, but of course energy drinks are in the very first place, the amount of caffeine there can go off scale. 183,200 e further - tea is in last place, it has about 40-50 mg of caffeine per cup, coffee contains about 90, initially there is two times
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less caffeine than in one can of energy drink, so it is absolutely clear that where coffee is, we said four cups a day improves everything, lowers blood pressure and so on, here the situation is completely different, this the hardest things that are used without observing any dosage at all, so we are absolute supporters of the adoption of this law, because it should be limited, that’s right, it also causes addiction, dependence in a teenager.
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that's it, we're going to our medical platform, this is a normal spinal cord, look, this is a black, even column - this is the spinal cord, the spinal cord has been completely, completely replaced by the tumor, what does this mean? the fact is that through the spinal cord our brain sends commands for movement. of our body, all we do are commands that come into our body through the spinal cord, when there is a tumor in the spinal cord, sooner or later the person is paralyzed, here in st. petersburg at the gene lidze institute of emergency medicine, literally in literally words, barely moving her legs, she wandered, a woman came, when the director of this institute, a famous neurosurgeon, looked at her, he... he
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was faced with the fact that there is practically no way to do an mri of the spinal cord, it is absolutely clear that the woman is paralyzed, but how- then you need to help a person, even if there is one chance in a million. let's look at this story, we'll go from behind, the cervical spine and the thoracic spine, we'll open the thoracic spine, after that... we'll open it, we'll come out the spinal cord, we'll push the posterior columns apart we will remove this formation from the spinal cord. the operation is complicated, the doctor needs to remove the entire tumor without damaging the spinal cord. in this work, the count is not in millimeters, but in necrons. the operating room is absolutely unique, here is a computed tomograph that works right during the operation. this is necessary in order to
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control. was it possible to completely preserve the spinal cord? this means that they all pass screws through the lean structure and do not damage the spinal cord, as i said, the spinal canal, but the patient is sleeping, she believes the doctors, she has already been refused abroad, and now her life is in their hands. will happen only after the patient wakes up, comes out of anesthesia, here is the spinal cord, friends, like this, literally, literally every piece of our body has nerves, the results of the operation can really be judged by a most dramatic story, because when removing
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a tumor, no one... . from the fact that when the operation took place, it turned out that your legs do not move, that’s right, yes, absolutely right, vadim anatolyich himself told me about this, he says, it’s easy for me. i wanted to cry next to her, but he says: this is something that should not have happened, this is something that should not have happened, on my own feet. vadim anatolyevich, dear doctors, but now we need to go to our models, this is our favorite moment in the program, when you took the first step, how many months after.
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it wasn’t, that’s for sure, maybe the doctor didn’t have that much optimism, but the whole team had skill in the hands, that’s right, this is the attending doctor, we have two more doctors sitting here, imagine them, vadim anatolyevich, this is a whole the team was concerned with the life and health of this patient. vadim antolyevich, who is my assistant, konstantin vladimirovich tyulikov, head of the department and anesthetist ilya vladimirovich strakhov, who gave the derailment. so, dear friends, let's spread out around our layout. so, here it is, i’ll show you your damn spinal cord again. i want everyone to hear the symptoms, the first ones, that it can all start with a little anemia, right? how, if
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you remember in retrospect, did it all start for you? you can even say dry skin, which you it seems like your skin is just dry, and this is the first symptom, yes, and then this. this is my favorite call, i tell everyone, there is no need to do anything, you need to do an mri, you agree with me, we lead anatolyevich, list the symptoms for which a person should undergo an examination, so that it does not turn out that the tumor is then 10 cm, where it was located, it was located from the sixth cervical vertebra, at this level. and before the fifth thoracic paralysis , which should have occurred if the operation had not been so successful, well, there should have been weakness in arms, in the hands, this is the first thing, and not me in
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the hands, too, in the arms, everything else from below, plus dysfunction of the pelvic organs and complete paralysis of the legs, inability to hold urine, incontinence of feces, this would be the result, and this...
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she is a cheerful, very purposeful person, and thanks to her such inner peace, she began to recover much faster than she could have. i want to ask the anestheologist, the operation was difficult, why? because it was impossible to relax
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the muscles, it was necessary to leave the working muscles so that neurosurgeons could use special using electrodes to check if they, say, irritate here, whether there is muscle contraction or not, this is a most complex operation, this. a neurosurgical, neurophysiological operation, so it was necessary for the person to sleep, but the muscles were active, and we always relax everything completely under general anesthesia, how did we do it? here, in addition to the impossibility of using relaxants, the restriction also included a restriction on the use of inhalational anesthetics, they went on total intravenous anesthesia, but nevertheless with artificial ventilation of the lungs, well done, what does it say? we prepared, well done, we did it. and another doctor, what was difficult about your work? the difficulty in treating such tumors is, as they say, stopping in time. there are no clear boundaries of the tumor, and we must understand that unnecessary trauma
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to a healthy, preserved spinal cord can lead to harm and disability to the patient. this is precisely what this neurophysiological monitoring is aimed at, about which you have already... well, what can i say to doctors, first after god, thank you, thank you, patients who do not lose optimism, do not fall into depression, who console doctors, when doctors think, lord, why is this so, these are the best patients on earth, thank you very much, i repeat once again that all this happened in st. petersburg, at the gini institute of emergency medicine lidza, the chief operating surgeon is standing in front of you,
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happiness is on a schedule, why planning is useful and how to properly build a daily routine. the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared for you our best apartments. the actress and her relatives are giving a double rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and you are a believer, a full-fledged atheist and in general there is no place to give tests, again for old times, yes mom, you are sick, well, you somehow remember already, they decided to hit you in the face, until you decide, take me by the hand, right? and take you out into the courtyard, i’ll sneak into your limousine, and
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we’ll go to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i don’t alphonse, oh, i'm daydreaming, animator may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is soul from latin. issue may 10 on the first, dear doctors,
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an astronaut on the iss has a heart attack, and to save him, we need one of you, but i’ll tell you right away, this is a very dangerous mission, most likely you will die, perhaps burn out due to overloads, so why are you remained, well, he is attached to my clinic. kvn, major league, new season. on saturday at the first, self-defense courses for pensioners, we have only scanwords, this is a program to live healthy, friends, i stick with the number 52, 52 weeks a year and 52 steps, fortunately we take them once a week, there are icons hanging in our studio, they indicate each of our steps, today’s step is called this: life by the clock, or life according to
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a routine, that’s how we remember, our parents taught us to have a daily routine , daily routine, we believed that this is the curse of our life, this is the curse of our life, we have become adults, and the life of each of us is a strict regimen that gives us satisfaction from our life, by the way, all the surgeons who are sitting here are all doctors, whether we want or not, we have there is a routine... we get up at about the same time, go
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to the operating room, but just tell me, what time do your operations begin? well , the operation starts approximately at 9:00, so at 6:30 i have to get up, well , it ends at about an hour, then the reception begins, and so on until 6:00, well , non-stop, 12 hours is our minimum day, if the operation goes as expected, if it is delayed, then it is delayed, because the surgeon can take 12 hours in the abdominal, the operation even i have noticed patients who comply with this such a daily routine, they are more committed to our therapy, and often this is very important, especially.
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of course, in general, i really love your program, i watch it all the time, i especially really, really like the section 52 steps to happiness, and i decided to change my life for the better with you, so i’ll now hand you over to our doctor gandelman, this is the favorite of all women russia, no one will understand why, and german shalchik, handsome, the fact is that we have natural biorhythms that should not be resisted, take lena and go to our screen, our routine should be shaped around our natural natural biorhythms, please, herman scheid, look at how we live, we wake up at about 6 o'clock in the morning, then our blood pressure rises, cortisol levels rise, peak 6.45, stops, that
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is, nature at 6:45 us will be, because life. melatonin production decreases, our intestines begin to work around 8:30, we need to go to the toilet, at the same time testosterone levels increase, we prepare for activity, we can exercise, wait, herman is rocking his sex, as always, so, look, the first part is an ovation, ovation, ovation for sex from herman sheichi, i directly want to emphasize, so, awakening:
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for health, so this is the time for physical activity, this is about five to 7, our muscle strength is growing, our blood pressure is high again,
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our body temperature is rising, that is, we are ready to spend the calories we have eaten all day. i will emphasize once again that nature has established this, this is not what herman shaich and i are telling about our routine day, these are natural biorhythms, 21 o'clock has come, 9 pm melatonin is produced, we prepare for bed, the intestines also prepare for bed, peristalsis decreases, and after 10 we sleep and are ready to recover.
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i’m not retired yet, so what should your work schedule be like, you should get up and talk about an ordinary person, come to us, you ’ll already leave work at 6 in the morning, now if you’re already retired, that’s right, or work, no, at about 6:30, yeah, you have to work from 8:30 to 50, this is the time you need to devote to some kind of physical activity, you succeed or not, not always, i work in security. no matter what time you leave, you’re not standing with a machine gun and not sitting in an ambush, that’s right, you’re sitting somewhere casually and
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there are some screens in front of you, you need to develop the habit of working after five, physically in place, whatever, it’s just something that needs to be done, how long should it take to develop a habit, andrey petrovich? well, in fact, this was also studied in order to develop this habit of such a routine. it’s clear to follow, what time do you get up? well, today i got up at 5:00 in the morning, well, good, 5
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6:30, great, at 8:30 start an active life, at 5:00 physical education, any, at least some, okay, yes, i’m watching you, so i always try to do as you say, thank you very much, please , well, this was our optimistic call, we are taking one more step towards happiness. and as always, in the end, just one sentence from us, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy. good afternoon, channel one is starting to work live, the program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko and olesya loseva. event number one for the whole world press - this is the inauguration of
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president of the russian federation vladimir putin. the isolation of russia in the end looks like this: all the editorials talk about how vladimir putin took the oath, what he said in his speech and how the guests reacted to it. in germany, they are generally confident that the inauguration ceremony of the russian president split the european union, about this. only us, at the same time he also stated: i will do everything possible, everything in my power to justify your trust, he added, we are united
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and a great nation, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will accomplish and realize everything we dream of, together we will win, but according to the west, everyone’s future should be exclusively american-democratic or not at all, in general, western tv channels have been dismantled and are still being dismantled solemn ceremony. has been in power for a quarter of a century, this is vladimir putin’s fifth term. let's immediately move to the kremlin.


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