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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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we will achieve and realize everything we dream of, together we will win. well, according to the west’s plan, everyone should have a future, exclusively american-democratic or none at all. in general, the western tv channel has been dismantled and is still dismantling the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation literally frame by frame, that’s what they are discussing.
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open to dialogue, but only on equal terms, it was not a very aggressive speech. in his speech after the ceremony, putin thanked the russian soldiers who are participating in the special military operation. he also made several promises to the russian people. first of all , he thanked them for their support and also said that the stability and security of russia is the main priority of his fifth presidential term. the russian president was relaxed and confident during his speech. he made it clear that russia is going through a difficult time. the ceremony was very
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magnificent and well prepared, it was broadcast by all state media, showing how putin left his office, walked along a very long corridor, then he got into a russian-made limousine and went to the palace, where he was greeted with applause by more than 200 people, cannons fired a salute diplomats france was represented at the ceremony, represented by pierre levy, the ambassador who held this post until the start of the war in ukraine, he had to leave the country, but france decided to keep him because he had experience, he had been called to the foreign office many times, most recently this week because of macron's statements about sending troops to ukraine. were invited
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western officials, representatives, ambassadors who are in moscow. we know that canada, the uk and the us did not send anyone to the ceremony, but france, hungary and slovakia did, and i think that speaks for itself. indeed, it’s just that some in europe want to live as they decide, while others want to live as the americans decide. alexey borisovich, well , of course, i also want to parse this according to the words...
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it’s a violation of the rules of the game, when some country allows itself to pursue an independent policy, to determine its own destiny themselves, which, by the way, the president has spoken about more than once, about sovereignty, that today there are really very few states left that can afford to pursue a completely sovereign policy on... primarily aimed at protecting their interests, at promoting their interests taking into account the fair interests of surrounding countries. and now about fear, well , firstly, russia, especially the russian
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leader, has long been demonized in the west. and accordingly, when the image of a demon is created, then, of course, we always watch the demon extremely closely, that is, at first. you need to invent fear for yourself, and then live with this fear, the west came up with this fear for itself, in fact, it also set its citizens up for this, that russia is aggressive, russia will definitely come to you, wait, be afraid, get ready, let's defend ourselves, well, when fear has already been created, of course, you need to look at everything, read everything, interpret everything, this is how today’s political relationships are born, vlad, what did the west want to hear in this? speeches, what i heard and what consequences, including military ones, what decisions may already be being made? it seems to me that the west, of course , was counting on hearing, as it were , a classic set of russian aggression, which they have been feeding themselves for many years, that is
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, they needed such an extremely militarized, extremely threatening, extremely aggressive speech, and having not heard it, they , of course, one way or another they began to be forced to create simulacra. as if there was a clear foreign policy reaction, that is, none of the big ones, so to speak, western leaders did not comment on this in any way , this suggests that they do not have a consensus on how to approach all this, and the most important thing, of course, i say again, these are the basic words that we will decide for ourselves their destiny, they to some extent
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certainly contain a threat to the west, why, because for many decades it treated russia as a state that is practically a satellite, which can, in general, if necessary , be pulled back, if necessary. in place, if something needs to be prohibited, we remember them as i would say, instructions to us when there was a war in yugoslavia, we remember their pulling back when they invaded libya, we remember all this, you know, we remember how they talked to us through their lips when there was an operation in georgia, you know, we we remember all this, but now it turns out that in general there will be nothing more from this, and of course for them this is a threat, because the world they are used to living in, which they built on, is beginning to crumble before our eyes. today's great triangle is the usa, russia, china, and the problem for the united states is that without knocking russia out of this triangle, the united states will never be able to remain this very global hegemon, and the world will become more and more multipolar, and they cannot knock russia out, well, here we are right in
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one , let's say planes, vlad we are thinking, because when they say that these 10 words, well, they see them as a chilling threat, for them it is really a threat, a threat in... we need to twist how correctly this change in the world order was noted which they celebrate, the washington post drew attention, the last article called putin and russia a revolutionary force, which, attention, wants to change the world order and establish its own rules, although the order
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is based on rules, we know who invented it, who actually wants to establish it, just people who are used to living and growing economically , to grow in status influence in the world of plunder on... truly truly alternative, now the imf, surprisingly, is telling us that three independent economic blocs are emerging, and that this all happened after the northern military district, after such economic processes of sanctions that were launched in the west, how unexpectedly, in fact, it will soon become clear that all the analytics, their reflection, which is 15 years old, and putin’s munich speech for 16 years now, we now continue to promote these same narratives, try to bring them to awareness , they begin...
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the speech that putin made after taking office as president of the russian federation was watched with interest by the whole world. in the face of western sanctions, he stressed the importance of the country standing firmly on feet, was united, strong, defended its sovereignty. another important nuance of putin’s speech was that he did not reject the west, but called on it for dialogue, but on equal terms, on the basis of mutual respect, and personally, these statements reminded me of putin’s famous munich speech. what is the reaction? in the usa, we find out right now from john varoli, an american political scientist, he gets in touch with us directly, john,
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hello, yes, hello, good afternoon, how did america react, how did the american media notice it, why not yet comments from big politicians? but our elite is very angry, because your president, well, entered a new term, and as the head of your state, as you remember, 2 years ago the united states declared virtually total. sanctions against your country according to their plan, but this should have ignited an uprising, discontent, mass order, disorder in your country, they hoped that the russian people would overthrow vladimir putin, then return russia to the level of the nineties, there is chaos in this house , then the usa will put its a person to the head of the kremlin, well, to the head of your state, this was their plan, and as we know, on the contrary, now today we see how much... 82% of the russian people will support your president, our elite is absolutely,
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absolutely in shock, that the opposite happened, they were confident of success in their attempt to organize a revolution to overthrow vladimir putin from the head of state, he was sure of this that it would work, to be honest they are very angry, especially think about joe biden, poor joe biden, his popularity rating is how much , about 30%, your president has another 82%. oh, how angry joe biden is, how... as you know, they are all under the control of the white house, they are trying to cast a shadow on the legitimacy of your president, like your
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elections were dishonest, dishonest yes, and well, they continue in this spirit, but you yourself understand, as you remember, what kind of elections we had, presidential elections 4 years ago, you remember how joe biden entered the white house with the help of 40,000 soldiers on the street, but you, your president, did not need 40,000 soldiers on the street under ... because his people are real supports, not like ours, our people do not support our president, but the fact that the french ambassador was at the inauguration ceremony, the american ambassador was not present, how is this regarded in the usa, what signal are the americans sending us with this demarche and how are they reacting to the french who did send their ambassador? i think france cannot act on its own, but rather everything sent him there as a scout, but look at how everything is there, what is happening, don’t look... look, there’s nothing to do with it, once again, he went there as a scout, scouts
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to the intelligence officer, thank you very much, john varol was in direct contact with us from the usa, in general we need to be very careful, of course, to monitor what formulations western journalists choose, many of them say, this vladimir putin, the president of russia, is rebellious, like and russia itself, in general , is surprising, in a country where the statue of liberty stands and who are proud of it as such a state symbol, they do everything. to deprive others of this freedom, this is such a country, a short advertisement and we’ll come back. our eternal memory beats stronger in our chests remembering dalby and bly, raise your heads up for you, motherland, because you are a sailor, a bear, a sailor does not cry for children's laughter, for gleb's little hump,
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wait, hold on!
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satisfied with the ruins of the richstag, we will show the film by sergei from einstein and vangrosny. we need a strong government to crack down on those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia. he predicted much of what is happening to
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russia today. boyars in a situation of war, they begin to be bastards. and the film ivan the terrible, somehow timeless it turns out to be a film, because each era looks at it with its own eyes, finds some answers to its questions, on saturday at the first, every evening i left the office with a large case full of files that i took out from original archival documents, this is what i did regularly year after year, he is called
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a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many reports.
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i can’t say this, it’s still a secret, i can’t even tell you, rallies against the new government in kiev took place in several cities in eastern ukraine, this is war, war against the people of donbass, the donetsk people's republic will respond to the choice. the key motif of the maidan was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens, to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bender, minions of the fascists, well, we would definitely never do that. they didn’t recognize it, this is precisely what we rose up against, we became free from the kiev junta, we only wanted one thing back to russia faster, everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea, what happened now... there is no turning back , retreat there is nowhere further, we are not aggressive, but we will tear anyone for our own, so we will bite our teeth into our land, we still
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defend it, whatever future we would like for our child, without war, liberated territories, life line, premiere on sunday on first. the information channel on the first continues, in response to the militaristic statements of the west about the possible entry of troops into ukraine and the use of western weapons on russian territory, our ministry of defense will conduct exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, and maneuvers belarus will also carry out this, this is also important, the president of the republic lukashenko said that such actions are of a defensive nature. today we are starting to work out the second stage of response measures. for the first time, it is planned to work out the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the review
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is purely defensive in nature. alexander lukashenko has already left for moscow. tomorrow, may 9, he will attend the victory parade. and besides, lukashenko intends to discuss with vladimir putin issues of joint coordination and use of troops using ammunition. the decision to jointly coordinate the training and use of our troops with the russian federation, the use of special ammunition, we will discuss tomorrow with the president of russia and make a final decision, direct control, leadership of the troops, giving signals. but the training, training use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be carried out by the general staffs of belarus and russia in
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accordance with existing interaction plans. vlad, how much is this ours? a joint step with the belarusians on the use of training, as alexander grigorievich emphasized several times, will the shooting affect the decision that nato will make? of course, they will take them into account, because... it’s so demonstrative, we’re doing this for the first time, before this it took place more often in our studios, we discussed the issue of the use of nuclear weapons, how correct it is, how necessary it is, how much we see it now military decisions, you need to understand what tactical nuclear weapons are and what they are used against, that is, the main targets of tactical nuclear weapons are not the troops there in the field, these are specially protected, especially defended, especially important facilities, airfields, command posts, some...
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romania, and then returned to the air base in romania, having worked in the skies of ukraine, in this case, most likely , this airfield may well turn out to be just such a target, or a command post from which combat operations are controlled, that is, in this case we are already in fact. you need to understand one simple thing, this thing, more precisely, with this treaty, nato is trying to prolong the very strategy of boiling the frog that they have been engaged in for all 2 years. remind me
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that yesterday macron let it slip very well that 2 years ago we said that there would never be missiles or tanks, but today we have everything, that’s the story, that there will never be nato troops, yes, but separate contingents of separate countries will appear and creep in, that is, the west understands perfectly well that without direct military participation it will no longer be possible to save ukraine. at the beginning of the first part we said, because the task that the west set was to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, we remember it, it was clearly, clearly
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formulated, no one did this same task... and today representatives of the west themselves admit that their main emphasis was on the economy, yeah, that russia will collapse, the russian economy will collapse under the influence of sanctions, and then take it lukewarm, today, when it becomes obvious to everyone that this did not happen, how can one inflict a strategic defeat, well, only strictly speaking, on the front line, in combat, excuse me.. . in general, few people will ask, because the soldier swore an oath to france, and if france gives him an order, he will go to carry out this order, if he is a soldier, will
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today’s political leaders decide? to warn once again, but it is clear what this escalation can lead to, the exercises have begun, as far as i know, training exercises, there have been no launches yet, but in washington they are still digesting the signal that vladimir putin sent in his speech when he took office, europe is still rattling its sabers, but promises under no circumstances to attack, the baltic states stand alone here in this context, running ahead of the locomotive shouting: “why are we here? the example of estonia is kaya kalos.”
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politicians are like aquarium fish, we will act as such reminders here, as a memory exercise for ms. kallos personally, here is the statement of the commander of the estonian defense forces on may 3 of this year, he directly calls for preparations for a blockade of our ships in the baltic sea. we have significantly improved our maritime capabilities. currently, our navy has both sea mines and anti-ship missiles. together with poland,
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sweden and who have just joined nato, we should be able to solve one of our key problems, a possible blockade in the baltic sea. well, just a few days before, the commander of the estonian army even threatened to bomb russian infrastructure. well, for now the estonians are really slowly realizing something, what’s what? the italian newspaper courier made a statement that nato may announce a refusal to send nato troops to ukraine. no boots on the ground, this is one of the key phrases contained in the draft document, which will be approved by the nato summit scheduled in washington from july 9 to 11. we are talking about ukraine. the north atlantic alliance will not send nato soldiers into battle. the strategy followed by the united states will not change. even against the backdrop of these statements, they still can’t stop making statements.
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they themselves understand this perfectly well, but nevertheless they make such loud statements, for what? do they show that they are ready to be a springboard too? well, of course, the baltic countries, they adhered, just like poland is pursuing a strategy, now in anticipation of, say, the arrival of trump, they still need to maintain that vector, they cannot leave this well-worn rut, so their courses differ from the same italy, from the same austria, which recently after
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dmitry’s statement . an alternative to a negotiated agreement, as long as they see that their costs are from sending soldiers there, until they see a real counterbalance, our opposition, just like exercises with tactical nuclear weapons - this is really genuine
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a step that should lower their best negotiating alternative to an agreement so that they finally begin to think about what real consequences they face, because so far they have really been boiling this frog, and they have sought to boil russia like this frog along with the ukrainians. so that we exhaust our capabilities, so the faster, the more rapidly we move, the sooner their second side of the hemisphere, their consciousness, will begin to realize what alternatives there are to the fact that they do not negotiate, and this will accelerate our arrival at peace in including, and unfortunately, probably a scenario without such a direct nose-to -nose clash between russia and nato is probably impossible, not in terms of a military clash, so that we just at least look.
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failures, the sbu claims that it has allegedly uncovered a conspiracy against zelensky himself. in ukraine , two colonels of the state security department were detained, who, together with three other defendants, were preparing an assassination attempt on vladimir zelensky, the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, the head of gur kirill budanov and other top officials. according to our information, colonels were detained state security department andrey gug and derkach. as you can see, ukrainian officers were detained on suspicion of this. assassination attempts on zelensky, among other things, the sbu did not find anything better than to blame, of course, the russian special services, but even this version did not take root on the sidelines of kiev, that the detained ukrainian officers, i emphasize, worked in
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close connection with the united states, many knew. our source in the president’s office refutes information about the state security colonel’s work for the russian special services. this whole legend is needed was to shift the emphasis from real benefits. in preparation for an operation to eliminate top officials. andrei gug worked closely with us intelligence services, which can be easily traced through official contacts. well, as i understand it, now they have shown us how the rehearsal goes, i am sure that many are really looking forward to the premiere. well , the americans, by the way, have already reacted to such attacks in the white house and are concerned about the alleged assassination attempt on zelensky. well, the united states has not changed its kidney provocations for many years.
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with the americans, no matter how it turns out make such a good sensation, but in any case, any observer, any expert, this very idea, even the first one, when it appeared there in the dead of night on tapes, it immediately caused amazement, why, because in 2 years of war russia did not conduct not a single such special operation having a huge arsenal, having a huge powerful special services, and a certain number of daggers, not a single liquidation on...
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such an expression is the fog of war, yes, when we do not always know what is happening in the gray zone on the front field, let alone fog of intelligence services it is much thicker than the fog of war, so for now we can say one thing: the spiders in the jar are moving, yeah, and that’s good, whoever moves them today, let the security service squabble with the sbu, the sbu squabble with...
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ukrainian troops with are struggling to hold back the wave of russian offensive in the east. moscow says it has seized several hundred square kilometers of ukrainian territory since the beginning of 2024. kiev, in turn , says it is suffering from a shortage of soldiers and delays in supplies from its western allies. lack of ammunition allowed russians to advance in many places, such as avdeevka. now the russian army has a new target - the yar clock. the retreat of ukrainian troops from this city could threaten the defense of the entire region. we are heading towards chasovoy yar.
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it's too risky to drive on these roads at anything less than breakneck speed. russian troops are only a few kilometers away, so their drones pose a constant threat to ukrainian soldiers. the unit of this ukrainian commander was tasked with shooting down drones. the last time we managed to hit a drone was only a week or two ago. the russian lancet was even hooked more than 3 weeks ago. they fly too high, we simply can't. units, they can no longer believe that
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the amount of $60 billion left over from the previous weapons from the united states is already on the way. we will believe that help will arrive when we see new shells with our own eyes. so far we don’t feel any difference from the fact that the west has agreed to give us help. at the moment we are only retreating, for example from such places like avdeevka, and the russians, meanwhile, are seizing villages, we cannot yet change the situation. their weapons are coming off in a ratio of 6: many of those present here believe that the true figure is closer to ten to one, then suddenly some activity was heard on the radio, i asked if i understood correctly that a russian drone hit a ukrainian target, but the drone found hit their target,
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their reconnaissance drones are constantly there, and as soon as they find the target, they immediately attack, if there is still help from the west arrived...
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with the help of heavy artillery and aerospace forces, they defeated the enemy's manpower and equipment in this locality, advanced once again, improved their tactical position, at the moment the guys are gaining a foothold in new positions, and at the same time, urban battles are still ongoing in
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the quarter - east of this settlement, at the moment we can... say that ukrainian militants are trying in every possible way to somehow contain the onslaught of our troops, since new forces are constantly arriving in konstantinovka, which then are sent to the chasovoyar area, and the ukrainian command is trying in every possible way to hide the losses that ukrainian militants are suffering there, well, according to my data , they were taken out of there only in a few days...
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ukrainian propaganda absolutely cannot even cope, and i want to note that ukrainian propaganda is preparing the next victorious reports for tomorrow, at least what they said even earlier, that we must take the may 9th clock, you see, we said, they didn’t take it, here you are right on the spot, as they say, victory on the part of the ukrainian militants, in fact it is absolute. so, since in our country absolutely no one has indicated such a time frame, especially since we all know very well that time is not important here, what is important is the result of preserving the lives of our guys, well , ukrainian militants are doing everything possible for the so-called victories, and of course
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they use terrorist methods, in particular, yesterday a missile attack was carried out on lugansk using those western missiles. drones, which have become the main product of the russian military industry. russian reconnaissance drones such as arlan or more modern supersaam uavs often pose
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a greater risk to ukrainian artillery units than russian counter-battery radars. western-supplied artillery is a priority target for moscow, which has vowed to focus its strikes on such weapons. the dryers take out their anger on civilians; tonight, as we already said, they struck. in lugansk, they also hit gorlovka, on monday, drones of the ukrainian armed forces targeted civilians in belgorod region, hit two buses, seven people were killed, 42 people were injured, the militants struck again at the medical rescuers who arrived to help the victims of the belgorod region, for all of us this is a definite challenge, an important challenge, and we can all become participants in such civil defense , the people's front specially released an application that calls: you can
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take a photo, shoot a video and send it through the people's front to the competent authorities, more than 4,000 people have already downloaded it, join us too, let's stand together to protect our sky, in ukraine , meanwhile, they are openly saying that the loss of the donetsk region for the kiev regime is a matter of the near future. however, this does not mean the end of the conflict. the russians are trying to advance in the kharkov region, especially in the kupinsk region. considering what we see at the front, it often happens that there is no one and nothing to hold back. this is a problem, this is a really big problem. probably the biggest challenge for us today. does the loss of the donetsk region look real? yes, it looks real, but the loss of this area is not equal to losing the war. obviously, this is unpleasant and painful. and it’s a shame, but we should not consider it the norm to nullify large military units, formations, or even an entire army, in order to fundamentally retain something,
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alexey borisvich, are we reading correctly that the defeat of ukraine does not mean in the west and for that among the ukrainians, our victory, correctly, i have already said, the strategic goal, inflicting defeat on russia, has not been canceled, ukraine will end, there will be new ones. ideas there will be new rounds of tension until we are serious countries will not sit down to agree on the new realities of interstate relations, taking into account, as our president has said many times, the interests of all players; unfortunately, this will all continue, and ukraine, no matter how sad it may be, is a bargaining chip in this game. what needs to happen for them to seriously sit down to negotiate? costs should be awareness, and how awareness should come, well , why through costs, through costs, through costs, this is one of the serious elements
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of awareness through costs, and what for them costs today, well, specifically, this is the economy today, tomorrow there may be coffins that will go to their countries, then society can begin, it’s even beneficial for us for their troops to appear here in the meantime, so that the thunder will go off, no, there’s nothing beneficial in that , it’s not necessary for us, camilla, the general’s car was blown up today, if this happens again, it’s dangerous, you
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shouldn’t go, i forbid you, and i’m 100% sure, there’s no fuse in the warehouse and there can’t be, i didn’t think, that death is so fast, they arrested my brother, military the reptile ordered this, she’s taking revenge on me on purpose, taking revenge, for what? do not shoot?
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answer, they have started execution, yes, it worked, your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire on the line, these are our defenses that were broken through, also by the red army, stop this madness, i will give you mine cards, the owner of the secret information that should not reach the germans, it is clear that they managed to convey it, there are documents in this folder.
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for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, there is a front line, even the same structures are found in the great patriotic war, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i am the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual? well, i called him memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, you’re calling him germans, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire, two of these vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles , but nato countries have no option to fight against our armed forces, hurray, hurray, time chose us, so now we must try to ensure that there is peace. premiere, heroes, time chose us. may 10 on
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the first. today we will remember the poet yulia dronina. who would have turned 100 years old on may 10, she was reading a blog, if she was such an exalted young lady, suddenly she was 16 years old at the front, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there, i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, once with him and a thousand in a dream, who says that in war there is no fear, he knows nothing about the war, from a letter from alexei kapler, my little twig, we are starting a completely new life, in which it will be different... they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, then she took him away, it so happened, that yulia dronina tamed this lavilas, this moscow star, that she locked herself in the car and went crazy, she wanted to protect the country that she carried in her heart, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down,
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podcast lab may 10 on the first . in 1954 , the first secretary of the cpsu central committee nikita sergeevich khrushchev decides to transfer crimea to ukraine from the barsky shoulder. he was sure, like the first bolsheviks, that none of this would matter. fanatic, tyrant. there is nothing there, as they like to say, an attempt to bring down the ukrainian bureaucracy or even a gift to my mother, who was born in western ukraine. in a strange way, the protocol was signed not by malenkov, who presided, but for some reason by khrushchev.
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they extended their hands like this and said russia , tears were flowing, it’s a big story, how khrushchev surrendered crimea, on sunday on the first, already tomorrow we will celebrate our most important holiday, the holiday of the great victory, these 4 years of war brought... in our country a lot of grief, tears, troubles, suffering, gunpowder, smoke, soot, destruction, but these 4 years gave us a lot there are many heroes, examples of exploits, courage, love for the fatherland, unbending will, and this era has given us a whole collection of musical and literary works, whoever says that there is no fear in war
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knows nothing about war, everyone knows these lines by yulia drunina, that's it... from the day of birth a new issue of the special project rustoria, which was launched by the ministry of culture of the russian federation together with the russian state library and the first, is dedicated to the soviet poetess. channels in videos tell about important events and outstanding personalities of our country, the story of the life and exploits of yulia drunina right now. on may 10, 1924, poetess yulia drunina was born in moscow. she wrote poetry at the age of 11, attended a literary studio, participated in school competitions for the best poem, but the war made her a poet. adding to yourself year, sixteen-year-old drunina entered
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the sanitary service, completed nursing courses and ended up at the front. together with the retreating units, the young girl was surrounded and spent 13 days getting out of it behind enemy lines. we came to... the front straight from childhood, from my poems, like the wind, i immediately came across gypsies, cowboys, pompas with stripes, and beautiful ladies, she said later. the fight against the enemy and the difficult life at the front shaped yulia’s poetic talent. i 've only seen hand-to-hand combat once, once against eve and a thousand in a dream. anyone who says that war is not scary knows nothing about war. the poetess's heart was filled not with horror of the enemy, but with love. to the homeland and faith in victory. in 1944 , dronina received a shell shock and was discharged from the army. military topics did not leave yulia vladimirovna until the end of her days. she considered herself
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a liaison between those who returned home and those who remained forever on the battlefields. i am connected, even if the roar of the battle died down, my verse remained a report from the battle, from the cauldrons of encirclement, the abyss of defeat, bridgeheads, victorious battles. war is, of course, scary, but our strength is that we know how to overcome fear, we know how to win, we will win this time too, we will definitely win, and tomorrow we will celebrate our great, great holiday. more news on the first. on the day of victory on the first. moscow. red square is the main parade of the country. more than
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9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons. and technology. military parade, dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live, on the first. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. and briefly about the main thing. artillery carousel tactics in action. heavy hail in the special operation zone, targets hit. and in the battle in the sky our su-30 destroyed the enemy.


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