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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 8, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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support from moscow, but in response, as western media write, he received only indignation. chinese president xiding ping has strongly rejected criticism of china over its close relationship with russia during the conflict in ukraine. he firmly defended china's role, recalling that his country was not the source of this crisis, but a participant in it. in combination with the route of the european tour, a hint of the true culprit is more than transparent, then in yugoslavia, now in ukraine, the conflict was provoked by the west and the exit from hungary, a country that, thanks independent politics has become a popular body in europe, but today this means the same thing as being the voice of reason. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov and dmitry matyushin, channel one, serbia, belgrade. and that’s all for now, the program “time will tell” will be broadcast next.
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wait, come on, we don’t need to relax, we need to tense up, we’re on the air on the first channel, friends, hello, we’re glad to see you, we’re glad to welcome you, we’re just like our usual stream from the cosmos pilion, if suddenly, that means the image will flicker in other words, don’t be alarmed, it’s simple here it’s really cool in our pavilion, it’s really cool , well, this is the may weather in moscow, so what do we want to talk about today, if you allow me to make such a short announcement in two, it’s important to just emphasize that we’ll have a big one there. topic, there will obviously be some branches from it, we have good experts, they will probably organize these branches for us, interesting ones, but my main question is this: this means that mass protests by students in europe and the united states, students, of course, why exactly are they performing, why is there such an emphasis on them, because they are young, but already with an attitude, people are active, greyhounds, energetic, but without a convoy, without a burden, so they can, so to speak, practically have nothing to waste, they can afford it, that means they...
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so they think, there is a story with russia with ukraine, which western politicians are methodically, purposefully pumping, pumping. they pump money, they send money, which means they send weapons and so on, but for some reason this doesn’t cause such a wide, real, sincere popular reaction, why why do they think that it’s none of their business, well something like this, well, in a natural way, otherwise it ’s their business, well, it’s really interesting, and in general we’ll talk about the middle east today, but colleagues, if you can answer this question, if it’s not idiotic, then answer, and if it’s idiotic, leave deftly, so to speak, to the middle east as a whole. palestine
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has been on the western agenda for more than 100 years, in fact more than a century, just like russia, this is the western agenda, russia is not, has not been on the western agenda for 73 years, has not been on the western agenda for 73 years in terms of discussing its internal processes, in terms of talking about the fact that it is divided into some parts in terms of the fact that there is ukraine, there is russia, a monumental stable threat,
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this is the first, the first topic for many, many decades in the media, everyone decided on this topic a long time ago, everyone was divided into camps a long time ago, who supports, as i understand it, you know, yes, i understood this idea that about the soviet union, that’s the point of going to demonstrations like let’s destroy the soviet union, what a stupid manifesto, what the hell idiocy, this is a stable, powerful monumental threat, so to speak, well, there’s no point in coming out, it’s like here... there is some kind of prospect, here there is one camp, it’s completely clear, another camp, of the same camp, which means after all, ukrainians and russia - these are not even different lobby camps, after all, a lobby, let’s not forget, the most powerful, the most powerful arab lobby, the most powerful jewish lobby, which is represented in all the world’s largest, so to speak, conclaves, in the us congress, in the white house directly jewish and arab, jewish arab in london arab-muslim, arab-muslim lobby, for example, is stronger than ours and what about us?
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we don’t have any lobby at all, neither strong nor weak, none, they, excuse me, at the level of the american government there are people with muslim surnames, and they openly lobby, the institution of lobbying there is actually quite itself.
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rhetoric of those who today protest against the actions of the tsakhal, i am also aware that this phenomenon is not far from the same beloem, this is the same frankfurt leftist philosophical school, which has taken over all education in the united states of america,
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and these are the fruits, so you say that they have no political background, they are still young, although there is no baggage, i mean there is nothing special to lose, and soon they will have a political one it's already a load, they'll soon be trampled.
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was burning on the topic of the palestinian-israeli conflict, although they had not yet completed the ukrainian conflict, in which they invested enormous amounts of money, money and the american taxpayer should first of all be concerned, probably, with the result these investments, as if to continue the question, that is, ukraine can no longer intercept the agenda, everything is their song of light, excellent. what do you think, they really have no time for us, it seems to me, it seems to me that regarding america, more people live there, again from palestine, from israel, and this topic is more important for them, the agenda for ukraine has now been given simply to europe , well, macron
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happily picked it up like a successful idiot. thank you very much for your call, thank you anatoly, and i’ll remember what i wanted to say, i started about these student what's the rhyme? and then, by the way, many of the leaders of that student protest process , look, they sat down in the european commissions, yes, yes, in the european structures, yes, they are now respectable people, yes, respectable people, they wear suits, they are now , so to speak, i think they are supported by all the same people, of course, by the way, very many of them are jews themselves themselves, but they have nothing to do with either israel or the jewish people; in israel itself there is a very left-wing protest.
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if they decided to shift their efforts to europe, this does not mean that they are not doing this, again, a lot depends on media component, on how... it is covered and what is covered? i believe that in many ways, what happened on october 7 in israel, which led to subsequent events in the gas sector, is a kind of black swan that took off and forced, including the americans, to act on the situation, this is a crisis situation for the americans, the americans do not planned, of course, naturally, they had to really not cancel their plans and not even... fold them, but to outsource them a little, if you want, this is serious
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crisis, we all understand perfectly well that on the eve of the elections, these actions of the trickster named netanyahu are extremely unprofitable for the biden administration, the biden administration is trying to put pressure on this trickster unsuccessfully, they are trying to stop, now there is news that they will stop supplying israel the shelling may be a temporary measure, it may not be stopped again, but it is a fact itself.
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there, and these guys don’t know anything, for them
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in this second world this is socialism and they lived , these are all empty words, general ones, here is palestine and israel thanks to lobbyists, a huge number, plus thanks to the left agenda, how right, why is ukraine not interesting for american students, right, they didn’t live there, and palestine is interesting, but they didn’t live there either, it’s also so far away. a bunch of students from arab countries are there next to them, you also have to understand that in itself there’s a whole brighton beach, i don’t know a lot too a lot the narrative about the liberation of jerusalem has been on the leftist agenda since time immemorial and it’s very much in itself that arafatka has even become a kind some symbol the leftist protester, of course, this has been in this scheme for a long time, so i would like to complement my colleague , i think.
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the winner of the world, what is it called, well , in short, international, yes, world press photo, it seems so, yes, international, this means a competition of the most important, the best photographs, look, this is a mother and niece, calm, with a dead , with the deceased, i don’t know very many people who, yes, who can look at this photograph and seem to feel nothing, but the whole world is now looking at this photo, yes he sees.
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they choose what is clearer, what is closer, this is a disaster, if we talk about the scale, then of course, what is happening today in palestine is a disaster, this, this, this is a concentrate of pain, you know, this is not pain spread over a large territory, on a large scale, this is happening here, now in the moment, thousands of children, thousands of children
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are buried today under the ruins, when we watch this, well, we don’t understand how this is really possible in the 20th century.
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emotionally, it’s like a strong, sensitive topic and we we can leave, let's try, we are people, good, alive, but let's try to abstract ourselves from emotions, yes, let's try to find a technology direction in this, yes again, yes, that means the middle east, goal, tasks and technologies, well, actually, the technology was invented for something, look, let’s say to biden, these are quotes from the politico publication, so they turn to him, as if they were watching us, he says, don’t repeat biden’s mistake from the vietnam war. let's read it. progressive legislators compared recent police crackdowns on student anti-war demonstrations to the deadly response to anti -vietnam war protests more than 50 years ago, warning the biden administration against repeating history. missouri rep. cori bush posted a post commemorating the 54th anniversary
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of the kent state shooting, in which the agaya national guard shot and killed four students and wounded nine others during. protests against the vietnam war. in her post, she compared the historical tragedy with the recent wave of police crackdowns on campuses across the country. students advocating for palestinian liberation also cite a legacy of student resistance to state persecution at turning points throughout american history. i repeat that this is not just to say so, well , not just a reef, look, there are students there and there are students here, that means they are being crushed there and they are being crushed here - the performance of the year sixty-eight cost and de gaulle’s chair, by the way, in europe and the democrats of the presidential place of life and life in the end, let's now contact washington. as it sounds, we will contact washington, ekaterina moore is in direct contact with us, katya, hello, we are very glad to hear from you, in germany we would
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have been screwed, so to speak, but not here, thank god, we live in a good country in the right one, tell me, here are student rallies, here from russia it looks like, of course, i repeat.
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this costs him the election as president, it really reminds us of '68, when republican nixon won precisely because of student protests and the lack of a clear policy, katerina, but it turns out that you yourself are now talking about biden and the elections, that is, these are completely protests, which, how to say, are used in the election race, or it happened by chance, or is someone specially promoting them as... an election fight? well, look, the global liberal agenda, it is not limited to the united states, of course, for globalists,
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netanyahu’s presence as the leader of israel is unprofitable. and my opinion, again, i could be wrong, that in this way the globalists are really trying to put pressure on biden so that he puts pressure on israel, and
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that the palestinian agenda is very old, and i know that the protests, agitators
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on student campuses, they... have been going on for years 50 years ago and in general this whole story is very old, that is, this protest, it was prepared for a very long time. ukraine is, after all, a conflict that happened recently, and the palestinian conflict, palestinian history, anti-israel sentiments, they were nurtured for a very long time, so on the prepared soil, this seed, it fell and sprouted, that soil has long been forgiven, respected, so to speak.
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in 30 years he will not be here, thank you on this high note, thank you katya morterina alesanovna, thank you very much, see you on the air, thank you, by the way, now i want to draw the attention of our respected viewers to the situation in the space pavilion, look behind us , i don’t know what’s happening on street
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, honestly, do you understand? on the one hand, they are not satisfied with netanyahu, on the other hand, biden is their candidate, which they also risk removing, we actually have a cartridge about the fact that the protests are supported by soros, bill gates, that is, people who have always supported biden, so let's see, let's see, the pro-palestinian protesters have received amazing support, this is a great politician, the biggest biden's sponsors are
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pro-palestinian. israel, just like fox news, which supposedly focuses on republicans, is also a big issue, but those who hold such near-trumpist views also support israel, i don’t see a single major american, in any case, the media, which would definitely, like al-jazeera, for example, yes, banned in israel, yes, would support, say, palestinian autonomy or the palestinian cause, so to speak, or even more so
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hamas, just like that. there is simply no publication of them, so no matter what anyone says about the fact that we are joining the support and so on and so on, bankers , by and large, cannot seriously support the palestinians, seriously oppose the interests of israel, until they cannot, after a few years the situation can radically change, but at this stage the world is not yet ripe for the largest tycoons to come into opposition even with an administration that is so critical for them, excuse me, now you will say. attack , i return to my thesis that hamas on israel on october 7 became a black swan, whoever prepared this attack, but he clearly did not play into the hands of those same globalists that we are talking about today.
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we reason, so, the reaction that hamas provoked was precisely the goal of hamas and those who work with hamas, not the destruction of israel - it is physically impossible. but to provoke a reaction, by the way, when russia is poked, either in belgorod or in the crimean bridge, they also count on an inadequate reaction, such as we saw, an acute one, which would turn china, india, the arab world, africa, and so on from us , so, let’s first destroy the center of kiev, well, for example, we don’t give in, but nathanya gave in, you know, he gave in right away, and what he did is hitting business hard, so , he’s really a globalist. not ready today to go against the interests of israel. another question: how do these globalists imagine the interests of israel? in their opinion, netanyahu and his far-right, schizophrenic, fanatical cabinet are generally acting in the interests of israel, are they acting in the interests
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of globalism? no. therefore, globalists today have a very difficult task indeed. on the one hand, we need to put pressure on netanyahu, but we must not overwhelm the situation. why? because if the whole machine actually turns on. it may not be obvious they are today are involved, but the globalists also cannot over-press, this is what determines the situation, those who provoked this situation, that’s who they are, these are these globalists or anti-globalists, i already forgot,
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the iranians are blamed, for example, they say, that ’s it in iran, all the iranian tricks there, what happened weakens israel, in this case, this is not a wish, today voices are heard louder than ever.
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mother, you are all a sailor, a bear, a sailor does not cry for your heads, up in the air, lift up the children's snow for you, your homeland. for gleb's small piece, wait, hold on, i'll be with you, winding, winding into the distance, my little road, moscow, ringing pin, moscow, golden cubalas, this day of victory, disappeared like gunpowder. watch the concert at the state kremlin palace after the evening news. on the day of victory on the first. so, what's going on on the music front? blue handkerchief, okay. dugout, dark-skinned woman,
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comrade commander. we learned their favorite songs by heart a long time ago. what do you play? harp? there is no harp, take the bubin. we know everyone by name. romeo. masha, muglyanka, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, they catch grasshoppers, eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth sanette, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, the same fields, roads, villages, enne, the air is different, and the sky bluer and the earth greener, we will be. to live, they will live as long as we remember, only old men go into battle, may 9, after the program, time, and if they give you a division, where are the balalaikas, we’ll collect
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several wounds, shell shock and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this whole terrible war, after i tried to expel my first year student. both me and sasha sbroev, for the fact that we are not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded, such speed, he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic.
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interrogations, all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby, secret. war on sunday on the first, sport
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works wonders, stress goes away, anxiety, well, i recommend you a series of beauty injections, yes, you have a tension here, yes there is a tension, let’s count three, one, what passions, let’s discuss this in a cafe, is this some kind of new guy, new guy, have you started looking at strangers? “it seems to me that with my lifestyle and my character, a man does not suit me at all, we are announcing a plan to intercept, colleagues, what do you think, should i become a blonde, your honor has not suffered, you don’t like all this, for the sake of i’m ready for you for all this, even in the rain, sasha, hello, bloodhound, new episodes from may 13th on the first.
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the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of oles losev ruslan atashki. exactly 79 years ago, on may 8, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender of nazi germany was signed. after hitler's suicide, the germans feared complete annihilation. the soviet threat, which they constantly feared, they hastened to capitulate, but not to the soviet union, but to our belated allies, the united states and great britain. the act was signed on may 7, but moscow refused to recognize it as valid, stalin demanded that the surrender be signed in berlin, taken by our troops, on may 8, germany at 22:43. central european time, for us it was may 9, 0:43 minutes,
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capitulated to the soviet union, after the signing of the final act, the present act, the german government was dissolved, and the armed german troops completely laid down their arms, moscow says, from military surrender, "we, the undersigned, acting on behalf of the german supreme command, we agree to the unconditional surrender of all our armed forces on land, at sea and in the air, as well as all forces currently under german command, to the supreme command of the red army.
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wrote that it is impossible to cancel the fact of surrender to the western powers, well , it is also impossible to admit it, yeah, so it was a trick, it was an attempt to commit such a political... the germans were afraid that by signing the surrender to the soviet troops, they would essentially, well, you know, they refused all from the greatness of the west as such, because this was the main content of the reich, and by admitting defeat to the soviet
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troops, they were thus betraying the entire western world, the americans and the british tried to play on this, they said, well , okay, let's...
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which cannot be revised, you can change the historiography, but it is impossible to change historical facts, they have already happened, well, you see, then they did not manage to chop off this piece of the victorious pie, they are trying years later to somehow get it grab it, bite it off, which is what we see now, what’s happening, it looks like it was all an agreement back then, of course, our troops were still storming berlin. let me remind you that at that time zhukov concentrated simply terrifying firepower, there were thousands of guns per square kilometer, and at the same time there were these special operations with searchlights carried out to blind the defending positions. hitler then introduced both hitler jugent and the population in order to stall for time, he tried to come to an agreement with
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the west. the west was already preparing to fight with the soviet union, the west was already lists of those wehrmacht officers, those intelligence officers. who will be naturalized, go to the usa, develop their economy, i remind you, von braun, the founder of nasa, the entire rocket industry of germany, a number of german intelligence officers became ideologists of the cia, and we now see the methods that are used in germany, these are former german officers , who escaped the nuremberg tribunal, the americans sent them as their own, let’s call them employees, supposedly their agents, i remind you that the elements of nato were already being laid back then. already elements related to the nuclear bomb were laid down, that is, all the scientists, all the developments that were decided, developed by germany, the americans tried to drag these weapons of retaliation that they created to themselves, they already understood then that they would fight with the soviet union, their strategy on different continents, it has not changed even now,
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to prevent the dominance of any one force, the balance of power, this is the most key thing for them, then they were afraid that the soviet union would... that it would heat up even more, but all the time remembers, we remember too, we remember our past and of course we will remember our present. on may 1, a large-scale exhibition of captured nato equipment and weapons opened in moscow, leopards and bradleys, dozens of drones, everyone can see more than thirty samples
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of foreign combat vehicles, as they tried to convince us of the invincible ones that were destroyed by our soldiers in the zone of a special military operation... what will you do when western countries provide battle tanks to the ukrainian army, which will definitely happen.
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poklonnaya gora, moscow, nato exhibition weapons that were captured during a special military operation by our guys, look how many people have gathered here, of course, enemy tanks are attracting a lot of attention, especially the leopard tank, look here. there’s no crowding, it ’s right there somewhere, this
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leopard 26 tank was captured in 2024 in ovdeevka in berdych. so this is the tank. was discovered by us by means of technical reconnaissance in the ovdeevsky direction, was evacuated after receiving damage to the track, this was a collision with anti-tank mine, and accordingly was disabled by the use of fpv drones by our units, who would have thought that... enemy equipment, yes, tracked, including tanks, a leopard, will now be standing in the center of the capital, with the muzzle down ,
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yes, so as not to show off too much, well, this is a bow to our russian land, a bow to our soldiers, here is the vaunted military force, which was knocked out by our army, our soldiers, a big bow to the guys, but in some way it reminds me of an exhibition in 1943 , yes in the parks. we have always been interested in looking at military equipment, especially if it is nato military equipment, behind us there is still the vaunted american one, which
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traveled to ukraine for 2 years, fought for 13 minutes, and in order to honor its creation, it took no more than 2 fights minutes. the tank was driving very slowly, for some reason, very slowly, it drove out into the open area, the guys probably really believed in themselves, the fact that they were simply invulnerable, in the end there was no difficulty in hitting it absolutely, we stopped it with the first drone, we finished it off with the second drone, we didn’t notice anything supernatural in this tank at all, the abrams will continue to burn, they should continue to burn. dmitry vitalievich, look
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how many people, well, here there is such a wonderful spot that it seems to me would be very suitable for some f16 wing, so you, as a former pilot, think whether such equipment will soon be here if the west if he dares to install f16, then of course american fighters will appear here, i just want to remind you. now, in general, this technology is all relevant, it seems to me that now there is still a war of drones, yes, an innovative war, of course, there is an adaptation, yes,
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these metal structures are installed on the same tanks, bmps, there are srebs. but still i see how much equipment is knocked out by drones, fpv, kamica, all of this will be preserved, can i answer with words from the film moscow doesn’t believe liza, there was such a character rudolf or radion, his name was the operator from the machine , then he said that television would kill cinema, but television did not kill cinema, cinema did not killed the theater and the like, here the analogy is the same, that is, armored vehicles, they will remain, they will adapt. emotions, impressions, great, great, i see, the whole family came to the exhibition, woke up in the morning, had breakfast and came here to watch, the emotions are amazing, my mother
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is here with me, she’s already in tears... the historical veneration mountain, you can remember 1812, and we also brought a large amount of military equipment from paris in 1814, well then it was artillery, but of course i immediately remember the great patriotic war, in 1944, after
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a successful operation, a huge... crowd of prisoners of war and general officers passed through moscow, and captured military equipment was also brought. here they are, the vanquished, living evidence of our victories. years will pass, but our generation will proudly remember the heroic days of the great victories of the red army and the power of soviet weapons. we worked in the 150th division in a tank battalion. and there the guys told me that they were called to the emergency room for their boxes, because , of course, stormtroopers don’t have boxes they can’t cope, and there the tank battalion of the 150th division just took part in the capture of the dangerous one, and in general our tankers are always at the fronts, always fighting, fearlessly, fighting, winning, our tanks, unlike western models, go in any way without more expensive, and then if we allow
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the leopard's caterpillars to be damaged, it will... it can be used as a target. even during the training session we were faced with the main problem that the challenger faces here in ukraine, its mobility, it constantly gets stuck in the mud, you can see that's exactly what happened here, the bottom of the tank is stuck in the mud, we're trying to cross a small ditch, you know, really only a few meters wide.
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what kind of devil is this car? it looks like a tank, but in fact it’s a bmw. american infantry fighting vehicle, m2 a2 bradley. until 1988, they were even more so, let’s say, more mechanical, but here more electrics and electronics have been added. yes, there is good air conditioning, there is even a microwave for heating dry rations, yes, and here it is first of all got into trouble with me'.
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the work of the entire unit, as is probably what generally happens at the front, yes, there are some isolated personal cases, of course they exist, this is natural heroism, but still, to a greater extent, it is the well-coordinated work of the unit, well, have you ever thought, that this equipment will be here in the center of the capital, and a huge number of people will come and look, they came up to you, thanked you, it’s not me that needs to be thanked, it’s all the guys that need to be thanked and... we also need to really thank the people who stayed here, let’s say, in the rear, those who help, collect humanitarian aid, constantly donate not only food, but also equipment, cars, medicines, you know,
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war is always difficult, it’s always scary, no matter how it is, so something is hard, probably additionally, so to speak, the benefit of this technology. thank you very much, thank you very much to the mothers, wives, and relatives in general who are waiting for us.
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ian dmitrievich, but in the west they are very offended by this exhibition, but judging by the footage, we like it, shall we cool down their ardor? well, if we talk about this exhibition, this, of course, is a confirmation of the strength of russian weapons, the fortitude of the russian soldier, a huge blow to the reputation of foreign manufacturers. this is simply a drop in the ratings of manufacturers on the international weapons market, this shows that there is no wonder, that it is untenable, this weapon is now, it tried to show itself in battle, and nothing
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good came of it, in fact, it is easily damaged, and very often by forces and means that are already decades old, even by soviet forces, by means, i’m not talking about our modern ones about our modern weapons, again this plus training on... their fighters, and if such a reference is made to the great patriotic war, please note that all this equipment, well, i just wanted to note that it all stands on such metal mats, that the tracks of this equipment never touched the pavements of moscow, this is actually very cool, it is worth noting that it is indicative, yes, as it was then at that exhibition that was in the forties, and if we talk about the details, then yes , in fact... this technique is not adapted for real to real war, if you noticed just these rubber linings on the tracks, they are designed for movement on pavements, on roads, but they are not designed for movement on
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virgin soil, on fields, especially on black soil, there is a lot of this the equipment simply got stuck or moved very slowly, becoming an easy target, again this is not true, the same heavy tanks are really heavy, they sometimes for... a serious flaw and well, accordingly, say, any other war, any, any other military actions will prove this once again, not necessarily here, you know, what i personally really liked about organizing this exhibition was that it wasn’t at the embassies, as they did, but that neatly for victory day, in victory park, we put everything on display , so julian röbki was very sad about how they lowered the barrel of the tank, look, they want to belittle the superiority of german weapons. no, we just want
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to show, if you don’t get it, then it’s clear in this way that anyone who points their guns at us, if their if he doesn’t lower the trunks himself, we ’ll lower them anyway. a short advert and we'll be back. camilla, today the general’s car was blown up, if this happens again, it’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, and i’m 100% sure... there’s no fuse at the back and there can’t be, i didn’t think that death was so quickly, they arrested my brother, the military ordered it, the reptile is specifically taking revenge on me, taking revenge, why, don’t shoot, hear, you don’t have to shoot, according to the laws of war, the enemy is behind you, look after the program for the time, at victory day is...
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in an hour they should be there, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go on a mission with us? to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9, on the first. the option i offer you is the best.
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again for the old one, yes, mom, you’re sick, well , somehow you come to your senses already, they decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, you take me by the hand, and take me out into the courtyard, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go, where to europe if your mom is in her at age she wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i’m daydreaming, an animator. may 10th on the first, and you know that anima is the soul, latins, let’s die, we stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which eradicated our grandfather, there is a front line, even the same buildings. there are great
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patriotic wars, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i’m the commander, i’m the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual, well, i he was called memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone in the shelter of the german eyes in the area, you call the germans, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire, two such vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and two of these vehicles hit, but the country but not... time chose us on may 10 at the first, they called me, greetings, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape, if he feels indifference and lack
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of professionalism, then this of course infuriates him . he has a huge sense of responsibility, masculine. kanevsky on sunday on the first. in europe , our victory day is celebrated on may 8, traditionally, it is called differently there, but in ukraine
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they actually came up with the name day of remembrance and sorrow, europe day. france also distinguished itself here, as always emmanuel macron is ahead of the rest. they call may 8th victory day. i would like to ask. also winners, it turns out, yes, they noted there, emmanuel macron personally took part in this, everything went modestly, but the president definitely took part in it all, germany, well, what about the winners, too winners, it’s just not clear what to say, they decided to ban everything russian once again, on may 9 they banned russian state symbols, russian flags, since our anthem, st. george ribbons, any kind, were banned. z symbolism everything related to a special military operation, listen. berlin police have published a rule stating that on may 8 and 9 , it is prohibited to display symbols such as flags with russian symbols, st. george ribbons, at soviet memorials in the city and in their immediate vicinity.
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insignia, even in a modified form, wearing a military uniform or parts thereof, marches and military songs are also prohibited, signs that may glorify the russian-ukrainian war, these include, for example, the symbol... z. well, actually, history cannot be destroyed, because it repeats itself twice, but the germans with such actions simply show either their intention to get into a bad story again, but nevertheless , one gets the feeling, alexey alekseevich, that, you know, on paper they then they formalized their surrender, recognized, that’s consciousness, well, it’s not subject to capitulation, well, look, what complaints can they have on memorial day? sorrow to remember that the surrender was signed and to mourn that this happened at all, so there are no complaints here , to the germans, indeed, germany, divided at the time into western and eastern, carried out, as far as i remember, denazification was carried out on its territory , on the territory of east germany, it was
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carried out efficiently, and many germans now who come from east germany, they are still experiencing this defeat, and feel a sense of guilt before the peoples, the genocide. against which they were engaged. in west germany , denarcification was carried out, as andrei already said, after, as they say, the opposite sleeves, even, i would say, they took away stage specialists to create special services, to create nato, and so on. that is, it was not really carried out. therefore, we now see that east germans, east, east east germany, they think competently, pragmatically, remembering, possessing historical in memory, west germans. behave extremely freely, well, besides this , i would say that almost all are senior members of the family of current german politicians, as we managed to find out thanks to simple information procedures, they either served in the wehrmacht, or served in general in the sss or somewhere else, therefore why are you surprised
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by this, alexey alekseevich, they are not shy, when they start doing this, they have already begun to practically be proud of it, from that moment on, the trouble is gone, because the vaccine. you won't stop refusing, deny common sense to yourself and the countries you lead, this will happen, so i think that everything is very smart now, this algorithm. worked out for centuries. andrey fransovich, should we somehow react to this, well, to the german
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ban on everything russian? well, from a diplomatic point of view, of course, we have already reacted and certain notes have been written, but let’s be frank, the west has taken such a very strong start in changing the consciousness of europeans, the western world in general, regarding russians. russophobia is even moving aside here, he simply demonizes us, but... demonization - this always happens before starting active hostilities, so that it is not a pity, that is, dehumanization, that is, these are not not people, that's it, now we see that this stage is over in the baltic countries , we see that the countries of eastern europe, which are obliged by the fact that they were liberated, remove monuments, all this is closed, modern norms of international law and our agreements with germany, according to which they are obliged to preserve our military monuments that are located there, are the same. treptow park and others now to some extent they have been pushed aside and in general this has ceased to have an impact, they have found
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a justification for themselves that supposedly you are bad russians, so we can do whatever we want, from the point of view of some kind of reaction, of course, nothing except diplomatic decisions we really can’t carry it out, we can’t ban some german symbols here, well , it would simply be frivolous, and there is no such format that would be necessary, it is clear that the public in the form of people, ethnic, russian, who are very.. well, obviously not against russian citizens, who live in moscow will go to celebrate our great holiday on may 9, there are many russians in germany, and not only russians revere this day, yes, if we talk about german society, it is actually heterogeneous in german society, in european society. like in the united states, there are a very large number of people, a large percentage, who
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do not want to live in a new world, who do not want to live in a new new europe, who do not want to live in new states where a child has to change gender, because the neighbors are like that counted and they told him that he is not a boy, but a girl , or vice versa, they don’t want to live in hatred, they don’t want to live in hatred of russia, because even in the older generation, this is the cold war, which, after all, the great patriotic war did not end, it just went into the cold war. and many remember this, everyone understands that this confrontation will not lead to anything good, so most likely this is just at the dictation of the united states, perhaps britain, this is a fight with its own people, there are not so many russians there , in order to introduce such sanctions specifically and personally against them, i think that this is precisely against the sensible part of their society, these sanctions were introduced, who remember , understand what’s what, history. continues, history repeats itself, i think they will once again step on the same gravel, well, yes,
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history, the best teacher, who, as it turns out, has bad students, but we will remember and will never forget what we had to experience in our country at what cost this victory was given to us, and we will remind to all our conditional past allies and our enemies about this, sergei lavrov took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial plaques of the second. another sacred battle, when the new
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rulers of the world, who are trying to take revenge for their attempts, unsuccessful attempts, centuries-old attempts to subordinate our homeland to their interests, when they try to take revenge, using the openly nazi regime they have brought back over many years. its length is 300 m, this symbol of memory, stunning in its size, is a symbol
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victories were brought to the dpr from the belgorod region, then this st. george ribbon will be accepted by the tula ones. activists, exactly 79 years ago the germans signed an act of unconditional surrender, and exactly 80 years ago the crimean peninsula was liberated from the nazi invaders. on may 9 , 1944, sevastopol was liberated, and the entire peninsula was liberated on may 12, 1944. nazi germany, like the current kiev regime, was not averse to taking this tidbit for the crooks. capturing crimea for hitler was a matter of principle, not only in military terms plan, in order to justify the seizure of the peninsula in official nazi propaganda, crimea was called the mythical homeland of the germans, which must be returned. hitler makes plans for the peninsula from the point of view of not only history, but ideology. after the successful end of the war, he planned to rename crimea to gotendland and turn it into the riviera
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of the third reich. crimea should become a settlement area for residents of southern teroy. villages and streets of crimean cities were to be renamed; high-quality crimean russians were promised as servants and the ukrainians, who did not fall under this definition, were liquidated, but in the meantime
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, wounded krauts went there to bask in the sun, to rest from the battles, and this became a tragedy for the local residents, from the first days of the occupation for... driven into slavery. not long ago, the fsb declassified documents about the atrocities of the german and romanian nazis during the occupation of crimea. monstrous details of how the population of crimea was exterminated. according to the documents.
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russian doctors conducted experiments on prisoners of war in simfepol, cut out organs of young soldiers, tested the effects of devices on them, witnesses were destroyed. one of the documents contains testimony from a laboratory assistant at the hospital where these doctors worked. trukhina testified that she personally saw how künter and other doctors dissected a living prisoner of war. german surgeons held a group of prisoners of war in the amount of 35 people, from whom, without their consent, they took blood up to 800 kcm at a time. for their wounded soldiers and officers. experiments were conducted on the same military personnel on the effect of the cocaine trail as an anesthetic. after the injections , long-term atrophy of the limbs occurred. the liberation of crimea by our troops began on april 8, 1944. according to historians, the crimean operation became one of the most brilliant operations of the red army. in 35 days
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, the peninsula, as well as the main base of the black sea fleet, the city of sevastopol, was completely... when the wehrmacht conquered the soviet fortress of sevastopol in early july 1942, the third reich was at the height of its dominance. the winner, erich von manstein, was promoted by hitler to the rank of field marshal. when the last german defenders of sevastopol abandoned weapons 126 soldiers.
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smoke it out, squeeze it out, tried to take it by storm, they didn’t succeed in the whole thing, a desperate assault began closer to the liberation of crimea, then poisonous gas was used underground, where there were civilians, including women, old children, the nazis released poisonous gas, a terrible battle was fought, but our fighters held out until the last, unfortunately, arrival of the red army, which took place on may 8 , 1944 at adzhimushkai. in general
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, children fought along with adults in the great patriotic war, the hero of crimea is a pioneer, volodya dubinin was only 13 years old when the war began, his name is generally familiar to everyone, as i understand it, from birth, but it’s true for our generation, we need the children not to forget, so volodya dubinin is 13 years old with... january 4 in 1942 he died because he again decided to help adults, decided to contribute to the victory, helped clear mines
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and was blown up by a mine. alexey alekseevich, why crimea has always been for them, it will be a painful point, although crimea is ours, but it hurts them. crimea is a sacred territory for russia, because that's where christianity came from. crimea is watered with so much russian blood that now it’s even scary to imagine that it will be something else, in fact, this is a right, it’s not just won, it’s been suffered through by entire generations of russians, but at the same time crimea is unconditional, everything has been said here in fact, the germans are practical people; they understood that the nature of the crimea was special.
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gestalt for europeans, which is why now macron, scholz, they are very nervous when it comes to southern ukraine, crimea and so on, for them this is to some extent even a historical memory, they are trying to write their strange names into the world chronicle, like people, politicians who have committed a certain act, this will not happen, russia has proven many times that these dreams, in addition to that they are just like that.
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small territory, the graves of ancestors, temples and what is connected with what, in my opinion, is the most important period of our lives, childhood, where many residents of the soviet union of russia spent time in crimea, for us this is still a memory, it is so installed in our self-awareness that it is simply impossible to refuse this, those people in the west who understand this, they do not stand between us and crimea. and those who do not understand, unfortunately, die. yaich, probably, the residents of donbass and crimea are generally special people, because they have always absorbed into themselves, because there were very fierce battles there, and when in crimea
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they tried, you probably remember, to remove the signs, the ukrainian authorities associated with the great patriotic war , with the russian fleet, people there simply stood up when gravsky pier in sevastopol hung a sign for the ukrainian fleet, the people tore it off and threw it into the sea, showing that they would never try to match the russian one.
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training platoon, therefore, remained in ukraine, only five people went to serve in russia, this is a serious choice for a young man in fact, and if we talk about the significance of crimea for, in addition to sacred moments, it is an unsinkable aircraft carrier, the one who controls crimea controls turkey, it controls the straits, it controls part of the mediterranean sea, this is such an outpost, which is worth fighting for, in fact, crimea for hitler was also... the way to the caucasus, and the caucasus is oil, and he needed oil fields that are processed today, why do they cling to crimea so much today, for them this is also the reunification of the crimea, our fleet, this is the fleet, this is the fleet base, of course, this is the fleet base, again i say that this is the one who controls crimea - this is control over the entire black sea practically, they wanted to withdraw, the americans agreed practically with the ukrainian authorities that it will not be extended agreement on the lease of sevastopol by the black sea fleet of the russian federation as
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a military base. a future intelligence base for nato intelligence for british intelligence, and there is documentary evidence of this, that is, this is actually the case, but the people, the people decided, because the people showed themselves 10 years ago, in 1944, when they liberated i mean, we touched on crimea, which means childhood, yes, i was in... the early nineties in artek and when it already meant the collapse of the soviet union and there was a children's film festival in artek and it means that the president of ukraine is coming out , for me personally, when i was 13-14 years old there, then it seemed like some kind of farce, well, that is, i didn’t understand at all what kind of president of ukraine, how in general, and what kind of ukraine, and that crimea in general, well, true, these are my emotions, i remember them perfectly now, as if it were yesterday, andrey franzi,
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ruslan absolutely. correctly noted, this is our land, we remember the battle for sevastopol, in general, how much defense, the second defense, it’s just washed with blood, for them it’s nothing doesn’t mean, but for them it’s elementary to hit the crimean bridge - for some reason this means victory, what is victory, they understand that everything, crimea is lost to them, they won’t take it, we won’t give it up in any way and for nothing, they think in other categories, for you and me this is the land that truly bears such transcendence. character, i was also in artek, i was lucky, i was back during the soviet union, then there was no ukraine, then it was a single multinational state, and then we opened and laid out capsules for posterity, who will then read, but the west takes these things into account, the west takes the mood off, by the way, the western embassy also works with sociology, works with the population, they understand that for us it has a very important sensitive aspect, and
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deprivation of us. and this, such a shrine, i can’t say otherwise, will cause us very serious psychological trauma, so they understand that in addition to the unsinkable aircraft carrier, in addition to placing their military bases, they planned to do this in parallel with us, donuzlav bay it was planned just for the deployment of nato troops and the annual seabreeze exercises that were held contributed to this, but now they will practically displace our troops from the territory of ukraine.
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and gleb’s little pea, wait, hold on, i’ll be with you, winding, winding, into the distance, my little road,
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moscow, the bells will ring, moscow, golden baths, this day, gone by gunpowder, a festive concert in... watch after the evening news! camilla, the general’s car was blown up today, what if it happens again? it's dangerous, you shouldn't go, i forbid you, and i am 100% sure, there is no fuse in the warehouse and there cannot be one, i didn’t think that death would be so quick, they are my brother. don’t shoot, wartime, the enemy is behind you, look, hear, don’t shoot, according to the laws
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after the program, time, on the first day of victory, i always act in everything in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hitting the tanks, i also yes... i knocked out five tens out of five, to play a double game, and if the scouts told you that you are not bobrikov, then what, well then you didn’t say, and fool the girls’ heads, she’s the only one, i understand, there is no other like her and there won’t be, every intelligence officer knows how, they will lead me to the monastery, but don’t scare me here, we are our own, all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like the germans.
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raises the biography of ivan the terrible, which is published in the west, this is an unambiguously negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, they do not recognize him, a big game, a special issue,
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now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow places the crown of the tsar of all russia on himself, and film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because everyone... he works out, he keeps in shape, he is very
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efficient, yes, he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so we have to spit phew, on leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, in sunday on the first. memory is not only a tribute to our ancestors, but also a powerful weapon against those who are trying to rewrite our history. on the eve of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory, the sixth international video poetry competition-festival with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. the audience award this year went to a video created based on the poetry of the former chairman of the saratov regional committee on television and radio broadcasting, vladimir anikkeev. let's listen, human
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silence in the human ocean floats over the silent earth, the memory is sacred of those who once fell, faces are washed with tears, invisible steps have risen from the ashes, in the ranks of other generations, dear blood, a holy smile, looks at them from portraits, on holiday the only one, the protective uniform, stars, caps, belts, the gaze from the portraits warm us tenderly, they excite the memory of how they walked, under the murderous hail, among the burning villages. one bloody fell dead, the other
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rose and walked, peoples walked hard to victory, the load was not lifted from the shoulder, to return to a worthy life, they dreamed, they thought so fervently, but how worthy, the houses are all in ruins, the cities lie in ruins, too let's heroically add the calluses of manual labor to victory. “we left you the brotherhood of peoples, where she found herself, hoist the banners, imperishable victory, and resurrect him, yes, we are sad, the brotherhood of the people glimmers in days of peace, in storms, losses, losses, countless, yet they saved him, the sea of ​​​​people. may morning, the sun
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floats over the country, in eternal memory, about those who once fell, their faces are washed with tears. this year, due to security issues , there will be no traditional march of the immortal regiment, i think everyone understands this very well, but this does not mean that we will not participate in the immortal regiment event, it will be held online. post photos of yours family, loved ones, friends in the windows of your houses, in cars, on social networks, let's talk about it and don't be shy, let's be proud of our ancestors and, of course, don't forget about the heroes of the special military operation, who are also part of our immortal regiment. so, tomorrow is our most important holiday, the great day of victory, a holiday with tears in our eyes, this is an occasion to remember those who gave their lives. for peace, for freedom, to thank those few
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front-line soldiers who, having gone through an incredibly difficult life path, have lived to this day, god bless them, and a low, low bow, this year more than 9.00 military personnel from different branches of the military will participate in the solemn parade on red square, including units involved in the special military operation, the great victory parade, watch tomorrow live on first. channel we guarantee that it will be powerful, solemn, and we will be proud, tomorrow at 10 am on the first, then, the big game, good afternoon, live the big game, exactly 79 years ago, may 8, forty-fifth the final act of unconditional surrender of nazi germany was signed in the berlin suburb of karlshorst, and the surrender was accepted. marshal of the soviet union georgy konstantinovich zhukov, deputy commander-in-chief
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of the allied western forces, british marshal thedor, and the american general spatz and the french general testified. on may 7, in reims, france, at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the western allied forces, dwight esenhower , the first such act was signed, and it was signed at a qualitatively lower level. at the level chiefs of staff, respectively, the chief of staff of the wehrmacht jodl, the chief of staff of the allied forces, the american general smith, and it was also signed by the representative of the headquarters of the supreme high command of the soviet union under the allied forces, major general ivan susloparov. susloparov requested a request to
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moscow, waited, waited, waited, did not wait for stalin’s answer, signed, one might say, on his own responsibility, the capitulation, but... after that, as soon as he signed it, the answer came from moscow categorically not to sign, it must be said that stalin was absolutely right, because the capitulation, the signing of the capitulation at esenhower’s headquarters by the chiefs of staff of the western allies and germany , belittled the incomparably larger contribution of the soviet union to the great victory and generally bracketed out what exactly the capture of the red army of berlin was.
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make the most of exactly two days between the surrender, the signing of the surrender in rems, the ceasefire, exactly two days were laid down in order to transfer as many units as possible the wehrmacht to the west, again the westerners willingly agreed to all this, as a result iosifurenovich stalin insisted on re- signing the surrender at a higher level in berlin, which was actually done in the evening. may, well, tomorrow is the great victory day, perhaps the main most solemn holiday of our country, one of the pillars, i would say, of our identity. at the festive parade, which will take place in moscow, vladimir putin will be joined by the leaders of belarus and kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, cuba, laos and guinea
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bissao, it is very gratifying that the victories that we are winning right now on the battlefield in the northwestern military district zone show that we are worthy. our great ancestors, well, let's ask in more detail about our victories, in particular in the ovdeevsky direction from the military correspondent of the russian spring anastasia mikhailovskaya, she is in direct contact with us, anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, good afternoon, hello, happy upcoming holiday to you everyone, i want to share with you the great news that on the eve of victory day our soldiers are in the avdeevsk direction they destroyed a number of enemy equipment, and the operators. the center group destroyed another german leopard, during the offensive towards novopokrovsky the bradley infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed, and on may 9 , a three-hundred-meter st. george's ribbon will be stretched at the saur mogila memorial complex, and this also perfectly shows that we are all striving for our victory, it
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will definitely happen behind us, we have always won and will win in this war too, i also want to urge you all to... gather and help us at our gathering for the rebbe, which our fighters really need, we are already giving it away, the guys are very grateful, everyone knows that this collection is happening with the help of the big game program on channel one, all your viewers are gathering together with the whole country for rap, for our fighters, thank you very much, thank you very much, anastasia leonidovna, i fully join your call. extremely important, it is simply impossible to overestimate the importance of rap in modern war conditions, just as an illustration, i will cite an article from the american publication defense news, which, with reference to the pentagon writes that because of the russian rep, american high-precision glsdb bombs specially developed for ukraine
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have ceased to be effective, and kiev simply no longer even orders them, because they do not get where they were supposed to go. this is an extremely important matter, i urge everyone to participate in radioactive warfare, so this is to participate in the gathering that anastasia mikhailovskaya spoke about, we, of course, also congratulate her on the upcoming victory day, but now let’s ask our traditional military observer boris aleksandrovich rozhin, about how the situation on the fronts of the special operation is developing in general up to this moment. and good afternoon, speaking in general, again at night our troops launched powerful missile and unmanned attacks. strikes on the territory of ukraine, large energy facilities were hit, the enemy admitted the defeat of five energy facilities, and
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large-scale blackouts were announced in ukraine for the evening, this again indicates that the bulk of the missiles arrived where needed, all this is happening against the background of the ongoing offensive actions of our troops, if you look from south to north, then in the rabotinsky direction, our troops now continue to push the enemy out of the outskirts of rabotin, we are also advancing. to the north-west of verbovoy, the rabotinsky ledge continues to steadily shrink in size, and our troops have also achieved significant successes in the vremevsky ledge over the past 24 hours ; fighting continues in the southern part of the city, the southern part of urozhainy, and we have also reached the outskirts of staromaysky, the southern western, there the enemy has lost a lot of positions over the past 24 hours; in the ugledar direction , our troops continue to advance towards paraskavievka, south of novomikhailovka in the direction of trassk. also, new positions have been taken in the avdeevka direction, our troops are storming not taylovo, the battles have shifted to the western part of the village, there are battles on the outskirts
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of umanskoye, we are moving towards novoprokopovka, to novoaleksandrovka, to kalinovo, the enemy continues to lose expensive western equipment, important positions, the situation there is critical for him, in the artyomovsk direction our the troops continue to storm the clock, we have the greatest successes to the southeast of the city, important positions have been taken there, that is, gradually. we are covering the city, and this will allow us to push the enemy out of there in the future. on the northern ledge, the main actions of those who have sorted out the line are discord, fun, fun, there we are moving in the direction of the vyimka station, and there are also fierce battles in belogorovka near the quarry, in the krasnolimansky direction the main battles are taking place in the serebryansky forestry near the village of terny, well, in the svato-kupyansky direction our troops, having achieved success in kislovka, kislovka is now attacking... ivanovka and is also preparing for the assault on stelmakhovka. in general, we see that in all directions the initiative belongs to our troops. thank you very much,
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boris alexandrovich, keep us informed. well , indeed, even in the west , pessimistic assessments of the situation of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield continue to be heard. this week there is a rabid russophobe. it is perhaps difficult to imagine a greater russophobe. polish foreign minister radok sekorski stated that, i quote, the initiative at the front belongs to russia. and the aid package allocated by the united states will only help kiev not to lose this year, but many in the west also understand that to win, since it is impossible to defeat russia, then in fact the only way to save ukraine from complete defeat, to preserve its statehood in general, is to end the war as soon as possible. let's listen to the recent statement by italian defense minister guida crosetto. the only way to solve this crisis is to involve everyone, first a truce and then peace. should we not abandon any possible path
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of diplomacy, no matter how narrow it may be? well , one of the main obstacles to this diplomacy is vladimir zelensky, who has gone so far that, by and large, he is ready to fight until the last ukrainian; he believes that continuing the war is his way of being political.
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it’s not useful, and if you don’t become more flexible, then a very sad fate may await you. well, really, for such information that there was an attempt on...
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we see that he has practically stopped criticizing the west, he thanks them for everything, he repeats word after word there and so on, he is ready to send all ukrainians to slaughter, but apparently this is not enough, this is not enough, the west demands specific things from him, but the help that was allocated to him, despite all the prohibitions, attempts by congress to resist, he had to go to a certain scenario in order to break the resistance of congress and donald trump, yes. there is no result, there is no result, the front is cracking, no success is being observed, graveyard, although it is underway, is not the numbers don’t stand up, well, a lot, a lot, it comes to the point that benhotgers, for example, openly says that we supplied you with weapons, you must supply people, yeah, send everyone to the front without exception, in europe the question is whether they will send the ukrainians, who
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arrived there as refugees, well, that is, everything goes around, but the results? no, there are no results, then you need to come up with some kind of story so that it is very close to the truth, i think that here intelligence also played on the fact that they believe that high-precision strikes ukrainian objects - these are leaks somewhere from the top that surround zelensky, so i think a certain game was started in which they brought in people who maybe had a pro-russian mood there or, in fact... pro-ukrainian, who see that the country is going to the disaster, the same thing happened when there was an attempt on hitler’s life, there were also officers who decided to organize the destruction were in no way connected with soviet intelligence, of course, yes, so here we see that the west is trying to somehow keep the ukrainian crisis within the framework, and to this ukrainian crisis has not spoiled many election events there, including
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the american presidential elections, they are taking such... steps in order to make zelensky a sacred victim if something happens, at the same time pronouncing some changes, saying: yes, he failed , but we have people who will cope with this there and so on, that is, they understand that the agenda is lost, yes, defeat is inevitable, maybe it will hold out this year, no, but something needs to be done to ensure that this loss is not so painful, so they go all the way, but zelensky, well, this is a pawn, a pawn that, if something happens, removes the chess gorskis, i completely agree, this is the prevailing narrative now. western media that ukraine needs to throw many more people onto the battlefield as cannon fodder, form new brigades, and another narrative that now prevails in the western media is that the interests of the united states and the interests of zelensky do not coincide in everything, if zelensky, accordingly, becomes an obstacle to the realization of american interests, then yes, look at that news that we just discussed,
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well, i already started today’s program with the fact that it’s still march 7th... germany, because look what ’s happening: this year the berlin authorities banned on may 8th and 9th the use of symbols and attributes that are inextricably linked, in fact, with the great victory, the liberation of germany and europe from nazism, among the prohibited symbols. the victory banner, st. george's ribbons, the military uniform of the countries of the anti-hitler coalition, meaning the soviet military uniform of the songs of the war years,
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our embassy, ​​of course. are inconclusive, they are unfair for germany. have you ever heard anyone say that it is unfair that germany does not have its own voice, that germany is completely occupied by the united states of america, operating under a dictator. the united states of america, yes, another good point, the united states of america in children's school textbooks says that hitler's germany was defeated with the participation of the soviet union, and the main forces
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were spent, of course, by the united states of america and its allies. i when i heard the word with the participation of the soviet union, these scoundrels do not know about the twenty-seven or more victims that the soviet union suffered, millions of victims, now they are prohibiting it. it is very subtle, look how they erased it, because russophobia is becoming an ideological trend of modern europe, modern germany, and from russophobia to nazism, it’s one step, i completely agree with you, sergey. here is another very important event of today on the political and diplomatic agenda, probably event number one, this is the anniversary summit of the eurasian economic union, which will be held today in moscow, there will be
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meetings in a narrow format, where all the leaders of the eau countries will be present, in an expanded format, they will also be joined by the leaders of uzbekistan and cuba, as observer countries in the eurasian economic union, as well as vladimir putin today will hold two bilateral meetings with the prime minister. you are against russia, including in the post-soviet space. it seems to me that the significance of eurasian economic integration is difficult overestimate. the significance of eurasian economic integration is enormous. the eurasian
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union is a successful project, attempts to discredit it are constantly being made by western politicians and experts, but they are based on substitution of concepts. in general, there was a discussion, especially after 2008
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, of a new form of globalization, when decisions should come from the regional level, not be imposed by some globalists on everyone else, but decisions should come from the regional level from those who actually are. concern the problems then between different regional blocs should be cooperation, that is , this is a form of honest globalization, and not some kind of globalization from above from some nameless and sometimes well-known globalists, like soros or other other figures, in general, in this vein, the eurasian an economic union, it is developing, and at the same time it is nothing
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like the eurasian economic union in its cooperation projects, this is primarily russia and belarus, we have a union state and we are such a locomotive of cooperation. for some people that form is enough integration that exists in the eurasian economic union, someone might want to go slower, but you know, pashinyan, the political one, sometimes he wants to go slower, and then it turns out that no, actually we need economic growth, and what kind of economic growth is there without cooperation with its regional neighbors, therefore the eurasian economic union is a very successful successful implementation of the conceptual... approach to building fair globalization and the participation of our peoples in globalization not for some abstract points from globalists, but truly in the interests of our peoples.
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i completely agree, another example of this honest globalization, it seems to me, is the connection between the eurasian economic union and the chinese belt and road initiative, absolutely equal cooperation, mutual recognition of each other’s main eurasian projects and building positive cooperation between them, and not a zero-sum game , now sidinpin continues his eurasian tour, we’ll talk about it in more detail immediately after a short advertisement. camilla, they blew up today the general’s car, that if this happens again, it’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, but i’m 100% sure, there are no fuses in the warehouse and there can’t be, i didn’t think death was so fast, they arrested my brother , the military ordered this, the reptile, she ’s taking revenge on me on purpose, taking revenge, for what? don’t shoot,
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hear, you don’t have to shoot, according to the laws of war, the enemy is behind you, watch the time after the program, bourbon stearsman, a product of the stellar group, on the day of victory at the first, and what were you singing there, dark-skinned commander war - it’s all coming , and the music eternal, how is your maestro? everything is fine, i’m falling, where is my 100 grams for the downed grasshopper, and what will happen to your house, i love you guys, we’ll live!
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the best is 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, you can have an autograph, i have admired you since my youth, anna evseeva, an actress, and her relatives are giving double the rate, a femme fatale, i would say bitch, and you are a believer, a lived-in atheist and in general, there is nowhere to place samples. again for the old time, yes,
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mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already , they decided to hit me in the face, until you decided, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, yeah, i ’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go, where to europe, if your mom at her age she wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i’m daydreaming, an animator. may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin, several wounds, concussions and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year tried to expel me too, for the fact that we are not capable of being...
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every evening i left the office with a large case full of files that i took out from original archival documents. i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many reports are reported personally to stalin. and the notes there in pencil, personally. when asked, what was the most important thing you did? kim philby pronounced prokhorovka with a huge accent. for
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4 years he didn't give up, he didn't give anything away, they didn't have enough evidence, they interrogated me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game. he knew how to play this system and win. the true story of the british aristocrat and outstanding soviet intelligence officer, kim philby. secret war. on sunday on the first. i understood that i really couldn’t ask some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now, i can’t even tell you, alexander ivanovna, forgive me, but what are you doing here, don’t believe me, i just happened to pass by and look at our bus, i think i’ll come in and say hello, otherwise it’s somehow not
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intelligent, i know that i’m not guilty, and you need to prove it, you have 24 hours for this, it’s time to discuss the assault plan with the cathedral, first we need it... you you are here unofficially and are not an expert on the hostage bloodhound new episodes from may 13 on the first one so the petals grew and on the bed don’t forget on the bed they were also with a heart alexan ivanov with a heart i’m usually aware of ilya thank you for usually understanding with a heart here yes call . there's a big game on the air sidin pin continues his tour of europe, late yesterday evening he flew from paris to belgrade, where serbian president aleksandar vucic personally met him at the plane's ramp, the beginning of xi's visit to serbia, well, today is
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the main day of the visit, yesterday, when he arrived, this was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato attack on the chinese embassy in belgrade and this... china, it participates in the chinese belt and road initiative, accepts a large number of chinese investments, i must say, implements many projects beneficial to itself together with china, for example, the construction of a high-speed railway, belgrade, budapest, the chinese are engaged in this matter, and serbia in general is steadfast. counteracts western pressure, including on russia and on the kosovo issue, then from serbia, sidin pin flies to another european country, where they also value sovereignty and also resist western pressure, i mean hungary, which also
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cooperates with russia and china. and the famous british international journalist gideon rahman is very indignant at this geography of the visit, he writes that this is...
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what they think there in brussels, where, by the way, he didn’t even go, pay attention, yes, although some from brussels drove up to paris, but ursolaen, so that, this means that it’s not just journalists who, under the guise of freedom of speech, give out various notations, but officials also allow themselves to do this, and you know, you said that china cooperates with... those who is ready, china wants to cooperate with everyone, this is our saying, a joke about the thousandth chinese warning, i don’t know how many times china says that we want it with everyone, we want it with everyone, but the reality is that of course it doesn’t work out with everyone, or
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at least it doesn’t work out the same with everyone, because even according to the details of the protocol , judging by the presentation of information, it’s clear how different the atmosphere of the visit to belgrade has begun. from the atmosphere that was in paris, well, then they also went to the mountains in france, but there was an attempt to pull something, here’s the atmosphere without ties, yes, although that’s all. boorish statements in beijing, what he said blinkin is in beijing, so everything was tense. there was no warmth, but of course, in belgrade you can see how warm the atmosphere of the visit is, but this does not mean that there
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are complete and idyllic relations there, there are complex practical issues, including the construction of the railway, there are commercial interests there , so to speak, friendship is friendship, and tobacco is not apart, but it must be fairly divided, so negotiations there are taking place with some disagreements, but based on respect. therefore, china wants to cooperate with everyone, but it seems to me that we we see that the illusion that it is possible with everyone is quickly disappearing in beijing, as a result, the pace of cooperation with some countries, including the russian federation, is much higher than the rate of cooperation with western countries, the dynamics are visible, and of course. we must not forget that today is the anniversary of the attack on
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the embassy of the people's republic of china in belgrade during that terrible war that nato waged against yugoslavia, and i want to draw your attention to the fact that nato members have always said that this was the mistake is accidental and china has consistently always said that no, this is a deliberate blow, it did not force this topic, it did not threaten, it does not... it talks about the strategic autonomy of europe, but its practical actions are the opposite
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, because when macron positions himself as the main russophobe of europe is a potential leader of europe on an anti-russian basis, this only reduces european strategic autonomy, this does not pass without a trace, financial times writes that in the upcoming elections to the european parliament in june, macron and his centrist the alliance faces its most devastating defeat. in his career, well, as for the results of macron’s negotiations with the participation, of course, of ursula fonder sidinpin, here is a very striking article, a politician’s publication wrote about this today, saying that the only issue that went smoothly at these negotiations was the tasting cognac, french cognac, let's listen, shizen pin visited europe for the first time in 5 years and french president emmanuel macron decided to give him all... a massive gift, several bottles the most exquisite french cognacs. this was not the most subtle hint. china is conducting
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an anti-dumping investigation related to the production of european-made alcoholic beverages based on wine, mainly french cognac. this is seen as a response to the european union's decision to launch checks against beijing over suspicions of unfair practices in the production of electric vehicles and medical equipment. in return, si sweetened it. promised not to enter into negotiations preliminary duties on the import of french cognacs and supported macron's olympic truce. well, on the main issues of the negotiations in paris, and these are issues of trade between china and the european union, issues of ukraine, sidinpin did not make any concessions to the europeans. firstly, sidinpin firmly rejected ursula fondeyan’s accusation of excessive industrial, so to speak, assets and capacities.
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the leader very subtly noted that there is an evil and a good policeman, but the politician writes about this precisely that they were trying to play some kind of game together with sizenping, he doesn’t need it. he focused on practice; in fact , the result of this trip was actually serious: 18 intergovernmental agreements, for quite a lot of money. siqin noted that yes, indeed, 40% of the total trade turnover that exists, in general, of everything that china produces , of course, comes from the european union; the joint trade of the united states of america and the european union exceeds
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$1.6 trillion. at the same time, you are absolutely right, he was absolutely soft.
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politician, well, there are no more european politicians on a large scale, and shozen pen, he is doing everything right, he looked at what was beneficial for china in europe, and went to those countries where he was truly welcome, i agree, viktor orban and aleksandar vucic remain major european politicians, well, i must say that russia, it seems to me, very unambiguously and correctly and timely responded to macron to his insane proposal to send regular troops to ukraine. as well as david cameron, british foreign secretary, who stated that the uk is lifting restrictions on the use of british weapons, in terms of strikes deep into russian territory, this response is the exercise on the use of russian tactical nuclear weapons, which was announced this week, and both dmitry peskov and the ministry of foreign
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affairs have clearly emphasized that this is connected precisely with these statements of these. politicians, and today vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will hold a bilateral meeting, at which they will also discuss coordination in a hypothetical application, in practicing the use of tactical nuclear weapons, because after russia , belarus, to which russia transferred tactical nuclear warheads last year, is also conducting relevant exercises on their use, that is, signaling to the west continues, and it seems to me that this continuation of signaling is very important. because not everyone has reached it yet, let’s listen to what the former united states under secretary of state for political-military affairs, michael kimet, writes today. congressional approval of the bill additional funding was simply necessary, but it was not enough to reverse the deteriorating situation in ukraine. it's time to remove the handcuffs we
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put on zelensky and allow him to use the weapons and equipment we provided him. an hour to risk our supplies in case of war and give zelensky what his soldiers need. it's time to remind our country that putin tells his citizens every day that losing in ukraine threatens our own security, to take off the gloves. these people need constantly remind us of russia’s readiness to use nuclear weapons if necessary, because they have lost all fear, this is how kimet writes. further, today the prime minister of lithuania, ingrida simonita , gave a big speech. parliament for this dispatch. on the other hand, apparently, the signals are reaching someone. and the italian career writes today, citing sources, that at
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the upcoming nato summit this summer in washington, a separate declaration is expected to be adopted. that nato will not send its troops to ukraine, like this conflicting signals. yes, of course, the signals are contradictory, but our statements are consistent and serious, because when the ambassadors of both france and great britain were called, they were clearly told that such attempts, sending troops or attacks deep into russian territory, we will consider, for example , british military installations have a legitimate purpose not only on the territory of ukraine. well, where they are still based, that is, this is an opaque hint, which, more precisely, is not even a hint, but this is what mead said, everyone knows that after honey he already says ministry of defense, it just so happened. enemy, he discussed the issues of, say, tactical nuclear weapons many times and said, they will definitely use them in ukraine, because the russians are losing and so on,
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we are not losing, we are focused and will win, but we will not use tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine, about our supreme commander-in-chief said this, but for those who become direct participants in this conflict, the rules of the game are different with them, ukraine is our territory, which we are liberating from that nazi regime, is the source of our threat, and if it was nurtured, educated by the west, but the west is already directly intervening in the conflict, it becomes a party to the conflict, and the conversation there will be different, the american says, let's take off the gloves, he thinks that tactical weapons will not reach him , for this, we have strategic nuclear weapons and quite modern complexes, in general these exercises, they are connected with the fact that the nuclear arsenal has been updated, new types of tactical nuclear weapons, we can talk about it as... high-precision weapons for targeted strikes, i’m kind of hinting that what the answers might be, it’s clear that the military contingent of russia and belarus should
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conduct an exercise in order to use them competently in the event of a situation where the west doesn’t come to its senses, and we are quite serious , before the start of a special military operation, we put our strategic nuclear forces on a special alert mode, the west wondered and wondered, and still couldn’t figure it out, they... don’t understand that, of course, we bear full responsibility for the use of these weapons, we take it seriously, not like their politicians, who let’s hit, let’s do something else, they play for the public, and we play for peace. you know, there is such a ladder of nuclear escalation, it begins with official public statements, the next step is just military exercises with testing the use, the next is demonstrative. use, the next higher level is the combat use of nuclear weapons, but i would really not like the west, which has already forced
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us to rise to the level from public statements, to the level of military exercises, yes, this is already a very serious step, so that he would force us, being drawn into a direct war against russia, to move to higher levels, but he must know that we are ready for this, now... big advertising , then we will continue, it beats stronger in the chest, our eternal memory, remembers the vein, remembers alba bly, raise your heads up for the year, your motherland is for you, because you are a sailor, bear, a sailor does not... cries for children’s laughter for gleb’s small size, but stop, hold on, i
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'll be with you, it beats, it beats into the distance dorozhenka, moscow, glowing ringing, moscow, golden cubalas, this victory day, festive concert at the state kremlin palace, watch after the evening news. on the day of victory on the first. your documents. grigory koltegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander. we are ours, men, well, we are ours. in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision. agent name. czech, rank classified, position flight commander. ryan, you have kids, is it your enemy? alexey bobrikov, junior sergeant, on
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the front went to volunteers. look at me, bobrikov. leonid shilla, junior sergeant, excellent combat training student. tell me when, where and by whom you were recruited. so, a very serious task is being prepared. the legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitors, the main task is to liquidate it, machine, add two knots, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go with us on a mission, on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the germans fascist invaders, saboteur, crimea. so we have 5 minutes to to remember the map, on may 9, on the first, i went, come on,
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german eyes are in the area, you’re calling them germans, well , of course, three shells in rapid fire, two of these vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and two of these vehicles hit, well, countries nato is not an option to fight against our armed forces, hurray, hurray, hurray, time has chosen us, so now we must try to ensure that there is peace. premiere, heroes, time has chosen us, may 10.
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on the first, several wounds, shell shock and absolute fearlessness, he survived, going through the entire this terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbroev, for the fact that we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded, such severity of etushit, he had incredible energy, magnetic, magical. that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt or experienced himself as an old man, he always felt like a man. for the birthday of vladimir etush, on saturday, on the first. in several cities in eastern ukraine, rallies were held against the new government in kyiv. this is a war, a war against the people
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of donbass, the donetsk people's war. the republic will answer the call. the key motive for the maidan raid was the denial of us, yes, as a community, as people, as citizens. to admit that the heroes of ukraine are stepan bendera, henchmen of the fascists, well, we would definitely never admit this. and this is precisely what we rose up against. we became free from the kiev junta. they only wanted one thing back to russia faster and everyone believed that it should be the way it happened in crimea. what has happened now, there is no going back. retreat there is nowhere further, we are not aggressive, but we will tear anyone for our own, so we will bite into our land with our teeth, we will still defend it, whatever future we would like for our child, without war, liberated territories, life line, premiere on sunday on first. there is a big game on the air, this week
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the state department published a new strategy of the united states in the field of international cyberspace and digital policy, that is, the cyber strategy of the united states, and the main thesis, the main focus of this cyber strategy is hard technological disengagement between the united states and its allies on the one hand and china and its partners on the other. the secretary of state presented this strategy at the rca conference, well, let's listen to the new york times' account of what he said. in his speech , anthony blinken made clear that his diplomatic mission is to persuade countries around the world not to use undersea cables, storage and cloud computing technologies from suppliers in china or other states in his technological orbit. he described an increasingly brutal
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zero-sum competition in which countries... will be forced to choose between western and chinese technology platforms, it is critical that we work with reliable suppliers and exclude unreliable ones from our ecosystem, blinken said at the rsa conference, understated making it clear that he considers chinese companies to be unreliable. ivan aleseevich, tough bloc confrontation not only in the military sphere, but in the technological sphere. but just like you and me we know very well that the countries of the world majority are precisely against this very thing. barriers to technological cooperation so that the countries of the world majority can combine technologies, take something from china, something from russia, something from the west, create better, more optimal solutions, so of course for
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countries that... . is waiting for economic development, this will complicate economic development, at least in part, in the technological part, but i want to draw attention to the fact that this is... in the technological sphere. this is already openly declared, but in general this is the general approach of the united states, which at first for decades called on everyone to supposedly fair competition, trying to build rules by which everyone runs, but it is never possible to catch up with them, but as soon as someone catches up with them, the actual fair begins competition, then of course they do not accept any fair competition. then they immediately turn the board over and say that this means the rules of the game have changed, i think this will be a very serious example, another one, that there is no it is impossible to play fairly with the americans as soon as you start winning against them according to their own
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rules. here is another illustrative example of exactly the same approach - this is the policy of the united states towards israel in the middle east, contrary to warnings and demands. at home, israel has finally launched a military operation in rafah, this is the last remnant of the gaza strip, where 1.5 million refugees are concentrated who fled from all over the other territory of the strip, and israel is already bombing it and has captured it, the checkpoint itself, rafah, between the gas sector and egypt. the white house says it does not support this operation, but ax writes that the white house. does not view israel's operation in rafah, i quote, as a red line, a violation that would lead to fundamental changes in washington's position regarding the conflict in gaza. further, the publication writes that the biden administration has
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indefinitely postponed the publication of a report on whether israel violated international humanitarian law in the gas sector or did not violate it because that if they write that he violated, it means that according to american law they will have to suspend military assistance to him, they don’t want him. the word in a rules-based world order means preventive sanctions against judges , attention, preventive sanctions, this is a new international criminal court to prevent the issuance of arrest warrants for netanyahu and other senior israeli officials. this is the apotheos of hypocrisy. an online conference took place on may 3. on one side sat the americans. senators, on the other hand judges of this very international criminal court. so the american senators said that each of the judges with whom you are talking now faces very tough sanctions if they support and open their mouths and say that
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there are facts of violations of humanitarian law by israel. it was just live on may 3rd. after this, the white house not only does not make excuses for this shame, does not want to wash itself off, but says: yes, this is... every day, no one in america wants to show these footage, to see what is happening with people who... are absolutely exhausted by this war, and yes, the last thing is probably also important, the maximum that a given city could accommodate, well, somewhere around 160-170 thousand people, 10 times more, given that there is no such infrastructure there to provide drinking, housing, there is nothing, now israel wants
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to act like butchers, they just kill women and children, everyone knows perfectly well what airstrikes are, but you can’t hide from them, and they still bomb the military, the criminals or for children. and old women, and the united states of america, as always, favorite phrase: double standards, exactly, it seems to me that some in america still see what is happening in the gas sector, i mean mass protests in american universities, and joe biden’s remarkable reaction to these protests, i no longer i’ll reproduce it verbatim now, but he said that when property is destroyed, this is not a peace process, that’s how it turns out, imagine, support for color revolutions, and...
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alexey petrovich, if the negotiations finally fail, and israel will go for a big operation, a military operation in rafah, where there are a huge number of tunnels, where hamas is already more combat-ready, because it has previous experience of war with israel, and where there are 1,500 refugees who are concentrated there, one and a half million, they simply have nowhere to go , no refugee camps are ready in other territories, this is what it will look like? from a military point of view , such an operation, well, the fact is that raahfah
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has now turned, in fact, all of rafah into hostages, that is, 1.5 million people who are there, are hostages of israel, which is incomparable with the hostages that hamas is holding, although it is unclear whether it is holding or not, their fate is unknown, and the fact that hamas made such concessions meant that it was ready to negotiate, but israel has crossed out, yes, that is, once again negotiating with those who cross out their... concessions, this is understandable, is already useless, once, twice, third time, as much as possible, so hamas will resist despite the fact that rafah will be the most severe, catastrophic, humanitarian and other types of disasters are taking shape, but i think here the united states is kind of washing its hands for the simple reason that this operation in rafah, it should involve other countries in this conflict in order to drown the entire middle east in bloody , as...
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which requires not only an international criminal court and a military tribunal for everyone who allowed this to happen. the israeli operation, which he called terrorist, actually became an operation against the palestinian people, this is genocide to which america turns a blind eye and her allies, they are postponing something there, at this time people are dying, children are dying, the number of dead children has already exceeded 15,000, this is the most massive murder in such a period of time. children in the 21st century, and the whole
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world sees this, all this is happening before the eyes of the whole world, israel will in no way wash away from that shame, from that crime, no matter how much it attaches some pious thoughts to it, we see facts, we see facts for which, i think, a trial will still take place, all war criminals who allowed this will be convicted, well, i think that the united states, which condones this whole business, will not yet be washed off, will they? demonstrates an unprecedented degree of cynicism, hypocrisy, double standards and simply behaves disgustingly in the eyes of the vast majority of all humanity. well, we give the floor to the news, we'll see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country.
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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the great victory. patriotic war on may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one. maxim sheryfuddinov is in the studio and briefly about the main thing.


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