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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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spoke on may 9 with an appeal to our people, with gratitude, with great gratitude, by mid-may he had prepared a plan for the unthinkable, a plan for an attack on the ussr, but molotov on june 22 , 1941 said: “our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be for us". we pass the floor to the news, happy holidays, the big game will return. victory, hello, the evening news is on the air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, this is the main topic. self-sufficient and dynamic
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structure, achieving plans within 10 years. spotlight on vladimir putin. chapter of the state spoke at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in a narrow format. two more settlements in the kharkov region in the dpr were liberated by our military and a group strike with high-precision weapons, including kinzhal missile systems, on energy facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. details from the ministry of defense. "alive in memory forever. the soldiers who died in the northern military district zone while performing military duty were unveiled in sochi. how did the image of the defender turn out? a new chapter in the history of relations between beijing and belgrade, chairman of the people's republic of china in serbia on a state visit. the situation in the middle east and the ukrainian crisis are among the main topics. the main holiday of our country is tomorrow, all of russia." the anticipation of may 9 and
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many events for victory day are in full swing today. congratulations to veterans, travel of the theme train. we'll tell you about everything. interaction within the framework of the eurasian economic union brings real benefits to each country participating in the association. these are the words of vladimir putin. the president said them when opening the eac summit in moscow. the meeting was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement. on the establishment of the union. russian leaders are participating in it.
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an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, the intensification of business contacts, the expansion of cooperative ties, which ultimately bring real benefits to each of the participants in our association, here we are now , before entering the hall here, just with colleagues talked about this and stated very good indicators of the development of our ... economies, in fact, this helps ensuring stable, sustainable economic development of both the five states and the eurasian region as a whole leads to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of our citizens. economic indicators speak for themselves; over 10 years , the total gdp of the state of the eurasian union, according to available estimates, increased from 1.6 to two.
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the dynamics continue this year. now data on the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, a unit of the west group liberated the village of kislovka in the kharkov region, and the fighters of the center, the village novokalinov in the dpr. the armed forces also carried out a group strike with high-precision , long-range sea -launched weapons, the kinzhal aeroballistic hypersonic missile system, as well as drones against facilities... and enterprises
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of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. these actions are a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy facilities. as a result of the strike , the enemy's release capabilities were significantly reduced. military products, as well as transfers to the line of combat contact western weapons and military equipment. during the day, the fighters repelled 13 counterattacks and destroyed a large amount of equipment, including another german leopard tank, american howitzers, and an electronic warfare station. a workshop for the production of enemy drones, ammunition depots and missile and artillery weapons of the ukrainian armed forces were hit. the enemy's casualties were over a thousand fighters. our marines, the elite of the armed forces, act boldly and decisively. their area of ​​responsibility includes one of the most difficult areas of the special operation - kherson direction. the ukrainian armed forces militants do not give up attempts to break through the defenses in the dnieper region, sending reconnaissance drones
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day and night, but these enemy attacks are not successful. about the work of assault groups and those who help them? valery kuznetsov. can i be canadian? there will always be something new, now they have begun to mine the channels with drones, which makes the task more difficult, assault groups are gaining a foothold on the islands, but the constant ebb and flow of tides prevent them from digging in, in these conditions the fighters not only hold the defense, but they attack one of our boats, the enemy throws up to
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five kamikaze drones, as such they do not enter into a shooting battle, that is, they always wait for evacuation, their artillery and fipivi drones work very well. by the way, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky literally the other day reported to the ukrainian audience about the capture of this island, i see that they are lying, the dnieper is ours, and this is that they are there carrying out small, so to speak, attempts to take away the islands from us and nothing from they won’t
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work out, we will work on them as usual, we will do everything with an a plus. unmanned marine aviation supports the assault teams in the skies. to be called one of the oldest units since 1943, its marines are now entering the thick of it, the fighter with the postured soldier is 22 years old, but he has already been presented with a state award, he saved several assault groups under enemy fire, that’s more than 15 people. we had no
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connection yet, nothing, everything drowned after the explosion, i was also wounded, my legs were broken, for a comrade this is a feat, i was just doing my job. the fighters continue to destroy. enemy equipment, including french caesar self-propelled guns and foreign -made pickup trucks, they took prisoners, they brought them to the place blindfolded, so that they could not see where they were taken, they put them in boats , they said everything, forward, this is to carry out a combat mission, yes, to carry out combat missions, they were simply sent under machine guns, the islands are under our control, the defense is held by fighters from the storm detachment, many of whom were former submariners, these are officers, soldiers with special training, whom the enemy fears, islam mustarkhanov, irina chuchu and natalya sidorova, first channel kherson region. and these are shots from the liberated avdeevka, where the fire of memory was lit for the first time.
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on the eve of may 9, the popular front, together with the head of the executive committee, mikhail kuznetsov, brought a piece of the eternal flame from the alexander garden under the tomb of the unknown soldier. the protesters observed a minute of silence. the memory of those who died during... and today here in avdeevka we lit an eternal flame in memory of the feat of our grandfathers, now it will burn here as a sign of continuity between the feat that ours performed grandfathers during the great patriotic war and what our guys, our soldiers are doing on the front line, happy holiday to everyone, and a monument was unveiled in sochi to the guys who won the victory, the soldiers who died in the northern military district zone while performing their military duty. a warrior with a machine gun on his shoulder covers a child. the sculpture, according to the authors, reflects the essence and goals
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of the special operation to protect civilians. the monument was installed in a significant place for sochi residents, next to the walk of fame. alena evtyakova will tell you more. he is a hero in life, a hero in life. this is an incredibly honest, strong man. eleven-year-old milena and seven-year-old karina are leafing through a children's magazine in which they are described. the feat of their beloved father, sergeant major almaz safin. he was the first to notice the attack and killed five soldiers in the ssu. in addition to the most important award, he also had a lot of awards. for example, a medal for a participant in a military operation in syria. the business trip was also very alarming. and they saw us off and greeted us. there was always a wall, a huge one. i wasn’t scared, i was just not scared, so that we didn’t... live in a family, what we never had any troubles, we stayed hand in
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hand. a career military man was asked to join the northern military district zone from the first days. in the twenty-third year , a parachute platoon under the command of almaz safin held positions during defensive battles in the krasno-liman direction. the enemy, outnumbered, tried to dislodge the paratroopers from their position, but was forced to retreat, having received a severe shrapnel wound, he fought to the end. almaz safin was awarded the title of hero of russia posthumously. who if not us, these are his only words in life, who if not us, who if not me, he saved not only the city at that moment, he saved his soldiers, his battalion, i still can’t believe it, as if he would return soon, today a monument was opened in sochi in memory of the heroes of a special military operation, the first in russia, the ceremony was attended by the wives and children of the svo participants, cadets, schoolchildren and, of course, military personnel. the idea of ​​​​creating such a monument belongs to the head of the fund for helping disabled people and
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let’s not abandon our own combat veterans, who were also on the front line from the first days, dmitry vorobyov. we have neither rank nor last names, everyone has call signs, they work in baloklava, the guys decided to make a collective image, because today we have guys there from all over our country, on the second day my close friend, my colleague, died, he tells . children that their brothers and fathers stood up to defend our russian code. the author of the work is stavropol sculptor alexander cheplygin, a warrior 2.5 m tall, his face is covered with a boklava, there is a light machine gun on his shoulder, next to a girl, the soldier seems to cover her with himself, protects the child, which means he protects homeland. the monument was installed in an iconic place on the alley of heroes next to the monuments to soldiers of the great patriotic war and internationalist soldiers. here on... is the walk of fame of heroes of the soviet union. the main means of achieving peace, and i mean
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peace on a global scale, is the ordinary russian soldier. and when you come face to face with the enemy, on the fronts of a special military operation. there is no such thing, surrender chechen, surrender tuvinian, surrender kalmyk, they simply say: russians give up. but russians never give up. representatives of the fund are not abandoning our own, they say that in the near future. the same bronze wars will appear in the liberated territories of donetsk, mariupol and lugansk. alena evtyakov, ivan pakhomov, yulia khodrova and dmitry baranov. first channel sochi. russia pays tribute of deep gratitude and respect to everyone who, during the harsh war years , courageously fought at the front and selflessly worked in the rear, at the cost of colossal sacrifices and hardships, bringing the long-awaited victory closer. this is stated in congratulations that vladimir putin sent to foreign leaders and citizens. states in honor of the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the message was received by the heads
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of azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, abkhazia, south ossetia, as well as the peoples of georgia and moldova. it is important to stop any attempts to distort or obliterate our common history, to carefully preserve and pass on to the next generations the glorious traditions of friendship and mutual assistance that helped our fathers and grandfathers with honor withstand difficult military trials. crush nazism - the president emphasized. and even today, vladimir putin approved the foundations of russian state policy in the field of historical education. the decree was published on the official portal of legal information , the text states: in conditions when some foreign states are destroying historical memory, resurrecting neo-nazism, trying to downplay or completely deny russia’s contribution to the development of world civilization, it is necessary to ensure comprehensive and large-scale work in the field of historical education. for this, in particular, it is necessary to create a unified methodology for teaching history, starting from
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preschool institutions, publish a state line of school textbooks, replace foreign... educational digital platforms with domestic analogues, develop electronic libraries, museum work, engage in patriotic education and much more. victory day today has special significance because russia celebrates this holiday in a situation where nazism is again raising its head. this was stated by the executive duties of the head of our foreign ministry sergei lavrov. he laid flowers at memorial plaques with the names of ministry employees who died in the line of duty. russia, according to lavov, is now fighting for everyone who wants to live with their own traditions and their own minds, without racial discrimination, to which the west is constantly pushing its satellites, and the world majority understands this. yesterday, the president, at the inauguration ceremony, said that we are all indebted to our history,
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a thousand-year history, and to our ancestors, this is exactly how we... perceive the mission that falls to russia today, we see an extraordinary rise in our people for this yet another sacred battle, victory is guaranteed to us, because the truth is on our side. there is strength in truth, the themed train of the russian ministry of defense arrived in moscow at the belarusian station on the eve of may 9. it was from here that trains were transported to the western front during the war, the wounded were delivered here, and here our heroes returned from berlin in victory. the propaganda staff set off from the capital on defender of the fatherland day and traveled more than 34.00 km across regions, to vladivostok and back. the train made stops in 75 cities and returned to moscow. nine exhibition
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carriages displayed samples of weapons, modern and wartime, as well as a trophy. equipment from the special operation zone; in 76 days it was visited by more than half a million people. thematic carriages dedicated to the exploits of the heroes of the great patriotic war, reflecting the unity of the army and the people, everywhere aroused the lively, genuine interest of visitors. the meeting with participants in a special military operation and the work of more than 50 discussion platforms to preserve historical truth. and countering the falsification of history. we believe that the main goal of the action, demonstrating the unity of the army and society, has been achieved. our military pilots received the latest su-35s fighters. this is the second batch since the beginning of the year that the gagarin plant in komsomolsk-on-amur handed over to the ministry of defense. powerful
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combat vehicles of the latest generation 4+. passed all ground and flight tests and completed. flight to the home base. the aircraft are capable of using the latest high-precision weapons against ground and air targets, and they are also super-maneuverable; they can, for example, freeze in the sky for a few seconds or turn 360° without losing speed. in general, they are capable of any task in any conditions. we'll be back in a few minutes after commercial. don't switch. camilla, the general’s car was blown up today, what if it happens again? this is dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, but i’m 100% sure there is no fuse in the warehouse and there won’t be any maybe i didn’t think that death would happen so quickly, and it wasn’t my brother who was arrested, the military
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ordered it, the reptile is taking special revenge on me, taking revenge, for what? don't shoot, hear! no need to shoot, according to the laws of war, the enemy is behind you, look after the program, several wounds, concussions and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbroev, for that we are not capable of being actors. all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, he the man had incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give? then he never felt or experienced himself as an old man, he always felt like a man. for the birthday of vladimir etush, on saturday, on
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the first. we will show sergei zenshtein's film, ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to beat the crap out of those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today, the boyars, in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave, to the boyar power, here it rises, the biography of ivan the terrible, which comes out in the west, is definitely a negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong. i admit everything, a big game, a special edition, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia
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, places himself, and the film ivan, formidable, somehow timeless, turns out to be a film, because every era looks at him with its own eyes and finds some answers to your questions, on saturday first, every evening i left the office with a large case full of files that... i took out from original archival documents, i did this regularly, year after year. he is called a brilliant soviet intelligence agent. many of kimo filga’s reports are reported personally to stalin, marked there in pencil personally. and when they asked, what was the most important thing you did? kim philby pronounced prokhorovka with a huge accent. prokhorovka, this is mine.
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i couldn’t ask, he was saying something, so i understood that some questions really i couldn’t say, it’s still a secret, even i can't tell you, this is the evening news and... we continue, and now to the situation in the middle east. israel defense forces fighters attacked more than 100 military targets in the gaza strip in one day. in addition, troops are conducting raids on the palestinian
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side of the rafah checkpoint, on the enclave's border with egypt. the army press service reported that over the past 24 hours, idf representatives eliminated several terrorists and discovered underground tunnel mines in the eastern part of the city of rafah. now all the buildings are being dismantled. meanwhile at the border. to deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave. the crossing was closed on may 5 after it came under palestinian fire. several israeli soldiers were killed then. the situation in the middle east and the ukrainian crisis were discussed today in belgrade, serbia , on a state visit by the president of the people's republic of china. during its european tour, it began with france. sidin ping went to the country. which does not dance to the tune of the west, boldly defends its interests, and this trip will open a new chapter in the history of relations between beijing and belgrade, the head of china said at
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meeting with the serbian leader, pavel krasnov followed the negotiations. these days there are always a lot of people and a lot of flowers here. citizens of china and those who live and work in serbia, those who happen to be passing through here, come to the memorial of the former embassy building to honor the memory of their compatriots who died under american bombs 25. of course, we remember this, everyone in china remembers, here then three people died, three died , more than twenty were wounded, the result of the attack during which the embassy building was inviolable, according to all diplomatic canons, five guided bombs flew in. the memorial that appeared on this site years later may seem modest, but the chinese cultural center, the bulk of which now rises where the embassy stood, is also a kind of monument to the events of a quarter of a century ago. in the east. as is known, he has a passion for symbols and the construction of china's cultural center, the largest in europe, on the site of a bombed embassy, ​​sends a clear message, it embodies modern
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economic and political power. china, from which the west today cannot but take into account. nato called the bombing of the embassy a tragic accident, saying someone made a mistake while working with maps, but in china many are still confident that the attack was deliberate ; they certainly didn’t forget whose fault the tragedy occurred, in an article written for a serbian newspaper on the eve of the visit , this was confirmed by the head of the people's republic of china xijen ping. we must never forget this, the chinese people value peace, but they will never allow that tragic history to be repeated, friendship between. china and serbia, cemented by the common blood of two peoples, will remain in our memory and will encourage both sides to move forward together. beijing and belgrade are indeed, most often along the way, the similarity of history with the breakaway territories brings them even closer. serbian president vucic expressed the common position of the countries on this issue with a short formula: taiwan is china, kosovo is serbia. we have a simple and clear position on the issue of china's territorial integrity. we always say everywhere
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that taiwan belongs to russia, but here we support the leaders of china and serbia says the western press, which was able to accurately read the signal that was sent in beijing when forming the travel schedule. unlike paris , both belgrade and budapest are not only located towards china, but also what's more. the only thing that irritates the european union is friendly moscow. in this context, sizempina's entire european tour turns into a strong anti-western message. sidzenping's visit coincides with the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade during the kosovo war. this will allow china to emphasize the argument that russia also supports the idea that nato is an aggressive, dangerous organization. si's visit is filled with signs with which he can point out audiences domestically
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as well as globally. south to the double standards of the us-led alliance. xi wants to show that nato does not provide security, but rather works against the interests of china and russia. beijing believes that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato's expansion to the east. apparently, at a meeting with macron and the head of the european commission, vonderlein sidzenpin expressed this idea directly in response to annoying demands to abandon support from moscow. so the west is clearly unhappy with the results of his visit to france. when the guns roared in belgrade, the chairman.
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rhetoric towards the west, which the chinese like, the chinese like, however, not only this, while europe is fighting off the chinese electric vehicles pouring into the market, hungary, which has just about earned the title of the trojan horse of the european union, is building a battery production plant, together with serbia accepts beijing's help in building a high-speed railway, more one project that is sure to cause indigestion in the west. in the end, as french newspapers write, politics has already made its way into the kitchen; during a meeting with the head of china, macron removed a dessert called russian pie from the menu. at the talks in belgrade and budapest, the leaders are unlikely to limit themselves on ideological grounds in the choice of dishes in the choice of friends. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, ruslan bashko and dmitry malyshev, channel one, serbia, belgrade. no to nazism. with such posters to the building dozens of people came out of the german embassy in moscow today, among them ethnic germans.
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they are. live in russia and talk with horror about how the german authorities betrayed their own people by banning them from celebrating victory day and canceling everything connected with our country. today, near the diplomatic mission building , soviet music of the war years was playing, russian flags were flying, and with the banner of victory, the memory cannot be erased, alexander lyakin will confirm. everything you see here in front of the german embassy in moscow is prohibited in germany itself. flag victories, st. george's ribbon, russian symbols, song about war. yes , the victory holiday itself is prohibited, and the people who gathered here, including ethnic germans, came to say that they do not agree with this policy, that not everyone in germany is ready to review the results of the great patriotic war, they even ban katyusha and kalinka malinka, and this is not an exaggeration, everyone remembers how a girl who danced to this tune on may 9 in munich was deported from germany. germany is now passing a lot of laws against celebrating victory day,
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they are aimed at repressing those who... support russia, people are simply afraid. but most of all, the germans themselves are concerned about germany’s position on ukraine. tigers, the death's head division near kharkov in '43 and german leopards with crosses near avdeevka. this gloomy symbolism cannot be ignored, i was bowing to the mountain and saw a german tank, these crosses, and said softly, i was shocked, i did not expect, the night wolf sven svenson in a hat with earflaps with a red star on cocardie, calls himself a former german, he has been living in russia for 19 years, which has become for him his second homeland, germany, in his opinion, is moving in the wrong direction, now it turns out that may 8-9. they even forbade singing songs, bringing the russian flag, all this in context, so as not to anger the ukrainians, but this is just complete nonsense, the banner of russia is showing a ban,
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this is, well, more than russophobia. sven says it's all about ignorance to understand the nature of the conflict in ukraine, to understand what impression the supplies make on russia. the rally participants believe that germany bears direct responsibility for this, in addition to the tanks, it supplies marder infantry fighting vehicles, iris and skynex anti-aircraft systems, reconnaissance drones, and grenade launchers to the battlefield . many people in germany realize that following us interests harms our country, the fact that olaf scholz silently swallowed the explosions of the northern streams suggests that a government of traitors is now in power. no one from the embassy responded to the action;
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today is an ordinary working day there, although without the ambassador; germany recalled him to berlin for consultations. alexander lyakin, andrey melikhov, khristina ivanova, channel one. in these days special words of gratitude to our veterans. the memory of those who died during the great patriotic war was honored in st. petersburg at the peskarevsky cemetery, where the victims
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of the siege of leningrad are buried. flowers and wreaths were laid at the motherland monument. city residents, veterans, government officials and various organizations took part. on the eve of victory day, the ceremony took place at the kremlin wall in the alexander garden. minute. there are red carnations at the tomb of the unknown soldier, they were brought by representatives of the board of the ministry of defense, to moscow region, flowers were laid in memory of those who did not return from the front, prosecutor general igor krasnov. he came to the monument to the red army soldiers of the 108th infantry division, who also participated in the defense of moscow. the immortal regiment action continues to march around the world, more and more of our compatriots are taking to the streets of different cities in dozens of countries. those who honor the memory of their ancestors who fought for victory. several hundred people with portraits of heroes marched through turkish antalya. students from local schools staged festive concert. many people with photographs of fighters, flowers and flags gathered in montpellier, france. the action
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was supported in israel; the column of the immortal regiment united several generations, from very young schoolchildren to veterans. processions were also held in sri lanka; in the capital of azerbaijan, participants laid flowers.
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joined in 1942 at the call of the kamensky district military registration and enlistment office of the altai territory, materials from personal files, service records, award sheets are published specially for victory day by the russian ministry of defense declassified archival documents of those who wrote about the war and those about whom yuri bondorev, valentin kotaev, konstantin simon wrote. and boris vasiliev, a multimedia project living
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books about the main thing, confirms the authenticity of the events and stories told by yuri bondarev in the hot snow, because he himself went through stalingrad in the published account card of the artillery crew commander bondarev, information about the concussion received in one of the battles at the end of forty second, i became interested in gymnastics, this may even have saved me in stalingrad, you know, so to say, this is that i was healthy with biceps. guy, these are extracts from the personal file of marshal of the soviet union radion malinovsky. bondorev fought under his command. it was malinovsky who became the prototype of one of the main characters of hot snow, general bessonov, who was played by georgy zhonov in the film adaptation of the novel. on the project website you can find unique operational reports for december '42, maps of military operations and recordings of negotiations. give 7 orders of the red banner. thank you.
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the 388th regiment knocked out four dozen in one day
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german tanks and armored vehicles. the feat of kutepov and his regiment simonov will immortalize the living and the dead in the novel. we arrived on time, it was hot here 3 hours earlier. 39 german tanks were destroyed. 39. 39. the section presents for the first time the personal file of colonel semyon fedorovich kutepov. there is a photograph of him in his personal file. there is an autobiography that he wrote with his own hand, they wrote about their war, without beauty and loud words, they wrote how they felt, they wrote the truth, which we remember and will preserve. kristina levieva, maria milyanova, veronica lvuchenkova and igor agafonov, channel one. and finally, about the weather, which never ceases to amaze. the weather situation is not just changeable, it is more like hysteria. in the capital region, rain replaces the sun, then snow
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and hail, so strong that green lawns and flowering trees are covered with a white veil, and so on in a circle, by the evening, according to the forecast , an even stronger wind of up to 20 m/s will increase. the ministry of emergency situations issued an emergency warning. as for the air temperature, which is now abnormally low, it is reported that it will go down some more. freeze overnight, by tomorrow morning in moscow and the region -6, in the arctic bag, that’s what they called everything that was happening. still in the cities of the urals and siberia, i just want several regions, a snowstorm in st. petersburg, but to say, it’s not the month of may, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, there’s a festive concert right now, thank you for your loyalty , descendants.


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