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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  May 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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so major general shorokhov, here is diet number three, we usually prepare this by twelve, today we have soup with meatballs, baked fish and cabbage, then by one o’clock we cook meat, this is diet number one, how long did the general and the driver have lunch , about 20 minutes, we have everything here quickly, so... sign here, this is the interrogation protocol, this piece of paper. this is a liability for giving false testimony up to 5 years, of course, of course, and invite captain dadunov, the head of the canteen, to me , i obey, at 11:50 they were still at headquarters, again
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already at the departure post, we spent about 30 minutes here, this was confirmed by the canteen workers, this is where they planted a radio mine, a radio, yes, the fuse was with a radio circuit, can you imagine, wow, even if a mine can be planted in 5 minutes, who -you should stand on atas, well done, lieutenant, and where would you stand here on atas, there’s nowhere, it won’t work out unnoticed, so why will it work. “if, for example, from the roof of that house, or from the roof of the school, allow me, i’ll check, comrade colonel, let’s check it together, since we’re here, maybe we can take something to go, i blinked, war is war, and dinner was on schedule,
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i went against my will and i forgive you my death, three cards will help you win, but on the condition that you marry lizaveta ivanovna, my pupil. i agree, countess. so, remember. troika. seven. maybe we can go through it again? yes, let's do it again. let's do it again. yes. how was it for me? anechka, you are great. let's clap. she's smart. thank you, hello guys,
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just a little carefully, we need your help, you have a passage to the roof, you could take us to the roof, why, okay, well it’s not good to look at the stars, to the point, once again, just cards, come on, so you, three, seven, what happened? shorokhov was blown up outside the city, and again first, i saw him only yesterday, he gave me documents in french to translate, who blew it up? apparently, remember the forest or city underground, there was something unusual around the general?
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i see you are an astronomer and director, yes, i thought for a long time about how to captivate children, and you know, pushkin turned out to be the right decision, the guys are delighted, anya just opened up, yes, pushkin is our everything, yeah, anya is the old lady portrays, right, the countess, yes, the countess, she, by the way, is now going to the theater after.
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i check my notebooks and read. thomas, come in. guest, you promised to draw up a horoscope for me, i’ll come pick you up at school tomorrow, what time do you finish? i won’t be there tomorrow, i was called to a meeting at the french air regiment, my first simultaneous translation, congratulate me, congratulations!
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yura, this is an order from the commander, but there is no one but me, so say that you are sick, you have the flu, fever, throat, cough, runny nose, i don’t know what yura is, which of us is a child now, good night.
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mayurina argued with me and drove off to check, but i am 100% sure that there is no fuse in the warehouse and there cannot be one, why not? radio bombs are used for a planned retreat, they were planted where necessary, they retreated to a distance, they went out on short waves and they banged, and now we are retreating, but for sabotage, and also not from the hand, well, you have to constantly carry a radio station with you, no, no, no, our mine is homemade, you saw the markings on the base, but this is an amateur radio tube, but for the military fuses they use are the same, but modified, and they are not sold to radio amateurs... look, this is a magazine of all radio components, i requisitioned from our deputy technical department, this lamp, so svetlana petrovna now owes me new optel scales, where is it for you? she will take them, a dispute is a dispute, she will find them, especially since she has whole fedorenkos for this, and
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the laboratory, listen to you, pshilov... it’s accepted, another car was blown up on the road, the commander himself, with some french, let's go, on victory day on the first, i'm always in everyone should act in the shortest way, directly and rudely, shoot without... missing, confirming a hit on tanks, i knocked out with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if i told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then, well well, you didn’t say to fool the girls, she’s the only one, i understand,
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there isn’t and won’t be another like her, every intelligence officer knows how to do it, they’ll lead me to the monastery, but don’t be afraid of the fool, we remain our own.
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scary, i went into the bath, and there he was already dead, our exclusive is the last summer of anatoly popanov, he was a great grandfather, and in general, i am grateful to fate that i had him, and i! the confession of his daughter, the coffin was not opened, it was impossible to recognize this man, and the bitter confessions of his widow, and i said, just like that, well, what to do, we had to somehow get out of this, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on first, i regret one thing, the years have passed! come on, kick it,
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come on or die, we stand here for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, there is a front line, even the same buildings there are great patriotic wars, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i am the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual, well, i called it memory, it saved me. his armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, you’re calling them germans, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire, two of these vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles, but nato countries have no option against our armed forces fight, hurray, hurray, time has chosen us, so now we must try for peace. the premiere, the heroes, the timing is right. us on may 10th on the first.
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how did you feel, tsridov, wait, i
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warned you, i said, i didn’t think that death was like that, it’s so fast and so ordinary, i wish you good health, report back, captain. i wish you health , the lieutenant colonel, the general with the french representatives and the driver were having breakfast here, and when it became known that they had been blown up, the head of the dodon canteen disappeared, somehow disappeared, well, he got on his bicycle and rode off right in his dressing gown, his address is there, but he is here lives next to the dining room, on the second floor, although there is no key, i don’t have the key, please return it, it’s already my fifth one.
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what is this? search. or an escape, somehow it doesn’t seem like he planned everything in advance, was he being used?
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what are these some kind of schemes? so these are whist sheets? apparently captain dadonov was playing preference with someone, apparently, that’s his last name, look, all the time. lost, these are rubles, well, not pennies for sure, it turns out that he... was playing, they forced him to plant a mine, here there are also z and m, these are the letters of the surname, but how do we find them? well, we’ll find it somehow, it’s already getting warmer, but for me it’s not warmer, it’s just already hot, again a radio mine with amateur tubes, exactly the same, but assembling such
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a fuse for the second time is not a radio amateur, it turns out it’s a shortwave, good one. tax, head of the canteen, captain dadonov, find photographs, distribute to all posts and guards, order to take them alive, okay? clear. here is the registration log of local short-haul radio amateurs. and a list of radio data. who needs the data? the mcvd requisitioned all radios. for the duration of the war, so, there is no dadonov here, there is only one person here, orlinsky branislav, give me the address, call sign ua-18 kld. don’t
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tell me what, what are you looking for, i ’ll give you everything myself, seridov, that’s your last name, call sign, yes, i’ve been doing this for many years, there’s an international certificate hanging in the walls, your walkie-talkie, where? i took it to the police, back in june of the forties, i read the order in the newspaper and took it, i’m talking about another walkie-talkie, the one that you didn’t take and which you are now working on, but can you see, it’s not from fear, it’s parkinson’s disease, i i’m disabled, it takes me half an hour
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to fasten buttons, what kind of work is there, by the way, in in the top drawer of the table there is... my medical history, before, yes, i conducted sessions with everyone, from alaska to argentina, and then, when i couldn’t, i already assembled the receiver, it’s unique, by the way, you just... listen reception frequency, on long waves not a single rustle, under the germans one officer heard it, he almost went crazy, a music lover, asked to sell it, but no, yes, for me this receiver is priceless, everything is done by hand, all the radio components are original, except for the lamps , of course, but
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there is a spare lamp for it, yes, in a drawer in the closet. that’s all, yes, and the rest, i took it to school, i there was a radio club there, but before the war, director naikus closed it. naikus, thomas, naikus, well , yes, thomas, i have seven boys. studied there, very capable guys, last names, excuse me, but i don’t remember, parkinson, old witch, i’ll make you answer, tell me what kind of card it was, it was a joke, i swear to you, a joke, so, stop, well i
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like. anya, who am i talking to, why are you distracted all the time? excuse me, can i take a break? yes, okay, everyone, 10 minutes. hello hello. yes, i thought you gave camila at least one day off give her everyday life at the front, she ’ll recover faster here. i noticed that language lessons alone were not enough for her, i would suggest that she go to work completely while she thinks, and i would love to work with you at school, and
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maybe when the war ends, these seven in 1939 studied with orlinsky in the radio circle , you know, then everyone dreamed of catching a signal on the radio from some missing polar explorers or geologists, a time of carefree romance. what can you tell us about them? nothing special, ordinary guys, teenagers, addicted, like everyone else, they are all about 22 years old, now, except for jonos, he is in their circle, the youngest, this is anya’s brother, your dear, we talked about her, she is in our play with graffiti. and how sergei sergeevich left you here alone, i’m surprised that i’m reporting there, all
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arlinsky’s lamps are old, during the explosions they used lamps from a different year of manufacture, of course it’s not me, but still, clearly, that means so, six are from this school radio circle now at the front... this needs to be checked, here is one jonos, he now lives with his mother in the village, go there, detain him and bring him in the bullpen, okay? on the day of victory on the first. this year we celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. let's talk about songs of the war years. i remember the infantry. for me, the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films. death is not scary. met with her, the great song that alexander vasilyevich alexandrov wrote when there were the most terrible bomb attacks, of course, this song is a symbol of our army, on february 17, 1944
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, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, was able to destroy 150 manpower alone and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, where are you friends now, when... i was born and raised in the donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a memory, a great honor, this is a day of victories. victory day, festive evening, may 9 on the first, on victory day on the first, so what’s new on
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the musical front, blue handkerchief, clear, dugout, smuklyanka, comrade commander, we have long learned their favorite songs by heart, what do you play, harp , there is no harp, take the tambourine, we know everyone by name, the grasshopper, romeo and masha, look at me, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, caught grasshoppers, and eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth sanet, hello, boys, and we remember what these boys did for us , the same fields, roads, villages, uh, no, the air is different, and the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live, we will live, as long as we remember, only old people go into battle, may 9 after the program is time, and if they give you a motto ,
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where the balalaikas, let's get enough, there was widespread fame, everyone knew one song,
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since the birth of bulat akudzhava, premiere 10 may on the first. we will show the film by sergei from einstein, ivan the terrible. we need a strong government to beat those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia, predicted much of what is happening to russia today. boyars in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave, the boyar power is rising. the biography of ivan the terrible, which is published in the west, is a clearly negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, not admit. big game, special issue, now for the first time, grand duke of moscow. the crown
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of the tsar of all russia is placed upon himself and the film ivan the terrible is somehow timeless; it turns out to be a film, because each era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to its questions. on saturday on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first.
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“two from this radio circle died, three are fighting, jonas is sitting here in a cell, here’s another one, heydryus, deserted 3 months ago, it’s quite possible that he’s our bomber, he’s sitting somewhere in the forests, making a new face, the head of the canteen is his informant, this is what i found on yonos during the search. so the first thing, but he just laughed, okay, we’ll figure it out, i ’ll open up, vaikinai ash itself, guys, i’m mine, i advise.
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anya, it’s been a long time to look for you, why aren’t you in a suit yet, we’re just waiting for you, what’s wrong, what happened? and you take it and send it, i’m afraid what ’s going on here, they arrested my brother, the guys
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said because of some car explosions that someone was watching from the roof, your guys know a lot, it’s not my fault, he’s mine brother, i tell him more than i believe in myself, tell them to let him go, he didn’t blow up... the second explosion suddenly disappeared, i was scared, i ran aimlessly, i didn’t understand anything, why were you so scared, what were you running from, i was scared that about he didn’t tell about the murderer on the motorcycle, and now you
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’re blaming me for complicity in these explosions, i decided that you were scared of your gambling debts, you know about them, yes, we know everything, tell us, what kind of death? from here, i arrived at the dining room on a motorcycle, i wanted to drive him away, and he got his id presented, well, tell me about this funny guy, what he looked like, dark-haired, with a mustache, senior lieutenant, about thirty, i don’t remember his last name, he arrived, parked the motorcycle, then general shorokhov appeared after him, that’s right, well, yes, i... i fed the driver lunch, when they were leaving, this lieutenant was no longer on the motorcycle, yesterday morning, he parked his motorcycle again, then the french and the general had breakfast, and then i found out about
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the explosion, i understood everything, i ran, then i don’t remember anything, nothing. i do not remember. the general's cars stop near entrance to the building? yes, i will need to take your testimony for the investigation. please, go back,
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it was near the canteen that the officers rushed. children quickly come down to me in pairs, quickly! but be careful, so children, let's take outerwear, everyone took their clothes down in pairs into the bomb shelter, svetka, svetka, are you okay, oh you fir-trees, that's it, let's take it, lord, quickly, lord, sergeant, i saw who, i didn’t see anyone, well done, well done, run, run, be careful. call vanya, be careful, vanya, sergei, sergei, they took it, take it, it’s the radio again, that’s the point,
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that no, this time instead of a fuse they used a grenade tied to dynamite, apparently they ran out of these radio tubes, hurry up, hurry up, oh, there you are, don’t leave, nud,
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i was building a microtransmitter for my receiver, just in case, amplitude radio beacon, like on a ship. it beeps at a certain frequency, and the closer you are to it, the louder it beeps, listen, ah, look, the direction is determined by the intensity of the signal, oh, if only there was an oscilloscope, hey, if only the washer’s battery didn’t run out, she changed into her old lady’s clothes and left , i thought, her passwords need to. she also had a bag, a heavy one,
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she left on foot or on a bicycle, no, i saw her among the crowd after the explosion, as she left, she had neither a bag nor a bicycle, let us put asya on her trail, go for a walk, why would she go out into the street in a suit to plant explosives in disguise, she got ready, pretended to be an old woman so that no one would suspect her.
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answer, we have started execution, it is, it worked, your task is to be who you are, a wounded soviet soldier, do not open fire at the line, ours are there, these are ours they broke through the defenses, i also see that the red army is attacking, stop this madness, i will give you mine maps. we all rise
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up in creative ecstasy and molotov comes out and declares war, he did not go to the rear, but went to the front. this is the act of such a very real russian man. and both had already begun, and so they ran right during the attack, the commander told him: “it’s your order, otherwise they’ll kill or wound you, which means you’re wearing this order, i gave it to him right on the run.” someone from a neighboring trench shouted: “pnikulin, crawl to us, we have here there are cigarettes." yuwe crawled there, and a shell just flew into his hole. the hardest thing in our work is to wait, if he entered the room now, everyone would have to stand up and talk to this man while standing, because on people like alexey smirnov forged the victory of the soviet people, they fought for their homeland on may 10th. after the war, when i already returned home, it was hard for me to come to the families where my friends died, i had
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such a difficult feeling. some kind of shame, that it was inconvenient for me, that i remained alive, so there are no guys, every evening i left the office with a large case full of files that i took out from genuine archival documents, i did this regularly, year after year, he is called a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many of the kimophile reports would have been reported personally to stalin. pass, this is mine, the kursk bulge, he says, it’s me, this predetermined the course of the entire war for them, when he was interrogated for 4 years, he did not give up, he did not give anything away, they did not have enough evidence, they interrogated me, to break my spirit, intelligence is a game, he knew
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how to play with this system and end up winning, the true story. british aristocrat and outstanding soviet intelligence officer, kim philby, secret war, on sunday at the first, i understood that i really couldn’t ask some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s still a secret, even i can’t tell you, get up, the vacation is over, god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a day yet, take a rest at work, we can somehow schedule a visit, i have an advantage, this is what evidence is the corpses, she is loves it, ex-wife started a scandal , screamed that she would kill them both, you can smell it, gentlemen, yes, there are notes
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of musk, how do you like the new one? the medical expert of the most prominent opera recorded it, well, it seems like everything was taught, if... this is not murder , does that mean kidnapping or faked kidnapping? assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe for you to be here, it’s not safe for me at all, uh, no, i won’t take you like this, go back, get treatment, otherwise, can you explain to me what’s going on? don't worry, it's just a formality investigation, no genetic fingerprints of the killer were found, and also, the victim was pregnant, in the sense of a bloodhound, new series. from may 13 on the first, you carry too much responsibility for others, my shoulders told you this, the body can say a lot about a person, our potolaganat thinks so,
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no, wait, wait, what is it, we went the wrong way, signal continuous! unfolds and demands new purity, it periodically goes into reception mode, now, forward, forward, forward! barbarians, be damned, you bastards, such
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there was a reception, well, this is where he collected these radio fuses. one of your beacons went off ahead of time, but come on, i saw art among the masses, it’s a pity we didn’t take this actor alive, makeup, apparently. i got it at school, which means he had an assistant there, most likely the same one who signaled from the roof, a student, you think, well, or a student, maybe egor is a passer-by, come here
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and take a look. there is only one man, it looks like his leg was wounded, you can see from the footprints that he dragged his leg, he lost a lot of blood, he floated away on a boat, he apparently went to the boat down... to the nearest in the village of pavel, well, yes, you see, an abandoned church and a cemetery. “let’s go along the river, today i
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found a letter from anya in my pocket, my dear thomas, i have long wanted to confess, but i couldn’t bring myself to, i love you, father stasis always said that feelings are not necessary.” to hide that god says to us through them that they need to be protected if the feelings are sincere, so i checked many, many times, my love for you is real, it seems to you that i am a little girl who is not able to fight for my love, but that's not true, i can't see that this one is coming to you investigator, she is deceitful and wants to use you, she arrested my brother, took away my loved one, and now she wants to take you away, but this will not happen, if you read this letter, you will understand what i did, i dared to do, after that i have only one way to join the partisans, if you want
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to tell me something, i’ll be in an abandoned church, and at night i’ll go to the forest, let’s go.
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i will hand you over myself, if you don’t give up, and i myself will confess everything, stand,
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i suggest everyone in the church lay down their arms and surrender, resistance is pointless, get up quickly and lift me up. damn, what kind of canvas does the living need now, i
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want to know who helped him, who directed him, it looks like some kind of performance, maybe she’s not a hostage, just in collusion, and if they have a transmitter there, they’re already out of the woods help, he’s jumping, so we’re waiting. you let anya go, and i stay in her place. heydrius, they know that it was anya who blew up
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the car. they won't storm. museyk, come in. thomas, thomas. thomas, i didn’t want it to be like this, it’s none of your business, i know, wife, i know, please forgive me, please go away,
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eyck, go. where is he wounded, petro, who gave you the task, what task, to blow up the general’s cars, i don’t know anything about that, you’re lying, you and heidrus are at the same time as your brother, no, i just saw how he stole a school wig, you should let him go yonosa, he has nothing to do with it, who else made radio mines with heydrus, but i don’t know anything about heydrus, i went here to the pastor, and he was wounded here, how did you contact
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the head of the canteen and the foresters, through a mersh major on a motorcycle. who are you talking about, and jonos too, ask heydrus, yes, and it wasn’t you who blew up captain ilagina’s car, which means you blew it up, you will be held accountable under the laws of war, ash, smokey toes blog, i’m a bad teacher, it’s because i’m aiming a pistol at you.
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that means we're breaking up again.
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i can only take you to the post, then we will do it ourselves. grigory ivanovich, stop, wait here, wait, svetlana petrovna, well, hello, thomas! goodbye, you are leaving, yes, you have received a new assignment, we will defend our homeland in another place, and i am the military registration and enlistment office, so i decided to volunteer for the front, but what about the school,
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well, who will you leave them, i am all about kameli passed, let you study. i probably don’t have the right to tell you all this, but to this extent everyone has their own purpose, someone must defend their homeland with a machine gun in their hands, someone must build the future of this country, if you are given a machine gun, you are unlikely to be able to kill a person , most likely you will die in the first battle, to whom will you leave them, weak defenseless women? who will show there an example of masculinity and courage, we have practically already revealed ourselves with the enemy, so mind your own business, this is an order.
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ivanovich, it’s a long drive, 300 km to minsk, to we’ll get there in the evening, and you should sleep svetlana
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petrovna, like you, grigory, i slept in the hospital, you know, thank you, hey! nothing, what? grigory ivanovich already told me this once, there was such a thing, just drop me off, don’t forget.


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