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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 9, 2024 3:00am-3:36am MSK

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this really became the basis of numerous jokes, which i think can be divided into several subtypes, firstly, this feeling of confrontation between muller and stirlitz, muller and stirlitz are walking along the streets of berlin or polis, look how beautiful the snow is, says muller: “yes, “like we have in russia,” says stirlets, and then he thinks, “i’ll be executed.”
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understands that stirlets is a spy, but he gets out of all situations so well that everyone allows him to do this, and muller is also a soviet spy, and schelenberg is a soviet spy, in fact, this is such a hypothesis that the anecdotes reveal the nature of the series , all of this, it was muller’s cunning tavern, counterintelligence worked in it, stirlitz knew this from schelenberg, a special circular was issued prohibiting members from visiting this tavern. there’s this feeling that everyone roughly understands that stirlets is tikhonov, everyone knows that everyone here belongs, well, schelenberg, well, what kind of schelenberg is he, he’s tabakov, that’s so... such
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a recognizable face, but what is he? kuralev put on a blindfold and thinks that they won’t recognize him. anecdotes seem to reveal this gap between actor and hero. everything is so serious on the screen that it is impossible to believe that this is actually being played seriously. and then, quite quickly, by the way, just some linguistic jokes begin to appear in the jokes, right? shtirlets shot at point-blank range, the point-blank fell. stirlets spoke nonsense, the nonsense ran loudly and screamed. stirlets looked out the window, there was a blow from the window, stirlets closed the window and the barrel disappeared, and stirlets shot at miller, the bullet bounced off him, armored, thought stirlets, stirlets gave the cat gasoline, cat walked a few steps, fell, probably the gas ran out, thought the stirlitz, well, i can’t now, as if now this flow will not be stopped, someone knocked on the tree, the stirlitz thought, the woodpecker thought the stirlitz.
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you yourself are a woodpecker, muller thought, muller was offended, yes, muller was offended, exactly, such stupid anecdotes that at the same time really tell us something about the series and about those people who watched it, yes, about the audience even more so than about the series, because the series remains, these jokes are gone, or rather remained in their time, but at the same time , it’s still interesting for us to watch actors who are no longer with us, unfortunately, none of those who are directly alive are anymore. the creation of this series, but we are still interested in watching on screens. it's time to move on to chapter five. chapter five. atmosphere. so what is this atmosphere? well, this is such an eclectic point of assembly, soviet life, not rich, to be honest, because in general, all these objects that we see on the screen, which are here in ours. in our studio, viennese chairs,
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a round table, they seem to be from different eras, but in general they were present in the homes of so many soviet people, in the chairs of the thirties, forties, fifties, along with armchairs from the later eras of the sixties, seventies, all this , this whole world of things, it seemed to be clearly embodied on ulioznova’s screen, and of course, when they criticize the series, saying that it has nothing in common with reality. there is a third reich with real germany, of course, he doesn’t have it, because the staging possibilities were different. the directors recreated the era on screen with the means they had. well, of course, of course, the signs of the times came straight onto the screen. and that is why the audience, in general, was so pleased, so comfortable, to look at a life that was already very distant by that time, at some extent, of course, exotic, but this exoticism was so close, suitcases. but glasses, but
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potatoes, maybe that’s why the series was then watched by front-line soldiers, the next generation, and this series, as it turned out, even herself... she talked about it, and for her it was very valuable, it brought the generation together, people just sat down to watch the tv together, and these same statistical data, when less water was consumed and more electricity, it means that the whole family really sits down in front of the tv and looking at the screen, continues to discuss the events that are happening on the screen, this is the relationship between generations, this bringing together of generations, it seems to me, after 50 years... it does not stop, it seems to me that what is important here is what lioznova created under mask of an adventure series, a multi-genre product, as they would say now, again, it was ahead of its time, i came to the conclusion that now it is absolutely the norm in
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television production, when we, well, in big cinema, actually, yes, we have elements of comedy, please, we have elements of melodrama right here for an aortic rupture. and a child, and a wife, all this, a psychological drama, of course, where would we be without it, after all, a little bit of an action film, a little bit of action, because where would we be without it, and let’s not forget about the detective story, these are the hooks that she hangs us up at the end of each episode, really makes us think, what will happen to the hero of the next episode, we haven’t seen him for almost a whole episode, what’s going on, he fell asleep for 20 minutes, and he’s nowhere to be found, so...
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right now serial industry too, so why, if we try to summarize, today we can watch the 17th of spring, why are we interested in watching it, why is it still relevant, pure cinema, pure cinema, multi-genre, how
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the actors work, how it allows we can look at these actors, then how can we do it ourselves? in fact, now many are already coming to this - not from the series to memes and jokes, yes, from jokes to the series, so this is where this phrase comes from, here are all the sources of those phrases that we can repeat without even thinking about where they come from, well, even if you please, i’ll ask you to stay, yes, she has almost already broken away from her heroes, so you can come to this series for this, you can see in what context it was said, and how they looked at each other at the same time, yes, and what was there except...
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she remembered that - workers called her at home some soviet enterprise, some factory asked what would happen in the next episode, yes, will arodist kat survive or not, yes, please, we have work to do, they told her mother on the phone, but tell us , hint whether she will live or not, and director liozny’s mother said that i can’t tell you secrets, look, you’ll find out everything, please, we need to get her back to work, that’s it, she’ll stay alive, that’s it, girls, we’re working further, she will be alive, this is a television viewer before the release of soviet television in the 17th spring , they did not yet know, these were the origins of this serial boom, which would happen later in the nineties, it was all in a sense,
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there were dress rehearsals before this serial boom that arose later. actually, the main thing we can say is to repeat the words of tatyana’s mother, look at everything. you'll find out, there's so much more to it than what we can say about it, and this series is still best to speak for itself, enjoy watching. just before the airfield, please wake me up yes sir.
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i haven't seen this for a long time, radio mina. it looks like the fritz saboteurs with imagination got caught, i don’t think it’s a fritz, why, the germans in the city would have blown up the victims and you’re fighting panic, that you hatched, drive through, come on, let’s go, let’s go, lieutenant colonel, general shorkov stopped by the officer’s room on the way to headquarters the dining room, maybe they planted a mine there, how much time does it take to install and activate such a mine, even sviridov, i think, managed it in a couple of minutes. what do you mean even i didn’t understand, and not you for five, stop, stop!
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we have everything here promptly, so sign here here is the interrogation protocol, this piece of paper. this is a liability for giving false testimony up to 5 years, of course, of course, and invite captain dadonov, the head of the canteen, to me, i listen, at 11:50 they were still at the headquarters, at 13:05 they were already at the departure post, they spent here somewhere- then about 30 minutes, this was confirmed by the canteen workers, here they planted a radio mine, radio, yes, the fuse was with a radio circuit, can you imagine, wow, even... the mine can be planted in 5 minutes, someone should be standing on otas. well done, lieutenant. and where would you be here on otas
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stood? nowhere, it won’t work unnoticed. well, why, it will work. if, for example, from the roof of that house or from the roof of a school. let me check, comrade colonel. let's check it together. since we are. here, so maybe i can get something to take away, i blinked, war is war, and lunch is on schedule, i came against my will and forgive you my death, three cards will help you win, but with the condition that you... marry elizaveta ivanovna , to my pupil, i agree, countess, so,
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remember, three, seven, heat, stop, stop, vaikiny, guys, guys, which cards? the clock is clear, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe we’ll go through it again, yes, let’s do it again, let’s do it again, yeah, as it was with me, comrade director, anechka, you’re great, guys, let’s clap a... she's smart, thank you, hello, hello, guys, just a little carefully, we need your help, you have a passage to the roof, yes, you could take us to the roof, okay, well, it's not like looking at the stars, but business, once again just
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cards, come on, so you’re looking at three... seven, what happened, ituz, shorukhova for they blew up the city, and again first, i only saw him yesterday, he gave me documents in french to translate, and who blew up, apparently the forest or the city underground, remember, there was something unusual around the general? someone is an outsider, negotiations with the allies are going on all the time, half the staff played outsiders there, and yes, guys, yes, this is better, i see you are an astronomer and a director, but you thought for a long time about how to captivate the children, and you know, pushkin turned out to be the right decision , the guys are delighted, anya just opened up, yes, pushkin
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is our everything, yeah, but not - this is the old lady depicts, right, the countess, yes. countess, by the way, she is now planning to go to theater school after the war, but your door is always open, there are children here, yes, we have an observation post here during the bombing, yeah, but you didn’t notice, some of the strangers didn’t i came here today, besides the children, i need to ask the guys, during the day i am in class, and in the evening the school closes, do some of the students stay overnight in the classrooms? in the evenings i’m home alone, checking my notebooks, reading, thomas, come visit, you promised me a horoscope compose.
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i'll pick you up at school tomorrow, what time do you finish? i won’t be there tomorrow, i was called to a meeting at the french air regiment, my first simultaneous translation, congratulate me, congratulations, why didn’t you tell me, well, i’m telling you now, you need to go to school full-time, there’s no point in hanging around at headquarters , why am i interested in both here and there, today the car was blown up. general, what if this happens again? what if rustling is not the only goal, and if the only goal, don’t be a child, it’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go, i forbid you, but why are you forbidding me? yura, this is an order from the deputy commander, but there is no one but me, so say that you are sick, you have the flu,
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fever, throat, cough, runny nose, i don’t know, something, yura, yura, which of us is the child now? good night. major elagina, she argued with me and drove off to check, and i am 100% sure, there is no fuse in the warehouse and there cannot be one, why not, because radio bombs are used for a planned retreat, they were planted where necessary, they retreated to a distance, went out for short the waves crashed, and now we are retreating, and
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for sabotage, it’s also not handy, well , you need to always have a radio with you... but for military fuses they use the same ones, but modified, and they are not sold to radio amateurs, look, this a log of all the radio parts, i requisitioned it from our deputy tech, this lamp, so svetlana petrovna now owes me new abtek scales, where will she get them for you, i bet she will find them, especially since she has whole fedorenkos for this, and the laboratory, listen to you? shillov, accepted, more
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one car was blown up on the road, the deputy commander, with some frenchmen, drove off.
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“i didn’t think that death was like this, it’s so quick and so ordinary, i wish you good health, report to the captain, i wish you good health, the melting lieutenant colonel, the general with the french representatives and the driver were having breakfast here, and when it became known that they were blown up, the head of the canteen dodonov disappeared somehow, well, he got on his bike and rode off right in his dressing gown, but there is an address, and he lives here next to the dining room, on the second floor,
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however, there is no key, there is no key, and don’t forget. bring it back, it’s already my fifth one. what is this? search or escape? it doesn't look like he planned everything out in advance. was it used,
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is it some kind of scheme? it turns out that he lost to them, they forced him to put a mine, there’s also z and m, these are the letters
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of the last name, but how do we find them, somehow we’ll find them, it’s already warmer, but mine isn’t warmer, it’s just already hot, again a radio mine with amateur lamps, exactly the same, but assembling such a fuse a second time is not a radio amateur. this is a good short-haired sod, the head of the canteen, the captain dodonov, find photographs, distribute to all posts and guards, order to take alive, clear, clear, i wish, here is the registration log of local short-head radio amateurs , a list of radios handed over to whom? arlinsky
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bronislavnaya give me a memory of 18th grade. you tell me what you are looking for, i will give you everything myself. this is your last name, call sign, yes, i’ve been doing this for many years, i have an international certificate, hanging on the wall over there, your walkie-talkie, where i took it to the police, back in june of the forties, i read the order in the newspaper and took it,
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i’m talking about another walkie-talkie. the one you didn't take and where you are currently working, what are you doing? you see, it’s not from fear, it’s parkinson’s disease, i’m disabled, it takes me half an hour to fasten buttons, what kind of work is there? by the way, there is my medical history in the top drawer of my desk. previously, yes, i conducted sessions with everyone, from alaska to argentina, but then, when i couldn’t, i already assembled a receiver, it’s unique, by the way, just listen to the reception frequency, not a single rustle on long waves, under the germans there was one officer . heard, almost
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went crazy, music lover, asked to sell, but no, yes, for me this receiver is priceless, everything is handmade, all the radio components are original, except for the lamps, of course, and there is a spare lamp for it, yes, in a drawer in the closet. that's all, i took the rest to school, i ran a radio club there, but before the war, director naikus closed it, naikus, thomas naikus, well , yes, thomas, i had seven boys studying there, very capable guys, excuse me, i don’t remember. parkinson, old
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witch, i will make you answer, tell me what kind of card this is? it was a joke, i swear to you, a joke. okay, wait, i like this whole thing. the creative process is very complex and intense. anya, who am i talking to, why are you distracted all the time? excuse me, can i take a break? yes, okay, everyone, 10 minutes. hello hello. yes, i thought you
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would give kamila at least one day off after our front-line days. you here she will recover faster, i noticed that language lessons alone are not enough for her, i would suggest that she go to work completely while she thinks, and i would be happy to work with you at school, and maybe when the war ends, these seven are in the thirty-ninth studied with varlinsky in the radio circle, you know, then everyone dreamed of catching a signal on the radio from some... missing polar explorers or geologists, a time of carefree romance, but what can you tell about them, what’s special, ordinary guys, teenagers, keen like everyone else, they are all about 22 years old now, except jonos, he is in their circle, the youngest, this is anya’s brother, two, we talked about her, she plays graffiti in our play. and how is
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serge serge doing here alone? i installed it, i’m not surprised, what’s there? i report that all the lamps are orlinsky are old, lamps from a different year of manufacture were used in the explosions, this is of course not alubi, but still, clearly, it means that six from this school radio circle are now at the front, but this needs to be checked, here is one, jonos, now lives with his mother in the village , go there for... hold it and bring it to the bullpen, okay?
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two from this radio circle died, three are fighting, jonos is sitting here in a cell, another one , heydryus, deserted 3 months ago, it is quite possible that he is our demolitionist, sitting somewhere in the forests, making a new mine, the head of the canteen, his informant, and ? here i found this on jonos during a search. sergey sergeevich, what did you show? that's the first thing, but he just laughed. okay, let's figure it out. open.
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galershield to gedri. anya, it’s been a long time to look for you, why aren’t you in a suit yet, we’re just waiting for you. so, wait, what is it, what happened? they arrested my brother. the military man ordered this , the bastard who visits our director. she's taking revenge on me on purpose. taking revenge, for what? i don't want her to get into tom's. and she’s climbing, of course, don’t you see, anechka, don’t make things up, you don’t care, that’s why you don’t you notice, i love tomos very much, and he knows, i wrote him five letters and poems,
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but i didn’t send him until...


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