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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 9, 2024 3:35am-4:11am MSK

3:35 am
what is it, what happened? they arrested my brother, the military ordered it, the reptile who comes to our director, she comes here for work, invites guests, she specifically takes revenge on me, takes revenge, for what? i don’t want her to climb into tomos, but she does, of course, don’t you see, anechka, don’t make things up, you don’t care, that’s why you don’t notice, but i love tomos very much, and he knows, i’m five to him.
3:36 am
3:37 am
i don’t remember what this means, dodonov, you are the head of the canteen, after the second explosion you suddenly disappeared, i was scared, i ran where eyes looking, i didn’t understand anything, why were you so scared, what were you running from, i was scared that you didn’t tell me about the death on the motorcycle, and now you ’ll accuse me of complicity in these explosions, i decided that you were scared of your gambling debts, you and you know about them, we know everything, tell us what kind of smershevo guy, the canteen arrived on a motorcycle, i wanted to drive him away, and he showed his id, well, tell me about this smershevo guy, what he looked like, i say, no, uh, with a mustache , senior lieutenant, about thirty, i don’t remember his last name, i arrived, parked the motorcycle, then after him...
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general shorokhov appeared, right, well, yes, i fed him and the driver lunch, when they were leaving, this lieutenant was no longer on the motorcycle, yesterday morning, he again i parked my motorcycle, then the french and the general had breakfast, and then i found out about the explosion, understood everything, ran, then i don’t remember anything.
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do the general’s cars stop near the entrance to the building? yes, i will need to take your testimony for the investigation. okay, back, it's near the officer's mess.
3:40 am
well done, well done, run, run, be careful, call, be careful, van, sergei sergeevich, dali, take it away, that’s radio mi again, that ’s the point, no, this time instead of a fuse , a grenade tied to dynamite was used, apparently they've run out of these radio tubes, yes, quickly, quickly, just, wait, come on in, grandma, come on, excuse me, go, go!
3:41 am
find a receiver, just like that, where, don’t go, don’t go, i built a microtransmitter into my receiver, just in case, amplitude. radio beacon like on ships, it is on a certain frequency it beeps, and the closer you are to it, the louder it beeps, listen, but it beeps, the direction
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is determined by the intensity of the signal, oh, if only there was an oscilloscope, hey, if only the beacon’s battery didn’t run out, did she change her clothes? then the old lady left, i thought, she needed the passwords, and she also had a whole bag, heavy, she left in a bag or rode away on a bicycle, no, i saw her among the crowd, after the explosion, as she was leaving, she didn’t have a single thing in the bag , no bicycle, let us put asya on her trail, petya, go for a walk, why does she need to go out into the street in a suit to disguise herself, plant an explosive, got ready, pretended... like an old lady, so no one would suspect her, yes, here are her things,
3:43 am
no, wait, wait, what is it, we went the wrong way, the signal is continuous, but turn it around, and... "new purity demands, he periodically switches to reception mode, now, forward, forward, forward! barbarians, damn you bastards, this
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was the reception, well, here he assembled these radio fuses, and one of them went off ahead of time because of your beacon. oh, come on, let me see, art to the masses, it’s a pity we didn’t catch this actor alive, bet the makeup, he apparently handed out makeup at school, which means he will help there... “most likely the same one who signaled from the roof, a student you think, well, or a student, maybe yegor is a passer-by, come here ,
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look!" there is only one man, it looks like his leg was wounded, you can see from the marks that he pulled out his leg and lost a lot of blood. he sailed away on a boat, he apparently took the boat downstream to the nearest village, yes, you see, the church and cemetery were abandoned, we drove along the river.
3:46 am
they need to be protected if the feelings are sincere. so, i checked it many, many times, my the love for you is real. it seems to you that i am a little girl who is not able to fight for her love, but this is not so. i can’t see that this is an investigator coming to see you. she is deceitful and wants to use you. she arrested my brother, took my loved one away from me, and now she wants to take you away, but that won’t happen. if you read this letter, you will understand what i did. i dared. did, after that there is only one way for me to join the partisans, if you want to tell me something, i will be in an abandoned
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church, and at night i will go to the forest, let's go, quickly, quickly!
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3:49 am
stand, i suggest everyone in the church lay down their arms and surrender, resistance is pointless, get up quickly and lift me up. damn, what now, the living need this lesson, i
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want to know who helped him, did you guide him, it looks like some kind of performance, maybe she’s not a hostage, just in collusion, and if they have a transmitter there, they’re already out of the forest help gallops, so we wait for half an hour, if they don’t come out, with a tourney, on...
3:51 am
osijk, come in, thomas, thomas, thomas, i didn’t want it to happen like this. this has nothing to do with you, but i know, wife, i know, please forgive me, please go away, go.
3:52 am
where is he wounded petrov, who? gave a task, what a task, to blow up the general's cars, i don't know anything about that, damn, you and heydus are at the same time as your brother, no, i just saw how he stole a school wig, you have to let jonos go, he has nothing to do with it, who else made radio mines with heydrus, but i don’t know anything about heydrus, i went here to see the pastor, and he was wounded here, how did you contact
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the head of the canteen or with them, through the smersh major on a motorcycle, i don’t know anyone about whom you say, and jonos too, ask...
3:54 am
you walk with clean hands, as much as kitko mokel, and i ’m teaching something else, now is not the time for something else, it’s a pity that you haven’t understood this yet, thomas, and my answer to you is yes, you bad teacher.
3:55 am
that means we're breaking up again.
3:56 am
i can only take you as far as the post, then grigory ivanovich, stop you yourself! wait here, wait, svetlana petrovna, well, hello, toms, and goodbye, you’re leaving, right?
3:57 am
but to this extent, everyone has their own purpose, someone must defend their homeland with a machine gun in their hands, someone must build the future of this countries, if they give you a machine gun, it is unlikely that you will be able to kill people, most likely you will die in the first battle, to whom will you leave them, weak defenseless women, who will show them an example of masculinity and courage? we’ve practically already dealt with the enemy, so mind your own business, that’s an order.
3:58 am
what do you think, grigory ivanovich, how long does it take to get to minsk? 300 km, we’ll get there in the evening, and you
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should sleep svetlana petrova you, grigory, i’m in the hospital, you know, i slept, thank you, nothing? why did grigor ivanovich do this once already? he told me there was such a thing, he’ll just drop me off, don’t forget.
4:00 am
hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main events of the day. results of work over 10 years and further strengthening. specially trained fighters, we will show how marines hold their lines in the kherson
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region on the dnieper. and a new report from the ministry of defense has liberated two more settlements. defenders of different generations celebrate 75 years of the famous memorial in treptower park in berlin. and a new monument to the heroes of the special operation was opened today in sochi. celebrated victory day in moscow, because it’s impossible at home. rally in front of the german embassy. why do ordinary germans believe that their country is now led by traitors? do not bend under western pressure and support each other’s positions on kosovo and taiwan, details of the belgrade negotiations between the leaders of china and serbia. much is still classified, how the calculations of mathematicians helped defeat the nazis during the great patriotic war. our special project is the science of winning. better together, 10 years
4:02 am
of the eurasian economic union. showed this format benefits all big five countries. russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, and armenia are benefiting from integration. cuba and uzbekistan have observer status, and more and more countries are showing interest in cooperation. it is no coincidence that vladimir putin noted at the summit in the russian capital: jaas is one of the centers of the multipolar world. report by dmitry kochitkov. moscow greeted the summit participants with may snowfall. he was the first to come to the kremlin.
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in a narrow, and then in an expanded composition. made a decision regarding further deepening integration cooperation. through joint efforts, we were able to successfully solve the problem of independent, uninterrupted supply of the domestic market with food and vital types of agricultural products. work has entered an active phase on the project of the largest international north-south corridor, which will provide direct
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access to the pro...
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business is set up for further integration, the volume of exports of the kyrgyz republic to the ies countries remains high, without taking into account the export of gold, 80% of our exports. national socio-economic plan development of our country coincides in many aspects with the priorities in the short and long term contained in the declaration of the eurasian economic union, especially in terms of science and innovation.
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cuba is interested in qualitatively and quantitatively increasing our ties in terms of trade turnover and foreign investment partnerships, both within the region and beyond. and for kazakhstan , transit issues remain a priority. enormous, active, consistent efforts
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of russia to develop and strengthen our partnerships are more important today than ever. afterwards , we will not let you down in this regard, thank you. after the official part, there will be a traditional friendly dinner, there are even more guests, the presidents of tajikistan and turkmenistan arrived in the evening. tomorrow foreign leaders will be on red square in the stands of the victory parade. dmitry kochatkov, vyacheslav chereshko, vladimir bokarev and olga merkulova, channel one. common memory, common holiday, one victory for all. to everyone who brought it closer at the cost of incredible sacrifices and efforts. russia is deeply grateful. vladimir putin sent congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war by the leader of azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan. uzbekistan, abkhazia and south ossetia, as well as the peoples of georgia and moldova. the president emphasized: it is important to stop any attempts to distort or consign to oblivion our common history, and to carefully preserve and pass on to the next generations the traditions of friendship and mutual assistance
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that helped our fathers and grandfathers crush nazism. in conditions when some states are destroying historical memory, they rehabilitate nazism, try to downplay or completely deny russia’s contribution to development. world civilization, it is necessary to ensure comprehensive and large-scale work in the field of historical education. vladimir putin approved the foundations of state policy in this area. a unified approach to teaching history, starting from preschool education, a state line of school textbooks, our educational digital platforms, instead of foreign electronic libraries, museums, patriotic education. all this is stated in the decree signed by the head states. and here is the monument i’m talking about...
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the russian embassy in germany opens for us employees of the military memorial department a crypt under the monument to the liberator, access to it is usually possible only once a year on victory day, which is either technically difficult to write down here due to the strong echo, but it creates a special effect. your voice is amplified many times over when you read: now everyone recognizes that the soviet people saved civilization with their selfless struggle.


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