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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 9, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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the image of the memorial in the berlin treptower park is 75 years old today, which was put into the monument by the famous soviet sculptor buchetich, what previously unknown names of our soldiers does this place keep, why do the germans still come there? our correspondent ivan blagoy found out everything. employees of the military memorial department of the russian embassy in germany open for us the crypt under the monument to the liberating soldier. access to it is usually possible only once a year. victory day, it is technically difficult to record anything here due to the strong echo, but it creates a special effect. your voice is amplified many times over when you read: now everyone recognizes that the soviet people, with their selfless struggle, saved the civilization of europe from the fascist pogromists, the vaults are already buzzing! the sound spreads throughout almost the entire central part of the memorial in treptow park. an elderly german couple, elfie koch, goes to the field of honor with flowers in 1985.
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to the family, about the weather, he took us to his garden and picked berries with my daughter. in one of the last interviews, which is stored in the tyazhinsky historian of the mosalov regional museum talks about how in the sixties they tried to find the girl he saved, but her traces were lost. there was such and such an army, there was such and such a blanket, everything was wrapped, there were three such cases in the city. mosalov is not the only soviet soldier who risked his life to save a german child. is it his feat? there are no prototypes, this does not exist,
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my grandfather made images of liberated europe and the liberator. unexpectedly, we hear another hypothesis: the image of raphael’s sextine madonna could have influenced the painting, which is about a painting saved by soviet soldiers in 1945. dresdon, destroyed by british american aircraft. my grandfather, of course, he didn’t tell anyone anything, he kept a little kontov. imagine, to make it easier to imagine, the monument to the war liberator should be mirrored in the work of raphael, the developing blankets in the work of vuchetich , the cloak-tent, the child in the arms of a soldier - this is europe, the message that everything, everything, the war is over, we will live in peace , and this peace was brought to german soil by a soviet soldier, the sword that cut the swastika resembles the famous two-handed sword of the holy noble prince vsevolod gabriel of pskov, grandson...
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manomakha symbolizes the strength and glory of russian weapons, but it may also have an additional meaning. the prince was known for saving people from hunger. in may 1945, the red army saved the residents of berlin from starvation. here are unique photographs of the construction work on the grandiose war memorial. post-war germany, materials are extremely difficult to find. granite was discovered on the banks of the elbe, ordered by the chief architect of the reich, scheier, to create hitler's hall of the people. construction should have ended after the victory over the soviet union. mark a german triumph, everything turned out differently. in the berlin senate we are shown a parchment book with the names of fallen heroes resting in treptow park. on the last page the figure in pencil is 2,232, but about 7,200 soldiers and officers of the red army are buried in treptow. are the names of the others unknown? this is a preliminary list. how many names are there? here to here seven plus here. with more than thousand in
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quarantine during the pandemic, our compatriot elena dmitrieva, living in the german capital, began to compare the names from the book of memory with the data of the primary burials, from where the remains were transferred to treptow when the memorial was created. that's what he says based on well-known names; we managed to identify the rest. how did the engineer approach this issue, yes, that is, if they were reburied, and if one was definitely buried, then it is clear that he was not the only one who was dug up and brought here, but everyone who was in that place was dug up. along the edges of the central part of the memory lane in treptower park there are 16 sarcophagi, eight on each side, and many people think that it is under them that the graves are located, which is not true, the heroes rest under the shade of plane trees, the graves are not marked in any way and look like an ordinary lawn. elena wants to ensure that mass graves have slabs with names. people will understand that there are graves here, that soldiers are buried here, that there is no need to do yoga here, no need.
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before victory day, elena and several of her like-minded germans brought photographs of soldiers who had found eternal peace here to treptower park. so people can see them faces, so far we managed to find 222 photographs, here they are, heroes, very young and wise with experience, emphatically serious and smiling, they all gave their lives for us. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, liliya zorina, dmitry matyushin, channel one. now the latest information on the progress of the special operation. the russian army took control of two more settlements. the western military group liberated kislovka in kharkovsko. region, and the fighters of the center, building on their success in the avdeevsky sector of the front, drove the enemy out of novokalinov. more profitable frontiers are occupied by other directions of the northern military district. over a thousand militants and various equipment were destroyed, including another german leopard tank. in addition, our ministry of defense reported a combined attack on military saws of the ukrainian armed forces, drones and
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missile weapons, including hypersonic daggers. energy facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine were affected. according to data from open sources, explosions thundered in dnepropetrovsk and vinnitsa. ivano-frankivsk and lviv regions, arrivals in kiev in the areas of the darnytsky carriage repair plant and aviation antonov plant. and more from today’s report from the ministry of defense. the enemy lost more than fifty people in the kherson direction. this is the area of ​​responsibility of the russian dnepr group of troops. the positions on the left bank of the river, including in the area of ​​the islands, are firmly held by our marines. the militants constantly test the strength of their defense and invariably receive a crushing rebuff. about people of special temperament, report by valery kuznetsov, can i channel, so, we are at the command post of the marines, we see many screens, this one the bird is hanging right above the dnieper, we see the water surface, there is an enemy somewhere,
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a five-man mortar crew is running, fire, normal, there is a gap, good, sniper accuracy, the soldiers destroy the five-man crew. in the kherson direction, in the area of ​​the island zone of the dnieper, there are now active battles, the situation is constantly tense, they are constantly coming up with something new, and now they have begun to mine the channels with drones, which makes the task more difficult. assault groups are gaining a foothold on the islands, but the constant ebb and flow of tides prevent them from digging in. under these conditions, the fighters are not they only hold the line, but they attack one of our boats, the enemy throws up to five kamikaze drones. as such, shooting combat. they do not enter, that is, they always wait for evacuation, their artillery and drones work very well, enemy drones are destroyed with small arms, like enemy drgs on motor boats, a fighter with a pose to take, when going on a combat mission, takes a weapon that he is sure it won’t let you down,
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this is my standard machine gun, my, so to speak, beauty, i call her katya, why so well as my wife, only... with a plus. naval unmanned aircraft the infantrymen are supported by assault groups. about thirty drones are operating in the sky at the same time. reconnaissance and strike. kamikaze drones are constantly being improved in the front-line workshop. we install more powerful receivers. we fly for 11-15 km. literally in
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a few hours, that is, we can already send it to the guys who are flying. drones, they also continue to operate uninterrupted. the watercraft are being modified. for example, they made a mine trawl and attached it to one of the boats. the sixty-first marine brigade can be called one of the oldest divisions. since 1943, its marines are now entering the thick of things. the fighter with the name of the soldier is 22 years old, but he has already been presented with a state award. saved several assault groups under enemy fire, that’s more than 15 people. we didn’t have any communication yet, nothing, everything drowned after the explosion. enemy equipment, including french caesar self-propelled guns and foreign -made pickup trucks, took prisoners, brought them to the place blindfolded so that they could not see where they were brought, put them in boats
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, said everything, go ahead, this is for combat missions, yes, to carry out combat missions, they were simply sent under machine guns, the islands are under our control, the defense is held by soldiers from the detachment, marcel valeev advanced from a group of fighters to enemy positions and came under fire, despite being wounded, provided assistance to three comrades, organized evacuating them, he himself continued to carry out the combat mission. governor andrei vorobyov met with the hero of the northern military district from the moscow region on the eve of the great victory,
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he presented them with medals for bravery. 11 fighters of the volunteer detachment bars, which stands for the country's combat army reserve, people of different ages and professions, men and women, all went to defend their homeland. we all have very different destinies, very different pasts, but we all have a common present, we are all. united today more than ever, and our president spoke about this yesterday, we all want victory, we are all fighting for peace, thanks to you, we are sure we will achieve victory, we are one country, we are around our president, everyone, i am sure, everyone is in their place must contribute, the ldpr party to victory day...
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at one time, the monument was erected in honor of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the great victory. representatives of the popular front paid tribute to
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the fallen soldiers of the great patriotic war with a minute of silence and laid flowers. on the eve of the greatest holiday in the history of our country. on may 9, today here in avdeevka we lit an eternal flame in memory of the feat of our grandfathers. now it will burn here as a sign of continuity between the feat that ours performed. grandfather during the great patriotic war and what our guys, our soldiers are doing on the front line, everyone with the upcoming holiday, and the guys - victories. and in sochi, next to the walk of fame, they opened a monument to the soldiers who died in the northern military district zone. it contains the whole essence of the special operation and its priorities: the protection of civilians in our historical territories. a soldier in full combat gear with a light machine gun on his shoulder covers a little girl. this is in honor of the hero. russia almaza safin. the guard sergeant major saved his comrades and held an important line. only he himself did not return
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from the battle. report by alena evtyakova. he is a hero in life. a hero in life. this is incredible honest strong man. eleven-year-old milena and seven-year-old karina are leafing through a children's magazine, which describes the feat of their beloved father, sergeant major almaz safin. he was the first to notice the attack and destroyed five. employees in the ssu. in addition to the most important award, he also had a lot of awards. for example, a medal for a participant in a military operation in syria. the business trip was also very alarming. and they saw us off and greeted us. it was always a wall, huge. i wasn't scared, i just wasn't scared. no matter what we're going through family, no matter what troubles we had, we stayed hand in hand. a career military man was asked to join the northern military district zone from the first days in 1923. tried to knock the paratroopers out of
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position, but was forced to retreat, having received a severe shrapnel wound, he fought to the end, diamond safin, the title of hero of russia was awarded posthumously, who if not us, these are his only words in life, who if not us, who if not i, he saved not only the city at that moment. he saved his soldiers, his battalion, i still can’t believe it, as if he would soon will return. today in sochi a monument was unveiled in memory of the heroes of the special military operation. in russia, the wives and children of svo participants, cadets, schoolchildren and , of course, military personnel came to the ceremony. the idea of ​​​​creating such a monument belongs to the head of the fund for helping disabled people and combat veterans , we do not abandon our own, who was also on the front line from the first days, dmitry vorobyov. we don’t have a rank or a surname there, we all have call signs, we work in balaklava, the guys
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decided to kind of create a collective image, because today our guys they find it there. soviet union. the main means of achieving peace, and i mean peace on a global scale, is the ordinary russian soldier. and when you come face to face with the enemy,
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there is a special military operation on the fronts. there is no such thing: surrender chechen, surrender tuvinian, surrender kalmyk, it simply says. russians give up, but russians never give up. representatives of the foundation we do not abandon ours say that in the near future the same bronze wars will appear in the liberated territories in donetsk, mariupol and lugansk. ivan pokhomov, yulia khodrova and dmitry baranov, sochi channel one. the united aircraft corporation handed over to our aerospace forces the second batch of the latest su-35s fighters this year. the planes passed all the necessary tests and departed. roma of the gagarin aircraft plant in komsomolsk-on-amur to the home base of the su-35s, a super-maneuverable high-speed fighter of the 4+ generation, designed to intercept and destroy all classes of air targets, as well as to destroy ground-based surface targets. from moscow to vladivostok and back. a special train of the ministry of defense returned to the capital
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. strength is true. the train was met at the belarusian train station. in the carriages there is an exposition about the history of the great patriotic war and...
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and today, acting foreign minister sergei lavrov laid a wreath at the memorial plaques with the names of foreign ministry employees who died in the line of duty. now nazism is raising its head again and victory day takes on special significance, as sergei lavrov noted, russia is fighting it for the sake of everyone who wants live with your own mind and traditions. the head of our diplomacy thanked the foreign ministry staff who are defending the interests of our country today and congratulated everyone on the upcoming victory day. the president at the inauguration ceremony said that we are all indebted to our history, a thousand-year history, and to our ancestors, this is how we perceive the mission that fell to russia, today, we see an extraordinary rise
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in our people for this yet another sacred battle. victory is guaranteed to us because the truth is on our side. at the embassy germany held a rally in moscow today to celebrate victory day, and the germans who came to the diplomatic mission building said that they did not want to revise the results of the second world war, they considered it wrong to bomb russian people in the donbass with german weapons, they were sure that the german leadership had forgotten history lessons, and an exhibition of destroyed german weapons from the northern military district zone in victory park.
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sven says that it's all about ignorance, to understand the nature of the conflict in ukraine, to understand what impression the supply of german weapons makes on russia, you need to know the history. west germany, where i’m from, by the way, we don’t know this, the second world war was only discussed in school for 2 weeks and that’s it. posters in front of the embassy show destroyed houses. now supports the ukrainian armed forces in the fight against
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the russian people, in the fight against russia, in the fight against truth and goodness. in addition to tanks , germany supplies marder infantry fighting vehicles, iris and skynex anti-aircraft systems, reconnaissance drones, and grenade launchers to the battlefield. germany realizes that following us interests harms our country. what olaf scholz silently swallowed the explosions of the northern currents, says that there is now a government of traitors in power. no one from the embassy responded to the action; today is an ordinary working day there, however, without the ambassador; germany recalled him to berlin for consultations. alexander lyakin, andrey melikhov, kristina ivanova, channel one. russia condemns the decision of the berlin authorities to ban the use of symbols associated with the great patriotic war. russia and the soviet union, as stated in our foreign ministry, moscow calls for the abolition of this norm and stop rewriting history. according to the official representative of the department, what is happening in germany at the instigation of the authorities
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of the republic, first of all, humiliates the german people. at the briefing they talked about what such a free handling of historical memory can lead to. on may 6, the press secretary of the european commission for foreign policy, peterstan, made a statement about the alleged presence of ukraine. kiev regime, with his statements he incites kiev to continue attacks on peaceful russian cities, civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, stores, coupled with the supply of heavy weapons and long-range... weapons, the ec stated that moscow will give an adequate response to
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the neo-nazis openly neglecting, including their own international obligations. and today, maria zakharova unequivocally becomes an accomplice in the terrorist activities of the ukrainian new unfriendly steps of london. great britain is expelling our military atache and is going to deprive some buildings located on the territory of the united kingdom of diplomatic status. also offered limit the validity period of russian diplomats. many topics coincide, this applies to both ukraine and territorial issues. both countries share a common grief. once upon a time , nato troops together with the americans bombed belgrade, the chinese embassy was damaged,
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and chinese citizens were killed. double standards do not suit either serbia or china; on the contrary, mutual agreements, economic cooperation and a multipolar world are coming to the fore. details of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to belgrade in the report by pavel krasnov. in belgrade, the president of the people's republic of china greeted with the highest honors. this was not just a tribute to protocol. as the dzimpinov's cortege drove into the square, decorated with the flags of serbia and china, it became obvious. this is a meeting of like-minded people. the eastern giant and the balkan country have a fragment of the former. yugoslavia only at first glance does not have much in common; the key issue for the state related to uncontrolled lands, taiwan and kosovo, they have the same one. we have a simple and clear position on the issue of china's territorial integrity. we always and everywhere say that taiwan is china. china responds by supporting serbia's territorial integrity. without any reservations, china is always with us, in all the most difficult moments. don't forget that our chinese friends were with us 25 years ago when our country was destroyed.
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tsimpina to serbia is timed to coincide with events that occurred through the fault of this very hegemon. 25 years ago, during the nato operation against yugoslavia, american planes bombed the chinese embassy, ​​a tragedy that no one in china has forgotten. of course, we remember this, everyone in china remembers that three people died here then. these days there are always a lot of people and a lot of flowers at the small memorial. citizens of china and those who live and work in serbia,
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those who happen to be passing through here. people come here to honor the memory of their compatriots who died under american bombs; the embassy building itself is no longer here; in its place, now stands the bulk of the chinese cultural center, and this is also a very impressive monument to the events of a quarter of a century ago. the east is known to have a passion for symbols and construction. the cultural center of china, the largest in europe, on the site of the bombed embassy , ​​a clear message is read, it embodies the modern economic and political power of china, which... the west today cannot but be reckoned with. and in nato, they can assure as much as they like that the bombing of the embassy was a tragic accident, even if china believed it, it would not convince beijing of the peace-loving nature of the north atlantic bloc; in the west they understand the fairness of attempts to insist on this, at least in dialogue with china. sizen ping's visit coincides with the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade during the kosovo war. this will allow china to highlight
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the argument that it also supports. that nato is an aggressive dangerous organization, actually to russia at today’s meeting, unlike the recent negotiations in paris, not a word was said, at least publicly, but the image of moscow was invisibly in the air, even the schedule of sizempina’s european tour speaks for itself: unlike france and serbia, hungary are not only disposed towards china, but what most irritates the european union, which is friendly to russia, in this context, the entire trip of the prc leader sends a signal that the western press managed to do. unmistakably read. xi's visit is filled with signs that he can use to point out to audiences at home, as well as in the global south, the double standards of the us-led alliance. siy wants to show that nato does not provide security, but rather works against the interests of china and russia. beijing believes that the conflict in ukraine provoked by nato's expansion to the east. apparently, sidin pin expressed this idea at a meeting with macron and the head of the european commission, vonderlein, directly in response to annoying
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demands to refuse. from the support of moscow, in belgrade he summed up the results of negotiations with european leaders in a veiled manner when he spoke about friendship with serbia. this is mutual, sincere, real friendship. today serbia becomes the first european country with which we are building a community with a common future. we agreed to expand strategic communications. it turns out there is no common future with paris. the first trip of the head of china to europe in five years revealed too many disagreements, so the west was clearly unhappy with the results of his visit to france, when guns roared in belgrade, lightning flashed in western capitals, and the french were especially zealous, trying to make fun of about the two remaining points of the european trip. after france and the criticism voiced there, shizen ping continues his european tour, traveling through the conquered lands. visiting serbia and hungary, the president of the people's republic of china decided to honor with his presence two countries whose weight in the economy and demographics is small, but whose
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leaders aleksandar vucic and... were awarded the title of the trojan horse of the european union, to build a battery production plant, one belt remains in china's project, one puti, along with serbia, is accepting beijing's help in building a high-speed railway, another project that is sure to cause stomach upsets in the west. after all, as french newspapers write, politics is already i made my way into the kitchen. during a meeting with the head of china, macron pulled a dessert called russian pie from the menu. at negotiations in belgrade and budapest.
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on the day of victory on the first. grigory, senior lieutenant, unit commander. instinct will always tell you the right decision. agent name czech, rank classified, position letnap. a junior sergeant went to the front as a volunteer, look at me bobrikov, leonid shchelat, a junior sergeant, excellent in combat training, tell me when, where and by whom he was recruited, that means he is preparing very
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serious task, saboteur, legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitors, the main task is to eliminate him. machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go on a mission with us? on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur, crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9, on the first. come on, come on or die, we stand here, for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated, there is a line
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front, even the same structures are found in the great patriotic war, trenches, the first tank you had was the t-3476, yes, i am the commander, i am the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual, well, i called it memory, it... . he saved me, his armor, everyone to cover, german eyes in the area, you call them germans, well, of course, three shells in rapid fire, two such vehicles got out, began to unload troops, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles, foreign nato is not an option against them. our armed forces to fight, hurray, hurray, hurray, time has chosen us, so now we must try to ensure that there is peace. premiere, heroes time. chose us on may 10 at the first by a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain, he
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had, of course, an exceptional gift, he did not tell anything, but they told him everything, kim philby, a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence , and roosevelt did not know what stalin knew, but he knew almost everything, thanks to kimufil. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation, all i could do was gather my courage. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from a personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. on sunday on the first. this is the program
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time and we continue. the weather never ceases to amaze residents of the capital region. today the sun was shining brightly, and then it started to rain. which gave way to hail and snow, and so on circle, the view outside the window sometimes changed in a matter of minutes. as a result, for some time the green lawns turned white and the snow fell lightly on the flowering trees. tonight he promises to die. in the morning in some places up to -6, tomorrow afternoon, of course, it will be warmer, but not much, up to +5, it will be cold for at least another week, frosts at night and during the day will not exceed 10-12°. victory day, tomorrow special words of gratitude and special congratulations to our dear veterans; personal celebrations, parades right under their windows and small concerts are being organized for them throughout the country. in in moscow, the young army soldiers came to svet savech turunov, he fought. near leningrad, then participated in the liberation of poland and
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czechoslovakia. already in peacetime, he rose to the rank of admiral and was assistant to the ussr minister of defense. now he is 98. viktor efimovich galkin also received congratulations in the capital today. wartime songs from the young patriots ensemble were heard at his house. and in novosibirsk , employees of the russian guard came to antonina mikhalni badyannikova. the other day she turned 101 years old. she began serving near moscow, and in 1945 she reached poland.
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the great patriotic war would not have been consumed by fire. today we must remember all those who died during the great patriotic war. we bow our heads in their memory, and it is not they who need this memory. we need this memory. memory died. during the great patriotic war, they honored him in st. petersburg at
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the pekarevsky cemetery, where the victims of the siege of leningrad were buried. residents of the city on the neva, including veterans, laid flowers and wreaths at the mother of the motherland monument. on the eve of victory day , the ceremony took place in moscow, in the alexander garden. at the tomb of the unknown soldier's minute of silence red carnations. they were assigned by representatives of the board of the ministry of defense. and in the moscow region, prosecutor general igor krasnov laid flowers at the monument to red army soldiers. 108th infantry division, which also took part in the defense of the capital. we continue to tell you about the contribution to the great victory of soviet scientists in a special project of the first channel: the science of winning, and mathematics is the science of all sciences, and what our mathematicians came up with made the victorious hoisting of the red banner over the rechstag inevitable. academician keldysh and his challenge to the flater phenomenon, mathematical calculation. thousands of german
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bombs can no longer fall on moscow, the application of the theory of probability and the density of fire from katyuzh has been increased three times. in general, they were like that, soviet scientists, that hitler ordered not to bomb the zhukovsky institute, to take everyone alive, but it was hitler’s utopia, and we have the science of winning, an accurate mathematical calculation, the victorious may of forty-five, the flag flew over the reichstag. the pre-war years between advanced countries were the struggle for the development of high-speed aviation. airplanes in europe and america, one after another , are simply destroyed in the air during testing. a whole wave of mysterious, then inexplicable catastrophes. the phenomenon is called flutter, that is, shaking, vibrations over its causes and how to overcome them, all world science thinks. this is already the extreme point - this is the flutter itself, that is , this cannot be achieved in reality, otherwise the plane will fall apart. in the air on these screens is a mathematical model of the flutter,
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calculated for the su-35-s-57, how the plane is deformed if it accelerates to critical speed. it is based on the flatter theory, which was formulated by mstislav keldysh. now a supercomputer calculates it in a couple of minutes; in those years, the mathematician keldysh had a slide rule among his computing tools. keldysh tests airplane models in a wind tunnel at tsag, the zhukovsky central aerohydrodynamic institute. they built it there. the largest structure in the world at that time. keldesh brings out the exact balance of wing stiffness and drag weight. what parameters need to be included in the plane to avoid flatera? if by yourself. but it must be proven that the critical speed of the flutter is 20% greater than the speed at which the plane will fly. during the war years , keldesh personally went to aviation factories to
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literally implement his calculations on the machines. the mathematician’s manuscript describes a case when at one of the production facilities they wanted to stop the production of aircraft because of a flare. it is possible to eliminate all danger of flutter within one day by skillfully placing a 1 kg weight in the handlebars. aircraft 127 is the founder of fourth generation fighters to to achieve supersonic speeds, the designers needed to make the wing as thin as possible, but a thin wing is less rigid and therefore susceptible to the flutter phenomenon. to solve this problem, the designers included special beams in the wing outline, on which rockets are suspended. calculation for flor. now every design of a combat or reconnaissance drone is being tested; in those years , keldysh’s works made it possible to create ilyushin attack aircraft, yakovlev fighters, tupolev heavy bombers; not a single soviet high-speed aircraft suffered due to the flutter. crashes. at the same time, those who were retrained had the task of protecting our skies from the nazis.
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during the battle of moscow, enemy aircraft carried out about 9,000 raids into the moscow air defense zone, but they were able to break through to the capital. less than 350 aircraft, these anti-aircraft guns were stationed around the city, in the city itself, often on the roofs of houses; the most advantageous placement of anti-aircraft batteries was also calculated by mathematicians. not all of hitler’s planes that were able to break through reached their targets. the germans bombed moscow 134 times from 1941 to 1942. the last bomb has dropped to moscow only around april 43, and then alone. destruction in the city was minimal. mathematician and geometer nil aleksandrovich glagoliev in the fall of '41 solved the problem of optimal placement of anti-aircraft batteries around the capital. scientist andrei nikolaevich kolmagogorov created a theory of destroying aircraft with a system of anti-aircraft installations. he also proposes a scheme for arranging balloons in the sky of moscow, which makes flying as difficult as possible. it was a grandiose
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work, little known, and these balloons were installed for a reason, on their own, they were installed. army before scientists, in particular , he wrote several works on the topic of dispersion of projectiles, mathematical models, taking into account the theory of probability, the first katyushas entering the battlefield fired very scatteredly, there was a large dispersion between the projectiles, the task of increasing the accuracy of fire was then set and
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before a group of scientists by sergei khristianovich in tsag, and a solution had to be found in such a way that the design of the projectile would be left the same, the conveyor had already been launched, and the mill would be changed.' there is no time, there is a legend, traditions, according to to which khristianovich asked, well, what should we do, deadlines, secrecy, and a minimum number of modifications, the cars were launched into a wide series, what should we do, should we sprinkle them with holy water, well, they said something like that, an elegant, very cheap solution was found, the density of fire from the katyuzh was increased threefold by drilling 12 holes in the missile part of the projectile, the same m13 uk improved for accuracy, with those with the same... tangential holes drilled around the circumference, at an angle to her, from these holes, powder gases exit perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, thus spinning the rocket, rotating the projectile, flies more accurately than an unguided projectile, a simple non-rotating one. hitler's troops had orders not to bomb the
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dzhukovsky central aerohydrodynamic institute, where the most advanced developments were carried out. he wanted to get our calculations, our scientists alive. a number of works by mathematicians were kept secret during the war years. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. "we are all in creative ecstasy, rising to the top, performing molotov was taken away, he did not go to the rear, but went
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to the front, this is the act of such a very real russian man, the battle has already begun, so they ran right during the attack , the commander tells him: “this is for your order, otherwise they will kill or wound, it means you’re also wearing an order, right as you were running you gave it to him, someone from the neighboring trench shouted: “nikulin”: crawl to us, we have cigarettes here, yuv crawled there, and just flew into his eye they are getting old. the hardest thing in our work is to wait. if he entered the room now, everyone should. would stand up and talk to this man while standing, because the victory of the soviet people was forged on people like alexey smirnov. movie stars, they fought for their homeland. may 10 on the first. after. war, when i already returned home, it was hard for me to come to families where my friends died, i had such a difficult feeling.


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