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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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glasses, take the glasses, yes, yes, yes, take the glasses, that’s it, wear them. hello, the evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. the day that unites generations is a sacred holiday for the entire country, may 9. in the faces and events of the brightest.
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foreign guests, veterans and heroes of our days, members of the northern military district, watched in detail the main parade on red square together with vladimir putin. what is needed for new successes on the battlefield, how to be one step ahead of the enemy, a frank conversation between the president and ours military participants of the north military district immediately after officially taking office. you, your subordinates, are worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war. all the details are on our broadcast: american missiles were shot down by attack, czech vampires and french aerial bombs, a summary of the day of the abolition of defense about the combat work of our military. protocol for attempts to lay flowers at the eternal flame in ukraine, but while kiev is trying to erase the memory, other countries honor our feat of the march of the immortal regiment in belarus, mongolia, china and beyond.
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a holiday over the greatness of which time has no power, a day that our entire huge country, each of its residents, has been waiting for for 79 years with special trepidation and gratitude. may 9 is victory day, the same victory for which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fearlessly fought and gave their lives. today we remember their feat and say thank you to the veterans. there are only a few of them left, each about 100 years old or even more. but they found the strength to be on the main square of russia, to personally watch the grandiose parade in the stands, next to the president, the leaders of many others states, military officers and those who are now gloriously continuing the traditions laid down by the soldiers of the great patriotic army on the front lines of special operations. powerful, majestic, piercing, this is exactly how the main parade took place on red square. 9.00 military personnel, there were over forty parade crews. 60
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combat vehicles, aviation. in the report by konstantin panyushkin, the brightest moments. surprisingly, on may 9, suddenly a spring snowfall covered the entire ceremonial capital. the palace and cathedral of the kremlin, st. basil's cathedral, rubinov and the star of golden double-headed eagles, covered with snow minin spozharsky, mechanized column on tverskaya street, pushkin embankment of the moscow river. due to the weather , the parade crews marched to red square in winter outerwear, on top of the parade.
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the cuban leader and his wife arrived in the kremlin, here is the president of fraternal belarus, the conversation with whom the day before lasted until the middle of the night. vladimir putin even asked alexander lukashenko to remind him exactly until what time, that is, they didn’t see him for a few hours, well, when the presidents of tajikistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan arrived, it had already arrived time to take your seats in the stands. here , together with the heads of state, are participants in a special military operation and the most important guests of the parade, veterans of the great patriotic war.
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the military police then president vladimir putin takes the floor and addresses the military personnel , separately highlighting the participants of the military police. i congratulate you on victory day, on our most important day.
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our strategic forces are always on alert. today russia, as in the forties of the last century, is capable of defending itself on its own, the lessons of the great patriotic war learned. for the first three, long, most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union and all the republics of the former soviet union fought the nazis almost one on one. then, almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: russia has never downplayed the importance of the second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all the soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people
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of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan. on on red square today, like nowhere else , the connection of times was felt, along with the veterans of the great patriotic war, the most important guests and participants. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes, we bow to your steadfastness and self-sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you, they believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds a generation.
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so the tears in the eyes of the guests in the stands are not only about the multi-million dollar sacrifice of the soviet people, these are the tears of mothers, us mothers, who are waiting for our soldiers, participants in a special military operation, our sons, that all this will end, they will win and that they will all return home safe and sound, here they are our real heroes today, they are new heroes, and we are sure that they will still write their names on the main buildings, our enemies, just like their grandfathers and fathers did. may god grant that they are all alive and well, that they fulfill their duty with dignity , that they all march together here at the parade on the red squares and we were all proud of them together. victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and
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are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia. our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory. hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, four dozen parade squads walked along the paving stones, all types of troops in the stands each met their own, the paratroopers were greeted by the chairman of the fdv veterans council, vladimir danilchenko, then a technician. 61 units, the only tank is a tank victory of the t-34. the rest of the wheeled vehicles are all
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used in the northern military district, with the exception of the yars strategic missile systems. well , finally, after a long pause in the sky over red square, aviation, a laconic cuban diamond composition and attack aircraft with smoke in the color of the russian flag. but even in such a laconic composition there is amazing beauty. konstantin, pavel rudakov, kiril loginov, channel one. after the end of the parade on red square, vladimir putin, together with foreign states, went to the tomb of the unknown soldier, a sacred place for all of us. flowers were laid in the alexander garden of the president and they honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a great patriotic minute of silence. then the ceremonial march of the presidential regiment. alleys of carnations today appeared on the walk of fame, where the pillars of the cities of heroes are located, including sevastopol. today is another important date in our history: exactly 80 years ago the city was liberated from the nazi invaders. well, a little later, a gala reception was held in the kremlin
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in honor of the foreign leaders who arrived in moscow, all of them are reliable partners and friends, vladimir putin said. victory day is celebrated in the commonwealth states wherever the exploits of the soldiers who defended freedom and the future are remembered and honored. the enemy received the most violent rebuff, and history has never known such unity and mass heroism of the soviet people, the president emphasized. international law and a comprehensive, equal system and advocates strict compliance with the norms of an indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of the second world war. memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding. and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for
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our movement forward to work together for the sake of the future. dear friends, let me propose a toast to the generation of winners, to the great victory, to peace and prosperity, to our good friends. thank you for being with us. and today in the kremlin, vladimir putin held separate bilateral negotiations. her people. the russian president also noted that the united states has always been on the side regarding cuba warehouse of cubans in the fight against fascism during the great patriotic war. another meeting with the president. well, immediately after the end of the parade
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on red square and the ceremony in the alexander garden, vladimir putin and belarusian leader alexander lukashenko gave an interview to our correspondent konstantin panyushkin. the russian president spoke about a recent meeting with our military, as well as training conducted by moscow and minsk.
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contact to tell that he met with the military personnel of the seventh, the seventh with the commanders of units who distinguished themselves. lately there has been a lot to talk about and of course they talked about our guys, those who conceived heroism, courage, debugging and the results of today’s combat work, the presidents decided to conduct exercises, and the use of tactical
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nuclear weapons is not used, this is an exercise, training, training, yes , because on the territory...
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so that problems are solved with minimal losses, and so that we unconditionally achieve all the tasks assigned to us by our homeland. according to the president, big plans for the country's development can only be realized if there is success on the battlefield; thanks to the courage and dedication of our guys, the russian army is confidently pushing the enemy out of its occupied lines. you, your subordinates, are worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war. our homeland, now we know about cases of courage, heroism, and this is not from case to case, these cases occur, and this is on an ongoing basis practically and this is extremely important, this is one of the key conditions for our victory, i have no doubt about that. among these key
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conditions is equipping the army with the latest types of weapons, along with defense giants, development and production.
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a ground vehicle was used, they got it, it was still difficult, i know, once again, i say, the berdychi got it after all, it was difficult, it was definitely difficult, but they took it, we move on, the liberation of the berdychi became a major tactical victory for our enemy army not only were they thrown back from the second line of defense in the avdeevsky direction, but they created a platform to attack the cover through which the group is supplied, a ground robotic complex was used in this locality. the use of such equipment specifically in assault operations will save the lives of military personnel. universal courier. soldiers, it can be used for evacuating the wounded, and for transporting ammunition, and for mining areas, while the robot exists in the form of several experimental samples, is it possible to organize mass production of such
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platforms and equip assault groups divisions, perhaps, of course, until recently we adapted similar, similar devices and developed them ourselves, so we have some experience, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me, also work day and night, this is real in the full sense of the word , day and night in order to stay a little ahead of the enemy, in general we succeed; this is one of the main tasks to ensure the overall success of victory. during the northern military district, the number of the brigade commanded by major general vlasov increased almost by 3 and a half times, and the management structure remained the same, as it turned out, the president is aware of this problem too, it is necessary to reorganize the brigade into a division, and so on. line up all the governing bodies, we’ll do that. the svo also brought new types of weapons to the forefront; who would have thought that relatively inexpensive drones with explosives on board would become a real nightmare for the enemy
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and would destroy armored vehicles costing millions of dollars. now engineers are struggling to solve two main problems: how to increase the range actions of combat drones and how to teach them to overcome enemy rap. the use of fpv, it often nullifies all the enemy’s attempts to actively act on... there is a need to consider the issue of introducing and perhaps producing an aircraft type with fpv carriers just for drones, that is, the so-called aerial mother, those tasks that have recently we thought so, and in general everyone all over the world thought that they could be solved only exclusively with the help of aviation complexes, but now they are solved with small means, but with great help with great effect, we...
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the center also advanced along the front line, defeated several enemy brigades at once, disabled equipment, including american howitzers and self-propelled guns, two more enemy tanks were knocked out by military personnel from the east, aviation, missile forces and artillery the command and observation post of the armed forces of ukraine, a large field ammunition depot, was destroyed, air defense systems shot down two operational-tactical missiles with an attack from the usa, 15 czech vampire missiles, five french aerial bombs. on on the front line, our military is dealing with real terrorists. ukrainian militants are deliberately targeting civilians. on
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a holiday sacred to millions of our citizens, they again struck the belgorod region. 35 drones, 70 different ammunition. six kindergarten houses were damaged in the village of novopetrovka. the shibekinsky, greyvoronsky urban districts, and borisovsky district are also under attack. in belgorod itself there were casualties as a result of the air attack. 11 people, from the scene of events dalmira beryukova. at 4 am belgorod was awakened by the howl of sirens, over explosions rocked the city. in one of the residential areas, there was a direct hit on a high-rise building, windows were broken, balconies were damaged, the finishing of the house was damaged, shops were destroyed, cars were floating in the parking lot. the sleeping people did not immediately understand what had happened. what she slept in was what she got out of, and started hitting on the neighbors.
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leg, arm, but they walked on their own feet, thank god there were no serious injuries. in the city, after an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces , 11 people were injured, five were provided with
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outpatient care, eight people are now... in city hospitals, among them an eleven-year-old girl; the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov, visited the wounded. hello, can i have guests? by carrying out terrorist attacks on the belgorod region, the kiev regime has finally lost its human appearance. here is a czech installation caught on cctv cameras in the border area. according to the ministry of defense, at night over belgorod our air defense system destroyed 15 vampire rsz shells. on the night of may 9 , a missile danger was declared in belgorod three times. and the night before, ukrainian militants tried to attack during opening of the memorial. in a place called belgorod khatyn. during the occupation, the nazis executed almost 2.0 people here, russians, jews, ukrainians. the concert was interrupted, but not for long; after the missile threat was lifted, people came out of hiding and carried candles in memory of the victims of fascism; in the morning , the traditional laying of a grieving mother at the monument took place. we are being shelled, yes, all the shelling, we don’t care at all if our grandfathers fought, yes, that is,
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no matter how they were afraid of anything. we should be afraid, they provoke, it’s also sad that this whole fascism, nationalism, it remains, and well, i think we will win, we will solve these issues, problems and so on and we will continue to be friends with our neighbors, years pass, as they say, nothing changes, everything that was is now is also happening, but i think that we will finish the job to the end, our guys will cope, we support them, this year it was not in belgorod. traditional parade, but the main holiday of the country is felt here in a special way, from every window the heroes of the immortal regiment look at us, and memorials they are littered with flowers, songs of victory are heard everywhere, in spite of all those who have not succeeded and will not succeed in spoiling our victory day. dalmira beryukova, sergey pilyaev, alexander klimov, igor ivanov and yulia khodorova, channel one belgorod. tens of thousands of people gathered today in the center of yerevan, there is
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a large-scale rally.
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victory day is truly a national holiday, and it was celebrated today by the whole country. these are shots from st. petersburg. the northern capital also held a parade in the morning. for the first time in the city on the neva , veterans of the great patriotic war not only were present at it, but also took part. on may 9, they were greeted on a grand scale in tula; governor alexey dzyumin congratulated the veterans and all residents of the region. he also hosted the parade on the main square of the city. paratroopers, emergency situations ministry employees, cadets, and young army soldiers marched.
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military personnel from the west, south, center, east and dnieper military groups came and were awarded medals for bravery for bravery, as well as the cross of st. george. spectators also saw equipment, including modern models. celebrations in volgograd, which, according to tradition, on the day victories return the legendary name of stalingrad. the hero city celebrated the sacred day for everyone with concerts, exhibitions and, of course, a parade. well, the far eastern holiday was one of the first to be celebrated. celebrations in honor of victory day were also held in yekaterinburg, kaliningrad, murmansk, novorossiysk, and smolensk. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the continuation of the film “saboteur” crimea. come on, run!


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