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tv   Den Pobedi  1TV  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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remember at what price happiness was won, please remember, as you send your song into flight, remember about those who will never sing again, remember, tell your children about them, so that they will remember, tell your children’s children about them, so that they too will remember.
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eternal memory to the heroes who fell for the freedom and independence of our homeland.
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gods and the steppe storm, you can’t know your share, maybe you’ll fold your wings in the middle of the walls.
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kuman, alada prevogi, with the power of the kurya, arrows will strike the circles of pestilence, my friend kur'. i’m not, i’m not going out, dear boss, pollen, tuba, earthen all around, choking earth.
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narovik byvam young. you are a class on the praying word of the sun, you are such a happy little darling.
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children cannot be forgotten there.
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this year we celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory. tonight we will talk about songs of the war years that have not lost their relevance, but how invisible threads unite our feelings with memory. you and i are in the village of vskhody, where there is a wonderful house of culture, built at the expense of mikhail isakovsky,
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originally the katyusha song museum. michael before the war, isakovsky came almost every year, here in early june of 1936 he conceived the lines to blossom. variants of his poem, the version that he liked most, this version was performed on november 28 , 1938, dear girl valentina batishchego, here she is in front of you. when this girl came on stage and sang songs, there was a groan from applause in the hall, she is poor, she sang for the second time, she sang for the third time, with such a warm acceptance the life of a wonderful song began
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katyusha: take care of the earth, she says to her beloved: “katyusha, and love, rest assured, i will save.” that's the meaning of this song. who was the girl who became the heroine of the wonderful work, isokupsky did not leave any memories. closer, the version is that the heroine of the song katyusha, a girl from the vskhodsky district, and we have a version of older people who claim that she went out onto the steep bank, where a symbolic sign is now erected, it is called so, katyushin bank.
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nikolay, what for you, for the military man , who, as i know, has been since 2014 been on the battlefield for years. this song is a memory first of all, it is a great honor for me to always perform it, that is, i and my great-grandfather.
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it was necessary to wait until the main forces arrived, because some part of the troops were defeated, they held the enemy back, the enemy’s counter-offensive, that is , a lot of shells were fired there, then in the end the cannon simply spat on them, well, they hit until until they arrived, they held out for several hours until the main forces arrived, just like that the enemy's counter-offensive fizzled out, here 's a very familiar story from reality and...
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that is, we directly stood and are standing on the border of our hometown, thank you very much, they blossomed, the flowers are on your windowsills, and i am with a bouquet, in love, your admirer, you are not you give me peace even in my dreams. my katyusha, my spring, i had a dream of just the two of us,
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hot sun, summer, pond, and we sing about how good we feel, another moment, and you’re holding hands with the baby, i recognize my own face in his face, tears happiness, god, i became a father, i'm drawn to him hands, he smiles, but through the disturbing sounds, i wake up, and my old mother is crying at home at the window, son, wake up, war has come to our house. about the brightening of the clouds, the flood of fog in the hall, we, kotyusha, went out on a high day above the rue, a difficult hour had come, and we were not expecting it, i was looking forward to the beginning of a happy life, but nothing would ring them out. medals and will proudly lie on a shelf collecting dust, but i’m kidding, dear, that
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medals for me, it’s all dust, it all doesn’t make sense, but i want my grandson to say, in vitali, this is my grandfather, he bravely stood for his homeland fought, and i don’t know, katya, what will happen next, i know that we will definitely win, and i’m not afraid to get my hands dirty, this is a war, and we didn’t start it, but we will finish, when it’s not yet certain, it’s going on a bright red flag on... berlin, but in the meantime, blood improves the soil, descendants will call this war great koila, the song started. i miss your eyes so close, fate so gloriously united souls and so cruelly separated
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us, but i am alive, my katyusha is alive. no matter what they say to enemies, traitors, don’t listen to anything, they say i’m dead, they it seemed, and no matter what happens, the main thing is to remember that i don’t need anything other than your love, my idol is a front-line path, i am a proud warrior who really wants to become a good husband, and i will return, i will hug you from the doorway, i will quietly cry, as if childishly, on your tender finger, i’ll pull the ring, forever your kodyusha, soviet soldier, for the light and blessings of the pears, the vibrations floated over the river, we straightened it out, on a high bank on a steep one, we watered it, pratsyusha, on a high one. thank you
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very much, the song kochusha together with nikolai romanenko was performed by the legendary and beloved our alexandrov ensemble. gennady ksenofontovich, of course, the history of your ensemble is inextricably linked with the history of our country and, of course, with the great patriotic war. i'd like to start like this.
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countries and the song is a holy war, if we already say, a holy war, a huge country, rise up, fight, by force, alexander vasilyevich, our leader, he was eager to do something like this for the front, here on...
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battle from our archive the first edition of this song was in 1943, then it was called the song march 25 years of the red army, and we also have the program of this concert, where it was performed for the first time and it was performed on february 22, 1943, precisely the years when there were the most terrible, the most critical times, the most critical times, it was at this time. a song was created that today is called indestructible, legendary, and of course, this song is a symbol of our army.
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since then, we have opened all our concerts with this song. i want to say that russian folk song is also the main genre in which our team works, because these songs are always they waited and are waiting at the front, and these songs were always
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perceived by the soldiers as native news from home, it always brought warmth to the hearts of our soldiers, and with a saving green... you put me to sleep, you put me to sleep, you put me to sleep! kolinka, kolinka, my kolinka, saluyagoda, raspberry, my raspberry, kalinka, my kalinka, saluyagoda,
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raspberry, raspberry, uh, uh, and i want to say that our artillery also worked and today fulfills an important mission, being close to our fighters . thank you very much, the wonderful actress olga budina is in our studio, for in which the song, or rather for the history of the family, is very significant. please tell me the body touches my grandfather. i am the granddaughter of a real hero of the great patriotic war, this is your grandfather, right? my grandfather's name is ignatia fedorovich gotsman. he was born in
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the belarusian ussr, in the minsk region in 1921 , on september 23. and, as you understand, in the year the great patriotic war began, he was only 20 years old. before that, he entered the kharkov tank school immediately after school. already in the rank of lieutenant, he first began to command the combat crew of an anti-tank 45 mm guns, then - as part of the self-propelled artillery regiment 1441, he went through the battle route from kursk to warsaw, he finished his service, that is, he finished fighting, one might say, only in august. 1946 also the japanese war, yes, that is , my grandfather drank everything that was
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possible, and i would like to tell you what he received, what awards, because of course, this is such a very big pride in our family, that means he received his first award in 1943 for the fact that... he was near the village of soborovka, he needed to stop the breakthrough of our defense, then 70 heavy tanks were moving towards us, up to thirty of them were tigers, and my grandfather was the first to fire a salvo and immediately knocked out the tiger, from his second hit the tiger burst into flames, he, of course, commanded ours... he commanded the katyushas, ​​of course , it was precisely these legendary, legendary katyushas, ​​and after the second strike the tiger flared up, this is a very interesting
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wording, we found it on... the documents are very interesting, as it was written, which means that its commander wrote, comrade gotsman, being the gun commander did not flinch, but was the first to open fire on the tanks, the vaunted tiger flared up from the second shell fired by comrade gotsman, what beautiful formulations there were, in forty-four, yes, for this he received the order of the red star, this is a very high order, yes, this is the award my grandfather. he received the second award already in 1944, and he accomplished two feats at once: on january 27 , 1944, he knocked out two heavy tanks; almost a month later, on february 17, 1944, also during the breakthrough of the district group enemy, comrade gotsman, that is, my grandfather, showed exceptional courage, he
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could do it alone. destroy 150 manpower and knocked out two tanks, one of which was a tiger, these invincible tigers, for this feat he received, for these two feats he received a government award, the order of the patriotic war, first degree, and then he already received a third award, this government award medal for the victory over germany in the great patriotic war of 1941-1945, yes, a heroic person, i know that you are not you stop.
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and honor is glory, well, this is the order of the lugansk people’s republic, i accepted it with honor, i’m proud, i also have a gorlovka medal from your hometown, well , we just happened to be there since 1914, so i had to see this... from the beginning of the fourteenth year they burned, scorched, raped, killed, it’s like everything in the forty- first, there are a lot of parallels, and with that legendary time, stand back, shelter!
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i want to remember another very important symbol of that time - this, of course, is the victory parade, and i think for each of us it is a very serious symbol, for you, that’s what you think it is, a victory parade, well, you already said, kolya, this is that very symbol. and courage, tears, and joy, and troubles, this is that very peak, the cleansing of some people in the army, when these enemy banners were thrown, they were simply not thrown, but thrown at the feet of the victors, then this tradition, because this , it's, it's not just beautiful, it's
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really courageous. it’s clear for sure, because otherwise, just like for a parade, you can go to a song why do we sing them, those songs are from the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, these are old songs, no, these are not old songs, someone said that history is what is tomorrow, not what was yesterday , it absolutely does not have a history - this is what yesterday needs to be dragged, these are our traditions, history is what yesterday, these are your ancestors who also fought, yes, yes, we will now show you, let's see, here, imagine, this is mine uncle and my grandfather, do you believe, vasily ivanovich, ivan vasilyevich, uncle, here’s a young man, yes, he died, that means he died was wounded on may 30, 1945, so... in
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frankfurt on odor, in our family it was preserved after the end of the war, after the end, he was wounded on the eighth, from the eighth to the 9th of may, he already knew about everything and, but now... couldn’t stand it - my uncle couldn’t stand it, he died, but the most amazing thing is that he met his father, my grandfather, uh, in berlin, uh, at the end of april, and the grandfather was completely sure that his son remained alive and returned home, and to my wife, my grandmother, he said, uh, that’s it, that’s it, vanechka is all right, i saw him right there on the eve of the victory, everything was fine, but... vanya was wounded, then he was taken to the hospital to frankfurt on odor, we only had a legend, a funeral and a legend that my grandmother went to germany to visit his grave, and
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several years ago, while filming a picture about our grandfathers, i didn’t even know which frankfurt on odor or on the main it was, we were on odor, i assumed that most likely on odor, they came to ours. cemetery of a soviet soldier, a red army soldier, yes, we are building a huge beautiful park, i say, let's distribute it into sectors and look for the gullible, we found private overichev in frankfurt on odar, i brought the earth, dug up a little of my native land there, this grave now i know where it is, our whole family, sergei, i would like to invite you to the stage so that you sing a song for us, together with andrei rnonachev, an absolute young creature of 8 years old, the song
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where the homeland begins, it was first performed in the film by vladimir basov , shield sword, here are its authors, veniamin basner and mikhail matusovsky. where does the homeland begin, with the picture in your primer, with good and faithful comrades, living in the neighboring yard, or maybe it starts with the song that our mother sang to us, with the fact that in any trials, we can’t hurt anyone, where the homeland begins, the council
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bench dodge. from the same birch tree that grows in the field, bending in the wind, or maybe it begins with the spring quartz plant, from this country road, which has no end in sight. where does the homeland begin with the windows burning in the distance, with my father’s old pudenka,
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which we found somewhere in the closet, or maybe it begins with the sound of carriage wheels. from the slander that in your youth you brought to her in your heart, where the homeland begins. on the day of victory at the first, and what were you drinking there, dark-skinned woman, commander, war - all this is coming, how is it with you, maestra, everything
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is fine, they are falling, where is my 100 grams for the downed grasshopper, and what do you think the house will be like? i love you, masha, guys, we will live, the enemy does not want to give in.
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the sky is frowning meanly, there is a chill on the street, and longing is calling me, let what is not forgotten, not get lost in the heart, the memory of the heroes of the day, let it survive on the ground under your feet, but behind your back the family is alive, the dacha lives there, she has her own destiny, a long, happy one. and a smile on his face, clutching a talisman in his hand, someone fell , got up, someone couldn’t get up, to the fallen brothers and fathers who stood to the end, i dedicate these lines, we stand for you today, our fallen, for the country, for our guys who became heroes, we stand for you... today we stand, our fallen, for the country, for our guys
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who became heroes, something with a pure sound, the heart is very close, in this word the homeland, the sky is too low i watch closely , it seems that the rain will fall, time will write down the names, those who did not betray their relatives, did not hide in difficult times. behind your backs , your loved ones will enter into the calm with a calm sail, in your wife’s hand is a talisman, someone got up, someone couldn’t get up, they know how to take the fallen, to those who survived to the end i dedicate these terms, we stand for you today, our fallen , for the country, for our guys, hero. become,
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we stand for you today, our fallen, for the country, for our guys, who have become heroes. during these holidays, our studio plays songs that still support our soldiers on the front line today. oleg gazmanov and yuri strelkin have just performed a completely new song, which was performed for the first time this year. oleg, please tell me, the thing is that i have a huge project, it’s called springs. well, we have good singers, we have vocalists, we have them. this means a program there or a type of voice, where everyone sings
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beautifully, and we thought that they would send us 500-600 songs, so for some reason we will choose one of these, there will be good songs. they sent us about 25 thousand works over the course of a year, you know, it turned out to be exactly the wave for the program, the springs are correctly called, these springs are already a full-flowing river, this is a community, this is not just some kind of action, this is a community of creative people who write about the country, we have no jury, no jury, only the people select these songs, that’s surprising, we don’t say, these songs are needed patriotic or unpatriotic, the people sing only patriotic songs only in support of the soldiers who are now, i’m all, i’m absorbed in this project, what am i talking about i’m telling you, on this project a song appeared that didn’t even make it to the finals, this song, why not, because the level of songs is very high, which... goes, i noticed this song, i really liked it, then i met
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the author, yuri strelkin, yes, yura strelkin wrote it, it was written in a modern way, he is much younger than me, this guy, but we are like musicians, we found each other, it was very easy for us, we sang this song, made an actual video, which is based on documentary footage and this song is so flew, she literally had millions of views on vk everywhere in a week. so i’m just happy, because i have a lot of guys and girls like that, they sing so well, they sing about the country, oleg, we can remember your song. officer, who is already more than 30 years old, who has truly become a people's song, i sing to the officer, the mothers of those who were burned, return them back, alive, this is your performance in donetsk, yes, yes, officers, officers, your
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heart patrolled, for russia. it happened in donetsk in lugansk, everywhere this is happening now with this song, i actually i just start singing and then people start singing along, when did you write? it was simply dedicated to the military, i wrote it in the ninety-first year, then the beginning of perestroika, i had a feeling that something was wrong with us, it was no longer the beginning of perestroika, this was already the beginning of a new russia, yes, the beginning of a new russia , but in this new russia they treated the army in a completely disgusting way, i can now say that a huge number
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of military people were thrown out of the army, we were told that we live poorly because we spend so much on the army, so everyone thought so, yes... it was very bad for the army, i thought that not a single state in any country ever repays military people, because military people risk their health and lives, it’s not paid, you can’t pay, you know, it’s always been like this, so respect for this, well, i’m an officer, in this song an officer is a collective image, but not like a commanding officer, he’s a military man, a man, a man who is an officer.
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i wrote this song, but they didn’t notice this song right away, i was even offended, i think how such a song seemed to turn out good, the first time, it turned out to be timely, then they began to slowly get up, i don’t know, i can tell you this, that is, it’s interesting, please tell me, the first time it was in the kremlin palace, that means, when elson was still there, that means, i’m singing this song, suddenly an officer with medals stands in the middle of the hall, well , imagine, the commander-in-chief is sitting, this violation, in principle, is caught by the officer. not like that, in the middle of the hall, then another one gets up, then another, and people start to get up, i almost forgot the words, it’s just that he’s sitting yeltsin is nearby, the first row is sitting, which means the leadership, they don’t see what ’s happening behind, everyone is already standing behind, but apparently
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there was something in the atmosphere, so i look like this, that means they’re watching, they’re already standing, if they’re all we quickly parted, that is, i finished singing this song, but i think it’s all a victory. and then this song began to be sung almost everywhere, well, in general, this is already our folk song, and already your folk song, i sometimes think that it wasn’t me who made it up, somehow i don’t know how it was, well, after all, the years of the great patriotic war affected your family too very much, well, my mother and father, they went through, yes, they went through the entire great patriotic war, my father is a career military man.
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where the homeland began, but he is also the author of one of the most legendary songs, at an anonymous height, let's see the plot. a grove curled under the mountain,
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the sunset burned with it, only two of us remained, out of eighteen guys, how many of them, friends, good ones, were left lying in the dark... near an unfamiliar village on a nameless height, near this modest song about a nameless height, written by me in collaboration with the composer basner, there is a story, this song is not invented by us, it is dedicated to an event... which happened on kaluga land, not far from the small green, quiet
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regional village of betlitsa, there is a nameless height, which was defended by 18 soldiers of the 139th division, imagine two numbers: 300 nazis and 18 defenders without... in height, mikhail matusovsky himself went through the entire war as a military correspondent,
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so he knew exactly what he was writing about, there is no doubt about it, valery, you often act in films, act front-line soldiers, and of course, your family is also directly related to, well, the history of my family is like that, it’s like history. a lot of people of that generation, my father was forty-one years old, he worked at a factory, he was a mechanic, a mechanic, and of a very high category, the seventh, he went to the front after 3 months and his, well, how to say, troops had not yet entered into battle, my father was recalled as a mechanic to a factory to make tanks, so he actually worked at the factory throughout the war, this is the number. there was even a factory, his brother died, georgy vasilyevich near stalingrad, a large farmstead, forty, was buried
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the second year, there were very serious battles, so to speak, i even allowed myself to write a song, and if you allow me, i’ll sing it akapela, let’s sing it, of course, here’s a song, here’s the house, we lived, yes. spring to the grass-breathing fields and to the snowy whiteness, on the flowering branches of poplars, what this spring will predict for us, that i will waste it on the birds, we wake up from sleep, where we all lose friends in battle, the snow has moved away, the snow is swirling, when in the south the songs are yes ...
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i must say that thanks to alexandrov she still got her life, because initially, it was written in the forties, but then the war began, but there was no time for such songs at all, it lay on the shelf for quite a long time, but starting already when there was a turning point in the course of the war, when people wanted to go home , fortunately, then novikov... remembers the dark-skinned girl, goes to alexandrov, the dark-skinned girl is not taken again, then a letter comes to the front from novikov to his father, where he asks to change, he changes the melody a little, finally that dark-skinned girl was born , which they now know,
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throughout all the reworkings, rethinking the text of the dark woman, the end result was a song about love and friendship, since the maple is gloomy, the green leaf is lucky, here at the maple, we will part with you, the captivity is green, and the captivity is curly, and once the curly one is carved. well, such an amazing story of the creation of this song, how many years have passed, but it is still sung, re-sung, now i want to invite the young singer khabib to the stage. dark-skinned.
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how you looked into the neighboring garden at dawn in the summer, there is a dark-skinned, moldovan woman picking grapes, i’m blushing, i’m turning pale, i wanted suddenly say, let's stand over the river, greet the summer dawns, curly, cut green maple, i am confused in love. moldovan partisans we are gathering a detachment, yesterday the partisans left their home , the road to the partisans in the thick forest is waiting for you, the curly maple is green or fresh, here at the maple we
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will part with you maple. green, long-haired , curly, once, curly, carved, snugoryan woman, moldavian woman went along the path into the forest, i saw the insult at home that i didn’t invite with me, dark-skinned, moldavian women, i often thought at night, suddenly i’m in the detachment with my dark-skinned girl met, curly, cut green maple, hello guy, my good one, my dear, green maple. hello , my good guy, my native green maple and curly maple, and once curly carved. at our
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table is another wonderful artist, alexander domogogarov. was filmed specifically at the time when it all started, the war began, this picture was filmed in almaat, my father was in the first team of the red army theater then, and he came to alexei dmitrovich popov and said, let me go, i have such a situation in family, that my father is gone, my mother, i don’t know where,
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therefore, in the forty-second year... i received a terrible wound near rzhev, the award sheet says, captain damagarov, was already a captain, suppressed the enemy’s firing point on a tank, “my father never told me i didn’t talk about it, never, for this he was awarded the order of the red banner of battle, this is quite a serious award, there were a lot of medals, because dad had two jackets, one with ceremonial stripes, the second was, therefore, a complete iconostasis, when the iconostasis was dressed, he went, that means, to ask for someone, it is clear that under this stas no one ever refused anyone, but he never told his own.” i didn’t tell about this feat, but i want to say one thing: last year, by the will of fate, i was rzhev, the eightieth anniversary of the celebration of the liberation of rzhev, i dreamed, i
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saw this monument when it was created, if i saw it in sketches, in sketches, i already saw it in photographs, but it never happened to me to go to orzhev, here it happened: well, you, we are slumped shoulders, drooping arms, weak-willed, weak-willed automaton, not in combat, but he was simply lowered, these lowered
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shoulders, we stayed, in this land of rzheskaya, there are them there, this, as my dad told me, is stalingrad, only they talked about stalingrad as the turning point of the war. but they didn’t talk about orzhev. my father never told me anything about it until the onset of his illness, after which he left? my father never put on a jacket with medals, never, it was our whole life on may 9 that the tv was on in the morning, from the moment of the victory parade at 10:00 in the morning, no, that was before, it started, that was before. means we watched the parade, then the first and second program went on as always, that nothing else was working there , nothing was working, all the war films that were created during this period,
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yes, we all watched it, then there was a minute of silence, in our family, dad he said, no, it’s not fair, they didn’t get up, dad didn’t go, but dad spoke, silently, and we fell silent, this... astronomer who sounded on tv, the family was silent, i’m like a man who buried his father in ninety-one , now it’s may 9th, it’s a parade, then go to them with with his mother on preobrazhenskoe, the flowers are always carnations, his father always loved carnations, why he loved carnations, but on may 9, here are carnations, so carnations. there were a lot of flowers, and guys, i can tell you that on may 9 there are so many people at preobrazhenka, this is every year i go, everyone already knows each other, everyone knows who is going to whom, everyone knows how to go to
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whom, yes this is me and my dad’s friend, and mikhail nozhkin, going to the immortal regiment, these are the heroes, these are the ones who gave us life, the one that, thank you. these are the ones that the young people who have now taken their place, low bow to you guys, sasha, tell me, dad had some favorite war song, which he liked most of all, he was crazy friends with martinomovich bernes, we had yes, dad had a record , it was the enemies who burned his native hut, his entire family, where should the soldier go now, who should he carry his sadness to, the soldier went in deep grief, to the intersection of two roads,
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he found the soldier in a wide field, a hillock overgrown with grass, no one became yes... will not answer , no one will meet him, only warm summer wind,
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i remembered my hero, and in the eyes of young soldiers, from photographs of bogged down soldiers, this look is like the highest court, for the guys who are growing up now, and boys are not allowed. neither to lie, nor to deceive, nor to turn aside from the path, and in general these songs, they, well, no, sorry for the big words, were not written in blood, but in blood and sweat .
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alive, yes, with a wound his wild leg was crushed, he spent his whole life as a foot operator, he could never step on his heel, his adjutant told him that your father has such a character, which means that when he was offered amputation, they didn’t even think about it, there was something serious there, they had to cut him right away, and the father , still in uniform with a weapon, and even with a lemon, says, i’ll give it to you now, and you fix it, well, supposedly there was such a legend, but dad recently limped all his life, all his life. this is the story, the eternal memory of the hero and in general everyone who really did not return, who defended our homeland, and even those who , unfortunately, are no longer with us, because almost everyone left, and this whole generation is gone, there is no family like this in russia, not only in russia in general in the soviet union, soviet union i i don’t have such a family. wherever there is a need
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for a hero, this, this is everything, everyone, every family, every family, every one, hello, my dears, daddy, mommy, little sister polya, i’m now at the front, i live in a dugout, i’ve stopped thinking about housing, but i live, in an hour and a half i’m going into battle, whether i’ll come back or not, i don’t know, shells are exploding overhead, bullets are also whistling near my ears, mom, don’t be upset about me, if god willing, i’ll come home. maybe this is the last letter, i want to live, i want to breathe, i want to see. "be strong now help with everything you can, beat the enemy in word and deed, the people will thank you later, you, my relatives, will live wonderfully, you will
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sing wonderful songs about us, and you will say with your head held high that your son, brother, uncle, died honestly in the struggle for his homeland, for liberation, the battles ended in the short nights of may, where are you now, friends? fellow soldiers, my military companions, i walk at a good hour of sunset, at the brand new gates, maybe a familiar
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soldier will come here with the wind... god will bring the wind, we we would remember with him how we lived, how we lost track of difficult odds, for the victory we drained everything completely, for our friends we would add more. if you happen to be unmarried, my friend, you’re not too worried, here in our area, rich in songs,
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the girls are too good. we will build a house for you with the whole world, so that you can see. and by all accounts, here lives the land of the soviet hero, who defended the country with his chest , in my short nights, hell,
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the battles ended, where are you now, friends, fellow soldiers, my military companions, where are you now, friends, fellow soldiers, military companions my. music by solovyov's gray hair by alexey fatyanov. singer sergei nikhaenko volunteered to go to the front from the very beginning of the military special operation almost
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from the very beginning. sergey, tell us what motivated you? on february 23, the day before the start of the northern military district, i volunteered for the front, went to... miners, factory workers, with whom you worked before, together with ordinary guys, hard workers, i worked in the lutuginsky district house of culture, this is the city of lutugin, not far from from lugansk, here i am a musician, leader of a vocal group, i write songs, so went to the front when, back in 1914, hostilities began . i stayed in my city, our city was under occupation for a month and a half, we had battles, the front line, at that moment i decided for myself that my weapon - music would immediately travel to almost all the front lines in the lpr and dpr,
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starting since i was fourteen, but i decided for myself, if my homeland needs me to take up arms, well, i will do it, well , it happened, it happened, yes, and then it turned out that the homeland needed it, so that i can return to music again, sing my songs that were written by me on... a lot of my comrades, unfortunately, are no longer with us, but there are comrades who, thank god, are alive and so i sing, i sing in memory of those , who is not, and who is not, and for those who are alive, so that they have hope, a lot of people write to me, thank me for my songs and say: thank you, your songs give us hope, and for me, probably, this the most
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important thing and now i am honored that now my guys who were there with me are shown on the screen, and this is it for you guys, you were even called the singer at the front, but my call sign was a singer, i got myself a guitar there. uh, i constantly sang songs for the guys, including songs from the war years, by the way, they showed, yes, they talked about songs at an unnamed height, written by the poet mikhail matusovsky, by the way, this is our fellow countryman, lugansk, and this song was very special to me or something significant, it was, it was about what we were worried about there, our, our position was called the height, and we lived right... in the trenches, in the dugouts, throughout for six months we just lived in a field, on
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the front line under shelling, and i wrote these songs and now these songs live to help the guys who are there, well, it’s just that when a soldier is alone with nature and his enemy, it’s very difficult for him, he needs some kind of support, and knowing that someone there is thinking about him, worried about him, it gives strength. no matter what, to squeeze out, and to squeeze out is the same as winning on victory day on the first one, who said that we need to give up songs in war, after the battle the heart asks for music doubly, unscrewed, only old men go into battle, watch the time after the program! makarych, take
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the device. wow, he waved without looking. that's what we're talking about at our table tonight. of course, first of all, on these holidays, we remember the great songs that were written during the great patriotic war, but of course, we cannot help but talk about that creativity, about those songs that were created today. to you, because you, like no one else, know what is happening, yes, you write music, and it is very clear that you are trying to the art of conveying all that pain, all those sensations that millions of people experience today, but how was the song lugansk balada born? well , fomicheva gave birth to her, she found a hug poem that olga starushko wrote, when she brought me this song, i honestly... didn’t want to take on it, it was very tragic, it was rude, i have so many dramatic works in my repertoire, i’m already, well, i’m just
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afraid, what did she convince me of, she said that the war would end, peaceful life would begin, i clutch the earth in my arms, without giving it to the idiot them, try it in front, i am subscribed to a sevastopol poetess, whose name is olga starushko and... as soon as she posted the poem, a hug in may 2022, it began to live in me with music, the poem itself was dedicated, which means that olga the old lady has a friend, this is her friend’s husband, who went to defend his homeland, and this was a mathematics teacher, alexander ishchenko, such a very kind, sincere person, he is a completely peaceful person, he was a specialist in the very first days. operation went to defend his homeland, he died and after after his death, after learning this story, olga starushko
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wrote this poem. olga starushko herself: on a sharp grave, which is what actually happened. last year they restored this memorial, a poignant grave, and solemnly opened it, and this song was played there. in lugansk on a sharp grave. what is a sharp grave? this is a very significant height, this is the highest point in
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lugansk, where battles took place, all the time there were battles for this height and more. during the great patriotic war, fallen heroes were buried there, and now the tradition is being continued at this poignant grave special operation heroes are buried. and here is the lugansk ballad, a broad work dedicated to all the heroes who died defending their homeland. today i was preserved in lugansk on a sharp grave, an acacia tree of angels, under the sun
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everything is sweeter, everything is bushier, let's hug. homeland for sweetness, so on the day of the long-awaited may they hug their loved ones that tears roll from their eyes, today i was buried in lugansk. on a sharp grave, remember what we wanted to drive away, the impenetrable demon to love to remain people, i press the earth in my arms, without giving it up
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give them a try, now from the sky.
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today i was saved. in lugansk on the spicy mangili.
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we all, no matter a plowman or a warrior, were born for these trials, so today i would like to talk about one hero, who is a muscovite. in 2016, he volunteered, having previously observed for 2 years what was happening to the residents. in one of the battles he received very serious wounds, spinal injuries, and nevertheless he managed to escape himself, saving
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the personnel, then he recovered for 2 and a half years, first on a walker, then with with a cane, this muscovite’s name is mikhail pobeden, his call sign is victory, he survived. even today he continues to fight in the donbass, here i am, when i was getting ready for the program today, and since we are in correspondence with her, now we are standing together, it means that he went on another mission, i really want him to return, thank you, ulya, big, tonight in our studio on these holidays there are songs that... have no time limits, now we will hear a song by the legendary great singer claudia ivanovna shulzhenko, which she first performed in 1943, let's light a cigarette, it will be performed by the wonderful
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actress alexandra rebenok. the orchestra is ready, we can begin. for a long time people will sing songs about our campaigns, about battles with enemies, in a circle with friends, often in the evenings; these days we will someday remember the fires and conflagrations. friends, comrades, somewhere, someday, we will talk, i will remember
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the infantry, and my native company, and you for letting me smoke, let's light a cigarette, comrade under me, let's light a cigarette, my comrade, when not there will be grief in sight, to our loved ones we we’ll come again and remember how we walked west through ukraine. these days, someday we will remember fires, conflagrations, friends,
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comrades, somewhere, someday, we will say, i will remember the infantry, and my native army. and you for letting me smoke, let’s light a cigarette, comrade. at our table is the wonderful actress ekaterina volichenko, who has repeatedly starred in films dedicated to military themes...
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we warmly hug you. do you understand me? do you understand me? come back soon, please. katya, well, probably your family is also connected in one way or another with the great patriotic war. tell us about your ancestors? well, of course, i’m so, so sorry that my grandparents didn’t see this film, because i think. well, okay, not about
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myself, but my grandfather, burov sergei zakharovich was born in the village of lapukhovka, saratov region, in forty-two he went to the front, he was a technician, foreman, mechanic of the t-34 tank and his first medal for courage, and he he received two of them, as well as two stars of the red banner, on july 19, 1900... forty-third, when in the oryol region, under constant artillery mortar fire, he was able to repair the car that was hit by a shell, and thanks to this, the shells reached their destination, but he didn’t like to talk about the war, he didn’t
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say anything to his mother at all, and my dad is also a military man and... he tried to talk to dad, but he couldn’t finish, he started crying, well, in general, fond memory, and by the way, when you were offered all these roles in war films, you were guided by someone, somewhere scooped with grandpa, of course, of course, specifically for the film, the star, well , firstly, we read a lot of literature, and secondly, you know, even all these songs today that we listen to... it’s in our blood, that is, you can’t listen to it without goosebumps without tears in your eyes, it’s so on the level, i don’t know, it lives in you, after all, you know, it seems to me that it will also live in our children, in any case, it should be, that is, for us the great patriotic war war is in the blood, we all remember this, and all these songs, all these books, all
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the sharit spotlight. be careful according to the weather, and the night therefore seems darker to us, i haven’t taken off my tunic for a month, i haven’t unfastened my belt for a month, i have a shell casing in stock, in a pouch higher up there, a fragrant self-sacrifice for a soldier of extra property. no need, let’s wave without looking, as they say at the front, a soldier keeps in his pocket a faded shemel, a letter from his mother, and grief from his native land, we spared nothing for victory, we didn’t even take care of our hearts, what to wish
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you today. before the battle, because we are smoking in the carriages, we are not going for rewards, come with you, we will exchange fate, we smell without looking like they say at the front, what is your favorite song, katya? when i was on my way to the show, i listened, i had a dark girl in my headphones, i really really love these songs and even... they give birth to something in the soul that makes you better, they are real, they are real, they they are truly felt about... about something very intimate, yes, when they sang on the road today, well, i’m just crying, because these shots are still showing, you imagine your grandfather, how he is repairing these cars under this shelling, these tanks, then
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he taught all his life, by the way, in a tank school, he taught in which katka, in saratov, in saratov, here we are, the kharkov barat, yes, yes, all of ours on the day of victory at... the first romeo, hold the car, commander, calmly, romeo, calmly, let's sit down, attention, earth, well done, guy, commander, only old men are going into battle, look, after the program it's time, green foliage, decorate. well, like everyone else sitting at this table, of course there is a connection, our inextricable genetic connection with the great patriotic war, but in my particular case it’s mine
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grandfather, sidor nikonovich sklyar, who was a colonel, wow, and he also didn’t like to talk about the great patriotic war, he lived in rostov, i remember... several times as a little boy i came there with my dad, and there were feasts, and there were different conversations, family conversations, of course, but grandfather didn’t talk about the war, and as for songs, i, like everyone else, have had these songs since childhood, because the most important holiday in our family was may 9, may 9 was a very special holiday, it also included tv right from early early morning, i remember all the parades that happened, back then it seems to me that we all have the same childhood, it seems to me that all the songs, and i know them,
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there are a lot of them in the repertoire, that’s exactly in my repertoire, groups vaban, with which i sing all the songs of the great patriotic war or related to it, these are all those songs that i know i remember and... just a little more, the last battle, it is difficult, the most, but i want to go home to russia, i so
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i haven’t seen my mom for a long time, the song is the last battle, this is the third version of the song and somehow it’s not very good it worked out, but the front-line soldiers hurried me, the fact is that the song was born at the request of the creators. i performed, i remembered these wounded soldiers, killed, broken on crutches, who were rushing to the front, i saw it myself, i spoke there for such boys, i remembered them, what they talked about, what they dreamed about, in one evening
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i wrote the last battle, song, that’s how it happened, somehow, because i remembered, plunged, moved for a while into this very atmosphere, that’s all, the whole secret without, a little more, a little more, the last the battle, it’s very difficult, and i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, it’s been so long, we haven’t had a rest for a long time , we just didn’t have time to rest with you, we plowed the fields like crazy, and tomorrow, tomorrow, finally! the last fight, a little more,
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just a little more, the last fight, it’s difficult, the most, but i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, and i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, what year have we been no life. from these friezes, which year brings salty sweat to the blood like a river, and i think i’m a good girl to fall in love, and i would like to touch my homeland with my hand, a little more, a little more, the last battle, it’s difficult, the most, but i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long. but i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long,
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we’ll go to the military for the last time tomorrow, we can serve russia for the last time, and it’s not at all scary to die for it, although everyone still hopes to live, a little more, a little more - a little. the last fight, it’s the most difficult, and i want to go home to russia, i haven’t seen my mother for so long, and i want to go home to russia, it’s been so long since i i saw my mother. the more difficult times are,
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the louder the war songs sound. alexey, i want to talk to you, do you have a lot of military songs in your repertoire? you know, since i was fifteen, i’ve been doing a lot, although of course, i have to perform a lot, well, i get to perform in front of the guys who are fighting, and of course, they want to have a little fun and cheer up, more of a yes, yes, yes. more of civilian life, so that there is this feeling, because the guys, of course, understand what they are fighting for, they are fighting for peace, they are simply protecting from enemies, what are you guys for, low bow, thank you, we are friends, birds of passage, if only our... one is not good,
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we didn’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find one without a wife, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is our home, first of all , first of all, airplanes, well, girls , and then girls, first of all... you have airplanes, well, girls, and then girls, a tender image in dreams, you love, you want to give your heart forever, today you will meet, see, love, the order is to fly tomorrow, because we are pilots, the sky is not ours... to our home, first thing, first
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first of all, planes, and girls, and then girls, first of all, first of all, planes, but girls, and girls then, so as not to meet with longing... remembering the affectionate look, we decided, friends, not to fall in love, even in the most beautiful girls, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, home, first of all, first of all , airplanes, well, girls, and girls then,
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first of all, first of all, airplanes, but girls, and girls then . tonight i want to congratulate you on our holiday, one of the most important in the history of our country, of course, we are talking about songs that glorify our victory. it’s a dark night, only bullets are whistling across the steppe, only...
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who directed the picture said that he was filming a scene in a dugout, where he absolutely couldn’t imagine it being without a song, and so brightly and figuratively, with his characteristic temperament, he told me, what he wants, what the song should be, that something happened that has never happened to me before or since. i sat down at the piano right away without any mistakes, played the entire song, which... the consequences became a dark night, they called the poet vladimir agat, he sat down at the edge of the table, also wrote without any blots, elements, both verses, they woke up bernes, it was already late, he was sleeping off after intense filming, he arrived, learned the song, went to the studio, got it somewhere at night
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guitarist and at night the studio recorded the song on tape, in the morning bernes was already singing this song while filming. it will be performed by retired special forces lieutenant colonel alexander vanyushkin, but first you know, i wanted to ask you a question, you are the author of the unofficial anthem. at 333 uh, that's how you like it i actually got an idea and, well, i just don’t know, here’s my personal official version, that god gave me this song, i wrote it in 3 minutes, it’s just as easy to write as in principle, and yes, and well, how
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can i say, god just gave it to me so that i can somehow help support our fighters for our victory. 333 from the night of tazari. departs until sunset 333 in the car snadli has little strength, but boo, pop are hurting for a log, vasau is driving, and behind this log, the russian officer, the driver corrects, the tornado from the envelope, 333 fold the tazari, from light to
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starkata 333, 333, call everyone from dawn to dusk 333 i heard that you wanted to volunteer, after decommissioning it turns out i wanted to, but i’m going, well, to the front line, trying to go somewhere deeper, not to mention increasing the morale of the soldiers, and a little bit of emotion, some kind of smile to make, we also carry humanitarian aid, today is specific... i came from lugansk in the morning, i drove my own car, again it can be cold, but when i remember my grandfather, who went at 17 years old to the front in 1943, he was just telling me, we were sitting in the trenches, it was raining all day, we couldn’t raise our heads because they were
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snipers, young boys of 17 years old, it was freezing at night, and so i remember him for several days, he went to this is life when i was in second grade, of course i didn’t hear such stories, and as everyone says, no one has the feeling that they were taken into account, not to talk about the war, that’s probably what happened. so he went through the whole war with an anti-tank gun , he also hit fascist tanks, in 1946 year he returned home from the front, he was wounded, of course, then after being wounded he was transferred to older soldiers, as he said, they already wanted me because, well , i’m 17 years old, my son is 25. he’s also an officer, the eldest son, i see at him, and i think, at the age of 17 , these are the hardships of deprivation, now the same fighters,
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young and older, also fight, heroically, you just see, hear what the guys are doing, they’re just geniuses, eternal glory to our ancestors, we are today’s hero, well, i ask you for the stage. dark night, only bullets whistle across... the steppe, only the wind hums in the wires, the stars
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twinkle dimly, on a dark night, you are loved, i know you are not sleeping, secretly by your child’s bed, you wipe away a tear. how i love the depth of your tender eyes, how i want to snuggle up to them now, the dark night our beloved shares between us. and an alarming black wall lay between us,
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i believe in you, my dear friend, this is faith from a bullet in me, on a dark night. kept me, i am happy, i am calm in mortal combat, i know you will meet me with love, no matter what happens to me, death is not terrible, it has happened to me more than once we... met in the steppe, and now
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she is circling above me, you are waiting for me, you are not sleeping by the crib, so i know with me. and nothing will happen, death is not terrible, we have encountered it more than once in the steppe. and now, above me, she
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is spinning, you are waiting for me, you are not sleeping by the crib, so i know nothing will happen to me. dear friends, our program is coming to an end, and i want to congratulate you on the great holiday, our evening would not be complete if we did not remember the great song victory day, let us before we perform it, let's look at the screen and listen to the author of this
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song, david kusmania. he understood very well and knew and deeply felt what kind of poems he composed. it was first performed on may 9, performed by a very good singer leonid smetannikov. victory day, it was so far from us. the ember was melting. he sang it well, for some reason after that it was no longer
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played for several months, but... nevertheless, i offered it to other performers, in particular to the alexandrov dance song ensemble. in general, i hoped that sooner or later this song will find, so to speak, its way to the viewer, to the listeners, i myself suggested to lev leshchenko, after a while, he sang the song victory day. at the police day concert, which was broadcast live and millions of tv viewers saw it, moreover, he sang it twice live, can you imagine? the smell of gunpowder, this is a holiday, the wall is
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joy! with tears in our eyes, the day of victory, how far it was from us, how the ember was melting in the fire, there were miles, and... burnt in the dust, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, gunpowder slave, this is a holiday, gray haired on the sands, this is joy, with tears in the eyes,
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the day of victory. the day of the day, the day of the day, days and nights at the morden furnaces did not close our homeland, days and nights, we waged a difficult drink, we brought this day closer as best we could, this is the day of victory, with the gunpowder of a slave, this is... a holiday, a hanging hang, this joy, with tears in our eyes, victory day, victory day, victory day, hello, mom, not
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all of us have returned, i’d like to run through the race in a minibus. we walked half of europe, half of the earth, this day we they brought this day of victory as close as they could, it’s a victory, it’s a holiday, it’s strong, it’s joy, with tears in our eyes. victory day, day of victory, day of victory!
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hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio. serina andreeva happy victory day to everyone. a holiday that unites all generations , a parade on red square in the stands of veterans of the great patriotic war.


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