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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, happy victory day to everyone. a holiday that unites all generations. the parade on red square in the stands are veterans of the great patriotic war, among the participants of the hero of a special military operation. the strength and power of parades in honor of
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victory day throughout the country, from the far east to the western borders, we will show the most striking images. reliable partners, a reception in honor of the heads of the delegation who came to moscow to celebrate the anniversary of the victory and bilateral negotiations at the highest level. a matter of technology the supreme commander-in-chief supported the initiative of the fighters to more actively use the latest developments during the course. this year in new formats, on the ground in the thread of common memory, the immortal regiment campaign in the air, on city streets on the front line in the northern military district zone. 80 years since liberation.
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a true patriot of the cause, who lives 20 years ago in grozny, akhmat kadyrov, a politician who managed to unite the chechen republic in the most difficult time, was killed. they themselves died of starvation, but saved a unique collection of seeds during the years of the siege, a feat leningrad scientists, in our special project the science is to win. the voice of the generation of front-line soldiers, 100 years since the birth of bulat akudzhava, poets and composers, whose songs are not only about the past, but also about the future. a sacred holiday for each of us, victory day, celebrations throughout the country and a grand parade on the red square of the capital. in the stands next to the president, veterans of the great patriotic war, on the paving stones, participants in a special military operation, heirs of the generation of winners. vladimir putin
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emphasized: “victory day unites everything generations. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions." report by konstantin panyushkin. surprisingly, on may 9, a sudden spring snowfall covered the entire ceremonial capital. the palaces of the kremlin cathedral, ruby ​​stars and golden double-headed eagles, are strewn with snow minens-pozharsky, a mechanized column on tverskaya and pushki , on the embankment of the moscow river. early in the morning, due to bad weather , military personnel came out to red square wearing winter jackets to greet the foreign leaders he had invited to the parade in the coat of arms of the senate palace, this is the president of guinea bissau, greeting in russian, again in russian, although it’s not very audible with vladimir putin, what is called on his feet, the president of laos is talking. the cuban leader and
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his wife arrived in the kremlin, here is the president of fraternal belarus, the conversation with whom the day before lasted until the middle of the night; in the morning, vladimir putin even asked alexander lukashenko to remind him exactly what time they separated. that is, they haven’t seen it for a few hours. well, when the presidents of tajikistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan arrived, it was time to occupy seats in the stands. here, together with the heads of state, are participants in a special military operation and the most important guests of the parade, veterans of the great patriotic war.
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finally, the president takes the floor, vladimir putin addresses the military personnel of a separate division of the svo participants. congratulations on victory day.
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its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you, they believe in you,
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our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement your destinies and exploits, inextricably binds the generation of heroes of the fatherland.
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veterans of the great patriotic war, before “we bow our heads to the memory of the civilians who have left us, who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, to our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against neo-nazism, in the righteous battle for russia.” a minute of silence is announced. so the tears in the eyes of the guests in the stands are not only about the multimillion-dollar sacrifice of the soviet people, these are the tears of mothers, us, mothers, who are waiting for our soldiers, participants in the special military operation, our sons, that all this will end, they will win and that they will all
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return home safe and sound, they are our real heroes today, they are new heroes, and we are sure that they will write their names on the main ones... buildings of our enemies, just as our grandfathers and fathers did. may god grant that they are all alive and well, that they fulfill their duty with dignity, that they all march together here in the parade on red square and that we are all proud of them together. victory day unites all generations. we're moving forward based on our age-old traditions. and we are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people. glory to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory.
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following the anthem, the military band begins to perform marches, four dozen parade units walk along the paving stones, all types of military branches in the stands, each greeting their own paratroopers. t-34, the rest are wheeled vehicles, primarily armored cars, two of which are for the first time on red square, one on the comas platform for transporting personnel, the second based on the typhoon family for transporting the wounded, called lens. all this equipment is used in the northern military district, with the exception of the yars strategic missile systems, well, at the end of the parade after a long pause in the sky above the red one.
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putin and the leaders of other states went to the alexander garden, where they laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. military personnel of the presidential regiment, on behalf of the presidents, also laid scarlet carnations at the tables of the cities of heroes, including sevastopol. today is exactly 80 years since his liberated from the nazi invaders. today there is a gala reception in the kremlin in honor of foreign leaders who came to moscow to celebrate victory day. they are all reliable partners. noted vladimir putin. on the day of our common victory, the russian leader has a whole series of bilateral meetings with foreign
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colleagues. and first things first. anna kurbatova. presidential reception in the faceted chamber of the large kremlin palace, in honor of the heads of state invited to victory day. at a gala dinner, foreign leaders who were also present at the parade, vladimir putin warmly greets everyone. today, on victory day, we greet you with special warm feelings. in russia and in moscow our reliable partners and friends. time has no power over the greatness of the grandiose victory of 1945, and despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons that the world community learned in the aftermath of the second world war are also unshakable. the nazis, the japanese militarists, dragged almost 80% of the world's population into it.
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advocates strict adherence to standards international law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of the second world war. dear friends, let me propose a toast to the generation of winners, to the great victory, to peace and prosperity for our good friends. thank you for being with us. after the gala reception.
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participation in the war against nazism, fought, fought on the fronts of the great patriotic war, fought for leningrad in the most difficult sectors, including.
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it so happened historically that cuba for russia is not just a distant island in the caribbean and russia is not just the largest country in the world for cuba; it was moscow’s position that at one time helped the island of freedom to defend its independence. cuba remembers this. the russian federation can always count on cuba's support. we constantly discuss the geopolitical manipulations carried out by the us government, including the threat of nato approaching the russian borders.
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to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both russia and tajikistan, work established, colleagues are in close contact with each other, terrorism has no nationality, has no religion, has no homeland, we must fight them everywhere,
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our not friends want... to quarrel, scatter by various methods, you know that russia is for tajikistan is a strategic partner and ally, and today, attending this solemn parade, indeed, this is our common, the only such common national holiday that unites us, at this time a delegation from laos was already waiting for a meeting with putin. this is my first visit.
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we cooperate well and closely in the international arena, including in the united nations. one of the priorities of our foreign policy in asia is the development of a strategic partnership with the association of southeast asian nations. world card holders have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow. the last time the heads of state met was last fall in beijing on the sidelines of the belt and road forum.
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this will never change, over 70% of our military personnel and civilian officials were trained in the soviet union, this is the level of interaction we maintain
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with russia. the president of guinea bissau today invited the russian leader to visit the african republic, and putin invited his colleague to come to russia again, this time on a state visit. anna kurbatova, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, svetlana barkova, alexey simonov, channel one. military parade. geography of the holiday and biography of the winners evgenia lyamina. nikolai ivanovich is 100 years old, the pilot fought on an il-2 attack aircraft, and on may 9 , 1940 he remembers the victory well.
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you, your former comrades, fought, worked beyond the limits of human strength, you overcame evil, the likes of which history has never known, today our ideals are principles, our world is again being tested for strength, the kiev regime... having chosen neo-nazism as its ideology, has become a puppet in the hands of the corrupt and price-conscious rulers of the west. ukraine and its people were turned into a springboard for waging war with russia. loyal sons came to defend the country of his fatherland. in the parade squads , paratroopers, emergency situations ministry employees, cadets, young army soldiers, and a mechanized column were led by a legendary tank. systems
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by enterprises, for example, an engineering machine for remote mining of agriculture. kamchatka was the first to celebrate the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory over nazi germany. 14 combined companies of petropavchatsky marched along the main square in parade formation. the largest parade in the far east took place in khabarovsk, more than 2,500 people took part in it, and the mechanized column numbered almost 90 units of various military equipment. during the parade in novosibirsk, spectators were able to get a close look at the mobile launcher of the yars missile system, part of our nuclear triad - the country's nuclear shield. and later, an attack aircraft from the early forties and 16 flew over the square. in different regions of russia , parade participants and spectators were tested for strength by the weather.
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you agree? military personnel of the central military district, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, the russian guard, and veterans, many of whom are over 100, walked along the main square of yekaterinburg years, standing greeted the participants in st. petersburg, veterans of the great patriotic war, today they themselves were participants in the parade. in front of the stands on the palace square , they greeted everyone in an honorable formation. behind the veterans were parade squads of military universities, officers of the leningrad military district in the ranks of the heiress of the defenders of leningrad.
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days , volgograd was officially renamed by decision of the city duma, so a real stalingrad parade took place in the city. it was attended by 2.0 people and several dozen pieces of military equipment. in different regions celebrated victory day in different ways: in some cities parades were held without spectators, in others they were canceled for security reasons, such as in yaroslavl, instead of the traditional parade on sovetskaya square, military equipment with copies of victory banners marched through the streets of residential areas of the city in lugansk, donetsk people's republics, kherson region. today we held car races, they could be heard from afar, cars with waving red banners, everyone could join, in the zaporozhye region in melitopol right from the t-70 tank was removed from the pedestal, started up and quickly rushed down the street, as if these 79 years had never happened. volunteers from all over the country came to the city of heroes rzhef to unfurl a huge red
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joint with an area of ​​more than 2.0 square meters at the foot of the memorial to the soviet soldier.
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we talked with the minister of defense, with the chief of the general staff, because we had a full-fledged meeting in the si, and of course, we talked about what was happening, as i said, military contacts, met with... with military personnel on march 7, 7 with commanders of units that distinguish, lately, there has been a lot to talk about, and of course, they talked about our guys, those on the front line, who met heroism, courage and the results of today’s combat work, the presidents decided to conduct exercises and use them.
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have begun execution, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work, further details, the same meeting with the military that vladimir putin mentioned in an interview with our correspondent, was discussed in the kremlin on may 7, 12 commanders were among the guests at the ceremony of inauguration of the presidency . the supreme commander-in-chief thanked our defenders for their military work, discussed with them the situation in different sectors of the front and supported the initiative of the officers;
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additional things need to be done to ensure that the actions of our combat units are even more successful, that tasks are solved with minimal losses, and that we certainly achieve all the tasks assigned to us in our homeland. according to the president, big plans for the development of the country can only be realized subject to success on the battlefield, thanks to courage and thanks to the dedication of our guys, the russian army is confidently pushing the enemy out of its occupied lines. subordinates worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war and defended their homeland, now we know about cases of courage, heroism, and this is not
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from case to case, these cases happen, and this is on an ongoing basis practically and this is extremely important, this is one of the key conditions for our victory, there is no doubt about it. among these key conditions is the equipment of the army with the latest types armaments, along with defense giants, small enterprises are also engaged in the development and production of military products, for example, drones and mobile stations, often with funds raised by volunteers. we are developing the so-called people's defense industry, that is, to be honest, when i meet with those who are in one way or another involved in the activities of your combat work in the civilian sphere, to be honest. i’m surprised myself, you know, thousands of people who do not have or who had nothing to do with military service before, and act very effectively.
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according to the president, in order to effectively confront the enemy on the battlefield, it is necessary to be one step ahead in high technology. previously, combat robots were talked about exclusively in the future tense, but now they have become a reality and have been tested in the hottest sectors of the front during liberation. at this point , a courier ground robotic complex was used, equipped with two gs17 automatic grenade launchers. the use of this technique in assault operations will save the lives of military personnel. the couriers who participated
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in the assault were armed with thirty-millimeter grenade launchers with 150 rounds of ammunition. this tracked platform can be equipped with a utyos heavy machine gun, a flamethrower and an rpg. the choice is wide. dimensions of ground drone. quite compact, length about one and a half meters, width 20 meters, maximum speed 35 km/h, control range up to 10 km, operating time up to three days. the courier is a universal soldier, his can be used for evacuating the wounded, and for transporting ammunition, and for mining areas, while the robot exists in the form of several experimental samples. is it possible to organize mass production of such platforms and equipment for assault groups of units? yes, it’s possible, of course, we...
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commanded by major general vlasov , the position has increased by almost 3, but the command structure has remained the same. for the quality of task performance, i ask you to consider carrying out routine activities in the department. crews performing combat missions in three groupings of forces, we need to reorganize the brigade into a division, and build all command and control organs accordingly, we’ll do that. the svo also brought new types of weapons to the forefront; who would have thought that relatively inexpensive drones with explosives on board would become a real nightmare for the enemy and would destroy armored vehicles costing millions of dollars. now engineers are struggling to solve two main problems: how to increase the range of combat drones and how to teach them to overcome enemy rap. application it often brings to naught all the enemy’s attempts
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to actively operate on one or another section of the front, there is a need to consider the issue of introducing and maybe producing an aircraft type with fpv carriers just for drones, that is, the so-called aircraft, those tasks that we have recently they thought so, and in general everyone all over the world thought that they could be solved only exclusively with the help of aviation systems, right? he defeated nazism, the great patriotic war. on this day, soldiers take portraits with them
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heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers, an example of an unbroken connection between generations. 150th order of kutuzov, idred-berlin division. its fighters unloaded the banner of victory over the reichstag in 1945; today they liberated maryenka and continue to smash the enemy in the donetsk direction. from the advanced positions of the illustrious formation , dmitry tolmachev. we are now visiting the 150th red banner fighters. iderevsko-berlin order of kutuzov motorized rifle division, which has already come a long way during the special military operation, including the liberation of mariupol, the liberation of marinka, directly, the work of these guys, here we have the crew of the t-90m breakthrough tank and the infantrymen, the memory of our veterans and ancestors, gives us fighting spirit, thank them very much for this, so i see the victory banner in your hands, tell us a little about it, yes, this is the banner of our 150th guards division, the banner of victory, as you correctly said, which is sergeants kontaria egorov and lieutenant berez.
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who with great difficulty snatched victory from the nazi invaders, well, we also take your example and carry out the tasks set we are bravely tasked, just like you, even with the banner of victory, we know that the task of hoisting the red flag onto the rechstag building was assigned to several assault groups at once, one of the first to cope with this task was gazi zagitov from bashkiria, today in ufa it was opened for him. monument in the park in honor of the great patriotic victory. the
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opening ceremony of the monument, cast in zhukovsky near moscow, was attended by the head of the republic, radi khabirov, and the hero’s relatives. this holiday today is double for our family, because today we are opening a monument to my uncle, warrior, hero of the great patriotic war, gazik kahanovich zagitov. and thanks to this significant event, i think. even more people will know about his feat; if you translate the name gaziy from arabic, then this name means warrior, and he really was a real warrior, he was awarded the order of the red banner of battle, the order of the red star, a medal for courage, medals for military distinction , here in the center of our ufa, on behalf of the entire multinational people, we are erecting a monument to his feat. and again from those who today fights nazism. daily report
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of the ministry of defense of the northern military district. our troops continue to actively advance along almost the entire front. more advantageous positions are occupied in several areas at once. at the same time , over 800 militants were destroyed in military equipment, including american and british ones. in addition, the ammunition depot of the donetsk armed forces group was hit. our means of quo shot down 28 drones. they intercepted attack missiles from the production of the united states, a czech jet.
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explosions sounded from sirens over the city, in one from the residential areas there was a direct hit on a high-rise building, windows were broken, balconies were damaged, shops were destroyed, cars were on fire in the parking lot, sleeping people did not immediately understand what had happened, what i was sleeping in, that’s what i flew out of, i started hitting my neighbors, i saw smoke, i was in shock , everything was like a fog, almost simultaneously it thundered on the next street, it also hit a residential building, rained glass, a cloud rose into the sky. black smoke, everything is still shaking, i thought the window would fly out, and the floor was shaking, very scary, almost all the city's emergency services immediately arrived on the scene, explosives experts began work, szzo, most likely, uh, vampires, the so -called, most of them, yeah, all these
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shells, fragments, everything has been worked out here, yes, everything is in order, one of shells hit a window on the ninth floor, it was completely knocked out, that moment... there were people there, all the cars in the parking lot were damaged, a lot of glass, broken bricks, in the apartment where the shell landed, the residents received quite serious injuries, natalie’s apartment on two floors below says she was lucky that she was not at home, everything fell out there, the victim saw them taken out in the morning, there were wounds, but they were shrapnel wounds, in the city after the air attack in the ssu, 11 people were injured, five were given outpatient care, eight people are now in city hospitals , among them an eleven-year-old girl, the wounded were visited by... regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. hello, can i have guests? according to the ministry of defense, at night over belgorod our air defense system destroyed 15 vampire rsz shells. here's the czech installation hitting cctv cameras in the borderland on the night of may 9 in belgorod declared a missile danger three times; the night before , ukrainian militants tried to attack
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civilians during the opening of a memorial at the site, which is called belgorod khatyn. during the occupation. the fascists executed here almost all fascism, nationalism, it remains, and well , i think we will win, we will solve these issues, problems, we will finish the job to the end, our guys will cope, we support them, happy holiday to everyone. this year in belgorod there was no traditional parade, but the main holiday of the country is felt here
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in a special way, the heroes of the immortal regiment look at us from every window, and the memorials are littered with flowers, songs of victory are heard everywhere, in spite of all those who... did not and will not be able to overshadow our victory day. dalmira beryukova, sergey pelyaev, alexander klimov, igor ivanov and yulia khodorova, channel one, belgorod. fear of the trappings of a winning army was once again demonstrated in ukraine. even an elderly woman in a soviet uniform with our symbols general victory, her appearance alone frightened the hefty police officers in kiev. and they did not let her lay flowers at the eternal flame. and they have been erasing the memory of political americans for so long.
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the memory is demonstrated by the police in berlin, it seems to be some kind of general diagnosis: they do not allow people who want to honor the memory of soviet soldiers to fulfill their sacred duty as human beings, they are forbidden, they are counted, as in a concentration camp, they even try to wring their hands. hitler once ordered the burning of books that were objectionable to the nazis, and huge fires burned throughout germany. bonfires. and now the german police are trying to take away soviet symbols from those people who came to the memory rallies, and among them not only russians. but the germans, whose parents knew well what the ovens of auschwitz and dachau were, where this selected symbolism would be taken, scholz alone probably knows to burn it too, but not everywhere like that, in many... countries they honor soviet soldiers and remember well who saved peace from the brown plague of concentration camp ovens. ivan blagoy
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confirms. a berlin police officer methodically counts the heads of "ein" vai "dray". march to the memorial in tiergarton. the participants in the action were never given an immortal regiment. police officers allow escorted groups of 10 people to the monument. people don't understand why. and they hold and hold.
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the second victory, peering at the portraits of front-line soldiers, reading their names, we suddenly stumble, harry schmit, german, anti-fascist, on june 22, 1941 in moscow, he volunteered for the front, a military intelligence officer and partisan. of course, as a german, i am proud that my father fought on the right side. and these are not the only germans who, on victory day came to soviet memorials to honor the memory of their ancestors. frau hegel talks about the anti-fascist hermann bertald, who served in the red army on the second ukrainian front. at first, of course, he couldn’t say that he was a german, the commander advised him to say that he was an uzbek, then he learned russian, and his comrades accepted him, they remember everything,
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they pass everything on to their children and grandchildren, friendship was born, together forever, now we are with you, the entrance to treptower park is blocked, the police are checking bags, looking for the prohibited symbols of the monument to the liberating warrior, in flowers, we notice despite all the difficulties, the lamp, a piece of the eternal flame, was brought to berlin. from moscow, did the police have any questions? no, there was no fire. and this is moldova chisinau, as part of the candle of memory campaign , thousands of candles will be lit in the evening from lamps with an eternal flame brought from moscow. particles of the fire were transferred to all major cities of the country. varheev and kamrat, this is gagauzia, from them the fire was solemnly lit on the memorials. and this is also moldova, again chisinau, a motor rally in honor of may 9 and a victory march. it was attended by several tens of thousands of people. they walked from the city center to the military memorial.
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antalya, the immortal regiment, schoolchildren releasing doves of peace, iceland , funeral service at the nadezhda monument,
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dedicated to the sailors of the polar convoys. proteer timofey zolotusky talks about his grandfather and grandmother, who studied together at the same medical institute, and then the war scattered them. we believe that it was god’s providence that they met at the front, and here we are here on icelandic soil. and i and my sons, thanks to their victory, in in kazakhstan, victory day is celebrated magnificently throughout the country in almaat, the main celebrations are in the park named after 28 panfilov guardsmen, four concert venues have been installed there, a field kitchen has also been deployed here, and this is minsk, which survived the horrors of the occupation of belarus, the great patriotic war claimed the lives of every third inhabitant of the republic , traditionally in ceremonial events in honor of victory day in person. the president of the country takes part. and
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again there is no germany, not berlin with its prohibitions, but cologne. surprisingly, they were allowed there. cities, including the capital belgrade, the procession from the nazi concentration camp to the monument to the liberator in the city of nis was especially massive, the serbian flag is visible in berlin at the memorial to soviet soldiers in thurgarton, then we witness a provocation, a group of pro-ukrainian activists under heavy police protection appears on the steps of the monument to heroes. but what was the reaction when someone, apparently unable to withstand the mockery until the german police realized it, unfurled a prohibited russian tricolor. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichny, dmitry malyshev, stanislav opletin, channel one. our immortal regiment is always on the march. this year the format is special, without traditional mass processions, and yet everyone has
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the opportunity to talk about their own personal story. after all , there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, with our fighters in the zone on the line of fire, photographs of ancestors who crushed nazism. kirill brainin will continue: this is your grandmother, galina ivanovna, oladysheva, or rather not your grandmother, but your great-grandmother, my grandmother. galina ivanovna experienced the war as a child, barely older than his great-grandson and his little sister. they haven’t yet decided what they will be when they grow up, maybe artists like mom and dad, but they know exactly who they owe it to. the opportunity to decide, for those who probably dreamed of speeding up time so that the day of victory would come faster, this is how the monument to the winners on dad’s itude, they once saved the world, and what doubts can there be about who to draw today, i’m a soldier, come on, a portrait of a native soldier in these days together with sergei, he has been taking a photograph of his grandfather with him on flights for several years now, pantilei alexandrovich all war in the infantry, went through the caucasus to konexberg, and ended in the far east,
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raised his children and grandchildren strictly, and now they are... portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war in public transport throughout the country: the auto regiment stretched from the moscow region to novokuznetsk and beyond, one of many formats of the action, when there is no traditional procession, the faces of the winners are on the walls of memory, in schools, kindergartens, on the media facades of big cities, on the ostankino tv tower too. in moscow, advertising on screens gave way to front-line soldiers, newsreels and
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immortal lines of poetry about the feat of soviet soldiers, those who were expected. victory, in spite of all deaths. and, of course, their photographs are in the hands of those who on this day, leaving home, simply could not help but take with them carefully preserved images of their relatives. egor is here with two great-grandfathers, he never saw them, both left before he was born, but the memory remains. my great-grandfathers and ancestors who forged victory on this land, especially my great-grandfather, egor egorovich loshchin, fought here in stalingrad, defended the stalingrad elevator in the voroshilovsky district, reached berlin, signed. on the wall of christ, this is my great-great-grandfather, died in 1943, fought on the leningrad front. in perm, the immortal regiment is on board the ship this year, in surgut there is already a traditional heavenly formation, on the fuselages of sports yaks, photographs of front-line soldiers. along with them were the dead heroes of the special operation, mikhail volkov was accompanied on the flight by his mother. misha knew the history of his
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grandfathers; he worked on a project at school. the history of my family and for him it was sacred to preserve the memory, it so happened that nisha joined the immortal regiment next to grandfathers, next to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the zone of a special military operation, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers seem to be on the front line again, silent witnesses to the combat work of the grad installations, heirs of the legendary katyushas, ​​the whole is given , well, after all, the memory, he gave life, it turns out to mom, mom gave it to me, here i am about...
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oh samara town, he always loved this song very much, because he often says, they sang this song, he says, well, well, it was very hard, there was no, he says, there was no medicine says dressing material, and well his luck and our luck is that we were supposed to be born, he survived, after the war for many years rishad from mogilov was the director of a rural school, his son followed in his footsteps, now in the school museum he tells children about how their fellow countrymen brought victory closer , in st. petersburg not only priceless exhibits, but also did not allow the very chain of history and culture that makes up
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the genetic code to be broken. they restored the museum, they returned collections from evacuation, they renovated this luxurious marble hall, where the bombs hit, they gave birth to children, raised them, wrote books and conducted research, and maybe in this... there is an answer to the question of what it means to be a winner. the portraits of the heroic guardians were specially arranged so that everyone could feel eye to eye their special gaze, almost like in an endless stream of an immortal regiment, that stretched the thread of common memory across time and distance. in the formation of an immortal regiment that is familiar to us, such a special, inexplicable chemistry arises that even the most advanced technical means, of course, is impossible, but still.
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you just have to look into the faces of the front-line soldiers to feel it, they certainly knew how to wait like no one else. kirill brainin, ekaterina koryaka, elena pich, khristina ivanova and sergey deev, channel one. the immortal regiment has become a tradition in china. diplomatic workers and representatives of the russian community come out with portraits of their heroes on the streets of the cities of the celestial empire, the chinese join the procession, the holiday of may 9 is remembered and honored in the country. from shanghai, reporting by natalia lyublinskaya. victory banner - flies proudly against the backdrop of shanghai skyscrapers, employees of the russian consulate several years ago ordered an exact copy of the ceremonial uniform of the guard of honor, and now, year after year, may 9 begins here like this: a part
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of family history that has become the common destiny of the entire generation, which is especially important to talk about here abroad , so that this memory lives on in his grandchildren, my great-grandfather is on my father’s side, he also fought in... and was wounded, as a result of which he had to have his arm amputated, but he went through the entire war, and even after the war worked as a teacher at school, in memory of their heroes, all participants in the great patriotic war, today the immortal regiment marches again, here in the very center of shanghai, thousands of kilometers from their homeland, descendants again bear portraits of the unbending generation of winners, we carry portraits of our grandfathers, fyodor lukyantsev , red army soldier, horseman, cossack died. forty- second year near kharkov. stepin fedor georgievich, my second grandfather, went through the entire war and died in 91.


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