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tv   Belorusskii vokzal  1TV  May 9, 2024 11:30pm-1:04am MSK

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what do you think the sky will be like? osman, what about the land? and
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the cherry tree, big, only it’s not a cherry, but an apple tree, but it’s still a house. it smells like poplar - the tree of my homeland, only we have them tall, pyramidal, but what do you think the house will be like? sevaman, it’s so long, it’s in uzbek, i love you, masha! girls,
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romeo and masha, oh, masha, i have to go, romeo, yes, he will fly in, if, of course, romeo, just you go first. “i don’t know how to look back, okay, and don’t you look back, yes, romeo, goodbye, goodbye, happy journey, goodbye, let’s not look back.” novakov,
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congratulations, i won’t let you down, kazhanov, kazhanov, flew away, kazhanov, kitarenko, congratulations, do you want to say something, but no, i can’t, i ’d rather say it in battle, that’s also true, well , our party has grown by eight people, by six, for eight com40, for eight. congratulations
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to you, communists, well, captain titorenko, you have a party assignment right away. sit down, comrades, sit down, you have already met these diamond aces of goering. that’s right, they burn for a sweet soul. well, well, well, the enemy cannot be underestimated. german with man serious. but the fact that they burn for a sweet soul is precisely because they are young. i need to explain, after all, all this hype with painted aces, dragons, and other evil spirits is designed for them, it’s based on psychology, if you intimidate before the battle, you’ll immediately have an advantage, you’ll intimidate him, you have a lot of newbies in your regiment, yes, that’s your primary task, captain , explain all this to them, well, i’d like to use personal examples, i... comrade major,
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i have my own scores with the diamonds, so write, your day is the same as ours, why kiss me? well, maybe we’ll put an ellipsis, rough, diplomatic document, cossack message to the sultan, ready, so grasshopper, translate into german, eat quickly, but try so that it is a good, literary language, ready, that’s all, well, the rest cannot be translated, kemfemit the world allein, während des starts werden wir uns nicht beschiessen, maestra,
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yes. we accepted the challenge, don’t look away, let’s get out of the sun. my weapon failed. what do we do? simulate an attack, cover the attack. got it, lyosha, got it. knights for me too, raise the second one, lyushka, maser on the tail, lyosha,
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hold on, lesha, arizh, diamond, ninth. you pull your back in the air, i got it, dad, i got it, go away, lyosha, i’ll tie them up, lyosha, go away, no, now we’ll sing a duet, seryoga, you have a weapon, lyosha, in the order of a weapon, i bought you, i'll show you pedagogy. comrade commander, what’s wrong with you, you’re intact,
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paint, come on, what kind of paint, paint some stars, and i’ll get it in an instant, i’ll get it, it’s always with you, you have to have yours. how long does it take to draw two? i’m running two, then you’ll overwhelm one, you’ll get tired, i ’m glued to him, and he’s freaking out like a frying pan, suddenly i was behind me and barely got out of it, if you want to live, know how to turn around, yes, we combed the diamonds, but what? “this mass suits me, but what can you say about romeo’s fight, i saw the fight, i saw everything, crosses, crosses, crosses, crosses, well, i shot myself, but of course, everything to the last cartridge, but everything was missed,
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by the way, what will juliet say, comrade commander, the women’s regiment will be based on us.” drome, the second squadron has been invited to an evening gathering, stop sending, go, go, she was already looking for you, comrade on a minute, at that very moment, the creature in love, turning on the afterburners, rushed off on a date. commander, be quiet. the cranes, yes, it seems early, they survived, listen, lyosha, seryoga, no words needed, let’s keep quiet,
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commander, mesters, junkers, air, where, boy, follow me, blez! wow, they'll kill you, boy, go back to where you are, unscrew , there's a screw, he's gone crazy, flew off, flew off, stump, who took off, from the screw, there's from the screw,
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guys, this is the blacksmith's number! knocked down the beser, uh, devil, download it, guys,
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by the way, where are my 100 g for knocked down, what 100 g, dear to you barrel, you know, i’m not drinker, but it's a matter of principle, well done, thank you.
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they scared away all the germans with their underwear, here are the youth,
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love, no, i’m not joking, i’m serious,
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guys, people, humanity must someday understand that hatred destroys, only love creates, only love, love, that’s it. .. from brest to stalingrad poplars with love and from stalingrad here to the dnieper with love. i will be able to fly along this route in 100 years without a map, because along the entire route there are graves of our guys from the singing one, and there is more than one squadron, a division lay down there, and how much longer, here in berlin, somewhere on the highest surviving wall, i
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will write with great love: the state is satisfied, and you can at least spray your gardens at home, commander, when you leave autographs in berlin, i beg you, look carefully, our signatures will already be there, the first one, but what difference does it make, brother, ours, yours, and in general the private infantryman will be the first to sign there. vanya, and rightfully so, like this. commander, everything comes, but music is eternal. we will live, unscrew it. listen, but will we ever hear the best soloist, the first
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ukrainian, future soloist of the bolshoi theater, it’s so easy. it's a clear dawn of the month, you can see that you want to collect your hair and come out with your hair done. it’s stark, if you want to get a little shit in the guy,
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don’t curse that you’re getting your little bare feet wet. hungry dew, i’m faithful to you, right up to the house, i’ll bear it in my arms, i ’m faithful to you, right up to the house, jump, seryoga, guys, we’ll live!
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guilty, comrade commander, guilty, what 's the score? 18:2, i’m crawling second, okay, comrade, commander, allow me to address a personal issue, come on, ramaya, just quickly, what do you have, i want to get married, please allow me, yes, yes, no, you came up with a good idea, the most
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important thing is on time, i know, comrade, commander. you say, war, you can be shot down, they can, but she can be shot down too, and she can, so i ask you to allow it, well, romeo, make sure that you and masha have this for the rest of your life, short or long, but you are a tablet someday you’ll get one, or give it to you, but a boot is more reliable in battle, so who’s in battle? will you invite the wedding, rakhmat, thank you in uzbek, be kind, i don’t understand, please, in ukrainian, stop! become
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weakling, we have been waiting for this moment for a long time, we have been waiting for a thousand days and nights, fellow soldiers, guardsmen, our ground troops. today only old men are going into battle, the task is clear, let the deceased guys leave, but don’t
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rush, guys, there’s enough for your lifetime. eh, youth, youth! and you know that the hardest thing in our work, at minus 30 , is digging into the engine, the hardest thing in our work is waiting, this one is landing,
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also for me, the old people are called romeo, hold the car, i don’t see anything, hold the car, romeo, let's calm down... take off the gas, take off the gas, i don’t see anything, commander, i don’t see anything, romeo, let’s sit down calmly, get it, get it, handle yourself, attention, earth, turn off the ignition, well done, guy, tear off the lantern, doctor! step aside, everyone, what?
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commander, i sat down.
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makarych, you’re already like masha there. be the first to say. yes, the 9th regiment flew away, and maybe that’s better, for her romeo is still alive. commander, commander.
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when the war ends, we will return here, we will walk through these places, who is left alive, we will call the best symphony orchestra, in fraki, and the conductor will appear. i'll go to him
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i’ll say, let them play for us, no, you know, i myself, i’ll say, sorry, maestro, and me too, and how we’ll hit the dark girl from beginning to end, steppe grass. it smells hot, the young winds are green, we wake up, the game wants over the night, either a thunderstorm, or the echo of the past war, we wake up and... wants over midnight
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, either a thunderstorm, or an echo of the past war , victory.
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kostyantin, here you are, dear friend, our fathers died in one battle, if you want to honor their memory, i come on march 18, on the anniversary of the battle, to
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the station for... for the colonel, for the general, well, service comes first all because he is the son of a soldier.
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good, kostya, your father kostya died in what year? forty, and mine in forty-three, and the main thing was somewhere nearby, i’m in the first ukrainian, in the second, oh, darling, where are you going, well, sit down, at least have a drink, now you can, yes, at forty , by the way, for me today. about this, my dear, you don’t remember where i put it, sit, there it is, it hurts, oh, it’s caught,
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without a signature, a strange message, but where is this poor thing? somewhere in the lyubasha area, and the click, by the way, is female, bro, maybe it’s a prank, but no, it’s not a prank, i remember when in the orphanage i was presented with my father’s order, there was a conversation about the podbednya stations, what order, the patriotic war, lyubasha, don’t you remember where it is, maybe in my father’s box, in a wooden one, yes, lyubasha, onion, the
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word to you, as a representative of the older generation, please tell me, please, please, say, of course, you can, it’s supposed to, of course, and congratulate, wish, look, you reach great ranks, kostyantin, and for each rank... more soldiers are added, your team grows, but that means that you will be united with them everything
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is to be pitied, that means they are soldiers, that is, they are without puppies, it means it’s more difficult for them. i am for this very thing, for the soldiers. yes, from berezovsk, that’s right, kostya, that ’s right, then let’s get acquainted, my name is
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anya, i sent you a postcard, our fathers died in one battle, everyone died in that battle, all 18 of them. this is how fyodor ivanovich told who fyodor is ivanovich? garbuzenko, he was, as it were, a platoon assistant, of course, if i give oaks, add my name on the monument, this is my place, this is where my platoon lies. that’s what he said, well, just have some more tea, no, thank you, thank you, you’ve gotten prettier, yes, yes, she became prettier, well, well, mom didn’t come, yes, she couldn’t, you can’t leave him alone, but
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yours keeps flying, flying, flying, lusting, oh, i’ll come now, so what about the little hunchback? he didn’t wait, just as he felt, valyukha said our last meeting, anna, girls, gather everyone, if i die, all relatives from everyone 18. well, here we are with the local collective farm chairman with valyukha, this is the girl who saw the soldiers before the battle, it was she who was a strong woman then, now she is valentina ivanovna, well, they’ve gathered everyone, the future people’s artist ussr anatoly popanov was drafted into the army on the first day of the great patriotic war, there were no days of immortality in the war, there was so much to see, few people knew that the explosion mutilated his right leg, he didn’t have one. he learned to walk without limping, but what happened to
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him in august 1987, when he suddenly stopped making contact, or suddenly he didn’t come to the performance, i remember when dad said something terrible had happened, he went into the bath, and there he’s already dead, our exclusive is the last summer of anatoly popanov, he’s great there was a grandfather, and i’m generally grateful to fate that i had him, his daughter’s confession, the coffin was not opened, it was impossible to recognize this person. and the bitter confessions of his widow, and i said, just like that, well, what to do, we had to get out of this somehow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, i regret one thing, years, most importantly, the men are lying there, real. 18 tigers were knocked out, so 18, i’m really not
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local, but the ilyinskys told me how they tore up tanks here, they didn’t have guns, only grenades, well, that’s the circumstance, well, they’ll tie grenades around the tank, 18. tigers, 18 lads, that’s the arithmetic. further on foot, there she is, brotherly, let's go,
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let's see, there's a surname there, let's go, yes, we're not going to live life before, what are you talking about? i thought that it was more difficult to cross the fields than for many of us to live our whole lives, or rather not to cross, but not to let others cross, not to give it away, this is a field, let’s go to them, bush, and i smoke, nothing, they won’t be offended.
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they don’t put crosses on mass graves and wives don’t cry at them. hello pa. great,
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dad. i am baltika and freighter svyatkin, i can be a matchmaker, private habarner, i am habarera, stop talking, efreter svyatkin, get out of the ranks, yes, comrade soldiers, today i received the third
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platoon, the battalion commander set the task, to prepare a shock platoon of tank destroyers in the shortest possible time, and what do i see? four charters do not allow comrade junior lieutenant to stop laughing? the battalion commander set the task for the third platoon to become an example for our battalion, an example in everything, in combat training, in discipline, in wearing a uniform. sergeant baltika, excuse me, saiko, why
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do you look like this? i’m here temporarily, comrade junior lieutenant, i’m in the navy, and in our navy, where he was for exactly 3.5 days, and even a month and a half. leave the conversation for the rest of your life and put yourself in order, get into formation, i want you to remember from the very first day, there will be no concessions to combat training, on the contrary, there will be difficulties, and again difficulties, there will be night throws, anxiety, it’s hard in training, easy in battle, calling from the world, alignment to the left, veterinary for... the platoon commander, junior lieutenant suslin, was built. hello comrades. at ease, platoon, at ease. class is cancelled, platoon to unload cabbage. there is cabbage to unload. tasha sergeant gorbuzenko, command? eat. platoon, level up. captain, decide to contact. straight
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from school? that’s right, comrade captain, after ten years. mine is also after the tenth. well, what do you have there, report? tych, captain. regarding svyatkin, i’m daring, undisciplined, someone like that can ruin an entire platoon, please transfer him from me, someone like that can, and by the way, in the last battle svyatkin knocked out three tanks, he’s already received a reward in the hospital, i understand, he is not a gift, from street children, a person with a difficult fate, so we will educate him, the question is settled, i understand, captain, by the way, you had a nickname at school, i don’t understand. but no, now svyatkin will take care of it, yeah, it’s cabbage, not football, where did you go, i can’t take it anymore,
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natasha, it’s also beautiful, well, why didn’t you eat? junior sergeant myatnikov, why are you wasting food? come on, come on, i won’t waste it, i just gave away two heads of cabbage, who did they give it to? girl, wait, why are strangers, she’s not a stranger, she’s an orphan, she killed her father, and the mother died, go, go, natasha, it’s okay, the uncle is good, and the youngest is ours. why man, nothing, gopher, he’s not a lieutenant, no, matchmaker, he doesn’t look like a gopher, don’t tell me, he has something corrosive from a rodent, what, what, what, what,
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order. in the tank forces, seryozha, which troops did you serve in? in the landing forces, comrade lieutenant colonel, lead to battle, tanks on the right, anti-piercers, take the heights, machine gunners, cut off the motorcyclists, the devil is in a snowdrift for you, let's ride the motorcycles, forward cossacks, where are you going, round, where are you going, new guy, he's not showed it there, right? on the right, so he was pointing there, forward, behind me, keep your distance, listen, where are the tanks? follow me, the first
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to dig, the second to dig, the first crew 10 m to the left, wheelmen, take to the right, quickly, quickly, well done, oh, sergeant of the mint soldiers, i killed you. so it’s possible to get up, so what killed you, the nightmare? yes, yes, yes, yes, because you lean out and expose yourself to intense enemy fire, and where is the second armor-piercing gun, svyatkin where, matchmaker, commander, i’m here, you say lieutenant, you won’t have a light, something’s my katyusha at all he’s not fussing, corporal svyatkin, why are you here, but a battle, what a battle, what a battle, i said that the tanks are on the right, there’s an attack, your comrades are dying there, and you are tanks? are these the ones on the right? well, yes, like those tanks you were talking about, comrade junior lieutenant, i fought off, as they fought off, bravely, then lie down as
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expected, report, everything is in order, bobby died, what kind of bobby, fritz, i personally pierced 37 tanks with one cartridge, the rest really fled, but my second number’s colleague finishes them off with the butt, defreiter svyatkin, well, you’re an adult, what are you... so, that’s it, hang up, corporal svyatkin shot all the tanks. comrade corporal, this is what it means
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to drink fast, put aside conversations, sort out the squads, run after me, march, the first and second squads don’t lag behind.
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i was playing in the snow with the boys, so one red-haired guy hit me right in the eye, and this is ivanenko, my servant, uh, they’re lagging behind, yes, as they want, we’ll fix it, anya hasn’t been there yet, no, ah, restless, she’s always busy, yes, the man is in
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trouble, the woman is in trouble, such is the fate woman, anya is special, and her life is not as fun as it seems, her life did not work out, it worked out, she built herself up the way she wanted, there is nothing to regret, but what is it, do you know the hospital? no, the battle has begun again, its last ram, and it doesn’t see or hear, cover it, but this one
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has been flying for 30 years and never flies. can’t, but back in the hospital? no, anya didn’t give it up, she says, i can’t, he’s still on our side, the battle is going on, and you say, comrade, here i am, why are you sitting there, you devils, i got the car, let’s go, well, don’t be patient , you are coderidze, but not three, not i'll rub the hole three times, i need to iron the doll, metal...
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and i, guys, have a girl, i know what a sunny name i found for her, you'd better find a spring, otherwise you'll poison the gruel, you're all masters, so i'm interested , where is our spring, but he dropped it, he probably dropped it, dropped it, so look for the new guy, otherwise your girl will remain a hero in the first place, i’m afraid, come on, come on, and i have two, twins, yaroslav and mikhail, oh, a happy person, and where is gorbuzenko? gorbuzenko went to cerberus, went to the foreman, to beg for soap, well, they gave us soap, our they attached legs to the soap, someone left us. khabarbekov, why are you ranting under the table, are you not
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going to get out of there at all? i, comrade junior lieutenant, wanted to ask. well, ask, we’ll have millet for dinner, millet, uh, comrade, breakfast is millet, lunch is millet, dinner is millet, uzbek is a bird for you, or something, well, stop your astrology, as our gusev says, hihi, let the gose peck , this is wheat, what do you need gusev, something like gusev, gusev, ladkin, why are you the only bird?
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ifritor svyatkin, stand up, i wish you health, wounds, that, whining, yes, i caught a cold, now, probably, the period of the heroic repulsion of a tank attack, i got a cold, that’s it, lieutenant, goodbye, don’t remember it badly, in general, good, damn, my wounds, where is this, maybe for a doctor, you can tell the commander the company ran to complain, the unfortunate gopher,
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right? okay, i’m a bad commander, i can’t cope with svyatkinny, i don’t know how to command, lead, but you are komsomol members, there’s war all around, hundreds, thousands of guys like us are dying now, by their deaths, give us the opportunity to manage at least something learn to. and you laugh and laugh like horses, this is your honest way, the komsomol way, it’s not my fault that i’m your commander, i’m ready now to join the formation, like a private, i’m ready to exchange with any of you, and not because i’m afraid of responsibility, but because
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because you are my comrades. you are my comrades, yesterday we sat at the same school desk together. and you, you are betraying me, i’m ashamed of you, i’m ashamed of you guys, and, light, can you just take a minute, rallies took place in several cities in eastern ukraine.
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instruct, what are we talking about? yes here is the lieutenant he shows initiative, such initiative ones should be used by voentorg logs, and not in the infantry, he has a fad for throws, the frost is 30°, and he made the third throw in a day, and even at night,
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so the platoon got involved, it’s good that it didn’t stretch out, but if you really freeze , so we ’re running, comrade captain, running, not walking, yes, running, not walking, oh, how are you doing in relation to the drill, well, we’re engaged, the inspector comes from there, oh, we should whitewash the ceiling, we need to understand, all the inspectors have one weakness, what, what, the service does not know, all believers love marching with a song, you immediately need to learn a good drill song, like this one, well, you will defend the honor of the battalion, i got it, i got it, throw it.
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immediately check the barracks for any excess junk to make sure everything is clean and empty, okay? that's right, captain, it's clear, go, there, comrade junior lieutenant, the platoon is engaged on schedule, orderly private glebov, glebov, it's urgent. check the nightstands, everything is unnecessary on the table, and what is unnecessary? well, except for washing utensils, mugs, spoons, books, everything, the task is clear, clear, and shag, shag you can leave, oh, what is this, we’re thinking of putting together a potephone, comrade junior lieutenant, take it, well, for this you need at least the potephon itself, we’ll get it, well , take it away, take it away, what’s glebov writing from home, there’s no one to describe it, mother , my little sister was taken to germany, my father is a partisan somewhere, if he’s alive, only my grandmother is left, and she doesn’t see anything, and you didn’t join the partisans, i plowed her, for the germans, that means they worked, yes,
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we received rations from the germans, strange, strange, and there were a lot of you such plowmen there, yes there were, comrade lieutenant, soap! the most stolen thing, so he snatched it for plywood, whose bedside table, holy day, is not from krynkin, it’s here for me , private krynkin, on your orders. explain to krynkin how this soap got into your nightstand. no, why are you silent? can't you hear me, krinkin? it's my fault. well,
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that's a deep thought. eh, and also komsomolets, but i hope before the first meeting of komsomolets. forgive me, comrade junior lieutenant. take some soap, let's go to the platoon, here. you explain everything to your comrades, and send mana wanted, mamanya is starving. my sisters and i are very hungry, our brother killed our father, when the middle brother’s funeral came, my mother’s legs were paralyzed, she was still walking around the hut, and so, i thought, they should buy some soap and some bread. they are hungry,
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they are very hungry, comrade junior lieutenant, i, i feel sorry for you, krynkin and your relatives , but you stole, you stole from your own comrades, you stole, that’s right, i thought, maman didn’t think,
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i’ll still say that i stole the soap, not krynkin, can’t you see, he’s weak, and i’m evil and i’m not afraid of anything, so either i, or, anything, anything, what, what is this soap again in the nightstand behind the plywood, why are you silent, glebov? take this soap, go to the post office and send it to krynkin’s mother on behalf of the whole platoon, don’t do this, no, you need to , you need to remember for the rest of your life how to steal from your comrades, okay, go, krynkin, keep quiet there, bye.
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i don’t understand you, glebov, i don’t understand, no, actually, on the other hand, well, it’s still not pedagogical, you know, not pedagogical, eh, comrade junior lieutenant. you weren't hungry, weren't you we were starving, well, just izbachitalli, you should at least get to know each other, but we seem to have already somehow, well , myatnikov, privets, people’s artist, we know, we watch tv, saiko, yuri ivanovich, professor.
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they moved to a new hut, they lost that soap, but there were people, after all, war, famine is a killer. and they remembered everyone, they thought about everyone, what kind of people they were, you go to the front line, remember, in battle, the main thing is the soldier, the soldier has the hardest time of anyone in the war, he will be the first to escape death, luck will deceive,
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glory will not deceive the eternal, if the soldier is something can't, then no the soldier is to blame. commander, they will ask everything from you, lieutenants, everything from you, if we, a soldier, entrusted our land, then to you, soldier, the most precious thing we have, be careful , you can’t imagine who the platoon commander is, where the corporal was, the first grenade destroyed tank model, junior lieutenant suslin, third komsomol fighter platoon. komsomol tanks are excellent, like the name of the fellow, efritor svyatkin, comrade general, platoon leader, two well done, your platoon has been allocated for passage, that’s right, comrade general, command lieutenant, tell ifraper to pleased with the song, so pleased with the accuracy in
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the exercises, go, eat, the suslik runs, half-bent, listen, philosopher, why are people fussing? subordination, matchmaker, subordination, only not a philosopher, but a philologist, and one literate, subor, what’s quiet, efritor svyatkin, the general personally, personally asked, you know, how i wave my hand, drink it, and so that the leg, the leg, so that the earth hums, yes don’t worry, i understand, the soldiers walked at a pace, march, aty-baht, aty-baht to war, economy would be. i would steal, i would steal for us, i would steal for us at least, i would steal for us, i would steal for us i’m stealing, we should be stealing at any rate, your good luck,
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young man, we have steel bayonets, why are they singing such carrion, we are now here at pobednya station, hence the baldness, find ilienka, where you climbed to the neighboring section, ilienka’s route, i understand, you restart there , then you go to rumyantsev, report to the elder, well, where will i send you, and you petrov, where are you going, and what are you afraid of, the authorities will always be there, so no, what am i going to feed them with, sleep?
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how much longer comrade? what the hell ilinka, it’s time for the boys to feed, but according to the map there are minutes 40-50, you’ll have to be patient, you can do it for a little while, comrade lieutenant, pull yourself up, boys, you should have a quartile forward, you’re not the only ones pressed, that’s right, here you are, maybe it’s better than svyatkin, tsvat, then he’ll get it out of the ground, then what’s his reason? reason, in the evening...
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hello slavs, guys, the table is set, let's get a shovel... come on, let's go, petrovich, yes, i'll listen, maybe there's no need for this event tomorrow, don't fuss, chairman, there's no need to direct such things , no, i ’ll let people go tomorrow, well, you understand, we want to be alone, alone, petrovich. these are our fathers, the grave of our fathers, yours.
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you won’t be able to do a damn thing, let’s go to the house, we’ll sit, and then we’ll figure it out, well, sit down, ivanovna, here, receive guests, you’re a tyngist, comrades, introduce me, tutingiskaridze, it’s very nice,
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thank you, the local population helped, valentina ivanovna, valyukha, well, go here, don't be shy, come here. here she is. well, thank you, valyushka. hello. hello. here in every house there is a ward, wounded, wounded, wounded, nurses, well, something like a first aid station. big fights? yes, they captured the fritz . during the day we heard long-range calls when we they walked, they were being processed. so, lieutenant, consider us to be deep in the rear again. well, okay, i’ll go to my grandmother’s in nekrasovka. yes, what a shame, there are germans there. no, the german was knocked out, my grandmother is there. well then, hello grandma, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, usmanov,
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take me all the way to the hut, happy bastard, comrade lieutenant. yes, here’s the thing, 365 days is not just a year, but during the war 365 days are an eternity, an era, but he survived, he lives, yes, the rickboy lad, i’ll tell you, he choked on a sheep, well, since, i'm nothing i don’t understand, the rebels, you say so incoherently, who is he, who survived, what year, what eternity, what is incomprehensible here, svyatkin’s son today. exactly one year has passed, well , because, yes, before we had time to leave
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the company’s dispositions, the anniversary began to rain down, so that in the first battle i would be blown away by a mine, so that i would not see a century of freedom, well, no, i congratulate you, then what, next, then the war will be, lieutenant, then bang-bang, not today, then tomorrow, so... i have the right to celebrate my son’s birthday if i have it wasn’t my birthday, i’m one of the street kids, in short, i have moonshine, but this guy exchanges it for sugar, so i’m asking, the first and last time i’m asking, lieutenant, let me have a sip with the boys today, so for my son, i wrote to the guy so that he is a man, so that he doesn’t have the chance to sip what i have, so that... he doesn’t turn out to be cheap, friend, i have nothing to give you for your
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holiday, take my bread, take my sugar, herring, that’s it, then, as expected, sorry, dear. i have nothing else, well, respect, well, why are you silent, comrade junior letena, can’t you , well, the sugar belongs to the platoon, hurray, brothers, let’s drink, that means without sugar, for the health of the younger matchmaker, hurray, all the sugar in the background of the defreiter and today’s tomorrow, i’m right in saying, hurray, hurray, you know ,
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what is a woman? what? a woman is a mother, this is a sister, this is a beloved, i’m not asking for myself, for my friend, he is such a comrade, such a friend that you only meet in war, come to us, we have a holiday today, let’s congratulate together, only you don't say that i asked you, please come on, okay, you'll have to come in. otherwise he will cry, a man does not cry, a man is upset, benches, sit down, eat, the birthday boy asks to speak, good evening, receive
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dear guests, honest mother, happy birthday to you, hello, kimka, kimka, comrades, my dear friends, sons, daughters , relatives of our dear ones. more than 30 years ago, exactly to the day, here in ilyinka they celebrated the birthday of one person, he is here, and his father, who could also live today and be with us here today, he did not live, he died,
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died as a hero , died the next day. but we let’s not grieve today, we will rejoice, rejoice that such a man lived and gave his life so beautifully, we will drink, drink for him, for his son, lieutenant colonel konstantin viktorovich svyatkin. i 'm sorry, maybe a man is crying, men don't cry, men are upset.
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gypsy with an exit, performed by the birthday boy, portray.
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“dear, gild your pen, kimka, i was looking for you, no need to make things up, igor, no, i really was looking, i wanted to write to you, but i didn’t know where, how you ended up at the front, just like you, well, i’m a man, but i am a woman". must someone to bandage you, wash your tunics, oh, kimka, kimka, kimka velenstovich, how happy i am that i found you, no need, happy will be the one who survives this war. kimka, kimka, what?
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nothing, i’m just interested in repeating your first and last names, no need to make things up, igor, but i ’m not making things up. “borka burned down, the first from our class, the third, the third igor, grisha chubin and volodya
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samokhvalov, too, who’s next, and i didn’t even know anything, i lost contact with them even before school, i didn’t write to anyone, soon we’ll stay alone, girls, oh, boys, boys, what are you doing to us, nothing, they won’t kill everyone, yes, they won’t kill everyone, kim, kim, what are you, kim, kima, well, no, what are you, don’t, kim, are you really glad that you met me, well, of course, "i never received letters from my father, he did not write them that night before the fight, he was with his mother, it was the only night in their lives,
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so janna velenstovic, and not anna suslina, and we don’t have the order, it is kept by my grandmother, my father’s mother, my grandmother did not recognize my mother and she gave the order to me.” all the years rare love brought happiness, and my mother considered herself the happiest of women, it’s strange, but maybe not, they had different units of measurement, happiness and misfortune, this is our hospital, yeah, i need to tell the girls that i came. “i’ll wait, let’s go together, hello, uncle alyosha, hello, daughter,
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i’ll go and tell the girls, okay, yeah.” sleep, sleep, sleep, hear, hear, brother, but let me light a cigarette, you know, i don’t smoke, i don’t have one, listen, but they want to take my hand away, i won’t give it, i won’t give it with my right hand, igor, let’s go, fall, be patient, son, you can’t, you can’t. well we argued with
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borka yatsenko, that i am, and you were standing at the board, and i came up to you and put my hand on your shoulder. well, and then i spent it where i shouldn’t have, and you looked at me as if i had hit you, and i felt so ashamed, i’m very ashamed now. come to me,
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kimka, where, well, where you can’t, but where? it’s possible, now everything is possible. because they kill you, and we stay, because i love you, i know you are a fool, i am unhappy, and you are also an unfortunate fool, lord, lord, let at least our children be happy.
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this wine was passed down by my grandfather, exactly 18 bottles tsolikaura. grandfather said: “you will drink wine in the evening, say good toasts, remember your fathers.” when a person is born, he always cries, everyone around him smiles and says: “hello, taraka, let each of us.” will live his life in such a way that when his time comes, he will be the only one smiling, the others will cry and say: “farewell, dear, as today we say to our fathers, for an honest life, for the last smile, for the proud smile of a person, and lyverdy, in i mean,
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give the floor to someone else." we've been here all day problems, percentages, i recently read in the newspaper that of the fronts born in the twenty -second year, only 3% of you are alive today, 3%, that’s the problem, for 97%, allaverdi. give, this is the day of victory, the smell of gunpowder, this is a holiday with gray hairs, this is joy with tears in the eyes, the day of victory, the day of victory, the day of victory. the day
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of victory has disappeared like gunpowder, this is a holiday with one on the whole, this is joy with tears in the eyes, leave your lieutenant kink, the heavy colonel was brought to the operating room, he demands one of the officers, do you hear, kima, calm down, now you will feel better, be patient. be patient! comrade colonel, on your orders, junior lieutenant suslin has appeared. leave us as an officer. now on the table. it's more like i don't have time. comrade colonel, watch me for 2 minutes. i understand, comrade colonel, my platoon must be in rumyantsevo at 11:00 and leave rumyantsev aside. the germans broke out of the encirclement. a motorized group with armored tanks. terami, i understand,
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comrade colonel, don’t interrupt, they are going to ilyinka, there are a lot of wounded here, i reported a breakthrough, there will be help, but you must delay germans at any cost, how many fighters do you have, a platoon of tank destroyers, there are two roads leading to velenka, try to block both, hold out, hold out, lieutenant, we’ll hold out, decide to do it, go, son, there, go, wait, what, what did he say, colonel , and he said to kiss you, dear
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kima, please stay safe, ki! stay safe, stay safe, sorry, kim, i just stay safe, please, stay safe. here the messenger died, whom junior lieutenant suslin sent for help, this messenger.
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მე მოვედი, დიდი ხანია მოვდივარ შენთან. father, i’ve been coming to you for 30 years, matchmaker, friends, anxiety, notice this high-rise, there are swamps all around, they won’t get around, and i’ll even hold up the khureski near the road so i can make it in time.


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