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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 1:05am-1:41am MSK

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here a messenger died, whom junior lieutenant suslin sent for help. this liaison was vanokaritsa.
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yes, it’s not in the life of a matchmaker to let our krits out of the ring, not those times, now, which doesn’t happen in war, the gopher has started a rush again, listen, pale young man, with a burning look, if anyone else calls the platoon leader with a dog’s name, i’ll take it apart for parts and say that it was right, first squad, stand up, second squad, stand up, third squad, stand up, stand up, come here, that’s it, command, well, goodbye, lieutenant, you give up the mysticism, yes it’s just me, just in case, command, goose, take the cartridges, there is, the vault is being built, why are strangers here, yes, this is worthless, your man, junior, i’m going to grandma’s in the village, girl, quickly home, third , fourth squad to the right, march behind me, help the commander, who are you taking me for, the hump,
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however, should not be deep in the ford, all they have left is the bridge, oh, they could tear it apart, maybe with grenades, no, you can’t take it with grenades, i think i’ll entrust this bridge to a matchmaker, don’t you mind, commander, don’t mind, matchmaker, commander, matchmaker, so, just without chatter, we play wat-bats or or matchmaker, swept up, matchmaker, here you are entrusted with the bridge, you won’t be able to pull it, try to organize a traffic jam, good idea, vanya, i’m already pregnant. so, but before the first shot, before my first grenade, not a rustle, not a squeak, not a squeak, my nerves will endure, not with you, comrade lieutenant, near the baltic, he sees a tank half a kilometer away, tears vests, matchmaker, comrade, junior lieutenant, me your order was conveyed correctly, the order, yes, that’s right, comrade svyatkin, you - get dressed, otherwise
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catch a cold. and that’s right, you can get a runny nose. yes, thank you, saiko. this is friendship. this is not out of friendship. it's not about friendship, it's about service. lieutenant. but i'm there. yeah. hang in there igor. yes yes. so, if some kind of mess breaks out here, well , something like a war, it’s clear that the main thing for you is that you don’t fall asleep, and you don’t, otherwise i’ll take it apart for parts, here you go, hello, a freshman cartridge. but,
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motorcyclists, i threw a grenade, they! they turned, you can’t hear it here, but there they are coming, krynkinkin, i dragged him into the forest, igor, can you imagine, the rezansky guy is lying there, looking at the sky with his blue eyes, pull yourself together, volodya, but i couldn’t close his eyes, i was scared, in places. in places, volodya, we don’t care about the bastard, we don’t care about tearing throats , in places, volodya, kadrit, run
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gorbuzenko, let him immediately pull 100 meters to the high-rise, once you do it, do it, vinogradov, i’m listening to you, forgive me, are you going to fight without me? ? let's run, there is, platoon to battle, there is, platoon to battle, to battle, second squad to battle, first squad to battle,
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hit the mudflows, well, hobanera, bring cartridges, where, nedrey in hobonerochka, you won’t die before death, saiko, back, you saw, brother, what
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the world position is, he took the machine gun, and took it, well... behind you into the bottom hatch, watch out so that the krauts don’t open it, otherwise they’ll jump away on the back of our heads, yeah, come on, water, mom, now, mom, water, now be patient, bite, mom, now, guys, someone, guys, mom,
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patron! where is he going, what if they want to push this tiger into the river, they need a bridge, listen, have you ever had a potyphon? what pattiphone? i didn't have one either. it's a shame, isn't it? grab it guns and money from here. on, run, hopanera. and you, i want to talk to this bitch. otherwise he’ll crush us under a tank and won’t ask for our names. vanya, vanya, ivan,
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baltika nakrysa, svyatkin, tank, keep in the flanks, lieutenant. “we will burn the tanks ourselves, now they will go to the next one, and we will live , lieutenant, as long as we can hold out, this is our last one, oh, we sang beautifully, we have cartridges, no, for half a day, thank you, matchmaker!” they paws of their tiger will throw all our deaths
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down the drain, you see the rain, spring lieutenant, well, i'm off, i'm tired of everything, what matchmaker, why are you chickening out, yes, chickening out, you fool, gopher, and i’ll be the last dude if i don’t do this, well... gypsy girl with an exit, cover, matchmaker, that’s it, comrade lieutenant, two of us, three , last, patron, oh, it will be difficult for me. cartridge!
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and you, with your eyes closed, sleep under a plywood star! get up, get up, fellow soldier, get up, get up, fellow soldier, get up, get up, fellow soldier, take your overcoat, go home, what i say is yours. homely, as soon as i stand before the widow, i shouldn’t swear
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by yesterday’s day, i shouldn’t swear by yesterday’s day, it’s not really a curse yesterday afternoon, silence, let’s go home, the war bent and mowed us down. the end has come for her too, 4 years old, mother without a son, 4 years old, mother without a son, four.
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let's go home, we are all wars, crazy children. both the general and the private, it’s spring again in this world, and... again it’s spring in this world, again it’s spring in this world, take your overcoat, let’s go home, it’s spring again in this world, take
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your overcoat, let’s go home. and outside the window of the month of may, the month of may, the month of may, from the white carushka there is black tea, black tea, black tea, in dominant peasants, peasants, peasants. and by on the asphalt, heels, heels, heels, the zats in the tsviri are nighting like crazy, like crazy, the neighbor is wet in advance, not by himself, like a sick person, she’s not funny, here’s the problem, marrying
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him, but he’s a man no matter where, he serves.
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too much, too much, because there are little cabbages on the asphalt, and here is a sario, all washed up, here are kats and peasants, come, come, here on the asphalt there are little rays, and here there is a litter, and the month of may,
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i’ll give you a mask, scratch, thank you, come on young ! come on, oh, what are you saying, hey, here on the asphalt shell, and here it’s screaming, and no... namay, i’ll give you moscow, quickly, go to sea, i’ll give you moscow, quickly, come, i’ll give you moscow, my city , quickly, come, come on vovka one more time,
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come on! here on the asphalt tsessar and in the month of may i will give you moscow. hurry, come, i will give you moscow, hurry, order, i will give you!
1:26 am
this is a podcast 20 years later and we are its host alexander anatolyevich and konstantin mikhailov and i konstantin are our guest. legendary musician, composer, producer, director, igor ivanovich sukachev. igor ivanovich, today you are in the studio with your friend, colleague, collector of cossack songs with yuri cherbakov, tell us how you met and what is happening in your creative work now. in general, this is, in fact, a completely lengthy story, once many years ago, i was looking at music on the internet, i like to look, well, there is different music, and jazz music, symphonic music not very often. well , it’s definitely folk, and there are different programs or there are different ones, the little signs pop up here, that’s when yura saw
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some kind of concert for the first time, yura sang a song, ran tramp of sakhalin, and i also know this song, i love this song very much, so i just heard it and somehow it was completely like... it actually shocked me, then many, many years later vasily konstantinovich mishchenko, vasya, introduced us mishchenko, a theater and film actor, who was in my movie, acted in the theater, now there’s a play going on, and he and yura turned out to be friends, yeah, well, well, yura himself will tell you, i think without me, he introduced us briefly, here we are so we met together at... we recorded it, and then off we went, as they say, here we go
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that’s it, you’re sad about something, i hear it’s very interesting, the other one, retort, yes, yuri, and you and you listened to igor ivanovich sukachev’s work before you met, i liked and like his work, these are all interesting songs, truthful, life-like same. here ’s a little bit, well, this is a different genre, of course, for a person, i also understand everything, but we have a little bit of our own, but music always unites, apparently, god ordered us to be together, and that’s all for what it’s needed, and why, the song turned out great, the staningrad valets or the medical sister, from a good person, vasil konstantinovich also introduced us, he is also a wonderful person, so little by little, as they say, life goes by, let’s listen to stalingrad. let's.
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the light has melted into the night, and the fire has long gone out, and seeing the stars may be the last time for us, farewell to parting, but mercilessly insists, bandages and wounds are waiting for you, but not waiting. i’m on a mission, you’re a medical sister, and i’m a regimental intelligence officer, my heart has become rough,
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i’ve lost my peace, the gossip of stalingrad, among the smoke and fire, under the roars of canada, the war introduced. the top has melted into the night, along the no-man's land, the second night lies, we are waiting for guests from the other side, to come, to take the safer, to lay mines, to avoid the loss. you are a medical sister, and i am a regimental intelligence officer, my heart.
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thank fate. for beautiful love,
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so that a fascist will take you, sverhevanu, you are a medical sister, and i am a regimental soldier, and my heart is saddened, suddenly lost peace, in the wake of stalingrad, in the stockpiles stalingrad, among smoke and fire. among you, my henna, under the peals of caranana, the war introduced you, you are a medical sister, and i am a regimental size, and my heart, crushing, lost its peace, grains began to appear in the sky, among you are my lights, scud channels, and the war introduced you,
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you are a medical sister, and i’m a regimental luminary, the roughest of my hearts, i suddenly lost my walk, and zlohograd, among you are mine, can i say a few words about the history of this song? well , this is a song, i have an older friend, we also communicate, call each other periodically, call to call this man, alexander sergeevich avdeev, we live in the village of novo grigorievskaya,
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nashegorodsky... region, it is located on the right bank of the don, once my father returned home after the war and brought these songs, we already have six or six or seven songs, i learned him so far, wonderful songs, the one that he remembered from his father, what was written down in his notebook, and how his dad performed this song, so here it is, that is, this is a front-line song, yes, this is those years, that's where she came from, no one knows her, now we have beats. naturally, the stoves know the fire and smuglyanka, the usual horse of victory, and sing, but what to do with these songs, who will play them, but their grandfathers played in the trenches, and just at the table, remembered their comrades in arms, friends, with whom they were side by side and a lot of people left. yuri, we don’t have a piano in the bushes, of course,
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we have an accordion and an ordinary lame thing. yes, this gun must fire sooner or later, if you can play something from military songs, okay, whatever is in your heart or asked, i understand everything, you are pleased, and i am pleased. i saw it like that for my grandfathers water, you see, i understood everything, so, the village of alekseevskaya, our volgograd region, the khapersky district, if we say it in the old fashioned way, the region of the don army, we’ll play a little. and in the morning the svetankas entered the village, the tanks stopped in the garden, a rusa guy came out, a commander without a mustache, met a young girl,
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a rusa guy, a bezosa commander, came out , met a young girl, give me water to drink, give me water to wash. tomorrow we are going to have a fierce battle, the guy was washing his face, the guy was smiling, the gray-eyed guy was young, and he nodded to the girl, he went to the car and opened the steel iron hatch, move away. said that we stayed a little, after the battle we are waiting for you, dear friend, the girl said that we stayed a little, after the battle we are waiting for you, dear friend, a firing point, a
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combat vehicle, moved to the west, as you threaten, hey, the enemy is stronger, come quickly, goodbye, gray eyes, i don’t know the author, this is an unknown author, folklore of the patriotic war, there are few such songs.
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this is how it happens step by step, students come to some locality, to a village, to a village, and they say: “uncle so-and-so, this is what you sing, usually, here is divided, so what, well, roughly speaking, yes, they came, now of course, unfortunately, you can collect something, but people , i repeat, leave, yes, we are not eternal, the song remains, little by little, little by little , you can find something, but not in the same way as it was before, because one day." in the ninety- second year i came back from the army, we came to the yutkin farm of the nasharad region, ryupinsky district, visited the wonderful grandfather misha, here is skabelin's surname, here he had a steel nickname and they gave us a lot of songs, the only hooter
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stayed, there used to be 12 farmsteads there, this is the only farm, we can record songs with you, they told us that you know, we had already contacted the mikhailovskaya village before, they have a farm there that belongs to the mikhailovskaya village, so they turned to the chairman.. well then, let’s go, he’s still there, i need to dig a little in the garden, so we, as they say, got used to each other, only after that he started playing songs and then he said that you will spend the night there in a tent , go to the hut, so we recorded a whole lot of songs. then


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