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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 1:40am-2:21am MSK

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the farm remains, there used to be 12 farmsteads there, this is the only farm, we can record songs with you, we were told that you know, we had already applied to the village of mikhailovskaya, where they have a farm related to the village of mikhailovskaya, so they addressed the chairman , where is something, maybe someone heard something, they went into the club, asked the club workers, they say, so and so, so, here we are heading there, he says, i don’t know who you are, who am i now i'll give songs there or what, go, i'm the goal, i... “well, we were told that grandfather mikhail is your name, he says, well, yes, well, come on, here i am lying with you in faith, let’s correct it now, everything will be fine, the gate will close well, no, let me help you guard the bone, he he says, yes, well then let’s go, he’s still there for me in the garden, i just need to dig up, so we, as they say, got used to each other, only after that he started playing songs, and then he says that you’ll spend the night there in a tent , go to the hut, so we recorded a whole lot of songs back then..." i remember two
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cassettes at once, what a collaboration, igor ivanovich, and for you, what songs are associated with may 9, well, probably, except for that famous victory day, when this holiday was more dear to you, when there were more living witnesses of the great patriotic war, or now? in fact , it’s always expensive, because every year on may 9, but if i’m in moscow, i go to snegiri, so every year i get on a motorcycle, if the weather is good, i buy flowers.
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which i met, now there is less and less, there is almost nothing left, but nevertheless, then yes, i go there every year, well, we are children, parents who went through the war, who fought, that’s all, for us this is important, then, if you remember our school, yes there, there, that is, or pioneer camps , yes, we looked after the burad graves, we were timurovites there and so on. won’t go anywhere, won’t go anywhere at all, that’s all, i think it’s generally great, some of your relatives fought, there are some stories, my father fought, my mother was in a partisan detachment, a miner, well of course, my parents, and the senior comrade, with whom i spent so many years of my life, yuri vladimirovich nikulin, who, of course. but he passed away, but somehow
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he loved me, he loved me, i, of course, also really, my father told me a little about the war, they didn’t want to tell me, here are some funny stories, but my mother more, but my mother was in a concentration camp, then she escaped from there and was with the partisans, well , i know more about her, but i won’t tell you all this, otherwise now the glasses will start to leak, there’s no need for that. now already almost all of them are already what they call long-livers, and those who left were left, forty -one forty-two forty-three, well, probably there’s almost no one left, my father in forty-four he was drafted at the age of 17, he was drafted at the age of seventeen, but my father fought for a year then he fought again well, you didn’t fight, you completed your service, but you completed your service in lithuania?
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where i don’t talk about this anymore, what to show the roots, but i know for this, because the great man, well, it’s like in a quiet time, and he moved from the reds to the whites, and from the whites again to the reds, in the end he stayed with budeonov, to him he was lucky that he was not shot, so he stayed with budyonny, then he also went through the great patriotic war, in addition to the fact that before the first german war, and until the fourteenth year , he went to turkey under gyudennich under the command.
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that's how many wars he went through, plus the civil war, plus the domestic war, he constantly suffered, yes, it turns out that he and his great-grandmother had 18 children, this is a separate conversation, three remained after the war. found, and then always with us, when there is a party or the same holiday, victory day or may 1st or some other holidays, always on easter we also got together with our family. igor ivanovich, well, you are happy to take away all this
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energy and for sure pick up your energy, you will also be healthy. well, me too , yes, i don’t collect like yura, but i really love all these old songs from the war. if you remember, i recorded a front-line album with pyotr efemovich todorovsky, this was a long time ago at the beginning of the two thousandths, these are also songs whose author is completely unknown, these are trench front-line songs, well , probably, i generally think that all this comes from the fact that i was born in a village, of course, these are the ones, i ’ve talked about this many times, these are the ones, you know, but it’s a choice.
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that is, everything, and i didn’t say to myself like that, yeah, now i’ll use the button accordion here, because it’s cool, no one uses it, nothing like that, it’s just music dictating some, well, in general, if you remember, i played the accordion a lot, even when the brigade started, i played the button accordion quite a lot, then i just stopped playing the button accordion, that’s all, in general, you know, i haven’t played it for many years, suddenly a few years ago i... there’s one song, yesterday we just
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played it here with you and , of course, the tv viewers, we spent 2 days rehearsing a wonderful song about drivers, which... we just played it yesterday, i’m going on tour , but when we get back, i mean our orchestra, we recorded everything and will just rehearse the form, we’ll call him and he’ll come and quickly record everything, there’s a wonderful text, wonderful, in the chorus, the second part of the chorus, i’ll tell you, and how again i want to say, it’s relevant
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to us, well, yes, so what about the song blue night you also rehearsed yesterday, we’re playing it, and yuri played it with us right now, let’s just listen and try it, let’s do it. a beautiful romance, an old romance, evening descends on the city, and the stars are shining in the sky, you are not looking for a meeting with me, and you are the first to look away, like night in your head. that night, as many stars in the sky, so many in
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my beginning, you bring me tears, flesh, blue knife, as many stars in the sky, so many in my beginning, you bring me tears, sat. the apple trees were breathing and little roses were blooming, where we we met with you, we hit the rallies with grass, from the morcha, to whom can i, how many stars are in the sky, so many at the beginning of mine, you bring me tears, and the window. night, blue night, how long is the time
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calling, how much at the beginning is mine, you bring me tears, even if it’s you kissing another, looking into her eyes, baby, but i know you won’t meet someone who loves more than me, night, blue night, how many it’s in the sky, how much is mine at the beginning, you bring me everything, buttermilk. blue night, brought so much to the sky,
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prayed so much at the beginning, you bring me lusc, i know you don’t love me, but i love you very much, i know you will forget me, and i am forgotten in my own way. night, blue night, as long as it sleeps in the sky, only at the beginning of may, you bring me lusc, come, blue night, as long as there is light in the sky, as long as my beginning, you bring me lusc, evening descends on the city, and the stars in the sky light up, you are not looking for a meeting with me, and
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you are the first to look away, because the blue night, so much in the sky, so much in my night, you bring me tears, and...
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performers, both men and women, by the way, this is a male romance, but this is an old one. this is a women's romance but blue night is originally a male romance, you just change the ending and that’s it, that is, both women and men sing it, it’s not difficult, it’s hard to tell, when i heard it, you hum some things, suddenly, well,
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it’s not for him relates, that's what my father walked, sang there and walks humming inside himself there. i don’t remember, it seems to me that i loved him for so many years, and we just decided, in my opinion, either in the past, or the year before last, to simply record in our studio, so that our allarova and anzhelika markova and not they sing so beautifully, that's it the girls just sang, like such a simple gift. we didn’t even expect people to have any success, but we didn’t even think about it, and now quite often at the end of our concerts we perform and well, not always, but they really ask, many people really ask, our podcast comes out on the may holidays, and we congratulate everyone on the great holiday, victory day, our guests were igor ivanovich sukachov and yuri
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alexandrovikov, my host alexandratoltin. thank you, we congratulate everyone on the great victory holiday, so, of course, we have another issue literary. caste, let them not talk, let them read, but this issue is very special, we have many guests today, because the topic is very multifaceted, we will read war poems, poems of the war era, poems about the war, written after the war, by very different russian poets , and these poems will be read by young actors,
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students of the mkhat studio school, we will invite them here, and we will not only ask them to read the poems. but share their impressions of their relatives’ stories about the war. in a word, today we will have a lot different and interesting, but it will be heartfelt and heartfelt important for all of us. i am very glad that i am not running this program alone, together with marina stanislavovna brusnikina, the main director of the russian one. academic youth theater, head of the creative workshop of the mkhat studio school, with us are students, our common students, these are young actors, they are just studying in the workshop of marina brusnikina and sergei shedrin, today they will not only read poetry, but will share those and stories that exist in their family,
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how the younger generation remembers the war, talks about war. what their parents, maybe grandmothers, great-grandmothers talk to them about, we will learn about all this today, we have two ivans, ivan semyonov and ivan zubarenko, vanya, and in your family they told you something about the war, well, here i am i was able to catch the time when my great-grandmother could still talk about some military events, so she worked in a military hospital in...
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semyon gudzenko and some others, and i would like to start with the fact that this topic, it seems to me, and here i’m already turning to marina stanislavna, she’s...
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and sometimes these are great poets, alexander tvordovsky, for example, but we don’t have the task of covering everything, talking about everyone, we have
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the task of reviving these impressions. here in front of me is a wonderful book, which was published in the state museum of the history of russian literature named after vladimir ivanovich dahl, this book is an illustration for the sound disk that is here, these are archival sound recordings and in it, in this book are presented. dozens of poets who are in one way or another connected with the war, well, probably, if we start talking about war poetry, then one of the poems kind of comes to mind first of all, right away, yes, yes, really, what, well , of course it’s simonov, wait for me, but what’s curious is that it immediately comes to mind for you and me, that ivan, who will read this poem, he didn’t know this...
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i will return to me, written in the very office where i am sitting at the computer, now in peredelkino near moscow, in the writers' town, so, of course, i feel some kind of special involvement in this particular poem, simonov was visiting kasilya, this poem was written very early, immediately after the start of the war, it was published only in january '42, immediately, yes, immediately such a reaction, just everything by heart, everyone knew, they rewrote everything, they sent everything to each other, yes, yes, and this is an unexpected story, because even , as far as we know, there were some hesitations, yes, the newspaper is true,
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the official organ of the central committee of the party, but this is not about the front, not about victory, not about communism, but about the personal, yes, here about the fact that you can only survive, if there is love, if there is expectation. simonov's creation to us read by ivan semyonov. and then sonya comes here. wait for me, i'll come back, just wait very long. wait when the yellow rains bring sadness, wait when there is snow here, wait when it’s hot, wait when others are not welcome, having forgotten. wait until no letters arrive from distant places, wait until you get tired of it, for everyone who is waiting together,
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wait for me, and i will return, do not wish well to everyone who knows by heart that it is time to forget, let the son and mother believe in that, that i am not there, let friends get tired of waiting, sit by the fire, drink bitter wine, remind the soul, wait, with them at the same time, don’t rush to drink, wait for me, and i will return in spite of all the deaths, whoever didn’t wait for me, let him say, lucky, don’t understand, those who didn’t wait for them, like in the middle of a fire, with their expectation, you saved me, how i survived, we’ll know just you and me, just... you knew how to wait like no one else. i was once
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very impressed by how many young guys writing, who could have grown into wonderful poets, died and did not become these poets, but at the same time became, because we still all know pavel kogan, although what he wrote there is not so much, yes, or we know mikhail kulchitsky, we know elena shirman, and we can list very pavel shobin, yes, yes, yes, we can list this long list of guys who could not succeed by dying , at the same time... they did some amazing things, there is a brigantine and in general, this spirit that was characteristic of that generation, this is faith in one’s own strength, in the ability to remake the world, yes, in general, in some kind of impossible romanticism and they went to fight with it and died, but managed to say something very important and absolutely amazing me, when i read this, with some kind of transcendental sincerity, again, faith, faith, well, yes, just this year we
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are celebrating our centenary. those who were born in the twenty-fourth year, and the twenty-third and twenty-fourth, it is known, these are the most terrible years of birth, and a few percent of the boys in total survived, of those who were born in the twenty-fourth year, and writers, many note this anniversary vasilevich bondurev, for example, from the poets yuli drunin, also twenty-four birth, well, as for pavel kogan, a very bright poet, it might be worth saying that he was the husband of elena massia. rzhevskaya, a completely legendary journalist, writer, she devoted many books to exposing nazism, and she is also a very famous author, she died very recently, she was almost 100 years old, she didn’t live a little, but pavel kogan, a wonderful, important poet, it’s very cool that ivan zabarenko will read his poem to us today. there is such
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precision in our days that boys of other centuries will probably cry at night about the time of the bolsheviks, they will complain to their dear ones that they were not born in those years when the water rang and smoked, crashed onto the shore, they will invent us again, burning a slanting firm step, and they will find the right foundation, but they will not be able to breathe as we breathed, as we were friends, as we lived as if in a rush, we composed bad songs about amazing things, we were all sorts of things, everyone, sometimes not very smart, we loved our girls, jealous, tormented, hot, we were all sorts of things, but in torment, we understood in our... we
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have such a fate that even if they envy us, they will invent us as wise, we will be strict. straight, they will embellish and powder, but still we will get through, now... let's talk about anna andreevna akhmatova, and of course, if you remember what comes to mind, first of all, when we say bakhmatova, this is , of course, the silver age, the wandering a dog, a visit to the block, all this is the absolute truth, but akhmatova lived a long life, she died only in sixty-six, and, of course, before the war into the war, this is already a slightly
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different person, no... but really this is so unexpected that she has these poems, which have also become already iconic, and about the war, berkoltz has wonderful memories of akhmatova, how she saw her during the war in leningrad in an air defense outfit, that she helped sandbags, that is, it’s difficult to connect this, but it’s true, leningrad, war , forty-first year, wrote these wonderful poems of courage. and sonya, are you
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from st. petersburg? yes, yes, i was born in st. petersburg, like my great-grandmother, on my mother’s side she lived in besieged leningrad. together with his sister and mother, there was an opportunity leave the city, but my great-grandmother’s sister refused to leave her hometown , leave her husband, who worked in leningrad and died during the blockade, it is all the more logical to read this poem, sofya loginova, akhmatovo’s poem and courage. we know that he is now lying on the scales, and what is happening now, the hour of courage has struck on our watch, and courage will not leave us, it is not scary
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to lie under dead bullets, it is not scary to remain homeless, and we will save you, russian speech, great russian word, free and pure you... a poet known to us, by our generation, who did not write poetry during the war, as he said, he said: “i fought during the war, but did not write, i began to write later, a lot of wonderful poems about this time, too, about the war, and it’s impossible, it seems to me,
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not to mention boris slutsky, yes, boris slutsky is a very important poet, well, of course, many said that he was an official, soviet, yes, he really was a political worker, although he was seriously wounded, shell-shocked, he ..." went on reconnaissance, this is not a staff person, but - it is important to understand what it is there was such a sincere impulse, brodsky of vuslotsky, considered him an important poet for himself, so we usually have an author’s section in the middle of our podcast, well , let it be in this form, i will also read a poem by boris slutsky - together with the students, marina stanislavovna later will read, and this poem is not the most famous. but for me it is very important, the poem is called an example. the last military spring, near point n at the partisan headquarters, fifty of us, four in civilian reconnaissance, mechman sappers in the morning
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we watch how the village is taken, how the battalions hit the walls with their heads, first they were cut down by machine guns, then bombers gouged them, they want to fight, but it’s not like that... there is not enough art, and a series of attacks dies out, covering the entire field with chenilles. the colonel, the eldest in the group, like a company commander, lined us up, here on the edge of the earth, we will train them to liberate their homeland, who else but us will go, and we went, there were 50 of us, half a hundred, the enemies could not have taken us into account, we went and thought the party anthem was in attack. better save your breath, i turned around on the move, look at how we walk, what example we set, we walked correctly, we walked with nothing to blame for, we walked like an immutable wave of gas, we went to battle with a sovereign step, a people
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who had chosen their destiny, did not drag out their paths for a thousand years ahead, who measured , calculated, decided, immediately tore off. from the ground, raising machine guns above their heads, they went forward, forward, forward, soldiers, they followed us like they followed a banner, boris lutsky, we remembered this poem from lutsky, let's move on and now let's talk about another wonderful poet, very famous, he wrote right during the war, this... semyon gudzenko, the author of several poems, which in our generation, well , absolutely classic, christ-motivated, important, yes, but i must say that this is precisely the poem the younger generation very often
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goes to college , this is probably such, you know, an example of a very powerful internal temperament, content, energy, and boys often read this poem at admission, well, this is such an analogue for... it hits the target, how strong the emotion
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is contained in it, nikita, here you will read gudzenko, in your family they said something about the war, do you have any legends, information, yes, it’s all there, moreover, it turns out that my great-grandmother and my great-grandfather helped in the rear when they were 11, 13 years old, and my great-great-grandfather... took part in the great patriotic war, died near konexberg and now he is buried on the walk of fame in budapest, such an interesting fate. it is really important that your heroic great-grandfather died and was buried at oley slava in budapest, marina stanislavovna, apparently, immediately comes to you and me, and maybe guys a line from tragically. a poem by mikhail isakovsky, a medal
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for the city of budapest shone on his chest. nikita oleynikov will read semyon gudzenko’s poem before the attack. when they go to death, they sing, but before that you can cry. after all, the most terrible hour in battle is the hour of waiting for an attack, the snow is dug up with mines all around, it’s blackened by the heat of a mine explosion , a friend dies, and that means death is passing by, now my devil will come, the hunt is coming for me alone, damn you, forty-one years you, frozen in infantry in the snow, it seems to me that i a magnet that i attract mines to explode, and the lieutenant wheezes. death passes by again,
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but we are no longer able to wait, we are led through the trench, the end of hostility, a bayonet piercing our necks, the battle was short, and then we drank ice-cold vodka, and i picked out someone else’s blood from under my nails with a knife. so i suggested including the poem “young seaman” in this program, and i can even explain why, because these are children of the war, she was a child during the war, moritz, and my mother was a child during the war, and i remember very well this my mother’s stories, although look she was four years old there at the beginning of the war, at the end she was 8 years old there, like her, i say: mom, do you remember the war? she says i remember riding a bike?
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there are stories, well, not many stories to tell me.


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