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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 2:55am-3:30am MSK

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these are the secret plans that the filmmakers had when the war started, because it was so sudden that all these plans could no longer be implemented, it was necessary to come up with completely new ones, and how do you get out of this, what kind of stories do you come up with, stories in general were it’s very difficult, because i want to be closer to what’s happening at the front, i want to show the audience the truth, but the filmmakers are deep in the rear. one of those who was looking for a real film set, apparently some kind of material, a visual embodiment of the image of war, it was just mark donskoy, and about the rada, which he spoke today, which amazed the americans with its naturalism, in general, it still amazes us now with its level - a certain cruelty on screen, but they didn’t do that then, then subsequently, 20 years later, when torkovsky will film andrei rublev, in soviet cinema, it will be as if to return again to this aesthetics of cruelty, and ivanovo’s childhood. here, but then it was
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absolutely some kind of challenge, i think, which mark donskoy deliberately made so that hook the soviet audience, and it is no coincidence that when this film was seen in italy, it is believed, as the legend says, that it largely influenced the establishment of italian neorealism, a movement in italian cinema that arose last year, in fact, the second world war, which then absolutely influenced all world cinema, when... is filmed not in a pavilion, but somewhere on location, when we see real life on the screen, because it is no longer possible to recreate life in a pavilion, we see destroyed cities, ruins, we see not even actors very often, but simply models or, well, extras who actually play themselves, all this also partly comes from donskoy’s rainbow, although of course donskoy’s actors were mostly actors, well, except for children, and we know, let's say one of these actually is the film. one of the girls who appears
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on the screen in rainbow grew up to become a costume designer and continues to work as the curator of the costume fund, the mrfel namalaya film museum, a wonderful witness of the era, a wonderful the narrator is absolutely amazing, we have a fragment from the rainbow, the very finale, let them wait for their fate, let them drink it to the end, to the last drop, oh women. whoever dies now will win big. no, no, no, let them wait first for their women and their own children to renounce them, let them say: no, these were not our fathers. let our sunburn and torment, let the people's wrath, be answered before the judgment of the people. will fall on their
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heads, and the earth will not accept them, the accursed. yeah, it's pretty hard to mean black and white movie show a rainbow on the screen. and yet, it worked out. let me remind you that this is isenstein's witness podcast, where we talk about why and how to watch obscure and famous films. what did the viewer want to watch, what did the viewer fall in love with immediately and forever. someone still managed to make such films, including at the central united film studio. and these were films that somehow dealt with the war. sometimes it was about those who
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are waiting, for example, for their husbands from the front, like in the film wait for me, just according to simonov’s script, based on simonov’s poem, wait for me, or like in the film there are two fighters, here there is no longer any posterity, which was in military film collections, but there is just a very subtle, very calm acting, directing, in some places, for example, in in the film there are two fighters, when they appear - soviet troops, even then...
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and of course this film was immediately remembered by everyone for its songs: nikita bogoslovsky wrote two masterpieces of generally soviet film music, pop songs, these are scows full of mullets and a dark night, and it so happened that the songs it’s a dark night at all... it might not have happened, there in this dugout, in this dugout, which flows there right there almost on the screen, it’s raining, but at night it’s very quiet, mark bernes, playing arkady with a guitar, hums this song, and as we know from memoirs, from
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the works of historians, there was supposed to be a scene with writing and reading letters, the director leonid lukov couldn’t do it, well, something didn’t work out, then they suddenly thought, maybe a song. bogoslovsky made the melody right there, vladimir ogapov wrote the lyrics right there, this dark night, yes, i know that beloved one, you can’t sleep, they almost woke you up at night, and bernes, and he sang, dark night, only bullets are whistling across the steppe, only the wind is humming in the wires. the stars twinkle dimly on the dark night, you , my beloved, i know you don’t sleep by the children’s bed.
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taikon, you wipe away a tear. the most offensive thing about this film before its release. gave the text and music to utesov, he managed to record it, first everyone heard the utesov version, nevertheless, the bernes version still won, despite the fact that some thought that well, it’s somehow petty, a little vulgar, especially scows full of mullet, yes, this is such a fine line that everyone tried to stay on, what are we filming about, how serious is it, how much does it help the front, is it possible to make comedies for the front, yes? roughly speaking, is it necessary here and there? the wonderful leonid rauberg, who was one of the creators of maxim, this trilogy about maxim in the thirties, is making a film in almootezh called an actress, an operetta artist who goes to the rear, works there in the theater, but lives with a woman
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who always says: my son is fighting there, and here you sing songs, and the actress leaves the theater, goes to work as a nurse in a hospital, and of course there with... barsova, in the artillery must go, so what, so, and you will sing for it, we will sing after the war, this is great, you know what i will advise you, go to any theater and the evening before the start, announce that the performance is postponed until the end of the war , because agat lukinishna and i believe that five it’s not the right time to splash now. let's see what the public will do to you then, especially the military, yes, what can i say to you when you don't understand a damn thing about art, i don't understand anything, but i, what are you, nothing, i just want to say that obviously you a lot in art, you see, i don’t understand,
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i don’t understand, but i love art, that is, here the military themselves seem to tell us: no, we need your art, again, it’s quite a shame that when the film came out , still lies, its only copy in gosulemofond, undigitized and impossible to view anywhere on the internet. it’s clear that the newsreel is being filmed in laggy leningrad, of course, the cameramen remain there, the film remains there, and we know that the film once upon a time there was a girl, which was released after the end of the siege, was partially filmed before
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the complete siege was lifted, and the siege was very important for the director, vladimir isymont, to show footage of this very semi-siege of leningrad.
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and there once was a girl who is filming already in 1943, and what is happening in leningrad in 1941-1942, and there it was that a recent student of sergei zenshtein, who arrived literally in the summer of 1941 from minsk, ended up in leningrad and in the fall of 1941 he read an article in the newspaper about how a girl... mittens were sent to the front they wrote on them to the bravest, so he began to think about how to make some kind of plot out of this, they began to write a script, they wrote it in the fall of 1941, in the spring of 1942, only in november the road of life opened up, they went to film in laduga with real sailors, with actors from leningrad , this film, the general thing was a positive attitude towards the film. all the same, vishnevsky
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watched it back in leningrad; of course, it was incredibly difficult to film it, lubeshits recalls that one of the installers, for example, died under artillery fire, yes, and this was all done between dropping incendiary bombs from the roof film and so on, and this is a real feat, which for some reason even film historians have forgotten about, why today it is worth watching films made during the great patriotic war, well, because this is , first of all, anthropological evidence, i think, yes, it shows people, those years, who do not live in imaginary circumstances, but live that life, not as actors, after many years, but as people who really experienced all this in their own experience, and this was a podcast of esenstein’s witnesses. we we talk about little-known or well-known
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soviet films within the framework of a film-going school that teaches how to enjoy forgotten or famous films of the soviet period. thank you, goodbye, goodbye. the time when our first satellite was launched, i naturally don’t remember, as for gagorin’s flight, i have a very vivid impression of it from childhood, of course it was complete delight, but then very few realized that, in general, this space is a kind of side effect from the arms race and from... military rocket science, because if there weren't this, there wouldn't be space. here it must be said,
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first of all, that a new era began in august of 1945, the nuclear era, the united states had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, and this of course made the world very unstable, and of course, no one in the united states expected that the soviet union would be able to create a nuclear a bomb to go into space in 1949, and on october 4 , 1957, launching the first satellite, that’s how this race is? concerned the spread of leftist ideas, the influence the soviet union, which was truly
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huge after the victory over germany, there was stalingrad, the battle of stalingrad, all this was known, the soviet union wanted to ensure its security by creating such a belt of friendly states around it in order to prevent a repeat of the situation on june 22 , 1941, yes, when hostile germany was everywhere on the western borders of the ussr, either she or her allies. the start of the atomic project in the ussr was given by a decree of the state defense committee in 1942, but only in august of the forty-fifth year after kheroshima and nagasaki ... they began to allocate really large funds for this, the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, it is important to say that the state defense committee is the highest authority in the ussr during the war, that is, not politburo, namely the state defense committee, the state defense committee, and so the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, the chairman was stalin, the deputy was beria, lavrentiy pavelovich beri becomes the curator of the atomic project, scientifically its curator
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there was, of course, kurchatov, in 1949, the soviet nuclear bomb, thanks to the efforts... and intelligence, and thanks to the efforts, the amazing, inhuman efforts of soviet physicists, the nuclear bomb was tested and the monopoly of the united states on nuclear weapons ended. another problem arose: how to deliver nuclear warheads to enemy territory. with the help of aircraft, the air defense system can cope with them, either high-altitude fighters or ground-based air defense systems, respectively, other delivery methods are needed, especially for the soviet union, given that if while american planes could be based on... the soviet union, our planes could not be based purely geographically on the borders of the united states. we did not have nato, and there were no allies next to the united states either. and here it must be said that the most advanced country that developed rocket technology until 1945 was germany.
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well, yes, of course, the famous vau, vau, the first cruise missile v-1, the world's first ballistic missile. fa-2, long-range ballistic missile. moreover, uh, the germans also created a guided anti-aircraft missile, the wasserfall, which they developed and brought to the level of mass production, but they simply did not have time to launch this mass production, because soviet troops had already arrived in germany. already at the end of the second world war, the united states and the soviet union were very interested in seizing these german developments; they knew about them, of course. and in this story of the capture of german developments on the palm tree on palma perenst. the americans were, of course, the winners, they had a special program, called paperclip, for the seizure of german scientists, german technologies, thousands of german scientists, engineers, technicians, through this operation were transferred at different times, during the forties, early fifties to the usa, and of course, the main acquisition here was an american who surrendered, who deliberately surrendered as an american on may 2
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, 1945, werner von brown, the developer of the fa 2 itself, the father... from the american space program, the americans used the project accordingly wasserfal and the fa2 project for the development of their program, it seemed that they were in a much better position, they had much better starting conditions for the development of rocketry, they only didn’t have one thing, they didn’t have sergei pavlovch korolev, and they didn’t have korolev it was, but it is also possible that korolev would be involved in...
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my life, this is a meeting with konstantin eduardovich tsalkovsky. it was the twenty-ninth year, i was about 24 then . as a matter of fact, after the meeting with tsealkovsky that excited us, my friends and i started active actions and even some practical experiments in rocket technology. yes, in
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one of the official questionnaires, from 1952, he also writes that from 1929, after meeting tsyalkovsky. began to work on special equipment, the soviet missile program could theoretically not be inferior to the german one or not be far behind it, if not for repression. back in the thirty -third year, a rocket research institute was founded, in the organization of which mikhail nikolaevich tukhachevsky helped, who understood that the country we need new technology, sometimes he invested, by the way, in failed projects, but still he very actively supports the development of new technology, he generally adored everything. the institute was created, and not without bureaucratic resistance, that was also the case then, testing of rocket projects began, and the people who... created this atmosphere of creativity in the early thirties, it was amazing, people literally forgot to eat when they launched this soviet missile program, before the creation of rni,
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the rocket research institute, the group was called tsgirt, the central group for the study of jet propulsion, jet engines, it was created by korolev and on enthusiasm, without a command from above, without encouragement from above, gird was deciphered then in the early thirties, a group of engineers worked... friedrich arturovich tsander, one of the forerunners cosmonautics, now his name is practically forgotten, absolutely undeservedly, sandr is a great figure, such a person, a transitional stage from tselkovsky to the queen, so to speak, an outstanding engineer, a dreamer. the erneys were just launching the first project of his rocket in 1933. kebalchik really dreamed about space back in the days of the people’s will. tsilkovsky. but
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here it is important to say that the chance to realize this dream appeared only after the revolution. after the state began to mobilize these talented people in order to discover the unknown. this craving for the unknown is, of course, the atmosphere of the thirties, it will be there later, yes, but without this...
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the beginning of the space race is assessed differently and its end, by the way, the space race is by analogy with the arms race, in general a term that appeared, well, some believe that... it all began, the race began with the launch of the first satellite by the soviet union, but i remember, that in
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1947, that is, exactly 10 years before the actual launch of the first satellite at the future kapustin yar cosmodrome - in 1947 r1 was launched, r1, yes, already 10 years before...
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sharashka aircraft engine plant in kazan, it was brought to germany, he began to understand there, even while still a prisoner, moreover, there , korolev came to one test of missiles that the germans were conducting, but so that he would not be identified, so that he was too competent a technical person, he came there under the guise of a driver, interesting, that is, they tried to deceive the americans a little, and so, when it became clear , that we won’t find the whole fa2, we began to restore it, the minister of armaments restored it. ussr dmitry fedorovich ustinov approved the creation of two institutes - northausen, ballistic missiles and berlin, all other missiles, they worked and german specialists whom we managed
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to capture in soviet. the union, while in germany, agreed to work for about 5,000 technicians and engineers, they even managed to lure some people from the american zone of occupation, in particular the specialist in automatic control systems helmut grettup, kurt magnus, hans hoch, and a special nii, nii 88, was created, where korolev became the head of the department, and then the famous okb number one was created from it, this is the same design bureau that launched the satellite and man into space. again, what is important: korolev served time, but korolev could have become embittered, could have broken down, but his thirst to create a rocket, including a rocket and a military one, and at the same time in order to go into space, this thirst remained, if not for this thirst unknown, nothing would have worked out, of course, well, it should also be noted that in general this space race of the cold
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war period, it... of course, was important from the point of view of scientific and technological progress, but it was also a kind of competition between two political systems , so of course, success in the scientific sphere, in the scientific and technological sphere, they were echoed, so to speak, in the image of this or that system, therefore, when, unexpectedly for the americans , we were the first to launch a satellite, then of course we did it there. a whole series of very important steps to advance, so to speak, in order to generally catch up and then overtake the soviet union, but back in the time of esenhaur, it means that the law on education for the needs of national defense was adopted, designed to encourage the acquisition of education in strategically important areas science, well, it was organized by the famous nasa,
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known to everyone. there is an office there, we are in 1957, and on february 1 , 1958, they also managed to finally launch their first satellite, explorer 1, the first living creature put into orbit, precisely into orbit, this is not a jump back into orbit, it was laika 3 november 1957, the descent module - this was the next stage. in the development, so to speak, of astronautics, so it played a crucial role, but nevertheless, to return it to earth, then there was no opportunity yet, but everyone remembers the squirrel and the arrow, but they forget about the husky, and even more so everyone forgets about the dezik and the gypsy, on july 22 , 1951, they jumped like this, they were launched, they were the first alive for the first time creatures who overcame the so-called karman line, this is a line of 100 km, and from the surface of the earth,
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they reached 110 km. that is, this is not space yet, but nevertheless this is already a big step towards it, and it was still the fifty-first year, both returned back, but at the next launch desik died, and after that the gypsy was very upset, korolev was very upset, the gypsy was not launched anywhere after that, but the dog was angry and even somehow bit one general who treated her with disrespect. when the satellite was getting ready to be launched, then when they were discussing what would happen in space , then pyotr leonidovich kopitsa. accordingly, he said: you know what, i don’t know what will happen there, but if there is an opportunity to break into space, it must be done. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. talking about the space race waged by the united states and the soviet union. rocket technology emerged to carry nuclear warheads. but here is the irony of history. our first ballistic missile,
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intercontinental r7, seven, famous, royal, some write what they wrote and said that it’s just v2, there are some kind of connected ones, this is complete nonsense, there the design is completely different, of course, on the basis of fa2, it developed soviet technology, like american technology, yes, there was a common line here, but the seven was a huge step forward, it was the first continental missile, but the second put into service, the first one was supplied by the americans, it was not suitable for military needs, it was. heavy, unbalanced, the accuracy was so difficult, yes, it was able to deduce it, it was low, but precisely because it was first a satellite, and then based on it and a person into space, that is, a failure in military terms became success in terms of space , yes, there is a paradox, again remembering the first satellite, i must say that it existed, well, by today’s standards, not for long, it made 1440 revolutions around the earth,
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but... his famous beep-beep signals were most likely listened to by the whole planet, because - the impression was... october, we came to korolev, showed him this information, at first korolev did not say anything, where- then he came out, only then many years later, writes the buckwheat, i found out that he contacted the state security committee and asked if they had information that the americans were going to make an even attempt
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to launch their satellite on october 5, otherwise they would have to make a report from the kgb came an answer just like from the delphic pythia, we have there is no information that they want to launch a satellite on this day, but we have no information that they do not want to launch on... a brilliant answer, well , like the greek pithi, who gave answers that could be interpreted in any way, simply brilliant, and korolev took a risk, he postponed the launch of our rocket with a satellite, and the satellite was specially lightweight, there was only a radio transmitter there, scientific korolev decided that we would not load scientific equipment there, there was no time for this, we had to be first, he postponed it from october 6 on the fourth and the launch was a success, when werner von braunan was asked why, under such... conditions that you had with enormous funding, greater than in the soviet union, it is important to understand, many times greater, uh, given that you have experience, respectively, you were still in the military and so on, why didn’t you manage to be the first, he replied, i quote, i didn’t have that many highly qualified
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specialists. the next stage was sending a man into space; in the spring of 1960 , 20 cosmonauts were enrolled in the first corps of cosmonauts. people, then six of them were selected, including gagarin, german titov, andriin nikolaev, pavel. popovich, grigory nelyubov and valery bykovsky, they, accordingly , had to pass the test, those who are now talking about manned space flight don’t really understand about this either, well, it would seem, yes, he flew into space, it’s 108 minutes, just think, yes, i played there, yes, everything that was heroic in this, but it was 50/50 whether gagarin would survive or not, what kind of psychological stability should a person have who understood perfectly well what he was going to risk... in which it is 50/50 whether you will die or survive, why will you die in some completely inhuman way, 50% of luck includes, for example, doctors argued whether a person would go crazy in zero gravity or not, this was unknown, at the time during the flight, one of
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the backup control systems did not work; again, it was necessary to hurry, because the americans were trying to do everything so that the first person to go into space was an american, allen shepard, who eventually had to fly.
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testing by fire, water, fame and notoriety by power - this is the worst thing test for a person. gagarin passed brilliantly, passed brilliantly. without any arrogance, he treated people, and it was the queen’s choice, because they were arguing about who should fly, or gagarin, korolev made a bet on gagarin, although titov seemed to be more intelligent, and he flew later, yes, but here’s the image, just the image of a man who should be the first in space, korolev guessed, yes, the image was very important, that’s interesting, it means that gagarin flew on the twelfth, on april 12, and already on april 26 it was the decision of the presidium of the cpsu central committee on measures for further commemorating the popularization of the first flight of a soviet check into space. behind it.


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