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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 4:05am-4:41am MSK

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all the republics of the former soviet union fought the nazis almost one-on-one, while almost all of europe worked for the military power of the wehrmacht. at the same time , i would like to emphasize: russia has never downplayed the importance of the second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, and partisans. the courage of the people
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of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan. on red square today, more than anywhere else , one could feel the connection of times, along with veterans of the great patriotic war, important guests, participants in a special military operation. here on the left hand of vladimir putin is sniper alexandra semyonovna aleshina. she turned 100 in february. on the right hand is yevgeny petrovich kuropatkov, a participant in the battle of stalingrad. he will be 101 years old in july. behind them are the veterans of our time. among them is a hero of russia, a member of the northern military district. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation; all its participants, those on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication. all of russia is with you, they believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and there is spiritual involvement.
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your destinies and exploits are inextricably bound by a generation of heroes of the fatherland. of the 9 servicemen in the parade squads, thousands are just participants in a special military operation. as a separate box of fighters walks along the paving stones , they rise from the front stand. each serviceman of the parade squad is an example of personal courage and bravery. seven heroes of the russian federation are in service, 24 knight of the order of courage. and active military personnel taking part in the north military district, honorary guests of the parade, we watched the last victory parade on our phones, being on the front line in bakhmut, and today my colleague and i were lucky enough to be at the very celebration of the victory parade, my son walked here in sherenge, the academy financially - technical support, some went to moscow for literally a few days at the invitation to red square and now return to the front, i’ll be there tomorrow night.
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a minute of silence is announced, so there are no tears in the eyes of the guests in the stands - this is not only about the multimillion-dollar sacrifice of the soviet people, these are the tears of mothers, us mothers, who are waiting for our soldiers, participants in a special military operation, our sons, that all this will end, they will win and that they will all return home safe and sound , here they are , our real hero today. new
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heroes and we are sure that they will write their names on the main buildings of our enemies, just as our grandfathers and fathers did, god grant that they all... victory day unites all generations, we move forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people. glory to the valiant armed forces for russia, for victory, cheers,
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following the anthem, a military band on... unit - the only tank in the whole behind the walking parade squads, the equipment of the 61st mechanized colony t-34, the rest of the vehicles are wheeled, primarily armored cars, two of which for the first time on red square, one on the kamaz platform for transporting personnel, the second on the base of the typhoon family for transporting the wounded, is called lens. the technology is used in the northern military district, with the exception of the yars strategic missile systems, well, at the end of the parade after a long pause in the sky over red square, finally aviation, here the composition is a laconic cuban diamond, nine su-30 cm fighters and mig-29, that is, russian knights swifts,
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the sky over red square, followed by and , moreover, the last ones , su-25 attack aircraft flew over moscow, leaving behind a trail of smoke in the colors of the russian flag. konstantin, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov. after the parade in honor of victory day, vladimir putin and leaders other states went to the alexander garden, where they laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. military personnel of the presidential regiment, on behalf of the presidents , also laid scarlet carnations on the tables of hero cities, including sevastopol. today is exactly 80 years since it was liberated from the nazi invaders. today there is a gala reception in the kremlin in honor of foreign leaders who came to moscow to celebrate victory day. all of them are reliable partners and friends, vladimir putin noted. on the day of our common victory, the russian leader a whole series of bilateral meetings with foreign colleagues. and first things first. anna kurbatova. presidential reception in the faceted
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chamber of the large kremlin palace. in honor of the heads of state invited to victory day. at the gala dinner, foreign leaders who were present and at the parade are warmly welcomed by vladimir putin. today, on victory day, with special warm feelings we welcome our reliable partners and friends to russia in moscow. over the greatness of the grandiose victory of 1945, time has no power and despite despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons that the world community learned in the crucible of the second world war are also not immutable. the nazis, the japanese militarists, dragged almost 80% of the world's population into it, unleashed aggression in europe, north africa, and the asia-pacific region, killed millions of innocent people,
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and the feat of those who stopped and crushed this evil is covered with eternal, unfading glory. and here is another important addition about today. russia will continue its course towards developing mutually beneficial partnerships and friendship with everyone, who shares the values ​​of freedom of justice, advocates strict adherence to international law and a comprehensive, equal and indivisible security system. this is our duty to everyone who went through the terrible trials of the second world war. dear friends, let me propose a toast to the generation of winners, to the great victory, to...
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of the great patriotic war they fought for leningrad in the most difficult sectors, including on the neva patch. we always reject, with a feeling of support for the cuban people , attempts that have been made throughout continued for many years by the united states, in an attempt to limit the development of cuba, to cause economic damage through illegal sanctions, illegal restrictions. torogi. it so
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happened historically that cuba for russia is not just a distant island in the caribbean and russia for cuba is not just the largest country in the world; it was moscow’s position that at one time helped the island of freedom to defend its independence. cuba remembers this. the russian federation can always count on cuba's support. we are constantly discussing geopolitical manipulations carried out by the us government, including the threat of nato approaching the borders of the russian federation, we wish russia success in carrying out a special military operation. you know that the soviet union, russia, modern russia have always been on your side, on the side of the cuban people, in the fight for their interests, for their homeland, just recently. the vote that took place at the un, which was devoted to the issue of immediately lifting
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the blockade, it seemed that the overwhelming majority of countries in the world were also on the side of cuba. today, vladimir putin held bilateral meetings with other leaders, including the president of tajikistan and mamali rahmon. the expected conversation turned to the terrorist attack in crocus. thank you for the words of condolences you expressed in ugulyadni. one of the first to say this, in the event of a terrorist attack in moscow, our special services are actively working to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, and for russia, for tajikistan, the work is well established, colleagues are in close contact with each other friend, terrorism has no nationality, no religion, no homeland. we must fight them together everywhere, our non-friends
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want to quarrel, scatter by various methods, you know that russia is a strategic partner and ally for tajikistan, and today, being present at this solemn image, indeed, this is our common, the only such common national. we are grateful to you, dear mr. president, to all our colleagues for supporting
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the teaching of the russian language, we are well we cooperate in the international arena, including within the united nations. one of the priorities of our foreign policy in the asian direction is the development of a strategic partnership with the association of southeast asian nations. world card holders have the opportunity to use them in your country, this will certainly contribute to the growth of tourist flow. the last time the heads of state met was last fall in beijing on the sidelines of the belt and road forum. many of our agreements are now being implemented and is implemented very well. a new bilateral meeting just 2 days after putin took office. on behalf of myself and my people, i have the honor to congratulate you on your victory in the elections of the president of the russian federation with a majority of votes. this is not only the pride of russia and the russian people, but of everyone.
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nikolai ivanovich is 100 years old, the pilot fought on the il-2 attack aircraft, he remembers may 9, 1945 well, he met victory in the baltic, the squadron commander says the weather on that day was about the same as today in tula, there was such a noise, they were shooting, we thought we had broken through, suddenly the day before,
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the war ended, the city is a hero, tula has 1200 people in parade formation today. students of the tula sovorov school traditionally take part in the parade and open it. here in the ranks are paratroopers, guardsmen of the 106th tula division and, for the first time, in parade formation, participants in a special military operation. soldiers of the group of troops center, south, east, west and dnieper. i consider it an honor to walk across the square in front of the veterans. for all comrades, fellow soldiers, for all our guys.
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in the ceremonial squads, paratroopers , emergency situations ministry employees, cadets, young army soldiers, and a mechanized column were led by the legendary t-34 tank, as well as the katyusha rocket artillery combat vehicle from the times of the great patriotic war. the audience also saw modern equipment - airborne combat vehicles, rakushka armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. tula is called the weapons capital, so, of course, samples produced by
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tula enterprises were also presented, for example, a machine for an engineering system for remote mining of agriculture. celebrate the 79th anniversary of the victory. over fascist germany , kamchatka was the very first beginning, 14 combined companies of the petropavlovsk kamchatka garrison marched along the main square in parade formation. the largest parade in the far east took place in khabarovsk, more than 2,500 people took part in it, and the mechanized column consisted of almost 90 units of various military equipment. during the parade in novosibirsk, spectators were able to get a close look at the mobile launcher of the yars missile system, part of our nuclear triad, the country’s nuclear shield. and later an attack aircraft flew over the square. start forties and 16 in different regions of russia , parade participants and spectators were tested for strength by the weather, there was wind and precipitation in yekaterinburg from the very morning, heavy rain kristina, this day was remembered by everyone.
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on these most solemn days , volgograd was officially renamed stalingrad, which was familiar to front-line soldiers, by decision of the city duma,
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so the real stalingrad parade took place in the city, 2.0 people and several dozen units of military equipment took part in it. in different regions , victory day was celebrated in different ways: in some cities parades took place without spectators, in others they were canceled for security reasons, such as in yaroslavl, instead of the traditional parade on sovetskaya square. military equipment with copies of victory banners walked along the streets of residential areas of the city in the lugansk, donetsk people's republics, kherson region, today they held car races, they could be heard from afar, cars with flying red banners, everyone could join, in the zaporizhzhya region in melitopol t-70 tank was removed straight from its pedestal, started up and rang rushed down the street as if these 79 years had never happened. volunteers from all over the country came to the city of heroes of rzhef to unfurl a huge red banner with an area of ​​more than 2.0 km, the world’s largest copy of the victory banner, at the foot of the memorial to the soviet soldier.
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evgeny lyabin, nikolay malyshenko, alena germanova, elena pich, andrey goldorev, tatyana kozlova, dmitry matyushin and alexey kozlov. first channel. let's return to moscow, to the alexander garden, after the ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko answered questions from our correspondent, konstantin. and military exercises of russia and belarus, a celebration of your great victory, today is also the 80th anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, but naturally also the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus, in the coming days, well , today we are talking about more than just that, it is impossible not to talk about the heroes of our time , participants in a special military operation, do you have any special message for them, we worked very hard yesterday, the places left were quite late.
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with the minister of defense, with the chief general staff, that we had a full-fledged meeting of everything, and of course, they talked about what... there was, as i already said, military contact, he said that he met with military personnel, 7, 7, with unit commanders who distinguished themselves, lately, there has been a lot to talk about, and of course, they talked about our guys, those who conveyed sadness, heroism, courage, debugging and results.
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the decision for us to synchronize and conduct the second third stage together, he correctly emphasized, this is not the first time, this is our third training session, well, in russia
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probably dozens. were, so we are synchronizing, and the general staffs have already, as i told the russian defense minister, they have begun execution, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work, further details, then the very meeting with the military that vladimir putin mentioned in an interview to our correspondent, they talked in the kremlin on may 7, 12 commanders were among the guests at the inauguration ceremony of the president, the supreme commander... thanked our defenders for their military work, discussed with them the situation in different sectors of the front and supported the officers’ initiative to introduce new equipment that saves the lives of soldiers. oleg shishkin will tell you more. at the meeting with the supreme commander-in-chief, there were military officers, commanders of regiments, brigades and divisions, many at the front from the first days of the special military operation. for me, meetings of this kind are always important because, as a rule, these are frank conversations and i really
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look forward to them. to such a frank conversation about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how needs to be done additionally so that the actions of our combat units were even more successful, so that tasks were solved with minimal losses, and so that we certainly achieved all the tasks assigned to us by our homeland. according to the president, big plans for the development of the country can only be realized if there is success on the battlefield. thanks to the courage and dedication of our guys, the russian army is confidently pushing the enemy out of its occupied lines. you, your subordinates, worthy of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who fought on the fields of the great patriotic war and defended their homeland, now we know about cases of courage, heroism, and this is not from case to case, these cases occur, but on an
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almost constant basis and this is extreme. who is in one way or another involved in the activities of your combat work in the civilian sphere, i am honestly surprised myself, you know, so that you and i can fight effectively on the battlefield, thousands of people who do not have or have not previously had anything to do with military service, and acts very effectively, according to the president, to effectively confront the enemy on the battlefield, it is necessary to be one step ahead in high
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technology, to break it down, i say, the berdychi got it after all, it was difficult, it was definitely difficult, but they took it, we move on, in this locality a robotic courier complex was used, two of them were equipped automatic grenade launcher ags-17, the use of such equipment specifically in assault operations will save the lives of military personnel, the couriers who participated in the assault were armed with thirty-millimeter grenade launchers with 150 rounds of ammunition, for this...
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the tracked platform can be installed with a large-caliber machine gun, a flamethrower, and an rpg, the choice is wide. the dimensions of the ground-based drone are quite compact, about one and a half meters long, 20 meters wide, maximum speed 35 km/h, control range up to 10 km, operating time up to three days. the courier is a universal soldier; he can be used to evacuate the wounded, to transport ammunition, and to mine areas. so far, the robot exists in the form of several experimental samples. is it possible to organize? massive the production of such platforms and equipping assault groups of units, yes, it is possible, of course, until recently we adapted similar, similar devices and developed them ourselves, so we have experience, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me, also work day and night, actually, in the full sense of the word, day and night in order to stay a little ahead
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of the enemy, on the whole we succeed. governing bodies, let's do it. svo brought out and accordingly put everything in the foreground and new types of weapons, who i would have thought that relatively inexpensive drones with explosives on board would become a real nightmare for the enemy and would destroy armored vehicles costing millions of dollars. now engineers are struggling to solve two main problems: how to increase the range of combat drones and how to teach them to overcome enemy rap. application, it often reduces for a week all the enemy’s attempts to actively operate in a particular sector
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of the front, there is a need to consider the issue of introducing and maybe producing an aircraft type with fpv carriers like since drones, that is, the so-called aircraft mother. those tasks that... the president made it clear that in front of television cameras he did not want to reveal all the details of this work, so more details were revealed when the conversation continued behind closed doors.
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famous connection dmitry tolmachev. we are now visiting the soldiers of the 150th red banner idean-berlin order of kutuzov motorcycle division, which has already come a long way during the special military operation, including the liberation of mariupol, the liberation of marinka, directly, is the work of these guys, here we have the crew of the t-90 mroryv tank and infantrymen. the memory of our veterans and ancestors gives us fighting spirit. thank them very much for this. i see the victory banner in your hands, tell me a little about it. the banner of our 150th guards division, the banner of victory, as you correctly said, which sergeants kontaria egorov and lieutenant berest hoisted over the fascist rechstag on april 30, the night of april 30 to may 1, that is, you picked up, one might
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say, the banner of ours, but we picked up, with we proudly carry it and crush the fascist reptile, it will be necessary until the very thaw, thank you, i will remind you that despite the holiday for the guys , everyday combat continues to push the enemy back... assault groups, one of the first to cope with this task was gazi zagitov from bashkiria . today in ufa a monument to him was unveiled in the park in honor of the victory in the great patriotic war. the opening ceremony of the monument, cast in zhukovsky near moscow, was attended by the head of the republic, radi
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khabirov, and the hero’s relatives. this holiday is for our family today. doubly so, because today we are unveiling a monument to my uncle, a warrior, a hero. of the great patriotic war to gazi kahanovich zagitov, and thanks to this significant event, i think even more people will learn about his feat. if we translate the name gaziy from arabic, then this name means warrior. and he really was a real warrior. he was awarded the order of the red banner of battle, the order of the red star, a medal for courage, and medals for military distinction. here in the center of our ufa. on behalf of all multinational people, we we are erecting a monument to his feat. and again , from those who are fighting nazism today, the daily report from the ministry of defense goes around the north military district. our troops continue to actively advance.


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