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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 4:40am-5:16am MSK

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the opening of the monument, cast in zhukovsky near moscow, was attended by the head of the republic, radi khabirov, and the hero’s relatives. this holiday today is double for our family, because today we are unveiling a monument to my uncle, warrior, hero of the great patriotic war, gazik kahanovich zagitov. and thanks to this significant event, i think even more people will learn about his feat. if we translate the name gaziy from arabic, then this name means warrior, and he really was a real warrior. he was awarded the order of the battle red banner, order of the red star, medal for courage, medals for military distinction. here, in the center of our ufa, on behalf of the entire multinational people, we are erecting a monument to his feat. and again from those who are fighting nazism today. daily. report from
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the ministry of defense about the northern military district. our troops continue to actively advance along almost the entire front. more advantageous positions are occupied in several areas at once. at the same time , over 800 militants and military equipment, including american and british equipment, were destroyed. in addition, an ammunition depot in grouping of the armed forces of ukraine donetsk. our air defense systems shot down 28 drones, intercepted missiles, atakoms, manufactured in the united states, czech vampire missiles and french guided bombs. those with whom our soldiers are fighting at the front have once again proven that they are the real terrorists and war criminals. on a holy day for our citizens, kiev militants struck several settlements in the belgorod region at once, including the regional center itself. 11 people were injured there. a woman died in novaya tovalzhanka. entrance launched more than three dozen attack drones, 70 shells and missiles of various types. dalmira
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beryukova is working at the scene of the events and here is her report: at 4:00 in the morning belgorod was awakened by the howl of sirens, explosions thundered over the city, in one of the residential areas there was a direct hit on a high-rise building, windows were broken, balconies were damaged, shops were destroyed, cars were on fire in the parking lot, the sleeping people did not immediately understand what had happened, what she slept in, that’s what she flew out of, she started hitting the neighbors, she saw smoke from the shokus. almost simultaneously it thundered on the next street, it also hit a residential building, rained down glass, and a cloud of black smoke rose into the sky. until now, everything is shaking, i thought the window would fly out, and the floor kept shaking, very scary. almost immediately, all the city's emergency services arrived at the scene, and explosives experts began work. rszzo are most likely, uh, vampires, so-called, most of them. yes. all these shells, fragments, everything
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has been processed here, yes, everything is in order, one of the shells hit a window on the ninth floor, it was completely knocked out at that moment, there were people there, all the cars in the parking lot were damaged, there was a lot of glass, broken bricks, in the apartment where the shell landed, the residents received quite serious injuries, natalya’s apartment is two floors below, he says it was lucky that she was not at home, everything fell out there, the victim saw her, they took her out in the morning, there were injuries , but they are so shrapnel in the city ... the air attack in the ssu injured 11 people, five were given outpatient care. eight people are now in city hospitals, including an eleven-year-old girl. the wounded were visited by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. hello, can i come to you quickly? according to the ministry of defense, at night over belgorod, our air defense system destroyed 15 vampire mlrs shells. here is a czech installation caught on surveillance cameras in the border area on the night of may 9. a missile threat was declared in belgorod three times; the night before, ukrainian militants tried to attack.
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in general, it doesn’t matter if our grandfathers fought, yes, that is, as if they, they were not afraid of anything, but we should be afraid, they provoke, the sad thing is that this whole fascism, nationalism, it remains, and well i think we we will win, we will solve these issues, problems, we will finish the job to the end, our guys will cope, we support them, happy holiday to everyone, this year there was no traditional parade in belgorod, but the main holiday of the country is felt here in a special way: every
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window on the heroes of the immortal regiment are watching us, and the memorials are littered with flowers, songs of victory are heard everywhere, to the detriment of all those who did not and will not be able to darken our day. victories. dalmira beryukova, sergey pilyaev, alexander klimov, igor ivanov and yulia khodorova. channel one, belgorod. fear of the attributes of the winning army were once again demonstrated in ukraine. even an elderly woman in a soviet uniform with the symbols of our common victory frightened the hefty police officers in kiev with just her appearance; they did not allow her to lay flowers at the eternal flame. they had their memories erased by political american-neo-nazi erasers for so long that they became like ivam.
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some kind of general diagnosis, they are not given to people who want to honor the memory of soviet soldiers, to fulfill their sacred duty as human beings, they are prohibited, they are recounted, as in concentration camp, they even try to wring their hands. hitler once ordered the burning of books that were objectionable to the nazis, huge bonfires were lit all over germany, now the german police are trying to take away soviet symbols from those people who came to the memorial events, and among them not only russians, but also germans, whose parents knew well, what are ovens?
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the sun under the adhesive tape is still visible, someday we will peel it off, anyway, i think the time will come, we will peel it all off, in berlin at the memorial in the tiergarten, where people are still slowly passing, people are jackaling about ukrainian activists look and report to the police about the prohibited symbols they saw,
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we see how law enforcement officers harshly detain a man wearing a t-shirt with a photo of putin, and you are about to break my arm, a native odessa native, on june 22 she will turn 93,
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a car rally in honor of may 9 and a victory march, several tens of thousands of people took part in it; they walked from the city center to the memorial of military glory for an eternity. we consider it our duty to come here and express our attitude towards this holiday. netherlands,
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the immortal regiment came to the soviet field glory in the city of leusden, and this is basel, switzerland, a solemn ceremony at the hoernli cemetery, four red army soldiers are buried here. italy, milan, maggiora cemetery, the immortal regiment and the immortal brigade of garibalde marched to the soviet and italian monument. on may 9 there is a concert in honor of victory day. every year the immortal regiment movement expands the geography of its actions. this, for example, is footage from jakarta, indonesia. and this is from cote devoir, the city of abidjan. turkey, antalya, immortal regiment, schoolchildren release doves of peace. iceland for funeral service at the nadezhda monument, dedicated to the sailors of the polar convoys,
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proteer timofey zolotusky talks about his grandfather and grandmother, who studied together at the same medical institute, and then the war scattered them. we believe that it was god’s providence, they met at the front, here we are here on icelandic soil, me and my sons. thanks to their victory. in kazakhstan, victory day is celebrated magnificently throughout the country. in almaat, the main celebration is in the park named after 28 panfilov guardsmen. there are four concert venues there. here a field kitchen has also been deployed. and this is minsk, which survived the horrors of the occupation of belarus. the great patriotic war claimed the lives of every third inhabitant of the republic. traditionally , the president of the country personally takes part in the celebrations in honor of victory day. and again there is no germany, not berlin with its
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prohibitions, but cologne. surprisingly, red banners and st. george ribbons were allowed there, and nothing terrible happened. this is serbia. on victory day, actions of the immortal regiment took place in several cities at once, including the capital belgrade. especially there was a massive procession from the nazi concentration camp to the monument to the liberator in the city of nis. the serbian flag visible in berlin at the memorial to soviet soldiers in thurgarton. and then we become witnesses. provocation , a group of pro-ukrainian activists under heavy police protection appears on the steps of the monument to heroes. but what was the reaction when someone, apparently unable to withstand the mockery until the german police realized it, unfurled a prohibited russian tricolor. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, yulia zagranichny, dmitry malyshev, stanislav opletin, channel one. our immortal regiment always. on the march, this year the format is special, without traditional mass processions, and nevertheless, everyone has the opportunity to talk
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about their own, personal, because there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, with our soldiers in their zone on the line of fire, photographs of ancestors who crushed nazism. kirill brainin will continue: this is your grandmother, galina ivanovna oladysheva, or rather not your grandmother, but your great-grandmother, my grandmother. galina ivanovna saw the war as a child. slightly older than their great-grandson and his little sister, they have not yet they decided who they would be when they grew up, maybe artists, like mom and dad, but they know exactly to whom they owe the very opportunity to decide, to those who probably dreamed of speeding up time so that victory day would come faster, like the monument to the winner on dad’s sketch , they once saved the world, and what doubts can there be about who to draw today, i am a soldier, come on, a portrait of a native soldier these days with sergei, a photograph of his grandfather, he has been taking with him for many years now. throughout the war in the infantry, went from the caucasus to konexberg, and ended in the far
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east, i raised my grandchildren’s children strictly, and now they continue to pass on the memory of their taciturn front-line soldier, and so that , first of all, we adults cultivate this memory, this pride, and our children, our children , will act as we act, because how they say, raising ourselves, and not children, only... therefore, believing, remembering this is our past of our ancestors, we will stand, portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war in public transport throughout the country, the auto regiment stretched from the moscow region to novokuznetsk and further, one of the many formats of the action, when there is no traditional procession, the faces of the winners are on the walls of memory in schools, kindergartens, on the media facades of big cities on the ostankino tv tower too. in moscow, advertising on screens gave way to front-line soldiers, newsreels and immortal lines of poetry about
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the feat of soviet soldiers, those who were expected to win, all the deaths of evil. and, of course, their photographs are in the hands of those who on this day, leaving home, simply could not help but take with them carefully preserved images of their relatives. egor here with two great-grandfathers, he never saw them, both left before he was born, but the memory remained. my great-grandfathers are ancestors who forged victory on this land, especially my great-grandfather. yegor egorovich fought here in stalingrad, defended the stalingrad elevator in the voroshilovsky district. i reached berlin, signed on the walls of restag, this is my great-great-grandfather. died in 1943, fought on the leningrad front. in perm, the immortal regiment is on board the ship this year, in surgut there is already a traditional heavenly formation, on the fuselages of sports yaks, photographs front-line soldiers. along with them were the dead heroes of the special operation; mikhail volkov was accompanied on the flight by his mother. misha knew the history of his
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grandfathers, he spent his time at school working on a project, the history of my family and for him it was sacred to preserve the memory, it so happened that misha joined the immortal regiment next to his grandfathers, next to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the zone of a special military operation their grandfathers and great-grandfathers seem to be on the front line again, silent witnesses to the combat work of the grad installations, the heir to the legendary katyushas, ​​gives strength, well, after all, gorodnya, memory, he gave life, it turns out to my mother, my mother gave it to me, so i continue, i honor the traditions, so to speak, i would like... if he were alive, i would sit all day listening to him, being here, i understand what it was like for them, how it was hard for them, but no matter how difficult it was, they survived even in the most desperately difficult moments, like the defender of the brest fortress rishad ismogilov,
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in 1941 he was one of the last to break out of a citadel besieged by the enemy with a serious wound, finding himself literally... from graves was the director of a rural school, according to his son followed in his footsteps, now in the school museum he tells children about how their fellow countrymen brought victory closer. and in st. petersburg these days there is a museum regiment action, in memory of those who, during the terrible years of the blockade, were able to preserve for future generations not only priceless exhibits, but also did not allow the very chain of history and culture that makes up the genetic
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code to be broken. they restored the museum, they returned collections from evacuation, they renovated this gorgeous... question of what it means to be a winner. portraits yes, and maybe this is the answer to the heroic guardians being specially placed so that everyone could feel their special gaze eye to eye, almost like in an endless stream of an immortal regiment that stretched the thread of common memory across time and distance. in our usual formation. immortal regiment, such a special, inexplicable chemistry arises, which is of course impossible to reproduce even with the most advanced technical means, but still the content is more important than the form, just as for believers god is in the soul of everyone, so is the memory of the heroic deed the great patriotic war is always in the heart, and not just one day a year, and those whom they themselves once held by the hand have long been, at least parents,
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no circumstances can interrupt the connection with the generation that went through the war. and the day when millions of people will walk shoulder to shoulder again, of course, will come, you just have to look into the faces of the front-line soldiers to feel it, they certainly knew how to wait like no one else. kirillo branin, ekaterina koryaka, elena pich, khristina ivanova and sergey deev, channel one. the immortal regiment has become a tradition in china, with portraits of their heroes on the streets of the cities of the celestial empire come out diplomatically. the procession is joined by the chinese, holiday 9 workers, representatives of the russian community, and by may the country remembers and honors natalia lyublinskaya’s report from shanghai. the victory banner proudly flies against the backdrop of shanghai skyscrapers; employees of the russian consulate several years ago ordered an exact copy of the ceremonial uniform of the guard of honor, and now, year after year , may 9 begins here like this. a part of family
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history that has become the common destiny of the entire generation, which needs to be told about. especially it is important here abroad that this memory lives on in our grandchildren. this is my great-great-grandfather on my father’s side, he also fought at the front and was wounded, as a result of which he had to have his arm amputated, but he went through the entire war and after the war even worked as a teacher at school, the memory of his heroes, all participants in the great patriotic war, today the immortal regiment is marching again, here in the very center of shanghai, thousands of kilometers from their homeland, descendants again... carry portraits of the unbending generation of winners, we carry portraits of our grandfathers: fyodor lukyantsev, red army soldier, horseman, cossack died in 1942 near kharkov. stepin fedor georgievich, my second grandfather, went through the entire war and died in ninety-one. in the ranks are both those who came to china recently and those who have lived here for decades, like vadim chikkunov,
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with his wife and daughter walking next to him. these are grandfathers, both my husbands, and i am chinese myself, but i really support this story, because this is our common history, i am very stealing too. in beijing today, the immortal regiment gathered 700 people. in addition to the chinese capital, the memory march took place in other cities in the north. then the blockade, evacuation on the ice of lake laduga, the roads of life, congratulations on
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victory day in abaskina today and chinese friends, our may 9th is a well -known and very understandable holiday for the inhabitants of the middle kingdom. at one time, we defeated the enemies of our common enemies, the second one means that today we celebrate this solemn day.
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his small homeland became the best monument. ramzan kerimov about an undefeated man and a real hero. 2004, center of grozny, dynamo stadium. at that time, terrorist attacks in the republic occur frequently, driven into a corner the militants snap back, but it was this explosion, as they say here, that divided life for the locals into before and after. akhmat kadyrov, the man who managed to unite the republic at the most difficult time, died. literally six months before the tragedy, he was elected president, the meaning of life, this is for me after religion, it was a father, whoever has parents, he will not understand,
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i... religious slogans flooded the republic abroad, under cover he had to become a politician. akhmat kadyrov demanded that the then self-proclaimed government ban extremist ideas and expel all the foreign emissaries who instilled the idea that i am a chechen, i am a muslim, i am a believer, i know that this is not the war that those emirs are presenting, whose families have long been abroad, they hid their families, which means that by heading the chechen administration republic in 2000, he went to this self-proclaimed emir in the mountains, persuaded him to lay down his arms, as it happened, recalls bugaev, the first deputy of akhmat kadyrov at
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the beginning of the two thousand... with them in populated areas where there was no power, how many there were attempts on his life, but no matter what, he continued to fight what was happening in the republic, a national referendum was held under akhmat kadyrov, the residents voted for a new constitution, now on this foundation we must build a house that cannot be destroyed through 50 and 100 years. we have to think ahead a little. we should not live for today, akhmat kadyrov always spent his rare free minutes with his grandchildren, this is the most nimble aishatka, this is the most nimble one, she will probably be an artist, she portrays her gait and dresses there, and this is an adult aishat, as grandfather thought, she connected her life with art, in the position of deputy prime minister, she is developing culture in the republic, when i entered the room, grandfather was tapping. here i would hit the table
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with a melody with my palms, and i would start, stand on my tiptoes, start dancing in front of him, no matter how tired he was when he came home from work, upset, even sometimes he always found the strength to gather all our grandchildren together, their last meeting was not long before the same parade at the stadium, akhmat’s home kadyrov did not return. magomed daudov, who served as commander of the security service of the president of the chechen republic, together with other fighters, tracked down all those involved in the terrorist attack and destroyed them. not one day. we did not stop looking for data - the perpetrators and organizers, the gang was quite numerous, the forest area, thanks to the competent development of the operation, which was headed by ramzan akhmatovich, we managed to eliminate the organizer of this crime, today in the republic there is a concept: the path of akhmat kadyrov, following it
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all cities and villages have been rebuilt. 80 years ago, a year before the great victory, the red army knocked out the enemy from the legendary city of russian sailors, sevastopol. the black sea fleet was given back its main naval base, and the nazis were deprived of their last bridgehead in crimea. vitaly katchenko reconstructed the chronicle of events using declassified documents from the ministry of defense and eyewitness accounts. from
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crystal. on which the snow-white obelisk shtakiparus rises. on may 9, 1944 , liberated sevastopol watched the fireworks for the first time; antonina was among the spectators alexandrovna, at that time she was 9 years old. all that in sevastopol there were weapons, ships were shooting, these same machine guns were shooting, they were shooting in our yard, it was such a joy, i was so blessed, and i never heard such shooting in sevastopol. stopol panorama, the victory flag is hoisted on its dome. the population of the city was reduced to 3. the nazis killed 27 thousand civilians, 42,000 sevastopol residents, and were taken to forced labor in germany. the city of russian sailors was practically wiped off the face of the earth; only 6% of houses and buildings survived. the city lay in ruins, burnt stones, a large sea, lenin, everything. at the memorial
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of the heroic defense of sevastopol , the black sea people paraded in parade formation, and the leaders of the city and fleet laid flowers at the eternal flame. first deputy head of administration. the president read out vladimir putin’s congratulations on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, which has always occupied a special place in the history of russia. special, unforgettable pages of the chronicle of sevastopol are associated with the great patriotic war. with the feat of its defenders, today the residents of sevastopol, worthy heirs to the patriotic traditions of their ancestors, selflessly fight in the ranks of the special participants. on the instructions of the president, for the first time , a painting by alexander deineka, defense of sevastopol, was brought to sevastopol from the russian museum in st. petersburg. before the war , the artist often came to sevastopol; he painted this canvas in moscow in june 1942, depicting a furious battle
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between the black sea residents in full white uniform and the nazis. the symbol here is the struggle between good and evil, and good is always white and bright, even so to speak, like sevastopol, which it loved and wrote extraordinarily.
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was produced within 2 days. the main battle for sevastopol was the assault on sapun mountain, which the germans turned into an impregnable fortress during the years of occupation. three tiers of concrete trenches, dozens of pillboxes around minefields, but despite everything, our troops hoisted the red banner on the top on the evening of may 7, 1944. bayami, our infantry rose to the top of sapun mountain.
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the cycle of everything in nature, not only water, but they were saved by such a genetic symbiosis of courage, courage, inflexibility and holy faith in their just cause, therefore on plants, like on living witnesses who were preserved then in the hungry besieged leningrad, now, like st. george’s ribbons on people, ribbons of the leningrad victory, olive and green, are developing, as a symbol of the perseverance of all scientific geneticists, that is, a terrible time. the first days of the blockade, thousands of tons of sugar flour burned under the ruins of the badaevsky warehouses, leningrad began to starve, already in november.


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