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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 10, 2024 5:15am-6:01am MSK

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we continue the special project of the first channel “science of winning” and today about the heroes, scientific geneticists, at the cost of their lives they saved for us a bank of seeds, without which there is no life, they saved plants, and caring for plants saved them such a genetic symbiosis , the cycle of everything in nature , not only water, but courage, courage, inflexibility and holy faith in one’s just cause, therefore on plants, as on living witnesses, which were preserved so... then in hungry besieged leningrad now, like st. george’s in public ribbons, leningrad victory ribbons are developing, olive and green, as a symbol of the steadfastness of all genetic scientists, that is, a terrible time. during the first days of the blockade , thousands of tons of flour and sugar burned under the ruins of the badayev warehouses. leningrad began to starve in november. the minimum daily allowance of bread is
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125 g; during the winter alone, famine claimed 250,000 lives. scientists from the all-union institute of plant growing were then dying in their own offices, and nearby lay tons of seeds that their duty did not allow them to touch. here we have some of the first samples from our collection, this is a sample from ireland, it was collected somewhere in the twenties, it’s most likely in ireland it’s his... there aren’t even three-meter racks filled to the brim with boxes, inside there are oats, barley, wheat, a soviet botanist is creating a gene bank nikolai vavilov started it back in the twenties, then it was the richest collection in the world, they didn’t have time to bring it out entirely, almost 200,000 samples remained in the besieged city, already in the fall of 1941, the main entrance and windows were tightly packed with plywood, the rooms where the samples were stored were closed, on the locks they put a wax seal, it was necessary to enter here one by one...
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in his hands he had peanuts, bags of peanuts, which he was trying to take away for evacuation, in order to preserve them for future generations. the institute's employees belonged to the category of employees, and this is the same tiny 125 g of bread. after the war, the soviet commanders were surprised; no one would have noticed the food they had eaten; there were people who were undereducated, but they continued to carefully preserve every grain and quietly died from dystrophy.
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and at home it’s an hour and a half walk to work and alexandrovna fell ill almost immediately. vadim's way back was sometimes not enough. olga stepanovich stayed to heat the potbelly stove around the clock. outside the window it was -40 degrees below zero. spring came, i had to think about planting germinating tubers. i visited many state farms on foot around leningrad. and
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agreed at two points, my plot is a forestry state farm, the worker plowed for a whole week, from exhaustion, she will go through two or three furrows and lie down to rest. in that state farm field, the smell of potatoes literally haunted lekhnovich, who recalled: “it was unbearable to walk difficult, but not eating it was not difficult at all." he often repeated that this collection saved him, gave him strength to fight and live. it can take up to 30 years to create a potato variety with the necessary characteristics. they knew all this, understood that feat, which was carried out by the employees of our department, it’s simply priceless, then they will plant vegetable gardens all over the city, cabbage , carrots, parsley will appear on the tables, but before the first harvest they had to eat at least something, leningraders plucked literally everything that grew under feet, grandma dug up roots, cooked soup, i remember that it it was very sweet, i ate a little in my mouth right there... the institute
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opened an exhibition of wild, non-poisonous plants especially for the population, at the same time brochures with recipes and a stew with hogweed from the tops appeared, and the garden staff themselves ate the same thing, although around thousands of edible plants grew in greenhouses. one of the oldest copies from 1886. almost the entire collection of the pride of the soviet union was destroyed by shells; everything that was saved was transferred to greenhouse number 22, but to the ark, as the employees called it.
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the custodians of those blockade collections have long been dead, but their work continues, it grows in the fields of a large country, is studied in modern laboratories and is waiting in the wings in the cryobank. dying of hunger, they then thought not about themselves, but about those who would come after, about all of us. alena germanova, denis torobchinov, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova and georgy ilyin, channel one, st. petersburg. victory day is celebrated. in every city of our big country , the final of the “thank you for the victory” festival took place today in magnitogorsk. this is massive project of the pobeda tv channel, which is part of the first digital family. popular artists took part in the concert at the rear front monument. thank you near the monument erected on the banks of the ural river. and in
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moscow, at the russian exhibition at vdnkh , a ceremonial line-up took place today. spa birds i call out to all of you whom i left on earth. and on the main alley of victory park on poklonnaya hill today there was a symphony concert of the marinsky
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theater orchestra conducted by maestro valery gergiev. when they sing his war songs, the heart does not stop, it begins to beat faster. and as if his sense of war, his memory of it and his comrades in arms who died and survived in this hell, becomes a bird soaring into the sky. they, our front-line soldiers, needed one for all of us, their descendants also had a victory, and they did not stand up for the price, that’s why we were born, not just a person, a human being, bulat shalvovich, the century of okudzhava, today is the 100th anniversary of his birth, and from his ingenious simplicity it seemed to everyone that he was speaking in their own words, therefore the rhymes penetrated immediately level of the soul began to live there, preserving the memory of the poet, who already at the age of 17 knew something about life that is sometimes impossible to comprehend in a lifetime, because bulat is always about the future, and your honor, lady luck,
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is like a blue bird of happiness, was always on his right shoulder, loved, immensely, always remembered, here are the birds, who went through so many different things, with this song i closed the topic of war for myself, said everything i could, bulata kudzhava spoke about the tenth battalion, the most piercing, precise merciless imprint of trench memory,
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he did not compose music, he only sang poems to a simple tune, and the composer of the belarusian station, alfred schnittke, said that it is no longer possible to speak more honestly about the feat of the victory generation. a people without knowledge of the past is no longer a people, but a crowd; this greatly connects people, makes them spiritually closer and connected to each other.
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he was the first poet to write that he was ready to give his life for his homeland, but he still didn’t want to die, brother, the front-line soldiers were sure that they heard these songs between battles, that i would say tova.
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came back and it's blue. in one of the largest shpolas in moscow, bulata kudzhava, with his poems, seems to be teaching children again, meeting and seeing them off, here they paint him, they sing, he remembers how he once came to visit, i pin the children, i say, you know, it’s like akudra is very simple like that , everything is simple, it’s not like that, painters dip your brushes, it seems about painters, but no, you paint, you paint, you...
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once again, happy holidays.
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you alone know the way, only the layout, deliver it, the place here is narrow, we will delay you, you must deliver it to ours, remember, you you know, colonel shalygin, shalygin, go bilov, go, lieutenant fridtsy, bury, come here, today is the fifteenth, you should be there on the nineteenth, at the very least, 21,
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colonel shalygin, sidogo, take care, sidovo, i understand. come on elitat, hold on!
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comrade colonel, you, i, comrade general, report, pavel vasilyevich, according to our information, the first option was no longer possible, they failed to break into the partisan detachment, now the group must move to the crossing of the seas. this option was developed as a backup. yes, comrade general, lieutenant. somov, foreman arkhipov, private belov himself is gray-haired, that’s right, comrade general.
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recently quit. will you shave? june 12 , 1944, new magazine.
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removed from the dead man, yes. if you shave, i’ll warm some water for you, i’m not used to such conditions, but it reliably
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protects you from mosquitoes, don’t be disdainful, impressive, why, it’s clear.
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hands up, well, i’ve had enough of admiring it, who are you? you can put your hands down, put your hands down! hold it at the seams, where are you coming from? we're wasting our time, i'd take him straight to my commander, what are you doing here? why are you talking about experience here? who, if not a military secret. i’m asking for the last time, where are you coming from? young man, put down your weapon! yes, let him go, pyotr ivanovich, can’t you see, this is ours? this one of ours could easily make holes in your stomach! ay, get up, why are you lying down, phew, name,
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ivitski, shura, shura, alexander, i was adjusting the fire, i killed my partner, why didn’t you immediately say that you belonged, why did you decide that i belonged? i see. if you are behind the front line to ours, maybe we are together, no, i have a map, well, show me, what is this, a radio station, yes, and this is an anti-aircraft battery, and what kind of crosses are these, also a radio station.
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weapons, you would also apologize for the concern, here the germans do not have a continuous line of defense, we have it behind us, ours are in front across the river, throughout this entire space up to the river, the nenets have strongholds scattered, an anti-aircraft battery, a radio station. from the rifle station you’re the point, come on, in general, there’s no crowd around here, but you can get through.
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quietly, go and see what kind of team they are, and i ’ll hold them at gunpoint, be careful. pyotr ivanovich, come here, put out the fire, the german taught you, he didn’t finish teaching you, pyotr ivanovich, they fought off their own, last night we carried out reconnaissance
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battle. we spent the force in one battalion, wait, why are you silent, swallowed your tongue, private soldier, it was night, comrade commander, the germans brought large forces, we retreated, then the sharafa was wounded, we fell behind, it’s a well-known fact, you can’t get far if you’re wounded, we would be with you, but what about you, you decided to wait for your allies, but why? allies, yesterday we wanted to go to our own, but here are the cartridges, and where are your weapons? i had machine guns, a scarf and mine, in the swamp, when they left, i started to drown, i didn’t drown, no, it’s a pity, we would have liked to, comrade commander, and vitsky, yes, leave one disk.
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give me, i couldn’t take them with me, leaving unarmed people with a wounded man, this is meanness. don’t talk to me like that, you are good, i’m bad, i hate to endure, not following orders, worse than meanness, they will die.
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yes, i am the commander, i am the shooter, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual is it? well, i called him memory, he saved me, his armor, everyone take cover, german eyes in the area, call him germans, well, of course, three rounds of rapid fire, two such vehicles got out and began to unload landing, we noticed them and hit two of these vehicles, it is not an option for nato countries to fight against our armed forces, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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time has chosen us, so now we must try for peace. premiere, heroes time has chosen us, tomorrow on the first.
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zakols, not in the soviet way, this is, let’s all go together, you’re a good person, sashka, sharaf and ulmas don’t want to go further, and what are you, what are you thinking, halt, evitsky, i, take out the map,
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well, what are you doing? he says that the porations
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should contact all posts, warn that in an hour there will be machine gunners for combing. schneller,
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i can’t, let’s wave, like this, wave, well, i’ll give you mine, these, no, these here, i’ll take it for you, now, so, here, take it, okay, comrade commander, that’s right, where or rather,
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we’re leaving, comrade commander, but what to do with these people, it’s a pity, bury them, it’s clear. this is the one that goes through the khutor - this is the only road, there are swamps around the khutor, on the right it is completely impassable, you can only go to the left. the big detour will be about 40 kilometers, and through the farm about eight, what do they have there? there was a radio station, there was a radio station, now we don’t know what’s what, we’re thinking about it, ulmasho! whatever happens from the forest, don’t go out,
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eat, they fly beautifully, they’ll give the germans a light. today is the seventeenth, uh-huh, oh, the bastards are in no hurry, they keep him on a leash, they don’t want to kill him, they need him alive, give these two. be careful, i hate to endure it,
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go to the left, the foreman and the guys go home, thank you, you helped out our lad, you took off the brave fritz. agafonov, we didn’t have time to approach, we looked like in a movie, well, it happens, excuse me, bilov, you idiot, what kind of team do you want? was gofonov, conduct visual observation, don’t come into contact with the enemy, if you wandered into a farm like that, we’ll come back and you’ll get outfits, don’t realize that there’s a soldiers’ factory there, a radio station. i only have this, uh-huh,
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thank you, there’s nothing else, even cut it, rakhmat, rakhmat, rakhmat, i’ll go to the roundabout, through the swamp, and you better go with me, but i can’t, i need to be behind as quickly as possible river with intelligence, let's take a risk together through the farm directly. you won’t pass, it’s a waste of time to kill people, well, we’re playing at cossacks and robbers, the thing is that we don’t they shot at him, we didn’t shoot, it was an ambush, clearly, no, i’ll try anyway. yes, i’ll try, but you have only one path, you’ll go
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straight through i know, it’s clear, happy for you, happy.
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let's assume that after dinner, we can lighten up, be quiet, and everyone can go to sleep? we leave at dawn.
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why aren’t you sleeping, you got enough sleep, you can rest, and i ’ll sit, wait, you think you’re alive, the battle was short, they’ll be here any minute.
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it’s a pity for him to smoke, he was a good scout. well, commander, let's go together, like our assistants together, here, but why are you traveling here, there were things to do, clearly, not
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if you want to talk, well, if you want, then you can say it, but we examined the area here, found out. why is the commander going to a dance? look in
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the mirror, soon the hedgehog in the beard will get lost. here is the commander, learn, lads, to shave everyone, hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. at the beginning of the issue, briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin submitted a proposal to the state duma on the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of prime minister. deputies will vote on this issue today. large stronghold, mortar.


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