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tv   Nebesnii tikhokhod  1TV  May 10, 2024 6:30am-8:11am MSK

6:30 am
is there anything suspicious, go back straight away, i understand, the main thing is to find out if there are germans, okay, get on with it. otya, it’s me, ilyushka stanikov, just a minute, where are you from, let’s go to our people, there are no germans in the village, no, yesterday some were hanging around, but it seems like they left, oh, why am i standing there, ilyusha, i have , probably the potatoes haven’t cooled down yet, i’m in a hurry, come in, i’ll be quick. and behind
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the path, there in the stag, the commander and the foreman are waiting, and even in the forest we are not alone, i have disappeared, you say there are no germans in the village, we are, but... commander, why did you go, and who send? ulmas, and gofonov, it turns out
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you don’t trust me either, and then a swamp, a swamp? so what are you doing?
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kosteis, soldier, from the forest, from the forest, alone, alone, they said, he’s still there, he’s warmed up, a little, poke, don’t rush, you’re still going to yell, i forgot about the foreman and the commander.
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go, dawn is coming soon, why the hell is he there, you hear,
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save yourself! and don't argue with me. sharakh asks you to stay here. he says it's dangerous there. yes, okay, i'll stay. so those are the commander, well,
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he’s forgotten how to count all of you. and you will answer, hold your hands, now you will answer, you will learn the necessary habit, you will distinguish when speaking, you will distinguish, yes, everything is fine. i don’t insist, i already know everything about you, this one told me or i, about you and this one, you’re lying all the time, you bastard, you killed him,
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no, you didn’t kill him, i let him go, i knew that he would run there, where you left this guy, he sent his people after him, that’s all. it’s clear, because life is always like this, only one person is lucky, when i was sitting here in ambush, i never thought that you would go through settlements, but i hoped, because this is the shortest route, but be upset, commander. the russians don’t remember how evil they would have been for you, if it weren’t like this at the crossing, everything is blocked here, i just can’t understand one thing, there are
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two of you left, where did you get ilya and this foreman. it’s just dawn, soon our mutual friend will be brought here. bor, bog'imda onorim bor,
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is someone running? where are the others, where is the foreman?
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welcome, georgy veneminovich, valery yanavich, yes.
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hands, let's go! well, and you say, i hate to endure. this is for your memory, look, yuri is coming,
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pyotr ivanovich, the giraffes killed. what year is it from? ninety-fifth? i understand ulmas, neither by custom nor in my homeland. who cares? the whole earth is our land, one sky, sting! kozhiraf, he has three daughters.
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i can’t play with you anymore, if it weren’t
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for you, in general, they surrounded us from all sides , they hunted us like wild animals, they need georgy valeryanych, you probably understood this, you can’t go to the crossing, it’s certain death, turn left it’s also impossible, it’s an impassable swamp, there is one place, 20 kilometers from here. forest along the river, there is an approach to the river, the germans shouldn’t know about him, telnov and his people went there, i understand, of course, it would be best to sit out now, but today is the twentieth, i don’t have time, so i don’t insist, georgy valeryanovich and i will leave together, that’s all,
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yes, agafonov saw you at the station with german officers. here i look, he is looking at me like a red maiden. georgy valeryanovich, you don’t let me down. half of belarus is with you. trampled, now try to survive, i hate to endure, and the foreman, well, don’t hold your heart on me, i won’t make you angry so out of ignorance, it happens, well, you are also
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good leonte, you could have... warned the old man, but what to warn, i myself didn’t know, you have little trust in people, konstantin, that’s your problem, but i know, everything tired, halt the eagles, savchenko, watch!
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please, most likely she feels sorry for you , eat it, eat it, don’t smell it, i loved strawberries with whipped cream more than anything else in the world, oh, it can’t be that we will all forget this someday, not only are we human beings, we will forget each other, meet me in a few years...
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it's a pity, your face is very good, where are you? did you find the berry? yes, there, in the clearing. far away, dear side, the evening was put in the window, blue, get lost somewhere funeral,
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if, if so... i’ll live in the light, hang around, where to give, commander, germans, that’s all, neat people, bastards, what are we going to do? let's cut down the poles, let's go through the swamp, this is certain death, what are you suggesting, or maybe we'll go at dawn.
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what kind of conversation? kind of strange. give your hand, commander, give your hand, come on, come on, hold it, like this, maybe i’ll try, we need
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to look to the left, and the goflons. yes, i’ll smoke them, there’s access to the river, commander. "i walked along swamps, i tried everywhere, swamp, suddenly i felt as if a tractor had passed nearby, well, i think the khan
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, the lieutenant, listened to me, the tractor grunts, a wild boar, for sure, there is an animal trail, i followed it, went to the shore, poked around the boat. i found it, the boat is small, but four people will get in, and i’m on my way here, that’s it, i would really like to have your portrait of the ogophones, why, i would hang it in the upper room every morning , i would pray to it, “ach so was für morgen, ach mein lieber or wie gerne dich in schläfchen gemacht, du
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sprichst immer nur vom schlafen, schlafen ist immer gut,
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halt, wer ist.
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who are the sentries who sent us here, to our division headquarters, we have wounded, take the medical battalion, i don’t have time, captain, take the wounded! well, let's take it, comrade captain, okay, let's sit down, just quickly, sit down with us, i don't have a field post office, i'll find you, like samarkandi, i will find you,
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samarkandi. i hate it.
6:58 am
once again, thank you very much, soldier, misha, yes, comrade colonel, sukhotin’s regiment is on its way, now studie becker overcoat will be taking it there, so belov should be sent there, yes, comrade colonel, thank you.
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may i go? yes, all the best to you, pyotr ivanovich, but your ward is sleeping, yes. they sent for you or something, with me, well, let’s load up, quickly, i’m in a hurry, colonel shalygin.
7:00 am
listen, general, there is lieutenant somov, sergeant major arkhipov, sergeant major telnov, sergeant agafonov, privates shamsiev, ivitsky, sattarov, fedotov, savchenko, and i have already sent you a presentation to belova. far. give birth to my side, the evening put blue in the windows, get lost, where is the funeral, if, if i live until dawn, get lost somewhere, the funeral.
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if i live until dawn, i will return and welcome my wife. i’ll call all my friends for a glass, where i ’ve been and what i’ve seen, i’ll answer if i live to see dawn, where i’ve been and what i’ve seen, i’ll answer if i live to see dawn. and then i’ll take off my medals and go to lugano, mow the grass in the silence that we were waiting for, if, if
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i live until dawn, in the silence that we waited, if... i live until dawn, step aside, you are my death, aside, for me i need to go back to eve, get lost somewhere, funeral, if, if i live until dawn, get lost. lynx somewhere funeral if i survive until dawn.
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pobedavskaya leads us to the west.
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where is the body? here? we are friends, migratory birds, but our days are good for me, we didn’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in the sky, because we are pilots. the sky is our home, first of all,
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first of all, planes, and girls and girls then, first of all, first of all, planes, well, girls, and girls then, a tender image, a dream, you are proud, you want to give your heart forever, today you will meet, you'll see, you'll fall in love, there's an order to fly away tomorrow, under someone, under a tama, that we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, vadim’s house, first of all, first of all, planes, and then girls, and then girls, first of all, first of all, planes, and then the girl. and then the girls, so as not
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to meet with longing on the way, remembering the affectionate look, we decided, friends, not to fall in love, even with the most beautiful girls, because because we are pilots, not our way, the sky is our go-to home, first of all, first first of all, planes... planes, well , girls, and girls then, first of all, first of all, planes, well, girls, and girls then, please, quietly, come, oh, carry, well, but,
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a minute, a minute, a minute, order, thank you, friends, upset, comrade, you know, for all of us, for fighters, for comrades, for misogens, and what is this, that this is a misogen, in all encyclopedias, yes, what does this mean, mitogen, it is a hen-hater. but no, comrade, a wife-hater is a bitch, captain kaisarov, senior lieutenant cloud, in
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the zaksa, you will only pass through my corpse, okay, quietly, quietly, no zaksa, no corpses, we agreed, until the end of the war, love is canceled, it seems, clear, clear, holy male union, so here’s to the holy male union, and why are you following me again, sister, yes, take the medicine, you sick man, have you run away here again? oh, by god, sister, i don’t drink, is it a potion? him, what is this? buns for medicine? so this is not a man, this is an eagle. where have you seen an eagle drink mixed drink? that's right, because you have to understand, you are so sweet, handsome, captain of the kaisars, senior lieutenant of a bunch. no talking, let me pour it myself. yeah, you should check out immediately, you need to take air combat three times a day, not medicine, i i know you, right. get out, it’s time for a brand new plane, speed 1,200 per hour, i’m 116,
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lavochkin 32, and then there’s a new design, a magnificent car, what’s it called, what’s the medicine, no, not a medicine, but some kind of personalized, gift from a people’s artistic car, captain komisarov, senior lieutenant, to blame, oh, what are you doing to him, now he’s sick, the division commander and the professor will come to you now. everything is fine, let's go sister, nothing, nothing, today they will discharge you, why do you think,
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because, because, because we are pilots, no banah, dear home, what about him? no, it’s not true, it hurts here, it hurts, yes, it hurts, well , it’s very good, breathe, don’t breathe at all, well, don’t breathe, so, good, and so, more, more, deeper, cough, so, don’t breathe, cardiogram , sister, this is what we need.
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true, the surname is insignificant, but i don’t care about the surname, i dedicate the first flight to you, i’m very touched, everything is fine, i give 1,100 in your honor, as much as they said, you know, you know, even 1,200 per hour, you’ll see, 1200 m,
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no , this is kilometers, that this is a normal speed for a fighter, well, it means transfer to an attack aircraft, but what is the speed of an attack aircraft? the attack aircraft has 550, no, it is contraindicated to decide, well, well then the bomber, speed 400, speed 400, why it is shown, it will decide, but tell me, do you have something quieter, you know, slower, yes, y2, what is the speed , nothing, 100 km, well, what can i do, well, i don’t mind, i don’t mind, wait, wait, wait,
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what big things does a bomber do to stoliningrad? well, i congratulate you, doctor, congratulations, please, you know, don’t fall in my honor. i spoke and said, well, i have a dead hour, the professor ordered to translate it into u2, my heart is worried.
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oh, who, teeth, right, comrade major, you 're right, i'll smoke, sometimes it helps, thank you, i haven't smoked for a long time, we have everything here that is non -smoking, non-smoking, you might say, there are people who don't drink, there are people who don't drink and they fly, fly, angels, not pilots, oh, here in the dacha the first attack was made and they searched right there, yeah, major daughter, you knocked, why, one second, what else, why is there a girl here, excuse me , not a girl, who is it?
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the entire first link is girls, all girls, and the pilots from the navigator, that means both pilots and navigators, well, the second and third link, there are men, there are men, ah-ah-ah, well, really there are only three of them, no, still ah , you see, i thought i ended up in this nunnery, since childhood, you know, i really dreamed, oh, comrade major, but you really have a strict, yes, monastic look, calm down, calm down, well, i’m a gypsy fellow, i have many
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wives, come on, comrade, senior lieutenant, show your cars, raven, well... well, where are your air giants? next to you, comrade major. oh, senior lieutenant svetlova. on light. yes. this is a disguise. also from the first star. it's called the king of camouflage. disguise on the extraordinary. picked it up, they can’t find it for the nazis, listen, uh, please tell me,
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are you really a pilot, or is this also camouflage? no way, no, i’m your worry, of course, he understands, comrade major, you probably think, girls, that means romance, love, but forgive me, it’s no-no, no-no, no, no, we even made such a vow like vows until the end war, no novels, all first, second, third apologies. well, of course, the crane of men, i can’t escape such a thing, that love is , of course, a good thing, but the authority of the commander is falling, and this is no good, right, wow, okay, let’s go.
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that's what, i think that i won't have to fly with you, i'll talk to the division commander to see if it's okay, comrade general, not in the official capacity, but as a pilot, of course, i was already thinking about you, comrade general, you are a pilot yourself , and we will understand. friend, we’ll definitely understand, we’ll talk, we’ll understand, just this, first, advise me about one task, i’m listening, look, according to intelligence data, here to the left of the palace, there is a german headquarters, nearby in the dachas there is a berlin commission for the removal of valuables, representatives
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of the supreme headquarters, so this is necessary... for pyatlyakov it’s difficult, yes difficult , for ila it’s also impossible, it’s also impossible, absolutely right, yes, comrade general, but what if y2, as you said, y2 is from my squadron, ah y2, of course, y2 can approach quietly at an altitude of 50
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m, go straight to.. true, you haven’t read it yet, young people haven’t you know, forgive me, comrade general, well, i myself am not fit for this job, no, of course you are, but your health is not entirely good, your heart, dizziness is contraindicated, comrade general, but i’m healthy, as soon as you allow , well, great
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, make a plan by the evening, now go, there is comrade general, vasily vasilyevich, i’m listening to what he wanted to talk to me about, but you saw, comrade general, i, in fact, came to you to get this mission, i knew it, both pilots understood each other. so, do it, we’re flying, comrade major, yes, is your route
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okay? you know, comrade major, i’ve been a navigator for 3 years now, but okay, okay, don’t be offended , by the way, don’t be surprised, i sing in flight, it’s still a habit i still have from the fighter , even though my comrade sings, you have the repertoire, forgive me, which? russian songs walking!
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then the beginning of the meeting is time, let’s rest here, the evening bell, the evening thrash, like so many oak trees,
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they got ready, it’s amazing how quiet it is, near the colossus, others are no longer there, now alive. when cheerful, young, strong, makyl sleep, one more time, inaudible, evening, excellent. evening bell, evening chime, how much we direct bom, bom, bom, bom, faster,
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faster, keep it even, like that, yes no, no, no, like that! great. as soon as i arrive, i’ll meet you properly, okay? look, flower garden, international women's day. we thought he was crying, but he laughs. well, i am for the major as for myself. he says goodbye and the girls are a good choice, there aren’t enough snacks, good girls, captain kaisarov, i’m a traitor and i’m destroying morally and physically , it’s understandable, more or less, let’s go, let’s go,
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welcome, great, semyon, great serge, comrades, please love and favor, beauty and pride of the air fleet, captain kasa, senior veteran. very nice, light, yeah, there will be a wedding, oh-oh, senior lieutenant kutuzova, light, maria senya, koisarov serge, okay, get to know each other further, comrades, okay. comrade officers, pancakes with the meaning of a successful bombing, comrades, so
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to speak, well, of course, nothing special, they were privates, but we bombed successfully, excuse me, that’s what the lieutenant said, we bombed successfully, you do you want to say that we bombed successfully, well, yes, that’s what i said, we, i don’t understand who bombed, us or you? our speed, you know, is not your v2, well, that’s where it needs to be, our speed is 120, but we don’t mess it up, eat, semyon, eat, thank you, thank you, here i am, i never thought that
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two fighters can do it, yes i still have to shoot down one like that in a fair fight, it’s over, i’m switching to y2, well, yes, why was she so happy, and why not be happy, such fighters were brought to us, that’s right, girls, you’re all brave. dreams of getting on a fighter plane, changes, please, it’s interesting, look how he will crawl on this turtle, yes such...
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there is, what can’t you eat, eat, eat, well , eat, eat, of course you’ll forgive me for talking to you so rudely, you’re a human experienced, that he’s a baby, well, maybe in appearance, in character, i understand, but it’s not in this mind that you want to say, you don’t look at me with those tracing eyes, nothing will come of it, my armor knows here. you can’t hit me with a gun, why katyusha, katyusha, by the way, my name is katyusha, you guys, you better not touch our girls, now i know all their secrets, yes, there’s a gypsy harrow sitting, or take masha svetlova, you know who this person is, oh-oh-oh, oh, this is the king of camouflage, that’s right, that's right, that's a lady's thing, that's a lady's thing, that's camouflage. to put the green light, so
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to speak, you know, well, with regard to aviation, excuse me, please, well, they said stupidity, this happens to everyone, and fighters have nothing to do here, yes, yes, excuse me, please, yes, please, let's go , what are you talking about, semyon, and we’ll organize our own men's table, are we finished?
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we are at the table, talking about everything and our favorite song, zara, let the road, on the road to the distant, to the distant, to the distant let us go over the dear threshold, i will swing your silver wing, may fate take us far, may you just don’t let anyone into your heart. let it be fun, fun, fun, why are you hanging your nose, dear, we ’ll drink once, drink twice, for our strange utensils, so that tomorrow you don’t have a headache, let the road, dear, go far, far. let's leave
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with a sweet crown, a heap of silver for ourselves wing, let the rescuer take us far, let you to the heart, just don’t let anyone in, sit tight, no where to admit, the guys are right, right, right, but so as not to agree by hand on... troublesome, we are still before departure, their let's kiss passionately, watch over the left shoulder three times, across the road, far away, far away, let's go over the dear threshold, i'll start with the gray one and close, let it go , let it go, let it go, just don't let anyone into your heart, into
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the prison, into the heart everything , you know it, you know it, they took it, bowed, sat down, all!
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where are you going, i will allow, no, why, i myself, no, allow me, i will help, another fighter. hit, but to straighten out, my school, let's see, i myself, allow me, but what's the captain, just? let's meet kiss, excuse me, comrade, senior lieutenant, love at first sight, that means you love me, and even very much, it will be interesting to marry me, but seriously, seriously, i can't get married, sorry, that's why two reasons: the first took an oath not to marry until the end of the war, the second, the second is married, comrade senior lieutenant, i wonder who your wife will be, you
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yourself are the wife, comrade senior lieutenant, maybe stop fooling around, maybe, you know, i missed you so much, and i know what to suffer so much? let's go now and tell everyone that we are husband and wife, we've been guilty for 3 months now, we'll never be guilty again, what are you, what are you, if katyusha finds out, you know our union is worse than yours, it goes until the end of the war, it turns out, complete camouflage, there is complete camouflage, here comes the tea, oh, these skilled people, these fighters, captain, keep quiet, at least a word... they would say, they would smile, kaysyarov, grave, hereditary bachelor, it’s easier to bring a bronze horseman into prison than one of us, ah arbat, my, arbat,
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you are my calling, there was widespread fame. not only words, but also some kind of musical magic, it was present in what the lord god sent to him, hopes should sound in a person’s heart, a small orchestra, controlled by love, for the centenary of the birth of
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bulat akudzhava, premiere, today on the first . burban steersman product lar group whiskey mancacher product stellar group gin сnop product stellar group cognac monte chococa product stellar group rom castro product stellar gruup commander. directly, thank you, listen, forgive me, you
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will write for the kids, for the newspaper, thank you, please, just stay on the lookout and don’t unmask the site, do you hear, hey, hey, you have a good voice, you need to take care of such a voice, but i already have the space they said, by the way, comrade, as far as i... remember from childhood, there is a pioneer newspaper, it’s true, but the truth is pioneer, i haven’t heard anything like that, but imagine that it’s the same thing, you can you can go! where are you, where are you in the forest, hiding in the forest, and
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damn it, baby food! comrade for about five minutes, i think they’ll tell you something interesting, thank you,
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please, you can go, yes, please , goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, i saw how it turns out, first, that means to u2, then to pioneer voyzha , it seems, what are you dissatisfied with, my comrade, but no, comrade colonel, well, at least not from some reputable newspaper, is there any truth or news? get the weapon, the equipment is in order, add more ammunition, there is more ammunition, all the planes returned to their
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bases, yes, well, they accompanied the tb-3, but no, they accompanied the attack aircraft, the tb3, firstly, a bomber, and secondly, it was outdated, yes, well, of course, of course, very briefly, because , you met the germans in the air, however, these are the features of their fighters in comparison with ours or in general. others, well , let's say, we know english 534, howker, american kurtis, belly lock, gruman, well, or french, that's how, if we compare with them the fascist mesterschmitts 109, henkili 113 or 187, or, for example, italian macky caproni, but what? no, nothing, an authoritative comrade correspondent, very authoritative, you’ve been writing for a long time, very, back when... i studied at school, wrote, and now i’ve become an official employee, and you’re a heavy bomber, no,
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you have such a respectable figure, well then that means a fighter , no, they ran fast, but i have a trained eye, you are a famous pilot, but i understand, you can’t give away military secrets, but can you give away your last name? my name is valya, valya petrova, come on, bulochkin, bun, very nice surname, bulochkin, and please don’t call me something like a pie next time, no, what else will you meet, see, love, orders to fly away tomorrow, comrade senior lieutenant, kitchen duty today, but i think tasting seeds borscht won't hurt you. but i don’t know, lady,
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what exactly to tell you, that my brother was too salty, fell in love, well, in general, i’m flying accompanied by attack aircraft, below i see the germans have a cannon, caliber 210, well, that means we’re flying, it’s standing, then we’re flying back, she's already it's no longer worth it, obviously. yes, that’s all, well, it’s true, the crew is nominated for an award, yes, and so is he, in general, everything is in detail, well , what are you right, you can’t even get a word out, well, they should tell you something else, well well, we can say again, excuse me, as a taster i have to be in shape, well,
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one day we’re all flying on fighter planes with our two heroic aircraft.
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how you cast me, you would have knocked him down right away, listen, but he was painfully overcooked, listen, semyon, you got a complete battering ram, i’m not saying, well , nothing, nothing, i’d rather be your first story i’ll write it down, vasya, i need it, yes, excuse me, excuse me, please, tomorrow we have a responsible flight, what kind of flight, no, i’m just doing this as a diversion, yeah, uh, by the way, yours... navigator kutuzova katyusha what yes , brother, a poisonous little thing, too, brother, straight pepper , yeah, yes, yesterday she sent me a newspaper in the mail , look, as if i’m underestimating him for what messes and photographs, the whole group was marked in a circle, well, why is he just bragging, so by the way, tell him that but the cloud
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i didn’t pay any attention, but no , wait, give her the photo too. this is us three of you, me and kaisa, i also marked with a cross, let her know that our figures are also printed in the press, yes, that they are not asked, that’s all now, no, you, tell her that i didn’t pay any attention, no , i understand , by the way, how do you know about the plane, obviously the public looked through the aviation encyclopedia, but no, you know, it’s just my... very often we argue in stages about different designs of aircraft, oh dad, and the old man has something to do with aviation, yes, the old man is 48 years old, and by the way he is a major general aviation, oh, guilty, guilty, guilty, be careful, nothing, nothing, damn, since there’s something about the folder, well, my dad and i are friends, yeah, you know, i
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don’t even have any secrets from him, even if i if he likes someone, i will definitely introduce him to my dad, i’ll say, hello, here’s my dad, yes, yes, i’ll say it like this, hello, here’s my dad, ours, ours, then dad will understand everything, and he will also understand, so what i don’t understand, clearer, clearer, hello, here’s my dad, you know, some of our comrades here took such an oath, until the end of the war, no of these, and why not, no novels, marriages, stupid, of course, yes, but no, why stupid, i understand, because now there’s a war, and...
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you’ll write, yes, listen, nothing, damn , i forgot again, you know, here everyone is falling down here, you know, you’re in vain for me all the time about the kids on...
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yes, well, where else do i need a passenger, you see, what kind of economy i have, i’ll throw in another dear device, well nothing, passenger, keep in mind lightly, there i imagine nasina’s future, what kind of future, there she goes, where, thank you, please, oh, which one, please, but i’m not coming to you, comrade bulochkin, the colonel told me that i will fly with you on your plane, and this is my plane. well, excuse me, excuse me, this is a very ancient machine, i think you’ve already flown on an airplane, but it turns out, on the u2, it turns out, i expected the famous
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bun major to fly in a special, well, super-fast machine, i thought you did, but you did , and you know, in a pinch, i can fly alone, so you better sit down. senior lieutenant, the cabin, frankly speaking, is unsuitable, designed back in the the king of peas, and please note, jokes can make you fall apart, so i recommend not joking, please, forgive me, please, please, this is for the headquarters, this is for the sake of insanity, now go home. don’t linger here, why should i linger, comrade major, i’m on my way now, that’s good, you said goodbye, we asked, here you are? oh, yes, yes, quite,
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goodbye, dear, don’t be bored without me, i’ll be home soon. and what about their aviation worries you now? yes, yes, especially these, what are they called, y2, attention, attention, air, air, not far from the front. russian plane u2, square z, square z, i’ll leave you for a few minutes, gentlemen, seventh to start, seventh to start.
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the russian bookcase is in our pocket, i drove him into our territory, he landed in the area of ​​minefields.
7:59 am
well, why should i just sit under the wing of your y2, yes, so many hours have passed, and you wouldn’t walk here at all, you understand the dirt here, and you’re wearing shoes, you, comrade bulochkin , take me for a girl, by the way, what’s wrong with you, again shoes, yes shoes, you know, be careful, yes, what’s wrong with your hands? after all, i don’t have shoes, anyway. dirt, a pilot and afraid of dirt, however, what are you, oh, mine, come up with something else, just try, then the germans will come here and stand where no one wants to, well, yes, well, yes, i myself understand that this is not a mine , the mine has a completely different look, the mina whitehod, t-35, sprink, well, i know everything, i...
8:00 am
it’ll come from you, come with me, let’s see how the takeoff goes. and quickly grow into the light, the time, the way, the road, over the dear couple. i’ll rock your silver
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wing, bun, comrade major, sleep, sleep, i’ll rock your silver wing. with your fang, let fate throw us far, even if you haven’t given anyone to your heart, let it shine, i’ll be strict, i can see everything from above, you know it. holy male
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union until the end of the war, why are you standing there sleeping where are you good for? however, maybe only you are suitable, you think that you can take off, but where can you take off from such a platform, well, the plane is small and its takeoff run is short, well, this
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is not some kind of modern one. the plane will not take off, its pilot raises it, but if the pilot is good, and if the pilot is good, it will take off, but where can you get a good one here, you need an ace here, but if you don’t, let’s hurry, quickly, quickly, quickly! well, show yourself a relic of the past, a difficult case! no, no, i’ll tell you what a wonderful car, but that’s okay, here’s yours
8:04 am
, you don’t have hryvnia, but i ’ll look now, of course, if you compare it with a flying fortress, then here you go, and there’s no need to compare it with anything , he is on his own, and this one in itself, of course, is very out-of-date. imagined: we’ll come with you to your home, we’ll come, and you’ll say, hello, here is my dad, i’ll say, i’ll say, hello,
8:05 am
comrade major general of aviation, allow me to report, here is major bulochkin, one of the best soviet pilots, and what a pity, what a pity that he doesn’t fly a fighter, well, where is the fighter already? i often feel dizzy and my heart, again my leg, fighters are contraindicated for me, in general, thank you, comrade petro, thank you, thank you, comrade piroshkov. yes, please, your makeup man, thank you, he’s yours, after all, goodbye, i’m girls,
8:06 am
good, yeah, help, colonel, great, great, what's the news? what's happened? moshal captain kasarov? how? shot down in battle. captain kaisarov called. kaisarov is located with the partisans, and their airfield is there. what do you think is the approach from here? i believe that this is where it comes from, comrade general. comrade general, we are former friends of kaisarov. allow me to fly out for a comrade. don't get excited. please, i'm telling you. you won’t be able to sit there at your speeds; in this situation, i coped with this task. not a fighter, but what do you think, major gulochkin? comrade general, senior lieutenant svetlova asks to fly for kaysar. comrade, general, fighting friends can’t do this, will a girl really fly after a fighter? comrade, our cloud is a confirmed
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bachelor, and i don’t hide it, i’m a bigot in this regard. well, if it’s on u2, then in any case, although the former fighter, comrade bulochkin, are still friends, real pilots. and i dare say, all three are convinced bachelors, comrade major general, i have no less rights than friends, i am kaisarov’s wife, who is the wife, i am the wife, which general this cannot be, cannot be, that is, a senior lieutenant wife, i vouch for kaisarov as i vouch for myself, don’t lose your head, semyon, i saw the documents, calmly, “excuse me, my heart, well , we’ll sort out matters of the heart later, and a more experienced pilot will fly, major bulochkin, major bulochkin, let’s go ahead and sort it out.” situation, calm, but..."
8:08 am
and i won’t give bulochkin to you, bulochkin is not the kind of person to give in to girls, and the cloud, here it’s a flint, i’d rather hit the ground than break my oath, it’s your disgrace, comrade senior lieutenant, i completely agree with you, it's just not fair to change your vows, here we go they made a vow, a vow, yes, until the end of the war , no romances, no marriages, and masha svetlova, imagine, turned out to be a traitor, shame, comrade senior lieutenant,
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comrade, senior lieutenant, comrade old, oh, oh, i’m going into a tailspin, very well written , technically correct, the major will like it, you wait for it, try it, it’s still milk, we have it good, don’t you drink masha, don’t drink, don’t drink. why are you excited, comrade , and there’s nothing to worry about, greetings major, everything will be all right, egg masha, another glass, in my opinion, you’ve been cheered up, that’s it they treat the major very well, everyone loves him, yeah, but what about our commander, he’s a good man, very wonderful, well, some love him less, while others love him more. of course, you and i
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, you know, have already met, where? i was flying away with your major, and you stood there with him, talking, saying goodbye, yeah, remember, there was a cloud of koisar, you, masha, hat, on a rag, i’ll wipe it, no, i myself, and you admit, between us, masha , you are excited about something, yes, i’ll say one thing, you never love a pilot, masha, chi hurray radio, major bulochkin will be here in 3 hours, oh, what? will you throw it out here? yes, it will be here, love?


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