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tv   Geroi  1TV  May 10, 2024 5:05pm-6:01pm MSK

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man, man, my shift starts in 10 minutes, you see what’s going on here , you have a pass to get into the cars, no, well , they usually let me in like that, but you can’t do it without a pass today , the party is being filmed, the stars are here , the famous fans are here, well, if you want, i’ll give you money, what are you doing that’s making me happy? well, man, take it , please, why please? i ’ll call mindov now, if you’re a man?
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ovnensky, are you out of your mind, where are they carrying you, the shift is starting, hello, can you hear, yes, forgive me, please, i won’t be able to participate in your project, call seryozh dudkin, affirmatively, okay, what kind of dudkin, the director only wants you, idiot,
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excuse me, i didn’t notice you, hmm, why did the second ticket come in handy? yeah. just right.
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on may 10, 1924, poetess yulia drunina was born in moscow; she wrote her first poems at the age of 11. the wind blew out gypsies, cowboys, pompas with stripes, beautiful ladies, she said later. the fight against the enemy and the difficult life at the front shaped yulia’s poetic talent. i have only seen hand-to-hand combat once, once against eve and a thousand in a dream. who says that in war there is no
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scary, he knows nothing about the war. the poetess’s heart was filled not with horror of the enemy, but with love for her homeland and faith in victory. in 1900 , dronina received a shell shock and was discharged from the army. military topics did not leave yulia vladimirovna until the end of her days. she considered herself a liaison between those who returned home and those who remained forever on the battlefields. i am connected, even if the roar of the battle died down, my verse remains a report from the battle, from the cauldrons of encirclement, abysses, defeats, from great bridgeheads, victorious battles.
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how many exits were there two exits so far no.
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well, that's it, the target is destroyed, the mortar is suppressed, you're great, well done, on target, on target, handsome, two, fire group, victory,
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let's defeat the leopards, in short, this is a german tank lying on vamikhailovka, mariupol, severodonetsk, artyomovsk, marinka, ovdeevka, novomikhailovka, today svo soldiers follow the same routes as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. we brought down the equipment, destroyed fascism, now we will bring down the equipment, we destroy it, fascism, we have enough weapons to hit the tanks. enough, we need to teach them a lesson properly, one shot there is no warrior in the fields, only military brotherhood, it actually allows us
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to win, time has chosen us, so now we must try to ensure that there is peace, mortar. the commander of the motorized rifle company, ilya podoroga, wrote down congratulations for veterans on victory day. at that very moment, his fighters discovered a new target. thanks for the work. fakel yabar, thank you for your work, well done. keep it up. drone operators are on duty around the clock in the skies over the dnieper. the guys are assembling kamikaza drones, creating a warhead for also
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we are working with resets, so all positions are being made perfectly, we are strengthening, everything is being adjusted, we are modernizing, we are constantly, always moving forward, ready to meet the enemy. participated in the operation in donbass in the defense of stalingrad and we continue their just cause.
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these words are largely addressed to nikolai nikolaevich borisov. he also liberated right-bank ukraine 80 years ago. this year the veteran celebrates his centenary. he was mobilized in october '42 from school. dad said the only thing for forgiveness. "kolya, remember, in life there are no trifles, with these words, and we went to the military registration and enlistment office. after just 10 months of training at the gorky tank school, yesterday’s schoolboy became the commander of a tank crew, 18 years old, i’m a commander, i’m a shooter, in my right hand there’s a lifting mechanism for a gun,
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so i can fight a thousand kilometers on one tank, i came across a few of them, i walked on it with the end of november until april 29 , 1944, practically from kiev to the stanislav region. on april 22, 2024, under
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fire, marines march toward what was once the tallest building in the village. st. michael's church. during the retreat to the ssu, the orthodox church was deliberately destroyed. you can still hear explosions and the earth literally hums under your feet, but the settlement is completely freed from enemy infantry and equipment, in short, the german tank is lying on the vamikhailovka, they have not begun to retreat, you understand that ours are moving forward with a heavy onslaught on them, where we are there is victory , now we’ll fly the flag in the center of novomikhailovka, okay. in the center of novomikhailovka is the flag
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of the marine attack aircraft of the 155th separate brigade of the pacific fleet. this victory it wasn’t easy; during the 10 years of conflict, the enemy turned novomikhailovka into a powerful fortified area. this is probably about eight strong points, that is, these are dug trenches. it’s not done by machines, but by hand, this is footage of an assault on the forest belt closest to the village, by zamvatyr, somewhere a car is further away, yes, yes? yes, yes to the car, well, at first it was very difficult, the first breakthrough, well, to break through their defenses, then when they had already climbed up to them, they began to get smaller, smaller, smaller, but in the end they completely ran away, quietly, the assault on the enemy fortified in
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novomikhailovka, forward, behind me, behind me, this strong point was taken by the sakhalin fighters of the assault detachment of the thirty-ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, let's get a machine gun, let's die with a machine gun, here and here. grenades quickly, quickly here, everyone here, having recaptured the positions from the enemy, the attack aircraft then defended them for two days until reinforcements arrived, that’s all i do, hold the defense there, strengthen yourself there, they said, well, in a day they will change you there, that’s it,
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strengthened, sat, then the team , the team was, well... as you can see, there’s really a lot of cover in these shots nowhere, american bradley armored personnel carriers were firing, and the enemy tank was hitting the enemy tank with direct fire. what struck me most was his stamina, courage, bravery, and he was not afraid to get out of the trench, set up a machine gun, open fire, the enemy worked, threw
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grenades at him, it didn’t stop him, he came out and completed his task. radimir or burkhad, as his colleagues call him, together with his group destroyed at least 27 ukrainian militants. the assessment is excellent, since he navigated a stronghold, destroyed the enemy there and, accordingly, held the stronghold the point reflected a lot of, let's say, counter -offensives of the enemy.
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that is, it will last a lifetime, and it cannot be expressed in words. vitali antonov, a fourth-generation military man, a hero of russia, commander of a motorized rifle battalion in isvo from the first day. we were advancing on one populated area,
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we walked into a minefield. could get through, the tank that was ahead was blown up, i asked my senior commander for help, to provide - to send me another vehicle with trawls so that we could pass this minefield, the second vehicle also exploded on a mine, it was impossible to go further, it was impossible to return, and in the meantime reconnaissance reported to the approaching enemy infantry, the lives of his soldiers depended on the decision of the commander. i had to make a decision to go around this mine field, i didn’t know where it ended, but i had to make a decision to go without trawls. antonov’s detachment walked along the very edge of the minefield without losing a single person, and then immediately took the village by storm, catching the enemy by surprise. in
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total, in may-june twenty-second , antonov and his fighters accounted for seven liberated towns and villages in the lugansk people's republic. during the assault, i even observed the following picture: we were driving along the street through a populated area.
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i know, a big game, a special edition, now for the first time the grand duke of moscow, the crown of the tsar of all russia, takes upon himself, and the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because every era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to your questions. tomorrow on the first. they walked the same routes as the soldiers of the red army once did during the great years. domestic, everything is the same as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers liberated ukraine, we are crossing the same seversky donetsk, all the same
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settlements, nothing has changed, even there are the same buildings, there are the great patriotic war, trenches that were being prepared then, but they are of course no longer in the same form that they were, they are already a little overgrown, and land has been added in some places and decreased in others. well, there is a front line that we meet, which, by the way, also directly helps us. at the end of june twenty-second, on the march to lisichansk, vitaly antonov in one of the battles he took the place of the deceased company commander. then i was working in a tank, they started firing at us with all the artillery weapons they have, that is, hail, mortars hit us, we held. defense, well, we withstood it, as they say, without taking a step back, russian forces took lesechansk into a cauldron, this forced the enemy
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to retreat, when i was returning back, i can’t say what they shot at me from, what weapons, but from the third shot for me they hit a tank, well let's just say it was one of stories that, well... now lives in my head for the rest of my life, probably my children will tell this story, we were able to evacuate the tank as a crew, we all survived, when something hits the tank, there is literally a moment to leave it , if you miss this moment, then you remain in this tank forever. guys, train, jump out of the tank as quickly as possible. the tank says,
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they will do it, but when a person dies, you won’t be able to do it anymore, and you yourself will live. these instructions from your company commander, throughout the war nikolai nikolaevich borisov also carried it. that's why. i trained all the time, i trained myself, the deadline determined that the limit was 7 seconds, in 7 seconds each of us, wherever we are, must jump out of the tank, on my only command, leave the tank, just like that no one has the right, he was burning in the tank for five times, but he always saved himself and... his crew, when a german shell hits a tank, even in the hull, the impact and sound there is such that if now...
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you put a man in an empty barrel and bang with a sledgehammer, there is such a sound , memory turns off when a person is trained an athlete, his body memory takes over, in his native thirty-four nikolai nikolaevich still knows, remembers every detail, the tank has a ritual, but what kind of ritual? well, i called him... memory, he, he saved me, his armor, hello, let's go, i'm filming. thank you, savior,
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continue to educate others, thank you, november 2023, volnovaha we are met by the hero of russia ruslan kurbanov at the legendary t-36. who witnessed the second liberation of the city. how do you feel when you see a three-four? - the feeling, frankly speaking, overwhelms me, because this is the memory of our ancestors, it is by understanding the technical components of these tanks, and i understand how much knowledge, skills, how much patience and labor was invested by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in order to
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achieve this heavy duty on such machines. victory, and with such a difficult enemy. the twenty-seven-year-old tanker received his gold star in september twenty-second. his platoon liberated a settlement in the kiev direction. call sign arrest, the ancient greek god of war, speaks for itself. neither enemy rockets and mines, no injuries, could not stop the crew on the way to the target. over the course of several days, kurbanov and his comrades destroyed 36 units of enemy equipment. minimum injury, the situation was such that when the enemy begins to be afraid of you, you cannot make, any mistake immediately means you, roughly speaking, it turns out to destroy the enemy’s equipment and people en masse, a person begins, well, to feel such fearlessness, really, really fear is completely lost, then the graduate of the kazan tank, due to all the combat experience, showed character,
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having thwarted the enemy’s plans, he would have rammed his unit’s account of over 50 units of damaged enemy equipment in the summer of 2023 alone. these shots show the american oshkash armored car, which was met by fragmentation shells from our tanks. well, to be honest, after just 20 days of studying all the nato equipment, i just understand that in a nato country it’s not an option to fight against our armed forces, it’s so poor when receiving some kind of shrapnel hits on a car, a car.
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start, now this and another trophy does not pass the test, it has already stopped ; the equipment is located here, in the center of moscow, on poklonnaya hill, between the triumphal arch and the victory museum, this is the place for it. hero of russia stepan belov with the call sign taran, in one of the battles in his tank went against “three ukrainian ones, immediately when i approach, i immediately remember where to hit it, three shots are enough for the car to detonate, to get here correctly, that’s also rude speaking, in this place, get under the gun here, its protection there is also weak, right above the mechanic in the skin, that’s it, the car right away it detonates as it detonates, i personally saw it through the scope, it burns great. loading, matchmaking
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direction, in place of the gunner operator stepan bilov. this tank carousel is a special tactical technique, the first one so far. the crew fires, the second loads the shell, then they change, and so on in a circle again, seeing almost continuous fire. stepan, happy return, how was it? everything is fine, the place where the enemy was previously located was shelled, the commander looked at the thermal imager, said that there was a hit on the target, the bmp was standing, just like they said that he fired the first shot right next to her, the second tank began to work, and was already processing the infantry. and accordingly , i already finished off the second, third shot, the third shot, i was controlled, i finished him off with control, here on poklonnaya hill he again came face to face with enemy equipment, only the emotions are different now, this is an
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american-made m113 armored personnel carrier, well, extended to the territory i have my own car, which the americans donated; i have two of these on my personal account.
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the crew we came to visit, operator-gunner, hero of russia, commander and driver, holders of the order of courage, we ride together, during all this time our crew and i destroyed 16 tanks, four armored vehicles, 10 light targets, these are uazs, cars, minibuses, and in the summer on new ones positions of tankers, healthy. how is life, i see you have a new camp, yes, yes, we have moved to a new direction, we are preparing for the upcoming actions, as they say, the tankers did not position themselves too much on the resting place, because there is still a lot of work ahead, accordingly, some of my guys, some
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tank special forces or in other words gbr taran, these are the officers here, mobilized and contract soldiers, stepan called his soldiers tank special forces, this is really a real gbr, a rapid reaction group. one of my great-grandfathers was awarded two orders of lenin, another was awarded the order of the red star, this is truly a new generation aircraft, for the first time among the family of medium-range aircraft,
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a composite wing was used, the volume of composites in this aircraft is about 40%, almost the entire country works under the ms-21 project, deliveries are carried out by 17 regions of russia. how does your testing complex compare favorably with other similar ones? we have such equipment, which is the only one we have in russia, we check the material for toxicity, how harmful it is. the self-rescuing system is an additional chance to save your life. this is something you can use when all other escape routes are unavailable. we produce all these components, except for the cable , here ourselves and are proud of it. our everything, premiere, tomorrow. on the first. a hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the british intelligence services, the head of a special department for identifying soviet intelligence officers in great britain. he had, of course
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, an exceptional gift; he didn’t tell anything, but they told him everything. kim philby, brilliant soviet intelligence agent. neither churchel nor roseville knew that stalin knew, but he knew almost everything, thanks to kim philp. 30 years on the verge of exposure, 4 years of continuous interrogation, that’s all. what i could do was get myself together in spirit. long years of separation from children after a forced escape, and one main meeting of a lifetime, gifted by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive and the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby. secret war. at the beginning
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of forty years, junior lieutenant nikolai borisov, as part of a group of tanks and self-propelled guns , had to carry out perhaps the most difficult combat mission of the entire war, to remove a cavalry regiment from the german encirclement. in the column they walked all the time to themselves constantly i thought: well, my dear, me, i’m talking to my tank. at night, the crew broke through to the german rear and soon stumbled upon an enemy tank in one of the villages. now there will be no kaput, loader, i woke up, armor-piercing, load, again 10 m, there is a distance, bang, tanned.
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on the forty-fourth he almost lost his leg, but returned to duty. what class are you in? how is it going? okay, who do you want to be? haven't decided yet? no, you have time. if you join the army, ask to join the tank forces. yes sir. nikolai borisov celebrated the victory way to prague. “berlin was already taken a long time ago,
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the war is not over yet, we are waiting, well, at dawn the tank in front, the tank commander, then i only saw his back, then he turned around, took off his tank helmet and waved, he showed me a signal, that’s it, and smiling, i guessed it." finished, motorized riflemen of the 126th coastal defense brigade live in basement dugouts, and the front line runs straight along the dnieper river. we are on exactly the same lines as our soldiers once were, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought on the same lines, in the same situation, the same the combat path, the same task is the fight against fascism. we were visiting ilya on the road
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in february twenty-fourth, look, here you can already see water, here we are next to the river, the exit in the direction of the dnieper, here is the river, the dnieper behind me, and there is already the enemy, that’s it, the most the guys have the front line of defense here, everything is already equipped, here they don’t let anyone through, there’s a mine sign, well , here’s the position, there are already guys here, the position is also equipped. these are special anti-drone nets against discharges from fpv work. our guys knock out enemy drones with drone strikes and hunting buckshot with conventional small arms. reconnaissance, attack kamikazes, all kinds of drones are fighting in the skies over donbass, zaporozhye and kherson. in february, during filming, an aerial observation point spotted one such bird. what kind of bird exactly? or regular? marik? you can't understand.
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german eyes to everyone in the area, call them germans, of course, ilya is returning, on the front line from the first days of the special operation. two wounds, concussion, hospital, what not? there wasn’t, but he always returned to his people, the guys work around the clock, 24/7, now the number of aircraft we have has increased and the number of people has also increased, that is, much more,
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we work constantly, we work to bring our victory closer, he was born and raised in the ukrainian crimea at that time, but since childhood in words and... me from hot spots, so that i would stay alive, for which i am extremely grateful to him. hero of russia, oleg pivovarov, ilya’s friend
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since military school, once during shelling on one of the dnieper islands, oleg carried a wounded comrade on himself. friends, he has two orders of courage, also for certain moments there, and a good guy, seriously quite, and as a commander, a very responsible person, oleg ilya fights in neighboring units, rarely sees each other, but is always in touch, in the fall of the twenty-third on the left bank of the dnieper we managed to catch them together, rare footage, at that time both were still commanders of the company, senior... he came up with something, i came up with something, uav, oleg pivovarov's unit is hiding from
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enemy eyes literally underground, while our eyes, as drones are called at the front, circle in the sky around the clock and... day on day night on night from the operator's console is displayed on the screen, that is, an observer sits here yes, he looks at the situation around him. look at the darkness, these are the islands that go to the gray zone, that is, from this shore.
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that he was carrying a blank like a bird, yeah, but he didn’t make it, that is, they shot him down, planted him, or he fell, basically we shoot him down with weapons, or transaction weapons, that's all. oleg and ilya, now two guard captains, a hero of russia and a holder of two orders of courage. what are we here for? yes, so that our families, our children, parents, relatives, our wives, they are
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safe, so that our children have a happy future, so that our... twenty-millimeter mortar, there was only one mother, the older brother left, went to the front, lev kalinin took part in...
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everything depends on us, we will do it, the volga armored train in the special operation zone operates in the most difficult areas, its main caliber is twin twenty-millimeter anti-aircraft gun, there are two of these on the volga, they can work against both air and ground targets, they have enough to hit tanks, they need to be taught a lesson properly. basically, the mortar workers of the great patriotic war, such as lev kalinin and his comrades, traveled on lorries and zakhar ivanychs, the legendary zis-5 trucks,
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but they only had to travel on trains as part of trains. zis-5 vehicle and trailer with 120-m mortar, 480 kg in stowed position, one mine 16 kg.
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took part in the defense of moscow, took took part in the liberation of soviet ukraine, belarus, took part in the liberation of the peoples of europe from the nazi pig, my great-grandfather alexander klinov in office. foreman of a sapper battalion died in the baltic states in 1944 during the liberation of the baltic soviet republics from german occupation. here is paratrooper evgeny klinov on armor. july 2022. kherson direction. the combat vehicle is rushing to help our infantry. it was in this battle that klinov, despite being seriously wounded, was able to bring his guys out... from under fire without losses, we met him a year later, by that time the captain had already been asking for several months to go back to the front with his own people.
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this special operation has long ceased to be simply a performance of official duties. the most important thing is to be with your comrades, to participate, to make your contribution. said, done, now evgeny klinov, chief of staff of the airborne battalion. ukrainian nationalists. foreign mercenaries were driven back from our border, but continue to commit acts of sabotage and continue to fire at civilians points, accordingly, we, for our part , are making every effort to prevent these attacks, conducting artillery duels, and defeating the enemy. this footage is another one of our exclusives, taken from one of the hottest areas. front, together with soldiers performing tasks directly in the northern military district, with the personnel of our division, which is now
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advancing in the area of ​​1 hour...
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nikolai borisov is also monitoring the progress of the special operation. and despite his 99, he is well versed in the latest weapons and tactics modern combat, so i understand what shooting from closed positions is, a command is waiting here in cover, they gave it to him, and he has several positions, they tell him: position number five, which means he jumps out there, along the way his task is already they give it, the commander already has it... a sight where he bang-bang-bang again into the shelter, the tankers are completely different now, they are practically turning into artillerymen. when the great patriotic war ended, nikolai borisov turned 20 years old, he took part in the victory parade in june forty fifth, we are entrusted to participate in the parade.
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envy them. this year i am participating in the victory parade on may 9, dedicated to the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. we know that in 1941 our grandfathers and great-grandfathers left for the front from this paving stone. so now many parade participants will return to the special military operation zone. oh, i’ll also go in the parade box along
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with other officers to pay, so to speak, tribute to our memory. hello, the evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main ones topics. by decision of the state duma, deputies approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin as prime minister of our country. before that, the president received him.


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