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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:26pm MSK

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together with other officers, to pay, so to speak, tribute to the memory of our ancestors. hello, evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. by decision of the state duma, deputies approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin as prime minister of our country. before that, the president received him. dozens of group strikes against
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strategically important enemy targets and new liberated settlements. details of the combat work of our military for the week. report from the ministry of defense. it broke through the bridge fence and fell straight into the river. a terrible accident with a passenger bus in st. petersburg. latest data on dead victims. izharov, cold, and abnormal temperatures thwarted the plans of farmers and summer residents. what tricks are used to save the harvest? the state duma a little over an hour ago voted to confirm mikhail mishustin as chairman of the government. the lower house has already sent the resolution for the appointment to the president, who previously nominated mishustin. but before heading to the hunting row, a meeting with vladimir putin took place in the kremlin. recently we met with colleagues and assessed the work of the government. in recent years
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, a lot has been done in difficult conditions, and it seems to me that it would be right if we continued to work with you, and you continued to work as chairman of the government, we talked about the structure, we talked about the staff in general, i think we are on the right path, we will meet again and talk in more detail. about your proposals, but we will act in accordance with the constitution, i hope that you will be able to convince the deputies in the state duma about candidates for your deputies and federal ministers. thank you, dear vladimirovich, i would like to first of all thank you for the trust you have placed in me, the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message, and of course those.
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national development goals, which were specified in the new may decree, are the guideline and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all to the national goals that were previously decree 204, 474, we will do everything to develop our economy in order to justify the trust of our...
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priorities have been set. the basis of the work there is a lot of work ahead, but the system has been built and the government for the next 6 years, i think the president’s message to the federal assembly, these are the key priorities and, of course, a large-scale program of socio-economic development that you and i, dear deputies, face. implement together,
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of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with the leaders regions, development institutions, and public association organizations. new enterprises, the volume of industrial production will have to be increased by tens of percent, and this will require additional investments, and we expect that not only the state, but also responsible business will contribute to this. the mishustino government is in constant dialogue
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with business, which is much more productive than in past years. the pressure on entrepreneurs is actively reduced and there are fewer checks, bureaucracy, more help and support. our the president believes that small medium-sized businesses are not simple. the second key area is ensuring technological sovereignty, development of production of products and services, the likes of which have no analogues in russia. here we have to implement systemic support measures for a wide range of products, create a full cycle of our own production of complex goods from scientific and design work, research to mass production, using and expanding. all developed mechanisms, introducing new ones , including within the framework of the cluster investment platforms, and an industrial development fund, industrial mortgages, corresponding subsidies for neo-development, the two most important vectors that need to be worked on are supporting families with children, increasing the incomes of people in our country
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, about 24.5 million families, where 30 million children are growing up, and for us, of course , the most important thing is their well-being, a comprehensive system of state support has been created, starting with pregnancy, women and the birth of a child until he reaches 17 years of age, increasing targeting , paying special attention, of course, to large families families, we will launch a new national family project, which will preserve the most popular existing mechanisms, but above all, proven effectiveness of maternity capital. the federal budget allocated for all these measures this year. you and i understand well that supporting families cannot be limited only to cash payments and benefits; the government approaches this task more broadly. for parents , the housing issue is of significant importance.
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on instructions from the president, we will continue the program for issuing family loans in for 6 years while maintaining basic parameters. families at the birth of the third and subsequent children to the end. in this case, the main tool will be the development of employment, increasing the flexibility of the labor market and, very importantly, the growth of wages, on behalf of the head of state: a new model of payment for public sector employees will be created, first in pilot regions, and then scaled up throughout the country, doctors, teachers , other employees of the social sphere, medicine, education, culture, science should receive decent remuneration for their work. a
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we still need all regions to develop, build, and grow economically, and special attention to those that have recently become part of our big country. another priority for the future is this. full integration of new regions, achieving the all-russian level of socio-economic development there, and of course, our task is to support our defenders who are participating in a special military operation, we will continue to provide them with everything necessary, equipment, weapons, protective equipment, medical kits equipment, military equipment, help with solving social issues for soldiers, their relatives, their families, but promptly provide them with the required benefits.
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send through our interaction channels, because from the twentieth year, as you remember, we provide imat capital in a proactive mode, simply upon the birth of a child according to records in the zachs, from january 1 , twenty-third this is a very important milestone, it began to work a new system for providing measures through the social treasury mechanism, this is a single benefit for families with children and for pregnant women, remember, it is in a declarative manner.
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the same contact as at the level of the prime minister, deputies cannot get through to some ministers, that’s right, dear colleagues, that’s right... he knows technology well, he well represents many branches of production
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, he is included in their decisions, he has worked out a system of organization and control, he, in principle, despite his position, retains human traits and qualities, which appeals to people. mishustin is a man of concrete actions, deputies of the new faction believe. april 1st this year, mikhail adinovich gave our party program for the development of work technology. russia mikhail immediately looked, passed it on, we met 2 days later. the work doesn’t stretch out, not someday, just tomorrow. most of the measures taken by the mishustino government are far-sighted, long-term, which will work for the benefit of the entire country, and the main thing in them is a systematic approach, when all financial, material and human resources are used. for a united russia during the years when mikhail vladimirovich headed the government of the russian federation there was such a constructive interaction. together we implemented a whole set of party projects, including the formation of a comfortable urban environment, social
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gasification, modernization of primary health care, sustainable development of rural areas, we must proceed from the fact that the chairman of the government did everything possible and impossible, moreover, he did it in the conditions special military operation, when it was twice as difficult for the government to work, there are still a lot of issues that require immediate resolution, but at the same time, we are saying that the government hears us, we understand that the new government faces very large and complex tasks, we see that the presidential decree of may 7 on the strategic development of our country requires new approaches, in this regard we we also expect changes. within the government structure. today the state duma approved mikhail mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian
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federation. 375 deputies voted in favor. dear colleagues, let's congratulate mikhail vladimirovich mishusin on his approval for position of chairman of the government of the russian federation. i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. today, first of all, you supported the president’s decision. expressed their readiness to act to fulfill the tasks assigned to them together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under my leadership, after the appointment , the head of government will present his first deputies and ministers to the state duma, the deputies will consider candidates according to a procedure similar to reports, only instead of reports they hear a work plan, how the candidate for the post will solve the problems facing the ministry. olga knyazieva, boris leonov, andrey stoyko, olga merkulova and kiril loginov. first channel. and today, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko sent vladimir putin a list of candidates for the post of head
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of the accounts chamber, there are three candidates, as required by the constitution. anatoly artamonov, head of the saved federation committee on budget and financial markets, galina izotova, acting chairman of the accounting committee chamber and boris kovalchuk, deputy head of the control department of the presidential administration. the president will select one candidate and send a proposal to the upper house of parliament. senators must then confirm. at the plenary session. now about the work of our military. weekly summary. as the ministry of defense said, about thirty group strikes were carried out with high-precision weapons on strategically important targets. the enemy, including in the rear. enemy storage facilities were destroyed, one of them near odessa, where western missile weapons were located production. in addition, the fuel warehouse of the joint logistics center of the armed forces of ukraine was hit. from may 5 to may 10, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy and industrial facilities, the armed
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forces of the russian federation launched 27 group strikes with long- range precision weapons on sea air. based, including aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. as a result , energy industry facilities and enterprises were damaged military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure of ukraine. in addition, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel depots, workshops for the production and repair of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles, and temporary deployment points for foreign national formations were hit. from mercenaries, as well as the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces at railway loading stations. su lost large quantities of equipment, german tanks, american howitzers, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, czech artillery mounts, and also an airplane su-27. since last friday, three settlements have been liberated: kotlyarovka and kislovka in
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the kharkov region, and novokalinovo in the dpr. enemy losses in a week... tragedy in st. petersburg, a passenger bus broke through the fence of the kissing bridge and fell into the moika river. according to the latest data, three people died, four more are in a state of clinical death, and there are casualties. according to one version, the driver lost control and was detained and interrogated. the video caught that very moment... the accident was caught on surveillance cameras, here the bus drifts off the roadway onto the sidewalk, then it drives out onto the road again and collides with two cars, while continuing to move and breaking through the cast-iron
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fence of the bridge and falling into the water. now the territory is uncoupled, neither passers-by nor journalists are allowed to pass further, this is actually the very bridge from which the bus collapsed, rescuers are still working here, a small tourist ship was passing by at the time of the incident, it was literally a miracle that the bus did not cover it, it collapsed in a few meters from it, be the first to rescue passengers eyewitnesses rushed to remove the metal carefully, he delivered another one, some of the people were able to get out on their own, and doctors arrived at the scene almost immediately.
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water immediately began to rise, i tried to kick out the windows, but somehow it didn’t work at all, then i began to move forward along the handrails, then there was a sharp light and they pulled me out, if found guilty, the driver could face up to 7 years in prison, governor st. petersburg, alexander beglov took under personal control all actions of departments, according to the ministry of emergency situations, almost 70 people and 18 pieces of equipment took part in the search and rescue operation. today, at about one o'clock in the afternoon , the admiralteysky district police received a report that a passenger bus had fallen from a bridge into the moika river in the area of ​​building 69 on bolshaya morskoy street. investigators of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia opened a criminal case under part five of article 264 of the criminal code of russia. an investigation is currently underway to determine the circumstances of the incident. here in the distance
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stands one of the cars that has just been evacuated from the intersection, it is clear that it is very the bumper was badly damaged, the bus crashed into her, driving towards her. investigators are now looking into the causes of the tragedy; according to the city transport committee, on may 7 the bus underwent scheduled maintenance, it was in good working order, and the driver underwent a medical examination before leaving for the flight. it is also known that the carrier company that owns the bus had problems with its license, for which the owners have already been held accountable and fined a total of 4,000 rubles. we'll investigate main directorate of the investigative committee of russia. mass protests in yerevan flared up with renewed vigor, tens of thousands of protesters again filled the square near the government building. today they were joined by students; classes were canceled at the country's main university. supporters of the opposition movement tavush in the name of the homeland, their spiritual leader, the head of the local diocese of the armenian church, archbishop
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bograd galstanyan, is demanding the resignation of the prime minister. students call nikol pashinyan a traitor. citizens are dissatisfied with his policies, in particular with the fact that the government cedes its territories to azerbaijan. unilateral delimitation on the border in the tavuzh region provides for the transfer of four villages to baku. protests in armenia are now in their second week; protesters have said that they will seek pashinyan’s resignation through impeachment in parliament. and last-minute news: vladimir putin signed a decree appointing mikhail mishustin as prime minister of the country. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, on behalf of vladimir putin, awarded the order of friendship to moldovan deputy marina tauber.
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there are deputies who understand these problems, challenges, face threats, but go to the end, doing everything so that we live in friendship, in peace, develop relations, we have always had and still have friendship, no matter how much the current government in moldova, which is led by western curators, wants it, to destroy this friendship, they can’t do anything. this year's fruit harvest will be smaller than usual, and grain crops are also under threat, all because of the weather, which not only surprises, but actually
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disrupts the plans of professional farmers and ordinary summer residents. may turned out to be such that literally everything was frozen, and this was after a warm april, when nothing foreshadowed such anomalous temperatures. to save the situation , farmers will do whatever they can think of, report by alexander lyakin. the flowers were not damaged at all, they stand like soldiers on parade, but the fruit and berry bushes and trees are, of course, under great threat. natalya nazarova does not know what to grab onto, whether to cover the currants, or to save the gooseberry garden that is already blooming. i remember that as a child my parents saved themselves from the frost by lighting fires in different parts of the garden, but maybe you will have to resort to this method of protection. as far as it works, this is what such protection looks like: neighbors in belarus, where it is also frosty, burn fires to warm potatoes or strawberries at night, everything is in the fires, everything is in
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smoke, i hope that we will save, there were cases when snow fell in the month of may and even in june, but this happened for a very short time, literally within one or two days, it has been so cold here for more than a week, bird cherry cold, as they are popularly called, the fact is that the tree grows everywhere and blooms for a very long time, more than two weeks, almost always the bird cherry blossom is captured by the first frosts, but this year they dragged on too long, the cold covered the territory from the northern seas to the krasnodar territory, in the central regions the picture is in the vladimir, yaroslavl regions, and in the moscow region , the same. lyudmila rogova from the moscow region managed to hide the tomatoes in the greenhouse, her bees were still in the hives, they flew to the apple blossoms, but changed their minds. yablo, says lyudmila this year. they’re not waiting anymore, it’s a young tree, yes, it’s only been 2 years, this tree, of course, will not suffer, the overseas one is not afraid of the tree, the tree that is already blooming will suffer, that is, there will be no fruit.
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in moscow, in kolomenskoye park, under the snow are the oldest apple orchards, which were laid out back in the 17th century, there are several thousand trees, like in garden farms, frost hit them at the peak of flowering, which means that the fruit harvest this year will be less than usual , grain crops may also suffer, in the middle zone and throughout the black earth region in voronezh. lipetsk and tambov regions even announced emergency situation. april turned out to be warm and the crops quickly began to gain strength. now corn and wheat are at risk from low temperatures. for them, it is not the very fact of frosts that is destructive, but their duration. the extent of the damage can be assessed a week after the end of the cold weather, but according to the ministry of agriculture, the plants that died from the frosts will be reseeded, and the surviving ones will receive additional feeding. there are all the resources for this. by the way, weather forecasters say that... according to their observations, may frosts do not harm the harvest as much as drought. we have in 2017 year, when there was the same similar situation on european territory with...


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