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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  May 10, 2024 7:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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and absolute fearlessness, he survived, having gone through this entire terrible war, after the first year he tried to expel both me and sasha sbruev, for the fact that we were not capable of being actors, all the teachers were dumbfounded by such severity, he was a man with incredible energy, magnetic, magical, that is, he could quietly, quietly, quietly, and then how to give, he never felt,
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and the film ivan the terrible, the film turns out to be somehow timeless, because each era looks at it with its own eyes and finds some answers to its own questions tomorrow first, every evening i left the office with a large briefcase full of files that i took out from original archival documents, this... he is called a brilliant agent of soviet intelligence, many of kimafi's reports were reported personally to stalin, notes there in pencil personally when asked here, what have you done since the most important thing, kim philby pronounced with a huge accent prokhorovka, prokho, this is mine, kursk arc, he says, this is me. this predetermined the course of the entire war,
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when he was interrogated for 4 years, he did not give up, he did not give anything away. they didn't have enough evidence, they interrogated me to break my spirit. intelligence is a game. he knew how to play this system and win. the true story of a british aristocrat and an outstanding soviet intelligence officer. in philby, the secret war, on sunday at the first, i understood that i really couldn’t know some questions, he said something, i can’t say this, it’s a secret for now, i can’t even tell you, well, hello, everything happened, smoletnikich, an american intelligence officer over our territory, congratulations, allen, great pictures. very valuable information,
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you understand that it’s a shame such a day is may 1st and admit your own helplessness, i even envy you a little, guy, you will go down in history as the first to fly over the soviets from south to north, the system is powerless against some spy, learn shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, there is a possibility that the plane will be shot down. insignificantly little. a ram at such a height is certain death. if you were a pilot, what would you do? i'm fifty two. taranu is ready. harry powers' aborted flight next saturday on the first. many people know that you need to dismount not only on zebra crossings, but also in underground passages. but i sub. i think that if i drive a couple
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of kilometers per hour, well, 1-2, and don’t drive 25, as many do, then you’re not violating, well , yes. hello, do you know what the fine is from april 1 for this? more recently, the fine for such violations was only 100 rubles. but, for example, in moscow, from april 1, it increased sharply and became completely serious. 2.0. the same amount you'll have to pay it if you decide to ride on the subway platform on roller skates, a skateboard, a scooter, or anything else. the only exceptions are children's strollers and wheelchairs. as shown. our survey, among the townspeople there are many who care about the safety of others, well, i see you didn’t cross the crossing, you are carrying the scooter with your hands, is it because they know about the increase in fines or not, so that because of the people safety, the safety of people, yes, that is, you are doing everything according to the rules, if only you were driving
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on bicycles, do you know what the fine is now, no, 2.0 rubles were accepted from april 1, but you were in a hurry, then for the sake of safety, people walk here, and, by the way, in the capital’s metro fines have increased not only for owners of personal mobility devices, but and for ordinary passengers, those who fall asleep or for some other reason remain in the next car at the depot, their wallet will also lose 2.0 rubles. considering that cameras are literally everywhere in the moscow metro, tracking and proving the guilt of violators will not be difficult. in the city, after everyone you can’t keep track of the violators, you can’t assign a traffic inspector to everyone, so apart from the personal responsibility of those who decided to rush along the sidewalk, little will help. unless the personal rating of electric scooter renters, for example,
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received a fine or a complaint from a pedestrian, lost points; the fewer points, the higher the rental cost or a rental ban altogether. of course, numerous smart people will come up with a solution here too. but we need to try something, change something, if it is no longer possible to prohibit it. editorial staff are haunted by another question: why are their small children forced to wake up in the dead of night because of motorcyclists who rush through empty streets with a deafening roar? we don’t believe that this can’t be dealt with. shall we start? that's all for today, the law of man was on the air, in the studio alexey pimanov, see you, as usual , on channel one.
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zaimmy at the post of pozona porota, without mortals like fire, calm as edges, we are the army of the country, we are the army of the people and... and our feat, history to preserve, where in vain the knowledge can, where in vain the country hopes for us, the sacred words of asta for by us, we remember the time of birth, the sacred
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words of asta are behind you, from time to time.
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good evening, hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, we dedicate friday to the capital of the show to the field of miracles, to the greatest holiday of our country. happy holiday, happy holiday, the first three to our program on may 9, happy holiday, from the studio, a field of miracles behind the drum, in the holiday program, ivan viktorovich ustinov, volokolamsk, anna sergeevna kirichenko, omsk. mukhameddeev, city of feodotia. well, guys, who will start?
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dear arkadyevich, i don’t want to delay start on a nice note, gifts to the studio. no, no, no, no, no, no, that’s later, no, i turned to you, yes, exactly, norkaevich, today we have a lady in our studio, i want to give her this beautiful bouquet. oh, thank you very much. let's talk about the military bull today. here's the assignment. for the first round, as the ammunition bag is called, which was worn on a shoulder strap or strap over the shoulder , it made it possible to increase the amount of equipment carried. fate decreed this way: fate is generally the right thing, i said, let's start, but i didn’t start with you, and fate told me correctly, because you have to start with a woman, you have zero, here is a woman.
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what was the name of the bag ? in the eighteenth year , the russian federation took first place in the cook category, in the nineteenth year in the baker category, and now i am the coach of the russian national team of the international army games. in cooking, yes, well, okay, i
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understand, but there are some preferences, here you are, for example, i’ve been standing near the stove for 70 years, i know my preferences, here’s your favorite dish, here’s what’s in your hands boiling, buckwheat, oh-oh, you know how to cook buckwheat porridge, i hope so, you are a great cook, thank you very much, tell me how to make buckwheat porridge crumbly, crumbly, of course, come on...
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brigades of the song and dance ensemble and invite a front-line artist creative leningrad military district ifretor alexander tyupa cheers to the sunny meadow with an arc bending the hole. at night he plays about love, about how he spent hot nights with his girlfriend and received beautiful gifts for her. play, play, tell, little italian yourself, about how the black-eyed one brought her
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heart to her heart when he went to a terrible battle, leaving on a dark, starry night. lived, in response , the proud girl joked, apparently with him, when you return with the order, then talk, play, play, tell, talyanochka herself, and the black-eyed potka has driven her crazy. the hare , surrounded by the smoke of poison from tolyan, circled in a fierce battle with the torog, the medal he deserved came the letter is fleeting across the snowy distance, which awaits,
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which, in extreme cases, agreed. sleep for a medal, game, game, tell me, talyanochka herself, about how the black-headed one, sector prize for vorovan prize, prize for the studio, gifts for the studio, okay, but while the gifts are being brought out, i want to thank the ministry of defense represented by the department of resource
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provision , directorate of railway troops, separate railway omsk brigade, omsk pavement. separate railway battalion, for allowing me to attend this program, now you have a scoop in your hands, and from it it is always tasty, always satisfying, the bread was also baked by 190 military schools, a military school of cooks, which graduates more than a thousand specialists every year, i would like to treat the audience in the hall with military bread, come on, let’s take it.
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and leonid arkadyevich, my birthday will soon be on may 14, so whatever you give will be the best gift from the program, i can’t guarantee you anything, you see, i don’t know what lies here, such misers, everything will come in handy, everything in the army it will come in handy, you are sure, and the children, well, i would like to consult with my daughter, where in the studio, where is the daughter, just tell me, huh? prize, says the daughter, prize, it’s dark there, arkadyevich will accept, i ask why, i’m so interested several times, because a heavy burden can fall on your shoulders, leonid arkadyevich, there are no women in the army, if you served as a woman , i don’t know what’s going on in the army, i
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have all the hardships, deprivations of military service, i said it myself, i said it myself, that’s for sure. you will bear all these hardships yourself, well, the prize is studio, just like that, yes, leonit arkadyevich, i promise, now all the guys in the special military operation zone will be well fed. i'm happy with food, this is truly a new generation aircraft, a first for the family. medium-haul aircraft use a composite wing, the volume of composites in this aircraft is about 40%. almost the entire country is working on
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the ms-21 project, deliveries are carried out by 17 regions of russia, which is why your test complex compares favorably with others of the same kind, we have such equipment, which only we have in russia, we check the material for toxicity, how harmful it is, the self-rescue system -
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i believe in omens, probably all the actors believe, but in the black eye, so we have to spit, for leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, on sunday on the first, like the mood, class mood, my mariopol, like a seagull with a broken wing, here their form is thrown, that is, mainly on the surface.
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this name means clarity-fidelity clarity-fidelity, but judging by the hero’s star on the chest it corresponds absolutely, sorry, i must ask why the star, for completing a combat
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mission, was led in a group, met the enemy, accepted the battle, the enemy was defeated, then they destroyed the equipment, occupied a strong point, and somehow everything happened like this, you have a family, children, so exactly, my wife is in the fifth month of pregnancy, she couldn’t visit today, i would like to say a huge hello to her, 350 points, letter l, open, gifts to the studio, this is ours. 750 points on the reel letter p, comrade
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sergeant, well, let’s start somehow, let’s start somehow, come on, tell me, i the tanker himself, which is how i earned, in fact, my awards, for courage, for which i worked in a closed firing position at... 9.5 km, destroyed an enemy bradley infantry fighting vehicle with a direct hit, that at home, you are married, you have six children, no, i’m single, no children, single, from vizun, but there is someone, no, someone is waiting, no, the hammer is burning. i
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’m telling you for sure, something unimaginable is happening at the end, i have a lucky hand, literally this year, you’ll call a wedding , i hope, i’ll definitely call you, you’ll call a wedding, definitely, look, i mean it, 450 points, letter, letter d, open, the word is known, you kept it in many times, and what i actually went broke, sector plus on the reel, which letter to open, third, third letter, open, also leonidas. i can’t stay away, i also have gifts for you, gifts for the studio, come on, i have a gift for you from the grekov studio of military artists, reconstruction of the pano, victory parade of 1945, oh guys, i also have for you gift a model of a tank that
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has become a symbol. our division's valiant t-80, but the tank showed itself, proved itself in battles, from one of these it was, in fact, that bradley was shot down, and also the headset with my call sign, guys, with the combat chevron of our regiment, which became a symbol demonstrating how yastrib dives into his prey, so we entered the battle, fight to the end. i would like to say hello to all the participants in the special military operation, guys, hang in there, we will be back soon and will join you. also on this day i would like to separately thank the participants of the great patriotic war for our bright future. war to wish you good health. the prize sector is on the reel, you can take or refuse 2.0 points, then decide for yourself. a prize, it’s me, a prize
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for the studio, but ivan viktorovich, you ’re an adult, still young, well, what am i talking about, he’ll get married soon, in the near future, i hope, well, that’s why the prize, no, i’m saying, he’ll get married soon, so i need to... give me something for the wedding, definitely, well, i choose the prize, i say, i need to get married, so she will come, and you say, open the box, and there is a prize, but you know what, i really, this
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games are games, no trading. no, it’s just like that, a prize, but let my sister have the last word, where in the hall, and where is she, second row from the top, third, shy, sitting, it’s you sister, and this is your brother, cousin, eldest, she, excuse me , for the indiscreet question, she is married, yes, but where is her husband, in the zone, then, then, you are like a brother, please answer, what kind of disorder is this, why is she here in this form? as in a beautiful, beautiful form, no, i ’m asking you, why is she here in this form, look there, look, what a mess, i’m not prepared, so what’s the matter, fix it, can you help?
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well, for the holiday on may 9, a prize for the studio, i’m happy, of course, which means you have three successful codes, after which you will have to say this word in its entirety, otherwise we will be left without one finalist, and this is not good. a musical group has arrived, the song of dance ensemble, the aerospace forces of the russian federation, to the studio, please, we are friends, migratory birds, but being ours alone is not good, it is not
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success on earth. home, first thing, first thing, planes, but from a girl, from the girl then, first of all, first of all, planes, well, girls, and girls later, a tender image in dreams, you are dove, you want to give your heart forever, today you will meet, you will see. love, the order to fly tomorrow, because , because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, home, first thing, first thing,
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planes, well done, and then the girls, first thing, first thing, planes, well, the girls, and then the girls, so as not to meet the board on the way, remembering the affectionate look, we decided, friends, not to fall in love, even the most beautiful girls, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home, first of all, first of all, airplanes. and the girl, and the girls then, first of all, first of all, airplanes, and the girls, and the girls then, we are friends, migratory birds, only you
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, our adnim, are not good, you won’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in the sky, because, because that we are pilots, our sky, our sky, our lordly home, first of all, first of all, planes, well, girls, and girls then, first of all, first of all, planes, well , for the girl, and girls later, you know, ilyas, at i’m also small, but the holiday, this year, exactly at trinity, marks exactly 30 years since the day of my first independent flight, a holiday, i congratulate you, that’s
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it, a thousand points on the drum, letter, letter a, open, you know this word is definitely perfect, but in any case you have received this thing many times. or at least several times, 350 points, but leonidavich, decide the word , i’ll say it, bondalier, and before us is the first finalist, the capital of the show paul chines, the first from our program, from channel one by may 9 gifts for the first three players.
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omsk, guys, i will arrive soon, nikolai anatolyevich, i congratulate you on your birthday and i swear to everyone, i will come for your centenary, i would like to convey a huge greeting to all my family, all loved ones, everyone who knows me from all cities, our i wish the guys good luck and success. a speedy victory, that everyone returned home, alive, healthy, the game is interesting, very cool, i didn’t expect it, i went out, it turns out, i won, thank you very much, today we will remember the poet yulia drunina, who would have turned 100 on may 10
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years old, she read ese’s blog, she was such an exalted young lady, suddenly she’s been at the front for 16 years, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, so she felt that her place was there, i’ve only seen it once. hand-to-hand, once i've dreamed a thousand times, whoever says that war is not scary knows nothing about war, from a letter from alexei kapler, my little twig, we are starting a completely new life, in which... it will not be the same as before , they met secretly for 6 years, they both deceived their spouses, then she she took him away, it so happened that yulia dronina tamed this - lavilas, this moscow star, the fact that she locked herself in the car went crazy, she wanted to defend the country that she carried in her heart, she did not know that everything would be turned upside down on the head. podcast lab is on first today. the future people's artist of the ussr anatoly popanov was drafted into the army
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on the first day of the great patriotic war. during the war there was never a day without deaths. i've seen so much. few people knew that the explosion mutilated his right leg. he didn't have two fingers, large middle. he learned to walk without limping. but what happened to him in august '87, when he suddenly stopped communicating. suddenly he didn’t come to the performance. i remember when dad said something terrible happened. well , there he is already dead, our exclusive is the last summer of anatoly popanov, he was a great grandfather, and i’m generally grateful to fate that i had him, the confession of his daughter, the coffin was not opened, it was impossible to recognize this man, and his bitter confession widows and i she said, like this, well, what to do, we had to get out of this somehow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. i regret one thing, years, get up, the vacation
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is over, oh my god, what a vacation, i haven’t rested a single day yet, you can rest at work, alexandra ivanovna, can you, oh, uh, excuse me, we need to somehow schedule a visit describe, i have advantages, what are these, evidence, corpses, she loves it, the ex- wife started a scandal, screamed that she would kill them both, do you smell it, gentlemen? yes, there are notes, musiasa, how did the new forensic expert of the most prominent opera record it for you, well, it seems like everyone is gone, if this is not murder, it means a kidnapping or a staged kidnapping, an assault group, readiness number one, that is, it’s not safe to be here with you, with me it’s not safe at all, uh, no, i won’t take you.
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who will start? and thank you, here is the task for the second
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round. the field bag is a special bag for command personnel, in which, as you know, documents and writing materials were stored, it also contained a ruler, compass and what else is in the commander's bag? i don’t know how it is now. but during the great patriotic war, my father told me, it was exactly, guess for yourself, 600 points letter, first the letter, the letter e, open, now turn, say what you want, let me introduce my support group, this is my charming wife alexandra, these are our young army men from timoshenko’s detachment, stand up. evgeniy’s father is in the northern military district zone, so
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we support him, our specialists from the nbc protection troops, our few troops, but still friendly. letter r, no, no, no, no, no, so, eh, i’m slowing down. alexandra, let me come out, come out, don’t be shy, no, it’s you who come, and i, guy, let me, it’s fine. this is your wife, i came with flowers, okay, tell me, captain, what is the star for? a large
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number of successfully completed firing tasks, and it so happened that we were surrounded and had to be withdrawn. people from this environment, well, take all the fire in essence, thank you, guys, sixth regiment of defense, a huge hello to you, i love you very much, i am always for you i miss you, unfortunately, i no longer serve with you, but in my soul i will always remember you, 600 points on the barovan, letter, letter r, open the letter r. today is my father’s birthday, he turns 62 years old , dad, happy birthday to you, my love, my service, of course, frayed a lot of your nerves, but we have such a dynasty, you are a military man, a military brother, i am a military man, i love you all, happy birthday to you and a cup of tea for your health,
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you have a military dynasty, yes, that means your father also has a professional holiday, besides everything other national this is what he will give to dad, well, 600 points on the reel, letter, letter k, open, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes for the studio, give your wife something that is in the box, which box are you you open it, and the box itself
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is beautiful, so guess what, that’s it, it’s a gift from the studio, tell me, lieutenant, how did you get into the army? i dreamed of entering the military medical academy, and i did not succeed the first time, not immediately after admission, because there was no enrollment girls, and a year later i had the opportunity and i entered, so you are a doctor, i am a doctor, but
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tell me, anastatiyaevna, are you a generalist doctor or a surgeon, what is your specialization?
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directly on the battlefield, it has two, two pouches, this is the main one and an additional one for storing the tourniquet. let my colleague, senior warrant officer niparenko, show you the correct application of a tourniquet type tourniquet on the upper limb, exactly the tip, exactly the tip, on the upper, so that i don’t get nervous, yes, so that you don’t get nervous, it’s not enough no matter what they can put a tourniquet on, then they won’t let me go home, and i’m bleeding. and what is such a serious, serious event,
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because applying a tourniquet, everything must be precisely timed, she puts a tourniquet on her arm, what makes her nervous? we need to write down all the time, what time needs to be written down, write down, and how much is on yours, everything , ready, no, not everything, not, not everything, but what else is needed, well, you see, the patient is nervous, kiss, the patient is nervous, she me stroked,
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greetings everyone, my name is timur shakhbanov, i am a mod sergeant, i arrived from vladimirskaya region and represent the engineering troops where you served or are still serving, i still serve in murom, in the city of murom. vladimir region, first engineer of the sapper brigade, wife, children, single, thank you, i wanted to give you a set of sapper blades from the forest of engineering troops, in general, a sapper shovel is a historical symbol of the engineering troops, so a gift to the studio. also leonit arkadyevich, our four-legged friends help us with our tasks, we would like to give you the gift
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of a puppy, yes, the russian black terrier breed, this breed was bred in nurseries red star, which is located in 470. will always guard, oh, oh, what, go,
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will wait, my fish, dear, oh, to class, i agree, i want to greet my all my relatives, parents, brothers and sisters, wish them happiness, success and health, and also greet their comrades who are now in their zone, tell them that... our cause is just and victory will be ours. artists of the central academic theater of the russian army perform on stage. so it was in the beginning to lie i can not. the tugs were silent on that bank, on that bank, on that bank, on that. shore, where we were, and we left our cities,
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the soul remained in them forever, and still, still, still we won, still, still, still... and we won, the earflaps turned black on the scarlet snow, and the lips did not swell on the other bank, on the other bank, on the other bank, on the other bank, where we were, behind each of our backs was our own stalingrad, frozen.
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after all, after all, after all, we won, and the salt on the soldiers’ shirts faded, that salt of the return of the kottots on the bugs, on the other bank, on that bank, on that run, where we were, and no matter how many of us there were. there are no survivors left to live, the voice of the dead, friends, combatants, after all, after all, after all, we won, after all, after all, after all, we won, from the capital. show field
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of miracles from channel one on may 9, gifts from the second three players to the studio, the impression is certainly great, the atmosphere is super, the mood is just indescribable, well, of course, the question for as a commander was too simple, not knowing what’s on his tablet, but that’s it to myself, therefore. thank you to everyone who supported worried about us, and dear veterans, thank you for the peaceful sky that you gave us, god bless you, and so that for a long time we can see our heroes like you, thank you, there are people who will never ask for themselves , but for others
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to do anything, this is nashan, our son, he has a diagnosis before... the nanny has become his best friend, you can just sit, talk, hug, uh-huh, say that i miss you, i love you, i i want this warmth and homeliness to remain, class, class, it’s like, it’s like, it’s not bark, it’s what this is this thin cut - wood, wow, and it's so thin that light gets through it, this piano is not usable. for restoration, so we are organizing a flower bed here, it will bloom, it will bloom, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, cnop gin, a stellar group product, montechoca cognac, a stellar group product, rum, castra, product.
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we will show sergei's film from einstein, ivan the terrible. we need strong power. to beat the ridges of those who oppose the unity of the russian state. a fundamental picture, it raises questions about the existence of russia. he predicted much of what is happening to russia today. bayara is in a situation of war, they bastards begin to leave. rises in power, the biography of ivan the terrible, which is published in the west, is a clearly negative figure, terrible, gloomy, europe does not recognize him, he will be strong, they do not recognize him, a big game, a special issue, now for the first time, the grand duke of moscow crown, the tsar of all russia on
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the film ivan the terrible also lays claim to itself. and again on air the capital show field of miracles, a holiday program, we dedicate it to may 9, guys, happy holiday, happy holiday, happy holiday. third troika, soren bady, city of kizyl, shamil ramazanov, republic of dagestan, village of tsumelukh. isai impudent rustamov, novocherkask city. here is the task for the third round. in the old days, a piece of military ammunition in the form of a carriage with hanging accessories for
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loading a gun was called a berindian. cartridges, a bag for bullets, a supply of ammunition and something else were attached to it. what? 800 points on the reel, any letter, name any. open the letter a, tell me, lieutenant colonel, why you received the order of courage, the order of courage during the assault on the city of ovdeevka , he directly led the assault by units of his brigade. akalarym, dummalarym, daylarym, zhanaslazhlarym, esterim, kelinerim, my toast.
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klerotinsky district and dagestan, vysokogorny district, tell me, this is a uniform, what does it mean, where do you serve? leanaevich, i came to you for the program to represent the marine corps of the russian navy, since my school
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years i dreamed of becoming a marine, so after graduating from school i entered military service and at the first opportunity signed contract with the ministry of defense of the russian federation as part of the landing of the noisy battalion of the legendary 810th separate guards brigade of the order of zhukov and ushakov. i send greetings to all military sailors, all marines, all fleets and flotillas. comrades, remember, our cause is just, victory will be ours, where we are, there is victory. 600 points on the reel, letter. letter i, open, on behalf of all personnel of the navy, as well as on behalf of all marines. allow me to donate gifts to the museum of your program, gifts in the studio. you know what i want to tell you, i accept gifts, the only
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thing i won’t do is i won’t wear a beret, not even a hat, i don’t have the right, you know, yes, thank you very much, this is a round of applause for you, the entire marine corps, the legendary marine corps , 600 points for... here is someone who will help us, here is a man standing, as rufet is translated, the name rufet, as it is translated, rufet is translated as strong, strong, yes, in what troops, electronic warfare radio, yeah, what is the cross for? , awarded the george cross, in general i represent the 150th motorized rifle, the legendary idret-berlin order. kutuzov's division, the rap battalion, covered our units during assault operations, suppressed two enemy aircraft-type uavs and four and
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four enemy tpv drones, for this he was awarded the georgiech cross, a gift to the studio. leonid arkadyevich, this is exclusive for you, an enemy enemy drone, the russian battalion of the 150th motorized rifle division landed by eagles, the guys asked for it. so that i bring this exposition intact for you and hand it over to you, i would like to congratulate our dear veterans and military personnel on on victory day, wish from the bottom of your heart good health and long life in the plus sector on the drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one? let's go to the first one, open the first letter, i wanted to say hello to dad and mom.
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i’m doing well, i’ll see you soon, i also wanted to convey to all my friends and acquaintances, my beloved and hometown of novocherkassk, as well as the command of the 150th motorized rifle division for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a program, making my childhood dream come true , here goes on to all military personnel...
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socha, hi, dad will arrive soon, i love you, listen, do you remember the task, do you remember the task, what are we solving at least, of course, we were a berendike, there was a bullet hanging on it, and something else, i don’t remember further , already a bullet, but we will guess, a thousand points on the reel, a letter, a thousand points on the reel, the letter o, open, open, let's count. one thousand, two, three, 3.00 points in one move, that means what was in it, in the bag, you remember what i said, bullet, bullet, i only remembered the bullet, 350, 350 points, letter, letter n, n, nikolai , open.
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name a word, 5 seconds to think, or a drum, the hall does not have such a function, but the help of the hall, i want to remind you of the task about the bullet, in the old days a piece of military ammunition in the form of a carrier with hanging accessories for loading a gun was called a berindian. cartridges, a bag for bullets, a supply of loops and something else were attached to it, 450 points, a cartridge, a fuse, what else, i just didn’t remember, cartridges, a bag for bullets, a supply of fuse and something else so that you.. 450 points letter r
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open three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes in studio, leonid arkadyevich, i know the word, but i’m a letter, guess, the whole hall is rooting for you, come on, open, letter in wait, wait, it will stop now, firstly, people applaud, let people have fun, well, so i believe, 450 points, letter v, v, victor, that’s right, open it, we’ll score points, or just say the word, your right, let’s score points, go ahead. well, well, will you return home or
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back, no, no, i came to you from a special military operation zone and after the transfer i’m going back there, it’s simple such a short break, a business trip, well, you can call it that, god grant you, gave me the opportunity to 750 points on the reel, letter x, open, powder flask. and before us is the third finalist. capital shaw field chenes. who forgot to say anything, i came here, not alone, seven people came, my family came to hold me, my wife is sitting in the hall, diana, and where she is, then
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my son is sitting, allash and daughter allantos, allash, come. flowers, well, there were no flowers , take the flowers, flowers, flowers, i don’t have any flowers, thank you, you can, yes, i’ll give you them.
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tell me, you're asking me, not even i know, congratulate everyone on may 9, congratulations to everyone come on, tell me the poem, that poem from may 9, and i want to tell you, and i want to tell you the poem, well, come on, leonid arkhadevich, leonid arka, our good leonid arkadevich, a field of miracles it's driving wonderfully, it's evening. the hoop is coming, now the evening of the hoop is coming, people gather at the screens, he conducts his business very brightly, everyone feels hot in their souls, he starts the show with excitement, offers the participants a game, for babies,
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oh, arkadyevich, lenya, so, it was dad who did everything by the way, that's not all. will bring more goodness and peace. and also a group of russian song ensemble yarila came here to support me
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, the orphan was crying on stage. reap the glory of the battle, weep the glory of the battle, the class of the poet of the path, like the poet of hell along the wide road, say limelas, like a bean's crumb, napicenavata smilova, vyhay bilachika. the colonel walks around, walks and walks, here is
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the order, reads everything, reads the orders, the guy floats, why. and you are braids, why are you, and you are young, have fat, have cables, a day of victory, and a night for ragule, a day of victory, and but the rauls began, they began, oh, yes on the clock, and we started, oh, yes on the clock.
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field, across an open field, across an open field, across an open field, gifts from the studio, i brought a small present from my small homeland, here is a set of teas, it turns out, tea - made from sagandal. local tuvan chocolate, well, our local tincture is made from deer antler, then it comes from
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the servicemen of the pit brigade, we call ourselves black leopards, we brought you our brigade’s little president, badges, chevrons, a black leopard flag, a pen, an emblem and a notebook you, further, allow me to ask you to raise a toast to those servicemen guys, to those... i don’t know what is supposed to be, what’s not supposed to be, but for all times, from here to eternity, the third toast is a holy toast, to those who i didn’t get there, who gave their life so that today we could stand here and congratulate each other on the great holiday, bright memories, heroic people, for the rest of our lives, everyone will remember.
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name, thanks to everyone, hereditary aristocrat and the best employee of the english intelligence services, head of the special department for military activity soviet intelligence officers on british territory, he possessed of course. years of separation from children after a forced escape and one main meeting of a lifetime,
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given by moscow. i want to marry you. filming from the personal archive is the true story of an outstanding intelligence officer. tim philby - secret war. on sunday on the first. burbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group. snop is a product of stellar group. montechoca cognac. product of stellar group. rom kastra is a product of stellar group. well hello, what happened? samoletnyevich, american reconnaissance officer over
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our territory. congratulations, valen. great photos, very valuable information. you understand that it is a shame on such a day as may 1 and admit your own helplessness. i even envy you a little, guy. you will go down in history as the first air defense system to fly over the soviets from south to north. powerless against some spy? learn to shoot down immediately, flights must be suspended, the situation cannot be escalated, the likelihood that the plane will be shot down is negligible, rammed at such an altitude, this is certain death, if you were in the pilot’s place, what would you do? i'm half two today, i'm ready for the gift!
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according to the order of the minister of defense of the union of soviet socialist republics in 1969, a soldier's bag was packed with a raincoat, food supplies, some other necessary things, riflemen and machine gunners. besides everything else, they put a case in the whole bag seven 400 points letter letter and open the automatic arrows, which means in all likelihood the sixty-ninth is good what else is needed to keep it normal condition akm e 550 points letter letter n m from
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a n nikolay, open it for me anyway, there was something else specifically for shooters and machine gunners. plus sector on the reel. which letter should you open? second. open the second letter. like this? wait, wait, a second, i can only close the second letter. the first one. open the first one. this is what is being done? no, i passed. 750 points. letter r. which one? r. comrade captain. let's somehow get out of this deadlock, the situation is complicated, how complicated, you have personal weapons, naturally, not just one, but like this, here, here, now remember, 450 points, letter, letter k, open, you just
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struck me to the heart, i don’t understand what you ’re thinking and why you don’t say the word, i'm thinking about the number of points. and another thing, 450 points, letter, since i serve in the twenty-seventh scientific center of chemical defense, i did not say hello to our valiant third department and, accordingly , the leaders of our organization, these are maxim petrovich and viktor alexandrovich, letter c, open, well, 350 points, letter, no, 550 l. leonid, open up, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, you will spin two boxes in the studio, yes, yes, but no matter what, that’s a shameful one, choose, give yourself a gift for not doing it, but
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forgive me, i’m looking for a junior lieutenant i didn't notice, what scale are you? opened, this is it, and what’s there, oh, guessed right, didn’t see it, you’re lucky, the letter yo, e, you have the letter e, what do you want from me, the word oil can, i forgot, tell me the letter, open , and before us is a winner, a winner,
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we’ll go to the sea, we won’t go, well, that means we’ll go to sea, sasha, that means, vacation at sea, what else is a tv, as far as i remember, what’s a smartphone, we’re going to the sea with a tv and a smartphone, well, my mother-in-law doesn’t ask me if i come without a chainsaw, olga alexandrovna, a huge hello to you , now if leonid argativich gives the go-ahead, i will definitely come.
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i don’t understand, i just see in your eyes that after consulting with your wife, you decided to play a super game, well, love is not at stake, so these are just the little things in life, so we play - well, you know what, i’m a little i’ll break the tradition, today we have a big holiday, so i, after consulting with the management, personally decided, we will have one super prize today, this car, it’s accepted, yes, a super game, so if you guess this word, you will receive the keys to it car, in the old days, chain mail saved fighters from being struck by a weapon; under it, to
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absorb these blows, warriors wore either cotton or quilted clothing, as such clothing was called, here, yes, in fact, what i think, i allow you to reveal. any four at all, of course, but for the sake of the holiday five letters, if there are any, they will be opened, i got them wrong three times while i was counting the letters, probably, let’s give the first one, no, no, let’s not open it, then immediately the second one, everyone else, yes, name any five letters, oh, oh, k, k, n, n, nikolai, yes. yes, and p, p, but that’s four, one more, e, e, open the letters if they exist,
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that’s all, i’m ready to give you a minute to think, would you like it? yes, a minute has passed. you can stop time at any convenient second or think for a whole minute, please, let's try, underarmor, what what underarmor, let's do this, lera, i'll go down, and if there is such a word. you open it, this one, this one, as you said the word, underarmor, uh-huh, well, well,
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go, open it. winner! bye! great holiday, great day! i ask that all those who have given us the honor of coming here from the war zone to come out here to the studio to celebrate with us! to the studio, guys to the studio! we raise
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this glass to everyone, regardless of their rank, shoulder straps, we raise this glass to the soldiers of a great country in which we have never the sun is setting. happiness has entered every home again, we cannot forget this spring day, victories, victories! people pouring out in the streets, victory, victory, we all went through flames and smoke, to the dead, glory
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and glory to the living, victory, victory, we led, we knew, to win, that land that was saved in battles, there is no light, dearer and better , light a cigarette , soldiers, listen to how it rings over the world, silence, you can’t forget. victory, victory, we all went through the fiery, the lost, glory and glory and victory, victory, we believed, we knew, we would win. checked every day
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the war has always resonated with friends, but today they are with us, front-line heroes named after, victory, victory. victory, victory, we all passed through the flames of elim, to the dead, glory to the living. victory, victory, we believed, we knew, win, victory, victory, we believed, we knew.
9:00 pm
hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. the first step towards a new government, vladimir putin appointed mikhail mishustin as head of the cabinet of ministers, after the state duma approved the candidacy.


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