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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. the first step towards a new government, vladimir putin appointed mikhail mishustin as head of the cabinet of ministers, after the state duma approved the candidacy.
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went under water in a matter of minutes in st. petersburg, a passenger bus broke through a bridge fence, fell into a car wash, there were dead. the arsenals of ukrainian militants, a fuel depot and the bases of foreign mercenaries were hit, according to defense reports for the week. and our report from the front line about the work of operators drones, some of whom are women. general approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis and development. the consequences of abnormal cold weather for the crop, we figure out what to do with the odovod and how they will save crops on large farms. armor for the front and new welding technology, a feat of metallurgists during the great patriotic war, is the science of winning in our special project. the main political
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event of the day, vladimir putin appointed mikhail mishustin as chairman of the government. the decree was signed 3 hours ago, shortly after the candidacy was approved by the state duma. and before that, the president met with mikhail mishustin in the kremlin. quite recently, we met with colleagues and assessed the work of the government over previous years; a lot has been done in difficult conditions, and it seems to me.
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well, i want to assure you that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all national goals that were previously 204 and 474 in the decree, we will do everything to develop our economy, in order to justify the trust of our people, i am sure that under your leadership we will solve all the tasks that have been set, well, you and i , together with our colleagues from the government... formulated national development goals, this is of course the main thing that we should strive to achieve these goals in all areas, and as the practice of recent years shows, in general, in general, we are able to achieve the results that the country needs, in today’s difficult conditions, of course, we need to get together and we need to organize the work exactly. as we agreed at
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the meeting with the government after the meeting, to work without pauses, there is, thank you, from the kremlin mikhail mishustin went to okhotny ryad, there took place... these are the key priorities and, of course, a large-scale program of socio-economic development, which you and i, dear deputies, have to implement together, of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with
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regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations, associations ready to engage in creative activities for the benefit of the country of our citizens. first priority. on which all others essentially depend is the development and strengthening of our economy. it is necessary to develop a new model of economic growth, as the head of state recently spoke about at a meeting with big business. how do we plan to act? first of all, through the further formation of the supply economy, creating conditions for the opening of new enterprises. the volume of industrial production will need to be increased by tens of percent. well, for this they will require.
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production of products and services that have no analogues in russia, here it is necessary to implement systemic measures to support a wide range of products, create a full cycle of our own production of complex goods from scientific research design work, research to mass production, using and expanding all developed mechanisms by introducing new ones including within the framework of the cluster investment platform a... industrial development fund, industrial mortgages, corresponding subsidies for neo-development, two most important areas that need to be addressed work, improving the standard of living of people, so that even in small towns and villages they receive good and high-quality treatment, education, services, as well as support for families with children, in our country there are about 24.5 million families, where
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30 million children are growing up, and for us, of course, the most important thing is their well-being; a comprehensive... system of state support has been created, starting with a woman’s pregnancy and the birth of a child until he reaches 17 years of age. by increasing targeting, paying special attention, of course, to large families, we will launch a new national family project, in which the most popular existing mechanisms will be preserved, and above all, proven effectiveness of maternity capital. about 3 trillion rubles have already been allocated in the federal budget for all these measures. for parents. the housing issue is of significant importance; on the instructions of the president, we will continue the program of issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families at the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able
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to receive the required 450,000 rubles. for repayment of the housing loan accordingly. in the next 6 years , the poverty rate in our country must be reduced, people's incomes must increase. the government will strengthen... the targeting of all support measures, and of course, the main tool will be employment development, increased labor market flexibility and, very importantly, wage growth . on behalf of the head of state , it is necessary to form a new model of payment for public sector employees, first in pilot regions, and then scale it to the whole country, doctors, teachers, and other employees of the social sphere, medicine, and education.
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we will continue to provide them with everything they need, equipment, weapons, protective equipment, sets of medical equipment, military equipment, help with social issues for fighters and their families,
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constructive interaction, we have developed together in the russian federation , we have implemented a whole set of party projects, this is the formation a comfortable urban environment, social taxation, modernization of primary health care, we must proceed from the fact that the chairman of the government has done everything.
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we see that the presidential decree of may 7 on the strategic development of our country requires new approaches, in this regard we expect, including changes in the structure of the government. the state duma approved mikhail mishustin as chairman of the government of the russian federation, 375 deputies voted in favor. dear colleagues, let’s congratulate mikhail vladimirovich mishustin on his confirmation to the post of chairman of the russian government. the federation would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of prime minister
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russian federation. today, first of all, you supported the president’s decision and expressed your readiness to act to fulfill the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, among other things, under my leadership. after the appointment, the head of government will present his first deputies and ministers to the state duma. deputies will consider candidates using a procedure similar to reports. only instead of reports they hear the work plan, how the candidate for the post will solve the problems facing the ministry. already in in the coming days there will be an understanding of what the new government will become. by the way, it may include ministers in charge of new areas. many parliamentarians are confident that the country needs a minister of demography. olga knyazeva, boris leonov, olga mirkulova and kirillo loginov. first channel. and today , chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko sent vladimir putin a list of candidates for the post of head of the accounts chamber. according to the constitution, there are three candidates. this is anatoly artamonov, head of the upper house of parliament committee on budget and financial markets, galina izotova,
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acting chairman of the accounts chamber and boris kovalchuk, deputy head of the administration's control department. president, the head of state will choose one candidate and send a proposal to the federation council, the final decision rests with the senators. tragedy in st. petersburg. a passenger bus rammed cars, broke through the fence of the kissing bridge and crashed into the moika river. then in a matter of minutes he went under water. there are dead and injured. by on behalf of the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin. the criminal case is under the control of the central apparatus of the department, the driver, who remained unharmed already for... laughed and interrogated as a suspect, lyubov filippova was transferred from the scene of the emergency, my wife and i were holding hands, and i lost her in the battle, it was dark, then there is a sharp light, and they pull me out. alexander tveritny was saved by guys from dagestan who were passing by at the time of the emergency. there is video from surveillance cameras. here's a bus, it drifts off the roadway onto the sidewalk, then it drives out onto the sidewalk again.
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the road collides with two cars, and then, breaking through the cast-iron fence of the bridge, falls into the water. the bus flew into the river, it's terrible. idris gadzhiev and shakhban dzhabrailov were on their way to prayer at the mosque, they say there was no time to think, they parked the car in the water, throw something metal, carefully, carefully, tugged, swam to the bus, tried to rip off the hatch, i succeeded, and more others stepped up, the friends who were with me, we thought that there would be an opportunity to help people somehow, that is, everything, as it were, and what else could there be thoughts in this situation, thank you very much guys.
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according to the latest data, three people died, six were hospitalized, two are in serious condition, four...
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according to the ministry of emergency situations , almost 70 people and 18 pieces of equipment took part in the search and rescue operation. today at 13:05 in st. petersburg, the duty department received a request that bus 262 was in the water. here in the distance stands one of the cars that has just been evacuated from the intersection, you can see that the bumper is very damaged, the bus crashed into it, driving into oncoming traffic. a representative of the carrier company claims that the bus was fully operational before leaving for the flight, and the accident occurred when the driver was in his fifth hour of shift. the driver passed a medical examination in the morning, the bus passed a state technical inspection on may 7, all passengers are insured and will receive the necessary compensation. it is also known that the carrier company that owns the bus had problems with its license, for which the owners have already been held accountable and fines totaling 400,000 rubles have been issued. a
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photo heroes who rescued passengers from the icy water appeared on social networks, they are already... recognized on the street, my daughter watches this news all day, when we were leaving just now, i didn’t recognize it, she was the one who held me back, she said: mom, these are these heroes, this they are a lifesaver, thank you very much, by the way, shahban dzhabrailov has a wedding the day after tomorrow, the main thing is not to get sick, i drink tea with honey, warm words of gratitude that are now coming to them from many people, lyubov filippova, vladimir smirnov, denis toroschinov, yulia khudorova , ksenia ugarova, alena germanova, channel one st. petersburg. and as the investigative committee has just reported, the number of deaths as a result of the fall of the diversion bus has increased to seven people. now a special operation. the results of the combat work for the week were summed up by the ministry of defense. the russian army liberated the villages of katlerovka and kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinovo in the dpr. more profitable positions are occupied in other areas. the enemy lost almost
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6,500 people killed and wounded. two abrams tanks were added to the list of damaged equipment three leopards, bradley and marder infantry fighting vehicles, a czech vampire rocket system and 11 american m-777 galbits. a ukrainian air force s27 fighter was shot down. our defense department also reported a series of attacks on enemy military rear areas. from may 5 to may 10, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy and industrial facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 27 group strikes with high-precision long-range sea-launched weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic missiles dagger by unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects of the energy industry, enterprises: the industrial complex and railway infrastructure of ukraine were hit, in addition, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel bases, workshops for the production and
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repair of unmanned boats of unmanned aerial vehicles, temporary deployment points on formation foreign mercenaries, as well as accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine at railway loading stations about work units of the military group south in donetsk at... control. the story that our military correspondent gusein huseynov will tell is almost fabulous. beauty versus the beast. the drone operator, a fragile blonde with the call sign gadget, will tell you how to defeat baba yaga. and about how the terminator helps our fighters. this will also be covered in the report. when onna takes off these cables, that is, they constantly dangle, like baba yaga’s.
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after my husband went to military service, we went to the military registration and enlistment office, i didn’t leave for an hour
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the military registration and enlistment office, because she said that take me to the military military district, i want to take a direct part, because i can do a lot, that is, i can be of more use here, after much persuasion, she was nevertheless signed up as a volunteer, she and her husband are in different units and they practically don’t see each other, their son and other relatives are waiting at home. waiting and proud. in the dugout, the nut has a separate room, a mirror, soft toys and paintings on the wall. this is where all the differences from men end. colleagues, of course, take care of their beauty, but this does not affect combat work in any way. i fulfill my job responsibilities to the fullest extent, no less than others. this group of uav operators is part of the tenth tank regiment of the southern group of forces. they correct the operation of combat vehicles, including such as the terminator. here is footage of combat work, which was filmed by the military themselves: a battle in one of the settlements in the donetsk direction. while the tanks get as close to the enemy as possible,
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the terminator covers them with its fire. without allowing the enemy to raise his head, the crew conducts continuous fire. shells a thirty-millimeter cannon smashes tree trunks into splinters. the terminator is equipped with serious weapons. two grenade launchers automatically. it works, we cover them from infantry, from, so to speak, anti-tank gun crews, rpg crews, and so on. the appearance of a terminator on the battlefield always seriously complicates the life of the enemy; these frames show how, during work , a shell lands next to the vehicle, enemy artillery hits, and they try to destroy it. there are a lot of traces on the car from enemy drone attacks, for example, this hole was pierced by a cumulative projectile, it has already been sealed, there are several more
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holes on this hatch, basically a terminator. something of its own, a complete package of shells from a combat vehicle, hail, flew towards the enemy, they are working on the left flank of the chasovsky direction, a powerful fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces is concentrated there. with the arrival of spring and the appearance of greenery, the enemy became much more active, the military says, and accordingly there was more work. we work on the accumulation of manpower, equipment, lightly armored, not armored, that is, since we work on... on
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for squares, what is important for us is the accumulation, the accumulation of what is of secondary importance. one of the main tasks of rocket artillery is to support the offensive of our attack aircraft, who these days are actively advancing in many sectors of the front line. usein huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and larisa nikitina. channel one donetsk people's republic. particularly distinguished fighters of the first army corps of the southern group were awarded. everything was done in a military way, simply and strictly close to the front line. immediately after the ceremony, the servicemen returned to their positions and continued to carry out combat missions. the great european trip of the chinese leader xijenping has ended. france, serbia and
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hungary. it is noteworthy that two countries. which the chairman of the people's republic of china chose for his visit, methodically confidently defend a policy of polarity, independent of american pressure, fair economic integration and resolving controversial issues through negotiations, and not bombs and sanctions, as washington usually does, involving the european union in this. what was agreed upon in budapest, viktor orban and sidin pin, who puts the policy of common sense at the forefront, is known to our correspondent, pavel krosnov. the meeting ceremony, arranged in budapest, is somewhere in a trap. in berlin, paris or the capital of the european union in brussels could well be regarded as a mocking message addressed to them. on the way to the presidential palace, the column in which the limousine of the head of the people's republic of china was traveling was led by hungarian hussars on horseback. and this innocent detail, whether by chance or not, echoed the opinion of those politicians in the west who call hungary a trojan horse china in europe. and it seems that in budapest they no longer argue with this, especially since in practice this just means having
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common sense. and it is no coincidence that the leader of china ends his european tour with a visit to hungary, thereby openly showing that the opinion of budapest and beijing is much clearer and closer than the position of western europe. in the european union, hungary and its leader viktor orban play the role of the bad guy, the eternal opponent of the bureaucrats from brussels, no matter what we are talking about in the reception of migrants, the promotion of non-traditional values ​​or relations with moscow. budapest is clearly not as enthusiastic about anti-russian sanctions as it is about supplying western goods to kiev. he already openly names the expansion of nato as the cause of the conflict, thanks to which he acquired another unofficial title of the main pro-russian voice within the western alliance. the voice of hungary is a lonely voice in europe. europe is now in favor of war. the only exception is hungary, which is calling for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks. we support all international efforts aimed at
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achieving peace, in particular peaceful. world, and we support hungary in its desire to play a more active role in the eu and contribute to greater progress in relations between china and the european union. but there are also trade disputes. in paris, the eu threatens china with anti-dumping measures for the supply of cheap electric vehicles and sizemping goes to hungary, where, on the contrary, they are going to build a chinese automobile plant, and this
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is no longer a hint, but a demonstration.
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the order of friendship was presented to moldovan mp marina tauber on behalf of vladimir putin chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. according to him , tauber has done a lot for bilateral relations, to strengthen ties between our countries. it’s not easy for everyone who advocates cooperation with russia in moldova right now. opposition politicians and ordinary citizens are openly persecuted by official chisinau at the instigation of the west. using marina as an example , we can say that there are deputies who...
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the cyclone from the arctic continues to test the strength of the gardens and vegetable gardens of the residents of central russia, which it hit, and how experts say that the whole danger lies not in the fact that it brought cold temperatures from the snow, but in the duration of the impact of these frosts on the plantings. will we have apples and pears this year that have already blossomed and then become covered with snow? - our correspondent, alexander lyakin, found out. the flowers were not damaged at all; they stand like soldiers on parade. fruit and berry bushes and trees are, of course, under great threat. natalya nazarova does not know what to grab onto, whether to cover the currants, or to save the gooseberry garden that is already blooming. i remember that in childhood my parents saved themselves from
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frost by lighting fires in different parts of the garden, but maybe i’ll have to resort to this method of protection, i don’t know how well it works. this is what such protection looks like: neighbors in belarus, where frosts are also burning. fires to warm potatoes and strawberries at night, everything is in fires, everything is in smoke, i hope that we will save, there were cases when snow fell in may and even in june, but this happened for a very short time, literally within one or two days, here it's been so cold for over a week now, bird cherry cold, that’s what people call them, the fact is that the tree grows everywhere and blooms for a very long time, more than two weeks, almost always the bird cherry blossoms for... in the vladimir region, in the yaroslavl region, in the moscow region, it’s the same. lyudmila rogova from the moscow region
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managed to hide tomatoes in a greenhouse. her bees were still in the hives; they flew to the apple blossoms, but changed their minds. according to lyudmila, they are no longer expecting apples this year. a young tree, yes, only 2 years old, this tree will certainly not be harmed, overseas. but not is afraid of a tree, the tree that is already blooming will suffer, that is, there will be no fruit. in moscow, in kolomenskoye park, under the snow are the oldest apple orchards, which were laid out in the 17th century. there are several thousand trees here. as in garden farms, the frost hit them at the peak of flowering. this means that the fruit harvest this year will be smaller than usual. grain crops in the middle zone and throughout the black earth region may also suffer. an emergency situation was even declared in the voronezh, lipetsk and tambov regions. april turned out to be warm and the crops quickly began to gain strength. now corn and wheat are at risk from low temperatures. for them, it is not the very fact of frosts that is destructive, but their duration. the extent of the damage can be assessed a week after the end of the cold weather. but, according to the ministry of agriculture, the plants that died from frost
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will be reseeded, and the surviving ones will receive additional feeding. there are all the resources for this. by the way, weather forecasters say that, according to their observations, may frosts do not harm the harvest as much as drought. here in 2017, when there was a similar situation on european territory, from the eighth to the twelfth there was also sleet and rain, and even temporary snow cover of up to 1 cm. on may 11-12 there was here. in the moscow region, but - in the seventeenth year, we had, if we talk about the harvest, a record harvest of grains, the harvest, like chickens, we will count in the fall, now i would like to know when these may snowstorms will end and it will become warm, not earlier than four, friday, saturday, next week, that is, the seventeenth of the eighteenth, i’m very confident that we will still be at least +15° during the day, that is , real warmth will be at least a week away. but the good news is that such frosts as there were
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these days are no longer expected. alexander lyakin, natalya litovka, alexey kozlov, channel one. now about the immortal regiment campaign in different countries. images from rome. there , people with portraits of veteran home front workers gathered in the square near the church of santa maria and maggiore. in cyprus, 3,000 people took part in the procession, they walked along the embankment, stretching out a giant banner: russian flag, st. george ribbon and copies of the victory banner. the immortal regiment took place in syria in several cities of damascus, aleppo and ihama. and it’s time for our special project for victory day about the contribution of scientists to the defeat of the nazis. the science of winning. armor for the front. without it, it was impossible to produce tanks and other equipment so necessary for the red army, but in the summer of '41, some factories were occupied, others had not yet been evacuated to the rear. and give a specialist for solving the problem. with the help of which the germans
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were thrown back from moscow and driven all the way to berlin. on the one hand, it must be strong, on
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the other hand, if we take an ordinary grade of steel and simply roll its thickness, a projectile hits it, the crystal lattice of ordinary steel is such that we will have a million-dollar explosion of fragments, and not a fascist projectile, but fragments our own tank is destroying our crew, so the armor on the one hand must be strong, on the other hand it must have impact strength, that is, the energy of the projectile can be extinguished; by the beginning of the war , armor production technology was still in its infancy... for the first time in the history of world metallurgy, armor was welded in a heavy-duty open-hearth furnace, that is, a lot at once and, most importantly , of high quality. weld, it was still necessary to skate the rental.


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