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tv   Odinnadtsat molchalivikh muzhchin  1TV  May 10, 2024 9:40pm-12:01am MSK

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strong, on the other hand, if we take an ordinary grade of steel and simply roll it thicker, a projectile hits it, the crystal lattice of ordinary steel is such that we will have a million-dollar explosion of fragments, and not a fascist shell, but fragments of our own tank will kill our crew, therefore, the armor, on the one hand, must be strong, on the other hand, it must have impact toughness, that is , the energy of the projectile can be extinguished; by the beginning of the war , armor production technology was still being developed; special steel could be cooked only in a few years... and in the summer of '41 it turned out there was simply no place for it, some of the enterprises were captured, some were just moving to the rear, but the director of the magnitogorsk plant , grigory nosov, made a decision, we will try, they say, one of the engineers on duty literally ran to nosov in the middle of the night and said: “it worked.” for the first time in the history of world metallurgy, armor was welded in a heavy-duty open-hearth furnace, that is , there was a lot at once and, most importantly, high quality, but it was not enough to weld, the rolled stock still had to be rolled out.
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just sets that very structure, makes the armor not only durable, but plastic, but again, the plant does not have the necessary equipment, deputy chief mechanic nikolai ryzhenko proposes rolling steel on a blooming unit that is completely not intended for this, at the plant it is needed for intermediate processing of the workpiece under pressure, the result is steel bars, but not sheets, against ryzhenko’s idea , literally half of the plant, it was a risk, here in the magnetic field the fate of the war was largely decided, because if... blooming was shut down, then there would be nothing to roll on at all, no metal at all, and it would be just a disaster. the blooming is urgently being finalized and they are trying to roll metal. according to recollections, the director of the plant then watched the process, holding a pistol with one cartridge in his pocket, but it happened again. the steel was not only rolled, but it was done with millimeter precision. the country received the armor a month and a half ahead of schedule. already in november 1941 , the gates of the tank city opened and the first people left. tanks made of metal from the magnitogorsk
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iron and steel works, heavy kvs, is and also the legendary t-34, and the famous medium the tank would not be like this if it were not for metallurgists and metallurgists. the t-34 is not only a fast, reliable, but also a fairly protected tank. thanks to the work of local metallurgists who cast the towers, they turned out to be quite projectile-resistant due to their shape and, importantly, high-quality armor. there is a well-known case when... a flying projectile could go tangent or upward or sideways. this technology for creating a tower was developed by the director of leningradsky-48, andrei zavyalov, together with his colleagues. his entire life was spent top secret. but this particular person made a real revolution in the domestic metallurgy. back in the thirties, the scientist began to research new types of steel; in fact, the best armor in the world for tanks and ships of that time is his merit. thanks to casting, it was possible to speed up the process of creating tanks several times.
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welding installations, and the metallurgical enterprises of the urals and siberia switched to the production of special steel, because armor, as it turned out, was needed not only on the ground, well, you can hear it here, but the sound is so dull , here, you can see from the sound, here maximum armor thickness, this aircraft is also called the il2 flying tank, the most popular attack aircraft. great patriotic war, and the most
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protected. it was not forged, rolled armor, it was flying armor, that is, these are the achievements of our metallurgists, which made it possible to create an armored body cast immediately in the shape of the fuselage. that’s why, of course, the plane had such good characteristics. they made a lot of armor needed for the front. all over the country, factories exceeded the plan, for example, the same magnet. was here then one of the peaks of mount magnitnaya, where they mined and lived.
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i am a monument to you, not a man-made hoist, the people’s path to it will not be overgrown, he raised everything higher with the head of the rebellious alexandrian pillar, the yashka is a fool, a pillar, a path, a pillar, as you say, kuzma vasilyevich, no? all of me will not die, my soul is in the treasured lyre, my lie will survive, it will not be avoided by mowing down, i’ll pay for 2 days, for today it’s like two, okay, we’ll do it, vasilivich, at least one, come on, sit down,
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evenly, well, come on, well, what did you write? what, what a puchkin, repaint it, damn it russians, it won’t ruin the whole holiday, but tom, los, aufstehen.
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welcome to the house-museum of the great russian poet. alexander sergeevich pushkin. bread salt, old russian tradition.
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i am very glad that so many people here have realized the power of culture. it lies not only with russians, it is part of world culture. pushkin understood that
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the aritsa names carry important gesture cultures and are supported by all peoples.
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my kalinka, believe me, raspberry, raspberry, mana.
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that germany brings them enlightenment and culture. sorry, but the level of our propaganda is i don't like it at all. an ugly philological construction. we are the nation that gave the world schiller. iget, we look like clinical idiots in these lines. fral
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schiller allows himself to discuss with the fuhrer. the only thing they understand here is the noose and the bullet. unfortunately, they do not understand another language. if i may give you one piece of advice, we shouldn’t delve into this topic, although you, of course, are absolutely right, the enemy should never be underestimated, and not only at the front, so do it.
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here, there are a lot of exhibits, preserved, there are especially valuable ones, for example, cue, billiard. and the balls, alexander sergeevich held in his hands, did not disdain the game, and after home all day, alone in calculations, with a blunt cue, armed, for the ball, he plays from the very morning, and where am i... pushkin’s death mask, here, of course well, we take care of it like the apple of our eye,
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we take care of it very much, here it is, our main exhibit, yes, we came here and took many photographs, please take a mask, it will be a wonderful shot, i ask you, please, thank you, yes.
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the great russian poet in the hands of the german women please. dear doctors, an astronaut on the iss has a heart attack, and to save him, we need one of you, but i’ll tell you right away, this is a very dangerous mission, most likely you will die, perhaps burn out due to overload, so why did you stay, well, he’s attached to my clinic, kvn, major league, new season,
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tomorrow after the program time, course. self-defense for pensioners, we have only scanwords, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, stellar group product, whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac monte chocha, product of stellar group, rum, castro, product of stellor group.
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mistakes, guys, mistakes! touch, comrade, believe, she will come, there will be
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pliant happiness everywhere, russia will wake up from her sleep and...
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family debts? good afternoon, sorry.
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“welcome, here is your room, we have prepared it, settle down, there is no light,
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our electrician was there, we will fix it tomorrow, for sure, our verochka has specially prepared pies with cabbage for you, our national one. for breakfast i'll eat porridge here, cleaning three times a day with bleach, pick it up,
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clean it, iron it, hang it in the closet, okay, i'm a pain, free. collect it, forgive me, lord, the door, me and what, slave, it’s that the barnya has arrived, this is not the barnya, it’s a fascist. ice, wait, don’t be nervous, flash it, some medicine, we’ll survive somehow, you and i have already been through so much.
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let's attach this too, will you cook for her to clean? i’m not, i’m enough, i’m russian, i’m on my own land, people, well then, now, let ’s run to our people, come on, come on, run, come on, quieter, quieter, quieter, i beg you, quieter, i told you that we had to leave, i begged you, i asked that we should have gone with ours right away, when... the germans had not yet arrived, and where would everything be? this was left, there was a pile of treasures, there are souvenirs for the new government, you and i saved the museum, but we saved it, and he must live now, you know, at any cost, save, you don’t understand, this is his house, it’s ours, we need to save, forgive me,
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that’s right, if i were them, i would also prepare, we need to know the situation at the front, at least something, but here, the germans found the receiver and leaflets are ours, and semyon. in the morning
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we hung the little sleepyhead together, which means we don’t have everything on the ground, so trofimov’s sowing has a receiver, you yourself said that it can fix it. why are you silent, i’ll ask around, he ’s a stupid guy, he says, i’m on my own, i’m on my own, i’m on my own, let him go to the aisle, take away the radio, and what if what happens?
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yes, you look like, i’ll shoot it, fagot, a good device, on our roads, yes, try it, the fork just flew, you can’t make a fur coat out of a danka, but we can’t negotiate.
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trofimov, seroga.
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ran away, or what? did you smell? hey, miryukha, why are you here? what are you doing here, sisters? oh, you loser! i warned you, who are you to harass me, and i ’m already an adult, but you’re a fool
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, you stud, women aren’t enough for you, but i stood up for you, love, andryukha, how is it, no, stop this bullshit, we’ll figure it out, you have a receiver, but in order for you to set it up, we need to know how ours is, we desperately need communication, no, andrekh, well, they took the frite, it’s a waste of time, skin. you don’t love your homeland, you, dumas, are negating me for my homeland, i’m already my homeland i took a sip at the dig, when they were crossing the sivage, i thought, my eggs were frostbitten, well, we were in
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rangeli from the crimea, and my brains almost got knocked out, you see, a piece of shrapnel flew in, i kept thinking , no, but how it kicked, and meanwhile my whole family i'll die. the last bread was stolen by the bastards, when the people rebelled, they gassed, i came to you and now i love you, quietly, without rude phrases, you quietly love your woman, it won’t work, i froze my balls, but not completely, andryukh, that you pestered him, it’s good, because of you, mother doesn’t sleep at night, she wanders around, the partisan himself lies down i'm tired of it, come here again, the commandant will write,
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what huh? family, this is who, what do you mean family, who will work, andryukha, come on, get out of here, i’m having a conversation, well, you’re at home, and i’m shell-shocked. everyone, everyone knows, and you to someone else, where am i, where,
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okay, if you don’t want to in an amicable way, listen to the court, a piece of paper was written out for your woman, on onisya, which means an order for labor service, which means, on the basis of an order the head of the commandant's office, that means...
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lorneta is a turtle. crystal ashtray. i pulled out all the storage units, you can’t imagine can you imagine what happened here? certainly.
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today we will remember the poet yulia
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drunina, who would have turned 100 years old on may 10, she read the blog and she was such an exalted young lady, suddenly she’s been at the front for 16 years, well, i think it’s just her heroic nature, she wanted to go to war, here she is i felt that her place was there, i only saw hand-to-hand combat once, once against him and a thousand in a dream, whoever says that it’s not scary in war knows nothing about war, from alexei’s letter. on the head podcast paws today on the first, well
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you're out of your mind, listen, well, i was joking, i had to tell him something, it stuck like a leaf. well, don't worry, lock it back. that means they took fritz, andryukha, you’ll be the first, he’ll put you up against the wall because of radego, because he wanted to turn me in, are you really already,
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now i’ll get the lamp. i’ll break you myself, traitor, as soon as it doesn’t get through to ours and yours , i’ll kill you, i’m leaving before ours anyway, i’ll say that the traitor killed you, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, i ’m telling you, blood, little gray. what's the eye, serenya, serenya, let me see, serenya, serenya, please, how will you love me now with one eye, and you are a fool, fool, fool, you, fool, fool,
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read poetry, okay, excuse me,
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they found a radio and leaflets. why aren't they removed? well, so that we have no reason, no reason, no reason, no reason, what does that mean? this is from the word behavior, yes it teaches us to behave well, only you know, i won’t go with you, you tell him that i, as a museum worker, exclusively. how i have just leaves,
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alles verstanden, bestätige, guten tag, dobry day, frau sheller. “i have to talk to the major, report this urgently, he is unfortunately busy, i warned her, please take the blondie out, go where.”
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jews, subhumans, people without a country, without a sense of homeland. it’s a mistake of nature, should n’t we germans bring culture and enlightenment. do you really think the russians are waiting for this? the russians hate us, they are our enemies, ruthless enemies, the only thing they want is for you and me to no longer be here. by the way, here is a list of the things you grabbed.
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if you love poetry so much, read this.
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rain, come in, it’s all ready, mr. major. pacimoškam, things can’t go on like this.
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maybe where, where are they, and to the camp, where, to the camp, 50 km away, german, do you see? he doesn’t like gypsies, but why love them, it’s high time , he’s gone, well done, you won’t go to the patient, where, what difference does it make to you, they say you’ll go, but for now, at least wait, take the shovels, what’s going on? these are the gypsies being evicted,
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being sent away, and this is our headman, regarding the personnel for him, we will select, we will select, only not right away, the people must be verified, but won’t you send someone?
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may you be damned, bayo bergia.
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i shovel earrings.
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tom, seryoga, there is no yago, let go of the house. i
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said, he’s not there, everything is empty, i’m telling you. no, nothing, not even a needle, if he announces, you’ll come yourself and say, you’ve gotten loose, you ’ve tied it up, he’s a rotten guy, i
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don’t think i’ll be envious of his fate. come on, naks, why is this, why wear it? look at it, it’s beautiful, beautiful, just like that, now go away, beautiful, beautiful. ich liebe
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und respekture das deutsche volk. i never would have thought that i would have to utter these words, the respect would have come so much more, but i’m old enough to learn languages, it’s all out of my head, you made the porridge, made it so that she doesn’t choke, tell the big ones didn’t give it away, she... looks at me like a leader, get used to it, get used to it, we are
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now second class to them, we’ve lived, we’ve lived, from a research assistant to a maid. yes, they burn our children in ovens, in concentration camps, i cook porridge for them, i can’t, forgive me, forgive me, i can’t, lord, why should i do this, please, i’m sorry, i couldn’t, i’m sorry, life didn’t work out, what are you, i’m sorry,
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i wanted the best. my dear, no one needs me now, my dear, forgive me, my love.
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go to the museum, that kontipov’s museum, they say they need an electrician, you don’t show her there, you’re afraid, but in the meantime i’ll talk to andryukha.
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well, where did you give the earring and order it to be worn, take it off, but i’m doing this just for you? this is truly a new generation aircraft; for the first time among the family of medium-range aircraft, a composite wing has been used; the volume of composites in this aircraft is about 40%. almost the entire country is working on the ms-21 project, deliveries are carried out to 17 regions
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of russia, how does your test complex compare favorably with other similar ones? we have equipment that only we have in russia; we test the material for toxicity and how harmful it is. the self-rescuing system is an additional chance to save your life, this is something that you can use when all other escape routes are unavailable, all these components, well , except for the cable, we produce here ourselves and are proud of it, our everything.
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and the heart beats in ecstasy, and for it the deity, inspiration, and life, tears, and love have risen again, well, that’s okay. half, we’ll figure it out, there are still not enough keys, well, someone did the same, the door is open there. what are you doing here, and this man wants to work for us, do you know him? yes, of course, this is, this is sergey, trofimov, everyone knows him, this is our grandmaster, maybe everything,
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the light in my volume is not working, you can fix it, yes, field work, field work, it’s like, it’s easy, no, easy - what is your education? folks, how is this?
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well, the parish church, i didn’t finish it, then the revolution. war, shell shock, no, your brains are in place, and literate, you know how to read, write, well, i know how to put the letters there, here ’s a pin, thank you. no, you cannot work as an electrician, well, what is it, this requires special knowledge, there are corresponding instructions for this, well, your instructions also cannot know everything
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, please. what else can you do? that’s it, we don’t drink, okay, 20 marks a month will suit you, 30 will suit you, i’m a valuable employee, i pay 30 to employees with an education, and you even if you don’t really know how to read, i’ll learn.
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tigresses in the circus, i saw double ones, they just jumped up and down at us, looked at us, let go of the brother or i’ll bite you to death, don’t even think about who you are, who she is, i’m a man, she’s a woman, oh
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fool, she’s not a woman, she’s a frau, so what? is frau something different or something, german? fool. the germans are an organized people, they have everything according to plan, they conquered the territory, now they are settling in, little by little, so that we get used to it. yes. pekutsa is a caring woman, and apparently the germans were sent to us for education, and the gypsies were also sent for education. old people, women, children, everyone, yes, what,
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vasilivich, seryoga, what did you do, oh, so, well, what do we have here, yes, clearly, right here... warmth, plywood, yes, you won’t get this, you won’t get this, you won’t get this, commandant's ban, vinozin, goodbye, amil doesn't give anything.
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little bits, electric ones, what am i going to show you,
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they’re lying there, there, let’s go, more wires, what other wires, seryoga, do you understand anything about electrics, well then i won’t bother you, it’s just sitting by candlelight, you’ll be, uh-huh , i also added a couple of blades for a razor, well, for a machine.
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from the soviet one.
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days fly by, every hour takes away a piece of existence, and you and i intend to live in yours, and lo and behold, we’ll just die, there is no happiness in the world, but there is the peace of the field, i dream of a visible roofing felt, long ago i escaped from the soviet monastery, you what?
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dare i hope, and no, i would like to invite you, i will think about it when i have more time, i will wait, oh yes, yesterday i conveyed to your subordinates what you asked for, and added a small a gift, i think you will like it,
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i look forward to our meeting, yes poetic evening, come quickly! or should we argue with europe, it’s new, or the russians have lost the habit of victories, or there are few of us, or from perm to taurida, from the finnish cold rocks to the fiery kalkhida, from the shocked kremlin to the walls of motionless china, steel. the russian land, spare and sparkling, will not rise, so send us, after all , there is a place for your embittered sons in the fields of russia, among the coffins that are alien to them. they brought it,
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put it in, it’s time to screw it up, i forgot, it’s overworked, by the way, you don’t work for us anymore, like personal relationships at work, this is unacceptable, and is it my fault that she tells me she doesn’t give you a boat, well, she’s fallen in love, why isn’t she the one who doesn’t give you this, well , the woman in general... is interested in me, how many of these women do you have, i thought they were, this conversation is useless, tomorrow you’ll take payment from mr. antipov, i haven’t finished everything, there ’s more, your pushkin also had a lot of women,
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nothing. put it, you are not pushkin, and i’m better than, i’m beautiful, over there. where, what are you, vashiri, what are you going to, where, where, yes, home, to your mother and yours. the money changer fired you, by the way, you fascist bastard, uh-huh,
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that’s it, you’re getting out of here yourself, now to me it's as if the frost lives with us, let's run! hit me right in the eye, no, now you, the opportunity is convenient, we can attack, and they’ll go to the museum for me, and we’ll kill them all there, you can eat an almina, a museum mine. no , it’s better than an ambush, you can give it, but on our side
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the losses will be considerable, don’t worry, then we ’ll arrange a surprise somewhere else. seryoga, seryoga, what? seryoga, the partisans destroyed the electrical panel, the whole museum is without light, and i don’t work anymore, pharaoh fired me, even though he’s pushkin, everything is crazy, well, seryoga, well, help me out, and i’ll talk to her, and now i’m i'll get dressed. so definitely partisans, you can fix it, i don’t know, it’s not an easy job, if
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you do it, you’ll be forgiven. well, barbarians, nothing sacred, here we go again, we’ll stand here for a swim, well, what is this, and well, you all look there, it’s working,
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you broke it, yes, no, no, no, partisans, vasily, what kind of partisans, the main thing and fixed it right away, i could have tinkered for at least half an hour for the sake of decency, but why bother, i connected the wiring, it’s a big deal, you’ll let us all down, but they won’t guess behind us, i can’t just have a village there
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subordination of the locals is important, very important, all valuables will be sent to germany in order, let’s say, to cover the expenses that have arisen. all these things make sense only here, besides, you yourself are frow, schiller.
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the front is bursting with sludge, soviet troops are already 100 km from here, you have a week. and by the way, you are sitting at pushkin’s table.
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why didn’t you start studying, why, i can do everything anyway, the slavs are talented, but lazy and incurious.
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why are we lazy and incurious? did your pushkin say this? well, again you're a propushkin can't you talk about anything else? what are you allowing yourself to do? i'll call the security! pushkin was a master, he was lying here on the sofa , he spat at the ceiling, he wrote poems and groped local girls, and people prepared food for him and after that he claims that they were lazy, i just felt offended, excuse me, this is a great work, at least you read the guns! well , it’s enough that we’re proud of him, you ’re uneducated, you’re like that in russian, you’re a dark person, you’re capable, yes, but ignorant, that’s because i... i’m not a good flyer, just i had no time to study, but i can do everything with these hands, your pushley could do something, no, fix something, anyway, no damn thing, he had claws like that, well, pushkin’s nail, yours, didn’t ours, and your
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pushkin, well, yes, on ours, our pushkin, yes, why do you go on excursions, you read poetry so beautifully, so sincerely, and you have beautiful legs, our women don’t have those, you shouldn’t act like that should i tell you why? i said gladly.
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seryoga, relax, let's have a drink. stole it, took it from the display case, returned it, yeah, i have a question for you, nasochny, what do you think, how do you plan next, and what to plan, as it will be, so it will be,
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but don’t say, look how the germans are preparing, they are building a structure along the entire perimeter, which means that ours will go, they will scam both of them, and we are in the center here, and what will be enemies for both? we will, you and i , save the museum, the earring, well, don’t bury it in the forest, well, really, but what are we going to do? nedre, vasilvich, we’ll think of something, it’s a cool thing if they don’t put an end to us first, ich suche dich so lange bis die welt zerfällt, ich weiß, am ende wirst du wieder
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bei mir sein, du kommst zurück, wenn alles klopt und bladend fliegt. and i know what i think, she doesn’t have a man, yeah, she does have a man, who’s pushkin?
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i thought i’d kill him, maybe he’d join the partisans, but i ’m working.
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okay, let's ask, i'm off to ask.
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frauschiller, thank you for an entertaining evening, mr. sangluche, thank you very much for a wonderful organized evening, i... heard the news, the offensive will begin soon, no more excursions, more dirt, blood, it would be so good, more to keep you company for a while, to be away from the war, you have such a wonderful smile, and such beautiful eyes, i also have beautiful legs, “yes, i didn’t dare say it, you
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probably already noticed how i treat you, it was quite difficult not to notice why you are laughing, strange war." in a foreign country, in pushkin’s house, a descendant of dantes sings romances, and then takes care of the great-granddaughter of the poet schiller. thank you very much for the evening, go already.
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i love you. i'm sorry. the future people's artist of the ussr anatoly popanov was taken into the army on the first day of the great domestic. during the war , there was never a day without deaths, and there was so much to see. few people knew that the explosion mutilated his right leg. he was missing two fingers and a large middle one. he learned to walk without limping. with him in august 1987, when he suddenly stopped communicating,
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or suddenly didn’t come to the performance, i remember when dad said something terrible had happened, went into the bath, and there he was already dead, our exclusive last summer of anatoly popanova, he was a great grandfather, and i in general i am grateful to fate that i had exactly him, the confession of his daughter, the coffin was not opened, it was impossible to recognize this man, and the bitter confessions of his widow, and i said, just like that... well, what was done, it was necessary somehow this to go out. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. i have one regret. years.
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this police chief approached, he said that you are a deserter, no, he wants to take me to him, but i don’t want to, why don’t you want to, well , he’s a scumbag, scum, you know, there are people who like to kill , you do not like, why aren’t you at the front, but i’ve already started my own war, well... our civil war , it’s easy to kill when you’re young, you don’t think it’s easy to pull the trigger there, and then it hit me right off the top of my head, comprehension came, i have my whole family killed, it turns out to be a punishment, you can’t kill, you can’t, you can’t, well, i
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’ve signed up since then, don’t take weapons anymore, will the yupats be forced? i told him that you are needed here, thank you, maria, even by name, keep your distance, you’re just good, you’re not like these guys, just don’t. more compliments, you all agreed today that is it? well, i’ll do anything for you, what? for example, everything you want, everything i want,
11:26 pm
you cannot give me.
11:27 pm
a luxurious end to the evening, don't you think frau schiller, do you think your irony is appropriate now?
11:28 pm
stop standing on ceremony with these animals, announce to the population that if within 24 hours they do not give us the favor of the partisans, 10 people will be publicly executed.
11:29 pm
ah, red summer, i would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes and flies, mr. antipov, i ask you, don’t read poetry, forgive me, i won’t do it again.
11:30 pm
this is the third one in a week, why aren’t they burying it? maybe they didn’t notice it or it came from somewhere, our place is wild, you see. malash, maybe you can take some tea, but alekseevna, i don’t feel sorry for natalie, of course, anisya petrovna, my damn! you don’t wear earrings, but your dear ones hurt, vitaly andreevich, you’re lying,
11:31 pm
you traded everything in the market for food, you get confused with deserters, listen, but you ’re not a partisan by any chance, no, yes, if i knew where they came from, i would never did you take that one? who told you that? can i guess who? by the way, i was looking for you at yavo’s in the museum, you, she came running home, seryoga works all day, and works day and night. and yes, they work day and night, especially at night, they work, work, why are you
11:32 pm
saying that, well, nothing, i actually keep the photo for myself, to say, a very unvaluable employee, a jack of all trades, to say, and not only in your arms. it’s not true, all this, i don’t believe it, but don’t worry, there’s something better, there’s a pit, there’s nothing better.
11:33 pm
there’s nowhere to sit there anyway, so seryoga, under your personal responsibility, i understand, yeah, very good, very good.
11:34 pm
what are you doing? you have to bury it, otherwise how are you, in god’s opinion, this is not your concern, well , it’s better to rot, stink, honor the river, good.
11:35 pm
11:36 pm
nekori, thank you, how are yours? successes, learned to read, yes, it’s a terrible thing that the coming day has in store for me, my gaze
11:37 pm
in vain catches it in... in the deep darkness it lurks, there is no need, the rights of fate are the law, whether i blow a pierced arrow or whether it flies past all the good, vigil a certain hour of sleep comes, blessing is the day of worries, blessing and darkness is coming, then continue, and how much do you know, yes, everything was often broadcast on the radio, i remember, continue, the world will forget... me, but you, you , you, olga, tell me, will the maiden of beauty come, shed a tear over the early urn and think, he loved me, he alone shone upon me, the sad dawn of a stormy life, oh olga, i loved you, and everyone took their pistol, i remember, i remember, now, now come together in good blood,
11:38 pm
they are not yet aiming... the enemy walked firmly, quietly, evenly, walked four steps, step the pistol, then evgeny, without bothering to advance, began be the first to hit quietly, but the agent just fired, it’s incredible, we drank the clock lesson, the poet drops, silently, pistol, zargut, continue, spring, spring, time of love, what a languid excitement in my soul, in my blood, with what heavy tenderness i enjoy the blowing face of an unbelieving spring in the bosom of the countryside.
11:39 pm
no common opinions, no passions. what are you doing? come on, what's there?
11:40 pm
11:41 pm
have you fixed the porch? yes, i will correct it, i will correct it. did aistom fix the nest? i'll fix it, just in the barn, the wheel is lying there, repaired. fix it, please, they say the stork will fly away, wait for trouble, i’ll fix it, people, look. is this our seryozha? yeah, s german? yeah, here's a male.
11:42 pm
oh, well done. good morning, we've already woken up,
11:43 pm
whoever gets up early, god bless him, that's what they say here, but i brought you some porridge, h... to clean your uniform, what have i done?
11:44 pm
what do you say it hurts? good people, what's up? good people, what are you doing, basya, basya, what about your daughters! something, what are you doing, right?
11:45 pm
the criminal actions of bandits against soldiers , officers, and the great reich continue. if the partisans' location is not immediately revealed to the authorities, these 10 people will be hanged. and it will be so as long as there are continue sabotage against legitimate authorities.
11:46 pm
11:47 pm
what do you need?
11:48 pm
you're crying, for sure, there are so many people there. they’re holding me hostage, they’re threatening to hang me tomorrow, it’s not my fault, why, this can’t be done, there’s a mother of a raven, save me, save me. you can,
11:49 pm
mash, intercede, you love her, no, not anymore.
11:50 pm
11:51 pm
11:52 pm
11:53 pm
go, come, tubru.
11:54 pm
all the exhibits must be collected and ready for shipment, what happened, the museums are being evacuated, is that what the boxes are for, wait, you said that pushkin is needed here, at least they asked him whether he wants to go with you or not, it’s clear. croze needs a chaperone and me, if you want, sergeky, what am i going to do there, i’m second class for you, you’re not
11:55 pm
second class, you’re first, you’re the highest class, yes, i’ll take care of you so you don’t... worry, i’m i’ll take care of it myself, okay, he took vasilivich, he sleeps and sees, put it down, no, i can’t say that. you have to think, after all, this is their homeland, their heritage. i don’t know, i can’t live without you.
11:56 pm
thank you, no big deal, these are the boxes, please. hurry up.
11:57 pm
how are we going to take revenge, pac? take revenge? hostages will be taken. here, it means we'll sit for a week we will make our way through. how did they know us, maybe there was an airplane, there was no airplane, ours was a bachelette. and why guess, one of ours betrayed, as if one of ours, well, andryukha, tell us what’s there in the village, the hostages were released, they were released, to the sister, and he told us. guys, what are you doing, what are you
11:58 pm
throwing at him, confuse trofimov with a german, i said, you can’t trust him, he was saving his fiancée, clearly, but maybe he was currying favor with a german woman, drag him here, we’ll figure out who’s there? whoever he saved, but he won’t go, stop it, it’s clear, and you bring your sister and mother, there’s no point in calling the policemen in their faces, i understand, local icons. there are a lot of mistakes, correct them, sir,
11:59 pm
let me ask, the museum is being taken to germany, the museum is being evacuated to germany, away from the fighting. did you want to say or object to something? no, then that's it, go to work.
12:00 am
why are you guys, what are you doing? where is the detachment located, how many people do you have? don’t take it from me, i got caught, i didn’t tell god, you know me, i’m a radio bomb, i can’t shoot with a shell shock, but i didn’t pass it on, i didn’t pass it on, palych, stop it him, i swear to god, wait, let me tell you, tell me, let me tell you!


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