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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 11, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK

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mud, abyss, wheels get stuck, it was necessary, and the girls did it, to throw shields, what do you know, shields, boards, somewhere, by the way, you had to take them, then it’s one thing to take off, the second thing is to come and sit down, but the boards are like it’s easy to understand, you can’t lay it out wide, which means it’s a narrow, well, well, path, not a path, at least a fairly narrow path, getting into it at night without lighting is quite difficult, among other things, it was low. therefore, it was easy to work at altitudes without fear of being shot down; the thing is that aircraft like foki-wulfs, mesterschmitts, they have a speed of the minimum they could fly, well , the stall speed is approximately the speed of the aircraft operating in twos, about 100-120 km/h, at this speed any german fighter would go into a tailspin.
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it was incredibly difficult to beat him, because he was walking at a speed of 20 km/h, and this 450 stets was passing by, well, go try and hit him at night, the pilots flew, i repeat, at low level almost over the tops of the trees, two at a time , the only biplane that officially won a battle with a jet plane, which means this one is the same was very widely used. for so-called harassing raids. at night, at the front-line location of enemy troops, they flew, he neighs in the air, well, like a fly, the engine is running, and it doesn’t get on your nerves, it doesn’t let you sleep, endless running around from what you either hear, or the plane is flying , or someone else, simply drove the germans into hysterics. usually, as i told you, that means they worked at airfields 150 km away.
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there were up to 70 air regiments operating at the front, these same night bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. two at a time could act in the most in unfavorable weather conditions, i repeat, it held the air remarkably well. in february 1944, in extremely difficult weather conditions, two at a time attacked a colony of enemy armored vehicles in the city area with anti-tank bombs.
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the famous 588th regiment. 23 pilots were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, all of them . well, in conclusion, let's remember those who, in the rest, were full of orders and medals. i flew on these planes during the war, female pilots. look at these faces, look at their faces. these girls who fought in the sky for 4 years, defending the honor and independence of our country, because they are just girls, 18, 20, 22 years old, no more, look at them, imagine them at the controls at night under fire, sometimes in a burning plane, wounded, returned to duty, look at these faces , here they are in front of you, those who gave us freedom, 70, 9 years ago, on may 9
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, i said, a holy holiday for everyone, let us stand and remember those who did not reach this day, glory to all, glory to all, people who they fought, my father, they said an amazing phrase, i could never understand, that this, naturally, i am not a person who has not fought. this, this phrase, battle music, this phrase, i could never understand how those who fought spoke, and my father said this, there is some moment when this battle music captivates you so much that you you cease to understand where you are, you are carried forward, and this feeling is almost a feeling of delight. the delight of a person who, right
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now, right now, will do something that will lead us all to victory, this embraced everyone to one degree or another, like those who fought spoke. probably, the girls who flew experienced this feeling at the moment when they were bombing, and this also needs to be understood, yes, the approach, a more or less calm situation, then this, this excitement of battle, this pleasure, the pleasure of a person who , who takes revenge, who takes revenge for all those who died there in the rear, women, children, everyone, unknown by... this feeling that i am ready, i can do this, is exciting, of course, understandable, but now at that moment, when, when having bombed, having become this combat work, you start to come back, bullets are whistling all around and god forbid you are
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storming, in front of you there is hanging like this, covered in blood , a pilot, your friend, with whom you were just talking, probably, this is natural for every person. a feeling of fear arises, but from here it crawls to the throat, how did they overcome this feeling? well, how did they not panic, how did they drag the board to the end, then return to duty, take off again after 5 minutes, back to this hell again , back again, 5 minutes there again, and so on 15-20 times a night, i don’t know, i don’t know, probably. only those who have been in this situation know, i can’t say, i don’t know, i bow, i bow, not at all ashamed, yes, i bow, and i envy them, i envy them, i really want us
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to show you now a small piece from the film air, just look at those eyes. please, my little one, please, please, my little one, please, my little one, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, please, little one, please. hello, this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and i am its presenter grigory tarosevich, chief editor of the magazine, which is also called schrödinger's cat. and we are talking about important things from a scientific point of view. today’s topic
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is very, very important, modestly so, the meaning of life. and we invited dmitry leontyev, professor, doctor and a simple anecdote, father, tell me, i live correctly, correctly, my son, only in vain, that is, the question of meaning is the question of whether we live in vain or not in vain, that’s why in general, that’s all, there is just life, yes, our daily life, we get up and clean there
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teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, and there is another dimension that requires us, well, sometimes it requires us, sometimes... we get by just fine without it, to understand why we do all this in general, that is, something, that what we do is in itself, so to speak, not self-sufficient, it is possible, necessary, important for something else, for something more important, connected with something globally in our life, why do we need it at all? we live, that is , a conversation about meaning is always a conversation about the connection of something smaller with something larger, with some individual elements of our life with something global, and what would happen if this were not in our life, what would happen if these people were not in our life, if we did the wrong thing, what we do, and something else, yes, that’s how we can do without it or cannot, what is necessary in our life, what is not, we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, there are vitamins, amino acids, that’s what we need our body, our body,
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besides this, there is something else that our soul needs, yes, without which we cannot exist normal, without which we become not ourselves, we fall into some kind of depression. we find ourselves in some kind of bad sad states, that is, we need positive emotions, we need a feeling of connectedness with other people, we need, in particular, meaning, that is... an understanding that what we are doing is, that we live is not just like that, but for something else, it is always connected with something bigger. well, let's take a conventional, average, abstract person, it doesn't matter, a taxi driver, a manager, a schoolchild, a medical student, so he woke up in the morning, looked at the news on his smartphone, brushed his teeth, drank coffee, tea, went to study, to work, at what point... he needs this meaning, you know, let's start even earlier, let's start from early
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childhood, because that a small child, he is in any particular situation, he enjoys life, he plays, he has fun, he rejoices, he laughs or something is wrong, he cries, but he has every separate fragment of life, it is not connected with other fragments life, and what a small child does now, it has nothing to do with what he did an hour ago and what or what he will do in half an hour, these are all separate episodes, they are in no way connected with each other, at one moment he feels only some needs, some internal impulses, some desires, at another moment others, here, but somewhere around the age of 4-5 years, the process begins that is described as the formation of personality, as the formation of personality, as something unified whole, our life ceases to be simply divided into some separate episodes, these... episodes, they all begin to pull together into a single whole and different desires, different needs also begin to pull together into
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a single whole, the question arises of what is more important, what is less important, what can be sacrificed for the sake of something else, what can be postponed for later for the sake of something more important, what to give up altogether for the sake of something more important, the question arises, what is more important, what is less important, the question of priorities gradually arises, what is more important in this life and what for what, because life.
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getting grades, and mom and dad were happy, why do you need to study well in order to pass
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the unified state exam, why do you need to pass the unified state exam in order to enter a university, why do you need to go to a university, well, it’s necessary, the question is why, somehow it gives ready-made answers, these ready-made answers, in general, any culture gives ready-made answers, first of all, this is connected with that part of the culture that contains a certain concept of values, in particular religion and... some other variants of ethics, they give some normative answers for a given culture to the question: why? and this is what all people growing up in different, in one way or another culture, they must learn in the process of their childhood, in the process of their individual development, learn these ready-made answers, these are enough for the majority, this is enough, there is no need to rack your brains, there are ready-made answers, but there are people who need it for something. in which there are few of these answers, but general, standard ones, uh, that like everyone else, like neighbors, they
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continue to ask the question: why? why in relation to their own lives? uh, well , in fact, this is the first such detailed, large book that is dedicated to this analysis of the problems of the meaning of life and its search, this is a book by lev nikolaevich our tolstoy, a confession, this is a wonderful autobiographical work, a small book page. on 100, where tolstoy describes how, in the middle of his life, in the prime of his life, he was suddenly faced with a situation where everything in his life was generally wonderful. he writes books...
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the main question of the meaning of life is the question why? the question is why? yes, why, and this is a question that requires making a connection, yes, here is a connection with something else. a life that is meaningless which has no meaning, this is a life that is not connected with anything, so a person lives one day, what will happen tomorrow does not depend at all on what will happen today, his life does not affect anything, does not affect life in any way other people, a person will disappear from the face of the earth, and no one is...
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a divine knot that connects things together, there is no better way to say it, beautiful, literary, well, let's go back to this average, conventional person, manager, driver, schoolchild, here it is he should hang a big poster over his bed, why should i i do this so that when he wakes up in the morning, the question of meaning arises in his mind, or can he do without,
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you know, you know, in fact, most people get by without asking themselves... questions every day, because if my life is already full meaning already, if i feel that i am doing something for a reason, for this i do not need any philosophical reasoning, but i just feel that what i am doing makes sense, it is generally for someone something is needed, it's for a reason, in this case i don't need to wonder about it, it's enough for me this immediate sensation, but generally like the same thick conclusion. who turned to tolstoy at the end of his search for meaning in the book of confession, but he described the process of how he was looking for meaning in life, he first tried to find what life should be aimed at, what meaning it should have, read wise books, communicated with enlightened people, found one answer, tried on monday to start life in such a way that it corresponded to this meaning, something didn’t work out for him, which means it’s probably
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the wrong answer, searched and searched for another answer, found another answer, and...
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his guest is psychologist dmitry leontiev, and we are talking about the meaning of life. according to modern research, the most recent empirical psychological research, we have come to the conclusion that there are three dimensions of meaning. the first dimension of meaning is the actual answer to what the meaning of life is, some words are a verbal concept of defining meaning, the meaning is there, yes, i answer, the meaning is in struggle, in love, in something else in relationships, yes, then there is a certain specific concept here, intelligent concept. this is the first dimension, the second dimension - this is what i was just talking about, the feeling that my life is meaningful, the feeling of fullness , the fullness of life, this is such an emotional experience. i don’t know what the meaning of life is, but i know that my life is now meaningful, or i feel that my life has no meaning, that is, the first is the intellectual component of the meaning, the second is
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the emotional component of the meaning, and the third is the - this, again, i don’t even think about the meaning of life, but this is a question about about what my actions are aimed at, that is , what my life is about, what it is about, what it is aimed at, what it is connected to, this is exactly... we can say, this is the third dimension, what i really do, what is effective measurement of meaning, what do i invest my resources into, what do i invest my strength into, what do i invest my energy into, what do i generally invest my life into? isn’t there a factor of inertia here? once upon a time my goal was to pass the same unified state exam, or get approval from mom and dad, or earn a reputation there employee, then... i’ve already received this, but life still continues to roll along these meanings? of course, no one has canceled the factor of inertia; it is always easiest to continue to live as we have lived until now, because
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making some changes in our lives always requires much more effort, much more energy, much more creative efforts, than to continue to move on the same rail, the wonderful american psychologist, the recently deceased salvatori muddi, built this way... such a theory in his time existential choice, that all the important choices we make in our lives are choices between preserving what is, maintaining the status quo between the past and the future, that is, some kind of step forward, somewhere into the unknown, and different people to varying degrees, we are inclined to either make a choice of the past or make a choice of the future, each of these choices has its own side... consequences, because by choosing the future, by choosing something that has not yet happened, i thereby find myself in the field where i find myself doomed to the feeling of anxiety, because anxiety is
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just the feeling that always accompanies the feeling of the unpredictability of the future, if i move to a place where i have not yet been, i cannot help but feel anxiety, this is a natural normal feeling, anxiety is a signal of the unpredictability of the future, in order to get rid of the feeling of anxiety, i must get rid from the future, that is...
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in movies, often these stories are connected with some critical events in a person’s life, for example, a person receives a fatal diagnosis, he has a year left to live,
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yes, that’s what he should do with his life now a year, that is, before that he believed that his life did not seem to have such a visible end, it would still continue for a long time, but now very clear visible boundaries appear, yes, that is, time, the countdown has begun. so what to do, how to live with this time, there are a number of well-known studies on this topic that have been published just about what, say, the experience of clinical death, into which a person finds himself and from which he is brought out, which leads to an awareness of the finitude of life , some kind of sharp, yes, it leads to an increase, so to say, the quality of life of a psychological person, a person suddenly realizes responsibility for his life, responsibility for how... he will spend the remaining time he begins to take his life seriously, life is a very serious activity, as the outstanding psychotherapist jimby gental said, and few people take it seriously enough.
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energy-saving mode go with the flow, all living things have an inherent desire to save energy, people are not inclined to put any extra effort into anything, neither physical, nor even more so intellectual, we there were cornfields, we prefer to do without unnecessary hassle, not to load, not to sweat, and so on, and so on, and so on, but the trick is that everything is human, everything is specifically human, it’s just energy-consuming, it requires some kind of... .
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you, in fact, look for meaning, no one forces you to live at all, it’s ultimately a matter of taste, it’s ultimately your free choice, please, you can stay in bed for the rest of your life, don’t get off the couch to watch tv series, in general, don’t. so few people in different parts of the globe approximately this is how they arrange their lives, but they, of course, realize a very small part of their human potential, now there are various debates about... what percentage of the capabilities of the human brain are used by 3%, 10%, and so on, i meet a lot of people , for whom 3% is a lot, well, this is a metaphor, neurophysiologists usually start to wince when they are told, they frown, yes, that’s it, but nevertheless, there is a very, very wide spread here, there are people who need these powers for something, they use them so much, but there are people for whom it’s perfect redundant, and this again is a question of... choice,
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you know, in many ways these are questions of choice. at one time, an outstanding russian psychologist, our lev semyonovich vygotsky, formulated such an important concept as the social situation of development. behind this concept is that in every culture , society offers children a certain set of requirements that these children must meet, like when they reach adulthood, well, we have reached adulthood, received diplomas, and what next? life after the unified state exam, and it really turns out to be a matter of taste, it’s it turns out to be a matter of personal choice, because by this moment, after we have reached adulthood, social development situations end, society ceases to present us all with uniform normative requirements of what is needed from us, then we all go our own way, and we are all on our own whether or not we set
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individual development goals, because... in adult life, in the modern world , there are a huge number of different niches that allow us to develop to a generally limitless level, and there are a lot of niches that... allow us not to develop, after all, this adult, to whom society no longer makes any clear demands, wakes up, feels that he doesn’t owe anyone anything, but wakes up asking why, if there are any recipes , methods, how to look for an answer, how to look for meaning? well, you know, there’s just no general recipe here, here you need to work, here you need to work, but you can’t, i can’t say that take such and such a pill or read such and such a book from page 60 on... under 75 and you get the answer to this question. here you need to understand what is wrong in life, yes, why, well, sometimes it manifests itself in such things as, for example, fear of death, yes, fear of death
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is one of those symptoms that is associated with a deficiency the meaning of life, because if life is empty, paradoxically, it seems, if life is empty, if there is no content in life, and there is nothing to remember in life. then - it would seem that there is nothing to be afraid of death, because there is nothing special to lose, but, it turns out, on the contrary, it is paradoxical thus, a person whose life is empty in life has no content, they have a much greater fear of death, and a person whose life is rich and saturated with content, they experience less traumatic experiences about the prospect of death, which... . we all have something ahead somewhere, well , probably, the meaning of life somehow correlates with happiness, it certainly correlates with happiness, there are many recent studies that are trying to separate them, that is, there is enough connection between them. obvious, this is where they differ from
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each other, but here is the meaning of life, on the one hand, it helps to increase the resources of happiness, when everything is good in our life , positive emotions, the meaning just enhances this, on the other hand, the meaning is the opposite of resources .
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schlädinger's cat podcast is with you, i am its host grigory tarasevich, our guest is dmitry leontsev, a psychologist, with whom we are talking about such a global thing as the meaning of life. before meeting you, i asked my eleventh graders to write a short essay about the meaning of life, almost everyone, without directly saying anything, made the first phrase approximately...
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the meanings that they find, they also often have a lot in common with each other, and he identified three groups of meanings, well , he called these generalized meanings values , the first is the values ​​of creativity, that is , what we create, what we bring into the world, something new, something new that we create, work, yes, we build something, yes, we create some ideas, that is, what we bring into the world, generate, this is... the most natural way for a person to generate meaning, second, through what we, on the contrary, take from the world, through experiences, pleasures, no,
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no, no, no, experiences, experiences of love, experiences there, let’s say, some kind of mystical experiences of faith, there, some cognitive experiences , yes, feelings. some that i experience when communicating with art there, this is always a feeling of something that i discover in the world, i admire this world. i find something of this kind of experience, because pleasure is just a secondary thing, but here pleasure cannot be the meaning of life, because pleasure is an internal state, it is about me, it is not about the world, my internal state cannot be the meaning of life, my internal state can only be a by-product of finding the meaning of life, meaning is always in the world, pleasure is not in the world, pleasure is in me, it cannot be meaning. frankl has a wonderful metaphor about a boomerang. what is a boomerang?
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is it a toy that when you throw it away, it comes back to your hands? no, actually, for a moment, a boomerang is a hunting weapon. aboriginal hunting weapons australia with the help of which they simply hit their prey. the hunter throws a boomerang and the boomerang must not return anywhere, it must hit the head of the prey , and remain in its skull, and the hunter then approaches, accordingly takes out the boomerang, hoists the prey on his shoulder, and yes. only the boomerang that missed the target returns back, so here we are, frank also says, we return to ourselves when we missed our goal in the world, here are our goals, our meaning, they are there in the world when we missed, didn't hit her, we return to ourselves, we begin to delve into ourselves, in fact, our goals, their meaning is there in the world, but still the first group of meanings is associated with creativity, creating something with experience, and the third is
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camps and this is the moment detachment from
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the current situation, i already perceive this situation as a certain object of academic description, so i change my attitude, i change some position in relation to what is happening now, and this gives, gave me the strength to withstand, to preserve myself, to preserve what - hope, keep stability, in general, in the end even...
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eh, well, frank himself, when he was asked the question in response to the meaning of his life, he said that the meaning of my life is to help other people find the meaning of life, in another version answer, he concluded that the meaning of life is to look for the meaning of life, because here it is very dangerous to find the final meaning of life, to stop, to find it, to write it on the wall, that the meaning of life is this, because it’s not is that life should have a lot... meaning the meaning must be dynamic and it must
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move along with life, because if you think about it, the strongest meaning of life, the toughest meaning of life, is that of fundamentalist terrorists, who are ready not only to kill, to die, but to kill for their meaning. but there are bad meanings in life, this is the meaning of life, when the meaning of life is divorced from life itself, this is the example that i just started talking about. this is its meaning, which is tough, it is rigid, and it has already become detached from life, so life is gone forward, the meaning stands still, the meaning, it can become self-sufficient and... in this case, when a person is ready to die to kill, that is , for the sake of the meaning that he learned rigidly, and which he, which he cannot put under question, this meaning, it is like a malignant virus that spreads and which can no longer be eliminated from life, i have already
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said that meaning is a connection, it is a connection, the connection of things with each other, when when we are from the structure itself... to search, so that this process does not end, there is a well-known buddhist saying: look for the buddha, found a buddha, kill a buddha, look for a buddha, that is , the point of searching is not to find the answer, there is another joke on this topic that can probably be concluded with, yes, guys, what is the meaning of life, what a good question ,
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boy, do you really want to ruin it with an answer, i think it’s a wonderful ending, thank you very much, thank you to those who watched us. listened, may the power of meaning be with you, dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on the air, today with you, as always in this podcast, elena kiper, producer and composer and... karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, but the most important thing is that our guest today is yuri abramovich bashmet, the great, i was waiting for the great, finally i see him now in front of me, an important people's artist, a magnificent conductor, a brilliant
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artist , yuri abramovich, i found one old interview from twenty years ago, and you are with one pretty presenter in the frame, and you say: “ask me a question, please, how did i achieve what i achieved, she asks you, how did you yuri abramovich achieved, and you say, i don’t know, here’s my question, 20 years later, do you have an answer to this question, now, i can assume that it’s a matter of fate, man, personality and destiny, it would seem that i was fond of the guitar , i..." my own ensemble, this was in adolescence, our gods the beatles, and so for my mother for my father i went to music school, well , school was very easy for me, i did little, i was with the guitar with all my heart, but who could
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assume that lenin, vladimir ilyevich will help me out, well, like now, well, i’m with him naturally. i wasn’t familiar, as you understand, in general, when the beatles ceased to exist, it was a tragedy of a lifetime for us, well, where to go next and what, here’s their last record, well, i tried a lot, my older brother advised me in these directions listen to this, this jimi hendrix was like that, which i didn’t like at all then, then of course... 10 years later i understood what his merit was , why he was so famous, anyway it wasn’t my thing, but i appreciated, in general , at my brother’s suggestion, i listened to the american jazz-rock, these are such chicago bands, blood, sweat , tears.


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